Brad Makes Dry-Aged Steak | It's Alive | Bon Appétit

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hey guys hey Han it's alive we have a little two-parter for you ever gonna be doing some dry-aged meets some pork and some beef we're gonna head over to prime foods out in Long Island see it on a big scale and we're gonna have the folks from meat hook come in and show me how to do this at home so you could do it at home and we can all dry-aged meat together and have fun and learn [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright guys so we're over here prime foods and meeting up with John he's gonna he's gonna show us around this fine establishment and and learn a little bit about the dry-age process you know and on a larger scale I mean there's one ingredient right I mean essentially we're just deals would be I mean other than what's in the air and the you know without getting a microscope involved once it's beef say--if myself wanted to get a piece of meat and try to dry aged it mmm where would you recommend sort of getting beef right here right yeah you know III understand it why you don't want to go to your general supermarket and just get you know the reality is you might have a heck of a hard time just finding even the proper so primal beginning piece sure to start the dry aging process right so what do we got going on behind us what are these guys so you literally you're looking at a wall of probably over four or five hundred short loins we're in our selection cooler right now so we're probably in about 36 to 38 degrees right now and what you're seeing here is a daily occurrence so yes this is going to be gone by the end of today and tomorrow we'll be doing the same thing over and over again dude is this all gonna be dry aged or is this actually very little of this okay well okay cool to dry aging process it has to be right in every aspect for it to make it to the dry aging process so a lot of the pieces that won't make it into the dry aging process there's nothing wrong with them they're beautiful pieces but nothing goes in there unless it's right to be dried sure sure I would love to see like two pieces of meat like one that would qualify for the dry aging process and one that would you know wouldn't make sense absolutely we've got a couple of pieces up I might just like that [Music] this is a perfect example of the spectrum that I was talking about so these both both of these pieces are USDA prime but within that spectrum there could be a huge variation you see like a rosy color you see the well distributed intramuscular marbling and the color you see a good covering all throughout it has the proper kind of fabrication you know on this piece again although it's USDA prime the marbling is not nearly as defined jar even when this carcass was split it wasn't split perfectly even so if I were to lift the shore loin it won't have the bone on the bottom of a flat stance right or the bone that protects it through the dry aging process so you always want bone in you always yeah we only we only dry-aged bone-in cuts we don't ever dry a troponin so why is that because the bone and the fatter would protect the meat okay so if you were to start dry aging boneless meat your your dry aging all sides of it and dehydrating a cut on all sides so eventually you're gonna have to trim that sore primarily cut steaks much more lost country but you're also going to be trimming into the eye of the finished product and you don't want to do that you don't know all just a whole bone shield right you can just cut it out you want a nicer fat marbleization and dry absolutely okay so that'll benefit the dry aging process it really does and like the place I've been a day you're not gonna go through all the trouble and the effort of dry aging meat if it's not gonna be a spectacular steak sure we're not targeting mediocre here alright great I feel like I have a good idea of what we're looking for my concern with these cuts that we were talking about is well I'd be able to cut that at home without like I doing that with a hacksaw sounds miserable and I don't have a band saw for the piece that you want to drive yourself chef's yeah we'll give you a rib piece that we've taken the chine bone off already perfect and so then when the time comes and you want to enjoy it you could just use your pick your ribbon cut your rib and cut in between and I can handle that and go to town they called me chef his first time ever well we actually took the liberty chef yeah yeah yeah make sure this guy with the shot and I have that do your worst we've got some some labels here for you and this is gonna end up in a dry-aged room little labor and you can pick your own okay you can pick your own piece have at it and then we'll find a nice ring is punishable by death I like absolutely well we'll find a nice little look forward in a dryad room well this one seems have a pretty nice fat cap on it nice little marbleization uh yeah I think we're gonna put your name on it right oh yeah yeah that's it rod its product and the cookie now we're gonna find a nice little nook for it in the dried room you could pick that too and perfect and then we'll come back when it's right in well speaking of this dry-aged room should we look to the dry aging moment of truth are you ready for this I'm ready okay punch me in the face isn't it no no you should be like just fall into it Oh God oh I saw I was like [Music] please shop have a seat I think I'm out welcome welcome to our round table yeah man so what exactly is happening in here it's cold I noticed there's no lights oh there they go super out for us sure there's a lot of things happening we're running simultaneous heat and cold to try to balance the moisture and the