NIGHTMARE Egypt Food Tour!! POLICE Shut Us Down!!

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um egypt's slogan should be leave your camera at home but bring your money they don't want you to shoot here that's very obvious very clear egypt it's one of the worst countries in the world for filmmakers i wouldn't suggest it for tourists either within hours of arriving in cairo my team and i were interrogated and searched finally all of our equipment was confiscated it's very dehumanizing at this point because they're going through my personal items picking stuff up or telling me to pick stuff up and then saying what is this it's a back roller why do you need this why do i need this how about go [ __ ] so all this for the crime of wanting to film ford in egypt with a valid shooting permit now with only iphones in hand the show must go on we're gonna go into the back and see what few people have seen before let's go we're hitting the streets of cairo in search of any food vendors who will have us this is where the action really happens so many raw ingredients is beautiful but even this low profile shooting won't be enough to evade this country's overzealous militaristic police force right now the van is at a police station they've gone through the shots on my phone we don't know what's going to happen next it's possible they'll try to delete the footage so what did i film that was so egregious the police demanded i delete it i'll show you right after breakfast as the first rays of light pierced through the trees and old dust cape buildings of cairo a small window of peace gradually fades away replaced by the hustle and bustle of city life cars motorbikes bicycles and the occasional horse or donkey populate the streets crowds are massive and move like schools of fish with a beautiful chaos like no place i've seen before [Music] let me be clear i like this city it has character on camera it looks amazing however i don't like and i don't respect the people who run it day one location one our conniving and mostly useless local producer has brought us here a small street-side eatery on a quiet road low traffic means a lower chance of suspicious police or quickly forming mobs sounds great but what's on the menu [Music] we are in the kitchen of our first location and i'm excited because i don't know what people in egypt eat for breakfast but right now i'm getting a little bit of a hint behind me he is frying french fries and he just made falafel too the falafel here is made with fava beets and then fried until they look like little hockey puffs for now i'm going to go to the serving area where they have so much food and i'm going to decide what we're going to eat officially for breakfast today let's go this is saad alharabi a restaurant named after its owner mr assad specializes in dishes that use fava beans fava beans are a common breakfast here in cairo with over 40 years of experience sod can mix and match flavors in over 50 ways hello sir good morning he's really busy right now here he has about 15 different dishes and tons of flavor combinations so people come they step up they order and then he's kind of the main guy making it happen someone just ordered a chip sandwich another chip sandwich i should get one of those oh so now he's not busy hey we connected after all oh my god see it just takes persistence so right now he's gonna make me a chip sandwich he's got the soft bread here puts in the chips some salt and then this is a white sauce i'm not sure what that is yet he puts in some salad some greens carrots a little bit of cabbage in there can this be the plate please yes yes and he won't give it to me at all i promise i'll pay [Music] crunchy there's something delectable about putting a soft carbohydrate with a crunchy chips i don't know if you guys were poor like me but when i grew up i would just make a potato chip sandwich with ketchup or with butter and so it takes me back to those days to the days of my impoverished youth most of flavor is coming from the salt he added and the tahini tahini is kind of new for me i don't know if i've had that before tahini it's an arabic condiment made from toasted ground whole sesame seeds made into a paste here you'll see it join most meals the tahini it's saltine a bit of sweet sourness i don't know i need to try that more to kind of pin it down the bread is excellent it's soft it's chewy it's a great little treat before you eat your actual breakfast which we're gonna do next aside from chip sandwiches they have something called food the food is something that is eaten commonly for breakfast here all throughout the city of cairo and what it is it's fava beans [Applause] fava beans are one of the oldest cultivated plants with evidence of their incorporation into egyptian diets dating back to at least 6000 bc now in day they're a staple in egypt used in dishes like fool and falafel a soupy dish made with stewed fava beans salt and pepper corn oil tahini and chili sauce it kind of looks like refried beans in a way but it probably tastes different because it has spices in there too falafel a bean cake made with fava beans spices garlic and herbs roll it into balls and deep fry this is a kind of a typical egyptian breakfast something you might expect to see in the morning here in cairo and it's beautiful there's a huge selection people probably wouldn't order as many things but i have let's take a look at these i mentioned french fries for breakfast i can't say that this is rare i'm looking around i see almost everybody here has ordered the french fries here this is falafel i'm going to break that open oh very nice looking extra crispy fried and delicious as far as i know it's something to be eaten with anything i'm just going to try plain like this let's go for it super crunchy and pretty airy too falafel's not always my favorite sometimes i