Baldur's Gate 3 but Chat makes all the major decisions (3)

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I fixed it I'm sorry everybody I fixed it what's up I I I completely I'd missed the event that I was I was using and I went to another one and now half of you are split some of you are going to be on a video that isn't even live anymore and some of you are so uh sorry about that but hey guys what's going on thanks for joining um I uh yeah boom sudden Jacob jump scare should be [ __ ] a gale jump scare we gotta put a warning on this stream because uh people come in and they're just like what has happened to the to your NPCs what is Gail wearing should I maybe I'll put one maybe I should put like a little like a little uh see can I put text on here I think I can [Music] um um oh yeah that yeah exactly there we go there we go all right all right all right uh let's let's just let's just put a little let's just let's just add something in here um if you a Starion and Gail look like that no no if if you're concerned or a Starion and Gail's appearance ask chat I stopped Doom scrolling Tick Tock you saved me Jacob thank you you're welcome Cal I'm I'm here in your time of need uh Doom scrolling Tick Tock is a is a common pastime of my own so I feel you uh if you're concerned for a Starion and Gail's appearance ask ask the chat Naf Naf the perfect moral compass North narf is the perfect moral compass especially keeping all of her companions naked except for lizelle along with herself you know if you're ever wondering what would narf narf do all right uh let's let's put this on let's put this on like two lines um mm-hmm cool and we will just put that uh we'll just put that right right there oh it's a little small there we go there we go there now we just now we just have a uh our our consistent our little warning there just in case anybody wants to know put it on three line yeah fours I think four is good yeah graphic design is my passion uh thanks Lisa Marie Garcia Pereira love your streams would have to watch probably most of it later since quite late here really yeah I'm always surprised how many of you aren't in my time zone um that always always is crazy but when I go to my analytics a lot of you are in my time zone but there's still a bunch of you that are just like it's like midnight and it's like wow it's the the it's noon right now for me um I'm in Pacific Standard time because I live in California um and I guess a hurricane just like came through or something I don't know it was kind of it's kind of weird and crazy I'm I'm I live more North though I wasn't in the I was in the blast zone we just got some rain and now the air is really clear and it's a it's a really nice day outside so or if anything hurricane was uh was was um it was just like huh weather's a little weird anyways [Music] hurricanes don't matter if you never go outside really really all right um I just remembered what we did last time uh which was that Gail is a gals a Gale's a barbarian now and he's got the he's got the birth Mite um which is really funny um I was reading a list on Reddit of cut content from the launch and it's insane how much they've been working on that was cut whoa that'd be cool if they did release some cut content that'd be crazy I was looking on the thing I was looking for my player character in my normal game I was looking for mine I was like I don't know any of these people oh there's Nerf Nerf of course I remember how could I forget narf narv as a Floridian I assure you staying indoors has no bearing on the effect of a hurricane yeah yeah yeah yeah um it wasn't actually like we didn't we all we got out of where I live all we got out of the hurricane was some rain that is all that happened does Gail already have the magic itchy it doesn't look like it but he might be holding on to uh the birth might there he's like he's gonna be breathing very heavily soon and he's gonna be he's gonna eat the whole thing you gotta be careful can we get the baby Oliver you know what okay so last time we're gonna get into this so last time I don't know if you guys remember but last time we went to the Druid Grove oh it was a massacre it was an absolute Massacre Eridan and Barth got killed accidentally it was really weird um Canon um was was UN passed away where where is he he's well his body should be here but he's not loaded in because we're not there so um you know God this camera angle is horrible I'm so obsessed we're in the rocks oh God free me free me anyways we went to the Druid Grove and um the chat decided no no no no no we're not going to the Drone girl we're gonna go talk to the Goblins even though we did just kill a lot of them they seemed pretty cool and bass and we're gonna go talk to the Goblins but first Gail's gonna be a barbarian and he's gonna have his ass cheeks out and uh so is hysterian and so is narf narf but lizel you can still have lizelle who's now Paladin and also a fighter you can keep your drum and your arms um yeah based an absolute pilled yeah exactly that's how narf Nerf's about to be so um we will see about that I know that there's a direction that we can go up this way and I think something triggers if we go that way oh I'm not capturing my cursor hang on I've been recording all of my gameplay and um because I'm gonna make a video and I've just been recording all of it and putting on a hard drive and I don't capture my cursor in it because some of the cut scenes are really cool and I don't want like my mouse in it um but yeah anyways so um we have a couple of directions that we can go I know you guys want to go to the goblins and that was kind of our priority here but we do to propose we go talk to tiefling Mommy colic before the drug all right we can throw that in there we can definitely throw that in there look chat's got to navigate themselves um shuriken Sean thanks for showing up in the donation buddy appreciate you um the you guys you guys are gonna have to navigate okay I can walk in a singular direction if you guys want me to but um you know it's we gotta get there first otherwise I'm just gonna be running straight ahead and things are going to be happening how do you guys prefer to do this why don't we vote on that let's let's let's just that's that's a good thing to try to decide here so um do you I'm gonna just do poll yes and no and the yes and no is just going to be uh uh you put yes if you think that we should do this direction based voting where I'm going okay left or right um and you guys decide which way to go or do you guys think we should go like location based like let's go to the goblin encampment let's go to the hag there's no ha I mean if you've never seen the game before who knows what's over there um the swamp or let's go get Carla um so put yes if you want to do what we're currently doing is like left or right and then vote no if you want to do like um the poll isn't visible sorry there you go um and then vote yes if you want to know if you want to do this more like um more like location based uh way to go I don't care either way it doesn't bother me um I figure the left and right is a little easier because then we can just kind of decide which way we're going and then we can you guys can navigate yourself somewhere if you want to but if you want to do more of this like I want to go there take us there then we'll do it that way instead oh and I just realized our our uh our note here is covering things up we we'll just put it in the corner up here we'll just can I put a border on that it's just white text kind of put a little oh it's got a background color that's great let's let's do that mm-hmm oh that's it I can only I can only do a square that's fine if there can be a square in the corner okay so no we'll do we'll do this more location based one that's fine I'm cool with that so let's go to little Jacob's house little Jacob's house where I didn't even know little Jacob's house was in the game that's incredible we should go find it where is little Jacob's house do you guys know I'd love to find little Jacob's house I freaked out though because I'm in Acts three I'm in Baldur's I'm in the city and there is a um there was a magic item I found called the birthright and I was like no way but it's a magic hat and it's like it increases your charisma and it's like the flavor text is like a sorcerer who's being funny to wizards they're like I don't need to read books and I was like ah we were so close larion put us in the game all right Nerf Nerf gun ARF Nerf be an NPC can can the birth might be um uh uh uh in in the game can we rename the everburn blade to the birth mind can you counter magic a wish in Baldur's Gate I have no idea I don't think you can we demand drow mommy all right well okay so we got a couple of options where you guys want to go I know we voted on it last time but now the options have opened up to us here so um I'm gonna do pull the one through five the one through ten um so vote one if you want to go left which is going to be this way you guys want to go this way we'll go that way vote two if you just want to go Goblin Camp we'll just go Goblin Camp if you guys want to do that and then because sure can Sean gave us the bribe you know um vote three if you want to just go straight to Carlock um but if you want drill mommy vote two because um that's also that's that's an option there and then vote three if you want to go to like this direction there's like another Direction over here or vote for so one one is up this Ridge two is Goblin encampment three is Carlock and four is this other direction this way somewhere that into the forest and woods that oh you know is mysterious God Gail keeps jump scaring me I'm just I'm so scared every time I see him all right looks like we're going straight to Goblin encampment and that is perfectly fine with me so let's make our way oh what are you guys saying we might be purified at your crash what does that mean exactly Augusta will have fixed the safest the purifier to our heads it's magical wow the gusts still I did do that in my game so I at least have a little well it's a long story I did do it and then I didn't do it and then it's weird you guys will understand later I I didn't save scum it but I kind of saved scummed it um sorry I didn't mean to not take these spoons and knives I'm I'm just okay we're uncovered and I accidentally pushed tactical view because I missed clicked pushing I um so yeah uh Gail B Conan's ancestor yeah that's what it seems like right okay we got a lot of stuff exclamation mark vote zoom in on that Gale booty welcome mats welcome to stream everybody YouTube's gonna love this all right uh while I organize the inventory you guys can stare at Gail's booty oh sorry I covered it up uh give me there can you guys still see it okay can you guys can you guys still see King okay there you go there you go all right uh all organized inventory you guys can look at Gail's booty um uh all right uh this is a quality stream that we're doing here we have a lot of bags what are we doing with these uh dragon egg mushrooms okay we should organize everything into these bags we're gonna send these other ones to camp um I've gotten so good at organizing this game so good all right this one's gonna be our food one so we're just gonna also send that to camp and this is a food one so we're gonna send that to Camp as well and then sorry I can sorry I keep covering his booty hang on hang on the the sweet Gale booty oh no it's gone sorry it's uh God I don't know what I'm doing here there there you go there you go it's back so sorry everybody the back to our regularly scheduled program um I'll just move the inventory up here so it won't cover it uh the tool tip just kind of comes in and out why am I zoomed in no reason at all no reason all right we have tons of weapons I'm sending them all to Camp okay we have a lot more inventory space now um and if you guys want to go pick up an item of some kind we can go back to camp but right now I think everybody's pretty okay with being naked so okay looks good we'll just play the whole game like this we'll just make sure to focus in on Gail's cheeks all right I hope you guys super enjoyed that let's continue barrels can we throw it then we thought about the fact that we might be able to throw the barrels oh I can throw it up here hang on oh I can't stand right here I jump on the barrel nope okay all right I just wanted to see if I could throw a barrel because that'd be funny yeah um if any if anybody's confused about uh Gill's cheeks being out you know we have a handy dandy sign in the top left corner don't worry everybody I'm looting everything as humanly possible as is the narf narf way uh all right continuing along making our way to the goblin encampment do you just want to go through the front door guys why did I didn't do anything to Gail I didn't don't don't blame it on me I didn't do anything I didn't do anything do you guys just want to go through the front door yes or no because we can we just go we just go right through the front door there's some dead guys out here but we have surpassed a lot of dead people and I think that we're much more powerful and stronger than you know just a couple of corpses these are just some goblins some dead adventurers they weren't narf Nerf you know uh I I don't actually know if there's another way to get in here like I think there is this way but I I've never done it in this game so I have no clue Gail's cheeks are out so we can't stealth in oh that's right the clap of his cheeks it's gonna alert all the Goblins that's right that's right that's right all right well so we'll just have to go to the front door that's fine that makes sense I think that's that's goblins asterian smells trouble ahead let's take that cheese off that off that tiefling okay let's do a quick save right here and uh let's go walk on in and we level up that's awesome oh um well chat what are we saying uh we uh there's goblins yelling at us from the top of a building oh sorry I'm covering it up let me let me move myself over a little bit uh I know you're there show yourselves or you just keep quiet you should be like stroll our way on into the blighted village or attack oh it's not it's not it's th okay there we go there we go it's counting them now it's counting them now YouTube was being silly for a minute there um kind of takes it in in chunks so you gotta really be on that that vote trigger otherwise um whoa this is really close this is the thing with with you with you guys you get never decide whether we want to just immediately attack her out the gate or not it's it's always such a such a decision we've got to make okay so we're gonna say I know you're there show yourselves we say that all the time right chat um okay so we can say there will be no skewering Happening Here Jacob make one major Choice without chat's input I I I make a lot of choices like the I don't know I organize the inventory I'm just here to serve you all right I I'm just a lowly middle man I I'm only I'm only here to to to service the world to have this type of Stream So ultimately everything that happens is your fault oh my fault no that's not true technically I've in the court of law I would be I don't if you guys kill a Syrian and I had to I was compliant with it like I I I I my hand was forced okay I I think I I think I'd get about six months I'd probably be fine curious I had almost the same exact thought when I saw you supposed no we're threatening goblins okay it's fine it's a quiet vessel okay we throw the Goblins they didn't like that very much okay um so you know question of every combat that we got to throw out there is uh is lethal or non-lethal um you know question with that narv narf thinks about every waking moment the streaming bg3 every Monday yeah been looking forward to this all week two hearts thank you so much shame honey appreciate it thanks for the 10. um really having a lot of fun with this uh I'm trying to get better at streaming by myself um I stream every Friday and Saturday and it's uh uh it's we do d d and it's a lot of fun but I've noticed I'm not used to this and um trying my best so these first couple episodes are going to be a little weird and crazy and I'm gonna be I have a lot of nervous energy and stuff but I'm having a really good time I hope you guys are too um I'm glad this is becoming a consistent thing because this game is amazing and it's a lot of fun to do this it's just a really silly goofy time lethal we're killing the Goblins thanks everybody for the donations by the way you guys are the best uh okay we're going to make Jacob accept responsibility for the actions of the chat all right I'm sorry I'm sorry I accept responsibility this is all my fault and none of this would have happened if it wasn't for me all these characters would be would be fine and dandy wouldn't be ass cheeks the truth will and make him open the gate if we betray The Grove and make him open the gate if we betray the grow can you do that that's crazy okay well um I'll I'll throw it into the next vote whether you guys want to go back to the Druid Grove or not but that's insane he just like force will to be like comply all right so everybody else everybody else isn't in the comment yeah guys we get to be a little sneaky um so we're gonna we're gonna get a little staring over here and uh can you guys shut up why are you guys talking we're in the middle of battling goblins and they're and they're speaking like nothing's happening okay you know what a Starion soon enough at least these guys want high in a minute all right yeah no no no we're going group mode all right starion's going by himself he's gonna make his way up here with his violin on his back oh oh Mysterion please still oh are we good I think we're fine perish yes excellent use of teamwork uh well I should have leveled him up beforehand um I I will level them up afterwards sorry uh can we put some goblins to sleep um a Starion move your cheeks I can't see the goblin a staring move a stare I can't see the goblin can you get your ass cheeks out of the way austerian I know you really want to take the spotlight here with your with your with with your bod all right look God damn look at his pecs but like okay here there we go there we go okay okay Target is out of sight are you guys still talking what are you you guys are just having a conversation we're fighting goblins okay we I'm really glad you're doing this type of playthrough it's been tough for me to get into playing it myself oh this is really fun to take part in oh that's awesome well thank you so much I'm really glad that uh this this is something that you can partake in um that honestly I didn't think it would be like that for some people but I'm really glad that it is um this is like a really fun way for me to like like play a game with you guys and I don't really get to do that and I love my community so much you guys are super funny and awesome and um this is that's why this is such a great time so thank you all right booyag you're going to bed good night Gail shut up the goblin is sleeping you're gonna wake him up with your talk about whatever you're talking about with lizelle they're just chatting it up ask Darian yeah it is asterian my cell doesn't have a bow guys