#34 Haftarah Bamidbar - GOD'S PLAN to woo Israel in LOVE and betroth her again in RIGHTEOUSNESS!

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[Music] you [Music] this morning we are going to be studying bomb in var which means in the wilderness and Israel is in their second year of wilderness wanderings and we're going to draw a parallel between ancient Israel and their wilderness wanderings and modern Israel and our wilderness wanderings and here's a little map of Israel's wanderings that we will look at again a little bit later coming up through the caucuses from north of Euphrates and migrating north and westward throughout Europe before they came to America and we're gonna see hidden glimpses of some of the persecution that they went through during those times but that God would have a place where Israel could rest and where he would preserve them to multiply and be prepared to return to Torah in preparation of the age of mashiac so by mid bar here you can see it in the Hebrew it the mate is literally a prefix which means what in it's always before a word meaning in so mean bar is the actual word for wilderness and we're gonna see this hidden in our Torah as well meat bar equals wilderness now we're going to look at Israel's that's okay wilderness [Music] wanderings and also the book of the mid bar which you get interpreted as numbers starts off with what's called a head count and/or an uplifting and if you looked at it in the Hebrew it would literally be an uplifting not at all and not a poll and not a census but an uplifting of the heads we're gonna look at some of the meaning of this and the significance of it for us today because God is constantly uplifting us and it has exactly that connotation numbers 1 1 if you have your Bibles you can turn with me and we will get the just basic theme of this before we go into the Hofstra since the Lord spoken to Moses in the wilderness of CNA in the tabernacle of the meeting on the first day of the second month of the second year so they have been traveling now one year and one month from Egypt and the Lord said to them take a headcount you read in the English but in Hebrew the first time that it says to take this what gets interpreted as census is actually an olive Tov Rosh all of Tov Roches you can see this and I put it in Hebrew for you here let's see if I can make my no it's not gonna work today but you can see it right here all if Tov which is we pronounce this at and Roche now Roche is the word for prints it's not just a head so literally father is looking at each one of your forefathers as something extra special not just a person and especially not a number but as like a jewel as something precious as a prince so he says take a head count literally lifts up the heads which means to say in Hebrew shows they're worth show their value let them be uplifted by seeing how I value them you know how somebody who has money let's say you have a bunch of gold coins you don't often just let those gold coins sit in one place you love to look at them you love to count them or if you had jewels you love to look at them you'd love to assess their value this was the way the father looks at us it's not just a census he's not just counting the numbers but he's literally in the process of showing our value and each one of us having a special name that has a special meaning he is uplifting us it encourages us to know wow the creator of the heavens and the earth the creator of all the universe values us so much that he cares to stoop down and count us worthy and let us know our Worth and this is what's happening to Israel we're gonna see that this isn't only in ancient times but he desires to do this in prayer time for us as well and he calls the whole assembly together to lift up their heads and the assembly is called an ax dot so all the word all is coal and Hebrew and everybody say a dot for assembly because that's what we are a God and so he calls coal adopt B'nai Israel together after their families according to the house of their fathers and their tribes with the number of their names every male according to their heads now here if you're reading it in Hebrew you would see a different word used for head that was just referred to as rosh but in english we just get head count the heads count the heads count the heads and it all sounds the same when you read it in hebrew it's really interesting when there's different words that kana take a deeper significance and meaning this word here at the end of verse 2 is bowl galette which is with the word that we get Golgotha from the place of the skull go galette so it's he's not only looking at your head as like you're the head of your family and you're the head of a tribe and you're a prince to him and you're a royal person that's the Roche connotation but the Kolob is the skull in which he communicates our consciousness he speaks to us he has intimacy it's only through knowing somebody and Bill communicating with them that you build intimacy and so he's revealing two different aspects of head one is your value and the other is how he desires to have intimacy with you through your consciousness through this skull aspect from twenty years old and upwards all that are able to go forth to war in Israel thou and Aaron shall number them by their armies now what's significant about the number 20 he's up lifting the heads everyone that is 20 and the 20th letter if we were to look at the gamut riah of that anyone know what letter represents the value of 20 in the Hebrew alphabet cough and what does kofta like try to make it big so you can see it here this is literally a spinal-cord and this is a head so we're talking about counting the heads and he's counting every head and even the Hebrew letter means head there's two different words that are letters that represent head one is the rosh which we saw first used in the beginning of the verse and that's like a royal head you're looking at the back of a head imagine if I drew a little face here person's nose and now can you see how the roches of the back of a head this is a different kind of head this is a royal head this is a regular person so one has predominance this word rosh we also use for the head of the month Rosh Hodesh but very interesting that he's counting the heads starting with the age that has a numerical value associated with the very letter in the Hebrew alphabet that refers to a head of every person all who are able to go forth in battle for Israel and we're all called to battle for Israel it's a spiritual battle that we are in not a battle of flesh and blood but a battle of principalities and spirits and we are to wage war in the spiritual realm with the armor of God which is the literal priestly garments that the house of Israel that the