3D Modeling for Complete Beginners - Blender 2.8 - Part 1

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if you're interested in the 3d world for all the amazing stuff you can do with it such as movies games and other things like 3d printing then this videos for you even if you've never ever used the 3d software in this 3d modelling a source for complete beginners tutorial I will show you how to download it really software that's called blender it's a free software so you're good to go and it's super powerful and I'll also show you how to navigate I'll show you a little I'll talk a little about the interface I'll talk a little about 3d basics and I'll show you how to model this sword from A to Z there will also be a second part for this tutorial where I will show you how to apply basic materials and upload your model to a website called sketchfab so that you can share it with your friends so make sure to subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss out when part 2 comes out and so that you get notified either way if you ever get stuck in this tutorial I'll be happy to answer any of your questions just leave them in the comment section below enjoy okay so first thing we're gonna do is download blender to do so you can go to blender org and I'll also add a link in the description below so that you can just click it and get over here right away now I'll be downloading the blender 2.8 beta for you it might be the stable release depending on when you download and watch this and the reason we're not using the older one is because there are a lot of new changes with blender 2.8 so that's pretty much what we're gonna go with so if I click on this I can go to download blender 2 points 8 and then I can choose the operating system for me it's windows windows 64-bit so I'll click on this and start downloading once you finish downloading blender you're gonna get this zip file you can right click on it extract here you'll get this file just you know make sure you have a program like when you are so that you can extract it double click on the new file and you can scroll down until you find blender exe for Windows of course and then you can double click this and it will open up blender if you've never used the 3d software before things might look a bit intimidating but don't worry I'll take you step-by-step and also with time it will become second nature so first thing I want you to do is go to file over here and load factory settings even if you use blender before actually especially if you've used blender before this will make sure that everything new gets taken into accounts so once you do that for old blender users you'll notice that selecting becomes the left click by default now for new users don't worry about this but for older users just go to edit preferences and if you want to go back to the way it was you can go to input and select with the right button but for this tutorial I will go with the left button just so that everybody can easily follow along ok so let me show you how to navigate in the viewport or the 3d space this is basically where all of the objects are now in the top right over here you can do that by clicking on this so you can rotate zoom in and out with the plus button and pan with the hand button but the fastest way to do it is basically with the middle mouse button if you click on it it will rotate and with control and middle mouse button you can zoom in and out or simply by scrolling with the middle mouse button and finally you can pan with shift and the middle mouse button before we start modeling the sword let me talk about the interface don't worry if you don't retain all of this information right away it will still be helpful for later on so the first thing is the workspace which is basically everything you're seeing over here and just note that we have default workspaces up over here by blender which basically allows us for a faster and more efficient workflow depending on what we want to do so if you want to sculpt you can just go to sculpting over here and you'll see a few changes but the object didn't really change it's the same object we have over here now the reason that looks so different is because in each window you can do your own changes so for example let's say I want to change the size of this window I can just grab this edge and push it to the left I can also right click on the edge split area and you can see a line I can change the orientation of the line with the tab button and I can click to basically put this into account there you go I can do the opposite with your right mouse button again on the edge join area and I can join this window to the right and get it back to the way it was also you'll notice that each window looks different right now but that's basically because it's set that way and you can change it to the way you want so for example let's say I want this to be a 3d viewport just like this one I can click on this icon over here right now it's on outliner I can go to 3d viewport click on it and that's basically what you see over here so if I move the cube which I didn't explain how to move yet don't worry I'll get to that you'll see that it moves on the left window as well alright so I put everything back to the way it was by hitting file and going to load factory settings either way let's talk about some of the things we see here in the 3d view ports now this is actually quite helpful especially for new users because if you are looking for something and you don't know the hotkey then everything is basically right over here you just