3D Modeling for Complete Beginners - Blender 2.8 - Part 2

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in the first part of this tutorial I showed you how to download a 3d program how to navigate in it I talked a little about the interface 3d in general and I showed you how to model a sword step by step so in the second part we will take that sword and apply some basic materials to it you know to add some color and we will upload it to a website called sketchfab that you can share with your friends and show it off enjoy alright so before we start applying materials just in case you've never used 3d before what I'm gonna do in this video is just applying flat colors so it's not really texturing and that is for two reasons one the current version of blender I'm using is a bit unstable with the texture paint so I can't really show you everything in your case it might be different because you know if you're watching this in the future then it'll be more stable and the second reason is again because I'm taken to account that most of you guys will probably complete beginners so I think it's better to take it step by step and you know texturing would be for another video another subject anyway so let's move on and start applying materials to this sword okay so first thing I want you to do is go down to the right over here and look for the material icon don't panic if yours looks a bit different or has colors it might change a bit during the beta of blender 0.8 but anyways once you click it you can start creating a new material so I'm going to create a new one over here so new and then with the plus sign I can create more and I will create six in total and then I can name them but since the keyboard is a bit far from my hand because of the setup I'm doing to record I'll just do it you know with shortcuts so gray for the first one and then dark and then let's see yellow [Music] and green and then actually since I'm over here let me just fix these guys it's fine so that you don't get confused later on green blue and finally brown don't worry I'll explain why I'm doing this and he's second so first thing you want to do is just give a quick color for each one of them so this one's already great you can see here in the base color don't worry about the rest for now we're just gonna keep it basic for the darker one same thing but maybe darken it up a bits for the yellow one we're gonna go for a yellowish color but not too saturated okay there you go and then for the green we can go a bit more saturated and for the blue we'll go a lot more saturated there you go for the brown we can go to around over here the exact value and saturation is not really important for now but anyways for the brown one I'm going to have to darken the color and perfect okay now we have all of the materials we can play around with them later on to fix the colors once we start applying them to this sword just before applying the materials to this sword I need to quickly explain that right now we are in the viewports so there's a difference between the color over here at the base color and if you scroll down the viewport display now the difference is that if I grab the first one for now everything is applied to the first material by default if I change the base color over here let me just copy it so that I can go back control see so if I change it to maybe purple nothing happens right but if I go down over here to the viewport display and I change this to maybe yellow then we can see it changes the color of this sword I'm gonna put this back since I copied the color a second ago I can just hit control V over the color it will just paste it over here and I will paste it over here as well just to put it back to gray now the color over here affects the of the object so what's the difference well I don't want to get too technical over here but basically when you watch movies you're watching the rendered version not what's in the viewports so to check out the rendered version so that we can just quickly apply all the materials we can go to the third one over here so this is the second icon we have the third sphere and this one is basically a really cool new feature in blender 2.8 so first of all it's a new render engine which is Eevee and second of all the third one has its own HDR eyes built in so if you don't know what that is it's basically just like lights let's just say that for now to keep things simple so I'm going to choose the fourth one because it shows the sword the best out of all of them since I tried them already and then I will go to the camera over here and do a few changes because if you notice if I go back to the viewport over here actually it looks better over here but why that is because in the first part we went to shading we chose madcap we added the cavity CPM into occlusion the shadows when we go to the render it's not taking all that to account right so I can't quickly add all of what we have in the viewport that would be a bit complicated we're going to have to bake textures again these are technical stuff so completely ignore it for now that's fine if you don't know what what it is but instead I can add ambient occlusion for example so if you get closer over here and I check this here in the camera icon you'll see right away that it adds some shadow between the edges right so we can expand this and maybe just increase the factory to 5 and the distance as well just a bit for this object so right now if I click on it you can see that it makes a bit of a difference we'll play around with the other settings in a second but for now let's go back to the material icon and start applying the colors so first things first is you want to switch to edit mode or with ctrl tab okay and then we can grab the polygons that we want to apply to each color so for example if I want to grab this one over here with L I can grab it will select the linked polygons or the islands since it is separate from the object which was explained in the first part and then I can go to dark and assign so right away you're going to see that it affects the material of that set of polygons so we can do the same for here with L since the sphere is separate we can assign the blue to it and then we will grab let's see for the rest will be a bit different because the whole object over here is actually linked so we're going to have to manually choose the polygons we want to apply the new color to so what we first going to do is grab this one over here so L and then H for height and just by the way alt H will unhide it so let's do that again H and we will grab the yellow part and hide it as well with each okay so we can get a bit closer and with alt and click we can grab the loop over here we're gonna do the same over here with alt shift click and alt shift click over here as well so for this parts I will apply the green to it I'll do the same probably to this part so alt and then alt shift click alt shift click same over here and same over here I'll do the same for yeah let's do that for this as well or for not we won't let me just see what it looks like so I'll apply green to it so assign again perfect and then I will grab this so