Forbidden Food Tour in Cairo!! Egyptโ€™s EXOTIC Food!!

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Tbf heโ€™s openly sharing the situation objectively, itโ€™s just sad to see that this is the current state of Egypt.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MrPartyRocket ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 11 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

His videos put off many tourists

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Broccolihairwaves ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 10 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The way he was treated by customs and authorities was fucking shitty to say the least, mind you this guy has been to the most difficult places to get to, he went to countries in Africa where people live in huts and small tribes, and even went to Iran, accompanied people of very different faiths, cultures and authorities from what he is used to in his own country and gave a positive feedback on every single one of them except Egypt.

Can you imagine the frustration a guy so open minded like that felt that led him to get out of his way and post a video advising tourists to not come to Egypt ? Itโ€™s the only bad review heโ€™s ever given... this is just embarrassing

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Raider-26 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 11 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He knows its not the people, its the Govt. I think he just needed to calm down and rationalize the issues. They are still very much valid.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 11 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He has to post the series he came to egypt in the first place for. He payed a lot of money travelling to and from egypt to make these videos. Its his job and passion. Heโ€™s not making these videos 3shan sawad 3yoon el masreyeen. Hes been through a shit experience but he has to get his moneyโ€™s worth and finish what he started.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/scrubzz2000 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 11 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

in the bloopers when he was shaking that sausage. Ah yes, universal language.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/scrubzz2000 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 11 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