temperature you have the high velocity fans which obviously you hear the black lights that you need that any debris you need every component of that going so we got air moving where we're trying to pull moisture out of the beef regardless of whether we're trying or not it's gonna happen and so what we're really trying to do is just safeguard what we feel are the best conditions that are necessary to produce optimally dry aged flavorful beef right you don't want bacteria you don't want any kind of pathogens anything like that going on me we want to meet agent not rhotic that right so it's not sure it's it's breaking down in a sense but with what with enzymes and things that are already in the beep you want the naturally occurring enzymes not well in the air you know what the process to happen from the outside it this isn't cheese okay you want the enzymatic degradation happening in the connective tissue within the meat working its way out gotcha so is like you look behind us where you get like that bark or that crusty I hate to say it work like scabby kinda set so that's not adding the flavor that's your ceiling what's inside you want a firm crust you don't want it any indications of rot no questions asked you never ever want that on triage be right if you saw it in anything else would you eat it right you wouldn't if you saw it on chicken or pork or veal a lamp so why have it on your beef our personal touch is like we did together really looking at each piece making sure the quality is what it needs to be and and the rest of the the rest of the process in here the the beef knows what it needs to do sure she's getting everything for thousands of years before traditional refrigeration and just like I do a lot of fermentation you know that was the original before there was refrigeration it's how they preserve absolutely so I like they say that this is not a new face if not new oh yeah all right well we have the facility obviously I reckon this might be a good place for me to place it would be matter of fact we took the liberty and Nicki's gonna nickname on bring that we're big there you go me ah perfect thank you Nicki all right yes par for that yeah but front front and center there you go so John how long do you think well I guess I'm the clown here that is absolutely I like a real nutty flavor I don't I don't mind it to be what some restaurants will might consider for the general population a bit aggressive okay I kind of like it if you're up for it I'd say maybe we go for 45 60 days yeah yeah you know so we can we can check in with you minimum 45 all right we'll do 45 and then if you can't make it here we'll come in and we'll FaceTime a little bit it will show you how your rib is doing and you can let us know when you think it's ready I love that thank you man [Music] what's the date today six what is the date today it is the six nine six two thousand eleven sings what eleven eleven yes I meant alright so we're back in the Test Kitchen we're gonna be going with dry-aging to meet here try like hell brought in two rows from Jimi Partington brought in some pros from the meathook over in Brooklyn one of my favorite butcher shops in the city well I needed someone to help me because I don't I don't know we'll make it up as we go along I mean we went today earlier we were over at prime foods over in Long Island yeah with John you guys met John there we know John yeah John's good dude so he sent us home with this nice pieces of rib me same is what you guys brought yeah yeah we brought bone-in ribeye as well but various do they are very different this is I would assume from John yeah grain bad cream finished for sure this was born on a pasture grass fed its entire life this is probably I would assume summary between 12 and 18 months old this was about 30 months old oh wow yeah I mean a the fat content is way different yeah I can get in the boat I can see here if I flip it it looks like this one like it's already got a little age on it so we heard it all of the meat that we get it has already hung for two weeks so this is 14 days of age hung is like a primal cut or hung is a whole animal okay cool yeah so killed it the slaughterhouse split down the middle and then hung because it's got to go through the whole process of rigor mortis you said two weeks yeah the rib sections will usually hold on to for another another two weeks so we'll hit that like prime 28 30-day mark which is what we've got your site spot you like yeah personal right yeah so this one we were at two weeks already so maybe we'll go a 30-day with both of them with both of them cool this one will hit that's 30 the sweet spot and then this one it's got the two weeks on and that's gonna bring you to another little more I'm very curious to see how the grass-fed beef is gonna paired to that it's gonna be wildly different let's talk how we're gonna pull this stunt off okay I know I've seen your guys this video loved it oh yeah on how you did already what I'm brought you on to help me do and that is create a dry aging atmosphere is essentially what we're trying to do right at home we're in this case in the one World Trade Center yeah yeah you brought us on to do it and we brought Chris kroner on to do it with us so thanks Chris thanks Chris I love that guy let's start off we got a mini fridge okay mini fridge and look we just got a little fan in there okay listen fan good-looking same on the back and this is just a little fancy doodad that you know you could do this probably without it but what I have it why not monitor it and this is just gonna tell us the humidity in this atmosphere what do we need to get a properly dry aged beef atmosphere only three things okay air flow you already got it that's the fan oh yeah you