I Smoked a Dry-Aged Brisket and This is What Happened

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The white area he is referring to is part of the fascia.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/banditfoxchef 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

That was actually really interesting. He went from 12# to 6# though, which seems wasteful. I know some of it was fat, but still. I wonder why people use dry aging? It doesn't sound very good, from their comments. (They said it was kind of like orange juice that's been in the fridge too long - still good, but with an off taste.)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/catsaway9 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Why did I watch that whole thing? Now I'm in the mood for beef.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/aeonii 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

I thought it was a dead pigeon at first, ahem, squab

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/twelveplus12 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all right we've got our 45 day dry aged brisket here it is a creek stone farms prime brisket so it's Black Angus beef and I had it professionally dry aged because I wanted to make sure that any mistake that I could have made in the drying process was eliminated because I want to get a good sense of what this is gonna be like now my guess is when we cut into this paper here and open it up we're gonna see is kind of a black dry crusty exterior and I'm gonna have to remove the entire exterior surface of the meat but we won't know until we open it up so I'm gonna open up this paper that it came in and we'll see what we've got [Applause] so this is what we're working with if we want to take a look at this right here you see that kind of weird whitish color I think that could be some of the microorganisms on the exterior surface of the meat this is about a 12 pound brisket but you can see it's it's pretty darn stiff you know it's not a lot of give to it it's too stiff as a board there and so we're gonna have to cut all of this stuff off and this started at about 12 pounds I think we're going to be cooking maybe I'm guessing 8 pounds of meat after the drying process and the trimming but let's get into it and see what we've got [Music] all right oddly enough actually trimming this stuff off is pretty easy partly because it's so stiff so it's not a lot of give have you ever tried to trim a brisket that's too warm you know the fat gets really soft and you're actually more likely to cut yourself also I noticed that all this fat feels really waxy kind of a different feel than with a fresh brisket so we'll keep going with this and maybe there's anything else important that I noticed I'll let you know actually there's one thing right here if you look in there mmm got a little funky stuff going on there that's definitely gonna come off I don't want to eat that but I think it's part of what contributes to the flavor so let's keep going - we've got [Music] because this is kind of different to any bush could I've ever trimmed before I really don't want to cut myself by just not being used to this but it's working pretty well so far I'm taking off everything that looks kind of black or brown and wait until I get this deep red color on the meat and then I move on to the next portion be very careful as you're trimming this and you don't cut yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] well what up Betty you hungry now would be too if I were a dog well these meat scraps just like beef jerky is what it feels like [Music] whoo all right that was a lot of trimming did you continue by this mountain of trimmings we took a lot off of this brisket and unfortunately I didn't know but this gets hung on a hook and so I had to trim all the stuff and unfortunately bore a big hole in the point of this brisket I don't know if that's gonna survive I'm gonna try to cook it because they spent a lot of money on this thing and I want as much of it as possible to survive but we'll see then you can also see that this part is very dark like the red of the meat is darker than it would normally be with a fresh brisket so we're gonna salt this we're gonna put some rub on it we're gonna throw it on the smoker we're gonna see how it turns out and this is just an interesting experiment for me I've never done this before so we're gonna see what it's like now about these trimmings like if you actually grabbed this and smell it it smells like cheese which is a little bit disconcerting it smells like cheese feels like beef jerky and then if you grab the fat the fat is really waxy um I don't know of another way to describe it it's it's it's a different texture than the fat from fresh meat and then finally if you see how much we had to trim off it was a ton so this brisket probably weighs at this point six paths started off as 12 pounds after the trimming and just trying to get it in decent shape to go on the smoker it's a lot lighter so the yield is relatively low and there's so many little spots here I feel like I could just continue trimming forever but I think that's good I think I got all the stuff off that looks really gross and so at this point kind of seasoned salt pepper or salt and and the rub that I always use I'm not gonna go a lot into the cooking process for this because I am using the exact same cooking process I would for a normal brisket the only exception would be if it looks like it's drying out I might lower the temperature a little bit I'm just trying to protect it and and coax it through this cook without drying out but I think it'll be fine let's go for it and find out she's pumped do you think she's getting fat I don't know can you feed drives meat to a dog sure you could man they'll eat dead animals and whatnot and they're fine I don't know all right so one more look at this brisket here without the trimmings you can see what we're working with it's not stiff as a board like it was before after it took all that hard crusty exterior off flip it over to this side you see how the meat is very dark right here and so it's just gonna be I think a different experience