find falafel can be really dry but here this is one of my top pull off ones i've ever had i think because they're using a different type of bean it's much more airy and light and it's not just like a thick big chunk of fried stuff the main reason i came here is for this this is called fool and this is a very common breakfast that you'll see in cairo you can't really eat it with your hands it's not really a spoon provided you kind of laugh it up with the bread right here this bread is super famous here in cairo it's called egyptian bread and i want to go right now to see how it's made and then we get teleported behind me now an egyptian bread bakery you can see from the front the fresh bread coming out people buying it over here but we're gonna go into the back and see what few people have seen before let's go [Music] here it's a very tight fit it's enough space for the ingredients and the oven that's basically all that's here in the back room you can see they're making the flour they're making the dough made with a simple recipe this is the backbone of egyptian cuisine hearty thick gluten rich round and flat it's consumed with almost all egyptian meals eaten fresh daily street side bakeries like this are found on every block with delivery men nimbly balancing racks of fresh bread on their heads [Music] way in the back room tucked away from the daylight you see where the process begins he's already made the dough and then he portions it into these perfect little balls and it goes on top of this powder this powder is like a wheat flour that's been baked its only purpose is to make the dough not stick to the sheet and look at how he moves each of these big old pieces of wood gets about 15 to 20 on there now this is going to hang out here in this room for about 20 minutes to an hour during that time it's gonna flatten out naturally and then it's gonna be ready to go into the oven that's the next step but here i just wanna appreciate the skill i mean look at this it's like an optical illusion how is he doing it nice thank you boom boom [Music] we are now at the roasting station so this is where it's going to go from dough to something beautiful he's gently peeling it off of this dust it's like a wheat dust that everything rests on and the way he flips it in his hand it kind of helps expand the dough and then that gets plopped onto here this is a conveyor belt it's super hot hundreds of degrees you can hear the fire underneath heating it up so they bake hundreds of these at a time load them up on the conveyor belt and that just moves and moves continuously and on the other end let me tell you my hubby b that is magical [Music] the bread is completely done and they lay it out here so people are coming every minute every second ordering big bags of this bread and sometimes you see people they'll grab these big pallets of bread put it on their head and they'll even ride a bike while carrying the bread and delivering it to different restaurants or different families they're bringing a fresh one here right now oh and i'm like yes yes look at this oh it is like a chuchu train it's full of steam it's hot it's toasty on the top you can see the different textures the bottom texture has been affected by sitting in that wheat dust it's a bit rough and coarse and then on this side of course you can see how it's been toasted by the flame that is beautiful and it's so hot oh it's so delicious it's warm it's stretchy it's soft it's a little bit toasty since it's so fresh this bread plays a huge part in egyptian life not only incorporating calorie-dense carbohydrates into the local diet for thousands of years but it can also be used as a utensil pick up food scoop up some sauce or wrap it around anything you like so that's how you make egyptian bread so i'm going to break off a piece i'm going to dip it in the food i want to really mix the contents mainly that bean but there's other flavor enhancers in here too there's chili powder tons of tahini try it out it's got a lot of flavor i mean it's really starchy from the bean that's the main thing i noticed the tahini is very unique because it almost acts like a yogurt the way it's mixed with different dishes but it's not dairy at all it's crushed sesame seeds that have been cured down into this thick sauce i'm feeling it not super bold flavors but it's hearty it's savory and it kind of gives you a lot of energy for starting your day the last thing i want to try is this right here so this is the one called mish mish is a traditional and pungent egyptian dish made by fermenting salty cheese for several months or even years that is intense super salty kind of pungent and then the tomatoes offer some relief because it's just so powerful it almost has a fermented quality to it but i like it it seems like a good food to mix and match with everything else you're getting some new flavors and then you can move back over to the pool so this is it a beautiful way to start your day a ton of foods here and actually all of this for under five dollars you can't do much better than that so that's breakfast we have a lot more food to see today let's go we are on our way to our next location but first i saw a gentleman making street food i like his style he's a hustler he drove here on his motorcycle he brought all these ingredients that he's making sandwiches and this reminds me of these long thin bun meats they have in vietnam so right here you see a long thin baguette bread so he just takes the egg he cuts it into slices he puts salt pepper and then he puts something they call here turkey cheese the cost is about under a dollar i'm gonna oh i don't feel weird eating long objects like this on the internet i don't want you guys to photoshop anything in my hand hold on i'm just going to block your view mm-hmm [Music] is this the best thing in the world no it's cheap it's quick