Isel is a CL is a paladin and has a Quarter Staff okay let's see if she can okay let's let's get real tactical with this uh she can maybe jump here yep okay stick dang it I revealed I revealed our position because the drum was bouncing off her armor or something okay narf Nerf we got a dash oh so there's this thing I've been doing with my with my with with my reactions not my reactions common are going to custom and I actually make Dash but number one so I can push it really fast I'm gonna quick save that really quick so that uh I know we can bonus action Dash oh we've got key points I don't know if we should use them yet I think I think why isn't our stealth oh I did group stealth and narf Nerf stuff all right we have to use a key Point not disengage there we go all right um Why Don't We join where okay we've got one here we've got one here we got one here and we got one here I think a stereo needs some help so we're oh Nerf Nerf's got speed what is 60 feet of oh because we haven't moved yet got it should have 25 because she's a no what is our speed movement speed is 70 feet right now what do we already have the increased speed from being Monk I'm so confused I don't know what's happening I I forgot how to play D D all right Starion um you're done you don't have nothing to do armor no would no the chat does not believe in armor the chat only believes into armor unless it's on my Zell monk coming in clutch yeah honestly that's the best part about monk guys oh no Gail buddy oh no he's burning not out in the pavement guys is his ass is getting cooked out here look at him he's this horrific scene he's got two filled death saves oh God do we have any Scrolls or if I I feel like this is gonna be how we get him back no we did not okay I need to just throw the health potion again okay we'll vote on it real fast revive Gail yes no bring him should I I mean right now like should I use the potion to bring him back right now or should just be let him die and we'll get him later okay cause I could just throw him a potion real quick but if you guys want to leave him you know crispy on the ground he was talking through our entire stealth Mission which is kind of rude of him to do um couldn't help himself but I mean getting him up is probably a good idea because we do love our Barbarian wizard Gail you cannot let Gail die oh oh yeah letting Gil dies a bad idea I I did forget about that I did so we'll get them up yeah look look at Caleb the stats probably a good idea let's just put some health potions inventory and throw away that Gail get back up yeah turn Galen to Barbarian Gail still dies first in combat it's a really really that is exactly what happened he was just over there just like Lizella isn't it very interesting yay go to sleep it's a very interesting look and he's like just unconscious okay lizelle doesn't have enough movement to get up here she can't jump either that's her turn okay we're good let's need armor in this game you don't you don't ever need it armor armor is overrated die kick that Goblin kick him again oh my goodness how many attacks do we do with that twice we got three oh it's amazing okay Starion stab perfect I'm so I'm not used to doing to change the measurement system to metric metric no don't do this to me don't oh that's horrible oh God Chad it's gonna be very bad you can vote Yes or no if you want yes yes to vote to metric noted stay in Imperial I love having feet I know exactly how far away something is I love having feet how many of you guys and that not that many of you are European not that many of you most of you I'm pretty sure are in are in the U.S I've seen my channel analytics there's no way you all want it to be metric this is gonna be so bad all right Gail um can't rage because we're out of rages um but we can take drink a potion and that can be our turn Gail if you die right now kill kill how you all live to torture me you all live to see me suffer have I not served you well chat have I not shown you as much genitals as I can show you without getting banned off of YouTube laughs oh good it's it's probably an accessibility oh this is the inaccessibility actually no it's not I think it's a gameplay it's metric yay oh I didn't mean to push save D great oh five meters uh that's 15 feet I think is a meter three feet or is that a yard I don't remember I don't care I'm just gonna have to learn metric this sucks get out of here you booyage God damn it liesell oh does she have an extra attack already or no shoves a bonus action I'm Just a Fool perish hey Spencer what's going on how you doing oh thank you I'll check that out after I'm done streaming thank you so much all right lizelle play the drum um bribe to turn the measurement system to go by cubic ales cubic ales you know if you could do that I would definitely let you guys vote on that um that's insane uh what's up what's up Spencer's making grumpy faces at me what's up oh go ahead and show me you can show me oh that's really cool that's a really cool shirt oh my gosh Spencer got me a cool shirt guys it's awesome it kind of looks like this one actually I love this death safe shirt it's very neat what's up yeah the hurricane did go in it is hot again outside we got a little taste of of winter change language to German for maximum Jacob pay guys we cannot change the language to German that that that is not that is not happening okay there there I have limits okay all right I you you'll have to be very annoying about changing the language to German in order for that to happen that is insanity we'll we'll never get through the game I won't know it'll just be it'll be the the game will no longer be the game I'm not changing into polish it's not epic it's not happening I will not relent I won't let it happen you guys are maniacs uh do we have a help are we gonna health potions oh no no Lysol has them I forgot all right Nerf knife throw a potion of Gale I need to get his ass back up okay yeah I think we yay he only took two damage and almost died but it's okay uh where are the Goblins um there they are a Starion sniped it you know I I would think that a lot of I don't I don't know I was gonna talk about distance like the Longbow distance in D D's really far it's like 300 feet but I don't know what it is anymore because we're meters all right shoot this guy one incredible great job of Starion um you're gonna have to tell the chat that you're gonna have to get in the chat and start telling bribe to never change the language to anything other than English that I you know what I'll accept that rhyme thank you dream dream world war love that um okay Gail Gail's strength I think is terrible so uh rhyme for Jacob to wear the new shirt and change the language to German give me a damn shirt you guys are wasting time we have goblins to kill I'm not I'm it's not shirtle's stream bribe to change into the new shirt ah behold behold the wonderful shirt that Spencer just got me it's it's got mountains it says Zion on it I love me a good mountain and I also love Zion not because I've been there or anything but because I really like the DLC from Fallout New Vegas everybody say thank you Spencer it's very cool and it kind of looks it kind of looks like I got a netheries orb right here whatever that means okay we got we got we got goblins Germany's not a suggestion it is a question and the answer is yes last one promise smile it's a question like just German German the answer is yes yeah um maybe one day we'll do uh we'll do we'll maybe we'll do something I'm so glad I was able to make it to one of these live I was practically pissing myself laughing to the other ones this community is horrendous yet amazing yeah for all of you even Jacob sometimes home on a chronic appreciate it um really the you guys are horrendous but also weirdly like like in tune with with comedy like you're not just chaos incarnate even though we're playing in meters now but I'm pretty sure it's not for any other Amusement other than the torture me oh maybe maybe we'll do it as a reward for something I'm thinking about starting a members thing on XP um and uh on the channel I don't know yet I'm not sure I I I don't want to like turn this into a members thing because this is really fun at being like obviously everybody can participate in stuff but maybe we'll make it like a we'll do a German stream or something like that and we'll just the whole game for one game is entirely German or we can do like a random punishments thing because um you guys love to punish me Parish Goblin please die okay um Nerf knife do you have slow fall yet nope uh where are the other there's more goblins over here I think they're they're they're they're they're acting up they need to be taken care of come here that mouth is still breathing wow shoving shoving not worth it get punching actually shoving you're right Spencer shoving is worth it just because you can um you can do it as a bonus action okay uh I need you to be Starion fire very good all right now let's move damn now I like them on the rooftops I'm gonna get them over here it's a good idea bribe for Jacob to wear the new goblins and change the language to [ __ ] while we fight the English are you having a stroke all the thoughts are are compartmentalizing into one the language is shirt I'm gonna wear the goblins that's the that should be the name of this drive to switch back to the old shirt all right that you put on my shirt no don't tell them that look it'll still be in view I'll have it there I've got two shirts on just for you chat because I love you so much Gail can't jump anywhere guys why is he a barbarian he used to go in through the door politely okay here we go all right we're in it's only a few meters this way ah there's gonna be people coming in who have no idea what's going on they're gonna be like why is it in meters and be like do you know you can change it that's actually the more annoying thing is you're gonna be like here's how you change it from it being Imperial I'm gonna be like I know don't worry I no don't don't grease up Liesel don't do that to her don't do that don't do that we're just gonna jump and we're gonna please shove we can't because we jumped because this game is right for the rest of this playthrough or at least today's stream to only attack doors instead of opening them like a decent human being unless they're invulnerable what a great suggestion everybody vote on that vote yes if you want to only attack doors when we get to them and vote no if we want to be a normal person as a bandana this is this is it's it's I I have so much body that this shirt is enormous what did you do you set a super Chow well it'll it'll go through oh was that you did you say that Spencer this is not a bandana which one was you well all right I can wear it as a hat there now I look like when people do skits and they're trying to be a girl it's on my head at least at the very least okay so um Use the sleeves to tie it yeah I'm not that skilled guys I don't actually know what I'm doing here okay cool so we're gonna break down every door we walk through sounds good we don't use handles who needs handles not us we don't need those at all okay um we get uh down this Goblin I'm you know I'm gonna make narf knife jump and take some damage no never mind okay Starion where where are the rest there's one here there's one here Gail's got those ones okay there's there's one here there's one okay we can shoot that one perish we should have stealth but I forgot because I'm so distracted bribe to burn the new shirt as a sacrifice to the old gods oh my God as a sacrifice to the old gods oh Spencer you did donate too and say bribe to romance hysterian yeah thanks yeah I can't take your bread it was only it was only I all right Chad you're gonna have to take her bribe all right she's gonna be very upset if you don't um kale can't jump I can't figure out how far anything is because everything's in meters Gail which Bolt no okay everybody sucks did you try to poison the beer at the goblin cam oh that's a good idea just found your channel love your content keep doing what you do less than three thank you so much yeah it's it's rather chaotic over here today if any of you are joining just now and you're wondering why a shirt's on my head um the chat decided it uh I'm completely not at fault and lizelle finally learns how to uh shove somebody off a roof which is great oh liezel you're the best I'm so sorry I ever doubted you okay um where where are the rest of these yep yep can we get here we can't but we can take five damage and jump take five damage and jump question mark it's only five damage it's only five that's worth it to potentially get a lot of hits on a goblin I'm just saying narf Nerf can take hits yeah um yeah you have to do at least five for the the chat to go through for the thing yeah I'm so sorry but you can but you can always do it again yeah I guess so actually don't do that it's ridiculous all right we're gonna we're gonna do a little jump that sounds great um I I love maneuvering like this jump Nerf Nerf yeah oh that wasn't supposed to happen um um somebody in the chat has said why is Starion naked I'd like to dress you to our sign that we have up there um you just just check out the sign uh okay um fire good great job of steering you're doing amazing play a ditty ride to burn the shirt after you kill Carla come on you know you don't We're not gonna kill Carlock all right when you get to Carlock you I think your shirt would get burned but you'd have to be doing something else if you know what I mean hugging yep I like that Gail killed this goblin not on his turn Gail got all the way over here just to be like shut up you suck I'm killing this Goblin by myself her power move to be honest okay is there only like one Goblin left there's two uh okay now that yeah yeah we're just gonna run all the way out here and we're gonna put uh it's always where is the shirt and what is the shirt but never how is the shirt exactly drive to ask the shirt how it stays how are you doing today shirt you're an inanimate object I forgot all right I'll just cover my entire face and then I won't be able to see what we're doing at all I'll just be here and the shirt Barbarian a pacifist Barbarian how does it even he's gonna have non-lethal on at all times or just never attack because that's kind of how it seems he's already being a pacifist and sucking uh okay um I mean he's being a pacifist because he sucks right now like at the combat uh bribe to bring in another shirt and wear it I don't have one on hand next to me how many shirts you can see you guys gonna get really warm in here it's gonna it's gonna get rather warm it's gonna be a big shirt stream um okay so uh I think we should do a command and tell them to approach come here you yeah come here you just you wait till narf Nerf gets a turn is this gonna kill the command let's hope not crit Parish all right we're good I see a true matching stream Jacob I am looking forward to the German stream Jacob for the German stream does it change all the voices too because it's also really funny if it does that'll be great well yeah we we really gotta appease the oh we can do a cleave appease all of our German viewers and do a German stream what classes is everyone well Gail is a wizard Barbarian lizelle is a paladin and uh yeah she's just a paladin a Starion is a full Bard um and uh narf narf is a monk narf narf the Mud Chicken usurper our character okay um here we go unfortunately only English voice acting okay well you know that's fine to be honest we would just won't it'll it'll be like narf narf it will be like narf narf is German and we don't know what she's saying we did it there's more they keep showing up no no no Gail don't injure turn don't end your turn Gail you have a whole turn a whole life and turn ahead of you girl okay can we do a little lay on hands that'd be great let's do a big old lay on hands on lizelle love that all right play your drum poor performance lizelle play play your drum she's doing great she's doing so good look she she's she's great at it she's trying her best that sounded so good Lysol thanks okay Nerf Nerf um let's Dash and run all the way let's go well okay and and our oh we could have shoved we'll get on the ground no okay a steering you're gonna have to start moving um in a minute here what look at his stance by the way look at that look at that he's he's naked he's got his undies out his violin on his back bow ready no one will ever be as confident as that man right there no I dare anybody to stand on a roof a violin on their back bow out in their in their undies and and look that menacing because that's terrifying if I saw that when I walked outside Grime to take off all shirts don't worry you'll get an unarmed bonus to your AC that yeah I'd be looking like the rest of the party if I did um I really would okay [Music] um there's nowhere for you to go my guy and taking five well actually you can take five days you're fine yep good turn oh no he's groveling this this right here just that load these these two characters in that position that is this doesn't sound like I never could have expected would have happened out of this stream he's like groveling it's me pacifist scale oh I asked you kindly to stop your murdering isn't the blood on your hands enough um what I I I'm here all week guilt kill this kill this kill this he is a pacifist look at him he won't do it he's wearing on his toe you can hit his toe Gail oh Gail you just hit him with the fireball is um pull real quick is Gail a pacifist yes or no is Gail supposed to be Pat am I supposed to be playing like he's killed nobody because he is a barbarian and him being pacifist is a little weird bribe to not let lesl carry anything she is not to be trusted oh thanks for making DND accessible when I was Noob with your class and race videos thank you so much yeah appreciate that um yeah thank you thank you um I'm now noticing that the little our little sign is covering up uh uh some of the donation names so I'm gonna make a little smaller now um thanks uh what was that uh red sunkel appreciate you um okay yeah making Gail pacifist is weird because then he then like he'll be doing absolutely nothing um and he's not like our player character or anything let's just be very strange bribe to respect colic as a wizard when you find her and replace laser L then have her wear Gales clothes and a brimmed hat if you can find one we'll definitely give Gail a brimmed hat when we find one I think there's one in here actually okay so we're not gonna make Gail a pacifist but I do I do really want to pull that not just because it's a bribe but should we go get that hat for Gail and everybody should say yes because the Hat's awesome and we definitely should chat just in my way it's kind of obstructing my ability to play the game kind of distracting maybe I can maybe I can there we go that's there it's kind of like wearing two shirts bribe to make our little sign much bigger fine okay here you got it it's huge there you go signs a little bigger if you guys want anything else you know just just let me know actually don't that was a terrible suggestion you guys can't have free reign over your little signs all right you get one little sign for a stream all right we're