got humidity controls you want about 70 to 80% and then the third thing you need is temperature control which you have you want to keep it under 41 degrees right back over to the to the work station all right yeah guys we are driving over to prime foods and I said I know a couple people that have dabbled with doing some some dry aged pork too long story short you bought a knight you brought in a nice little piece of where's just a rib ya know chopped yeah children boob job actually the pretty much classic work pretty much the same same part as these two right here right same thing just on a pig yep and we'll just we'll pop that in there too it's just a little experiment what's yours you know but would that go the same amount of time as beef no no I mean you call you know you can but there are no rules but no yeah we differ on this print go for it what do you do what do you think different saturated fats between beef and or as a higher saturated fat content so the fat content of pork is meant to be is meant to be drivers but meant to be dry cured that's why pork works so well sure exactly different than beef you kind of really want to eat that as a steak and it gets better actually dry aged sure so you can do you can do this with pork but you're probably only gonna get a week maybe two out of it so other than it's just a cool experiment you don't think it's doing much with it I mean you went out of your way to get this amazing fridge so you might as well oh we're gonna try what do you think I think we got one life to live and I want to live it to the fullest don't mind if half of that life is with an upset stomach no okay I think with this I would monitor where your water loss eyes what your water loss is at and not the number of dates so I would say let's weigh this we should probably weigh them all just so we know like yeah notebook I got a pen Oh science beef John okay and beef beef hook we got a john-boy's cry what's he clocking in at three one three two like even numbers 3 1 3 2 grams okay all right and this is beef hook is B puck 402 - let's look for up - oh okay 40:24 name easy number little Puerco is 22 11 all right back over to the box [Music] Johnny boy Johnny boy Johnny boy go right in there look next beep uh coming in strong last but never least it's right oh we're good all right great they've got a fan going I'll keep an eye on the humidity you said rate around 77 anywhere between 70 and 90 I like higher so that way you get less water loss but you're still having that enzymatic breakdown enzymatic breakdown back to the board boys let's talk about that pretty all we're doing with anything is trying to get rid of the effects of rigor mortis so we have the protein rigor mortis being yeah like I know what it is someone doesn't yeah it's yeah what's it look like it looks like that that's it accurate we want to prevent that yeah from happening well you have when you go through rigor mortis is actin and myosin which are the protein molecules that help you kind of like firm your muscles up those are kind of like staying strong just get yeah there we go that was good this is something that would naturally happen it would naturally associate once say Charlie the cow kicks over in the pasture rigor mortis happens and then the enzymes which now are pretty much dormant they're gonna go buckwild and they just kind of attack all the proteins and they start breaking those downs they start making the meat more tender more flavor poles start converting the sugars mother nature's helmet artists here right so I mean like this is already pre-programmed in to get to the meat yeah and we're just trying to capture that right exactly setting up over time you know before the mushrooms come and the maggots out in the field the Charlie now when should I start weighing these for for loss tomorrow that's no no no no week give it a week at least a week we forget anything hugs [Music] thank you guys thank you I'm gonna try to get you guys back in here so we can when we're done we can do a little side-by-side taste of our dry-aged product we got to come back and eat the steak yeah you're gonna have to come back and eat the steak I know I know it's terrible all right yeah all right someone's got to do it it's in the contract you guys something no all right we're secure It's A Wrap fine work today everyone except you Kevin [Music] [Music] can you pick up all the other well hums he uh got addicted but well good thing we're done on Thursday suckers nice take peekaboo goods but I just let the pork go so just let it go oh yeah Wow oh you smell that oh no you can't but boy I can what I've been doing as we've been battling with humid with the humidity so get this little paper towel and look at this check out this I'm pretty slick I just put it right above great above the fan and it dries it out rather quickly and it's just adding adding moisture to it nope you can watch the committee to go up maybe that freaking flying going down [Music] you guys came in it was November 6th it was a Friday I remember very clearly very clearly I'll never forget I wrote it down so I had this little humidity set up little reader right now we're at 72% well you guys were saying ideally you want to be an 80s 90s yeah the temperatures a little high because why because I open the door a bunch of times doesn't wait till Christmas morning did it stay at 72 they got down to the 60s it got up to the 90s oh we had fluctuation Oh shrink they shrank repaired moisture huh it looks amazing uh what I was doing I was just taking a rolled-up paper towel I got a little container Warner back here and I was just placing that above the fan closing the door and it was just we was just pulling all the moisture and he was science science