with alt and click I'll do the same over here here here here and here so again alt shift click anyways we will go down and select Brown assign perfect and then we will grab this part so I'll tend click alt shift and click so that we don't deselect the first one I'll shift click over here and then shift click over here we will assign let's see the yellow to this there you go now the colors you can assign whatever colors you want to obviously is just randomly choosing colors that I think would go well together so alt and click over here and I'll do the same to this section with shift and then I will apply let's see yellow why not there you go perfect so notice I didn't really grab the upper part because again by default it's already assigned to the first one so now we can take a look at this and we can play around with the colors to make it work a bit more but first thing I want to do is let's see in edit mode you can alt H to unhide everything and then go back to object mode so either tab or ctrl tab object mode and then we can go to the green maybe actually the brown is a bit too saturated in my opinion or maybe too dark there you go we can lighten it up and we can go to the yellow let me just push this down so that I can see what's going on and I can maybe hmmm I can turn a bit to the orange side like that and go to the green again and maybe add a bit more saturation for the green and yeah that's thing that looks good for now we can change it whenever we want so anyways for the blue one we will change the type of the material and I'll explain why in a second so over here it's principled shader right shaders again maybe in another video we're not really focused on creating shaders and materials in this video is just to upload it to sketchfab bye anyways you can switch from principal to emission this is just to show you a cool trick and then we can change the color to the saturated blue as you can see so right now it doesn't really look like much but if you go back to the camera over here you can activate bloom nice and you can also play around with the threshold so just so this white over here at the grade doesn't it's that much boom and that the emission emits more we can even increase the intensity okay and then go back to materials and for the gray over here I'll decrease the intensity of the lightness so over here and yeah it looks pretty good I think we can still play around with the colors a bit to improve them but overall that pretty much covers up how to apply flat colors in blender 2.8 okay so at this point I'll just do a quick few changes before we exported to sketchfab so we can't always go back to the model and then modify the shape a bit so let's say for example I would like to take this part maybe pull it up a bit and then ctrl R for rings I can increase the Rings with the scroll and with the scroll of the middle mouse button just in case you missed the first part of the video but hopefully you didn't and then I'll grab this over here extrude it with E then scale it down and then owl let's see it's number 2 to grab the edges I'll grab this loop over here with alt and then I'll shift for the other loop control V for bevel I can bail this a bit and this way I can hit number 3 go to face grab this with alt and then apply the green to this one so right now it looks a bit better I think it can still be improved a bit maybe if I grab this control B for bevel and then scale it upwards and as you can see you can quickly just modify the object even after applying the materials there you go hmm so it was a bit hard to decide what kind of shape you want to go for I don't really have anything in mind I'm just playing around with the shapes but we won't really keep on doing that for long because I'd like to move on and start exporting the objects ok so I think this is pretty good let's just call it done for the modeling and again we can always go back to the colors and then change them a bit maybe push this a bit towards the green there you go and we can change the HDI right over here so shading and we'll go to the last one gives a more RPG adventure look there you go perfect maybe go to the dark over here and darken it up a bit into the gray and give it a bit of a bluish color and same for the dark one it can add some saturation okay and maybe play around a bit with the green let's see maybe and I think that's good enough all right so I'm going to stick with this and I'll show you how to export the sword and start playing around with sketchfab actually scratch that just one last change before we move on I'll just grab the sphere make it a bit smaller and darken the green I think it's a bit too bright we can do the same for the brown and then change the yellow a bit there you go saturate it a bit perfect and finally you can grab the gray and darken it up just a bit perfect so I think this pretty much sums it up for these swords so to export it and take it to sketchfab we can select the sword over here and then go to file export FBX and then just click on selected objects just in case you have other objects in the scene so that only takes the sword into account you can name it whatever you want so I will call this let's see sword and tutorial perfect and then we can just hit export FBX and we're pretty much done for this part alright so go to sketchfab calm as you can see over here and then you can sign up and create your own account once you do you can check out the news feed and see other people's uploads so basically in this website you can upload your 3d model and you can share it with people who don't you three programs so they can basically check it out in the 3d space so if we take this one as an example we can see over here that I can rotate by clicking and dragging I can zoom in and out with the scroll button and I can click on the middle mouse button to pan so this is my render Bunny since I opened that up Matt might as well give credit and I found a really really cute one I mean this is so cute I mean Papa Chino look at the title anyway so as you can see over here you can also do animations and upload them as well but again if you're completely new to 3d and you know 3d programs take it step by step for now stick to modeling and you know you'll get there so anyways this is by Cathy you can check out her stuff you can see other cool models some people are seriously creative with their stuff and they found out really cool ways to share it on this websites so once you're done looking at other people's work you can upload your own so if you click over here after you log in or you go to your account and you'll find a button as well you can basically upload your FBX file the one we exported so if you choose file and I think this one was it was this one right over here so sword tutorial sketchfab if i double click this i can continue over here and then you know you can name it description you can check this out but basically after you're done you can click on continue and it will process the model sketchfab is bugging with me today so it's going to take a while so I already did it beforehand here it is so we'll send you to this page over here if it does not you can always