4-18-2018 Lou Engle, David Kingsly, Paul Cain.

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[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] calling the musicians come to the stage Cuba Jacob love you Walt [Applause] [Music] [Music] testing who this is laughs welcome to the last evening of the ten day prayer strike before we start I felt like the Lord wanted me to acknowledge a half a dozen couples that have been extremely important in this we have Rick and Lorie Taylor our senior directors here lewin Therese Engle David and Carol Kingsley Hall and Lucy Barry Walton Julie Meyer Wesleyan Stacy Campbell and that is not to minimize all the other people that have served to put this event on but lastly pull William all paging Paul William King Paul Paul Paul I'm honoring you my friend Paul William thank you for coming today but most importantly the one person that everything here runs through them is the person of the Holy Spirit and when I first came here years ago the very first thing Rick Taylor told me was nothing takes place in this ministry without the Holy Spirit and he couldn't have been more right when I asked the Lord what to blow the shofar of this evening he said Jeremiah 10:10 rise there is one true God and that's who we're here to worship holy spirit we just invite you to thicken your presence that we would experience your glory that we would honor you words the prophetic words that have been spoken over these last nine days plus tonight Lord we honor you that you had breathed on these and bring them to pass Lord that we would see an incredible harvest of souls in our generation in this time thank you lord come on come on come on wind of the Holy Spirit whoa wind of odd [Music] come on let them the Holy Spirit Jesus we honor you Holy Father [Applause] we walk let's just lift our voices right now [Music] stir stir sir [Music] pray you praise [Music] it's all for you god it's all for you god [Music] save the midstate so smooth [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the captives free the monastic flag oh you came to Bremen standards [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you wanna come [Music] wanna come and dance till free you can dance you can dance you can't come on you can dance oh here we go you can dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I oppression me your blood my to bring you pray with the Spirit of the Lord [Music] with speed there is free every chain is broken do you the Lord is very [Music] [Music] freedom for everyone this freedom we spiritus way spirit is there is freedom hey hey [Music] I'm free to decisi I'm free I'm free I'm free to shout I'm free I'm free I'm free 210 I'm pretty - shouting now breathe free to dance dance [Music] to shower to dance [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] this beautiful mood there is freedom [Music] with Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom every chain every chain every chain is broken through you cheese [Music] spirit are the Lords here [Applause] [Music] other freedoms dance miss bring the shop [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] miles south [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. sounds bye this is how my my battle [Music] mr. south [Music] I'm sorry but [Music] like [Music] it [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but I [Music] like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jeez [Music] [Music] [Music] so what changed [Music] [Music] she's out you see shy [Music] this is on fire this is [Applause] let's not move from this for a moment come on he's fighting for us right now we just need to press send if I worship we fight by praise or thank you that you've already won the battle of glory strong in my behind [Music] [Applause] sign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's a new day [Music] it's a Newton [Music] it's a news [Music] it's a dude [Music] yes [Music] it's a new day [Music] [Music] so much stronger Laurey [Music] who shakes the horn with holy thunder [Music] breath [Music] okay [Music] this is a bath take [Music] you Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] like this [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's still [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you know he loves the sound [Music] it's like you say just cheese just keep saying I love yourself just kids you've got my attention [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and atmosphere where every tribe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you send off people [Music] you I just want to share lissa song that we're gonna do the world two years ago was right after the call and I I was so struck with a vision of the whole earth praising what does it look like and I was terrified and I could feel it I could feel in my vision I was shaking I could feel the earth shaking I was by myself at home at the piano and the earth was crying out holy you're worthy the whole earth every tribe every tongue every nation will bow before the Lamb of God come on [Music] there's an urgency do you call our salvation you won't worthy worthy so I just want to stay in that just picture that today we're crying out for the nation's we're believing in right now [Music] every time every nation [Music] see it's a prophecy it's a promise you will be praised you will be bred [Music] holy people [Music] songs of my waking in [Music] oh geez [Music] [Music] worthy God you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] agency [Music] oh it's shaking up the sound of a bar [Music] inseams [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] be lifted high for you State [Music] bring you more you come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up the Lord will be king over the whole earth the Lord will be king over the whole earth there'll be no other name but his name his name will be the only name come on lift him high lift him high lift him high lift him high the Lord will be king over the whole earth the Lord will be king over the whole earth over the whole earth that we know in their name but his name his name will be the only name the Lord will be king over the whole earth zechariah 14:9 zechariah 14:9 the Lord will be king over the whole ur come on shout it out the Lord will be king over the whole earth the Lord will be king over the whole earth nobody know what their name but its name this may well be the only the Lord will be king over the horror [Music] I am Scotland England Africa Asia the Lord will be king over the Horde Iran Iraq [Music] till tonight India [Music] get clear to create someone will be king over the whole earth in America Russell [Applause] [Music] hallelujah let's give him a great big clap tonight the nations clapped for joy they shout for joy Jesus Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord turn around and congratulate two or three people on st. Mary's birth st. Mary is pregnant she's giving birth the decree it's Luke 4:18 it's happening we're congratulating each other as relatives when Mary went into Elizabeth's house the baby left [Applause] come on this is awesome this is a celebration a baby's being born its Luke 4:18 come on come on stand over here has been pregnant and the baby's being born Central Coast of California in the overflow room give us a shout in the overflow room let us hear you we have a hundred people in the overflow room [Music] praise the Lord all right praise the Lord all right make sure there's no chairs no spaces if you have a space I'm gonna make you feel really uncomfortable because I'm gonna tell people to grab that space so move in move in we have a hundred people in the overflow room and again if you're watching online want to greet you let's give a great big shout out for all the thousands watching online come on we welcome you Santa Maria California ten days of Prayer and revival and if you're watching send texts to your friends just to come to Santa Maria Healing Rooms Facebook and because tonight is a historic night and we're gonna be doing so many things we have an awesome night plan for you we have a father in the faith Paul Cain is going to be coming and giving the most significant prophecy that was given to him by his own mother and a cane we're gonna hear about that Lou Engel is gonna come and it's gonna be sharing about the whole move from the call to the sin David Kingsley from the House of Prayer in Kansas City who's been an assistant to Paul for many years gonna share supernatural stories but you know we believe that God is coming on the whole earth zechariah 14:9 is true jesus said every prophecy must be fulfilled it must be fulfilled and the prophecies he were referring to are the Old Testament Scriptures and it says then the Lord will be king over the whole earth the whole earth this cannot be stopped this will not be moved every nation he will be king over the whole earth and these this prophecy tonight this word plays right into that right into that now but before we do it I'm going to do a significant act a prophetic act really and I want David if you'd bring Paul up here right there and come and sit let's give him a great big welcome want you to sit right here come on come on that's the honor the man of God praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord thank you father a father okay I want you to sit here David oh no pardon me I want to just honor Rick and Lorie and Rick I want you to come and take this chair right here if you would please let's give them a great big clap Rick Taylor is the apostolic leader of the Santa Maria Healing Rooms Apostolic Center and let's have we just want to honor Lou and Torres right there tres would you stand we'll give everybody a wave stand up give a big wave okay for the live stream and Lou Engel you come sit here please here's not gonna do I believe that honor releases the divine movement of God honor releases the divine movement of God when the servant of Saul said you know there's a prophet ahead and he will tell us which way to go to find what is missing Saul said well what can we give him we don't have I don't have any I don't have any money and the servant says I have a few shekels of money he says okay let's go and they understood that there was something connected to honor now uh sure's have you move real quickly uh sure's Luba we're moving as fast as we can I want papers to be handed to everybody don't worry about it if you're gonna be giving cash gift just take it and pass it on I want 20 hushes moving real fast real fast Manny not the offer not the not that yet not the wine yet but just those yeah if we can just get those packs ready so here's what we're gonna do tonight and it's going to be chaotic it's gonna take a bit of time but it's worth it I believe there's a certain honor in laying a gift at the Apostles