need to select each and one of them no pun intended and see what's going on right so let's say for example you want to add an object as a blender user I know that it's shift a 4 ad right but since you don't know that if you look up over here you can see the word ad you'd get curious you'd click on it and you'll get the same thing also note that if you hover over any of the icons you get the shortcut as well and I really advise you to actually learn these shortcuts because one they're very easy and they're super efficient in blender and allows for a much much faster workflow if you take a look on the left over here you will see what we call a toolbar now the toolbar is quite useful but if you've never used the 3d software before you might not know what each icon represents so simply by hovering over it it says what it is you can also grab at the edge of the toolbar push it to the right and you'll get all of the information right away so let's say for example I want to move the cube to do so first thing make sure it's selected so you'll notice that once I select it you'll get an orange outline over here so once you do that you can click on move and you will get all of the access now these are the same as the ones over here so the blue one represents easy access as you can see the green one for the y-axis and the red one for the x-axis if you grab the white circle you basically move it in all of these axes there are faster ways to move the object which I'll talk about in a second but for now let's talk about the mode so I'm blender for example if you want to model the object you have to switch from object mode over here to edit mode right away you'll notice that the toolbar changed it added a lot more options these options will assist you with the modeling not only that the options over here actually changed as well you'll see that we have verdicts edged face and these options were not available when we were in object mode okay so for now we'll stop talking about the interface and we'll get ready for modeling the sword so first things first I'll be using hotkeys and I'll mention each and every hotkey I use when I use it and with time you'll get used to it so always try to use hotkeys so if you want to switch from object mode to edit mode you can do so with the tab button but keep in mind that there are different modes that you might want to get into later on so instead of using the tab button we will use the control tab button to take out the pie menu so this menu is basically the same as the one over here except that's a lot faster to access and if you do it and hover really fast through the mode that you want you will do it automatically so to just give you an example where in object mode which is on the Left if we want to go to the edit mode which is on the right I can do it again so control tab and go to the right right away so I didn't even really click on it it just happens automatically if you do it fast enough and with time you'll know where each one is and you'll be able to switch from one mode to the other really fast I mentioned earlier that there's a faster way to move the object then using the toolbar so for example if you want to move the cube you can use the G button for grab and then you can select anywhere in the viewports to accept the position now just like in any other program to go backwards you can use the control Z button now if you hit G again to move it but you use the right mouse button you basically cancel the transformation moving on we have rotation for rotate it's R so as you can see the hotkeys are really easy to retain so art for rotation and if you hit R again it will rotate in all of the axis of the 3d space so this is quite useful to know next we have scale so you probably guessed it for scale it's s okay now something really cool about blender is that you can move the object in any of the access quite easily so for example if I hit G I can use the Z button so if I click on Z it will move in the z axis X for the x axis and Y for the y axis also you can do the same thing with the middle mouse button so if you click on the middle mouse button in any of the direction you can do the same thing this pretty much works with the scale as well so x axis y axis and z axis and it also works for rotation so if you are only once z it will rotate in the z axis and now for the moment you've been waiting for modelling the sword to do that we're going to create a new file over here so file new general or you can just do ctrl n for the hotkey for new and general now for older blender users if after doing this the clicking changed back to the way it was before that's because at the beginning when we loaded the factory-settings' i forgot to tell you to go to file and save startup file this is because if you're using a older blender version before this one it'll take the older settings into account if it's not the case for you then don't worry about this if you're a new blender user this is something you might not have known in every blender file exists one default cube and it is there for one reason pretty much to get deleted so hit the X button and delete it inside joke alert but you'll get it one day you're welcome anyway so we're gonna grab the camera and your lights we don't really need them so we're gonna delete them as well now if you want to grab two objects you can either use the shift button and click on the second one or you can just click and drag and select both of them for older blender users this is equivalent to the B button for box and doing exactly the same thing so you