35 PHRASES for IELTS General Writing Task 1 | Band 9 Vocabulary

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Hi there! It's Asiya and today I've prepared for you some essential phrases for writing formal letters in IELTS General Training Writing Task 1 and examples of how to use them. All the phrases are formal which means you should use them if you write a letter to a business or a newspaper. Okay, ready? Let's get started! let me say a couple of words about greetings sometimes in your task you may read start your letter with dear sir or madam that means it's a formal letter because we only use this phrase in formal letters another way to address people would be to say Dear Mr. Jones or Dear Mrs. Miart using the surname if you say Dear Asiya it's not a formal letter now let's look at the phrases and how you can open your formal letter a phrase you can use to open any formal letter is I am writing this letter to and informal letters we don't use contractions so you're right I am writing not I'm writing okay and you can say whatever you need I am writing to inquire about the job vacancy advertised in The Times on the 21st of February so you can actually drop the words of this letter oh I am writing this letter to apply for the position of senior marketer advertising and so on or you can say I'm writing to inform you to confirm something or to ask for further information whatever you need a more sophisticated phrase would be I write with or in reference to I write in reference to the recent letter in The Guardian regarding Road cleaning or more precisely the lack of it that would be a letter to a newspaper or I write with reference to the job advertisement for the senior marketer position published on www budgets calm you can actually use a different sentence structure with reference to your attachment in the mine's dated the 20th of February 2020 I would like to request further information about and there is one more phrase you can use it if you want to complain about something and it is I am writing to draw your attention to I'm writing to draw your attention to the incident that happened in your restaurant on the 14th of February 2020 so some Valentine's Day drama how can you request information there are two main phrases could you please supply me with information about or could you please provide more information about or more detailed information about and pay attention to prepositions supply me with information or provide information here is an example could you please provide more detailed information about the vacancy advertised in and so on you can also say I would like to know if I would like to know if the vacancy is still open here is how we can make a formal request could you possibly could you possibly share you my appointment from Tuesday the 3rd of March to any day after the 15th of March or I would be most grateful if you could or simply I would appreciate it if you could I would appreciate it if we could share you the forthcoming repair work for the beginning of February next how to complain actually living in Britain I write complaint letters or complaint emails quite regularly because I prefer it to go into the shop or even to calling someone so here is how you can open your letter I am writing to complain about oh I am right to express my dissatisfaction with I'm writing to express my dissatisfaction with the product I have purchased from your online store and if you say oh it was horrible I was left so unhappy that's not formal instead you should say I was dissatisfied to find out oh I find it most unsatisfactory that I find it most unsatisfactory that one months after my initial request my deficit has still not been refunded and actually that's a sentence from a real complaint letter I sent a couple of days ago next I would like to complain in the strongest terms about that's a very strong phrase I would like to complain in the strongest terms about the poor service I have received from your company or a softer version would be I regret to say I was not completely satisfied with I regret to say I was not completely satisfied with the room you provided us and then you say what you borned the company to do of what you want to receive I would like to receive a full refund like all your money back or a partial refund part of your money back or a discount or a compensation for the damages and if you can play it several times and nothing happens you could write I will be left with no alternative but to and then you say what you're gonna do for example but to take legal action unless the refund is received within the next seven days if you request something or you complain about something you won't include one of those phrases before you end your letter please give the matter your immediate attention it's quiet it shows you're really unhappy I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter as a bit softer I would appreciate if you could look into this matter at your earliest convenience it's even softer and more polite please look into the matter at your earliest convenience a shorter version as our request or our issue is urgent a quick answer would be appreciated that's how you could use the passive voice and finally perhaps if your letter is a bit short you could see I would be most grateful if you could reply as soon as possible so that this matter could be resolved to everyone's satisfaction if there is no complaint or demanding your letter here are phrases you could use to end it I look forward to your reply or I look forward to hearing from you and please note we use to and then ing verb that's because 2 is not infinitive its preposition ok and if you think that the other party may need some information from you include one of those phrases if you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me or should you require any further information please let me know I will be pleased to supply any further information you require so you can choose whatever version you like another phrase is for purposes of quick contact a reply by telephone would be appreciated or I very much hope that you will be able to it's a versatile phrase and then you can say whatever you need I very much hope you will be able to process my refund until the end of this week or you will be able to resolve this issue as soon as possible there are two ways to end formal letter if you don't know the name of the person and you began the letter with dear sir or madam you finish by saying you're faithfully and if you know the name and you began with Dear Mr. Jones or Dear Mrs. Smith then you end with yours sincerely put a comma and write your name on the next line and you can download all the phrases and examples from this video if you click the link on the screen or in the video description box below thank you for watching me today good luck with your preparation and your exam
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 172,069
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing, ielts writing task 2, ielts writing academic, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ietls general, fast track ielts, fast track ielts writing
Id: XhbrC_hIY-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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