General Training Letter Writing Techniques || GT Writing Task 1 || Asad Yaqub

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mr. ahead of mana rahim assalamualaikum my name  is a cydia ku-band I'm from Lahore Pakistan and   I teach I'll share in the heart and I welcome  you all from my IELTS class ok so I hope you   would enjoy the way I'm conducting the class now  I'm going to tell you about IELTS letter writing   letter writing is an old tradition in the past  people used to write letters and some people use   to post letters and some people used to throw  letters ok with a stone and they used to throw   in their neighbor's house and all that stuff  and sometimes people used to send letters by   postman some letters were sent through children  okay I have to the other day I saw a currency   note on Facebook somebody put the picture and  it was written like take this 100 rupees note   and you got to meet me and the other thing asked  this child where to meet the child will tell you   where to meet so that was the old time where we  had all this thing but now we have SMS and we've   got other stuff so we don't need the letters  but still for IELTS general training because   general training iles means you are going to go  to a foreign country and you're going to get the   nationality of that country so you should be able  to write a letter sometimes you buy something for   example you buy a camera and the camera is quality  there's a problem in the camera then you need to   type an email that is like a letter and then you  got to send the company the email so you should be   able to tell them what happened for example you go  to Australia right you are in Australia you travel   in the train and you forget your bag in the train  so you should be able to write a good letter to   the train station and tell them what happened  with you so the purpose of writing the letter   is for general training candidates so that when  they are there they can at least tell if something   goes wrong with them so they should be able to do  that now general training writing task 1 is letter   writing you want to write a letter task length is  150 words and duration is v 20 minutes for that   20 minutes and 150 words you got to write it is  only for the general yeah so lens and 20 minutes   time and there are three types of letters one is  formal one is semi formal one is informal formal   semi formal and informal now formal letter is to  someone like a company or any person you don't   know for example if you're writing a letter to  the CEO of a company you bought a camera camera   is not working and you're going to write a letter  to customer care officer you don't know customer   care officer you'll write a formal letter you've  got an account in the bank and something goes   wrong with your account you're going to write a  letter to the bank manager that will be a formal   letter right so any letter you are sending to  someone you don't know the person but you got   to write a letter to that person that is going to  be formal letter next is semi formal semi formal   letter can be written where you know the person  but actually you've got the formal relationship   with that very person and with that you can use  the name of the person if you know and then you   will use mr. dear mr. Assad dear mr. Asser dear MS  and whatever the name is right that is semi formal   and the third one is informal informal letter is  the letter to any family member the letter to your   friends the letter to your colleagues and these  informal letters are about the personal things   now for example write a letter to your friend  and invites her or him to come to your house   and all that stuff write a letter to your father  right related to your mother write a letter to   your uncle aunt and all that stuff so they will  give you the situation now for letter writing you   should be very good at imagination and you should  have very good visualization they will give you   the topic for one minute you have to close your  eyes think about the topic and you got to put   yourself into that very situation now for example  if I say we are going to work in the in a movie   you are a traveler you are travelling in the train  and you're working on the laptop and then you put   your laptop in the train and get down at your  station and you forget your laptop in the Train   now you are imagining a train you are working on  the laptop then you leave your laptop there your   station comes and you forget your laptop and you  go down you got to imagine all the situation and   then you got to write a letter to the station  manager or someone like him and then you will   explain what happened what happened means you  need to make a story that I was traveling and I   was working on my laptop and I put my laptop under  the seat or somewhere like there and then suddenly   my station came and I had a lot of luggage so I  forgot my laptop in the Train you need to make a   good story it's not that I lost my laptop I lost  my laptop you need to tell a complete story and   remember your letters should look real it's not  that I read it and I see how it's not real its   fake or it's incomplete now if you if you lose  your laptop you need to mention the color of the   laptop the brand of the laptop where you put the  laptop how you lose your laptop all these things   should be mentioned very very clearly if you only  say I lost my laptop and you don't say anything   about that then definitely that's not going to  help you so you need to make a real story you are   the creator of that very story and inva end and  again word count is only 150 words you don't have   a lot to write