can hit the X button again and delete them now we're going to create a shape to do so you can go to add over here or shift a for the same thing and we will focus on a mesh in mesh we have a lot of different permits and keep in mind you can start with whichever you want and get whichever shape you wants eventually but it's a lot easier for example to start with a cone umbrella instead of starting with a Q now for the sword we're going to model I'm going to start with a cylinder it just seems like the easiest choice once you create an object you're gonna find an option over here so add cylinder if you click on this it will give you different options keep in mind if I move the object or do anything else like so you're gonna lose the option so what we're gonna do is just delete the cylinder shift a and create a new one so that I can change the amount of vertices here because it's a lot easier to change it right now then actually when I start modeling it so you might not know what a vertex is vertex is the singular of vertices and vertices are basically the points that we're gonna be seeing in a second that help make the shape so for now change 32 to 6 okay perfect so you can see that this shape has less polygons vertices and edges and to explain what each of these are we're going to switch from object mode to edit mode which we can do by using the control tab button and clicking on edit mode or just doing it really fast like this without clicking anyway so over here you're gonna notice three new options you have the vertex option the edge option and the face option so these are basically the same as one two and three on the keyboard if you're choosing the vertex when you select you're gonna select the points that you can't see over here and we turned it to six points as you can see if you choose the edge so number two for the hockey you can select the edges and if you choose the face you can choose the faces now just to make things clear for a face to exist you need at least three connected points so over here for example this face has four points 1 2 3 4 right 1 2 3 4 for a face to exist don't worry about this don't do this but let me just show you you need 3 points that are connected as such and obviously for an edge you need at least two points connected so I will grab this and delete it again don't worry about this and we will go back to the cylinder okay so let's start modeling now don't forget you can grab the edge over here for the tool bar push it to the right so that you can see what's what's now you can take a look at each one of them but just to show you how it works let's say for example I choose the face so number three or this icon over here and I grab this the green region basically explains what it would look like when you use it so if I choose extrude I get this plus option I can click on it push it upwards and this green region is basically what this is okay so I'm gonna go back ctrl Z the easier way to do this is with the hotkey e and it's gonna work bit differently with that I'm just gonna go back to select box to get rid of the plus button so with E I extrude it and pay attention to this for extrude you have to click to accept the action so that's it can't stick to its position if I go back with control Z and do this again here we have one face I hit Eve for extrude but this time I use the right mouse button to cancel it you're only cancelling the position when it comes to extruding so I hit the right mouse button and if I try to move this you're gonna notice that's actually two faces so we have a face overlapping another that's something generally you do not want but it can be used to our advantage so I hit control Z to go back now we have Ally one face I can hit II right-click to cancel the position and then s to scale the new face and then I could hit again and get this shape hopefully that made sense but I'll go back and go back to the original shape so only one face making sure and we're gonna start modeling the sword so a to grab everything and then we're going to scale it so s Z to scale it down okay and then s X to scale it in the x-axis as you can see once you do that I'll start modeling the bottom part so I'm going to click on this face right here and I will do the same thing so II for extrude right mouse button to cancel and then s to scale you guys get the idea now there's another way to do this action as well without going through all of these you know maneuvers the other way if I had control Z over here and just to make sure I have one phase there you go you can use another one over here which is called in sets I do not see it because it's probably inside of no there you go it's in set yes sometimes if you take a look over here just at the corner there's a point which means if you keep on clicking it gives you other options but don't worry about that for now what we're gonna use is in sets however I will show you these shortcuts instead of just clicking over here so for the shortcut of in sets you guess that it's I so when you do I basically does what we were doing with extrude there you go which is perfect so now I can scale it again just to change the shape of bits maybe even scale it's in the x-axis as such there you go perfect and then I can extrude it with E for extrude and then scale it down a bit right and I'm gonna grab it with G Z to push it down a bit more and then I can extrude again so we're gonna use a lot of extrude right so e for extrude right mouse button to cancel and then scale with s this is something I do a lot and then G and Z to push it down and