heads were to put on which is that turban of Yeshua the turban of salvation gets called the helmet of salvation and it says quote - layout deny holiness to the Lord this is what's supposed to be on the forefront of our mind always if you truly have the mind of Yeshua you will have holiness to the Lord always set before you the belt of truth the breastplate of righteousness the sword of the Spirit which is the word of yo Dave Ave our feet will be shed shod with the preparation of the good news to go forth to the lost sheep and to share the good news this is the way that as priests were supposed to go forth and to serve one another and it is a servants role and we are all called to that and he says I want you to know your value I want you to lift up their heads everyone that is twenty years and older and what's interesting is they would start numbering about 20 but what age do you think somebody was too old to go to battle what's a 60 yeah so they numbered him 20 to 60 roughly and you see people in the temple of course when they're 50 their work changes there's not so much laborious work it's more role in an instruction role but they work up to the age of 60 so you can rush any comments that this was the age group of the male specifically that were counted for Israel and with you there shall be a man of every tribe every one head of the house of his father's and they assembled all the assembly together on the first day of the second month of that second year and they declared their pedigrees after their families by the house of their fathers according to the numbers of their name from 20 years old and upwards by their olga led by their skull now it mentions this again as the LORD commanded Moses so he numbered them in this wilderness of Sinai and the majority of the tour portion then goes into the descendents of each of the 12 tribes 13 when you count ephraim and manasseh and these are the totals according to the camps in which they were encamped around the tabernacle of meeting now we're not going to focus so much on the differences in the census from the beginning of the wilderness to the last of the 40 years like we have done in previous years but we're going to draw a correlation with this census with our hot torah in hosea chapter 2 because Hosea is being used as a man of God to show through his life what is going to happen with Israel Hosea was told to take a bride who was a what prostitute just like Israel went into spiritual adultery this bride was to represent Israel and this bride God knew would go wayward and Hosea was commanded to go and to retrieve this bride to show Israel what God would do even though Israel had gone wayward and even though they would be given a certificate of divorce or which is in Hebrew called again even during the betrothal period even before you're married if someone was found to be unfaithful they were given a certificate of release the man did not have to go through with the betrothal and marry them and so Hosea was to go and search after this bride and to read gather her to himself just as God would to Israel and Hosea has children with this woman and these children are given prophetic names representing Israel and at the time of Israel's spiritual adultery God tells him to name a people representing the house of Israel lo AMI you are not my people anymore you are not following my ways remember to be called God's people what does he say is his sign between him and his people those that keep his Shabbat and this isn't only the weekly Shabbat and not only the annual Moe Adeem but even the Shabbat for the land and Israel was not keeping any of these Shabbat holy and so he said hosea after weaning your first son as and his wife conceived a second son out and I said to him name him lo Amin not my people because you are not my people and I will not be your God when you are operating this way now it's interesting that this is what Paul this is the lead-in to our haftorah and this is what paul in romans 9 was talking about if you keep your finger there and turn to romans 9 verse 22 he says now what if God even though he was quite willing to reveal his wrath and make known his power when we're in disobedience patiently put up with people who actually deserve punishment and who were ripe for destruction what a beautiful description of Israel he's saying what if even though God could easily allow the cause and effect to be made manifest which is called the wrath of God and Israel was very deserving of this punishment what if he patiently put up with the people who deserved punishment and they were ripe for destruction verse 23 what if he did this in order to make known the riches of his glory now glory in the Greek is doxa and doxa is character it's the revelation of his character of selfless love so what if there's people that deserve destruction he went ahead and showed amazing unconditional love to even though they didn't deserve it what if he did this to make known the riches of his character to those who are the objects of his mercy which Israel is the apple of his eye and the object of his mercy whom he prepared in advance for what glory also so he's revealing his glory which is his character and Israel was set up for revealing his character as well this is what it means to be a light to the nation's so that is to us whom he called not only from among the Jews but also from among the this word Gwaine means the nation's all the places where Israel would be scattered in her exile and it gets translated as Gentiles and so many people misunderstand the depth of this beautiful verse but it's talking about the lost house of Israel the lost sheep scattered amongst all the gooey as indeed indeed it says in Hosea and now he quotes part of our Torah portion those who were not my people I will call my people her who was not loved I will end up calling loved which is what's happening in our day as you understand the love of God it's wooing your heart to return back to him in repentance and return to his Torah which is renewing the Covenant that he originally made with our forefathers and in the very place where they were told you are not my people there they will be called the sons of the Living God you are the sons and daughter of the Living God so when he lifts up your head and he shows you how precious you are to him it's uplifting to you isn't it by up lifting your head and showing how much he loves you it's actually uplifting us and inspiring us and strengthening us and encouraging us to continue this walk of holiness even though it might seem difficult and it might seem new this is beautiful he says but yes yay whoo referring to Israel cries out even if the number of the people of Israel is as large as the number of the grains of sand by the sea only a