gonna go get that hat hell yeah we got to get Gail that little hat that was very important Starion you doing okay just kind of standing there oh we gotta level everybody up okay we get the hat first and then we level them but I know the Hat's in here pretty sure it is at least uh uh I think it's back here books probably the Wardrobe there it is send to Gail why is it not on him oh no oh no it's because he's hang on hang on we gotta we gotta we gotta we gotta do this no no never mind I figured it out look oh my Lord look at this man's God damn we didn't attack the door you're right I'm so sorry I forgot I forgot I'm so used I'm so used to I'm so used to using doors normally I'll destroy every door in this house please please the chat they're Vengeance I can't I can't fail them again okay the door the doors are gone me Lords I apologize anyways look at Gail How can I find it looks terrifying see hail from waterdeep City of splenders I am a wizard of considerable acclaims of exceptional accomplishments the library Miguel is a [ __ ] boy but he's taking it to an entire new level oh my God this is insane he looks insane we cannot let him not not be in our party this is the craziest fit I've ever seen that is a wizard all right yeah this guy has this man has to be casting Fireball wow wow you guys are crazy all right there was a lot of suggestions in the chat about uh things uh about what we should do next um let me let me look real quick I'm just getting through the chatter to see kind of what our consensus is are we still going to Goblin Camp is that what you guys want to do we got really distracted by gails at I think that's something that's important bribe to throw the spare shirt somewhere so it stops being bothersome all right get out of here Fair shirt you're being so bothersome you done ah one shirt so I love it it fits so good thank you Spencer for the new shirt appreciate it now my hair's all [ __ ] up y'all um okay bribe to add a piece of clothing back for each bribe you receive this stream I I don't I don't know if Chad's gonna agree with that one I think that would be funny but uh uh I think the chat really enjoys their naked ass party except for lizelle um Jacob refuses to change to German we will change to German it goes hard when you're gonna cosplay him [Music] scale this girl if somebody actually does cosplay that though I I'd print it out and hang it up in my house and uh right there on the wall that'd be crazy somebody put that together that'd be wild that's that's freaking that's narf narf Gale right there that's that that that's going down in the history books is narf narf Gale or narf narf's Gale um okay so we should level up that's probably a good idea let's do that um a gale cosplay pin up yeah oh we get to choose our subclass guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys subclass subclass okay first of all we have to decide if we're gonna multi-class or not thanks for making the sign bigger bribe to bring back the shirt you through and change the language to German okay horse foreign we will we will change to German for 30 minutes how's that sound chat we can't do it the whole time but what what a bribe you guys have been given to have [ __ ] German God damn it you guys are so happy about this okay well we gotta level up first then we'll change to I guess I can do it now yeah yeah we got it yeah yeah that's what Spencer just said change the German to level up um how do you do this I've been I've been successfully bullied I'm being bullied by all of chat is like where where is it you have to restart you got it guys easy I'm so frightened about what's gonna happen next this is gonna be I'm gonna I'm gonna have to use my entire memory uh on the entirety of the game on on on what's about to happen in the future here German level time yeah really it would be really funny if it changed their voices but it doesn't um okay do you go where where do you do this I should probably just look it up because it is accessibility do you have to go into steam how do I do this it's not audio it's not video all right I gotta look it up give me a minute as the originator of the German meme I'd like to apologize for absolutely nothing my influence is immense really it is immense it is entirely immense Kappa cat it's uh it's it's spawned an entire Revolution and then a horse showed up and with a hundred bucks and was like do it and now I have to go into my steam settings and I have to go I have to go to the to go into the properties of the game there it is it's in German chat the game has to download 11 megabytes of German all right it's this spielen to play the game it's spielen be careful what you say temptation to cosplay oh God I I love the the fervor for this for this Gale cosplay it's insane mid pacifin worthin Lawson sick vorbergen details all right guys some Ford Focus taste drunken Germans German's a funny language [Music] alerting Sultan I can't read it's I'm just saying in the way that I think it sounds funny verwind IM comp oh um my German's so good stand one okay let's so we're gonna fall we're gonna be screaming no little German boy don't choose the wrong dialogue he's bouncing off my booty cheeks I love the way he reads I can hardly breathe windy okay YouTube YouTube's gonna be very angry with me um we gotta level up we sorry we're not gonna level up we're gonna stupefestige we are doing this for your own good trust soon you will be making an entire second Channel called a foreign playing this really I'm gonna learn so much German or irfar wrong Beast level dry that's that would be the channel name great okay so um classic American Mail do not apologize for the initial suggestion to steal astorian's clothes that started the clothes nonsense it really it did start you shouldn't apologize look at what you've spawned look at what you've created okay so guys we we have to decide our um our stupa Nava Stig um because we're still three and we uh we have a lot of um stuff uh decisions like the guess and tight air horn time for a Starion to wear mask of the shape-shifter but only as a cosmetic if you have it if not give him a druid level and never leave wild shake yeah I think we have it at camp we can definitely pull on that I gotta write that one down on whether he should have the mask of the shape shifter um but let's let's I gotta I gotta we're we're gonna we're gonna decide some level of things are we multi-classing first of all or what is it called um are we gonna class this Classen sorry I know you guys only speak German so let me just get that in here um uh class uh foreign I gotta get the German translator here give me give me a second um uh uh okay you can vote uh jaw for jaw or you can vote um uh nine for nine okay um there we go closet hint of fugen uh ja or nine IST level dry this transmission is now property of the federal republic Germany XP to level three the Federal Republic of Germany is taking over the stream I don't I don't know how this happened they infiltrated foreign I'm so confused I don't I don't I really just I feel like we can all understand what's happening here we're back in we're in Imperial we're in German um not in Imperial we're in metric we're using the metric system and uh just for all our our entire German audience here to understand what's happening um okay so classic hinzafugan nine I don't think that's a German I know nothing in German um okay so we get uh threes zabra or hotline oh okay I think this is our subclass oh so we need to choose our hunter classy um so we have three options for our hunter classy if you guys want to vote on those you can vote one two three or four or five I'm not gonna change those little German um because they have numbers in Germany I don't know if you guys knew that so vote one if you want uh Wagner vir elementi uh vote two if you want Wegner often in hand uh do you want I'm writing this to say thanks for all the great D and D content thank you going through some hard times right now thanks for making me laugh I'm glad I'm glad because because we could also be like this shatins wake this sentence [ __ ] Spitzer with this shettens we're going away dance chattings yay I love wig diss chattings um Stone grunt soundscape uh thank you so much by the way for that ten I appreciate that message I was in the middle of dying at shatins um okay wag this chattings uh so with wig Des shots we can do shoots die couldn't Von heimlich heimlich kite heimlich kite is not a real word German is a made-up language actually I think all languages are technically made up but um guys we don't have spells anymore we have zelber tricks me pissing all of my German audience what the [ __ ] is that solver tricks why are we German because the chat wanted it to be German really really really badly like so badly okay a Starion or it's Astorian do for novice League prison Markin sober era Halton okay uh are we gonna class a hint of fugen a jaw or nine because we can keep him as a what is this called a oh I see it's a bard he can stay a bard or he could go into something else you guys get German Baldur's Gate 3 until like two o'clock for me which is in like 20 minutes this is going to turn into one of those things though where it's the entire game even I want to thank you for butchering our neighbor's language you're welcome doing my best thanks blow it on Bubble 98. okay so um a classic hints of fugen nine perfect uh this is gonna get like recommended in like random the you just gonna be like hey German people I think you will like this one so he gets what is happening here he gets schneidered schneiden War to and there's knives coming out of his mouth what is happening um okay uh so we get a new we get to and derna for to for to get Titan for the Guyton oh dude this skill it's called I'm never gonna be over this this is the funniest thing ever it that skill I don't know what that is it might be sleight of hand it's it's finger farted um so we got to make him proficient in something and I think it needs to be finger certain guide uh uh do you guys agree sleight of hand I mean yeah finger certain guide I think is is good um so we'll go with that and then we get a new zolver or hotline um okay I'll let you guys pick on this one there's like uh so many uh here's one through ten um I uh yeah vote one through ten on I know there's not more than ten so I vote 10 if you don't want the first ten but vote one two three four five six seven eight out of ten or or nine if you want any of those first nine on whatever one of these spells we're going to pick because we've got blind height emote emotion teakin uh doll walk chrone de los wasps and sins gdanken warning men at attribut verb fesson and metal in hair air hits in as a German uh German sounds almost Dutch thank you for ridiculing their tongue by proxy it's sleight of hand BTW there's a war between the Germans and the Dutch and the chat right now and I seem to be perpetuating it somehow um everybody wants uh 10 which is 31 uh 31 votes into 10. you guys don't want the first ten okay here's the next ten the next 10 are one two three four five six seven eight nine ten wait one two three four five six seven eight nine now we've got unsight bar kite a klopfin schwatch uh geister have to craft you're gonna shaft what are we gonna shaft you you did night and Zoo Griffin that's it doesn't sound good or Bane just you know Bane uh looks like everybody's vote we we've all voted on on number one which is um unsight bark height okay it's I it's cool that you guys speak German I don't even know what any of this is okay so we get to choose mysterion's unter classy um you can vote one through three um so we got the schul de whistle tap for kite or the shul dishwarter Twitter school or school to change the language to Dutch we're not ready to get to Dutch it's just gonna be this but just me pronouncing German it might as well just be Dutch that's what everybody's saying oh when we come in with our classic six voters of five shulder schwartzer I think is College of Swords um which that's that's that's what it sounds like in German College of Swords is schuldish schwarter uh okay looks like we're doing shul or School District uh and we get to choose a comp steel uh vote one or two on the comp steel we've got duel or come from mitsui Waffen I'm pretty sure this is dueling and this is double-handed dual fisted double double waffens we either got dual or double waffens because this is the stream now this is definitely super entertaining and fun and I'm I'm sure everybody's having a great time with the with the zauber stats and are we going to uh Stetson we I'll vote on zaber Stetson and apparently my German sounds like Dutch which I I didn't even know Dutch sounded like German I don't know anything about the Dutch I know about I know about the Dutch Bros yeah yo if there's any Dutch I know it's the it's the it's the Dutch Bros and they're cold brew okay we're getting uh compliment why Waffen okay are we going to Zaba or Stetson you can vote if we're going to zauber or sterretson we're going to zalber stared to nestorian there's so many people talking in German right now how many of you speak German Dutch sounds like an American speaking German that's really funny I did not know that this is really funny how many like there's so many people in the chat who are just speaking German how many of you are German so many of you are you guys must know how to use Google Translate maybe as the entire stream turns into German all of the Americans are like the stream isn't recommended to me anymore weirdly it's all German and it's very strange okay so we're not going to solve our stats and hysterian all right great ottoman Danish but speak a little German okay now I get to do Gail I mean we get to level up Gail well maybe we'll do Gail later God damn look at him look at me he's bouncing off my booty cheeks I love the way he wait if I speak it in German maybe the maybe the um how do you even sing that in Germany let me let me let me uh let me let me translate that to German really fast ear a bit off mine pulpa pulled back in like lead die art we're read it there um that's that's that's the moral of today's stream okay are we which one are we going into barbar or magir vote one for barbar vote two for majir he's just he's a stupid navistique Barber does it not make sense to any of you Minch Minch in faerun in faerun I'm half Folkston Andrew zahid kite I'm gonna stop what is that word that word right there says and person ung's fig kite that is an enormous word why are your words so long in Germany can we vote three to multi-class again sure if you vote three we go into a third class we'll redo it we'll redo it right now when we do it I'm gonna complete the poll redo it vote one vote one for barbar vote two from azir and vote three if you wanna if you want to go all into a completely new class which would be insane we're just gonna put my guy Gail into every class I suppose man I hope you guys are having a fantastic day today because I'm having a I'm having a scoop enough tool to find out how many Chatters are German or Dutch all right we'll do in a second though I think a lot of people will lie we're gonna go into an entirely new class we're gonna take him into an entirely new class how how many when are we gonna make this man's he's already Barbarian he looks like this I I mean does this look like the face of a man who only takes one level and uh it takes it takes more than one level into another class no he's gonna go Barbara he's gonna go majiri he's a mensch and he's gonna go get soon to Heights Arrow all right um cool multi-class group Choice a you've got Bard you've got or however you say them in German raising the Baba bribe to finger fatigue kite histarians underwear he can wear colics later or change he's offhand to a salami a salami I don't think we can do that can you actually attack I think he throws salami but if we find salami I'll totally give it to him he'll he'll be willed in two um two two sausages that'd be funny yeah Gail the bar bar Yeehaw giddy up giddy up Gail barbar gideo Barbara we got narf narf and barbar Gail that's ridiculous [Music] Druid guys we're gonna make him a druid okay 61 votes for Druid uh multi-class group Choice B if any of the other ones beat 61 votes then we will go druid or we'll do a final count because technically that's not how statistics work and leveling up takes forever but you know it's fine it's really important I mean Gail being barbar is uh really changing the game here yeah it was a little spread out here unlike Gail who is spread out all the time that has to be burning his ass cheeks my guy is getting lit up from the butt down damn he's getting roasted down there he's getting real crispy okay so it looks like warlock it's got 33 votes yeah so Warlock and and Drew and are choices here so uh classic hinzafugan um what is it druid or Warlock all right and you can vote on that right now vote gifter does this mean narf Nerf has like a she has like a German accent like she kind of just like hello yes um we're going to go side I mean you've got to roast the haunch before you take a bite gotta roast some of that some of that schmit before you make your before you take a bite Gail's just warming us up is apparently he's gonna be Druid and turning into animals all the time now we're never gonna see his luscious beautiful body imagine imagine you see a a bear you know running around and then he turns into that like he's just like hello I'm Gail from multitude and this is what I look like I wear this hat and I have this um I have this card piece all right we're gonna do it uh we're gonna go through this level up pretty quickly because voting on everything is going to be really annoying we're gonna keep these defaults and we are going to we got one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 different spells what spell do you guys want whatever I see the most of we've got if my serve or stricken Neville woke a midterian spricken tear from the shaft to person bezel burn Donner woga helende's wart uh wounded Highland for infur sprung verbessern Atlanta good birhen and uh wasser extra fashion their store in um no no no don't give me the English one no I need it in German I don't know what they are I I can't tell I'm not good with pictures um uh which one's good beer in uh good beeran um the last one um you guys don't don't give me real names on fiend Fury Gutenberg I see a lot of you can't really seem to decide here a good beer in again good beer in all right we'll go good beer and good beer and sounds good okay and now we gotta level up liesell um it's still for novice League now we get to choose her voke oh she gets oh she gets a zauber she gets a gift Yankee psionic springing and to get some spells okay great easy level up done she's also got gegner verdemon and I dirt fine shaft oh me or me when I see Gail me when I me when I see Gail edsterd fine shaft all right this is a lot of short rest in here people are key points back in our short rest oh sorry we get our key Punk T um back on our short rest that Goblin is I'm do half and mustache was signed what Texas speech oh you guys are speaking freaking uh German in the Texas speech as well that's a that's crazy so guys we have a lot of different directions