feet and Paul Cain has been a man who has forged in the spirit is 88 years old will be 89 this June and he has run a single life all his life devoted to the Lord at the word of the Lord given in Santamaria on the 101 highway and so we want to come and we're gonna lay this offering at the feet and Rick is going to be dispersing it later to Paul Cain and Lou Engel and the team but there's something about honor tonight you know it was Mary she came a week before Jesus was going to be crucified and she poured out her life savings on his feet and then she washed his feet with her hair what she didn't know was that gift was going before the very moments when he would raise her brother from the dead and there was a connection right there so we're gonna do that and we're gonna have maurice it's gonna be playing right here maurice is one of the world's foremost violinists and paul loves him and loves him and you're gonna come up here maurice you're gonna play so everybody take your uh your piece of paper which i don't see people have yet we're moving as fast as we can front rows from Rachel let's make sure okay so I'm gonna start with this side right here okay what I'm going to do is I'm going to have you get up you're gonna come and you know I want the baskets on the stage please and you're gonna come and you're gonna come walk by and I want you just to look literally in their eyes look in their eyes you can't stay you can't pray you can't linger you can't give a ten minute congratulation you're gonna look in their eyes and move and you're gonna come back and find your chair and then we're gonna this rule then we're gonna use this group and then we're gonna this group and it's gonna take a little bit of time but that's okay and I'm gonna have uh sure's here and you're gonna move you fast okay we're gonna move you fast because what we want to do is honor personally but you can't have a conversation you got that so father right now we want to bless each one each giver as we sow into revival into this next and final phase even as low-angle in the team Labor's for the prophecy given to you and Paul Cain and that your glory will fill the earth so we ask that now in the name of your son Jesus Christ okay you can begin to play maurice and let's just get up starting with my good friend ed Lexie who is the J who in the spirit and just come everybody just come and as you come you're gonna take your communion I would like to communion people here quickly and they're gonna pass by and grab let's go everybody stand up stand up not not not not the whole work but just come come row let's move here we go that's it we'll get it come Manny let them go Manny [Music] I would like for more ushers with baskets up here for the that's it beautiful beautiful beautiful take a look look at their eyes look at their eyes that's amen beautiful people that's it beautiful honor honor the work that's gone before honoring the work that's gone before praise the Lord praise the Lord beautiful beautiful look at the eyes look in the eyes it's like a toast praise the Lord thank you God thank you God thank you God [Music] praise the Lord praise the Lord [Music] there we go [Applause] [Music] come on all right you know this is honor this is you know what okay I want the next crew crowd to start coming fast as you can let's just this start coming around out of your chairs here we go no spaces no spaces let's go keep moving keep moving that's it that's it go ahead just get up at will and just start coming here we go keep keep going keep going beautiful beautiful [Music] keep going here we go [Music] you [Music] [Applause] Chrysler let's keep moving this side stop let's not this guy come now and [Music] you can come right here come on right here she'll just come come right here that's beautiful thank you [Applause] [Music] there we go beautiful Robert Towery just wrote the book nameless faceless keep playing he says this is a whisper an eternity but it's worthy of honor it's worthy of honor a whisper an eternity [Music] beautiful [Music] let's let's just keep getting up if that's rows done just get up get up it will be coming keep coming then we'll start on this one just get up it will and keep coming [Music] [Applause] okay let's have this group here why don't you get up and just come right around come right through as well [Applause] go ahead just come on through come on stairs come on through beautiful beautiful beautiful [Music] father we thank you for your son we thank you for this bread we thank you for this wine that speaks of your blood a better covenant [Music] this way beautiful unity beautiful beautiful beautiful praise the Lord grace grace grace continually just to come by I want you to just show a sign of honor and respect Bible talks about in heaven our rewards go before us and they're gonna meet us that are coming imagine this is just a image let's have the rest of that side just go ahead and just get up at will just get up it will come come just come here we go just get up at will and move through Bible says they're gonna be there waiting for you and they're gonna meet you at your coming everyone who has participated in spiritual fruit on this earth your fruit will be there it'll remain this is a type of that [Music] praise the Lord praise the Lord thank you here we go good I want you to be thinking about the years though feeling revivalists william branham spent I think it was ten days in the Houston Stadium Coliseum praying for the sick and he said after you know it was there the evening he says I'm gonna keep on going as long as there's people to pray for sick for the sick you need the rest just let him go through and the line kept growing longer the more he prayed for the sick the more people heard about it in Houston and they called their friends and they began to come the line grew outside the door as more and more people just keep him coming whoa I need I need him we're gonna move faster here we go and as the line kept growing eventually william branham would lay down on the stage and they'll bring him some orange juice it's in the book of his testimony and as he prayed and prayed and prayed thousands and thousands were healed and I just want you to think about even tonight as we do this there were days in one Stadium days and they would just come by and he would lay hands of everyone and they would be he would diagnose their disease and pray and the Lord would heal them beautiful [Music] praise the Lord thank you God thank you God the Lord will be king over the whole earth his name will be the only name king over the whole earth tain't over the whole earth [Music] Wow Wow Wow [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm done now alright here's what we're gonna do and take those of you who've waited I want you to take your your wafer and your juice that's all the obedient ones and Jesus on the night he was betrayed said take this bread and remembrance of me this is my body that was broken for you so that we could be forgiven said he had become the sacrificial lamb he said this is this is this this wine is my blood that was shed for you and without the shedding of blood there's no forgiveness of sins and he became the sacrificial lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world tonight as we're embarking into a epoch of history Luke 4:18 I want you to take this bread and think about the multitude millions hundreds of millions hundreds of millions that are now going to be transformed through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross so take the bread Jesus name we bless that bread we bless the wine and we thank you God for your son the Lord Jesus Christ let's give a great big clap for Lord Jesus Christ amen thank you God thank you well this was an experiment and it was something yes it was oh yeah there was a dream that we actually took communion the Paul Cain okay so we're gonna just let's take these baskets and as we begin tonight I want to play one track I first heard Paul Cain speak in 1989 at Mike pickles Church passion for Jesus and it was incredible it changed my life I came home I said we're never gonna be the same and as as we heard that you know as though it was though time itself was changing and so I heard I began to make praying the Bible see these putting prayers to music to help the world to pray during the 40 day fast we did in 1996 and I felt that this word of Paul Cain's needed to get out so Bryce if you could turn that up here we go Paul Cain on the stadiumvision [Music] I saw that all of the great stadiums and all the football fields and auditoriums all over the country were just filled with people seeking God and it seemed as though in this one place I was allowed to be an observer there were men like we see here tonight people like we see just all over this giant platform and they had stretchers Hospital Gurney's and they had a consonant the bodies on people sink in infil it's a totally invalid section wasn't back in some old tent adjacent to the big tent where nobody could see them like in the old days but they were all out there before the people all of these people are walking around and over the loud speaker comes words like this and I heard it just declares I'm hearing my voice now much clearly we have a resurrection we have a resurrection this man was in the county hospital and he was pronounced dead this morning at 11 o'clock we have a resurrection he's come back to life and then you just see people rejoicing magnifying God it was just like a heavenly symphony everybody was just all making the most beautiful harmonious worship and then another declaration we have a resurrection or ear this person had been deadly rose from the dead and then cripples and products would be healed and step out of wheelchairs and people rather than going wild and giving some you know great ovation their voices would just come up as a great orchestration I remember I would just seemingly know that God had a spring in samel he had a a brass section he had all the full piece of our costura and the voices of these people and it was a beautiful symphony it was a beautiful symphony of life thrilling me to life and so as they were worshiping then that would die down and then other paralytics would get up and walk and other signs and wonders would occur before the vast multitudes there and this would be going on all over the world and then I found myself in front of a television set and when I turned the dial on the very first thing I began to hear was a news anchor man saying and this would be on ABC CBS NBC and CNN all of the major networks I believe will carry a story like this one day and they were saying ladies and gentlemen News anchorman ladies and gentlemen we have no news to report tonight only good news seemingly we just have good news tonight and there are no sporting events