easy access again efore extrude and we can click to select the new position s to scale maybe I'll put it back up so G and Z for the z axis there you go and then we will actually put it down we will use another e so e for extrude or I for inset there you go we can do the same thing that way and then e to extrude again and e to extrude again select to accept s to scale so I'm making more of a circular look at the end over here again and s to scale down again you can't push this upwards a bit so G and Z for the z axis and we have this shape so now I'm looking at it and I notice that you know maybe I want this part over here to be a bit more circular so what we could do is we can again make sure that you're using the faces you can obviously model with the vertices as well but for now we're gonna model your faces and I want to make sure that I select all of this over here so if I select and drag it will only select the faces on this side if you take a look behind it's not selected so how do we select everything well in blender there is two ways you can either hit the Z button and it will give you this option over here so we're in solid you can go to wireframe that way you can see everything in the back as well and if you do the same thing if you select and drag you can grab everything the other thing and this is new for all the blender users it's something that didn't exist before so let me just go back to solid mode so Z again in solid so the other thing is alt Z and this is basically x-ray it works a bit differently from the wireframe sometimes it's better to use this one anyways so alt Z again to go back to the way it was now I have everything selected I can hit the S button for scale X for X axis and I can give it more of a circular shape like so perfect this looks good okay now before we move forward I'm gonna talk about something that then I talked about earlier because I needed to model first which is this over here saying this is basically what it looks like in the viewports so I can click on shading and go from Studio to madcap if you don't know what math cap is for now it's not important don't worry about it you'll just be able to better see the model this way and then I can go down and activate cavity so when I activate cavity basically you're gonna see a shadow in between objects over here so it's basically an ambient occlusion and some highlights on the edges some makes it easier to see the object and looks prettier anyways so next I like to activate the shadow it's like shadow for the viewports this is just because it looks better you don't really have to do this one but cavity is good for the workflow okay so the other thing is this button over here so an overlays basically you can hide certain stuff like the 3d cursor now I know I didn't explain this for new blender users for now do not worry about it for another video so we can hide it if you want to like this but we're gonna keep it for now and we can select this right here which will hide everything that we're not using so for example the grid and we can better see the model so we're gonna work like this for a while anyways let's grab the object over here oh yeah that's true so if you hide it you won't really see the outline so if you're a new blender user maybe it's better just to keep it activated over here anyways so for now we will save the object or the scene file since we didn't say from the beginning so that you don't lose your work if it ever crashes especially if you're using the blender beta like I am so it's very simple file save as or if you already have a save like I do you can just save over here or ctrl s and it will save as you can see down over here ok so we're going to continue to model the sword however I'm gonna show you how it looks like when you do it faster since I'm going to be using exactly the same things already explained to you so I'm gonna go from object mode to edit mode I will grab the face over here I'll unset with eye like so and then II for extrude I for and sets again and ce4 extrude like so as you can see and then I will basically scale it down for it to look like a sword but before I do that actually I'm gonna add another extrude so II and now I will scale it down so you can scale it down like this or you can actually merge all of these points to have a sharp look over here to do that this is something I didn't explain yet so I'm gonna slow down we'll go to vertices so number 1 or just click over here right so we have all of the vertices selected and I want to merge all of them at the Center so sometimes in blender you don't know where to find something so you can look over here I think it's in either mesh or verdicts so let me just click on verdicts since we're using vertices and usually it would be here there you go so merge vertices that's what I told you over here you can find everything but since I already know the hotkey its alt m and then gives you options I want to merge all of them at Center so the center between them so alt M Center and now we only have one vertex so that's pretty cool keep in mind in blender there's a really cool option which is f3 previously it was face the default hockey changed but you can change it back in the settings for older blender users so yeah f3 it gives you a search bar so let's say you wanted to find merge again you know the name but you don't remember the hockey you can just type merge and there you go you'll find it with its hockey ok so now we have the sword I think this part can be thinner so let me just show you how to modify shapes easily and we can also