remnant will be saved and we know that this will be the way it is in the last days Brad and I will fulfill his word on the earth with certainty and without delay now if you look back at Hosea 2 this is exactly the context with Hosea begins to prophesy God speaks through him saying nevertheless the people of Israel will number as many as the Grands of the saints of the sea and this is what has happened to the Lost house of Israel in all the lands of their migration many different countries throughout the Asian continent the European continent the American continent and the African continent Israel has spread to all of these places and they have multiplied but there's a specific place which we will find out that God has intended to Shepherd his sheep to pasture his sheep to let them rest and prosper and to multiply and to protect them until the last days he says these people will number as many as the grants of the saints of the sea which cannot be measured or counted so that the time will come when instead of being told you are not my people due to our sins it will be said to them you are children of the Living God then the people of Yehuda and the people of Israel will be gathered together so you see a chronology happening here what happens first the Israel is going to multiply first they were actually set apart they were exiled they were called not his people they were multiplied then they will realize they are his people and that's what's happening with this awakening today the last house of Israel is being told you are it says the time will come when instead of being told you're not my people it'll be said to them you are children of the Living God this understanding of your identity is [Music] encouraging you to return to covenant with him and to return to tour with him and to return to reconcile with brother Judah and this is the next thing that's happening this is the work that we're doing with the Commonwealth of Israel to bring the two sticks together in accordance with Ezekiel 37 and then when we are unified with brother Judah as one house one whole house of Israel once again what's the next thing that Hosea says will happen we will appoint for ourselves together one leader so the whole house of Israel will be under one leader again just like we sang mashiac ben de vide this morning and all israel was unified under king mashiac ben de vide I mean just like Israel was unified under King David Malec de vide we will be unified under Messiah Ben David in the age of mashiac and so this is giving you a chronology of events that have to take place before Messiah can come now we see Hosea prophesying about the eventual reunification of the houses of Judah and Israel during the messianic era these two sticks of Ezekiel 37 will make peace and appoint a single leader mushiya Hosea then rebukes which we're going to read next the Jewish people for their infidelity and abandoning their husband which was God and engaging in adulterous affairs with pagan deities and he describes the punishments that they will suffer because of this unfaithfulness eventually though Hosea reassures actually it's God through Hosea with reassuring Israel that they will repent in the last days and God will accept them back wholeheartedly the haftorah is going to conclude with the moving words and I will be trolls you to me forever so Israel will be RIBA Tros and she had is in the process of that Reed betrothal and he says I'm gonna beat Rose you to me with righteousness and with justice and with loving-kindness and with mercy and this is the path that it takes to have a betrothal with yah and to have intimacy and we're gonna look at the steps that we need to take following the scripture just like there was a chronology of events in these first opening verses there's a chronology of sanctification that we need to go through to have intimacy with yah and beery betrothed to him so we just read that Israel will number as many as the grains of the sand by the sea then we read Israel will be told once again you are children of the Living God and this is what people are beginning to realize since the punishment has ended it's like the veil on Israel has been lifted Israel thought she was just Gentiles she forgot she was not told she was descended from Israel and our parents ceased to keep Torah and probably forgot the Shabbat and the the Levitical dietary laws and many of your families you can relate to this and you grew up not knowing anything other than I have hoped through Yeshua who is the Shepherd of the sheep but you didn't even realize that you were the Sheep of Israel that it turned sheep was even so generally used within Christianity and now it's more specific and it has more meaning and realizing that you are actually the descendants of Israel which are a fulfillment of their multiplication like the sands of the sea throughout all the lands of our dispersion and as you realize you're children of the Living God you are coming back together in covenant with God and returning to his Torah and reunifying with Judah now if anyone says they don't want to unify with Judah they're actually in rebellion to the scriptures because it's not just Ezekiel 37 Hosea actually says this is what's going to happen before your you should have your all under one leader so that means to say that Messiah can not come unless we are free unified the two sticks will become one in God's hands it says so let's read on he says not only will they appoint themselves one leader they will go up out of the land for that will be a great day now imagine when mushiya comes we're in all these different lands of our dispersion what is gonna happen the dead in Christ shall rise first and we who are alive and remain are caught up with them we're gonna go up out of the land and we're gonna return to the land of Israel and he says it will be a great day and the day of Isreal say to your brothers on me my people say to your sisters drachma you pitied girls rebuked your mother who's our mother if we're modern-day descendants of Israel our mother is ancient Israel it's she from whence we came we need to rebuke her why because she's sinned she caused the Exile she caused this divorce between God and the whole house of Israel she rebelled against brother Judah and against the kingship that was given the scepter was given to Judah and remember Rhea Bohm rebelled against Jeroboam all the way back then and she put up poles in the high places and she practiced the fertility practices of the pagan Canaanites around her we need to rebuke her we need to return to the ancient past Jeremiah 6:16 says we have been sold lies our forefathers have inherited lies so this term mother is metaphorically for mothers and fathers it's not anything against women it's for the