that we can go right now we can go to the brunen or we can go to the um I don't know what that is it looks like a windmill to me but it might be something else in the game or we can go to the goblin Camp so uh I'm gonna let you guys vote here on one two or three um vote one if you want to go to Goblin Camp vote two if you want to go down this well and vote three if you want to go over towards that windmill this is our those are our current options and then uh vote I guess vote five if you don't want any of those things and you want something else that's what vote five means now I know we were talking about like ow we have to go with the bribe if it's vote fine but vote five is going to be like I don't agree with any of that dude uh I want to do something else [Music] where's my vote three which is go to the windmill I must fling the man from The Windmill I I see you guys plotting and chat over there I can see it I can see you all plotting all right wasn't too windmill wait wait wait wait wait what was three what was three Am I Wrong was three something else am I stupid what did what did I say three was windmill three was windmill stop gaslighting me oh at least I can still understand him [Music] oh boy okay so we have a couple things we can say here um if you guys want to vote on that we can say was in narf Nerf speaking in her native tongue um wasn't Holland wasn't Alan Holland or equal kind and Argo ich Wilner hero langenhen or we can die goblins angry Finn it just sounds like broken English die goblins angry fan oh this is so dumb I see I see die everybody sees the word die and chooses how are we gonna cider the gobbles if we kill them all mintaro's not gonna be very happy with us draw Mommy I don't know if she's gonna side with us we keep killing goblins but I think these guys are expendable maybe we can just kill these ones and then get to her and we're like those goblins attacked us first you you don't know okay uh dying a smell of C okay let's kill some goblins um uh dying Zug I'm not gonna know what any of the abilities are anymore oh we have new stuff and I don't know what they do um so we have uh Dunkle shite dunkle's site all right we're gonna hit him with the wait what what is kind Zeal what does this do is this our way of Shadows teleport ability what is this oh no it's dark vision I think it's Dunkle shite it's Dunkle site obviously that means dark vision dark vision thank you Chad appreciate it okay we well we've got Statin kunsta um but I think we should just do um a hive on Waffen or maybe a schlager haggle schlager haggle cool um oh quickly vote on whether this is um um uh lethal or non-lethal while I get our combat situated here because I don't think I'm gonna kill this guy just yet um well if I you know I'll wait I'll wait I'll just wait till you guys vote on whether it's lethal or non-lethal but I think most of the time we're gonna do non-lethal you know I just have to I just have to proc it every time just in case you guys get until the end of this combat then for German okay it looks like we're we're gonna be going lethal which is uh which is in character and fine um but you know just gotta make sure I didn't know if you guys wanted to um what is it in this um so long duration lethal oh he fesh flag a worth it off liezel no a bomb oh we can we can uh word with a with a geshasa aberwen which I think is the catching a missile which we should totally do we're gonna guess I've never seen this ability in the game never once have I seen this ability in the game guys and it's in German wow we reduced it to zero um I can do it again oh we threw it back whoa that was cool that was so awesome I mean sorry that was um uh fundabar is um is German great Parish no fish lag I hate it when they flash lag okay lizelle um I need I'm gonna need you to do uh do a maybe a maybe a something with these guys up here there's oh there's so much going on here um I gotta make sure we don't die I don't know what any of these abilities do anymore this is bless I do not know what this is this is three gleffen standard shot in um Zoom Lang Bauman banaman I think this is this is like turn Undead or Channel Divinity or something I don't know what it does Fable half um uh toddon goblins inquisitors might all right okay that's it that's it um it's I know it's been 30 minutes but we have to at least finish the combat first uh okay we're gonna do with I know this is thunderous Smite we could we can do a thunder oh we can't reach um okay get Yankee jump is the best ability in this game and lizelle get all the way up there woohoo I still got hops my Zell's got freaking hops also I'm saying woohoo because I'm still I've got German on my mind all right whoa guys the birth mites called the immigringe all right let's hit him with a thorn whip because Gail's uh Gail's now three into into three classes now and has so much versatility and we're gonna do a pommel strike this is the most based man in the Forgotten Realms look at him what a wonderful creation the jump is kind of like fly yeah kind of fly is a little better um because you don't have to have a path to it um but uh yeah jump is so good in this game it's great Thorn whip checks out for this look at 100 percent a fish lag all right um narf narf uh we have new abilities but I don't know what they do um I think this is Darkness um uh I think that would be probably kind of good we could try out our I think you're allowed to swap back to Imperial when you set it back to English that yes oh thank you chat you're so kind I agree with that and I think the entire chat agrees with that too great you guys are so nice and and kind I appreciate that now I don't have to be looking in um in uh in in in metric um okay uh no and lizelle is lizel is um sorry she's uh that was the longest set of letters I've ever seen in my life and I'm not even going to attempt to to try that let's all get back up because apparently hysterian has um I keep thinking a Starion has sneak attack he doesn't he's a Bard he has no sneak attack I've been so gas-lipped okay you get to compel duel it did not work attack Gail guys dang it Gail but do you don't have any rages either okay we gotta we gotta we gotta we gotta do a little push that didn't work this this may not go well we look like we're gonna we're about to get killed when was our last save oh no I don't know which one is which oh it was after level up God damn it okay um um this we might be killed the the German I blame I blame the game being in German entirely we level 11 I don't know any of our abilities do um I think we just gotta try to kill I think that um I know things I didn't know that happened you let me live I'll make it worth your while oh I promise don't know what any of these say Reddit downless [Music] word seed loved Goblin beverik esmir Anders Uber ledge uh hermit Allen were sashin direhapped or kind erberman then Goblin Toten one of those is an action I'm pretty sure which is I think the only one that Chad's gonna maybe pick but I don't know what any of these are oh I didn't know that I guess I guess the guy got scared I didn't know that was a thing I thought about the tpk but I guess we're good now Australians looking a little beat up back there huh um okay uh what one uh which one which one was the win returns were failgun schlogan wants to be pronounced by you that was the word that was there that isn't that that that German sounds like the most horrible language to try to pronounce your mouths must be hurting at all times okay so which one won number two okay uh lavish Goblin Beverly Anders uberledge wall bye laughs all right we're saving we're no longer in German we could be free free from the German invasion of this game oh all right um that was that was that was uh that was super fun and I love that we did that and I'm so glad that that was something we got to experience and it was definitely very fun and and easy and uh it didn't make my head want to explode there we go okay uh I can't believe you guys you guys at least got that in the the in the the whole of this game there was a we had a German segment as as whack oh I can read again oh this is this is last bribe I can afford send the windmill gnome back to Christ yeah right for that one I think it's gonna happen all right um you know I'll give you guys an extra long pull on this one but uh you know we there is a gnome over there looks like corn enough divorcement abidas metric system I understood the last two parts I think okay um uh thank you for the donation I didn't know what any of that meant it's probably a message to the spies so vote yes if you want to sorry I gotta restart this I'm gonna restart this you guys are just voting okay hang on hang on hang on okay who's who's nipple this is let me just let me just let me just let me just let me hang on I'm gonna give you guys a super long one for this uh uh gnome fate fling uh save because you know you only really get two options here um all right [Music] how much do you have to pay me to keep the game in German um nothing you got your 30 minutes um that's that's all you're gonna get all right I will accept no more bribes I can't I can't be bought I'm a I'm an American I I I I I I I have to stand by my by my language I have I have I have no loyalty you guys get up get up okay why are you on the ground God he's always in trouble look at him it looks so helpless poor Gail naked and covered in blood with a hat on and his boots the burning sword on his back all right chat there's a little guy there's a little gnome over here and he's having a he's having a rough time on a windmill we should probably do something about it back here in uh in in the controls the windmill we've got two levers one of them is uh is is release break and one of them is is Break um I believe release break means fling and break means uh save and there are so many of you voting fling so many of you voting fling which is this guy is a deep numb we though he's our fellow brethren no this might be like narv nar's cousin or something second second cousin really distantly related but look gnomes live a long time all right he believes he can fly okay so he can fly that that's good I'm glad the gnome can fly at least so we're not gonna kill him um that's that's good that's good so you guys know that um if we if we if we fling The Gnome then he's just gonna he's gonna be alive all right cool cool cool yeah yeah does he have like feather fog feather fall like casted on him or something um don't fling him first stop the windmill it will be better what do you what do you mean cast a scroll of feather fall on him no you guys just said he already has feather he has winged boots on him he's got a fly that's how everybody just said um right yeah yeah yeah so he'll be fine he's gonna be okay break first until he stops then release again bribe did first stop him and then fling him after yes or no if that's what everybody wants to do yes or no we stop it and then fling him after we stop him is it till is there something we got to do in prep like why do we need to do that because I figure we're just gonna get him down because he's our fellow gnome friend bribe to first stop him and fling him after like we because we're gonna make sure that he can like land a safety that's what we're gonna do I mean I mean that makes sense that is a unanimous yes all right I'm not even gonna let that go all the all the way that is a unanimous that can only be one deep known all hail enough really be one right okay we'll we'll stop it real quick um uh are we gonna talk to him his rope was floating in a minute so wait did we talk to him talk to him yes or no I I don't I didn't know if you guys want to talk to him you just wanted to stop it I wasn't sure I didn't know if this was like a ramp up thing um I was I wasn't aware uh okay so yes talk to him there's a lot a lot of a lot of you voting yes okay we're gonna like wish him well we're gonna give him like um we're gonna be like hello fellow gnome you we have a safe you could come to our camp and we you have the ability to fly look he's got boots on he probably has boots of flying um or levitate he'd probably be able to cast that um that makes that makes sense um okay so we're gonna talk to him look cut me loose uh okay so we got three options here we can say what's what's in it for me free him or leave him oh so we we can just free him it's not we that's the we can just just free him that that is an option that we do have here um I don't is that what's gonna I don't know if that's what's going to necessarily occur uh but uh because it looks like everybody's voting what's in it for me is there like a is is there some kind of secret gnome thing like lore that I don't know about because I don't really know a lot about for phenerblin lore um so this might this might just be something I'm just not like a secret thing that happens in the game because you're playing a deep gnome let him dig farewell to his loved ones uh okay so we're gonna say number one uh what's in it for me free me and free him and find out um guys you already voted on this but I I guess you guys did vote to do this again so I do get another chance uh but we gotta Freedom or leave them one or two uh thanks for the two Jacob thanks for the two Jacob cast feather fall before fling um I thought he already had a feather fall casted on him uh I don't know if we can cast featherfall I don't know if we have anybody that can do that okay yeah when the votes are totaling at about 80 percent um that that is a more than obvious yes so okay we're gonna leave him are we going to cast featherfall on him yes or no uh I'm just doing as the chat dictates here I'm not trying to like watch perpetuate anything I'm gonna let a steering give us a little song of rest here some of you featherful asterians understanding returned but now measurements are really divided by 10. amid her confusion the mud chickens whisper challenged her determine the airspeed velocity of the gnome um this we're voting on yes or no and whether we're casting feather fall on this guy uh delicious does Gail have it he might uh but we also might just have a scroll of it um Gail doesn't maybe you can learn it nope I don't think we have a scroll of it let's see maybe it might be at Camp burning hands major armor magic Missile protection yeah don't roll a D20 if it's about 14 you cast feather fall it's above 14. I'll just roll dice yeah um that would be funny but I mean chat Chad's got to live in their their decisions that they're making here okay so everybody voted yes that we should cast feather fall but I don't think we have the ability to cast it um I'm looking here does he have it as a druid nope nope thanks Chris Newlin for the 10. appreciate you thank you so much um there's jump check Scrolls I did check my Scrolls okay we'll we'll we'll go back in we'll go back and check sort of a type survey type scroll we don't have one don't have one this is all because I didn't read the German spell descriptions I I sorry they were in German jump is kind of like feather fall um what do we do when the chat votes on something and we can't do it search ever search for one you can search everything by hitting tab there's a featherfall scroll back with The Druids okay um I'll ask everybody should we go there's a featherfall scroll back with The Druids okay should we go get that chat yes or no should we go get the featherfall scroll or do you just vote no we'll just we'll just fling him because he's probably already got feather full casted on him he's got you know boots we're just trying to make sure that he's gonna live but obviously you know we could go get it just to make sure because we're just gonna try to help out our gnome friend it's it's obvious that he um the ropes are a little too strong and we cannot break them ourselves so we gotta fling the windmill in order to save him seems to be What's Happening Here we we should get it never be too sure okay we'll we'll go get it um we'll go get it we'll just fast travel to the Emerald Grove Enviro environments and go get a scroll of featherfall hopefully that gnome is still there by the time we come back he's just like cut me loose and we're like yeah be right back we're gonna find a way to save you excuse me let me in hello oh good I thought I thought they uh they weren't gonna let us in for some reason that would have been a little weird uh okay um get will while we're here and then we're here for one purpose part nobody wanted to go to the Druid Grove all right we we voted twice on on going to Goblin encampment one last time and one today and that's our goal hey uh don't mind um what we're all wearing we're totally normal people we just need a just a scroll of feather fall right there's misties the stokers no nobody has a scroll of feather fall where do I go for this telescope teeth okay telescope tiefling oh oh oh the girl up on the thing who's getting attacked by a bug bear I know who you're talking about I mean nothing's happening up there I definitely haven't played this part of the game their survivors not soldiers oh Nerf Nerf is talking to that to her Nerf Nerf was talking to myself she was like chill dude um okay so we're just gonna go up this little Hill real quick and talk to this tiefling oh no bug bear are we killing the bug bear we are because we want the scroll right so we're gonna kill the bug bear um why is this why is Asteria naked yeah ask the chat um we have to say we have to save her because she's going to talk about a bug bear right push the bug bear lethal or non-lethal against the bug bear I got my two drinks there's one oh there's a drink for for for fun and a drink for caffeine I always have at least two to three drinks at any time all right whoa we're non-lethal against the bug bear there's a lot of votes for non-lethal that's that's surprising if the game is still in meters you bastards you give me give me give me my give me my give me my normal measurements back please please game please I just want to be able to know how many feet there are where's the setting am I insane there it is thank you sorry I can't see anything at all all right lethal all right uh we're gonna lethal the absolute crap out of this guy oh now I know these abilities oh we have patient defense that's cool um so we have hide pass without Trace Miner that's minor illusion I thought it was invisibility silence darkness and dark vision don't we have that teleport ability like I thought Shadow Monks get that because that's what we are do we not get it to a later level send him plummeting to the ground you guys got it we will plummet him so far I want to plummet he's too heavy to shove because we're small do we have a potion do we maybe have a potion that can increase our strength I have so many in my main game uh uh no we do guys look what we have ah this game stupid okay I mean we're caught up in this situation here so I suppose uh what are we gonna drink the budget to speed we'll just I mean we'll get a stereo to do it we'll we'll we'll we'll soften one up soften soften him up a little bit and then a staring can come try to push him I'm staring so far away you can't Dash as a bonus action anymore this way a Starion push this man's to the edge of the world two he's too heavy shot of what he's just big