Minecraft Warden Mod in Among Us

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so of course you guys know the new boss in minecraft this is the warden mod in among us this is a unique one the warden can't see anybody unless they make noise and once he finds you it's all out chaos guys stick around till the end when i'm the warden this is one of our best mods yet and also if you've ever played minecraft hit the like button below the video make it turn blue what hit the subscribe button let's do this all right okay can you guys hear me okay boys all right we need to work together we are in the bowels of the bowel movement let's go okay boys do this task right do this task right whenever we get this we have obsidian we need to go build this this uh this nether portal and we need to get out of here place the block yeah look at the top right look at the top right you can see that it's we're like 10 percent there oh yeah also we have to we have to keep in mind our our hunger what about this lava no gary get out of the lava you went in okay okay we gotta check out the couch take out the cow check out the cow i can cook this look at the bottom left side of that look it's cooking i'm cooking steak all right let me do this over here so wait i don't want to get another obsidian yet because if i get another obsidian [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] whenever my name goes red that means he can see me he can't see me right now where'd you go my sneakers off cool down so everyone's scared if we stop running if we take steps he can see us who took my food oh i'm sorry monster we need to finish that portal and dudes like i said welcome back to among us our job is to finish all our tasks in the top left once you do that we make the nether portal and then we go home without dying to the warden two things first thing hit the like button if you've ever played minecraft second thing hit the subscribe button third thing i lied sorry zod i'm trying to you don't get away from me pat pat come on oh okay he's paying attention to the pad we should be fine are we good are we good his eyesight's not that good what do you think do we need to see if there is anybody around to help hey pat wait oh no oh no he said are we good oh my gosh we actually got through that stairs so if we can get this portal created and then once i go through it i become the warden let me cook some food while i'm doing that get this done dude i can't wait to be the warden it's gotta be chaos not being able to see anybody that is gonna be fun okay i got another obsidian i gotta get this food and then i'll go back cow i'm stuck give me the food i can't sneak right now because i have the steak because obsidian we're at 75 percent there put it down oh my gosh roman i got it i got it i got it look at him everybody come back got away put it down oh no if i walk on that i'll be revealed no don't walk on that don't walk on that you'll be revealed [Music] [Music] oh [Music] anybody nearby [Music] it's not done yet we can't escape yet we have to wait for your sneakers what are you guys what are you guys doing up here in the portal huh you know what you don't you just want to be follow me no no no no and boys i become look at me boys okay so i have all these abilities but i can't see anyone unless i hit them with certain abilities but check this out look you can see that every time they do something like swing a sword activate a furnace or i think place down obsidian i can see that and if i hear if i see footsteps it shows up as footsteps around me look is somebody oh there's food here he is somebody here i'm gonna put down a shulker box if somebody comes to that food they'll get hit and i'll see them okay let's go up this way footsteps oh they hit it they hit it they hit it they hit it they hit it they hit it oh crap oh crap hit you with a rocket another shulker box uh slam [Laughter] all out chaos one down nine to go okay how this also works i forgot to mention in the top uh of the buttons i have three abilities that i unlock as i uh check them off my death wish you see them pat is on the death wish if i consume them or hit them with i think the the uh the rocket and the bomb then it uh checks them off the list once i get all of these people off the list i get judgment you'll see that and i also get chain at six people marked off and this one at three okay let's look around something i haven't done here something i need to find did you find footprints anybody in the middle i hear someone dude the mine hey okay rocking it now i can see you even longer [Music] why are you so slow oh please leave me alone i don't put my speakers down now you're stunned no you're [Music] wait is somebody cooking right in front of me oh where did you go oh henry no deathless and now i have unlocked smell who's cooking no one oh we hit those wherever we hit those bombs where are you going where are you going oh god we're going to do a rage on that you're going to do some you're going to do some uh you're going to do some renovating no i was going to just this obsidian is the crying [Music] oh he's dead let's see how i look we have four okay so you know what i'm gonna put a bomb right there if anybody walks by it'll explode they'll get dead and then i'll put uh a shrieker there and there if anybody hits those they get stunned and they tell me they're there is anybody gonna hit him is anybody gonna hit him oh no no oh son please done hey hey hey hey you come here we hit those we hit those wait did i hit those where is son how did he get out you know what bomb there bomb there he he's currently stopping to nuke him oh i hit nico i'm gonna go take out nico he's up there i can only see him for a little bit [Music] no no you don't see him you don't see me oh hi gary here you exposed us hey hey nico i i just unlocked since consuming you nico i have unlocked chain wait where did he go [Laughter] oh look at this here [Laughter] i gotta find somebody i gotta find somebody uh smell oh no it's chain tower the chain has been unlocked and now you die that's my next ability at six there we go we got six so if i get three more then i get judgment somebody fighting a cow down here i was trying to catch hello i am but then i got you all right well let me go ahead and uh throw that out no please no and consume it wait no crap we're just don't wait that's that's right gary you will not leave me gary ah crap he left me nuke we hit piffle with the nuke let me go ahead wait is there more people here oh there's more people chain time you guys don't smack wait you guys please it pulls you to the center of the chain and then i get to nuke you and then i get oh wait you gotta be kidding me wait i love this mod wait how cool is that i just need lookums and then i get judgment okay where's zod i want to eat zod's face off zod where are you oh he's daddy poo-poo oh somebody's up here let's do a bomb there and then let's do a shrieker bear and a streak oh henry how much health do you have henry i i've just been making some meats over here right but how much health do you have henry i haven't heard some yeah you're the lion aren't you henry oh there he is hi henry oh look up wait [Music] leave me alone leave me alone all right you know what i just i'm just kind of waiting here oh wait you got stuck there no you got it you're stuck there oh i have oh and i have judgment oh no no yeah how many hearts you got now henry so if i use consume while your face get removed oh no his face didn't get removed dang it how do i remove his face all right let's give a sniff give him a sniff [Music] [Laughter] that's not fair all right it's time to get chained no no no no no no no no no no you're making a void vomited so you can't run fast is she gonna die wait who's he who's cooking here [Music] i'll use judgment on gary here soon let's smell anybody nobody nearby no way listen i can you can let me go look around us gary you're good way more than wait how did that not hit oh there we go there we go no i'm speaking i'm sleeping gary it is judge he's in my stomach oh this is awful oh that's too bad all right let me go ahead and everybody halfway done let's go ahead and do that do that do that all right nobody's getting here now we got look them zod and that's it okay well where are they at are they hiding somewhere oh no they're not there they're not hiding somewhere do you want judgment consume charm what do you want uh the skilled one ah skull one oh i still have two hearts oh okay cool judgment time are you gonna survive are you going to survive in my belly no he's not all right where's that i don't think this is physically oh i just saw a movement look at look at the circles around me smell where it goes [Music] as soon as he runs forward should i oh wait he left oh no no oh we hit those hit the like button hit the subscribe button we did
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,809,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6F2LAYURacs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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