to announce because all of the sports fields and all of the Colosseum's are filled with multitudes of people and them you'll never believe what's happening or perhaps you will but there are resurrections from the dead paramedics are walking out of the wheelchairs and dropping special devices and and there's all kinds of healings and miracles and it seems as though they're falling on their face in these stadiums they're falling on their face and worshipping God they're singing all these courses and and folks we don't know who these people are they're almost faceless people and I tell you that is really thrilling because God is going to have a people that will be so much like Jesus you can't see them for the presents and the friends that God is there so I said seemed like the whole world is falling on their faces saying Jesus is Lord Jesus is launc is here they're everywhere these boys are fill around the world seemingly and the world is turning to God listen friends the church is going to become that first line of defense again you hold that and remember come on give a shout that's awesome okay I want Lou Engel to come and open up and he's come here on an assignment of Luke 4:18 and tell us how you got here that you ended up on 4:18 in Santa Maria culminating on a 40 day fast and why you did it well let's just stand for a moment it's one thing to take communion it's another thing to really bind ourselves to what God's trying and wanting and desiring to bring for us Lord in this incredible holy moment we believe that you are releasing something into the earth and that you're looking for a people who will be separated to the vision we bind ourselves to you to one another that Jesus might be manifested in America and the world some things that human beings and organization could never fulfill grant us the outpouring of the Holy Spirit let Santa Maria and this Central Coast be the womb this vision is born and carried to full term in Jesus name we pray amen you may be seated I remember first of all I just want to just say that people that maybe don't have the public sphere of stadiums and arenas and being on stages you're just maybe more important than the guys that do the public stuff I just want to say that I've said it before if you're known as the throne it's better than being known by men and that people praying in a little house of prayer are forging more than you could ever know and the big preachers will someday step aside and save and the Lord let's say these are the ones that made let's make sure that in the midst of acknowledging and honoring we recognize that you have influence before heaven I just want to acknowledge that to begin with i I really don't quite know how to go I remember the 90s traveling across America with young people fasting and praying I could still remember the moment when stadiums were born in my heart yeah it was New Life Church Colorado Springs about five of us and suddenly we saw the stadiums of American are being filled by the way it's not about stadiums I think it's just evangelism in the streets that overflows yeah it's not about just the big evangelist it's everyone's good avenged it's the 70s welcome to the seventies come on Jesus Movement for three years we gathered together fasted and prayed up to four thousand five hundred kids fast in five days praying that stadiums would be filled we prophesy Luke 1:17 would be released and an army of young people would fill the stadiums of America a John the Baptist type movement that would see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit I stood on that stage and you know in DC 400,000 people September 2nd and I knew it was the beginnings of something though I don't I didn't think I knew the significance but never have I felt more than the divine moment and significance that we're in right now I'll never forget when that word came in 2000 that I was to call a 40 day fast to the whole world someone asked me to call a 40 day fast for the whole world nobody knew me there was no call and I said Lord if you want me to do this have Paul Kane call me out at this church service so just so Paul heard that say that one more time mm dreaming about stadiums and why Ram leaders said Lou help me call the whole world to 40 day fast to prepare for the harvest in the new millennium I said God if you want me to do this have Paul Cain call me out and use Ecclesiastes 11:1 Ecclesiastes 11:1 as the confirmation that's for him and he calls me out by my middle name my wife by her name and birthday thank you Paul and he said and I see your skinny for you are fasting and the Lord says he cleese yes T's 11:1 cast your bread upon the water I actually believed that Paul was actually laying a foundation that eighteen years later with all this fasting that's taking place it's prepared the way for Luke 4:18 because before Luke 4:18 was manifested Jesus came out of the wilderness in a forty day fast broke the power of hell and loosed the kingdom invasion that we've been living ever since that I believe this final one is coming and it's being prepared I say that as a foundation that this is not isolated stadium Fianna tea is not isolated by a from a massive prayer and fasting movement that's preparing the way and so we launched this vision we saw years of stadiums filled with what I believe was a Luke 1:17 scroll and then people have heard this many of you but if those watching maybe thousands haven't heard the story these wires came into my living room and they messed me up I called him the dwarves anyway you know the Hobbit and then I was at in my comfortable hobbit hole and the dwarves came in and began to sing a nice song something took his she woke up inside of me and they said there's coming a shift to the call and it will be the proclamation of the gospel signs and wonders and stadiums will be filled and Billy Graham's mentals coming on the nation come on come on for two days we deliberated over this and on the show as we're ending our time phone call comes from a man a prophet from Nashville calls my friend Chris burglars been a prophet to me for 34 years is with us today and says you know where Lou Engel is and he said Chris said he's in this meeting he says tell him the Lord just visited me last night and said there's coming a shift to the call and stadiums will be filmed the proclamation of the gospel signs and wonders and Billy Graham's mantle is falling on the nation come on night July I 1940 the late 40s the healing revivalists and the evangelical evangelist were all springing up with the foundation of fasting and prayer folks it was bill bright 48 49 Bill Graham at the same time Oral Roberts the great evangelists the great healing evangelists prophets like Paul Cain they were also bringing up folks I believe this words spoken pointed to a time period when Billy Graham would die and when he dies the same mantle that was on it seventy years ago would be unleashed and you see I had been living in Paul James vision of Stadium Christianity for years and so with all this preparation coming and taking place I went to Hawaii the beginning of this year shut down all ministry and shot God for 30 days and on to 1218 there in South Pointe away I was reading the scripture 2nd Kings chapter 2 where Elijah is about ready to go up and Elijah says I will not let you go until you give me a double portion and tell you give me a double portion folks we're not gonna walk into the next movement we're gonna have to spirit a veil I said it says Paul Cain I will not let you go until I get a double portion of that anointing that was on those guys 70 years ago right now come on I said Billy Graham I will not let you go and then second Kings chapter 2 verses 20 through 23 - to the whole truth - thing I was watching reading the scripture and I heard it audibly it was like audibly and it is this passage bring me a new bowl but I didn't read it it hit me and I knew it was another divine assignment bring me a new bowl and I knew it was Paul Keynes Bowl stadium Christianity the bowls are the Super Bowls the Rose Bowls the Citrus Bowl bring me a new bow I've seen football fields filled with 70,000 people but I haven't seen the Jesus Movement okay it's time for a new era we're entering in to a new day we believe and something is being an initiated so we called 40 days of fasting here in California March 1st through April 9th we called it California Dreaming we've been good we were talking about Paul Cain stadiumvision the whole thing and under as we were riding up every day 40 days you could go to the call calm for California Dreaming and read they devos and I'm ending here real quickly that I remember the living room we're writing it up with the amp appeals and the word had just come to us and I had forgotten about Anna Kane and the 4:18 word was going to be released and I'm realizing a dream comes in at that very time and the dream was by Paul amiable that I was lengthening my belt 10 notches and I was saying this anybody want to join me for 10 more days of fasting now most people wouldn't do anything with that dream but I would come on because I believe he was saying 10 more days and then it hit me like a flood Oh from 49 to 4:18 is 10 days what if we simply honored the prophetic word of Anna Kane and braided into baby and maybe God would visit us in the upper room for 10 days to me I don't know what's going to happen tonight but I do believe this I believe because we have prayed and fasted for 10 days something is being released on 4:18 the prophetic word is being released this is not a cool meeting together we have come here to release something into the earth I am so grateful to be here with Paul Cain in that store line daring to believe that we with our own eyes will see the greatest Jesus movement in the history of MN MN so it's just that this is a divinely orchestrated a now tell us Lou what you've heard David Kingsley's testimony tell us why is this important in this whole storyline the progression as we move to tonight in this up well I chapter 2 is the Old Testament counterpart to to live for that the preparation movement Elijah goes to the Jordan and drops off his mantle on the double portion generation Wow this is how the kingdom moves by generational transfer not just trying to get your own deal there's something that God is doing with generational transfer right now from Paul to David and to so many other people same way with John he goes down to the Jordan and there he releases his mantle on the double portion generation Jesus and signs and wonders folks that's what I believe is going on in this season that's what just mentioned the dream last night from Kris Pearn about the two pennies no this is my friend Chris so in the dream last night Paul Cain was giving everyone two pennies one was a 1948 penny and one was a 1943 war penny that was a