I don't know if I'm actually gonna like it but I'm gonna like the fact that I tried it yeah so this could be amazing or it could be a disaster but we'll take you along for the ride you'll find out with us so I put on brand new gloves because then I want to get you know raw meat stuff all over my seasoning containers something always do but something I realized I don't always mention but I'm gonna go with some salt here because we trimmed this down and it's not very big I'm gonna go a little lighter with the salt than I usually do but I can still go pretty heavy with the seasonings usually when cooking a brisket I would probably be a little bit more merciless and trimming this flat and I may have to trim it yeah there's not much meat there I was trying to preserve as much of it as I could since I don't have this glove contaminated I'm gonna finish the season and then I may trim a little bit more off just to try to make sure everything survives so here we go alright got this thing seasoned up and unfortunately I'm gonna have to take off a little more this flat just because I know it's not going to survive it's too thin especially right there to kind of work it back out here so if you look at this it was too thin not enough fat on there to keep it moist enough to survive it would end up like beef jerky I'm afraid so what do that and then for this part that's newly exposed I'm hitting it with some of this seasoning right here and we're all seasoned up ok make sure I get the edges really well and I think so time to put it on the smoker we're going to be cooking at 275 maybe drop it down to 250 if things are looking like they're drying out a little also definitely going to be cooking with a water pan today always cooking with a water pan but definitely today I'm gonna make sure I'm watching it and make sure there's lots of water in there to keep everything inside the cook chamber moist but with all that said time to put it on the smoker now homeland it's gonna be real tasty we're terrible here we go smoker at 275 I'm gonna take this guy stick it in here hopefully as much at that point can survive as possible but I don't know we're just gonna have to go with the cook and kind of check it periodically to see how it behaves because I've done thousands of briskets but I've never done a dry aged brisket so it may behave in a totally different way so we'll see and we'll keep you guys updated as we go along just so you know the fire is already going already got the smoker up to temperature the reason you don't see a bunch of smoke is because I'm burning a very clean fire that's my number one priority if you want to know more about that check out my how to manage your smoker fire video but clean smoke because I don't want anything to ruin the flavor of this brisket I want it to be clean good delightfully tasting smoke and the the I guess the nuances of the drives beef alright guys big shout out to the people had barbecue score this is a question I get so frequently I can't answer all the questions about it I get my wood for the brazos from barbecue school or I always cook with pecans that's what I'm cooking with today it's my favorite smoking wood I'll put information to them down in the description box for you guys to check out if you're interested a lot of people in LA have a horrible time finding wood that they can use in their offset smokers this is the place that I found they've always treated me really well and I'd recommend going there if you're in the area so the frisket has been out for two hours and some change and because I'm very concerned about moisture I'm gonna start spraying usually I weighed about three hours before I spray but because this thing's already been drying out in the dry-aged room and all that stuff I'm trying to make sure nothing burns up especially on that point because it's got a huge hole in it it's not a lot of protection had to cut a lot of fat off for all those reasons I'm going to spray so let's take a look that's what we got [Music] trying to keep everything nice and moist and trying to spray but hopefully not spray off a bunch of seasoning and stuff like that that you know we spent time putting on there and we want to flavor the meat in the end and then one other thing I want to show you here's my water pan you may look in the cook chamber right now and see where's the water pan and so this is something that I do on the little cooker and I don't see a lot of other people doing maybe there are tons of people out there who do this but I don't know if anybody else who does but this is what I do and this is what I suggest so I put the grill grate in the firebox and in there I put this water pan because here it's boiling it's evaporating tons of water that hopefully travels through the cook chamber and keeps everything as moist as possible I found this to be the most effective way to do it so you can use like a metal bread loaf pan you can use little foil pans you can use whatever you want but I use this stainless steel one because it's sturdy and I can use it over and over again and it does a good job and because it's boiling all the time its evaporating a lot of water keeping it nice and moist inside here which is what I care about okay it's been about six hours that we had this brisket on the smoker here and we've kept the temperature pretty steady between 250 and 275 and I've been spraying about every 30 minutes just to try and keep it as moist as possible because it's already pretty dried out so let's take this off here and see what we got alright if you look at this nothing's burning up which is good this guy actually survived which I'm surprised about but this is pretty thin you'll just have to see how it turns out but if you smell it in which of course you guys can't smell it but if you could smell it it smells definitely distinct definitely different than a regular brisket so usually I would just get smoky smell in this case I get this weird kind of pungent almost cheese like smell so this could be amazing but we don't know yet so at this point the temperature inside is about 170 so it's time to wrap it up I'm gonna hit it with a little bit of spray and then now is tempted to