TIPS You NEED for Consistent Characters in Midjourney

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are you looking for better ways to create consistent characters inside of mid Journey well in this video I have a few things that you might want to know about first are you frustrated with that same look from your character in each generation well there is something you can do to solve that issue and it involves using more than one image as a character reference we actually want to include multiple image links in our prompt but we are going to need to generate those different looks before we do that and it can be as simple as this you're just going to prompt for multiple Expressions candid photos of Dash CF and then your image link to your character do you remember Eliza that's who we're going to be focusing on today if you find that isn't exactly working you can try some different parameters like lowering the styliz value here I lowered it to-- S60 but you could also try style raw let me show you some more examples here I also tried chaos 6 and look at these results I think number one is great in this prompt I tried stylize 200 Kos 6 and these are the results I love number two basically you can work with anything that gives you multiple pictures from different angles and using different Expressions that's what we want so that when we use character reference mid Journey has a chance to pull from a few different sources rather than just the same face over and over again and let me just point out I wouldn't use number one here I don't think having a character's mouth open is really what you'd want however if that is something you'd want maybe you would use that as a character reference completely up to you and a big tip I have for you is to lower the character weight-- CW and then a value between zero and 100 I recommend lowering it all the way to zero when you're trying to develop these multiple Expressions because we just want it to focus on the face I actually really like the results of number three here this happened to you stylize 200 but we get three distinct pictures even one when her eyes are closed I think that can work how many Expressions should you generate well I think the more the better but you don't need that many I think maybe between four and six will probably do a very good job for you but there is an extra step you need to do you'll need to take these pictures into something like Photoshop maybe canva honestly any image editor and you'll need to isolate the individual faces you're then going to save them as separate pictures and now you can upload them to Discord that's when we're going to create a new shortcut for our character and we're going to include every solid reference image that we have created so far you can upload the pictures by pressing this little plus button beside the prompt box going to upload file finding them on your computer and then you have to make sure you hit enter and send them in the chat you'll need to see the pictures in the chat room from there we're going to set the shortcut by hitting prefer option set into the prompt box we need to make sure we hit plus one more that will bring up value we'll click on that now we have two boxes to input information in value is where we're going to put our image links so we can actually just click on them and drag them into the value box make sure you hit space take the next one drag it into the box hit space grab the next one hit space keep doing that that and then we need to click on option over here and this is where we're going to put the name of our shortcut we're going to choose something that will expand into all of those image links I'm going to go with Eliza 2 keep it simple like that right now I will say that some people have been mentioning that we should be putting D- CF into our shortcut I personally don't think you'll want to do that for two reasons the first reason is that you wouldn't be able to use those image links for anything other than a character reference if CF appears in your shortcut maybe you'd want to use them as IM prompts maybe style reference I don't know either way you wouldn't be able to if it has CF in the shortcut the other reason you don't want to add CF in your shortcut is because you wouldn't be able to add more than one character reference in your prompt I'll get to why that's important later in the video I know I just showed you one way that you could get different expressions and looks for your character but honestly you can just specify the new look you want in your prompt so rather than prompting for multiple Expressions we can literally just do a side profile portrait of Dash Das CF and then a picture of Eliza and look how this turns out these are amazing right you could try stylize 400 you could lower the stylize value it really doesn't matter but specifying the look seems to work well then you can simply upscale the images you like and include those in your shortcut two ways of doing it let me show you the results and why this whole process is actually important first here's the prompt Viking Warrior and then character referencing Eliza and these are the results honestly they don't even look that good they don't really look that much like her at all maybe a number one I'll say that but then look at this Viking Warrior CF with all of those different image lengths of Eliza and look at these these are awesome we're getting some different looks I think and even though I didn't change the character weight we're not getting that Victorian look because we sort of diluted the look of Eliza by including multiple images of her I think that's why it's important you could even try this for a studio gibli animated woman and we're getting some different looks here I like number one that she's smiling or maybe you want to try that same thing but also lower the character weight you'll get even more varied images but with your character's face now let's talk about generating multiple characters in a scene is it possible no it's not I've gotten a lot of