just 150 words minimum maximum  200 not write more than them clear so what's   the nature what's the purpose of the letter and  all that I've explained that all we've got three   paragraphs of your letter mainly paragraph one is  called introduction where you are going to write   if it is formal letter formal letter then you will  write who you are and why are you writing this   letter if the letter is formal if you're writing  a letter about your lost mobile if you're writing   a letter about your bank account there is some  problem with that or ATM card then you will write   who you are and why are you writing the letter and  you will say I am an account holder of our bank my   account number is this this my name is this and  I've been operating this account for five years   and all that stuff who you are and then why are  you writing it should be mentioned straightforward   very clearly in the first paragraph right after  that the second paragraph is called body of the   letter in body of the letter now remember in the  topic they will give you three bullet points like   you know in IELTS speaking they have in part two  they have three bullet points in the same way   in letter writing they will give you three bullet  points and those three bullet points are going to   help you write a proper story for instance if we  take a look at this letter write a letter to the   manager of the hotel right now before that they  have mentioned you recently stayed in a hotel in a   large city as you read you need to start imagining  you recently stayed in a hotel in a large city the   weather was very unusual for the time of year  and the heating or cooling system in the hotel   was quite inadequate if winter heating system in  if summer cooling system it was inadequate a/c   was not working in summer right so that's what you  need to imagine okay I stayed in a hotel there it   was very hot AC was not working like that then  write a letter to the manager of the hotel in   your letter after in your letter there are three  points what are they give details of what went   wrong now you need to make a story right I was  sleeping and suddenly there was a spark from the   AC and it stopped working and there was smoke all  around the room you need to make a story clear do   you need to make a story it's just not the give  details about her what went wrong is he stopped   working you need to tell how what happened make  a story right excited I was watching a movie and   suddenly I heard some spark and I looked around  and there was some smell of the wires being melted   as well and then the AC suddenly stopped working  and the smoke was coming out of the AC and like   that right then explain what you had to do to  overcome the problem at the time I called the   room service you got to explain what you had to do  to overcome the problem I called the room service   and they sent in an electrician and he started  fixing the AC and after two hours he told me this   AC cannot be fixed because there is some serious  issue with that so you got to make a story again   next see what actions you would like the manager  to pay now you stayed in the hotel you returned   what action do you want the manager to pay maybe  you can ask them to give you a free stay when you   come next time a free stay for one day when you  come next time because you suffered a lot because   of the AC right you are unable to sleep right you  spend miserable time in that hotel so you want   them to repay or to allow you to stay free right  so this is how you got to make a story and all the   points should be linked and this will come in the  body of the letter first paragraph introduction   second paragraph now it's up to you you can write  one large paragraph or you can write three short   paragraphs covering each point okay and then at  the end conclusion in conclusion civil rights   what actions you would like the manager to take  and then you will close the letter okay now there   are a few tips towards letter writing the first is  visualize the situation as I told you read all the   topic and for the time being close your eyes and  visualize all rights I was in the hotel I stayed   in the hotel suddenly he stopped working there  was parked from the AC and then I called someone   from the room service they came they tried to fix  the AC but it was not fixed I spent one hot night   without AC and all that stuff right so next you  got to brainstorm the whole scenario keeping in   view the bullets bulleted points to make a  strong interesting story your story should   be interesting not interesting in a way that it  should be funny story that they laugh ha ha ha   ha very funny no but it should be interesting  on page number 96 page 96 point number two yes   then identify the type of letter whether it is  formal but it's again semi formal or informal   you got to identify the type of letter open and  close the letter correctly now I'm going to tell   you how to open and close the letter correctly  please turn to page 97 if the letter is formal   if the letter is formal it means it is a letter to  someone you have not met whose name you don't know   then you will start with dear sir or dear madam  and then comma dear sir dear madam and then comma   and at the end you will write yours faithfully now  don't confuse it with other things if the letter   is formal dear sir dear madam at the end yours  faithfully and if the letter is semi formal then   you will write the name dear mr. Asser dear mr.  