dream okay on one penny it was silver it was a war penny the other one had a sheaf of wheat wheat penny and 48 is the time of the healing revivalists and 43 is it's war time it's war time and you felt both of you that this was the cent he was giving go ahead Chris no he was giving it to two pennies and I believe it is that there is a double portion sending at this point and we are being sent this is the time of ascending of evangelists and everyone into the harvest field it's war and wheat together one other dream Chris had it the other night I'll share it again Chris had a dream that Paul Cain was in a football field we were all in a football field but the name of the football field was the court room of the Angels that's the name that's the name folks tonight we are not praying for something to happen we're at a courtroom that I believe it's time to release the decree of heaven to lose Luke 4:18 here's the situation he he was hiking Paul Cain was hiking me the ball I don't think it's as clear languages can be stadium Christianity and in the dream I hand it to the SATs one order it was 4th for fourth down and 18 yards to go fourth down 18 yards to go and I hand it to the weakest smallest person and he runs it into the endzone and doesn't score 7 points he scores 14 it's time for the lat that generation of the double portion of the Evangelist of the past in it right now it's time for the Passover that - I believe tonight and in this next year with Paul Cain is releasing something that's gonna bring leads we're gonna do that so feta cake tonight David stand up praise the Lord my throat's a little hoarse so make sure I'm up well that was a mouthful what Lou just said and it's such an honor to be in front of all of you guys 29 years ago something happened to me and I want to tell you about it to be next to this man what it cost me what it's gonna cost Santa Maria if we really want this words because Lou Ingles gonna leave Wesley Kent was gonna travel but we're going to be here and I believe my testimony is a representation of what what it costs you might think I'm up here because I'm Rick and Lori's brother law and I am and I love them and I honor them and you might think it's because I'm married to Cairo and I am or I'm friends with the Campbells or because I just met Lou and interests even though all those reasons are very very good that's not really why I'm standing in front of you so let me tell you what happened as fast as I can eight years old a little boy sexually abused for years traumatized but I was a good athlete and everything I did so I could cover it up there's life after abuse my testimony is going to touch so many people and all the people that's watching I just welcome you to the people from Missouri and Yuba City and all my friends to reject it there's four boys I was rejected my father at a very very young age but I was good at something so I could get away with everything but at the time when I was being abused the Lord Jesus Christ himself visited me the only reason why I knew who he was is because my great grandmother lived with us and she would keep me she just knew something was different about me she always told me that and I think she knew something was being wrong and she had it if you're a Catholic you know this picture it's the Sacred Heart it's where Jesus he has his hands like this and it's on the outside well one day I was cutting the Clippers the old Clippers I'm 56 right now I was eight and a man was standing there yeah and I said to him you're Jesus and the only reason I knew that is cuz he had his hands length and he whispers something to me about the last days of course I don't know what that means and he tells me something else and also my dad touches my shoulder and says David stop daydreaming I was always de Jimmy so all my life I was always a little different I get born again at 17 I get married to a woman who has children I adopted four of them she could not have any children and I gave the Lord the best 1989 I'm in Anaheim and this white-haired man comes out and we thought wow he was scary it was harmful and he comes through my city and he calls all the people out I was so rejected from a father that uh I walked all the way to the back of the room Paul says where's that David at and then he says David God's new stamp of approval upon you you're going to be part of the leaders in the last day ministry and then he makes me a Baptist pastor I always wanted to tell him why did you do that but anyway he made me a pastor at a Baptist Church with a man named Patrick he said God is knitting your heart with st. Patrick he does the one either one of you think you're above each other serve the love one another and man I thought I made it you know from my childhood I'm trying to do it in a time zone that they want me to but all the things that I've been through I thought I made it and so about six months later seven months later Paul was going to be in Newport Beach California I'm from Texas I didn't know where that was and me and that pastor and his wife and and Mike wife we went to Newport Beach California and that day they said you can't bring your wife down only the ministers and I only thought that was kind of weird so I told her to stay in the room and I went down there and sure enough all the wives were there and I knew immediately I said to this other man I said hold on from it I'm gonna go back up to the room I'll be back so I walk up to the room and the doors cracked and I walk in and she's on the bed weeping and all I remember where's my tissue I picked it up but I turn around and there's the angel of the Lord standing there and he says to me you're Paul Cain's unique son one day he'll be your father you'll be his son he'll be your grandfather to your children and you'll come forth on his platform I'm standing up here today because I got a word 29 years ago and then he said some other things to me and he says don't ever repeat these things I'll have them repeat it to you and I was terrified I know we see the angels and different things but when you see one I don't know about you but I was terrified I was 26 year old young man and in in my hometown which is San Antonio Texas Paul says these names Raymond and Mildred where a man named Raymond was her father that died and Mildred was her mother and I said to him sir I am so sorry I didn't know what else to say all right you might talk to the angels but I was terrified and I said could you have him say Raymond and Mildred and he says so that you know that I've come from above I'll have my servant say Raymond and Mildred so I go to that meeting that night 5,000 people I think I don't know what whatever universities in that town whatever it is and we're going and he's going to going as an awesome Paul King listen I'm telling you how I got here what we need to do with that word okay and so I'm there and also Paul says you know I'm so tired of the new age I'm so sick of it I'm just tired and everybody jeepers let me just be what I want to be and he said yeah and he said everybody cheers and they go nuts and he says if the Lord Jesus Christ was here this is what he would say in essence he is here but if he was standing here this is what he'd say and he said uh where's that Baptist pastor and he says David I see those half-dozen Chinese children I had six adopted four and he says I see Raymond and I see Mildred and I see Raymond in the face of God which means he was passed away and I knew immediately that I had a visitation and whatever unique son man I didn't know but I was told never to say anything to anybody well listen to me believer I wish I could tell you that I saw the fire and I went to heaven and saw the throne but my story just began this is just beginning for us in Santa Maria we've got to steward this words Stacey Campbell sets up the other day I've never heard anybody else said but the Lord gave something to me and I always said and that is listen the prophetic word creates war if you just feel all good and stuff you better be careful if it's a prophetic word because the real prophetic word creates war that's why the 10-day prayers strike because we were doing so many things in the unseen realm well I didn't know that truth at 26 well he was my best friend David said I wish was my enemy but it was my friend he had words of butter but war was in his heart within six months I was kicked out of that church they brought me to the front and they always I never forget he said uh we're gonna kick this family out and he said not for sexual sin I never forgot that I don't know why he said that it was in the day of Swagger and all that I believe and and he said we're gonna turn him over to the devil listen to me not one year two years three years four years where you got Christian five years six years seven years come on believer ten years you said Oh David I tried that no no no friend the words trying you the words trying you it says to Joseph until iron was in his soul and then the fetters were made free that word was trying me everywhere I went I was called the devil everywhere I fell did everything I could do with maybe eight ten years I don't know completely the timeline she left the children and I guess what hurt me the most they too I've never said that publicly I raised this little girl they all left to this day I've given this publicly that they're listening they can they know it I do not know what that family is the last thing I heard listen to me it was the son that had my name he said nobody cares about you you said no one cares about that old man no one cares about you - because I'd say that word over and over and over it's all I could think about he said nobody cares about you go on mom's moved on we've all moved on we're done to this day I don't know where they are to this day and about right here it's usually some grandmother come up says David I'm pret no don't pray for anything does you know what you're praying for all right I'm fine I'm just telling you my story I can't see without my glasses so it's better this way so everybody looks blurry so I wish I could tell you that I had all great faith and I didn't I want you to know something sin is not your problem friend your problem is the pain that you're carrying because of that sin because pain will make you go places you don't want to go and it'll make you do things you don't want to do God has taken care of the sin it's the pain I ended up back on the streets for several months live like an animal I was in so much pain I couldn't get out of my mind Raymond and Mildred I didn't understand it I had to stop it and I never forget I was in a pool of blood and the young people have heard me tell the story and there was a man I feel like well just somebody was standing there in my little hotel room and I heard him say David you are going to have