bud and I was working so found out how to do it every day because the this small unit the refrigerator was just pulling out moisture you bring to the table boys I can't wait to weigh these oh they're lighter I think we've lost like seven percent in the first seven days that's it oh yeah yeah you got a different angle oh yeah who knows math not me okay my iPhone is pretty good at it we'll start with you guys great let me draw a quarter so 3740 37 40 what was the og 40 20 that's not what that's only about a 7% loss oh no no 4,200 4,200 this was a mistake it had to have been I forgot to tell you guys in the taking I think when we jammed them down on Friday we being me I think that what I think it might have been your fault I think you might have said it wrong I remember now ee boy yeah Big Ben's fine time he said 40 20 and I think he meant what you said before that 4,200 well the scientific experiment now it had to before all have been for 420 okay so we're only down 100 all right so according to my math as in someone with no experience in math that's an 11% boss okay okay I don't think it's right I'm maybe even for 4,200 might not even be right where it might be 40,000 next we'll do Johnny boy I can't believe how much this one no it's unbelievable 25:13 that's 20% loss 20% really I think the pork might have shrunk deletes I'm so excited I'm so excited about this you guys recommended 14 days but I was like forget it yeah these guys are coming in two days and let's just let it go it was kind of doing happy things I feel like because the humidity was significantly lower for a longer period of time and ours is higher like that's why it'll get sticky faster have you ever seen the movie chug chug cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers no okay when aged pork and 90% humidity that's what it looks like yeah it looks like something that like grew up and like the New York sewer system Wow yeah and then came out and terrorize Aldi moldy and like really sticky that yeah it's bad I was against that but when you cut into it I like the flavors prima yeah boys I cracked the code 80 you did it lower he's been in the mail 22:11 to start 1875 that is 15% all right boom right there so we're we were 15% pork we were 20% on the Johnny boy Johnny we were only 11% 11% on the boys interesting this is that's a wild fluctuation hungie you want to get us a cool shot yep for the sake of sakes my frame Hansie clanky you endframe I've never trimmed one up I'd love to watch one of you guys if you're comfortable doing one first absolutely start by taking feather bones off which we don't have any here okay but easy-peasy John took care you we did not it's fine guys I never knows I'm just sorry but the big day can I tell my Christmas story yeah for Christmas this is what we saw the most of every year great story Brent interrupts and yep that's it but I was breaking one right here and we had another guy right here at this guy James I was taking out those buttons and my knife slipped in right straight into my arm and it was like objectively hilarious because my arm just sprayed blood Oh James's face and hat it was amazing anyway went to the hospital with all these uh wrappings around it they put a bandaid on it and then yeah I had like four doctors around me and then they like take it off and I have like just a small little scar there I could I tell you what though puncture wounds hurt like hell right yeah it did not feel good my I got stabbed once oh yeah so what do you guys like to do it's on these terms we're gonna reserve all of this and what we do is mix it with fresh ground beef and it is a perfect that's dry aged burger grind that's flavor exactly Wow well that's a pretty good way of just showing exactly what's going on difference oh wow the texture is so much firmer huh oh my god yeah and this is the raw amazed version of that comparison shot that's awesome it's amazing that's gonna taste so good so we're just gonna trim Justin oh so good yeah you get in there but just the tiniest you know the fat of the fat on the on the outside okay just get that fresh just pearly exactly cuz if you render this fat down the clock exactly it's gonna be super funky and we're gonna get enough of that from the steak itself so you know we want to clean it up just a little bit yeah I love it oh sorry good we got a steak okay what do you want to do like this one do you want to do okay this one okay Oh lava huh well that is really firm that's even trimmed a little we should really do that smells like dry aged beef yeah kinda looks like dry aged beef it doesn't have like the earthy like mushroom enos of rice which is really nice it just smells more intensely like intense beef yeah all right thanks let's cut the pork I'm so excited you ignored us completely and just went with a 39 I'm so excited I guess what the skins really hard Oh better now yeah that's cool you can see the blade under the skin yeah real cool Brad please cool all right it's cool yeah thanks guys yeah there's gonna be boy yeah I mean it looks amazing huge Wow visual difference I get that one out here slap the ROI boom yeah look at that tighten it right up that looks like a joy to cook we'll put a little salt on these bad boys we're cooking my how do you guys like to go I mean I want to taste the meat like I don't wanna go covering this up with the Jazz no simple yeah well how do you feel about salt content watch as much as it'll hold on its surface okay pick your pan boys I need a big boy yeah you get the big guitar out all right all right oh yeah that smells good huh bingo bingo I had this asthmatic I'll wait for honey this is a fun story I have been fight I haven't had this like asthmatic bronchitis like a week ago but they got me