5 Blowout ‘Floribama Shore’ Brawls | Ranked: MTV Floribama Shore

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You're my you go to go with you - what'd you say bitch did you just I Just wanna go man and then this crazy lady at the bar comes out of nowhere to drunk and freaking out. It's scary You got in your bitch I'm like a curtain to be careful. This is the type of place where those people come and you know everything about those the dollar draft beer people Kurt is a little hot-headed. Once that light switch goes off better step back because it's about to be a volcano eruption Then your wife, oh boy, you don't know me Need to start it swinging like a wild woman I think think Courtney's knew who she was fighting of Courtney to stop who we get and displayed Hey, we might get in our little fights but at the end of the day ain't nobody else I'm gonna touch anybody in this house Everyone's fighting everyone pulling each other off with each other Ami's over here swinging Kirk's back there yelling guys is pulling everyone off Jeremiah Where's Jeremiah Jeremiah he's home school, you know, you don't see who it like this Things just kind of escalated out of control we got to get out of here before someone gets hurt bitch. I Kind of wanted to go eat. Okay, we'll go with them No, I'll stay with you if you want me to no, cuz I'm staying by myself And I'm about to go do my own thing because this is the thing instead of them waiting on everybody to get dressed They're selfish and they want to go at 7:30. So that's the plan and I'm pissed them off Amy you're getting so angry over a dinner reservation It's just dinner so you can go do what you want. But I'm staying back and the duty. It's a selfish little bitch What did I miss in the 30 minutes that I was in the shower? This is freaking crazy. I'm not going I'm not going looking my best period they can't wait till 8:30, but they won't because they're selfish and we just push it myself I'm sure the only one that's not with the plan. It's not us being selfish at all Amy You have this completely backwards 7 out of the 8 people want to leave at 7:30. You're the only one that does it You're the selfish one. Yeah, but that's you being selfish not us. I Swear to god, I can't I'm the only one being vocal but everybody's feeling the same exact way I don't have nothing to hide I already am mad at you because the way you've been doing Nilsa This is not a good time for you to smart off with me back. Like a man right you crawl all the time Wait, bitch. Yeah because of my past you damn right? I do you cry when somebody calls you out for being overweight Gus through the lowest of the lowest of the lowest low at Amy, this is not gonna end well Please know I Am in shock. I don't know what to do I'm just gonna try and make sure that Amy doesn't come back and try to hit back again Why for me Kourtney She hit me in the face over a dinner reservation Special isn't that bad? Is it pretty to special felt like a mosquito bite? Come on You can't go through your life hitting people over the stupid book made me just heard the word overweight and lost her mind Don't even come out here talking to me about it because I ain't got excited. Really. I'm gone home. You can go back inside I am done with Gus Gus knows about my toxic relationship when my ex used to call me fat So I don't know why he would throw a low blow like that I need to pack my bags and I just need to get out of here I'm home. I'm not spending the rest of my summer around a week, bitch You keep saying that all you want but you were the one freaking out right now. Why are you still talking I'm talking about Talking to you bitch. How about I press charges on you for throwing a punch of my head? You better talk to her don't tell me Get control of her all the police ain't your whole family the police call your daddy bitch Go back in there with your friends True best friends chase each other and hotels naked if they have to so we need to figure out the room situation We need to talk about that way aren't figured that out First night in the house. We're all drunk. It's it was like wherever you sleep is wherever you sleep We need to figure it up. Why don't we just put all our names in the head draw it out? I'm about to be asked old ass brat my stuff's already unpacked Amy step Sorry unpacked last time you guys got to share a bedroom to yourselves. Listen. Here's the deal. Somebody's gonna have to move there Don't y'all want to come in? Oh, this is our root note me and Amy, we got this We got all this now. We gotta figure it out. And now we gotta do it. I don't care I don't know where everyone else is sleeping. I am in the bed that I want to be in and I go nowhere I'm not moving myself. You're just not being understanding at all Everybody I'd hate to bring this back up but Because what the car keep hitting I appreciate when I have somewhere my own space No, so trying to bring up the hurricane that happened in Panama City for an excuse to have the room She wants is kind of a low blow to anyone. It shows who's been really spoon fed and giving everything in their life Yeah, we all have know we Y'all act like oh I'm not doing this. I'm looking I can't be in this environment because I just graduated anger management I can't be in this environment. How can we help and how can we fix it? The problem is the girls gotta get with it When it comes to the room situation Ami just dropped me to go wrong with Nilsa after we had an agreement for a whole year It does make me feel left out. Yeah, I'm not gonna be quiet about it. Y'all some smart ass bitches in this mom. That is I'm not all up in this drama. Let's breathe together Two three four five six seven eight ninety I'm just trying to loose a comma say what's the cannon let's on up at anger management they've taught me when I get mad to start counting and then after that I go like Like a pregnant lady, you know, it helps how you're doing it too hard saying I'm tense I can hear them screaming from out here We didn't have bad days we wouldn't have good one I'm sitting here being calm. I haven't raised my voice once Candice is screaming at me throwing things at me. Like are you crazy? Me again Our neighbors are gonna