John dear miss stone dear mr. Brown mr. mr then   there will be a dot over there and ending will be  yours sincerely yours faithfully for formal letter   George sincerely for semi formal letter and the  last is informal for informal letter that is to   someone you know well whose first name you know  and use for that you're going to write Dear John   dear Anita informal letter informal is the third  type so it is to someone you know well whose first   name you know and use it can be a letter to any  family member and all that Dear John dear Anita   and ending will be best regards or warm wishes or  you can even write lots of love no problem alright   it's written open a formal and semi-formal letter  with a formal sentence don't try to be friendly if   the letter is formal or it is semi formal don't  try to be friendly as you do not know the person   you are writing to get right down to business and  indicate the reason you are writing as shown below   for example dear sir or madam I am writing to  enquire about you don't need to say how are you I   am fine thank you okay but I hope you will be fine  I hope you'll be enjoying your life you don't need   to write anything like that in a formal letter you  can do that in informal letter so I'm writing in   connection with and dear mr. Jones I'm writing  to inform you direct to the point I'm writing   to inform you I'm writing in connection with and  point number six open an informal letter with a   general friendly paragraph informal letter general  friendly paragraph with friends whom we know we   care about the whole person we have brought the  relationship in the context in all that year dear   Jane I hope you and your family are all well now  you can write it here dear Jane I hope you and   your family are all well it was such a pleasure  to see you again last summer you're writing a   paragraph it's not about the topic but you are  actually writing we sure had a great time catching   up with each other after so many years you have  always been a cherished friend no matter how much   of a gap there has been since we met anyways the  reason I'm writing is got it now you will come to   the point exactly and if otherwise your friend  will think you are selfish okay you should you   know sometimes people call you they ask you how  are you they fine thank you how is your family   fine than y'alls your job is everything now you  are thinking come to the point but the person is   talking so that he gives you a feeling that I am  not selfish right and even the reason I'm writing   is that I have some good news I am getting married  this summer that's the good news for the other   person okay but he's saying that so identify the  main purpose of the letter what's the main purpose   and that purpose should be fulfilled in your  letter learn and use standard written phrases   now remember one thing there is a gap between  formal and informal English today you can do   this go to google and write formal English versus  informal English write the sentences then you will   see okay you can say this I want to know about  I want to know about or I would like to inquire   about I would like to inquire about his formal  I want to know about this informal right so if   you say I want to chat with you I wanna chat with  you is informal I would like to talk to you it's   formal so there will be some sentences in informal  letter you will use informal sentences in formal   letter you will use form and remember contractions  like I am is I am in informal letter you can use   contractions like don't doesn't and all that but  in formal letter do not use contractions as well   okay next make sure you write at least 150 words  and don't write more than 200 250 words don't make   such a long letter they say I'm expert in writing  letters I used to write very lengthy letters so   I can do that no just maximum 250 words not more  than that learn the correct spelling of commonly   used words it's important spelling and stay on  topic don't go away from topic I mean you're   writing a letter to your friend and you say how  is your father yeah and how is your mummy and how   is your this and dad and all that you got to stay  on the topic right yeah include all three bulleted   points the bulleted points they give you include  all three points in the body of your letter right   so this is how you got to write some letters now  you can practice through some specimen letters   and remember letter I think is not a big deal  I mean this is the straightforward formula you   got to make a story read the topic carefully  visualize make a story put yourself into the   story and write a letter as if that thing happens  with you in reality then you'll be able to write   a good letter right in 20 minutes exactly you  got to do it all in 20 minutes right so that's   all about letter writing and it's not all about  letter writing you got to practice writing the   letters as well if you liked this video it  on the like button and you can comment and   the channel Israel apart from this I teach IELTS  online if you want to join online arts classes   this is my whatsapp number you can contact me for  that from Lahore Pakistan a Sathya cool wishes   you all the best take care may you get three  bands in greater writing out of three bye bye
Channel: Asad Yaqub
Views: 158,799
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Keywords: ielts, ielts writing, ielts preparation, ielts writing task 2, ielts e2, ielts tips, ielts writing tips, ielts general writing, english grammar, e2 ielts academic, e2, ielts writing task 1, ielts writing band 8, writing skills, pronunciation, Learn English, improve writing skills in IELTS, improve writing ielts, improve writing in English, AsadYaqub
Id: nc6Mp8Vc5z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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