Why I Removed the Nether

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this is the Nether and I'm going to completely remove it that includes the lava lotion or the nether I can even the Bedrock roof and luckily using this machine it should make it super easy okay that's one Bedrock done only 300 000 more to go this is going to take a while and I wasn't being sarcastic if I keep using this bed bug breaking method I'll be doing this for the next 465 days in real life which is why I introduce you to the Bedrock Breaker 2000. this machine breaks three bed rug every single second all right let's start this finger wait why is it breaking let's try that again okay it's working now the reason I'm doing this is because beneath those is my friend wenzo's face and as you can see he has a lovely view of the nether but recently he thanked me because I've stole all these diamonds so to get him back I'm going to strand his base in the middle of nowhere and progress was going great as I just finished 15 of the first layer but there was a huge problem you see this machine requires a lot of Pistons to break the Bedrock even after making them for three whole hours that only made up for three rows of Bedrock I've got to place over a thousand rows fast because in seven days wenzo gets back from his whole day and that is not a lot of time so the only logical way to work faster is to build an entire piston Factory [Music] this Factory can produce up to 5 000 Pistons per hour that's a big Improvement to my old measly 600 per hour so now we can completely automate Pistons all we gotta do is put them all to use [Music] and we are finally halfway done with the first layer did I mention there's five layers and that wasn't even my biggest problem these stupid gasps are every time I get machine working they completely destroy it which leads me to having to rebuild the entire thing just for it to get blown up again so the only solution I can find to fix this is Minecraft's most dangerous mob oh God now how on Earth are these wardens actually help us you see the nether Coney handle a Max mob count of 17. so if we fill that up with 70 wardens the game won't allow any more models to spawn that's one down only 69 to go and while I'm capturing these wardens for every subscriber I get from this video I'm gonna place down one tiny miles as right now as server has been attacked by these Meep statues so if you want to help fight back blame your tiny Miles by subscribing and let me know in the comments this is taking way longer than what I first thought which is why I introduce you to the warden Trapper this Farm is being said to spawn up to 2 000 wardens per hour so if this doesn't work I don't know what I'll do okay it does seem to be working now we can sit here and let the Trapper work its magic [Music] foreign it's been a few hours now and we have well over 70 Waters trapped in this box okay I'm not sink any mobs at the moment I think we've actually completely removed all the mobs from the nether this is insane and we are done the first layer of Bedrock has now been removed we just need to repeat this process a few more times who was that oh of course it was bacon time is ticking though and there's not a single second to waste without breaking Bedrock it's 4am right now and I'm placing Pistons I'm so tired [Music] okay I haven't slept for about 48 hours now but we have now finally completed breaking all of the Bedrock now we can move on to phase two Breaking All the Netherrack huh this better be worth it the hole is 250 by 250 blocks meaning I'm going to have to mine around 8 million blocks now I have a couple ideas on how I could do this way faster but it involves a lot of TNT which makes this a whole lot more dangerous the first machine I'm building is a world eater and it basically drops TNT down slowly eating away the world below I've just got to try and not blow wenzo's base or else that's even more time wasted rebuilding it and I really do not have any more time to spare okay that's this side done sadly TNT doesn't destroy lava so oh hang on I missed I missed a spot bam I'm hoping that looked cool all right now this next bit is going to be a little bit tricky we're going to need to remove this section of the Netherrack without destroying any of wenzo's Base so if I just move the machine up slightly the TNT should explode before it even reaches the base okay I think we're safe oh God the Netherrack is now destroyed meaning we can finally start removing the rest of the nether but wenzo is getting back soon and I'm not even halfway finished uh how on Earth am I going to finish this in time that could work although the time was going down it was so much easier doing this project with someone else as we were making double the progress oh my God this place honestly looks insane all right I've just finished off the fourth section by myself so we can now move on to phase three draining the nether this may be the most dangerous stage yet as unlike when I joined the ocean lava hurts a lot so I'm going to have to be extra careful if I want any chance of completing this project before Windsor gets back okay I've done some testing and I've found out the fastest way to join the lava is to use sand what is that hello why is there just a random with ahead well that was random so here we are collecting as much sand as possible 7059 Stacks to be exact I'm not doing that how how am I gonna get all that sand oh God wenzo gets back in like 17 hours and without this sand I won't be able to remove any of this lava but luckily I had a plan to fix this so using this end portal I can make a sandeeper I don't know how it works but it does and that's what matters foreign [Music] Ty drained it took way longer than what I first thought it would but placing all that sand practically destroyed my fingers so I've switched to using these machines instead which should remove the lava one layer at a time and at the moment it seems to be working wonders and now to blow it all up and we're 50 of the way there and getting scaredy close to Winter getting back oh God so sir one last idea to finish this plank in time what if we could drain the lava and destroy the blocks at the same time you see just using both these machines at once doesn't really work but there was a huge machine that can actually do this automatically only problem is it requires a lot of honey uh that that could be a problem luckily we do have a honey farm so I'm just gonna AFK here and try and get as much as possible that is not going to be enough which I'm not surprised by as apparently this bomb only produces around 400 bottles of honey per hour so I'll need to speed that process up big time now bees only produce honey in a day meaning this Farm is completely useless at night so if I rebuild the farm in the end where there's no daylight cycle the bee should produce honey 24 7. pretty much doubling the amount of Honey um that's still not a lot of honey but I'm not giving up that easily this bum has to work or else my prank has utterly failed okay I've let this machine do its thing for a while now please be honey in these chests oh my God it actually worked there's so much honey bam the honey Destroyer 5000 is here and we're already starting to make some pretty good progress on this last Corner as you can see the TNT destroys the blocks while machine behind sweeps up all the lava shoot why did it break no wow I forgot's sake oh I was about to go to bed and leave the machine running but now I've got to go and rebuild the entire thing great light progress is finally starting to go well with this new machine I did have to pull an all-nighter but I'll say it was definitely worth it for the progress we made okay this is looking better I am pretty much dead now after having Kenosha Lee but wenzo gets back in only a couple hours so let's take down this machine and rebuild it on the final segment oh my God we're so close to being done okay time to turn the machine off and let's destroy this whole thing now let's just clean up the edges around the base and with that we are done the entire nether has been removed and after seven long days of hard work let's show wenzo what I've done to his base all right wenzo welcome to your base [Music] all right wenzo what do you think of your base I like it wait what thanks Mouse how kind of you in fact you're so thoughtful oh miles this is why we're best friends forever and no one could ever separate us why does this always happen foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Myles
Views: 1,929,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, how i ended an entire minecraft smp, Technoblade, HermitCraft, MumboJumbo, Grian, why i broke 100+ bedrock, Here's Why I Made 12240 Minecraft Cakes, Minecraft Hunt, LifeSteal Season 3
Id: bErgTZ1kfYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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