whole house of Israel the mother is actually the forefathers if that makes sense to you right rebuked her she isn't my wife and I'm not her husband she must remove her whoring from her face so what's the very first thing that Israel must do in this process he says you must remove your whoring so this is doing away with sin let's say abandon sinn the only way to do that is to return and we're gonna see that verbage used shuva in the Hebrew is the word for repentant repentance this is a wobbly bored her adult trees must be removed otherwise I will strip her naked that means a total loss of blessings when you've lost not just your house and your wealth but you've lost your clothes you're pretty bad off this is what this is symbolically saying I will place her as she was the day she was born because everything she ever had was what God gave her she will be made like a desert and Israel was like a desert when Israel the people sent Israel the land suffered a place were like a dry land and kill her with thirst I will have no pity on her children for they are children of whoring so do you want to follow the example of ancient Israel and their whoring or do you want to follow the example that God intended for a covenant a kingdom of priests a holy people a peculiar people he says their mother prostituted herself she who conceived them behaved shamelessly speaking of ancient Israel she said I'm gonna pursue my lover's whoever I choose who gives me my food in my water so instead of acknowledging God is the source of blessings they started to think like the Canaanites that these idols were going to bring prosperity and blessing wool flax olive oil and wine therefore I will block her way with thorns and I will put up a hedge so that she can't find her path we know God does this out of love he allows us to experience the cause and effect of our actions so that we will return back to him in repentance he disciplines and chasing us those whom he loves he says she will pursue her lover's but not catch them she will seek them but won't find them then someday she will say I'm gonna go and return to my first husband it's like the light bulb goes off this is the story of the prodigal son he went out and tried everything the world had to offer and then he's eating pig slop with the pigs and he's like you know what it's better to be a servant in the house of my father than to be following my own way and this is what Israel in our time is coming to the conclusion nothing the world has to offer holds a candle to following Yahweh's and the blessings that we received through it this prodigal son story in Luke 1518 basically says the same thing notice here it says that she speaking of Israel at some point will realize and return and this word return is repent Joshua to her first husband she says because things were better for me then look real quick at Luke 15 18 it's almost the exact same verbage Luke 1518 at last he came to his senses this prodigal son and he said any number of my father's hired workers have food to spare and Here I am starving to death I am going to get up and go back to my father and say to him father I have sinned against heaven and against you I'm no longer worthy to be called your son go ahead and treat me like one of your hired workers this is the state the humbleness that Israel needs to return and repent and what did he do he not only abandoned his sin but he confessed it and this is what it means in Hosea when it says rebuke your mother it's not talking about speaking negative about our forefathers or about ancient Israel it means call it out let's make sure we don't repeat it by rebuking our mother we help people abandon sin don't be like the sins that caused our original exile and caused our loss of blessing let's repent people let's repent and return we're gonna see a whole model here to come back to betrothal with y'all she doesn't know it was I who gave her so what's this it says that she will return to her first husband because she realizes things are can't compare with him and she doesn't know there's a lack of knowledge even these little key words give me a little clues so if we had a lack of knowledge we need to return to knowledge Hosea 4:6 what does it say everybody's memorized it my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge so if that's your problem if that's what's destroying you you need to return to the source of knowledge and what's the source of knowledge what reveals God's character the Torah and we're gonna see that Torah is included in this model to betrothal she doesn't know it was I who gave her the grain and the wine and the oil and who I who lavished riches on her silver and gold but she used him for Baal so I'll take back my grain she doesn't want it from me at harvest time and my wine in its season I'll snatch away my wool and flax given to cover her naked body now remember when God redeemed Israel she was a slave girl she had nothing of her own and he paid a great price to redeem her from Egypt so he looks at her as his slave girl and he covered her naked body now he says I'll let her reveal her shame while her lovers watch basically I'm gonna allow the cause and effect of her actions her adultery to be made known be made manifest and no one will save her from me I will end her happiness this happiness really interesting when did it end ultimately we had happiness as long as we were in the land the light bulb didn't come on that we were doing having any cause and effect to our sins until we were exiled so Israel they had an exile I'll just put it up here when so we could look at this verse 13 where he says I'm gonna enter her happiness and her ability to keep the holy days and festivals Israel lost her happiness in 721 is when it was completed started in 745 BC and Assyria had captured the whole tin tribes by 721 over a 20-year period this is BCE how about Judah when did her happiness and this God says I'm gonna end her happiness speaking of the whole house 586 it actually started in 606 BC but things take a period of time Nebuchadnezzar took Daniel and as all the princes of Judah in 606 and then because they were still hard-hearted he came back and destroyed the temple in 586 BC and Judah was in exile for 70 years and they came back in 457 a little bit later than that but the temple started to be restored in 457 under Cyrus and that later the decree of artaxerxes and Judas still didn't fully change and didn't fully embrace Torah and follow the rules for the land the way that they were supposed to so once again you have two destructions of the temple one in 586 BC but another one and a final exiling from the land in 70 CE II so two different periods of ending their happiness we can see this down through the ages her festivals her new moons