it's easy it tastes good there's soft bread here and there's cheese oh cheese the cheese has a very sharp almost delightfully stinky smell to it what i like most is just the story of what's going on here more than anything else i like people who hustle and work their ass off that's what he's doing here sir hello oh wrong head [Music] located in the heart of downtown cairo's hectic car mechanics district our next treat is inside here a local hot spot offering one of egypt's national dishes people don't just line up for the flavors but to take in the gravity-defying display [Music] welcome to one of the busiest street food locations in all of cairo this place is wild it's mad it's very busy sorry am i on your way see you see what i'm saying let me do a spin move right here oh more good behind me they're making a food called kosheri they have an assembly line full of gentlemen who are one by one adding ingredients that add up to this really famous dish i'm gonna go back there now and maybe get kicked out i didn't ask permission let's go koshery a type of mixed rice dish originated during the mid-19th century this dish combines italian and arab culinary elements excuse me thank you as you move down you see this is where the action really happened so many raw ingredients is beautiful [Applause] so they have the rice they have pasta two different types of pasta there's a spaghetti and kind of like a cut up elbow noodle then there's some meat and right here this is my favorite part the fried onions he flips it in and he really gives it some style can we see it boom there it is clip flip flip i gotta say his accuracy is not 100 about half of the fried onions are actually getting into the container but it's a great show and all the people they're looking up at us here they can't see all the onions being chopped on the floor after the onions it gets the tomatoes it gets the chickpeas but that's just if you're getting it for takeo if you're eating here like i am they build the rest of the dish at your table let's go see what that looks like now all right all right everything's separated right now on the sauce they put salt and pepper a little bit of vinegar something spicy oh yes squeeze of lime or lemon and then they put that on top of the feast right here that looks incredible look at this i'm now an expert but when you come to places like this you have to look around and see what other people are doing and i see that no one just eats it from the top to bottom they mix it all up and they get it all layered so all the flavors are in each bite i'm gonna grab a big spoonful that looks beautiful [Music] wow it's like a spaghetti so it's like a spaghetti but then you have the fried onions which adds an interesting dimension of savoriness and then you've got chickpeas in there they're almost soggy but it adds a very different texture to everything there is some meat on here but it's not super easy to taste amongst everything else a lot of this series is about me trying to figure out what egyptian food even is because it's something i've never experienced before now i'm in the heart of the country i'm trying really authentically pure egyptian food can i put my finger on exactly what egyptian food is yet no i need to keep trying i need to keep eating [Music] just after filming kosheri the police stopped us and made our production van drive to the nearby police station they caught us in the sinful act of filming bread on the sidewalk right now the van is at a police station all the local people have been taken out of the van they've gone through the shots on my phone and we don't know what's going to happen next it's possible they'll try to delete the footage luckily we've already just airdropped the footage to a decoy phone so it doesn't matter but hopefully it doesn't get to that anyways but this is what it's like to shoot here all we were doing is shooting with phones on the street at a bakery and that was enough to have our whole vehicle have to be pulled into here to speak to the police and to justify our actions even though we have a permit to shoot doesn't matter so i'm not sure what's gonna happen we're gonna find out pretty soon [Music] so we just got done with the police we're at our next location now get this they told us to delete our footage why no reason do we have a permit yup do we break a lot no as far as i can understand it all depends on how the people at the top are feeling on that particular day what they told us is that the footage of the bakery we shot wasn't beautiful it wasn't pretty enough it didn't meet their standard they told us to delete it suddenly these guys are documentary filmmakers i don't get it so did we actually delete it absolutely none while we were waiting we airdropped all the footage to an extra phone that's the phone i showed them and that's the footage i deleted they don't even know how the phones work it's all the footage is in my delete bin right now i can just restore it at any time so that's fortunate but literally every minute we're shooting in the city we're looking over our shoulders we're constantly paranoid and uh i don't really like it it's not that fun to be honest but we have a job to do the mission must go on i actually really like this next food we're doing so i'm going to get to it [Music] when it comes to egyptian street food hawashi is a big top contender and when it comes to hawashi well you must come here the perfect place to film street food while being shielded from the view of the police this place is called hawaushi al-rafai they're known for their unique recipes and a wide ranging menu with tons of variations like hiroshi with cheese or other various meats now the question that must be answered what the heck is a hawashi this is one of my favorite foods i've tried so far i'm sorry i tried this one without you guys sometimes i eat on