to change I am NOT going to change for you and one day you're gonna be thankful for this and I said to that voice if you'll get me up I'll follow you wherever I need to go and he whispered to me he stilled the word he stole the word according to the sower the Bible says Satan comes immediately to steal the seed listen there's nothing wrong with the sea it's the heart it's the heart and what Lou said is what the Lord told me he said David if you would steward your rock your heart before him and not them you'll be close to him but if all I worry about is them its steward my heart for them I'm going to be at a distance from him but brother huh for the the hope the whole thing is about us how we Stewart this word what are you going to do with that word and I sent him that day if you'll put that word back in my heart then I realized it was incorruptible seeds it never decays it would never go away there's people in here today you've been given a word from God and you got offended you got rejected you got whatever and the whole thing was about the word it's not about your gifting your ministry he cannot afford for you to live life on purpose because of the Word of God that word got back in my heart I begin to say Raymond and Mildred again Raymond and Mildred again I begin to say Lord I don't know who that man was I probably forgot his name I just knew it Lord I just know it I looked up saw the stadium ministry and all that I ended up at IHOP International House of Prayer Missouri and I'm sitting there and I'm broken but I have a faint yes right Julie a faint yes and also here comes this man doing this number man and I'm looking at him and I'm thinking he and he says I'm gonna call everybody into a 40-day fast and I said Lord I felt like the Lord was talking to me them I said Lord if you want me to do that that I'm asking you to have someone tell me they're doing it I go right to a friend's house Oscar caseinate if he's watching his daughter Katie I walked in and she said hi and I said Katie what are you doing she was all mr. Kingston I'm faster than 40 days with Lu ingo I knew immediately I was supposed to do my first 40 day juice fast now I'm gonna say something I've never said publicly and I don't I just want it just to what happened that's where Lou and I connected when I did that I went home and had an encounter with the Lord and I felt like he told me I want you to for more 40 day fast this year that's five that's five that's that higher math that's awesome that's for one it's powerful but it was on the calendar so I fasted forty days three or four weeks forty more days three or four more weeks forty to four more days the first three were juice but he was in he was at Missouri at that time and I would see him I was there through the awakening all I have is a word in a dream and a faint yes but now I'm Stewart II am on the word come on now I hate losing all that sports I thought I hated it and I realize somebody stole the words and people say why are you so passionate because no one will ever steal the word out of my heart come on listen Santa Maria there's many imposters there's many people that want to hang around but only you have the testimony and Paul told me one time because everybody clamors around these men and I get all that and one day we just got in the car he said bro don't ever forget you have the testimony so I'm sitting there and I did the second 40 day horrible 30 day a third one horrible the fourth one was water Wow it was day 8 and I said to the Lord Lord I've got to do this thing completely all the way through I I won't be able to live true story and all of a sudden I heard it was I believe its Genesis 22 and it said Abraham said me in the ladder going up to the mountain to worship well and I said I got it I can worship so I did the fourth one and on the fourth one it was like God put the bit in my mouth I was broken it was over I got it I got it your God your sovereign your Lord you're my king whatever you say goes you gave it to me you can take it away whatever you say whatever you do and I could feel him and then I did the fifth one and I believe Lew was going I'm not I'm not for sure I did all five of them my natural father was getting ready to die and God restored me in him mother called me up actually he gave me a father's blessing and he my mother called me up said your father's dying can you come home you know the weird the weird kid right I said sure cuz I was only when I could so I go home and I take care of him and on Thanksgiving day I walked around the corner and I heard the voice Lord say mine your dad's sick David and I walked around and he was dead in his chair and I closed his eyes and I helped the family and on the 56th day how long you stay in Christian the 56th day I remember putting my hands there on my chest I was in my high school room and I was weeping I was saying Lord I've lost don't tell me what you have for God what have you lost with God everybody wants the power of his resurrection but there's a sin it's a and the Fellowship of his sufferings it's not one or the other it's both and I'm sitting there and I'm weeping and also my mother knocks on the door she said somebody's calling for him and I said mom nobody knows I'm here please go back to your room I snapped at her actually and she said David because she just told me she didn't know if she could make it through the night I had to help her all my brother's never made it right with my dad I was the only one I said mother please I'm asking you go back to your room I was so overwhelmed I was in my high school room she said David there is a man on the phone and he was speaking I said what's his name mom kind of rude and she said he said his name is Paul Cain and I said I'll take that call Paul likes saying that when we're in two rooms together and Paul gets on the phone and immediately the first thing he says out of his mouth is David and I said yes sir he says the Lord shows me you're my unique son and immediately I go back to that 23 years of that visitation and I'm thinking Paul knows what I know and so we talked maybe 10 minutes 15 minutes he was eating the sandwich I remember and then we talked the next day couple minutes and then the third day I finally said Oh Paul are you trying to ask me something he goes well I am and I said well why don't you ask me he said because you cannot be manipulated for what you have to let me stop right there stop the manipulations let God do in your heart what God needs to do because if you don't do that why do you want another man's testimony why do you want another woman's testimony you're gonna get to heaven to find out that his Scrolls his scroll his Scrolls escrow and my Scrolls my scroll I don't have his scroll I'm a part of his scroll he's a part of my scroll and now that I'm telling you my story you're a part of my scroll amen I said what does he want me to do he says thus says the Lord you are called to keep me alive I said what does that mean and he says I that means I need you to be in Kansas City Missouri so I go to Kansas City and I'm winding up and I go back and forth with Paul come back and forth and then he was going to come down and meet Rick and Lori Taylor my wife is Lori Taylor's sister they were coming to San Antonio and Paul calls me up he says bro I'm gonna be at this address do you know what this churches it was the church building where they kicked me out and called me the devil wait a minute and I said yes sir I know that church he goes can you be there I said yeah he goes are you sure you know that address I said oh yes sir I know that address and he said well I need you to stay with me he will your mom mind I said no she won't mind and the pressure was so great all I can say is I just that's I've been with Paul six and a half years I it was so grand said Paul what is this pressure I feel and I never he said David you have to live too you have to learn to live with Apostolic power and I've never heard that right and I said what does that mean he says if I just had three points in a poem and it was good it was fine he said but I have a bull's-eye on my back and you have to understand what Apostolic means and so we go and on the third day I think my sister-in-law was already matching me with her sister I'm not for sure about that one but I think that was going on but the third day we go and we sit it's the same carpet where they could where I was where I was crucified same carpet that was 23 years I waited for that phone call by the way 23 23 years and Christians look at me and they tell me well I tried all that David and uh no bro no no if it's a word from God it has to come to pass but you have to make that word your own and you have to let the Holy Spirit work that word out in your life either God is real or he's not and if he's not real don't tell me because I'm so far out there I do not know how to get back to the land that's how real I believe God's and so that night Paul got up and I had a word long time ago from another process your name would be cleared in August and I didn't understand that it was August 5th I believe it was and Paul gets up and he fumbles and he goes you know what I'm really here just for my assistant and in my heart I said that this man says what I think he's going to say Lord unbelief will leave my life and he said David stand up and I stood up and he said to me 23 years ago there was an injustice done to you and God wants you to know it was not him he says and I lift that curse off your life what people said about you and the prophetic what scared me is from this year to this year I had a thought and my thought was who told that that was my best friend that wasn't just somebody that was my buddy I am I thought was who told him to do that and from here to here Paul caught that thought and he said the Lord wants you to know he'll never tell you on this side of glory why he did that to you but on the other side God will tell you everything about it yeah so I'm standing here today to tell you we in Santa Maria and this region must steward this works and if you're religious you're not gonna like what I'm gonna say so just hold on if we don't Stuart the word the word will go to somebody else because God is going to have Luke 4:18 come in this earth realm and I'm standing in front of you as a witness through all the people that said I wouldn't make it 29 years ago God said you'll be on this platform and you would tell them and you'll be happy I didn't change for you and I'm telling you his word must come to pass he's not a man that he should lie or the son of man he should repent if he said it he'll do it and if he promised it he's going to fulfill it come on come on bring him up give me that pulpit okay that was credible there's many of you watching you've had all sorts of history and put it over here and and yet