her Sabbath's and all her designated times will be lost I will ravage her vines and fig trees of which she says these are my wages that my lovers have given me but I will turn them into a forest and wild animals will eat them I will punish her for offering incense on the days of the Baalim the days of the Masters these idols were like masters though for them when she decked herself with her earrings and jewels pursuing her lover's and forgetting me says Adonai so this is a little reminder a little confession a little rebuke to our mother this is the sins that she had committed and the things that God allowed to happen because of it these ex Isles but now between verse 15 and verse 16 you're gonna see a change from ancient Israel to modern in time Israel and we're gonna see some amazing hope he says but now I'm gonna woo her now God is timeless so when he speaks in the context of one chapter he can speak past present in the future right and it can rebuke our past forefathers while also giving encouragement to us in our day and hope for the future and God says all these things have happened but now I'm gonna woo her I'm gonna bring her out to the meat bar so Israel is gonna go through another wilderness experience he says I'm gonna woo her and this process of wooing is gonna be through making Israel go through another wilderness wandering I'm gonna bring her out to the mid bar and I'm gonna speak to her heart this is intimate relationship language I will give her vineyards from there from there he's speaking from Israel I'm going to give Israel a place a temporary place to take care of him and I'm gonna give him vineyards from there the Aqua Valley has a gateway to hope and now he uses a metaphorical proverbial name for this place and there she will respond at this place that I'm gonna give her with vineyards until Messiah comes she's gonna respond as she did when she came up from Egypt so let's look at this this is really interesting prophetic language because we know that also in revelation 12 verse 13 through 18 it talks about Israel being hidden in a wilderness so there's a place where God not only Woo's our hearts but he protects us from the enemy's attack let's look at revelation really quick chapter 12 and starting in verse 13 it says when the dragon saw that he had been hurled down to the earth he went in pursuit of the woman who had given birth to the male child who's this male child Yeshua and what year was he born four BC and then he died around 131 seee and in 78 C we see the temple was destroyed so it has to be after this initial punishment where Israel's happiness ended and they were exiled from the land this place work he's going to woo us has to be after that day that means it has to be something that has happened or been given to Israel in the last 2,000 years and it says but the women was given two wings of a great Eagle interesting symbol so that she could fly to her place in the mid bar same word for wilderness is used there so there's a wilderness where God's going to woo us and a place where he has provided new vineyards for us it's a place he says there outside of Israel and it's gonna be a place in 70 AD and he says it's a place where she can be taken care of in the final tribulation which we know is three-and-a-half years Daniel refers to it as time times and half a times a Jewish year two years and half a year John uses that same verbage so that we'll know what time it's talking about so this is a place that God is actually going to have descendants of Israel being provided for when there is tribulation such as never was since there was a nation on Jerusalem because Jerusalem according to revelation 11 is going to be trodden underfoot for three-and-a-half years 42 months in other places it says 1260 days and the serpent is gonna try to reach God's children by spewing out water out of its mouth now the serpent is a symbolic term all of this is symbolic language so it has to be interpreted symbolically and water is we always let the Bible be its own interpreter is people's nations and tongues so it's through a huge amount of people a certain group of people that the serpent is going to see to persecute God's people wherever they're at and we know the final persecuting power is Islam Islam was a world power for 1260 years and he received a deadly wound in 1917 you could say even up to 1922 and that wound has been healed through the Arab Spring of 2010 and since 2010 it has gone about conquering all the nations around Israel and around the world that's seeking to persecute God's people the descendants of Israel and it says but this the land came to her rescue it opened its mouth and swallowed up the river which the dragon had spewed out of its mouth the dragon was infuriated over the woman the woman's always represented Israel and so it went off to fight with the rest of her children so there's a certain group that this is protected from the attacks of the serpent through these people and what does he do when he can reach these people he and it defines them as those who obey God's commandments and have their testimony in Yeshua so these are a believing group who are returning to Torah who are in a protected place that God has designated for them and so the dragon goes off to other it says he stands on the seashore the seashore is the area of the populated ancient world where all these nations came up of the Middle East and what's happening in the Middle East immense persecution so the dragon is allowed to persecute in certain areas but in certain areas he's not now with this understanding going back it's interesting that there was about twelve hundred and sixty years of not only Islamic persecution through the Ottoman Empire but also 1260 years through a papal persecution through the Roman Catholic Church and during between 580 538 ad to 1798 when the Pope was dethroned by Napoleon's general there was about 15 million descendants of Israel killed during that time period so we know that dragon is out to kill the descendants of Israel but what I find interesting is there's a little hidden glimpse of this right in our hrothgar in Hosea he says I'm gonna bring her to this meat bar to this wilderness and there wherever this place is I'm going to speak to her heart I'm gonna awaken her I'm going to help her return to the path of blessings and what's interesting is this papal persecution that ended in 1798 there was another nation that was arising and its Constitution was being ratified in 1798 you know our Constitution in America was signed in 1787 ratified in 1789 then the Bill of Rights was added in 1791 and then we made an alliance with France to to build an army that could protect ourselves from getting retaken back by Great Britain and by other nations because