There's no common ground with Candice, it's either zero or 100 right now she's 100 so we gotta go One two three four five six seven eight We've been here only like one day and I think it's safe to say that the whole house needs Angermann I don't give up. I don't care. I'm not a hit her just shut her up She needs like a volume down or an off switch. We're home we go You know, we got Candice out here turning up on Nilsa that she goes outside turns up on Amy like this girl is crazy Man there are Tom's is Candice is really going at it and I'm like I don't give no that's your problem Okay, that's your baby a problem. It'll be a problem the whole song. It's gonna be a problem - home Blasts could I you bitch ass Hey bitch ass Let's leave me alone pull yourself together Oh yourself together What's wrong with you? Don't bother me Just don't bother me, you know Somebody asked to be alone in this house That just means everybody's gonna surround them and never leave them alone if you want to be alone Never say that you want to be alone. What's wrong with you? Does they know how much an hour pull yourself together? I don't wanna Lose you in a bet before Cuz please don't know. Why why are you in a bad mood bro? Nothing happened? You know, she's a map for her Get out of here pretzel You missed Eight you keep with me and I'm gonna come for your jugular You better get your last jump. Once you turn it on a kofo dollar you've done nothing. I asked you guys Don't if I Beat your goddamn ass right now Disrespect me disrespect my girlfriend I will end you He's mad like he wants to fight I've never seen that's this man. But like I tried to tell you guys stop leave me alone, please I'm hosts I was begging y'all you code. I I'm honestly terrified Oh kill your mother I will kill you proton. What did you say shut up? What did you say? You know what? I'm wearing for Cody cuz Gus is mad when you're that mad. There's no losing that fight Alright all I gotta figure out with him. He's gonna learn don't have my girl's name in your goddamn mouth Do you the bathroom? Oh the last thing I heard was Gus wants to slit your throat that's the last night Someone needs to teach him a lesson and I'm gonna be the mother teach him a lesson Obviously he needs to come down. I need to come down It's alcohol involved if I have to sleep downstairs to Courtney. I'll sleep downstairs in court I'm honestly kind of scared to go to sleep. I'm I literally might die Wow Looks like Nelson brought huh my god and also Gus, but I'm a girl Start hearing them call it. That means it's gonna be a fight We need some of this This night could not get any more. Perfect. I come home. There's a cute guy beside me and there's feet set down Put it back Candice knows whatever - no. Thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you That's a goddamn gentleman right there giving up his seat for a woman. He's rubber Atlanta Well, that's one thing in Florida, bro. You don't see Florida dudes are straight garbage. Oh I'll flutter born and raised and I'm a straight man. I don't know what I'm talking about I didn't show you one the man I say mo. How you go Just come up in here and say you have Florida boys in look This is farty. You you know that right? You don't say that somewhere else might get beat up. I'm just sayin Tennessee boys straight trash I mean Majority of dudes in Florida put off the worst reputation. I'm like that Amy I can promise you, you know I'm a little bit in shock right now that somebody would have the audacity to come into somebody's house In Florida and tell them that for two boys ain't I mean you're the only one also that's taking offense to it So I don't you want to take an offense to saying that all dudes from Tennessee. I mean, I don't rag you No more what I silly. I Mean neither SPOC coordinator below so like how long you don't want to know this for? I promise you I promise you you like you really want this like you coming in my house I don't matter how to talk matter All of a sudden gusts and Cole are really getting heated at each other and I'm thinking oh my god Am I gonna have to stand between the guy at home and a guy with punching last summer you mean what you mean? you took it as disrespect whatever you can backtrack all you want a lot and Give me others. Okay. Let's go outside No, gimme no, we can go get me out of this. No, no give me other I do sympathize but no sir She didn't get any she didn't get any pizza No, sir No, this is that I'm talking about okay have one guess here can't have one goddamn guest here Don't talk don't talk now roommate don't do it This was supposed to be a fun night and the fact that you just made it so Serious to where he made a guy want to fight him It's bull. And I feel like I'm the person that has to handle it because nobody else will Jeremih what the he disrespected me in my house, you're supposed to be my boy Daddy Morning Yet again my chances with two beautiful ladies is now ruined because guys just want to show up and talk to me man and just Give me a break God you're so like me what else? Right now do that he's They go ruin my goddamn night I Don't I know I know how Gus is Gus gets drunk and starts talking to You honey, Oh beat your goddamn ass right now Look Jim I got no sir. No big I got a shirt on he's tell about Jeremiah you're talking to me This situation is so bad right now. I've never seen two guys that are best friends go at each other like that. Never This guy Jeremiah looks literally like somebody just ran over his dog in front of I Mean put it in drive for poop poop. What? Put it in reverse puh-pow back over them again put it back you're driving to call About a turn green any second
Channel: MTV Reality
Views: 5,457,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mtv ranked, brawls, Fight, Fight Floribama, Floribama, Shore, Floribama Shore, Aimee, Candace, Codi, Gus, Jeremiah, Kirk, Kortni, Nilsa, florida, Panhandle, beach, Alabama, summer, beach town, Gulf Coast, Panama City Beach, party, crossroads, experiences, relationship, independence, escape, past, coming of age, thrill, angst, future, family
Id: 3mih3GH8AMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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