okay well um he's surprised can Gail do it can Gail rage and do it I bet he can but he doesn't have anything he just left um we should have long rested um maybe Gail can like the kale can't do it either you need a 15 strength lysel can okay maybe lizel can um blazelle get your ass over here make way make way make way can she shove from here damn it okay okay we gotta wait around um oh wait wait Gail can move he'll take an opportunity attack but oh damn it no I can't liezel can you just stand like right here [ __ ] we'll just shove them right here okay lizelle can do it that's good all right all right all right we'll shove them again we'll shove them just okay okay um no nobody gets a turn nobody gets a turn yeah he knows the real he knows the real threat is lizel because lizelle is going to send him so far beyond okay Gail move your ass lizelle get here great oh no you can just stand right here and perish topple okay that worked um maybe we make him go night night can't be unconscious he's not he's not unconscious he he's not what [Music] okay game can you just text somebody that isn't liezel bug bear that'd be great the little exhale of disappoint whenever you fail a thing is going to follow me into old age it will that's how I feel every time I'm just like ah um Liesel for the chat fly ing fine fine everything's fine everything's fine oh geez lizelle please this time this time we got it die yes he did not go very far can't even drink this this is working out it's working out fine it's everything everything's fine we're just gonna quick save really quick in case um yeah 75 fails twice 56 and then it succeeds but it doesn't go very far okay uh just keep keep on just keep on she's okay she I thought she was gonna run really far away yeah yeah yeah no nobody gets a turn it's just damn it no guys this isn't working it's not working um okay maybe Gail can do a thorn whip um uh scale of thunder yes we did it guys we did it we're smart we put all of our heads together we know what we're doing we we're amazing all right excuse me ma'am you never been much of a fighter so wrestling a bug bear would have gone poorly but you're not here for heroics are you avernus's stenches all over your skin um let me guess evil mistress sent you to get her soul coin back she thinks we have a devil mystery I earned it fair and square all right well we got four options here coin mistress you lost me I've been to a furnace but I'm no Devil's servant had bug bear would have crushed your skull that's the thanks I get or deception check you got me hand over the coin and I'll be on my way um with our two uh you know Nike companions in the background we're pretty naky too to be honest uh imagine imagine this these folks walk up to you while you're you're you're just having a time in in in in in in faerun on the sword Coast these three walk up shove a barbarian off a ledge a bug bear off a ledge and uh then are just like hey what's up do we have armor hidden or no armor just no armor no I didn't let chat have armor hidden if they're gonna have no armor they have to commit okay you don't get to cheat around it and just hide your armor it's not it's not how it's not how we do things here on XP to level three okay number four deception check uh you got me hand over that coin oh we have advantage and we've got a little bartic inspiration I think do we need the partic inspiration it's dc5 should we add in so we had this no nah okay oh yeah we did amazing we didn't need it that Bloody ironies here now go back to the pit that made you you know it does feel like a pit did make us to be honest there's a there's a whole bit called twitch chat now God damn it it's YouTube chat YouTube chat that uh that that made this uh this this beautiful little Dome so we could say coin mistress you lost me or I've been to Inverness but I'm no devil servant that bug bear would have crush your skull this is the things I get oh it's okay the bug bear can fly that's why it's a bug bear oh oh bug bear that's right they can notoriously fly fly right into the Afterlife um I thought were we gonna um we were gonna uh uh trade with her right how do you hide armor I'll show you I'll show you how to hide armor just a second I'll I'll give you the the strats in in just a minute once we're done with this interaction here uh that bugger would have crushed your skull this is the thanks I get what Slayer of forever in my memory now take my regards back to that pouting iranese and leave me alone wow who's this arena is that she's having a tough time oh my God Gail's crotch isn't shot again um okay do we wanna um okay vote one if you wanna do dialogue one vote two if you wanna do dialogue two vote three if you want to trade with her to get that scroll because we could use our potion but we did come all the way out here to get that scroll so maybe we'll need that potion for something else because we just lied to her about how we are working for that devil we we we can't just oh you could just be like oh no I'm not actually I just took your coin lizelle's bleeding out while you're talking her up yeah she's fine I think she's okay I think she's all right guys my dad is calling me my dad's calling me right now give me one second hey Dad I'm currently streaming right now and you are uh here on the stream uh what's going on no worries you don't have to wait wait hang on wait wait I'm gonna put you on speaker and you have to say hi to chat hang on say hi Dad hi Dad I'm like get out of here I'll call you later that was the most dead thing ever I did not tell him to do that God damn it I love my dad okay we're gonna we're gonna do a dialogue option with it okay well I mean we're not gonna do that we're gonna we're gonna trade we're gonna get the scroll all right she does have a scroll a feather fall let's sell her uh all this stuff um that that should be good maybe maybe a couple other Scrolls too I don't think we need all of these protection Scrolls I don't think we'll need those okay cool now we've got the scroll we can make our way back to the blighted Village and we can talk that gnome yeah we got dad at all right yeah oh no we left myself behind I forgot I forgot I completely forgot oh no oh no I completely forgot Liesel we gotta go get her I did a video with my parents like a few years ago when I had them just try to get uh uh uh try to guess d d monsters and stuff and it was a lot of fun but uh they're goofy as hell everything's fine everything's fine lizelle who what do you I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to I didn't mean to guys I didn't mean to wait are we bringing lizelle back vote Yes or No while I walk to her or because I do let you guys vote on that every time they go down because I don't know if they've like failed you or something but if you guys want to keep lizell you know we totally can um oh we can loot the bug bear assassin though come here dog there all right my feet Swift is my feet Carry Me she has such a soft voice all right I think we are gonna bring back lizel looks like looks like that's kind of in the majority there I can't believe my dad said that that was the that was that that was too quick uh he didn't deserve to be that funny all right we're gonna bring her back as hell get up you're not done we have one hit point we got a long rest after this all right back to the blighted Village next stream have dad play Baldur's Gate three you guys want you you guys want my dad here I I don't know if he's not gonna understand any of this I mean he might a little bit but okay oh I'm waiting to cast featherfall because the chat wants to cast feather fall I don't think we can do it guys okay no no it says 100 it's 100 on barcus root uh he will get featherfalled there we go he's featherfalled now now we're gonna go now we're gonna go help him out um and as Chad has has dictated we will be uh we will be freeing him and letting him fly all the way home we're giving him a ride so he doesn't have to walk everyone immediately knew he was going to say hi Dad yeah we know where you get it from Jacob yeah 100 100 percent definitely I feel like if you guys saw how my dad acted you'd be like oh um okay what is it is it release break which one is it release break which one do I push he is feather for he's feather fault he's fine use the potion or fling and we just used the thing we did it release break okay got it all right buddy you're safe you're sick bribe to send dad an image of Gail the record two things right now first of all that Dome I'm sure he's fine I'm sure I'm sure he I'm sure he lived we'll go find the corpse right now we can find him where did he go is he alive okay I I'll also also I I will Enlighten you and hang on my dad's asking me a question I'll send him a picture of of Gail in a minute he is not going to understand anything I mean neither did you in German and you got more TT's super chats than ever sounds profitable he's not gonna understand anything I mean neither did you in German and you got more that's that's that's true that's true so you know what you're right maybe maybe we should have him on for for a time and he can come hang out and witness Baldur's Gate three we'll have him join in as another character and he won't know how to play the game and we'll just we'll just figure it out from there where did he go where did The Gnome go oh no a game for surface children a game for surface children your own kin is dead before you that featherful did not work that that featherful not work ooh a bloody amulet and barcus is log ations of Interest elf song Tavern blushing mermaid moonhaven ruins underdark I wonder where those are Wolverine likely taken by force I will find him dear Wolverine's mother her name I write to inquire I write to inform I write to in relation to flames two flames in the what my guy was going through it I think I think he was not having a good time um revive him we can't revive him you can't revive NPCs in this game um let's see uh uh can we speak with Dad I don't think we can I think we need Shadow heart to speak with dead or do we do we have I think we might have a scroll we do not have a scroll but I think oh we have the amulet we have the amulet we have the amulet I'm sorry I'm I'm an idiot we're speaking with dead the corpse regards you lifelessly what are you guys doing to this man he's what is happening if you've tried to save them and then flung them and I don't even know what's happening anymore we're never Reviving his corpse to speak to him we can say who are you what happened to you tell me about any valuables you have how did he come here what were you doing here or we can leave you just bring there's the one person that voted six just to be like goodbye and you just bring him back just to leave that's that's ridiculous what happened to you you want him to explain chat this is the same thing you did to a Starion you guys are killing people Reviving them and be like tell me what happened what happened to you why don't you uh why don't you tell me yeah did you learn your lesson you guys are ruthless what happened to you I like free but it's not what happened what he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's not he's not ousting us what is why does he think that this is how he died guess like keep girl boss it's 100 what's happening he doesn't even he doesn't know who pulled the lever he just thinks we tried to save him we just tried to save him and he doesn't even know it was us we've pulled the wool right over his eyes this is insane I didn't know the fact that he'd go this level of deep into into this game is incredible it's insane I'm texting my dad that you guys thought he was funny okay number two sorry I was telling I I had to tell my dad you all appreciated him um tell me about any valuables you have guy we just killed I mean he doesn't know that to find him find what did what did we do oh no well narf Nerf uh only believes in singular gnome Supremacy all right there can only be one and it's and it's narf narf the Mud Chicken usurper usurper I hardly know her oops move that back a little bit um so we're gonna say two again who are you looking yeah we gotta ask him who he's looking for who is that foreign really I'm curious to see if you guys are going to try to romance anyone um okay uh number two who are you looking for this is sad pour one out for Wolverine damn flung by a we tried to save him okay we were trying to send him to Wolverine if anything we we didn't it wasn't I didn't we didn't know he'd die we gave him featherfall all right we tried our best ropes are too strong we did ask him for a reward of some kind so I I we're just we're just we're just checking in on that reward because we did like we did try we put in a lot of work we had to spend money for that feather fall that was a lot of money we had to spend for that feather Fallout to be honest we're owed something maybe we'd find Wolverine all right number two what do you need to find this Wolverine flames what is amulet found bloodied what that's that's what what is it what is happening flames in the dark his amulet found bloodied so he let so he found his amulet that's crazy all right so you could say who are you why did you come here what are we doing here we can just leave I wish you could do like what's your favorite color like you just ask him that like dumb final question that would have been so funny they do that in the movie that was like one of the that was the moment when I realized the movie was like was good was when they were doing the speak with dead bit and they were like well there's another question and he's like okay um do you like cats what's your favorite color and I was like that is what we did in our DND games and our d d games we were always just like I don't know we have two more ask them ask him something stupid like oh that was such a such a great bit okay so we're gonna say we're just gonna leave or we're gonna say what what were you doing here what are you doing here oh man this guy's my guy's going through it spells Palo Wayne all right you can ask no more questions no more questions he's free from the windmill is he not exactly Jesse Dwayne we did free him from the windmill did we not we did our job okay so we got some ogres over here that we can talk to or we can go to the goblin Camp uh vote one for ogres vote two for Goblin camp or vote three if you don't want to do any of those things and I'll give you new options as I know you guys want that drown Mommy and I don't know if we're still staying on staying on target for that we've been getting a little distracted but there's a lot we can do out here in this in this blighted Village my tattoo is they get crispy that nobody nobody tells you about getting a tattoo is is great and all but that those two weeks after you get it it's itchy and it's coarse and rough and it gets everywhere all right so we are gonna go um we're gonna go talk to the ogres long rest before moving on yes we will do that we are going to Long rest all right does anybody want to talk to us long rest before moving on yep 100 thank you it's a good reminder probably wouldn't have done it you didn't say anything uh so you you have saved us from death um I don't think anybody wants to talk do you guys want to talk to anybody yes or no how many drinks do I have in is it true that your dad was real life inspiration for the Deep gnomes in bg3 it is said Larry in studios modeled their walburn after his legendary visit my dad I need a life confirmation call him back call him back to ask him if they modeled his face for the Gnomes I don't think so um in front of you how many drinks do I have okay I'm gonna try not to get distracted by these I currently have a berry liquid death which is like my favorite flavor next to Lime I have a I have a Dutch Bros uh cold brew um and I also um I did have a water but it is empty and I should probably go fill it up so I I'm the new game rule reality becomes unstable if there are three or more gnomes alive in this world only your favorite gnome will be spared I don't think you have to bribe me for that I think the chat's already playing by that rule there was more than one gnome alive at the current time we just had to we had to take care of that situation immediately oh my goodness um so Jacob what is your favorite color it's green my favorite color is green um it's it's a it's a dark forest green um so kind of uh like this color right here like like these these branches of these trees um or uh oh Withers wants to talk to us um but like a like a like a dark sort of muted green is my favorite color um after that it's probably like a probably like like a dork like a crimson like red and then maybe maybe blue but I don't know that's my favorite one um am I calling my dad right now okay we are gonna there's so many things happening right now number one always glad to tune back into the adventures of Naf Naf and her bondage polycule in her body's follicle yeah 100 um I am not gonna call my dad and ask him a question that he is not gonna understand um probably also because he's busy and he's doing things um and if I call him back right now he's gonna think I'm gonna talk to him and then he's gonna get frustrated that I'm not but um I I will show you guys a picture of my dad and you guys can decide whether or not he is a uh he actually I have that video of him uh that's that's on the thing you guys can decide if we ever find anybody that looks exactly like him uh let's look here uh where that video was a while ago no lie give us Tyrion levels in monk go at least four again five Monk go at least four Rogue and five into monk four row staring levels in monk would be crazy cool but Chad seems to be pretty bent on him being barred um okay uh let's see let's see uh uh how do I do this window capture we're getting very distracted right now but I look I need a little break from the chaos that's happening in the video game right now uh new source let's see uh this is just gonna like throw up right now yep there it is all right let me just let me just do this oh e h I know there that's my dad oh that's that's a funny face he's making right there those are my parents um I don't know if anybody in the game looks like looks like him at all so I mean Chad you you guys can decide but um now you have them imprint imprint my father into your face into your minds and if we see him it's my dad single no he's not and you guys need to stop there's there's way there were way too many comments about about my dad in in on this video and he read so many of them and I know this was two years ago my dad's older and he looks the exact same still so Gail he does not look like Gail there's there ain't no way ain't no way all right anyways there's a lot going on right now okay we can talk to Withers so we are gonna talk to Withers real fast and then we're gonna talk to another NPC isn't that just Gail dunked this one no this all this I I am not gonna stand you guys calling my dad hot in my chat I will not allow it it cannot happen you guys I will I I will take control of narfner I won't actually I won't do that I wouldn't do that to you guys okay so um so so Withers is not this one not this one and this one that's where he's doing okay what are you doing let's wear these still more riddles from