do it with edges like this one vertices or faces so for now let's do it with the vertices so with Z or odd Z for x-ray I can grab the vertices at the back as well this will make it easy to modify the object so I will select everything by dragging the mouse button over here and I will scale it with s and B let's see Y axis there you go and if I do that you will notice let me just remove the wire at the x-ray with alt C you'll notice I affected this part and this is something I didn't really want now why is that that is because I have this edge loop select it so what is an edge loop it's basically V connected vertices over here you can select or deselect them by using the alt button and selecting ok so if you use alt select you'll select the edges the edge loops as you can see over here or if you want to select this one you can select over here so it depends where you put the mouse so over here I'll select the line like this and over here we'll select the edge loop like deaths however let me just go back with control Z what if I want to deselect this without deselecting the rest is the same thing like before when you want to select two objects use these shifts and when you want to select a loop use alt now you use both of them so alt shift and select here it will deselect this area hopefully that made sense but basically it's always like this with shifts you can select another area without the selecting the one you already selected so let's say I want to select this edge loop if you use alt and click it deselects the other one however if you use alt shift click it will select this one as well and doing the same thing in the same part will deselect it I think I can't get any more clearer than that so anyways now that I selected this part if I do this scale maneuver again so s and Y it will only affect the metal part of the sword there you go so let's take a look I think this looks pretty good I can always change the shape so maybe I can go back to edit mode with d tab button or ctrl tab edit mode and then I can grab this loop over here so again you have two options with alt click you select the loop or alt Z to go to the x-ray mode and then B or just grab drag and select like this so I'll see you again to go out of the wireframe mode and I will scale this so s and X there you go and make a different shape for the sword so it's quite easy to create whatever shape you wants when you start understanding the basics of modeling at this point you pretty much have a sword however I would like to show you a few more modeling techniques so let's continue I'm going to switch to face select so number three and then I'll get closer select this face with shift I can select this face as well so that I'd only select the first one I'll do the same for this one and for this one as well okay so what I want to do here is extrude these faces to get an interesting shape however I don't want it to be attached to the original polygons so instead of extruding yet with E I can use the shift D button for duplicates and when I do that as you can see I did eight duplicates of the polygons if you hit the right click it will cancel it but they will still exist as you can see so at this point I can use e to extrude and then I'm going to right-click to cancel that so now we have another overlapping polygon and if I scale it with s you'll see that the thickness over here is not the same as the one over here so what if you wanted it to be the same well actually you can scale in a different way in blender basically you can scale with the normals what that means is that if you take a look at this face the normal is perpendicular to it so it's over there the normal to this face over here is perpendicular as well so it's over there so to scale it with the normals you can use alt s so instead of s this is alt s hopefully you can see the difference so with alt s I'm going to scale it and put it to a round over here so let's take a look down over here and I see that I would like to actually take this part so I'll just with control Z go back to when I selected the polygons and before I made a duplicate so right over here there you go so I'm going to select this one as well with shift and click shift and click again there you go I'm gonna do the same over here and over here and then I will repeat the same process so shift D okay efore extrude I'll cancel with the right click alt s to scale with the normals and I'll make it stop to around over here there you go so as you can see right now we have a very interesting shape and I can even further that by selecting let's see yeah I can make this part thinner so that this one pops out more but how do I easily select this and that's why I made it in a separate model just to show you this so basically if I want to select this object over here well they're all one object if I want to select this group of polygons that are not connect connected to the sword you can do that with the L button so the L button basically allows you to select Islands so if I deselect everything with alts a and I hit L over here it will select the polygons that are connected over here and if hi I basically deselect again with Altai and i8l over here it will select this islands so I can use s and then Y and I can scale it down this way and there you go now it became a bit more interesting so just to finish things off I'm going to go down over here and make sure I'm in edit mode and then I will use the alt Z button to go to x-ray alt a to deselect everything so again a selects everything out ad selects everything and then with the