nothing stops the prophetic word of God it keeps marching on Jesus Christ Himself said in Luke 24 everything written about me in the law of Moses the Prophet in the Psalms everything everything must come to pass must come to pass it can't be stopped so we've got three microphones where's that third microphone okay Louis got it so Paul go ahead and give greetings tonight well you know I've never heard my name mentioned so much in my life it's kind of frightening excuse me but I would like to say that as testimony as awesome as it is and then how it involves me as a prophet I don't like to be called a prophet the Lord told my mother my birth but he had called me to preach the gospel and the spirit of the Apostle Paul and that's all I can lay claim to I don't like be called a prophet and it's very important that you don't think more of David if you don't think more of me as a prophet Jesus is the real problem Jesus is the unique son of God the only begotten Son of God there's so very important you you're going to damage yourself you're going to hinder yourself and you're going to hinder me and damage me and so far as the releasing what God's given me tonight for Luke 4 8 and and Zillow - and axed the second chapter we had an impartation service yesterday is according to Rick Taylor I think it was the consensus of all the 1215 people or whatever there that they had never seen anything like this before in all their lives and I've never felt anything like this before in all my life because I'm just a divine importation to the young evangelist and the and the older people and man and wife and all the it was a surge of the power the intelligence of God and the glory of God and when it was over everybody left they went outside and Lou I believe let them in a covenant to carry the message of a Luke 4:18 to the world for the rest of their lives and I don't think they will have very long to do that if if my feeling is correct tonight but anyway I walk back to my bedroom and as a stepping into that my room I've had a surge of the power of God in a sense of what God had done yesterday afternoon and I almost fell on my face Rick Taylor said he felt he was being knocked down and his wife was in tears and I believe everyone was in tears before it was over and and encouraged me but the thought I had was I'm almost afraid to tell all this because the Lord might be through with me and take me home and haven't spent my home you know ever ever since I found the Lord heavens of my home but I'm not homesick I'd like to stay here and see Luke 4:18 and show too I want to stay here and see that but I have not felt the richness and the glory and the the convert are the power of God like I felt yesterday and and I can't remember when so this meeting is so important and you and they overflow auditorium and seems like God has given us a capacity crowd tonight and then ever got the streamer and we've got this going on all over the world I guess and so I just want to do an impartation for you who are here and for those who are in the rest of the world this will be streamed out to them I believe that when my mother was going to pass away just before she passes pardon just before she passes tell us how you were born yes which was eight which was years ten years earlier yes I remember Mike Bickle was with me both times and he was with me the first time that my mother said that God had given her Luke 4:18 and sudden you have not yet done what God told me that you would do and I was too embarrassed to use that it was so self-serving I didn't want to hurt myself and I didn't want to lose my humility I'm very proud of my humility so and so it was hard for me to tell anybody that story but my mother said Almighty God gave her that scripture and that I was going to live to him to fulfill it and impart it and it was just amazing how the turn of events came and then Mike was with me when my mom passed away and because she had given me looked for 18 and that was well established with Mike and myself Mike Bickle and then when she passing away which he drew her last breath Mike was standing side by side with me and Mike put his arm around me and said Paul look at the clock and there was a huge I guess the 12 inch clock we had so the nurse could easily take my mom's respiration and pulse rate and all that and he said look at the clock Paul it's 4:18 exactly my mother drew her less rent at 4:18 in the morning and here we are in the 18th year and here she passed away on the fourth month the 18th the day of the year and she had given me Luke 4:18 so there's all kinds of connections he said oh that was just a coincidence well that's just one explanation I was there it was God I said I was there it was gone amen I've asked David to ask some of you may not know but Paul's birth was a miraculous birth in that his mother I believe she was 44 years old she was your mother was sick with four terminal diseases if that right yes she's had tuberculosis and heart disease and tumors three tumors in her womb preventing my birth and cancer in both breasts and one during the day I was born my mother's breasts were eaten up with cancer and she was hemorrhaging blood that all day that day and then my dad was was an unbeliever at that time and he was scared to death and he ran across town Garland Texas is a very small town then it's the part of Dallas Texas now and back to back and City Limits and so he went across and got dr. Armstrong there was a Church of Christ believer that didn't believe in miracles he got dr. Armstrong who had treated my mom earlier months and told her should not live near the time for my birth and the doctors at Baylor University Hospital one man who knew as much about cancers anyone in that day and time 1929 and he told my mother that she would not live near the time for my birth and sent her home to die with these multiple diseases well and the Lord Jesus the war angel of God's presence appeared to my mother and said don't her be a good cheer you will live and not die and the fruit of your womb was a male child we shall name him Paul he shall preach to my gospel as did the Apostle Paul of old and when that was heard my mother was instantly healed from head to toe and she had been told by a specialist that knew as much about cancer as that he wanted that day that both my mother and the baby myself would be would not live near the time she would not live near the time for that the birth for my birth but she did and how many do you believe I've been born well I do too and my mother was completely healed and a short time later go let me tell you what dr. Armstrong turned into he would meet my dad on the the square Garland Texas that time was a verse small town and every time he would meet my dad he would say mr. king I don't believe in miracles my church doesn't believe in miracles but that was the blanket is miracle I've ever seen in all my practice and everybody knew from the least to the greatest that the age of the Lord appeared to my mother and the Lord Jesus Christ healed her and she had a testimony for all those years and I remember one of the last times I saw william branham brother branham he wanted to walk to the car with me and say goodbye to my mom because she got tired of us busy and she went on out to the car it kind of a hint to me to wind things up and so brother branham said I want to I want to walk you to your car and and say goodbye to your mom and on the way put his arm around me and he said brother Paul you have been very concerned about your mom being taken home to be with the Lord don't worry the Lord has shown me that your mother is going to live to be a very old person well she was nine months old when she's born so that makes her 105 and so she lived that long so the live from true prophets really come to pass she lived to the nine months and a hundred and four years so Paul says she was a hundred and five years old when she passed come on yeah and that's mostly that's my story and I'm sticking with it that's it got to get all the glory for every day my mom left so it was such an inspiration such an encouragement to me and one thing she taught me not surgeon I don't you think more highly of me or David or anyone else then you ought because it's dangerous for you and it's dangerous for me my mother always taught me every time I'd go out for me and she says son you'd be just as little as you can be and God will be just as great as he can be and you know I was a mama's boy but my mother always encouraged me to go to every meeting especially when John Wimber and I join forces and ministries I'd get sick every time we go overseas and so I say mama I can't go to this meeting so you have to go son now that doesn't sound much like a possessive mother she was possessed with the Holy Ghost and with the glory of God for the glory of God and she said you must go and they were healed as they went it is written they were healed as they went and every time I was sick and I would go I was always healed and not being the same Wow hey man hey man so the as I have heard his story in the story is that Anna Cain his mother literally as she was about to pass from this life to the next life she said I have the most serious word for you and then she went into a coma and you got everybody praying she came out and she told you the Word of Luke 4:18 it's described that word Luke 4:18 what she said to you and about the world yeah well she was telling me that I would set the captives free and it was just too awesome for me to ever share with anybody and I didn't for many years the word that she gave me but here in these latter years I'll tell you brothers and sisters and ladies and gentlemen we are closer to this coming of Christ then we have ever been before of course we're closer to the last days we've ever been before and that's obvious but we are closer than you ever thought or I could ever think the Lord is coming to his church and he's giving his glory and and a taste of heaven to the church so they'll have a taste for heaven he's getting us ready for the great fulfillment of these three chapters are these three books in the Bible these three chapters of look for a clean Joe - and acts - and he's going to proud his spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions upon your servants and head and raise your proud of his spirit in those days these are those days if I've ever known God I know him now and I know he's saying these are the end times this is the end time revival I'm preparing my people for and I'm going to pour pour pour my spirit upon all flesh young and old God isn't an equal opportunity employer in these last days and he's bringing in the old and the young and all of us are going to be used of God and let's get ready for it so I want to do an impartation now and I want you to take it serious now when a person