60 Day Dry Age Ribeye (UMAI DRY)

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what we do here just go back back back back ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another exciting episode to another exciting episode of brews and barbeque on today's episode we are embarking on the journey we have done a 35-day dry-aged we've done a 45-day dry-aged and now it's time to kick it up a notch and do the sixty-day dry-aged but for this special occasion we decided to get a special kind of meet and that could have meet that we're gonna be doing is a ribeye loin let's jump right into it let's show you guys how you can dry-aged in the comfort of your own home let's get after it the first thing we want to do is lay out her saran wrap you can also use aluminum foil or even your cutting board you really want to make sure you're working with the cleans surface the next thing you want to do is you want to wash the outside of your cryovac bag and make sure you do it with warm soapy water what I'm doing now is just drying it off this one is a USDA choice and it does have a little bit of excess blood so we're just gonna make an incision down the front and dump any excess blood that we don't need out the other thing you can do when you're transferring it out is making an incision down the center so it makes for easier transfer the next thing you're gonna want to do is glove up it is not required that you wear gloves during this process but it is important so we keep as much bacteria out of the bag we're going to be using our uma dry bag and this is a strip loin bag [Music] now although I am saying bag it's not actually a bag what it is is a membrane ooh my dryers figure it out a way to keep all the bad bacteria out of the bag while releasing all the moisture from the inside therefore causing the dry-aged with that being said the first thing we wanted to do to get this ready is fold the lip into the bag this helps for an easier transfer and you don't get as much blood on the lip of the bag that needs to be vacuum sealed make an incision down the center to make a bigger gap so your meat slides in easier and you just want to work your sirloin or your ribeye or whatever you're doing into the bag with touching as little as possible to any other surface after you take away your cryovac bag you definitely want to work with the clean surface so wipe up any excess blood you're also gonna want to unfold that lip and wipe up any blood that's on the lip of that bag it's okay to have it on the rib eye but never on the lip of the bag you also want to work your meat to one side of the bag this helps for better contact when your vacuum sealing the bag the next step is you want to crumple up the front end of this bag just a little bit so it gives it some texture to release the air the next thing we do is add our vac Mouse's which also allows more air to come out of it and to get a better seal make sure your lip is in the chamber and if your vacuum sealer has a moistening I highly recommend doing that [Music] now as your vacuum sealer is pulling out all the air you want to make sure to help by massaging the meat trying to get air as much as possible out of this bag now the one thing to note is you're never gonna be able to get all the air out of this bag so what you want to make sure you do is you want to backup the seal and seal it one more time that prevents any more air from getting into the bag fold the lip of the bag over place it in on a cooling rack and your ribeye is ready to dry age for 60 days now after waiting the longest 60 days of my life the ribeye is ready to go it's super hard to the touch so let's crack this open and see what the other side looks like now the one thing I noticed when cutting this open is it's super tough so you want to make sure you get a super sharp knife for this butchering now I also notice as a ribeye shrank down from losing the moisture it actually started disconnecting from the bag I thought it would have more of an effect but it didn't but I did notice like this chalky fat deposit that came out of the ribeye I've seen it before and I know it's not a problem but this thing is hard to the touch perfectly dry-aged through and through let's get a closer look at this dry-aged rib eye now the first thing I wanted to do to make sure it didn't penetrate too deep is cut that end off normally I'm going to split it down the middle to butcher it but I want to take a peek at it and see what it looks like and the results were amazing it's super hard on the outside but if you feel the meat on the inside it's really soft now pick a spot closest to the middle as possible and start making your initial cut look at the inside of this guy it's just phenomenal that perfect cherry color that you're looking for with dry aging and the dry aged had the right amount of penetration and this meat is soft as all heck I wish you guys could experience it now continue making cuts through and through I want to keep mine between one and a half and two inch steaks that nutty blue cheesy aroma that you're supposed to get from dry aged was very much apparent in this one I did a 35 Day in New York and it smelled nothing like this and this thing smelled amazing how to smell it a couple times just to make sure it was coming from the steak [Music] [Music] the yield from this River was 10 stakes now I did cut him a little bit thicker so I'm sure I could have got more one inch stakes but these look amazing I think this rare buys the lucky winner for the taste test let's start processing this guy and getting it ready for the grill now there's a lot of ways to store your rib eyes you can store these for up to a year vacuum sealed in your freezer you can store them with a pellicle on or off when we did it with the New York Strip I vacuum sealed it with a pellicle on it just made for a ton of work when we went to cook the steaks so I'm gonna pre trim all these guys before we vacuum seal them now after you're done trimming it up you should look something like this it almost looks like a super trim there's so much rage around it that you cut off a lot and it is essentially a super trim we got lucky with this ribeye that this guy has a nice cap to it it's nice and thick but doesn't have a lot of in your muscular fat I want this guy to keep a round puck like shape when I cook it so I'm going to be wrapping it in some butchers twine this simply helps it keep its shape while you're cooking it now when tying it just use a simple overhand knot and cut off any excess twine you don't need that to get in the way now trust me when I say this guys you have been heard the last dry-aged I did with a New York Strip you guys grilled me for using salt pepper and garlic powder so today we're keeping it simple with just salt and freshly ground pepper now this ribeye is pretty thick so you want to be generous with your seasoning flip it over and do salt and pepper again and make sure you pat it in and roll it around and all that extra salt and pepper and just like that your steaks ready for the grill [Music] alright guys we are ready to go and it looks and smells so damn good one of them was a little bit overdone we actually did three on this one I only showed seasoning one and trimming up one cuz we have good old Grayson here with me today he's been asking to be a taste tester so what better one to do just taking a little quick little look it's a little bit more medium than anything else right but it's gonna be good nonetheless by several couple pieces Kirsten I want what you do for a starter brother oh thank you man I've been waiting for this forever [Music] is that the one that's the one man that's the juicy tender juiciness that's your main thing than ever again oh man that's super soft even though it's a little bit more done it's extremely soft in it and you barely have to chew the thing I mean you just go straight through it it's I might have nothing thank you oh man that's not even apart from the cash let me give you oh the crest oh snap that's the difference is that we're gonna try some rib eye camera where's the cat [Music] Summer Games come on well thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed the video drop a like I don't hear nothing about the state being overdone we know it's medium not meet a rare that's what we're going for it never gonna be an us likes a little bit less rare so thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed the video it's salt and pepper this side that's it no garlic powder but if you enjoyed the video drop a like if you're not a subscriber make sure you smash that subscribe button and they'll catch you guys another episode a bruising barbecue we'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Brews & BBQ
Views: 18,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dry age, dry age beef, dry age ribeye, dry age bone in ribeye, ribeye steak, 60 day dry age, guga foods, sous vide everything, dry age steak, 28 day dry age steak, how to dry age at home, dry aging 101, Umai dry age, UMAI dry bags, UMAI dry, UMAI dry age Ribeye, ribeye, wagyu beef, dry age wagyu, guga foods dry age, wet age VS dry age, dry age rib roast, dry age beef steaks, dry age elk, Dry age made easy, UMAI, UMAI bags
Id: vitnz1tGmDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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