actually wrap this in foil just because I thought that'd be the best way to preserve the maximum amount of moisture but then I decided no I want to do butcher paper because my rule is keep everything exactly the same except the one thing you're testing so if you're going to try something different do everything else identically and then change the only one thing so for that reason I'm going to put your paper today we'll see how it turns out okay back on the smoker and when it hits about 203 give or take a few degrees just depending on fuel we'll take it off and for those of you guys who've been asking me when I attempt a brisket after I wrap it I actually poke through the butcher paper to feel for tenderness and to test the temperature because I don't want to unwrap the whole thing and just a tiny little hole will make virtually no difference at all to the to the I guess the wrapping technique itself it's been about another hour and a half on this brisket and so I just want to see about how it's coming along check the temperature here so let's open it up and see we've got also I should note at this point I'm not worried about keeping the smoke clean because this is Raptor just trying to maintain temperature really well so I might adjust the vents you know down just to keep the temperature at 275 because again the meats wrapped and protected from dirty smoke so let's see how we're doing here in the point well sure it feels good 191 right there Tyler in the thick part of the flat let's see how that is 195 turn that bad so we're getting there maybe another hour so I'm guessing about an hour and then we'll be at the right level of tenderness and about the right temperature to pull this guy off and we're going for an hour but until then we'll just gotta hang out in here keep cooking get nice and tender and so if you don't like the dried flavor at least you like the tenderness and hopefully the smoke on the exterior but either way it turns out I'm really excited about trying something completely new it's gonna be a new experience for me and if it turns out great then I can recommend it to you guys out there all right okay okay so we pulled the brisket off at about two oh three and a half and started feeling really tender and we just finished a cook in the butcher paper or didn't do anything to it after that we took it and put it in a cooler and we let it sit there for an hour and then now that it's done resting we got it on the cutting board I'm gonna unwrap it and slice it up I'm over at my friend Jonathan's house again and so he's gonna help me by taste testing it and giving me some feedback on what he thinks about the flavor how it's different from a normal brisket so hopefully this feedback will help me understand a little bit about what the dry process does to this cut of meat and how it pairs with low-and-slow barbecue as opposed to cooking hot and fast like a dried steak so I'm just gonna slice the whole thing we're gonna have a lot of people here taste testing for us feels like there's a crusty Chuck there yeah that one got a little too crusty okay and then this guy I'm not gonna survive in two slices so I'm going to remove it now and maybe we'll try to make some burnt ends out of that it should be smoky and good and this fact like it's different than when I do a normal brisket it doesn't look as I get it kind of webby looking that's also yes compressed a little bit yeah like the honeycomb type oh yeah that's different that's weird hmm interesting you have to imagine breaks down differently than they should try to be more moderate there you I got this brisket all sliced up here Jonathan is graciously hosting us in his home tonight he's going to help me try it and so feel free to reach in and try any slice that you want any part that you want like any of this stuff but we're just looking for if its moist and the kind of differences in taste between 45-day dry aged and just a regular fresh brisket so jump in so we got to get something out of the flat got you gotta try that okay it looks really good yeah and it's got the the pull pull is very good he's got just let that fat on top okay all right I'll join you here let's get this guy does it have any funk to it you think no no and there's a little bit fat left on top of this if there was something out of the fat if he tasted them nothing nothing - you crazy they're just gotta get over and yeah go away all right anyone saw this the smoking I'm this ability I America I wouldn't stack pieces out the middle okay that looks really good that's what I get it okay so I'm just going straight to the middle it's good is actually notice times weird it's almost a little bit more mild the the the points holding together a little bit better than the flat here but it's do you think about okay do you need you wanted these guys it allowed the flat the flavor nuggets no I've been a little dry just because we're super exposed again you definitions running the special super smokes center-cut burn in you get some funk in that it's got a lot more flavor but nothing that I would send it back and say hey this is not right okay dryer now that a you know it was probably cooking around the whole middle now dryer there this reminds me a little bit of like the bottom side of the flap when you get a little bit a little bit of burn on the bottom right but I'm gonna take it a second right and this one might be a little funkier same cut meant it was just chunk from the very home from the end of the gap okay cuz I just ate one of those there's a there's more of that there there is a little bit of them of an aftertaste yeah it's not it's not it's not bad but it's not one of the things that you would say right I want to go back for more of that right hmm that's interesting in in all honesty I've had dried sticks before but I just never cared for them but I wanted to do this just to see how it turns out but I never seen it sounds really weird but and those no such things carbonated meat right but it almost it's like a Elia orange juice in there in the fridge and long and it starts to go off a little bit yeah it's still its orange juice it's still fine but you can taste it start to go off a little