gets my age there's no time to play games there's no time to - miss miss the point because I'm going to be with the Lord soon but I hope I'll be caught up with you and we'll all be caught up in the air so shall we ever be able to Lord I want that to happen I really don't want to die I really don't I want to live to see this it's my heart's desire and maybe the Lord will grant that but anyway I know that he's going to every serious recipient here he's going to baptize you with a real sense of values and baptize you with the gifts of the Spirit and baptize you with the authority and the power and the glory and the anointing to bring Jesus back to this earth again so let's not just put our hands up let's put our hands out and antennae Rhys okay so we're gonna there's gonna be a transference here many of you and working and believing for stadiums I know there's a number of stadium revivalists here today some of you have been believing for this for a long time you've been in the work and what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna ask Paul came to pray and and Lou has spent days here telling us about the time that we're living in Billy Graham's mental it's not a it's not that you're gonna be the next pentagram but rather the mantle that saw the mass harvest from 48 on in the healing revivalists and that's going to cut that his his mother said this will come upon you Paul and honor the whole world and so tonight in this room and those of you that are watching online as well those of you gonna watch at a later date this prayer is for you because it's a now season it's a now time it's a global word it's a billion souls and more and this is now happening in our lifetime so I just think we should have them yeah just say something there was a dream given I mean a word given by Neville Johnson and he saw the mantle of TL Osborn and the mantle a Billy Graham would come together Wow with integrity and signs and wonders and when they would come together the greatest evangelistic explosion would take place Kris Berglund dreamed at Azusa now he saw Derrick Brits Billy Graham and TL Osborn up in Section 22 I believe we are in Section 22 second Kings to tune it is a time for the release of a double portion Paul is the last in one sense living representative of the healing revivals that listened to me you guys Joel chapter 2 the sign of the answer of the fast days of Joel chapter 2 is the restoration of natural Israel and the outpourings of the spirits on the Gentiles so 70 years ago 1948 Israel becomes a nation and the outpouring comes on the latter rain the Hebron is revival it is now Daniel 70 years something is going on and what we didn't know and we have found out that literally on May 14th is the 70th anniversary of Israel becoming a nation but in the Hebrew calendar it's actually today today 4:18 today the Jewish calendar and the Gentile calendar Gentile outpourings meet with natural Israel Wow today something is going to be released today I want you to move in faith right now yeah what paul price.we i believe there's something epic huge being released not just here in to the horrors brothers and sisters let's move and say come on let's pray first that's it just get them praying first let's just pray before Paul prays for them just begin to lift your voice begin to pray and the spirit something is happening we're in this 70th year anniversary Lord we just pray now begin to release faith brother Jason had a dream had a vision the other night he saw william branham he sucked a TL Osborn other healing revivalists and they gave him a word and they said we were men just like you did you just hear that I want you to hear this where is Jason come here Jason what did you see so as Lou said I did I had a visionary experience where I had these these old healing revivalists from old william branham Jack Cole and I fit in an oral roberts and these other guys and they came into the room where I was in and they all looked at me and they said son we were men just like you are and something raised up in my heart to believe that again we will see what we've seen then and greater I believe it's true God we agree God God we pray that you would we thank you that you're loosening it upon the earth god we will walk in signs and wonders god we will walk in revival God we will see the fulfillment of the prophetic words that the prophets of old God we will walk out and see the fulfillment upon Cain's word we will reap the benefits God of all the intercession God God we will reap the benefits god of 18 years of fasting and prayer God we will see a generation captive to you O God we will see a Great Awakening in Jesus name Amen ELISA let's let's pray let's ask the Lord to forgive us of any word that we have not received let's clear the second heaven let's clear our heart right now father we come before you in the name of Jesus and every word that we said we didn't like we got offended or whatever it is Lord we repent before heaven come on this clear our hearts out for the seat gets it in Lord we repent God we receive the incorruptible Word of God what you say is going to come to pass now learn that the blood of Jesus cleanses wash us make our hearts ready to receive the importation God make our hearts ready to steward Luke 4:18 God we receive now forgiveness we received the fear of the Lord over the word of God that we would tremble with this word we would tremble with this impartation may we be the generation who sees the return of the bright group from heaven in Jesus name right now I just want to just say only continue on this the Lord really spoke to me you have limited the prophecies given because you could not see how it take place I have literally dialed down the prophecies God says repent from dialing down the prophecies don't limit what those words were right now break that off of your own life you might have gotten aware that you're an Amy Semple McPherson or something like this and you dial it down you said that could never happen folks it could never happen unless the tide rose in but when the tide Rosen come on brothers and sisters we refuse to limit the prophetic word right now and we repent for limiting Paul Kay's prophetic word of stadium Christianity I want you to repent from that right now that for days idioms and all over the world stadiums will be filled we reject the lie that says that can't happen come on lift your voice to say it will happen we declare it will happen you want let's stay right there Lord we just repent for ever speaking bad about a man or a woman of God that you used God we repent before heaven father we've cut ourselves off more but now you're bringing us back God we come back before your throne Lord down we honor the men and women of God that have gone on before us and those that are on the earth right now Lord restore men and women right now Lord make our hearts pure before you give us clean hands and appear hearts give us the grace God - Stewart the word of the Lord Jesus this was given to me and I felt it was a prophetic word by a Hispanic sister and it's Elijah's going up and the mantle is coming down I feel there's a mantle coming on Hispanics like we have never seen I prophesied signs and wonders miracles come on we just we get a word for three days Hispanics weird a war for the Spanish we just say Lord this is it's the word of the Lord Paul Cain is going to lose something today an Elijah mantle on a new generation and I want those Hispanics to pick it up to take it I wanted to show this and I want to say tonight I believe we are in some kind of generational transfer we're in a season of generational transfer come on I want you to lift your hand and say god I am receiving I am receiving I will not let you go I will not let you go until I get a double portion I will not let you go Paul came Billy Graham Jesus it's the Jesus mantle that's coming brothers and sisters no passivity I will not let you go I will not let you come [Music] okay I believe this is probably the most important thing I've done and you don't know how I'm Courtney this for us all to be a part of this even those in the this streaming land you you have such a unique privilege and and and and I I have such a unique privilege of us forgetting something tonight that the the will please the heart of God for all time we have lost so much than a yielding rebind once we lost so much in the latter rain revival something has been lost with the Azusa Street outpouring and the Jeffry brothers and Smith Wigglesworth and all those great moves of God God wants us to recover everything that's been lost everything that went astray or went awry he wants you and me to recover that tonight and carry this vision the rest of our lives having my father just as sincere as I know how to be I stand with these and those that are kneeling Oh Lord we agree together that you will come forth and you will baptize these with the Holy Ghost and with fire and you will give us a divine Commission to bring everything that was lost back to order and back for another last and final presentation to the whole world and you will fill everyone here with a power everyone looking this way with the power to to manifest and do what you called us to do in these last days Lord we're about to pour out your spirit upon all flesh you're about to move upon every one of us with a clear and a distinct word of knowledge ordered wisdom you're about to show forth your power your sovereignty and righteousness and justice and love and eternal life Lord you're going to show us all of your power and your omnipotence and your omnipresent and your immutability Lord Oh God with your omnipotence with your wonderful omniscience we're going to see this happen and now I pray that go baptize us all you will impart into every life that's looking this way and looking unto you the author and the finisher of our faith you're going to use everyone here and everyone that will view this and everyone that will hear about this you're going to use them to glorify your name for one end of the earth to the other end of the earth and as Joel says you'll pour out your spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions a lot upon your servants and handmaids you'll proud all of their spirit so pour pour pour more and more of the Holy Ghost and fire about everyone who stands here everyone who is looking everyone who is listening to this in the future Lord baptize them the tired family goes and fire and let us go into all the world and see that prophecy of Joel fulfilled and what was said on the day of Pentecost and repeated from the helmet a Pentecostal repeat from Joel 2 and then Luke 4:18 let it all come about but it all come to pass it is done it is done you have poured out your spirit and will continue to pour out your spirit yes and never ever lift your spirit from all your