you know in a nation's infancy they're very weak and vulnerable and this is what happened with Israel in 1948 is they just declared their independence and then Saudi air not Saudi Arabia Syria Lebanon Jordan Egypt all of these groups waged war on Israel thinking that in their weakness they'd be able to be overtaken and they could take back to the land same thing with America it was due to a certain Alliance that we made with other nations that gave a certain protection until we could build our first Navy in 1789 so there's this place that was not populated referred to as a wilderness that God intended to be a place of blessing and protection that would be founded on judeo-christian principles where we could return to Torah where we could multiply and prosper there'd be plenty of food and resources and that Israel could be preserved and protected from the dragon until the age of mashiac now with this understanding look at this metaphor called the Aqua Valley he says I'm gonna woo her and I'm gonna bring her out to the wilderness and I will speak to her heart there and he has been speaking to our heart here and I will give her vineyards from there and the accor Valley as a gateway to hope now gateway is something you pass through to your in destination and it's from America that the much of the house of Israel will return in the age of mushiya back to the land so this is gonna be a gateway of hope it's a temporary place mean we're perfect there's a lot of mistakes and there's a lot of error that's crept in but god this is looking through God's eyes his intended purpose for this land to take care of Israel for a period of time in the last days the only way that we can understand the proverbial meaning of aqua valley is to find another place in scripture that has the same name used as a metaphor and to find out the definition that is given so that way the Bible according to good biblical hermeneutics is its own interpreter and we have found that text Isaiah the prophet uses it in Isaiah 65 verse 10 and he actually says the valley of accor is a place for sheep to relax in and here were the sheep of Israel and it's like when you're at war or when you are starving you're not relaxed you can't just be at peace God has given a land where we don't have we're not being persecuted and we don't have war and we have resources and abundant food so that the Sheep can actually lay down and relax America was intended for the lost sheep and he even says in if you look good jump down to the end of verse 20 he's gonna make us lie down securely there Isaiah says it's a place for people who have sought me and what did the founding fathers say was the purpose of them severing themselves from the tyranny of the government of King George I think it was the third in that time they said we want the freedom to observe our religious practices on accordance with the Bible in the Bible only we don't want to follow the traditions of men anymore you know even Christmas was outlawed in our country in the very beginning it wasn't up until just a hundred years ago that it became commercialized and used by the big corporations to to guilt-trip you and to buying so much during a dead season of winter this country was set up so that the lost house of Israel could prosper and return to Torah so this aqua Valley is called a gateway to hope and here's a quote I put it up on the slide from Isaiah 65 10 and Sharon shall be a fold of flocks and the valley of accor a place for the sheep herds to lie down in for specifically my people who have sought me so this America this place this wilderness has been set up it's not only a gateway of hope a place temporarily to Britain to house the house of Israel but a place for them to prosper and to return to him just as RA did when they left Egypt we they went from Egypt intending to go to the promised land we're gonna go from America and I where's our focus not insane for ever in America path going to the promised land just like our forefathers but we don't want to commit the sins along the way that our forefathers had committed when they were brought into covenant at my last Sinai with God they send at the Golden Calf and lost that beautiful blessing that God intended to be a kingdom of priests we are restoring that covenant through Yeshua very beautiful he said that's why he says this is the blood of my renewed covenant it's being ratified verse 18 of Hosea 2 says on that day now that you understand what all that's talking about when you are returning to me in this land this gateway to hope you will not think of me as a master anymore you will start having a love affair with me again you will call me husband and Hebrew husband is a shy he says I don't desire that you call me Bailey I want you to call me a shy know me as a husband and that's what's been happening as we've been sharing the character of God with people they have been wooed back in the right relationship through this amazing love God first shows his love to the world and the world responds and seen this amazing love and it's that love that motivates us to change it's not the reward of heaven or the fear of Hell that ever affects lasting change it's only love that motivates true and lasting change so he says in this place where you're going to awake and return to Torah be provided for you're gonna start to recognize me as your husband again and you'll no longer call me Bailey for I will remove the names of those false gods from her mouth and they'll never again be mentioned by name and as you've returned to Torah you've realized the Torah tells you what don't even mention the names of those false gods and so once again this prophecy is being fulfilled through Torah observance when that day comes which is our day very exciting I will make a covenant for them with the wild animals and the birds of the air and the creeping things of the earth I will break the bow and sword against them and sweep battle from the land and we have had a period of problem without the waging of war like many countries have had to experience you know we really haven't had if you are aware of geography and world history anything like the other nations have experienced we've really been protected yes Bob that's right that's right amen all of these things were in the areas of the wandering where did in where did Israel wander before she came to the place that God provided for her through Europe that map that I showed you initially was the wandering period and that's where all the war has ravaged each one of those world wars that she just mentioned so he says I'm gonna sweep battle from the land and make him lie down securely in it I will betroth you to me forever yes I will betroth you to me and here's how now listen to this order I'm gonna be TRO of