questions about this and it won't work because the bot will just create some sort of combination of both your characters like here you'll see Kelly and Eliza and when I put both of those pictures as a character reference this is what we get as you can see it's almost like a Perfect Blend between those characters even though I specified two women Pirates and I included two different characters in my reference links it's still going to combine them but I'm telling you about this because there is a trick there is a way to get multiple characters in a scene let me show you what you're going to do is go down to vary region and we're going to inpaint the characters we want into the scene so this is how you would do it we can use the square and we'll just select the face of one of the characters then we'll delete those character links from our prompt and now we'll just input the links to the characters we want and when we hit enter we'll get something like these now I don't know if they all worked but number one looks pretty good like I think that's much more reminiscent of ela and then from here we're going to do the exact same thing with the other character so we go to very region only this time we select her face on the right we'll go down and erase this image link and I would type-- Kelly to Signal the shortcut for that character when we hit enter these are the results we get and look at isn't that amazing so there is no way to get multiple characters in the same scene unless you do this exact workflow like look at that we have Eliza and we have Kelly now does it completely look like them I don't know maybe not but these people also don't exist so maybe it's better than nothing this technique is also going to work for practically any scene which is why I think you can prompt for whatever you want and then after go into in painting vary by region select their faces and input the characters you were actually looking for like here we have a portrait of a pirate Queen I went to vary by region I selected her head I changed the link in The Prompt and then look at that there's Kelly isn't isn't that crazy like I think that worked out so well way better than just trying to reference that character in The Prompt right if you've made it this far through the lesson and you're new here I'd like to introduce myself my name is Nolan and I am trying my best to make learning AI like this as easy as possible if my instructions are a little fast for you here you might be interested in my mid-journey beginner course I've created detailed lessons on every single mid Journey feature and I cover all of them in the exact same format I tell you what the feature is and why it's important then I tell you when you should use it and some ways that you can Master it look if you're comfortable using mid journey and you've been following along since the tech was introduced this course might not be for you and that's okay but if you're fascinated by AI art yet a little overwhelmed with where to start I think my course might help you a lot I take you through everything from setting up on Discord to exploring art styles and Aesthetics all videos are pre-recorded and you can go through each lesson at your own page don't worry about falling behind either you'll have access to the course forever and it continue to update it as mid Journey adds new features in fact I have a few new lessons already planned not to mention that if you enroll in the course you get access to Every promp Act I've ever created that's 284 prompts and 124 ad lib prompt templates included at no extra cost and I want to be transparent the price of this course is going to increase as I continue to update it so if you're interested consider joining now if you want the best possible deal okay back to the tips and tricks earlier I mentioned something about including two character references and why it might be important well take a look at this which might be like the coolest Discovery ever and I have to give credit to Richard kot who sent me an Instagram message telling me to try this the trick is that you can actually use color as a character reference and the results are kind of amazing you could even use textures like here a knight in blue armor --cf and then this link and check out what this link is it's just the color of sky blue it's isn't that wild I used a turquoise color in this one and a darker blue in this one look how well that turns out and don't worry those prompts are kind of bad I'll be honest they're very simple but this is a proof of concept you can use color as a character reference and mid journey is smart enough to insert those colors into the scene just crazy stuff I actually recommend setting these colors as shortcuts it'll just be way easier for you so you would go into prefer option set set your option the name of your shortcut I'm going with Sky blue for this one we'll hit plus one more click on value and then we can drag our sky blue color right there now when we hit enter D- sky blue is going to trigger that specific color I mentioned that this also works with texture like look at these a night in Granite armor these are hilarious maybe the pictures aren't the best but this was my first time trying it I just wanted to see if it worked please let me know any tricks you find along the way and I mentioned Granite armor here but you don't really have to do that I mean I got these by just including a knight in armor however I will say that including some sort of reference in your prompt will help with the character reference as in a knight in armor the armor is granite and then you include a character reference of that Granite texture specifying it in your prompt is probably going to help overall and then take a look at these we're including two colors at the same time and it works a wide angle action scene shot of two knights fighting the Knight on the left is wearing blue armor the Knight on the right is wearing red armor Das Das CF and then the link to blue and a link to Red look at this isn't that incredible doesn't that