select button in by dragging it I'll select all of this over here and I'll make it a bit more circular so there you go so I'll see you again to remove the let's see the x-ray and I feel like maybe this would be better there you go perfect and one last thing I'd like to do is I would like to push this downward so I'll select this loop over here so with alt shift and click over here you'll select the loop and because I kept the shift button selected I did not select the deselect the rest so if you're wondering why I keep on repeating the same things just because you know I'm taking into account that a lot of you will probably very new to 3d software so I'll just help you remember and know what I'm doing so once I do that I will just basically hit G Z and pull it downwards like so there you go that's perfect and then I will go over here so I'll say I'll deselect everything with ctrl R so this is something new I'll create a ring so a ring is basically as you can see over here if I hit ctrl R you'll see this yellow thing since I didn't select anything so I didn't click it did not get into effect so it didn't really get applied if I want to apply it I can just select and then I'll have to select again to choose the position or right-click for it to go back to the middle but I'd like to create two loops so to do that again ctrl R and instead of selecting with your middle mouse button you can scroll upwards and increase the loops so you can put two loops for example if you don't have a middle mouse button you can just click and you'll have this over here and you can change the number of cuts so I'm going to keep it at two and then with the G button I'll pull it down so I wanted to slide over here however if you hit G and Z as you can see it changes the shape I don't want this shape to change I just wanted to slide downwards right in the same shape to do so you can use double G so instead of one grab you use another grab and as you can see it slides on the same shape so I'm gonna put pull it downwards over here and then I will select this edge with alts I can select the loop and do the same for these seconds so double G I'll put it down over here and then I'll switch to face so number three and I will select this loop with alt click and then I can extrude it so if we're extrude right click to cancel and then S or alt s if you want to scale it only normal so as you can see s looks like that I'll s basically scales it's perpendicular to the faces so once you do that we're almost done I'm going to show you another modeling technique which is very useful so I will switch back to the edge over here so number two and then I will select this loop so select and alt at the same time and then I will hit control B for bevel okay and again you can find these over here so it's this one bevel and let me just do this again so control V and I can create a more round look again with the middle mouse button you can scroll up and down to increase the loops or you can just play around with it over here so let me just do it one last time so can i I can get the shape that I'm looking for so let's see control B and there you go and I'm going to do the same for over here so let's see select with alt and select adult as well I'm getting a bit confused because I'm used to using the right mouse button with the older versions of blender so you know the left mouse button is a bit weird for me by anyways control B and create another bevel over here looking good and one last thing I would like to add to this sword is a little gem so basically I'd like to add right in the middle over here and just to explain this 3d cursor over here basically tells where the object will go when you create a new one so if I use shift a to create a new object and I creates a cube it will go to the 3d cursor so how can I make sure that comes over here well if I select the edge or if I go to vertex mode over here and select two vertices I can use the shift s and cursor to selected so you're going to see that this 3d cursor will come in between both of these vertices there you go so now I can use shift a to add again everything is over here so add shift a and I will add and aiko or ecosphere I'm not really sure how to pronounce this so there you go and then s for scale and maybe make it this big so if we take a look right now and I'm just going to click on this so that I get rid of everything else yeah this is looking pretty awesome that pretty much sums it up for this part of the tutorial do not forget there's a part two so make sure to subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss out on these second parts when it comes out also in the meanwhile you can check out channel my channels actually concentrated on character stuff I do time-lapse videos some tutorials some arts advice so that you can improve your skills and go to the next level and I do something yeah a lot of cool stuff so you know go check it out anyways I hope to see you guys soon make sure to subscribe to the channel for more awesome characters cups and art related videos you can also check out my store for full courses on character sculpting texturing materials brushes and more last but not least if you enjoyed this video then you will definitely enjoy the next one [Music]
Channel: YanSculpts
Views: 535,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, modeling, modelling, blender, blender 2.8, how to, beginner tutorial, sword, blender complete beginner tutorial
Id: jBqYTgaFDxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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