No but this one will get no cheering specially from this sub.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mizofriska1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 06 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
i've got food here i'm not sure what's gonna happen but i'm ready for it oh my god [Laughter] this is our second day shooting in cairo already it's been a bit of a challenge shooting here today we thought it would be better to drop the producer altogether he's a bit useless anyways it's just better for us to go out as tourists and try to see what we can eat on the streets last time on our nightmare egypt tour the police took away our cameras are they gonna ask for money no idea then when we tried to shoot with iphones they asked us to delete our footage this is what it's like to shoot here now the smart move is to leave cairo but i never claimed to be smart i regret this immediately oh i just had a good idea [Music] right now we're in old cairo so here they have a lot of really cool street food and markets like this behind me what's on the menu i'm not sure yet we're going to go place to place doll to stall and see who's going gonna let us come in and shoot some videos today i'm on a mission to discover the city's most unique street food and then you eat that mean that was a donkey food i never expected to find here it is so tender it is wild from sheep heads my tongue will meet this tongue let's go all the way to pitches oh my god it's happening this place is full of exotic surprises oh guys what is going on in here hopefully we won't have another surprise police encounter this guy behind me can give me boys but i guess i'll have to find out but probably not right after breakfast off the main roads if you duck into the right alleyways you'll find clumps of street food vendors like here next to an intersection in a residential area meat sellers capitalize on the constant foot traffic customers are lured in by the heavy wafts of grilled and fried beef [Music] boom we've come to our first destination behind me we've got sausages liver but look at this this is my favorite it's a big cow hat it looks like it's been dried or maybe a witch put a spell on it i don't know let's go find out more and then this is where the magic happens so it looks like everything here is beef oriented that is sausage intestine sausage liver tongue oh cool okay okay can i have two cow head it's just beefy there's no real seasonings in it and it tastes like it's been braised for like four or five hours but this should be in something this beet is eaten in a sandwich various beef cuts are sliced and tossed into a pan called a holla there was something like this i saw in mexico but literally the opposite this is concave that was convex the fried beef bits are tossed into some traditional egyptian bread along with fried onions [Music] this is our first meal of the day this is breakfast a bunch of random cow parts i gotta say i love that unique frying creation where it has a little pit for frying and then a big beach around it for all the food to hang out and dry off really cool they have all types of different cow parts here including the esophagus right here we have the brazen station you can see they have everything in there i mean what is that oh okay so that is the esophagus it looks so bizarre it's like something from alien i didn't know how to order it it looked like they're still cooking it so uh maybe next time for the esophagus but here inside of this bread we've got onions liver sausage and then i think they put a little bit of face oh take a look at it this looks real good let's go for it oh i have no idea what body part that is it's quite good actually but super oily but they have a nice salad on the side here here we got onions tomatoes chilies and a little bit of cucumber it's kind of like a arabic pico de gallo so i'm gonna use my bread just to pick up some of that try that out so this is pretty good it's spicy refreshing i like it i like it a lot on this side here that i believe is tahini tahini a sort of hummus made of sesame seeds it's found alongside most meals here i'm gonna just dip a little bit of my meat in there it's a bit nutty but it's not my favorite it's like a salt bomb in your mouth but here beautiful seasoned beef sausage with onions on top let's try it out it's super rich super fatty but quite delicious i think what they do here is they got the bread i'm gonna put the sausage in there some onion i'm throwing some of this on there and then i'm gonna put all that in a little bit of the tahini that's delicious it's a lot of powerful flavors but when you mix them together it's quite delicious this is a good breakfast [Music] egypt is a muslim majority country which means most follow a strict halal diet this means no pork no reptiles or other animals some might consider extreme meats but when it comes to the animals they do eat like lamb while people here eat everything including the head and face behind me a very popular street food stall here it's all about all the offcuts from the sheep so you're gonna see head stomach organs sausage i saw sausage too the sausage is gigantic by the way i was very impressed by it not jealous just impressed oh my god come take a look so right here we have just an inordinate amount of different sheep parts here these lamb heads are boiled in local spices for hours until the meat and fats break down and become incredibly tender i have a big plate with the sheep head everything everything although this meat may seem exotic to some here it's no big deal oh he just cut me off a little piece of sausage here that looks awesome there's tons of rice in there let's try it out it's spicy and very tomatoey and full of rice and some animal fat too that's good [Music] this is my plate here he's finishing it right now oh he's put some salt on it some pepper oh yes take a look at this so many different foods time to sit down and eat let's do it so far so good no one really seems to give a crap what we're doing right now and most of the vendors we've gone to have been pretty nice this guy was a little impatient at first until i dropped a hundred pounds it's like six dollars and 30 cents and i said hey fill up a plate that's what he did and he's been very happy to accommodate any of our requests ever since here we have a broth this reminds me of meat that i've had in mexico where they braised the meat forever and they take the juice because when you braise it for a long time a lot of the fat flavor is going to go out of the meat and then into the broth so we have that we have some bread and there always seems to be some kind of a little bit of a salad on the side too all right let's get into it first this is the tongue i'm gonna rip the tongue off of here and then i'm gonna hit it with the lime and try it out so i mean yet satisfying there's something about it it's got personality very nice all right next let's try the brain here you can see all the ridges in the brain you know they say the more ridges you have the smarter you are so maybe the sheep knew several languages it was probably a polyglot i'm going to put this on the bread and treat it like a topping for the bread all right this is my little brain taco let's try it out i can't do like an old that's so delicious yummy face like i just say delicious scallop or something it is brains it is creamy it's bold i probably put too much of it on there if you're looking to get gout so you can get disability leave i recommend eating this every day i'm gonna try this broth now oh wow that is muttony you are not a mutton fan i mean that is pure mutton distilled down into a juice ah electrolytes all right let's see what else they have in here oh right here this was in probably the inside of the cheek somewhere i'm gonna try that super rich soft tender the thing is nothing has a ton of flavor here this is some actual salt you can see uh all the fingerprints like a crime scene in there i think people usually put a bit of that salt onto the meat try it out this is a tough food for tourists because if you come here and you don't know the lay of the land you might walk away a little bit disappointed or you might even say this didn't have enough flavor but there's other flavor enhancers all around it so you need to mix and match until you get the right blend of flavors these are skills that people here have grown up with they see their parents how they're mixing and matching food that's what you gotta do [Music] this restaurant brings a whole new meaning to the word slow and low this place is called nepha named after the dish they sell el nagaji named after the owner who cooks a lamb so mouth-watering it sells out each day we have come to our next destination i'm with the chef