just blow your mind and open up so many more possibilities granted the pictures aren't the best but just using that prompt it knew to put that specific color blue on the night on the left and that specific red Scarlet Red on the night on the right and let me show you what I did here and why your prompt might not matter that much I don't know you can let me know what you think cinematic wide angle action scene shot of two knights fighting the Knight on the left is wearing blue armor the Knight on the right is wearing red armor on Splash but instead of the color red I used a character reference of the color pink and the character still came out pink even though I used red in the prompt I guess that showing you that color reference is pretty strong it can sort of overtake what you write in the prompts but look at this I even wrote the knights are wearing different colored armor I didn't specify anything more than that and it still works we have a blue Knight with that color blue and a pink Knight with that color pink that's just crazy and I want to reiterate make sure you understand this is why you shouldn't put D- CF in your shortcut because if you did both links would not appear you would not get both colors let me show you what I mean really quickly so if I were going to set my shortcut for testing blue to D- CF and then the color blue you think this might save you time like oh I don't need to type CF in on my prompt anymore I just need need to type my shortcut and it will know to expand into character reference but if we do this and then we set up the exact same thing for our pink color including CF into the shortcut and then we prompted for something like two tennis balls-- test B and D- test pink you think that it will open character reference blue character reference pink but when we hit enter we only get one character reference only one link shows up because it can't include two character reference parameters it can include more than one character reference link but not parameters so that's why you shouldn't put character reference in your shortcut I hope that makes sense that's a little Advanced sorry but you see because we used blue first that's what came up and pink didn't even get registered in the prompt don't include CF in your shortcut just keep it simple now let's say I wrote this prompt here Eliza in a futuristic raincoat D- CF D- Eliza 1 and then D- Turk which is my code for turquoise this might work out fine we're probably going to see both Eliza and the turquoise sort of right it definitely included the blue but watch if we run that exact same prompt but lower the character weight down to zero so it just focuses on Eliza's face we also might lose the color blue what I'm trying to say is that when you use colors as a character reference be careful when you lower the character weight you might lose the color you got to watch out for that I mean maybe number four worked but maybe that's just a coincidence because the other three had nothing to do with that turquoise color I put in the prompt I have two more tips for you actually and instead of making more videos I'll just include them all here I hope you appreciate that you can combine character reference with style reference I showed you this in my last video but the prompt didn't really work out well there is something you can change you can lower the style weight of the style reference image by default it's at 100 you could lower it to maybe D- s sw20 that could work and now we're seeing a woman fighting off an alien invasion and it's actually giving us that in the prompt having said that maybe you don't need to lower the style weight and just including some chaos might do the trick this is this is just a funny picture I liked it I thought this was pretty crazy this is at chaos 50 it's not the best picture ever but it is cool or maybe you want to get super specific with your prompt like wide shot film still of a woman fighting off an alien invasion then use a lower style weight of 20 here and TR style raw there's a lot of parameters to play around with you might really like the results and the last tip I have for you to get really cool pictures of a consistent character is to use a combination of parameters like stylize chaos and the weird parameter d-w space then a value between 0 and 3,000 zero is the default there is no weird by default on your images bumping it up to w340 styliz 200 with the prompt multiple expressions of and we get something like this look how cool that is like what an amazing picture but then take a look at this wide shot of a girl in Atlantis and look at number two that is unreal this is Eliza by the way and here I use stylize 200 chaos 4 weird 340 your whole grid is not going to be good three of them might suck but one of them might be extra unique and that's that might be important to you look how cool that is I was also really impressed by this the side profile portrait of character reference Eliza style raw character of zero stylize 400 chaos 5 weird 300 just what an amazing picture is that really is there is there any way to describe it other than that now if mid Journey still isn't listening to you and you want some troubleshooting tricks you can try you can check out this video right here don't forget about my mid-journey beginner course I hope you're doing well take care and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Future Tech Pilot
Views: 29,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, ai art, midjourney tutorial for beginners, midjourney tutorial prompts, midjourney prompt help, midjourney tricks, midjourney tips, midjourney consistent character, midjourney consistent character design, midjourney consistency, consistent character ai art, midjourney cref, midjourney sref, midjourney update, midjourney v 6.1, midjourney color reference, midjourney color prompts, midjourney color, midjourney parameters, midjourney multiple characters
Id: zgeI_ffCudY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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