my resident Jester or we could just leave and talk to somebody else oh you guys did vote Yes on wanting to talk to people in Camp so uh we are just gonna talk to everybody and then you guys can decide what we say basically Gail Gail does not look like my dad I mean he's just he's I mean if we're just gonna go off white guy in a beard then yeah I guess he does kind of look like Gail but I don't know okay so we're gonna say number two less worthy still more riddles from my resident Jester I riddled in not I speak you guys hate this guy treacherous Cult of the absolute failed in its name they bear great discontentment with their destiny stop calling Jacob's dad a deal it makes him uncomfortable to tell him how much his of a deal his dad is you guys are heinous today you guys are heinous oh send him a picture of Gail and ask him if he looks like him okay cool Withers is saying some weird [ __ ] I don't know what's happening right now I'm so distracted by Chad you guys you guys play the game for a minute while I asked my dad if he looks like Gail you know what maybe he does look a little bit like Gail especially right here in that picture that I I'm you know what [Music] okay I I told him I told him Chad he's gonna be very confused I'll let you know what he says okay we're saying number three um uh does your dad have an only fans he needs and only fans now I don't think I could ever tell him he said that oh my God oh this is uh this is this stream is going so strange I don't even know how to respond to this y'all I we went from German to hot dad stream why are we all hitting on my dad why do we want him to have an only fans I'm so confused okay did you guys vote three what did you guys vote three you want to change or reset your clap as thou desire I text my dad for one second and oh okay okay okay go ahead vote you you guys are playing the game right I don't know I don't know what you're doing I I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm currently lost in the sea of dad comments so we're gonna make her a Bard there's one vote it took one vote in Mr Monk on where are we choosing a different subclass what's happening I feel like you guys still you know still want to play Monk oh yeah um that that's sure does sure does look like monk all right 75 votes for Monk and she's zagging one go for it whoa somebody got Ranger in like the second it went that's insane all right if any of those get more than like 60 votes it's it there's only dead that that would be a really funny sign only dads only dads [Music] guys Ranger we've been playing monk this whole time we're gonna go ranger why do we want to be a ranger does ball just get three let you add custom characters mid-run maybe add Jacob's dad to the game I win you can make you can get hirelings um but you can't uh You Can't customize them I really wish you could especially because you can make like you can have friends join your game well I guess that's the way you could do it like you could have somebody join your game and then you could just like keep them um but yeah okay Rangers got 46 votes so Ranger and monk that's the final two oh it's still in Still In classical which I guess we'll keep okay Ranger Monk all right go for it oh I forgot to show that one person who wanted to know how to hide uh your your your armor and stuff I completely forgot to do that there's so many things happening at once during the stream I said earlier guys I'm trying to get better at this there's it is it is uh streaming like this is tons of fun and I love doing it it is so overwhelming sometimes that I forget a lot of stuff so bear with me but thank you guys for bearing with me I appreciate it looks like you're gonna bear with freaking narf narf here who's gonna go into Ranger out of nowhere he should have a bear but yeah monks winning monks winning monks winning all right all right it looks like it looks like we are gonna stick with mug which is fine do you guys want to multi-class yes or no because we can just stay monk I don't really want to vote on every single level but if you guys want to and you guys did this because you wanted to cross-class or no stream we have Giddy Up Gail naked body stereo asking if Jacob's dad is single it's the Thirsty third BG 3 everyone this game just makes you thirsty what can I say my dad called in and you guys are just like only dance yeah this is this has been the wildest one we've done yet it's it is only going to descend down down down so we are multi-classing okay what so I'll ping it every time then on do you guys want to go into Ranger because you guys did vote Ranger we move so little from where we started as well I I know we have not gone far we've been really changing up our class you know chance really you guys are really trying to feel out a lot of the classes you guys are liking them but you're wanting to get like a good range of like what we're playing okay so we are going to go monk for level one um did I just [ __ ] that I just we I went default abilities Jacob Jacob I did not how far back is our save that's really far so far do we have enough gold to do it again ah we have 73 gold okay do we do we respect again or are we just gonna keep our abilities because I totally goofed that on accident I just forgot because it was a level up and I I didn't know so we we have eight strength 17 oh it kept our default it kept our default so do we just want to keep it let me sorry let me reset the bullet let me reset the pull I'm gonna close the poll close the pole wake up late it do we want to uh uh the yes or no is uh or are we going to sell and redo our ability scores yes or no if you guys want to redo our ability scores you can say yes if no we can we can undo them but I thought I did the ability scores fine and our in our first in our first game that we did our ability scores are pretty good my dad has not responded I think you guys stun locked him [Music] pickpocket Withers I don't think he has anything on him I think we have tried this we have tried everything we can to do something to this guy and we can't pickpocket him oh because we're not hidden we can't pickpocket him okay yeah I can't we can't pick pocket Withers okay so we're not gonna undo our stats sounds good okay thanks guys appreciate it okay I know you guys want to go ranger we're not going to vote on all of those all over again because that's insane um but uh do you guys want to go ranger now or do you want to go or or no because we could we could also do it at level three or we only have two we're only level two no we're level three we're level three so we could go ranger into third level we can go ranger into second level um but if you guys want to go ranger into second level say yes now or you just say no and we just don't do it because it's just like tricked you not pranked you you thought we were gonna multi-class in fact we're gonna we're just gonna waste a hundred gold for fun because we thought it was funny um looks like no we aren't we're gonna we're gonna go two levels into monk okay it's a two levels in a monk okay third are we going are we going into Ranger now is this is this when we go to the Ranger is it level three because you guys didn't want to be Shadow monk you guys okay because I did we did vote on this I think I said no but now you're saying maybe no then then why did you guys want to do this why did we vote on this what is happening did we just want to change subclass because it was in German you guys just really wanted to know what our abilities were right that I get it that was what it was right right for funsies okay okay so so so we aren't multi-classing you just nullified your own you just know about your own boats you guys have changed your mind so you deflect missiles we have key points we have Harmony oh oh hang on we gotta okay vote one two or three you can vote one for way of four elements vote two for way of the open hand or vote three for way of shadow um which you don't get your teleportability I think you get it at a higher level I keep thinking I think that's at sixth level you get that I keep thinking that's like a third level feature um way of the open hand gets you get topple stagger and push oh there you go the push ability is pretty cool and then way the four elements will get like spells like fist of unbroken Aaron clench of the north wind or whatever that one is clench at the South one if you know what I mean um what does Withers need pockets for she took everything we took his pockets really um chat I have very special my entire party into two levels of Druid and three ranges so they can all be bears with bare pets for a total of eight Bears I am Unstoppable that is insane that's I'd love that you can do that with this game chat what's what um what's this what's this what's going on it's a guy why why do we why did we do this what I love democracy what why did we vote why did we tell Withers we wanted to read I missed most of the stream is Gail still in the leather straps yes Gail is definitely still on the leather straps he is never leaving those lavender straps thank you for the five dick wheel what I gotta we gotta get this in here hang on just gotta we just this one this one's this one's got to be in the Stream I think I'm there's there's no yeah I look I love democracy ah all right um cool we do a little bit of trolling you guys guys told me for no reason just just because it was funny just because you could it's not about the money it's just it's about sending a message okay we did it thank you Withers thanks all right everybody wanted to talk so do we want to talk to everybody yes or no do you guys want do you guys want to talk to everybody or do you just want to talk to like the heinous I'd like to read I must take your 100 gold so that so that we can perform this ritual on you I want to be the exact same I'm thinking about going into race too much the more you teach them the Dumber you get I'm losing brain cells by the minute live noobster seriously I nothing changed they they wanted to I asked I asked all of you if you wanted to multi-class into Ranger and you were like yeah let's do that and then we just didn't they're just like no actually no actually we're thinking about it I mean maybe maybe we'll go into Ranger later it's a little bit of foreshadowing we control the polls not you I love democracy okay we're going to talk to everybody sounds good something the matter I didn't suggest okay Jacob the moment that you suggest ironically that we could do something stupid to bewilder you we will pick that option that isn't always true sometimes I've been like no don't do that and you guys don't and you're like yeah no that seems a little weird it just has to have all a consequence for me no consequence for you that's that's a win it's okay okay so we're talking to everybody before bed because that's something that we do and we can say vote one for what's the story with that odd little artifact you have bribe for showing the armor underwear glitch armor under um okay while you guys vote on whatever that thing is because I'm sure you can remember all of them um it's not a glitch what you can do is is in your inventory you can't you can wear armor like uh let's see do we have armor on us no I think it's I think it's in our camp menu foreign let me just pick this up so you can in the game you're in your menu you can equip armor but if you notice it doesn't change the look of it because you're in a camp gear if you toggle this you can be in your Camp gear and your Camp gear can also just be this so you can wear armor in the game actually found that if you respect and cancel out of the menu it sometimes gives you more money so uh good on you chat room what it gives you more money what are you talking about respect and cancel out of the menu it'll give you more I didn't that's crazy I didn't know that it was never about the money it was always about sending a message we hold the power you're right I'm sorry Chad you do you you control everything I I'll never question you again uh I I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll I'll get back in my place don't hurt me Chad please please don't smite me I I'll do whatever you ask I I won't I you you could be a ranger you can be whatever you want uh I don't care anybody can be anything it's whatever you want but anyways to show off this thing um basically I'm still wearing the armor and I've got ac16 but I'm showing my Camp stuff so it's basically like having a helmet but I'm not going to let the chat do that because you have to commit to wearing armor and also I think our AC is better without it so just saying okay anyways everybody voted number three to say to Shadow heart which is uh we should get to know each other a little more must we no harm in a little mystery don't you think um we can say you don't want to talk about yourself um we have to rely on each other even if we knew each other as well Naf Naf just wants to fist some people is that too much to us it's not it really isn't it's it is not too much to ask Nerf Nerf can fist whoever she wants um I me personally me personally uh I love democracy um number two is it looks like what we're gonna be saying which is we have to rely on each other easier if we knew each other as well or easier if we knew if if we knew each other as well um which is our winner uh easy is often less interesting besides with plenty of reason to rely on each other already you can't confide in just anyone about a monster in your head yeah can't confide in just anyone at all that's ridiculous narf Nerf the short stack fist mommy yep that's that's I think she's the Mud Chicken usurper but I think her alternate title for um is uh the what the Mud Chicken usurper the mommy who can you know I don't know I think I think only Mud Chicken usurper really fits it is MCU so she she's also um narf narf the Marvel Cinematic Universe um all right uh so shadowheart asks if easier is often less interesting besides we have plenty of reasons to rely on each other and you can't confide in anyone about a monster in your head and narf Nerf responds with uh uh maybe I'd like to know you better future interrogations just yet well she's not even traveling with us Chad are you trying to roam it he's trying to rise up Shadow heart or what like what's the consensus here so I'm not I'm not certain she's the only NPC you guys have been nice to I mean we did take her you know Circle it which currently isn't visible right now but you know it's just because we're such good friends with her obviously guys my dad still hasn't texted back I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure we scared him but you guys are so nice to Shadow why is narf narf so nice to shadowheart you guys just like her a lot narf Nerf has the Riz narf narf the Riz chicken usurper the the darf Nerf the Mud Chicken rizzler uh all right if that's what you prefer I can respect that thank you I'm sure we'll get along perfectly well well okay cool well that was our nice little conversation we had of shadowheart let's go talk to a Starion ask Darian hey buddy you look a little beat up need something I haven't forgotten that you tried to oh okay well that's that's not a that we can decide our party afterwards uh we won't do that right now um he just doesn't have anything to say all right lizelle there we go okay so we can talk to liezel Shadow heart didn't do nothing she's a sweetheart and deserves to be raised all right valid I guess I just completed her story in um in my main game and I did that last night and I was I was I was emotional it's it her her story is very cool and she's a sweet little baby is is very sad um if you if you guys have the game and you get the chance everybody's character stories I've done a Starion and I've done um Shadow heart and it's very cool lizelle's looking cheekier than useful what are you talking about she's wearing a starion's underwear we've just been slopping it around you know here here in narf Nerf's party we just we just we just share around underwear you know your dad won't text back for a while we're busy that is the that is the funniest [ __ ] Super Chat I've ever gotten that is Hades uh that oh my God Chad's horny I gotta get the I gotta get the goddamn [ __ ] Hammer the the Bonk the Bonk hammer damn not my dad that came out of left field that stunned me I don't even know what did we vote on one Jesus Christ yeah number one um we're playing a video game uh you look so unusual get Yankee or rare in these parts I expect I am your first hmm could be my first be Nerf Nerfs first I don't know Nerf Nerf seems like she [ __ ] probably not Nerf nerves first Bonk is British slang for uh for sex Jacob um well I'm not in Britain so you take take your your veins and your toast and you you tea in it and everybody in this game is British though it is really funny that like larian was like ah the sword Coast everyone sounds British I guess uh like Liesel kind of doesn't but even still she's like I expect I am your first like she still has like a an English accent all right number three I have a very yeah just like what we said I have cross paths with Keith Yankee before and they didn't cut you from navel to Nick whoa well perhaps they were otherwise occupied well yet again people like you I know of your kind but I do not often encounter them that large fleshy nose of yours looks like a mistake uh it's funny that she thinks her nose looks funny that's that's that's I think that's interesting no I've uh got along with get Yankee before she's she's this is this is that's how norf norf goes into every situation if we could no I'm I guarantee you narf Nerf would be walking up to everybody just being like just just hitting him with the Giga Chad just with the with the with the rizz the light skin stare well for me it's light skin stare for for her it is not what kind of American accent would you have I don't know I don't think liezel or norovnarv Vine boom yeah I know I should get the I should get the vine boom all right number two um really thanks for noticing or was it two sorry as if you're up turn but no snout is any better damn better is an opinion but mine is certainly more economical economical and dignified whoa well it's a good response to be honest I guess it is now we gotta I know I'm thinking about my nose fight fighter you insulted her nose back and then she defended herself she just called our nose large and fleshy and you were like well you look like a bat she did worse no she didn't all right we're just gonna leave I think we're just we're done talking to lizelle we just leave all right now we gotta go talk to Gail Gail where's your hat girl where's your hat he'll put your hat on right now who said you could what's he doing what is he doing Gail why are you sneaking what's going on why is he doing that he's assuming the position he's he's getting on narf Nerf's level he's uh he's he's revolting Dad it's not my dad Gail put your hat on there we go looking ahead what's on your mind Gail [Music] why is Gail's hat not on go ahead are you shy he's just shot he's shy he's shy we can't rename Gail to Jacob's dad that's not I don't want to think about that being my dad's ass cheek all right uh Gail Gail doesn't have anything of importance to say he's assuming the