bit it's almost like there's a like an alcoholic twing to them yeah maybe that's the yeah that's the right way to describe it but that's what it kinda reminds you that form juice it's just a little bit past passes date in the Angeles bridge not bad you know that the weird thing was um this was more moist than I thought it would be I thought it would be just really dry because of the like dead dry aging process but like this slice it's got lots of moisture in it you know now how did you think the the tenderness of the point was though oh not tender enough yeah I was I was a little bit surprised that especially with that much aging that the point wasn't just falling apart right so low when you get there you get the flavor but you also get the you get the tenderness from the breaking yeah right right so I'm still eating yeah so I was actually pulled it a little before I thought I should because I was thinking the very same thing I was like I to turn into musters I think well I mean because the dry aged steak has already supposed to be more tender it's very interesting to me now I don't get that that same whatever you want to call that aftertaste or that right I'll call like brisket taste I don't get that from the main part of the point yeah I got it from the these n cuts which makes me wonder if it was actually possibly something in the in smoke as opposed to the actual aging hmm well maybe I didn't trim that properly out of it okay cool all right so now I have had your brisket before though same rabe is before yes no I don't taste as much the rub and I don't know if that's I don't know why okay but I don't taste as much other rod that I normally taste from your burst it could because the exterior were so dry when I put the rub on it falls off yeah it could be that flesh hmm so I think we've learned some things that it's not you know predetermined that the brisket won't be moist which has afraid of and it provides a different flavor I don't know that I prefer it and well actually I don't prefer it but it was interesting to try because you get just a little different flavor it's not just the you know beef smoked salt you get something odd something different and it's interesting to do it as an experiment though if I were choosing I wouldn't choose this over regular brisket any day of the week geez the point is it is tough why it's free it's not even close it's only the aging yeah it's really strange yeah I don't like it it's a robbery yeah one thing we noticed here is that the the point of this brisket is not nearly as tender as it should be it's actually like a rubbery texture so just to just to illustrate this um this would never happen with my normal briskets I can assure you but yeah I can go like this and then nothing happens it just jiggles away and I thought that if anything the dry aging process would make it more tender because it's part of the reasoning behind raging steaks is that the enzymes break down the tissue and it becomes more tender and so for some reason I don't know if it was an error on my part or what this drives brisket isn't as tender at least at least not in the plank it's not nearly as tender as it should be I mean you you have to work to pull this apart like it not quite like shoe leather but it's not far off this is so strange and something I totally did not expect I thought if anything it might not survive being cut into slices because it'd be too tender so that's so interesting and something to consider when you're cooking one out there if you guys decide to do a drives brisket make sure it's tender enough and don't just assume because it's try age that it's going to be extra extra tender because I cooked this to two or three point five let it rest in the cooler for an hour and so an identical process to what I usually do it felt pretty tender when I was probing it but this is not even close to tender enough I've cooked brisket not enough right and one thing I could do too much and I get something this is like a united state of matter that is not normally I've never yeah I'm in the same boat I've never had anything come out like this this is solid athlete's foot it's a sock with yeah it is now like it's too tough you had to pull harder it's it's like elastic that's the strangest thing yeah this is how they invented vulcanized rubber yeah I think so maybe there is a use for so after standing here and kind of examining more of these slices and just sampling more the pieces I've come to the conclusion not only that I don't prefer the dry aged brisket it's I don't like it and maybe I'm biased against the flavor because I don't really like the funky flavor but I don't like the flavor I'm actually very surprised by the amount of moisture there's plenty moist but just the texture is all wrong it it doesn't really have any redeeming qualities other than its moist so you know 11 times out of 10 I would choose just a regular fresh brisket and cook that and eat that instead of something like this this was interesting to try I don't think I'd recommend it for anybody else out there maybe this is why they do not try it briskets but they do dry-aged steaks you know I was wrong this has more than one redeeming quality it is moist there's the first one but that's a pretty good smoke ring right there that's like half an inch thick well at least I prepared myself for failure I was like dude this good Tony mmm for me I was set like such high standards that my goal is that if I said like a very high standard even if I missed it's still good does the same in communities like my my barbecues never get from yet what else but this is a yeah this is admittedly not good okay it's not like I don't like it at all thank you guys for watching that scientist BBQ if you enjoyed this video you can hit the like button down below you can also subscribe to the channel or follow me on other social media at mad scientist BBQ see you next time
Channel: Mad Scientist BBQ
Views: 988,691
Rating: 3.9174647 out of 5
Keywords: brisket, dry-age, dry-aged, barbecue, smoker, mad scientist, bbq, jeremy yoder
Id: kGaaRvh8Mk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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