go to your account and find it and once you get over here it's not done yet you can go to 3d settings so let's click on this there you go and you'll see over here there are a lot of options now you can play around and check out each one but just to show you a quick example of what you can do so we can go to lighting and choose the environment lights so this is the HDR ice like I showed you in blender so for example I'm just going to go with the basic studio there you go and then I can go to here are the materials so the materials we created you can find them over here that's why I created them in blend and you can also change the color so it's never too late to change it in this website and there are other options we'll get into that for a second you'll notice over here that the blue emission that I made is not available on sketchfab and that is simply because they have something different for its re going to have to apply over here I'll show you in a second if you go to post-processing filters we're going to start over here we can add some ambient occlusion with this over here so let me just maybe increase the intensity so if I get closer you can see that it adds a Myint occlusion right and you can go over the question mark to see what each one does so you can add some grain over here you can add some sharpness to the object you can add chromatic aberration this is kind of like a camera effect it's a bit too strong by defaults maybe decrease it a bit there you go be subtle so yeah this is already looking a lot better than a few seconds ago we can add the bloom effect so that's what we did in blender so it's kind of similar over here as well we can add a vignette there you go and then we can go back to materials okay so in materials you can select the material that you applied to your object so as you can see I can select each parts over here so let me select this one just to add the emission we can go to let's see emission over here it's on I will increase it to ten and change the color over here so if you click on it go to color and go to blue you can add some saturation so you can see some of the color showing up over here but we can go to the base color which is basically the color we applied in blender but since it didn't take this one into account since it was a different shader we have to do it again so go to color over here go to blue and we can add some saturation so yeah we are starting to get the bloom effects that we had earlier in blender I don't really think with this object will make much of a difference to play around with the rest maybe I can add some metalness I know wouldn't really change anything in this case but obviously if you have textures this is something I did not show you guys in this tutorial is if you create textures then you can play around with a lot of these stuff like normal and bump map displacements but if these names are not like you don't know what normal means or displacement don't worry about it it's just 3d 3d terms that you'll end up getting to know as you practice more and you'll learn more stuff so for now you can ignore all of that and I think that pretty much sums it up for sketchfab I don't really think I need to go any further obviously can't play around over here for example I can add a ground shadow so if I turn this on you'll see the shadow of the sword maybe decrease the intensity it's a bit too strong and yeah overall I think this is pretty cool we can always decrease the intensity of the grain maybe it's a bit too much just a bit there you go okay so once you're done you can save your settings so if I save these settings like this okay you can publish it and once you publish it you'll have a link and you'll be able to share it with your friends one last thing you can save give you over here so after you publish it or well in my case I didn't publish it but right now I'm viewing the model this is what people will see once you publish it and share the link they will basically start off wherever you save the view so if I save the view like this then when they open the link they will start with the sword looking like that and then obviously you know they can rotate zoom in and zoom out and do whatever they want okay so that pretty much sums it up for this tutorial two parts so if you watch both of them you know kudos to you that's the start you just got into the 3d world now it's a lot more than what I explained it's just impossible to show everything in this short amount of time but I wanted you guys to get started so that you can go ahead and start covering everything that is to discover but let me just give you a few advice before I let you guys go hopefully you know you got to this part of the video one art takes time - it's about the art fundamentals not the program so it's good to do 3d you know 3d stuff with a 3d program but if you want to be good at what you do like if you're doing environment art you know character or like I do then you really need to work on your art fundamentals if you don't know what that is just go research it or it will be for another video on this channel anyways it takes a lot of time it takes patience but it's worth it and you'll end up enjoying it even if it's sometimes it's just frustrating but that's pretty much how it is with every other skill in the world when you're really trying to master it so yeah check out my channel I have a very interesting video for you guys which is called how to master anything with three steps something like that check out my channel that video would actually be pretty good for you guys to go from here to you know go ahead and basically learning the rest because that video tells you how to do that anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did give the video a like share it with your friends subscribe to the channel just don't forget my channel is not really about beginner stuff generally it's more intermediate advanced users and I do a lot it sound nice videos character stuff you know arts advice so keep that in mind before subscribing obviously but I think the channel can be really good for you if you're really interested in pushing your skills forward so yeah you can also send your results on Twitter you can find my Twitter in the description below on my Instagram and all of that so nothing more to say no no guess about it I'll see you guys in the next one make sure to subscribe to the channel for more awesome characters cups and art related videos you can also check out my store for full courses on character sculpting texturing materials brushes and more last but not least if you enjoyed this video then you will definitely enjoy the next one [Music]
Channel: YanSculpts
Views: 153,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, blender guru, blender modeling, blender eevee, blender for beginners, blender beginner tutorial, how to model in blender, how to model in blender for beginners, how to model in blender 2.8, blender 2.8 material tutorial, 3d for beginners, how to learn 3d, 3d art, blender sketchfab, sketchfab, 3d
Id: alyUFQasLMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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