position all right it's somebody in the chat said how to talk to short people definitely definitely is there anybody else in our camp nope not yet okay let's long rest time for sleep um hello can I see all right may I see is it because they're sneaking why are we group sneaking that outfit don't say shy he's a little shy about his hat he's he's not very sure about it yet he wants his outfit but he's not he's not he's he's not sure about the Hat yet he doesn't know they're rocking from Nerf just tuned in looks like Gail has gone full [ __ ] mode never be over Gale being full [ __ ] mode [Laughter] okay yeah we are going for for mommy drow lady um can we long rest please game all right uh um pack delicious rest flitting between Dreams and Nightmares nightmares of what who's creeping up on us wake up because you know something is wrong or maybe you just get lucky oh [ __ ] guys remember when this happened to the cranberry let's um let's let's stay on target this time okay it's not what it looks like I swear I think we remember how to handle this scenario Chad I just needed well blood oh you needed he just needed some blood it see him for what he really is kill a vampire kill he's just hungry guys we aren't giving him any food oh [ __ ] well we got two options we can uh we can how long since you killed someone days or hours or melee attack pick up a steak and lunch at the monster oh we're all split down the middle here guys whoa what do we feel about hysterian because um he's our sweet little Bard boy now and I feel like I don't even know what you guys feel about hysteria you killed him yeah brought him back you kept him around I'm not really sure maybe you're just upset that he hasn't been put into his place but I mean he is hungry like anybody is except he's a vampire wasn't his fault wasn't his choice everybody really came out for the votes for this one okay how long since you killed someone days hours I've never killed anyone well not the food I feed on animals Bulls dear Cobalts whatever I can get oh but it's not enough not if I have to fight feel so weak he feels weak if I just had a little blood I could think clearer fight better please strange sensation courses through you there's little bite marks already did he already get some unfolds Secrets half revealed he already took a little he already took a little a little nibble um Nerf nurse looking rather intimidating in that stance there that's crazy let him give us the good suck y'all heard them chat I think I think we want to want to get some good suck all right we need to feed our little boy he's he's hungry and requires narsnarf's delicious juices we're gonna push into his mind and search for the truth give him a taste of the narf narf blood and I guess we'll see all right that looks like uh that looks like uh we're going on three here we're gonna probe a Starion we did it I whoa what's happening well he's aware something stirs deep within you hungry and alert it's taking something you'll never get back what did it take his mind opens up revealing cracks and quivering memories revealing crack at their heart yes dark dark eyes commanding you to feed damn you open your mouth and bite down not into a tender neck but into the twisting body of a rat oh the only thing your master lets you eat poor baby shiver and quiff yeah and shiver and quiff that I've never related more to critical role in a moment than like that just laughing about something stupid um well guys um this can go wanna we know he's a vampire and he the poor little baby boy was forced to force to eat rats poor guy maybe that's why he wants to take a bite out of us because we kind of look like a rat he's like enough you look so much like a rat I think the voice actor for a Starion I can't remember his name has a um has a cameo that would be so [ __ ] funny if we got that at some point of him just being like Naf Naf some of your blood would be amazing a Starion called us a rat he did call us a rat I implied I implied that maybe he thinks we look like a rat you ate animals because you were forced to not because you wanted to oh true Nerf Nerf true all right yes yes I ate whatever disgusting them in my master picked so you can see why I'm slow to trust you oh but I do trust you he trusts us even though we killed him took his clothes and then brought him back to life and then made him wear underwear wow trust uh a Starion is just just read his poor boy has been beaten down too hard this is well if narf narf is better than his vampiric Lord um man that's really saying something in it but I do trust you can trust me are you guys trying to romance a Starion are you trying to appease God Emperor Spencer because she my mom's gonna be happy with you if if you do she's she's gonna be like this is the way to go and I think we've been getting some pretty good hysterian approves you know besides killing him and bringing him back to life he didn't seem to really hate that too much though we want the soccer Jacob yeah sir does look like we want some suck asterian vegan run a styrion feet I do I do believe you leave you oh you proved do you think you could trust me just a little further I think we can I only need a taste bribe to only let him feed on rats in game oh just our familiars he only needs a taste guys you can do you want that suck because you vote one if you want that suck and it seems like Chad's awfully thirsty today you implied we'll impale just it's just a funny thought that asterion's like we've been working together and I just want to trust you and I need a little bit of blood and your character's just like vampire yeah I'm scared I'm terrified even though there's a lithid uh in my brain all right Chad it is time I I love democracy I love democracy allowing me to for a hot vampire twink to suck me uh this is true fantasy really all right here's a little let's make our sounds comfortable pictures is comfortable hey yo hey yo we're getting a socket of ice into your neck a quick sharp pain that Fades to throbbing numbness your breath catches your pulse quickens hey yo damn she's so small this is this is hello romantic just saying he's just sucking a little bit of a little bit of narf Nerf juice all right he needs it to live all right so we got a couple of options here we do persuasion check that's enough strength pushing back melee attack grab the steak and drive it into his heart or four let him continue if you guys pull another cranberry I will be so shocked I will be simply stunned that even even now even now that we can let him continue a little further and then we can tell him to stop we give him as much blood as he wants all right so it's it's possible now call me a rat again like a good boy laughs damn you guys are getting into it all right we're gonna let him continue he called me a rat like a good boy somebody write the somebody write the narf Nerf x a Starion smut all right we'll need that in the in the coming future and the in the coming future why did I say it like that I gotta I need to push let him continue you can feel your blood racing coursing through both your bodies a gentle numb feeling starts to spread hey yo all right chat this is it this is it this that oh my God she's getting pulled up there there's there's look she's just getting sucked man that is crazy all right we got a persuasion check stop it's too much two melee attack grab the steak and drive it into his heart or three relax and let yourself Drift Away into our sweet vampire boy I love democracy it's so close it's so close maybe narf Nerf's close some YouTube some YouTube person is Gonna Come be like all right what's Jake been doing whoa everybody's thirsty over here it's three three one did It win you pulled a cranberry again you didn't her little wiggling legs I know right she's like she's very clearly like I I don't know she's she seemed I mean we're all playing it well Nerf Nerf is very clearly into this oh no oh no we just we pulled another cranberry all right let's let him suck you West try like the rat we are [Music] feel a little cold but that's all there's no more pain no more fear and no more struggle it's all over oh no something Terrible's happened you fell for him you fell you just let him take take all your blood she's dead she's dead all right I said we would do this now I'd like to play through the entire game chat we can bring her back I'm not like with cranberry I was willing to like reset because we were still in Early Access and I knew we would hit a wall but the whole game is out um so um we are we Reviving narf Nerf yes or no vote vote now I think I think we should because uh restarting the entire game is going to be a chore a real chore and I don't know if that would necessarily be super fun or a great idea we did it we won balder's case yeah if we did it yeah we did we won that's how you win Boulder's Gate actually you know the starians suck you dry and then you get the [ __ ] out of there that's how you win Boulders gate three that was the way it is intended to be played larion got up to this point in the game they're like what's the point of making any more content this is the best ending all right we're gonna bring narf Nerf back we're gonna bring Darth back who's how do we revive her I think a Starion should do it I'm staring it was like oh no something's something terrible has happened uh where's our Scrolls they're on our dead corpse at least narf Nerf died happy right like did narvanarf die happy yeah love to see it the good boy gets his good drink yeah best way to go campaign over campaign over a steering gets a juice box speedrun that makes a juice box out of the out of the player character speedrun we did it guys um where's our Scrolls oh Gail has one all right now if you quit that first speak with dead first can you do that hold on hold on I was literally about to click it I was lit do we want to do we want to try and speak with dead y'all that would be cool yes okay we'll try it we'll try it we'll try it uh that's insane if you can't should we do it on a Syrian like should I started to bring back Naf Naf the chosen one or supper of chickens the sucked of vampire the sucked oh oh her title's increasing now yes yes uh the chosen one user of chickens the sucked off of Vampire twinks yes yes um adding that over to her title we will be Reviving her a staring should do it okay okay a Starion will will cast speak with dead on narf Nerf no revives start over and choose dark urge doing that where you guys already are the dark urge really um it looks like you can't you can't do that that's insane that would have been crazy though if you could all right put it get get back on it get put I gotta do it when she's alive all right narf narf wake up oh we can talk to hysterian great gift give that back your goodness I was worried about you you looked a little ill last night but you've certainly recovered oh no we could say ill you killed me or punch a Starion or I don't want to talk about it laughs this is so funny this didn't happen with cranberry we restarted when we did cranberry so this is a whole new Dynamic that's come out of a Starion that we're gonna have something else is going to be coming over to staring if you guys keep it up murder we're going to kill him you guys just fell for him he just seduced you I don't think murder is on the mind I think a punch well the punch from narf narf might be murder actually yes cranberry got sucked by a Starion and died that's that's how cranberry got killed um and then we restarted okay punchestarian but let's not get carried away or through me through me this is so [ __ ] funny uh my stomach hurts this is so funny oh my God all right so carried away you killed me she's so grumpy look at her she's so mad see Angie um oh I feel much better now or you betrayed my trust I want you to leave no guys well I mean I mean I'm sorry I'm just a messenger I don't understand Jacob after your last two jokes I think you're banned from those from now on okay I'm sorry I'm done I'm done I I apologize I apologize I won't say anything more about come Ming into the game and helping you guys just make decisions you guys were the ones saying only dads I earned those jokes but I apologize all right we're gonna say number one carried away you killed me this is like a strong word I got carried away it got carried away I apologize but look at you now perfectly I love this so much actually let's not fall out over this we still need each other let's not fall out over this sorry that was that was dumb all right we can uh we can say you're right unfortunately I can't lose any allies or do we why should I keep you around or I need someone I can trust leave my party no I mean I mean you guys choose whatever you want you I I love democracy I'm gonna hide behind the Democracy Palpatine I love democracy bribe to unban Jacob from making jokes yay band The all the creaming and Australian jokes that I that I want okay so we're gonna question him do we why should I keep you around and then he just like he just confesses his love he's just like he's like because I love you and then you both make out and it's awesome I mean uh I mean I mean we're obviously we just we're trying to see his trust that's that's what we're trying to do so uh do we why should I keep you around a strong well-fed vampire I'm a powerful weapon you'd be a fool to bribe to bring jokes back anyway last night was an aberration it will never happen again straps thank you I've been now double one band can we let bygones can we let bygones be bygones bygone bygone these nuts [Music] um so we can say fine I forgive you or all right but you can't drink people's blood from now on oh geez all right and and the time you get hungry and the next time you get hungry who you bite then and say no I can't I need you to leave a powerful vampire as an asset that is what his his uh his his thing was for us he's just like I'm strong having a vampire site is really good awesome super hot like obviously he's he's putting a lot of I don't know if he said that last one but I feel like he implied it laughs uh okay it looks like we're gonna say number three and the next time you get hungry who will you bite then is it going to be me no innocence you have my word only villains that we need to kill anyway enough is a villain after all you know what I am now she was like I can fight with all my weapons include teeth included drain the occasional yeah they're just as dead well just as dead um that's funny uh uh uh that's that's that that bit in the middle there where she was like she was like she was like this that was funny as hell so we can say all right but I'll be watching and sounds good glad we can agree or no you can't feed on people animals only geez or look I'm not against you feeding on me but only if we talk about it first [Laughter] I'm biased fine I'll concede bygone these nuts was a good one thanks it was so stupid um I I ship them all right out of everybody you guys have tried to raise up narf Nerf was into that blood sucking I just want to say when my character did the blood sucking when when Jace did it he was just kind of like ow narf Nerf was Nerf Nerf had her back arch she was like she her legs were shaking damn she was into it I'm just saying all right I I saw what I saw when do we get the fan fiction okay we're gonna say number four I think that's fitting look I'm not against you feeding on me but only if we talk about it first of course it sounds eminently reasonable I show away patiently until oh surprises you have my word on that well that was nice um Nerf Nerf said one [ __ ] hit point though we might need to drink some potions oh man I don't know are we still we may not even go for drill Mommy a Starion is is really risen us up here pretty interesting pretty crazy um I like where this is going okay so I think we can go a little longer we can probably get to the the goblin camera I was fully expecting you to punch him in the nuts because she's so short dude the way she like jumped up she was like it's like she like jumped up and punched him in the face it would have just been really funny and it was just like and he's like oh my vampire balls that's where all of our power is knock knock or what if he was what if he was like he was like oh knock knock ask me next time he would a staring would um okay so uh do you guys want to change our party out at all or are we happy with with a Starion Gail and lizelle um whoa lizelle what are you doing are you ready to fight what's going on she's she's just she's ready to go she's prepared she's ready she's she's trying to appease you guys chat she's like I can fight at any game oh okay she stopped stop she [ __ ] we won't assume anything about about he's bouncing okay that's that's that's Gail's theme what's that buff icon next to a starion's picture uh oh the buff icon next to a Starion it means he's happy because he had some blood so he has a plus one to attack roll saving throws and ability checks normally we would be bloodless and we would have a minus one to all of our checks but because we died on brought back to life we don't have it because we got revivified so yep um okay so looks like we're not gonna switch out our party I think that's a good idea um sounds good let's head back into the world leave camp I do so very like spicy food whoa damn bribe to respect into a druid and pegisterian somebody in the chat said hot that that is that hot or it's probably just the spicy the spicy blood thing um okay so we're gonna redecide here uh vote one if you guys want to go talk to the ogres which are over here vote two if we want to go Goblin Camp we're just gonna go one or two um and then vote three if you don't want to do any of those things and I'll just turn the whole map around and we'll go somewhere else I guess the vote three if you want to go down the well or if you want to go past the windmill or somewhere else um but one for ogres two for Goblin camp in my own game I forgot menthra existed until the rest of the camp was cleared out then she died something fast you'd like to say what she's like I mean same I Early Access I did an evil evil um and I don't know if they've changed it at all um it was like like maybe a year ago maybe a year and a half ago um that I did that but um it it's she's pretty cool and you you do have to be like fully like you gotta kill those Druids so we'll see what happens um okay so we are gonna go talk to the ogres sounds good are we we need to heal narf in our for like hang on oh we don't have a lot of potions um I don't think we should waste a short rest on this I think we should just that's probably good stay on that for a little bit and I think we'll be fine all right let's do a little quick save here yeah somebody in the chat said that it's actually the way that chat did it with hysterian is the like the best way to do it because now we're not bloodless and now we actually um uh like we don't get the debuff and the staring still gets the buff which is pretty cool I'm walking up like that is so funny yourselves this quarrel sounds our faced the size tastes like pork tastes like pork and what surprises oh hello brothers look here I have eyed yet another prize fortune favors our bellies Wharton favors our bellies stranger beef why so many people want to eat