my own time and it's one of my favorites so here's how it starts first of all this is just like the egyptian bread my man here he cuts the edges off so it can be opened up easily then over here they're weighing out some minced lamb meat that lamb meat is spiced it's delicious and it gets spread kind of smeared by hand within this bread disk hawashi is a typical egyptian sandwich what makes this place stand out are the secret spices they put into the meat once a batch of hawashi is stopped they bring him to the grilling station here he puts it on this very hot griddle the meat's gonna cook through the bread didn't get crispy and all of it is going to be absolutely delicious i've had this before but i've never had it with cheese it's steaming up there's spices there's lamb there's cheese it smells incredible let me show you really quick i love this oh yes ooey gooey cheese on the inside oh as he cuts it you can see the cheese squirting out that looks so good aside from this we also have pickled vegetables and we have tatini here now i've tried tahini a couple times today i still don't quite know what it tastes like because i haven't tried it alone interesting to me it's similar to a hummus it's a little bit different feeling in your mouth because it's not made with chickpeas it's made with sesame seeds but with the spice the salt the texture it's a little hummusy i'm gonna try some of these pickled vegetables right here we've got tomato eggplant i'm gonna grab some of the carrot whoa okay pickle overload i think that is the palate cleanser but i need to cleanse my palate from that with the pepsi i've noticed in this country the pickles are on another level they're super salty sour and spicy too it's kind of addictive though it's such a powerful flavor it punches you in the face like eating raw garlic but then after a while it goes away it dissipates and you want another hint this is why we're here oh beautiful cheese pull we'll try it out [Music] there's so many things to love the texture is so crunchy the bread by itself is amazing the meat is beautifully seasoned almost a little bit like eating a seed kebab with all the spices and flavors and just a very fine mince take a look at this here you can see when i peel the top layer off the cheese is still picky not too liquidy not too solid give it a little bit of a dip is this what people do i'm assuming it's there as a dip like ranch [Music] i don't know if i can say it's improving it it is adding a different level different dimension it's like dipping something that's already very delicious and putting it into hummus it doesn't need anything extra it's beautiful just how it is just like your wife girlfriend whoever you're sleeping with i keep telling them that they love that stuff i believe if it's not too late we've got one more spot to go let's do it if the police don't stop us rivers winding round words in my head shivering our first day of shooting in cairo was quite a mixed bag the police took our cameras our local egyptian producer turned out to be completely incompetent and even more police told us to delete our i ate some fantastic food my favorite thing we've tried today and i get to visit one of the seven man-made wonders of the world [Music] we are right outside the pyramids right now we're going to ride the camels because that's what you do when you come here i've been told the first thing i should do is find a camel that speaks to me [Music] this one just farted it has gas that's how i know it's my spirit animal all right this is a camel for me this series and my experience in egypt they're both complicated i have nothing against the people of egypt i just think in a country that makes 12 percent of its gdp from tourism the police the authorities and those who run this place might want to stop treating their tourists like spies and criminals next time on day two against my better judgment i'll be going for another round in cairo let's hope it goes better than today [Music] best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits of peace camera tips one-on-one right now we're riding through the sahara desert actually we're being pulled so step one is have someone who just pulls your camel step two they connect them together see there's one behind me right now being behind it's a rookie move some of them like mine have terrible guests so whoever's behind me are you all right kai i'm all right cool this place is so small it barely fits the giant oven that's inside they come here they scoop up some bread they eat [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hello it's a beautiful shop you have here oh that was it that was our moment and i flew it we have arrived at the pyramids now just need to get off see i was too heavy i ate too much hummus [Music] oh the blood's rushing back to my crotch area and suddenly i'm not in cairo because we could not shoot the conclusion in cairo because it was not safe to do so i hope you enjoyed this first video in egypt it is one of the toughest series we've ever made so hopefully you're getting something out of it but i gotta say that's it for this one thank you so much for watching i'll see you next time a piece all right i'm gonna walk the sahara desert until i die
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 6,279,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, egypt, africa, african country, cairo, worst place to shoot, Egypt traditional food, Egypt food tour, street food in cairo, Eating camel, Camel meat, Bedouin, Islam country, Muslim country, Egyptian police, Egypt revolution, caught by police, Desert food, Life in oasis, where to eat in Egypt, what to do in Cairo, shooting in egypt, pyramid, KOSHARY, Ful, Falafel, EGYPTIAN BREAD, HAWAWSHI
Id: Y53hOrNU1u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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