on this um it's like I think it's a steroid prednisone man I tell you what that stuff is like a class 1 drug or something I'm bouncing over the wall yeah yeah man I'm like I feel like I'm like like I want to clean the house I want a freaking yellow people I'm gonna take a bun steroids they gay people get like road rage yeah I guess a little you can see how much fat is rendering in that pan just from starting on the fat side edge yeah [Music] alright I'm gonna see her here you go [Music] steak and eggs [Music] just huh Oh meow that's alright that's funky that's pretty good though yeah that's good this not be good push-ups real quick any of these snakes think about pulling a blender with you know what do you guys call with this called rib cap the rib cap isn't there what's the other name for it it's like such an ass or some no yes yeah sound like that thank you well from the backboard yeah he's good like that don't you remember you guys know I like the texture and when it's rare the dry-aged is it's easier to eat yeah like the fresh snake sometimes and get in there I think rare also shows the textural difference between an aged it's a minute exactly yeah I love that's really good it is really good it's very light it is very clean yeah the funk is very subtle if it got even funk it's more just like death so this is meat hook this is a total of 45 day now dry-aged right 100% grass-fed yup Kinderhook farm whoo doing the good work oh yeah just he heated it through just warmed it up a bit huh so good I actually don't mind into this rare if it was fresh I wouldn't like it as much dry aged I kind of I kind of like it a little rare tuna is a good comparison because you get more minerality out of grass-finished beef and when it's dry aged like the combination of those two things really I think does eat like tuna and I stick around for the pork to tense time I'm so excited for this texture looks great I mean I keep comparing it to fish but it looks like like source or fish yes I've never touched a porker taste like that so good it almost has in the best way like a wild game yes yeah yeah there's like a way to describe it and the texture is just protective and honorable but also interesting that like I feel like with dry aged beef everyone's like blue cheese mushroom you don't get any of that with this I'm getting like egg corn grassy it's delicious no very good let's not say I was real bad so other people come over but it's very good well I really didn't see the pork chop being the dark horse in this race yeah you know that's why I love that he's a good experiment though you know the little wild card sometimes a little happy accident yeah you know FaceTime John a Hello oh I'm sorry hey uh John I'll call you back in one minute I did audio only by accident okay sorry okay Oh video all right there he is today I cut up and cooked the meat that we dry-aged here came out pretty awesome I'm not gonna lie I wanted to I wanted to check in with with that nice lab a meat that we left with you and you're in your optimum conditions Howie how's that going yeah yes take a walk man there he is Wow look at that amazing yeah oh wow that looks great our mind got so much darker probably because it was drier right in a smaller atmosphere yeah it makes sense preference yeah is learning oh my god it was amazing wage thanks brother and have a good have a good holiday man hi I'll let you know when the video comes out later up and in accept hello no there's one thing I learned from this dry-aging experiment with you guys it was John from prime foods is that you know there's no point in doing this with just like don't just go to some some BS supermarket and get it yeah you want to you have one ingredient yeah you know which is the meat that you're using to the best means of your abilities get the best thing that you can yeah yeah you're absolutely right you spent 30 days like putting a paper towel on there making sure the moistures right it comes all baby a yeah yeah make a rig if you want get into it find out how you can battle humidity problems and share them with me in the comments just get out there experiment have fun learn make friends dry-aged dinner if you make mistakes do it again that's what life's all about gentlemen thank you this is awesome yeah thank you yeah yeah great yeah I need the rest of this pork okay all right what do we think Hansie scam or no scam we're gonna go scam I'm pretty sure that's not how Uncle Sam calls yeah is it oh yeah she's peeking that's who called me Lady Liberty so I don't have a Social Security anymore huh I mean we've tried it we've pushed the envelope we've tried the door overpass that thousand days have you eaten a thousand-year-old a thousand thousand absolutely absolutely you get those big it was it was another thing goodbye I'm gonna be you're gonna be hearing a lot of man good within their 45 90 days you know cargo Nick Brad's calling again please I can't do it again you got you ache in your face time then it's like three times a week this guy's trying to FaceTime this piece of meat [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 3,484,938
Rating: 4.9079294 out of 5
Keywords: alive, brad, brad leone, fermentation, fermented, how to make, make, test kitchen, what is, probiotics, dry age, it's alive, brad makes, brad bon appetit, bon appetit brad, brad leone 2019, brad it's alive, it's alive bon appetit, live food, dry aged steak, dry aged meat, dry aging steak, how to dry age, brad dry ages, brad dry ages steak, how to dry age steak, how to dry age meat, how to dry aged steak, dry aged steak at home, dry aged wagyu, food, bon appetit
Id: RAWvd_9La5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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