you to me in righteousness and in justice now righteousness and justice can only come after this process right this is why we started at the beginning of the chapter first you have to abandon sin you confess the sin of our forefathers we repent from it and you return to Torah and you through Torah you start to experience knowledge this knowledge gives you understanding into God's character and that gives you wisdom of how to live righteously so there's a process and we will look at that he says I'm gonna be truth you to me in righteousness and in justice in grace and in compassion and I'll betrothed you to me in faithfulness and then you will really know me but just let's like and then you'll know me like Adam knew Eve you don't know me intimately when you experience this type of betrothal so let's look at this will just take a little pause here here's the places of the wanderings where all the war was ravaged but there was a place from here that the lost sheep of Israel we're going to find refuge to be able to rest and to lay down in and we know that place as the Americas and I'm not just saying North America because in 1492 it was south in Central America that received the chef's Artic Jews from Spain as well so when I say America I'm speaking Americas in plurality but there's something unique about North America and specifically the United States that our founding fathers actually have a constitution that's grounded in the principles of Torah so here is this place where God's intended to woo our hearts he says it's in this place I'm gonna give you that you're gonna know me once again and this is where this Awakening is happening and then he describes this process to eternal betrothal I want you to think of where you've been in the past and the sins not just that your forefathers have committed but that you know through ignorance you've committed and you're repenting from which means you're turning away from them and you're returning to the source and the process is to eternal betrothal and total intimacy with the divine and here's the process that we have defined we've understood that we have to abandon sin and through teshuva return to Torah so towards the very first level that's gonna you'd have no knowledge and God says my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge because they left Torah so true repentance and I speak to the church as well as to Judah comes only through returning to Torah there's no true repentance if you say I'm sorry but I'm choose to continue to sin over and over again true repentance will always return you to the source and that source is in God's instruction Torah means instruction and it's instructions in righteousness and how to return and how to have intimacy with him that Torah we said leads us to a knowledge of God without the Bible we would have no knowledge of God and his character and his plan of salvation and His mercy on his prophecies for Israel and restoring Israel back in betrothal and Israel has the apple of her eye and his intentions to return her to the land and rebuild the temple and to dwell in her once again the way he originally intended without Torah we have no knowledge of that knowledge leads us to understanding not just what his plans are for us and what our identity is but how to apply his laws of selfless love in our life and that gives us the wisdom that leads to righteousness he says he's gonna be true of us to himself in righteousness that was the very first thing after this process I will betroth you to me forever yes I will betroth you to me in righteousness that righteousness will then lead to justice and what's the definition of justice like we looked in the tin suffer wrote you have you remember what it was what are the two things in God's nature that balance each other justice and mercy you have Hesed which is loving-kindness on one side and you have Guevara on the other side which is the justice and the beautiful thing about Messiah is he's sitting on David's throne and the way that David exemplified justice and mercy as he would rightly judge that someone yes needed to pay somebody else back but if they didn't have the means he would show mercy and pay their debt for him and that's exactly why Shula has done he said yes the wages of sin is death I can't deny that that's eternal principle but let me pay you're dead and he stepped in our stead so beautiful so that we could return in covenant back to being a kingdom of priests and God's original plan for Israel could be restored hallelujah this is the good news that needs to be preached this is the truth that leads us that kind of amazing love that we see through Yeshua leads our hearts in repentance to return to Torah and to want to know just like a wife wants to know her husband and how much he loves her we want to know how much God loves us and we want to follow and exemplify that love in our own lives to others he says in as much as you've done it to one of the least of these you've done it unto me so how do we really show God love back by loving each other and how can you say you love God if you speak against me behind my back or if you steal from me or if you slander or if you any number of things that happen not just in the world but in the church and in the assembly and in the synagogues and we have to show that love make it manifest in our lives to one another then God will say I know that you're really living out my tour and you really love me this love is going to lead us in wisdom to righteousness and justice and then what does season say next and in grace there's that passage yes and in compassion do you notice how grace when you have grace on somebody it's usually because you have compassion in your heart our High Priest is touched with the feeling of our infirmities he knows what we're going through when we pray as intercessors for one another we should be grieved with whatever somebody's going through whether it's a loss financially or a loss of health or lost in a relationship breakup we should be really grieved as if it's happening to us and be praying so deeply for that person and of course the scripture says even when we don't know how to pray for a person the Spirit intercedes for us with groanings deeper than words this compassion is the embodiment of God's nature his character as we have seen it exemplified in the ultimate example of Yeshua our high priest this compassion moves us back in love and that love and faithfulness should be in there as well I will betroth you to me in grace and in compassion and betroth you to me and faithfulness faithfulness in Hebrew is in Munna it doesn't mean just to believe and have faith in something it means to be faithful to like a husband and wife we're supposed to be faithful to each other and not