people from London to the earth to the other end of their Soviet Lord God Almighty in the name of your only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ full of grace and truth we thank you for what you've done tonight and what we'll continue to do to everyone who hears this prophetic word in Jesus Holy much less name and the power of the Father Almighty God and the Spirit of the Holy Ghost along with Jesus Lord all the three and one in the one and three baptized as you and me in Jesus name Amen hallelujah come on let it be let it be let it be [Music] [Music] I just want to just stay in the spirit now just just stay in the spirit right now John the Baptist when he came he lived for one thing he said there is one coming there is one coming brothers and sisters let us live our lives for this manifestation of Jesus if just Jesus shows up in America everything changes if Jesus shows up the healings the sicknesses the diseases the mental problems that deliverance the opioid addictions brothers and sisters but we just move into proof in the declaration right now on all across the place just begin to move into declaration we release we release - look come on begin to release Luke 4:18 into this nation right now just began the decree from the corn of angels Lord from Santa Maria the court of angels will lose Luke 4:18 with a flare and of kings processing will lose fat all over the nation in every state in the name of Jesus into every school day every ethnic group will lose the word of the Lord Luke 4:18 in Jesus hands unravel the scroll we declare the scroll is opening the scroll of Jesus is now oh please [Music] father right now is just loose Luke 4:18 on the youth of America Noorie Luke sit on the Millennials we looked at middle schoolers and high schoolers now those who are broken nor those who are saved we lose the Declaration of Luke 4:18 but on the use of America invade the high schools go it Beaulieu Labor's into the youth of America now gonna teach sustain father we just right now say God system evangelism all over this generation over whereas Jesus the Evangelist winterize Oh God father believe it tonight awaken the revivalist Oh God in Jesus name father we lose the sauce coming into the kingdom God we ask God that you would have opened doors that no man can shut father lose the cells prepares for the harvest release it in this generation [Music] Jesus Jesus uses us we're here Lord we're this generation of guys tonight God we take the scroll we take the scroll that's our time we step into Luke 4:18 we step into it we laid hold of it and tonight God we claim every stadium [Music] Lord we thank you for the other another Jesus movement as you've been proclaiming we thank you there will be altar call so not be an empty altar hundreds and thousands will come again to the altar hundreds of thousands will stretch out their hands to a friend and lead them to the altar thank you for mass baptisms that will take place that will be witnesses to whole communities thank you for new music breaking forth that catches the heart that catches the mind of the next generation you'll do it again Lord it's happening now then we thank you for it in Jesus name God we released right now Gloria dawn revival on the earth we release your glory right now we say your glory is a period right now over the west coast of California to the from sea to shining sea and we release right now the army of the dawn in the name of Jesus make follow labourers we pray in the name of Jesus amen yeah from Australia we say poles be poured out we pray for stadiums all over the world to be poured out into the cities to be poured out into the Europe and Africa and Asia all across UK all across America let the balls be filled and we'll change this ooh it Jesus be taken to the street and Jesus be taking it to every home everyone would have an encounter with Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're gonna pray for the Hispanic population again we had a three day assignment and that was our Spanish homework come on right up here and we were saying there was a call it's blue let's just say something about the Hispanic revival I had an encounter I had an encounter just the other day I took a nap I was listening to a song in my headphones when a child is born or scamper and it's like she'll be Santa Maria and suddenly I'm waking when it says I'm when a child is born and as I'm waking I see it a massive Hispanic awakening takes place and I move into intercession well I'm still sleeping and I woke up and I knew something's being born in California Santa Maria a Hispanic revival is being born for califor [Music] Rhonda Rhonda me into the hospital Santo sobre Tola Karen listen your pirate apologized agarose poster Ozias eva soler llamar de trois pitons Antos overall economy para que nuestros mobility Bertinelli's humans general Misiones public law San Siro civil engineer sueños de todo sobre todo de que vamos a prophetess our annual publication SPL los ojos de Guerra Maria vamos Abajo mental North Shore molester lowest pimiento Co UN ROM pimiento sino que los cielos a branzino hello Satan siendo Senor el vino Hacienda señor Parra Quran tamos cualquiera mal DC own sobre la tierra me Padre active ahmo's to vend se own sin or you know mint NC own sobre california trouble Estados Unidos de yo sabe la nación de la tierra signal and then nombre de souza [Applause] when my wife was in Brazil 7 God sent her to America and said I'm gonna send the greatest revival since the days of Adam until my second coming I'm gonna make a constellation bring it on in the name of Jesus listen it's no mistake that we're here tonight the whole contingent from Santa Maria and the Healing Rooms was sitting in Section 22 at Azusa now so when Chris saw the dream about those Mantle's and now here we are those Mantle's are being released so what he saw really was this amen amen I think you know for every one of you who believes that you're called to be part of this probably everybody in this room because you said it let's actually on this word that's not just to create this burden let's not just pray this word let's own this word so I want us to all say this but let's say it mix your face with this with this word and we're gonna say it out loud together the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed [Applause] [Music] - the attendant was sat down and he began to say this day this scripture is fulfilled and your ears [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna do something right here because we are moving forward next year we're going to the Citrus Bowl dreamy that Paul Kane's word is going to begin to be manifested in the very city were Reinhardt Bonnke has a process to hide all America shall be saved why shouldn't we believe such a word it's not with every dream you need to begin to move forward it was the following year that following year after those guys came into my living room I met them in Orlando there I was with Leah with an incredible word that she's been carrying for years that the Citrus Bowl would be the flashpoint of us of a massive Paul Kane vision being manifested it was air that God gave us the word that followed it was there where I whispered to the years of Andy bird I said I feel we've come to the Jordan recently it has read that scripture where Elijah says God has sent me to the Jordan I cannot tell you how strongly I feel this word he is sentenced to the Jordan for a crossing over into a new Jesus Movement and something in Santa Maria beats 10 days it's prepared the way folks I want to show a video if we have that video I want to show a video letter sister now this is our dream the call is giving birth to descent we are calling evangelist from all over the world thousands to the Citrus Bowl to release to get an anointing I am asking I'm believing God for Paul Cain to stand on that stage and loose the healing revivalist anointing I am believing that Reinhardt Bonnke will release his mental I am believing that Lauren Cunningham will stand it's not confirmed yet but I'm believing something's coming on a double portion generation on the one-year anniversary of Billy Graham's past something is coming folks let's not just a cool forget this we've just got after a great meeting let's set our face for a whole year yes this thing into a new Jesus movie can we play that video [Applause] well I'm gonna do an altar call right now Matthew 938 jesus said to his disciples I command you to Begley hurled forth laborers into the harvest field it's not a light Jesus didn't say I pray pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers he was so intense he said I command you to beg me hurled forth Labor's Santamaria let's take this work Central Coast I want to stop for how many of you say I will begin to pray Matthew 9:30 it's not a suggestion it's a command it is actually the scripture that will loose the greatest numbers of missionaries and evangelists and workers how many of you say by the grace of God I'm gonna go here mines and me I'm gonna go into my streets and just start where I am if this is you today I want you to take your shoes off we start I'm actually the Lord ignited in my spirit that in the sixties they held up there they're black clothes and they called it black power and it became this symbol of a revolution I want another revolution a symbol is used in disguise saying here my lord that made and Lord the harvest bread for labor got it tonight out of Santa Maria we loose Matthew 938 convict in the French lon wait vacuum perforce Labour's purport labor Labor's send out laborers into the harvest [Music] here my Lord sent me God said here am i Lord hear my lord check [Music] the distinction the rebellion and the neighbor chase come on come on come on defeat beautiful apiece good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen immediately after that prayer was prayed he sent them out those who prayed became the ones who wins those who prayed became the ones who would go commit commit tonight that you'll not only pray but you will go you will go to your neighbor you will go to your neighborhood you will go to your city you will go across the lands you will go to the nations you will commit your lives to make a difference in the nations father right now in Jesus name we give ourselves to you for the balance of our lives however long that is we are holy spirit you and fill us completely and use us for your glory business that's loose change in your bucket use us in Jesus name we offer Stokes you to be useful
Channel: Santa Maria Healing Rooms
Views: 9,830
Rating: 4.8313255 out of 5
Keywords: Lou Engle, Paul Cain, Holy Spirit, Jesus
Id: crFbxB2JZNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 18sec (10638 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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