us the Mark is her measure show is the brand of the absolute um okay well we got some options here um you're quite elegant for an ogre I bear no such brand are you gonna do deception check I'll do one bit or one of the absolute chosen disciples or attack and these guys look pretty strong I don't know if we could take them on our drivers at half health I mean we could try it but uh you know whatever whatever you guys want to do of course caught a steering standing in the background it's so funny number three we're gonna do a little deception check I think you guys want these guys on our side huh because there's a possibility that we can uh maybe summon them in battle they can be our allies which would be pretty cool and neat to have okay so we are gonna do number three uh deception check I'll do one better one of the absolute's chosen disciples bribe to pull to see what the meat the yogas are eating tastes like what does it taste like um what does the meat like what do what do we think the meat tastes like oh man okay we'll do that afterwards if we live do we want to add a Bardock inspiration let's do a really quick one do you want to add a product inspiration yes or no looks like looks like yes because I initially like lots of yes uh let me just let that last one kind of go through I mean that's everyone wants to eat this cause we are just a tasty little rat we're just a tasty little rat the rat chicken userver okay we will use that part of inspiration boom to the face of the party for all conversations no particular reason eyes fire he wears Jeff Gail talk to everybody um should we use an inspiration yeah no reason at all I would want Gail to do that do you know what's funny is because you guys picked like a short character we're always just gonna be at crotch level I'm not biased so level three I'd guys maybe let's not punch the ogres in the balls I didn't say that I I love democracy I you do you not hear my pleas of of democracy love and how much I want you guys to punch ogres in the balls I just don't want to fight them it's hard okay we will we'll use the inspiration come on hysterian please give us a give us and karmic dice is still off just want to let you guys know damn food or just a tasty little rat not food friend not food friend um okay so now we can vote on uh you're quite the articulate ogre or I noticed you don't bear a brand of your own or I've seen a few ogres in these parts or attack or leave I'm not biased at all if you guys want to fight these ogres I'm so down y'all want to fight these [ __ ] ogres we can just punch them right in the boilings in the boring lines right in the Boeing loins and the Boeing lights right in the ogre boing loins but I'm also not saying that that's what we have to do is I I am just reading the situation here there are three very big creatures I'm sure we could take them down with our nakedness it's an intimidation tactic really wearing as little clothes as possible I just want the drops I I don't care no I'm just saying they're better as allies but I mean we can kill them I don't care wow that was really close there were 73 60 votes on number four we're gonna say number one you were quite the articulate ogre am I not astonishing a robust diet makes for a shrewd mind you see I Gorman he's a Gorman gourmand oh no the only person that gets to eat us is Hysteria um I notice you don't bear a brand of your own I've seen a few yogas in your Prime these parts attack or leave decide decide I loved democracy I can't stop saying that I keep looking at them up in the corner and that's what is what is freaking Padme say she says uh and and that's how and this is how democracy dies I don't know if that's what she says with thunderous Applause I don't I don't remember what exactly she says um okay number one we are gonna say I notice you don't bear a brand of your own of no use for the absolute or any God I follow two masters only gluttony and greed angry the Goblins understand hunger for gold say my Hunger for me huh he's a punched that guy oh don't look at esterion's nipples [Laughter] you no you can't have you can't have any of my drinks I'm sorry nope all right Marcy uh which one are we picking oh [Music] uh-huh that's true yeah Baldur's Gate three mm-hmm bribed to have a Starion use his bite ability on Naf Naf while she's busy talking that'd be funny if you could do that [Music] um just biter while she's in the middle of talking you forgot I have a baby yeah I do have responsibilities [Music] I'm streaming yep can you say hi hi yeah there's nobody there huh are you leaving yeah good job you're so sweet there's such a sweet little baby oh [ __ ] what do you want guys quick bad words in Super Chat to teach baby oh no yeah it's green huh it's green green she said green good job learning your colors uh okay so forget goblins you should be fighting for me they won't get off bribe for Marcy authoritarian yeah you know letting Market become the main character Marcy just makes the the Baldur's gay three but my 15 month year old baby wait for for 14 15 month year old baby has to make all the decisions yeah um uh deception a thousand gold after you fight for me uh number two is I'll pay you in the flesh of the Fallen you'll have your fill or I've changed my mind the offer is off the table or a tag we could probably convince him we what's our persuasion it's minus one but maybe we'll have advantage or um or maybe a Starion can give us a little bardic inspiration and we'll succeed who knows who knows it all if we cannot have dad we'll have baby boss Mercy all right Marcy can be your guys's president for sure yeah she can she can decide decide um decide decide uh ties if she's awake um all right number two we're gonna try that persuasion check and we're gonna try to get that Bardock inspiration if we can come on a Starion oh it's 20. 20 chat oh okay here we go oh come on come on go [Music] where's my dubstep no how could this happen we can use the inspiration we can use the inspiration we're gonna use the inspiration use the inspiration yes or no roll again roll again okay we'll roll again roll again here we go ah it's not happening it's not happening now karmic dice look at the tongue was what the staring was doing last night um well all right guys we are now locked into two decisions here um yeah changed my mind the offer is off the table or attack um mr525 thanks for the six uh been just the first two streams yesterday I love the idea uh just I love this idea just got one thing to say bribe to name a Starion Meg because that's how the chat treats him it's kind of have it seemed like the beginning but now we're kind of in our little Redemption Arc with with a Starion chat seems to seems to love him a little bit all right we're gonna fight these freaking ogres we're gonna take them out this is so sad Alexa played despacito by Luis fonsi featuring Justin Bieber I I wish I had an Alexa in here and then I would have to panic to turn it off that would have been really funny how how many of you watching this in your living room just had uh uh that start playing though all right we're saying number two we're going to attack like Meats back on the menu bars all right let's do a little quick save here and um I think what our Strat here is going to be is probably drink a potion and then uh a steering you're running up first here I think we got to take care of these ads first and then we can get lumpy and lightened um but I think dashing is probably our best move here just so we can get a steering can't sneak attack I keep thinking he can stick it like he's a board oh this is dumb oh this is no good that beam though we could use that beam drop it on some ogres might be a good idea a Starion is that something that you can do is this might take a hit but it might be worth it uh he only has okay come on oh 100 we got what was that what was that for that did nothing gaming yeah that did absolutely nothing yeah good hit good hit of steering good hit oh okay slowly for damage it's fine Gale rage uh all right run gaels Dash Gail get in there quick we gotta protect narf Nerf yeah oh yeah don't worry about the fact that Gail can rage um for those of you who have who have uh just tuned in [Laughter] wait all right let's do a compelled duel I think oh man can't get up there lots of decisions um man no not a lot of not a lot of movement we're getting here we're gonna just have to dash with lizelle as well she doesn't have a lot of movement or is it just these two have a lot of movement I don't know I have no idea all right time for big punches oh so we actually have I have some new spells and abilities like darkness which I think could be kind of cool we could catch a little darkness and make these guys blind why is the hot bar so small I know I can make it bigger I just haven't I need to organize it at some point I just don't want to waste time doing it because it takes forever um we could do Darkness but then they're gonna be in darkness and they're gonna be harder to hit so Darkness on everybody I don't know if that's a good idea maybe a defense if we start really getting destroyed but I think we just need to do some multi-attacks here on on on chalk boom a crit that is awesome oh punch them right in the Boeing loins all right asterion um dissonant Whispers just gonna Focus down chalk oh he's frightened perfect oh and else acid Arrow all right uh Gail let's do a cleave rage yes awesome uh and then a pommel strike chalk it's getting still frightened oh he's not frightening dang it okay lizelle we're gonna do a Wrath of smite on chalk okay he's frightened again play your drum narn finish him off oh come on oh yes brighten the boring loins mmm a whole chicken delicious all right uh mouth was pretty good all right let's get a sterion in here I think I don't know if I want to waste all of his spell slots here but these guys are pretty strong now I don't know if we're planning on fighting Goblin so I feel like it's a good idea but we do have some uh wait there we go it's much better um we could do the defensive flourish uh but we could also do a bite he's not he doesn't need healing right now so let's do um let's don't he we could do range flourish actually for multiple targets um slashing flourish with ranged so we can do uh two can we do two just two heads yeah that was amazing who needs sneak attack oh took narf narf straight down um I don't I don't think he's gonna keep attacking us um but just taking down fank just needs to happen maybe lizelle can get up narf Nerf well I don't know who's gonna really do more damage here probably Liesel because she's got the Smite but oh no lizelle can do lay on hands so let's keep attacking with Gail there we go and then can we shove not too happy all right that's fine Gail's raging taking half damage and then let's do a cheeky little lay on hands let's do 12 healing and get an ARF Nerf back up hell yeah and then compelled duel oh he saved damn okay uh we just need to take out fank here do some some more key points come on Nerf nerves stay alive you got this yes perfect in the Boeing loins once again an arthnath going Pig's head nice going straight for the ogres boingoings where they are uh in fact weak I didn't know if you guys knew that or not but uh it's true quiet vicious oh [ __ ] what took her down the the MILFs acid Arrow that's not good um okay let's just keep walking on this guy oh Gail I don't know if you were built for this my dude okay can we get an attack in nope we just have a bonus action um inquisitors might see nafnoff is down again time to make Bots Terry in the main character it's the rule oh it's the rules yeah bardsterion Bart Starion is kind of acting like main character right now he's doing a lot of stuff okay uh let's do in quizzers my online Zone just so on next turn she can get some more damage in um and then hope she doesn't get attacked uh let's not use our unarmed strike again and um let's just do a another vicious mockery because I want to disadvantage on his attack rolls come on yes worth it worth it okay um let's hit him with this cool Liesel big Smite big Smite lysel come on nah nah so close Nerf Nerf multiple hits these boingoings are protected we can't hit him in the boiling loins he's too strong no no I'm freaking lump he he knew we'd go for his bowling Longs and he he armored them up entirely um okay let's let's think let's think of something here maybe Tasha's let's try that there we go there we go just slice ourselves um does isael still have she does come on lizelle come on liezel Gail finish him off okay maybe maybe not maybe not snarf Nerf [Music] okay kicked him in his ass that's good okay saved just not good Gail Gail oh he's still alive he's still alive he's still alive yeah dude oh Gail that was amazing I'm so glad you're a barbarian whoa warped headband of intellect increases the where's intelligence 17. salami we got we got the salami okay is salami it is is is are we given salami to to narf narf is that what she's hello Mr level three just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me to get my DND group back together smile that's awesome cool I hope you guys have fun that's super great I I don't know what I did to inspire you but uh uh that's awesome play D have fun that's that's great uh are we giving this a knife can wield that salami all right we could be we could be out here with our key empowered salami strikes I also I love that all of you have just relegated to calling me a mister to level three sometimes like that's my last name that's very funny um everybody just agreed that that we'll do that salami stallion salami Starion all right I'm making a poll [Music] foreign [Music] guys you can vote on who's getting salami I mean honestly I think narf is going to be getting some salamis all right vote you can vote Gail vote asterian vote narf narf without a space or liezel for who's getting the salami ooh Scroll of blur some gold lumps warhorn the Diary of lump the enlightened and the wartime band of intellect which we'll be deciding on in a minute but let's just pick up all that stuff um and I did Gail pick up all of that all right that's fine I don't think the other two had anything on them no because we took it that fight went surprisingly well take a little short rest Gail's gonna need a little bit of healing but um do you have any potions we have one we need to hold on to that one potion I need to start buying some things I think I think we really have a way to heal Gail except for steering casting a healing word on him we're doing another song of rest we can do song and rest well it's just not worth it it's just Gail 's just big hurt and we'll wait maybe we'll get some more potions in the future Gail the nudist Barbarian is kind of good I know he looks good especially in his hat he looks nice looking great um okay so we are giving it to narf Nerf Nerf Nerf is getting the salami um and somebody in the chat said that there's there there's more in the barrels so we could do a wield let's see give me that salami where'd the salami go did you eat the salami hello where's the salami oh I just didn't see it all right Gail give me your salami salami we got the salami as our weapon still breathing despite every Gail salami okay uh let's look around some more barrels here narf narf is a is a um is a monk there's a grilled Roth a ribs come on one more salami that's a dried pork Oh there's gonna be more salami in those barrels in the corner for dual wielding perfect yep that's what we're doing where's where's that oh wait it's gonna be in camp supplies is where's camp supplies oh it's just the camp supply back there we go double salivries yeah they kind of look like corn but it's the wrapping on them all right guys we're a double wielding salamis now this is so worth it okay so we also have the headband of intellect who should we give the headband of intellect to it says the pole says salami but it's for the headband of intellect and uh the headband of intellect is going to raise uh somebody's uh intelligence to um 17 and currently we've got um narf Nerf sitting at an eight we've got a sterion at a 13. we've got Gail at a 17 and uh liezel is at an eight so um yeah could just give narf Nerf an enormous amount of of intelligence but giving it to Gail isn't gonna do anything but we could totally give it to him it's totally fine foreign even though Gail is only partially a wizard he's only one level in Wizard the votes seem to be swaying towards narf narf which I think is probably the better option all right cool we are gonna give it to navnarv Nerf Nerf oh she gets she it's an a new Circle it no is it a circle or is it a is it a pendant it's a oh it's a circle it new circlet drip how can I help look it's so cute it looks so good that's great it's like she was weren't meant to wear that we're so smart now this is great all right we have done quite a bit in in our adventure today but tomorrow not tomorrow sorry not tomorrow next week we will return and we will be making our way to the goblin camp can you see her in the distance distance over there I like way way way out there but there you see her it's gonna be it's gonna be it's gonna be drown mommy soon who will you choose chat will it be drown mommy or is it gonna be uh is it gonna be is it gonna be um it's gonna be a staring ask Darian I don't know it's gonna be quite the conflict or maybe both both probably Carlock draw mommy Carlock we will see we will decide but in case you guys don't know this is the furthest we have ever got in in any of these playthroughs we have never gotten like past this point so I will organize the Hotbar next time I'll totally do it um I love democracy thanks everybody for joining this was super fun um as always this is a great time um I uh uh this these streams are getting better and better and I'm getting better and better and so are you guys so uh this is gonna be a lot of fun uh this is gonna be some crazy [ __ ] that's gonna happen especially because I'm getting like towards the end of the game and the game just gets insane so if we get that far to be very surprised but man you can't have menthar and Carlock or will at the same time we haven't even gotten will we haven't even found him we we left that left that Druid encampment very quick so um yeah thank you guys for showing up um and thank you of course all the donations huge um you know as always I really appreciate everybody who shows up donates and um says funny things in the chat um and makes the whole game German that was a really goofy time um and uh it's great so thank you guys so much appreciate all of you and I'll see you guys next time here on the channel um I'm gonna try to do a skip video this week we'll see what happens but thanks for joining and um bye guten time
Channel: XP to Level 3
Views: 49,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeons and dragons, how to, tutorial, funny, monk, fighter, 5e, player, book, dm, dungeon master, roll, ranger, rogue, paladin, cleric, barbarian, bard, wizard, sorcerer, warlock, artificer, mystic, skits, idea, character, stats, build, new, tips, gm
Id: tJWZAbzlI2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 14sec (13574 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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