go astray so when you really love the father it's not just a temporary short-term experience you're gonna have faithfulness he's gonna be troves you to him and faithfulness that means you're gonna stick with it for the long term you might be persecuted but that means nothing compared to the eternal riches that you know have you have connected to him and so this is the path of the betrothal the riba traval if you will of Israel to experience God's goodness and intimacy once again that He desires for us right here straight from the scriptures in Hosea 2 now he says when that day comes that you've experienced this amazing read betrothal I will answer you it says Adonai you know sometimes we feel like our prayers are not very effectual scriptures say the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much do you know what proverbs says about prayer as far as our mother our ancient Israel our forefathers in sin it says those who are without Torah those who forsake Torah even their prayers are an abomination to the Lord very serious so many people want to continue in tirelessness and just say oh yeah I can continue to pray and God's good you know there's this doctrine called universalism that crept into the church and that was that God is so good but you want everybody to realize the goodness of God but remember there's justice and mercy being perfectly weighed out and this false doctrine crept in that don't worry you can keep sinning God's love is so great that he'll save you no matter what which makes him a god of force which totally denies his character and has many other faulty issues you know once you get off on a wrong tangent then all of a sudden it'll lead you to many other wrong precepts and understanding but God's true love is going to lead you back into obedience and it's gonna make your prayers powerful so that you're gonna be able to see huge changes not only in your life but in the life's of others and he says he's even going to just like had a marriage that you have witnesses around and you know even a marriage covenant it's always signed by witnesses because when you enter into covenant it's just like contract he says I'm gonna call upon the Hashem ie the heavens and it will answer the ha RS the earth these are God's witnesses even in the holy days in the heavens and the earth whatever is his witnesses in the heavens the Sun Moon and stars that always tell the seasons perfectly when they're in conjunction with each other and that's the way the Hebrew calendar is and what's the witness on this earth his agriculture that he blesses us with the barley is always in due season the wheat is always in due season right now we're at the wheat harvest we're gonna go wave the wheat harvest tomorrow before the Lord in accordance with Leviticus 23 for Shavuot so the witnesses of heaven and earth are even witnessing to this RIBA travel of God with the descendants of Israel who are Awakening and returning to this very first step here we are we are just babies starting to return but this is the path that he has intended for you to return to him and there's an amazing blessings along the way that you'll start to experience return he says even the earth is going to answer with its produce with its wine and with its oil just like I said the agriculture is the earthly witness and they will answer he is real which means in Hebrew God will so just like the purpose of a marriages be fruitful and multiply he's gonna sow into your life just like a husband would sow seeds in a wife he's gonna sow the seeds of the fruits of the Spirit in your life and you're gonna produce much fruit God will so I will sow her for me in the land he says and I'm gonna have pity on this woman who was previously called lo-ruhamah which means unpitied who is now called my people I will say too low on me the one who was called not my people you are my people and you know what we will say you are my god didn't that a beautiful story of a love relationship renewed and restored hallelujah praise the Lord this is the good news that God has intended for each one of the house of Israel to know and to cherish in your hearts because this is the encouragement during the dark hours of the trials and tribulations that we go through that we know it's all worth it this is what well it's not up there anymore but the reboot rovol that love affair is the icing on the cake that makes everything that we go through well worth it because we are to live with him and to worship Him in spirit and in truth it's not about a physical union this is about a spiritual union so if somebody hurts the physical body so be it let it go because we're really going to experience this Reba troll and this intimacy with the father even more so when you finally let go of the lower self and you can embrace the higher self which is his consciousness in this bhava lot in this call this place that he loves to build relationship and communicate with us and restore us back to his way of thinking which is all about selfless love so with that let's stand and we'll close in prayer abba father we thank you for revealing through your Prophet Hosea that even though we've wandered you have a plan to bring us back home and to Reba trow us and to have this amazing love affair and that when you count us you're not counting us like the government counts us as a number but you are lifting our heads to encourage us and to show us our Worth and our value and so if these two things combined just blow us away father we're so in awe of you and we're so in love with you and we just thank you for encouraging us because we all go through different hardships when we are focused on the material world and we forget that there's more importance in the spiritual realm than in the physical realm so you've totally encouraged us today Father and we thank you for that and we praise your holy name and we ask you to continue to lead us on this path of betrothal from repentance and return to Torah all the way up through your righteousness and your love we thank you Father and we praise you for all the ways that you have restored the house of Israel and we pray for all of our brothers and sisters around the world who will begin to awaken and come to this knowledge and your Holy Name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 9,175
Rating: 4.9224806 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Haftarah, Bamidbar, Hosea, Hosea 2, Betrothal, The Bride, Israel, God's love, Rabbi Isaac, Rabbi Yitzchak, Assembly, Believers, Torah for Believers, Yeshua, YHVH, Yahuah, Hashem, God's plan, Bible Studies
Id: NqQjCcEsaNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 17sec (4037 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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