right now and take a look at this this is something completely magical sheep that's been cooked underground he's pulling the bones out now and it's so soft it looks so delicious look at that that's like a shoulder blade or something can i have that i'm gonna pull this meat right off of the bone oh that looks so juicy take a look at this this here is the nephi it's been around for more than 100 years a lamb cooked in an underground oven without any spices or seasonings the flavors come from the high quality wood and fresh meat it's cooked low and slow until every cut is fall off the bone soft i'm gonna try it out oh wow that is delicious soft sticky tender oh he said it melt in your mouth you said you don't have to bite you need to squeeze it with your tongue against the roof of your mouth it is that soft can i order uh one kilogram okay please this looks incredible a huge platter full of different mutton parts and i have to say this reminds me so much of mexico right now there's a few parallels between this and barbacoa the barbacoa in mexico they also cook it underground and they also are famous for kind of cooking it with no seasonings at all and that's the same thing they've done here beyond that in mexico you eat everything with a tortilla here you eat everything with egyptian bread it's a very different part of the world but kind of a similar recipe i can't wait to try it out there's so many yummy looking pieces here right in the middle take a look this is a bunch of different types of meat but that is still steaming hot it's shiny it looks like it put on some baby oil and went to the beach let's try it out that is so good and so rich so incredibly heavy that's why they have this here this is a salad and it cuts through the heaviness a little bit but they also have this here this is called salad dressing water some people also call it egyptian whiskey the fact is it is zero percent alcohol which is unfortunate but i'll try it anyways [Music] oh it might as well get you drunk it's basically like vinegar chili powder chilies maybe salt is really tense tense and intense then we have right here the bread i'm going to make myself a little bit of an egyptian barbacoa taco i'm going to open this up and i'm going to start layering in some meat throw some herbs on there then the tahini here we go and you're like oh man this is one of my favorite things i've eaten so far in this country super soft bread really flavorful natural tasting lamb and then maybe adding a touch of salt from the tahini and that is perfection i love it before we move on there's one more dish the chef insists i try boiled lamb testicles this is what the owner calls viagra it's funny right because you come to an arabic country you think maybe people are very conservative um not always oh they feel really gooey and fatty he said i toss it back and i'll be like a young virile man again here we go one shot of full sheet testicle it really just tastes like testicle soup do you think i could say chicken no it's nothing like chicken not at all it's padding going savory it's like kind of soupy a bit i'm worried about having two maybe i'll have too much power my wife's not here she can get a visa [Music] right now we're going to the very top of a building a rooftop here in cairo there's not a lot of space but they've got rooftops and here they keep something very special let me show you [Music] oh my gosh [Music] i regret this immediately oh i just had a good idea allow me to introduce you to the cairo craft of bird keeping in here there must be 50 or so pigeons it's a crapload of pigeons and actually speaking of a crapload look down here it's a load of crap in this city it's not uncommon to see men standing on rooftops waving a flag and corralling their pigeons that's because around once a day the birds are released and allowed to fly freely to get some exercise oh my god it's happening yeah go go go wow this is wild to communicate with the pigeons the bird keeper uses a complex series of whistles and gestures signaling whether they should fly higher or come home amazingly they always return [Music] sometimes the bird keepers will have one bird less and sometimes one bird more as you can see people here really love their pigeons whether they look like this or like this [Music] right here we are on the side of the street to be honest i don't know where we are at all we're somewhere in cairo somewhere where we've not been caught can you believe this guys we've shot almost a whole day i don't want to jinx it but i'm feeling pretty good about it here in this alleyway there's a special shop selling a delicacy here in egypt pigeon these pigeons are filled with the heavily and heavenly spiced rice-based stuffing then deep-fried until they're crispy i've been told you can actually eat everything these bones seem thick and hard i don't know how that's possible let's see what happens oh that's super yummy it tastes like buttery rice with fried chicken skin on the outside oh man that's really nice i'm gonna kind of rip this spine back someone told me i could eat this let's see if i break my teeth oh fine it's working i'm eating a pigeon spine to be careful there's some bone shards you don't want to kill yourself on accident while eating this and that's something i advise with most foods here i'm gonna wash it down with this can you guess what it is is it coffee no it's pigeon soup let's try it out oh wow oh my god like pure fat i think if this got to room temperature it would turn solid like butter wow that's just pure richness so far i haven't really tried any of the pigeon meat just its spine and the stuffing inside most of the meat is in the pigeon breast i'm gonna try to rip it off and see if i can show you so that right there is a little bit of rice and the breasts it better be a lot of bang for the buck let's go very beautiful like mediterranean spices soft juicy breast amazing buttery rice i love it next time you're walking through new york or chicago and you see hordes of pigeons collecting together don't be disgusted think hey that's delicious food i bet maybe collect one for yourself and bring it to an egyptian guy don't do that maybe i'll try it out for our final stop we have something really special a restaurant with a complex of cooking stations serving endless meat options but we're here for their signature soup that comes with its own show welcome to our next restaurant this place is egyptian meat heaven let me give you a little bit of a tour right here sausage so right now he's cooking up literally thousands of little bitty sausages oh thank you all right take a look it's burning my fingers off but it's worth it to try it out oh oh i can't put my finger on all the meats that are inside but man that is good right here we have another meat but this is much more like beef that's been shaved it's very thin steak he's just putting it back and forth making sure it doesn't burn that looks super good too let's keep going this way wow everything here is on such a big scale they just must have so many customers coming in each day here also it looks like beef and that's just hitting the flat top we're not done this is hawashi this is something we did get to try yesterday but here they're doing the same thing large scale cooking just dozens of them at a time looks awesome still there's more i don't even know what this is this looks like some kind of organ meat is this liver yeah all right we got liver meat is this where your liver is i'm not sure i should feel for what hurts because i drink too much yeah it's right here oh yeah it's tender it's been doing a lot of work lately i've come here for the malachaia and if you thought being sung happy birthday at an applebee's was embarrassing wait until you see this this is the malachi he's talking to me oh my god [Laughter] is known as the food of kings a traditional egyptian soup made from jute leaves a sort of egyptian spinach this soup is so intense it used to be outlawed in egypt for its alleged aphrodisiac effects okay [Music] and just like that it's over here we have a whole table full of food let's do a little bit of a tour we got some of the classics the bread the salad the tahini and then here this is what they just poured out this is the malachia i think i'm saying it right maybe i need to put in some more but i'll work on that later here this is what i'm going to start with right here this is hoof soup start by chopping down cow hooves and ankles into smaller pieces those are boiled and added to a clay pot where they're soaked in a beef broth and cooked with allspice nutmeg cardamom cinnamon ginger and cloves it just goes really with the theme for today which has been really super rich foods come take a look these are all the little bits and doodads that hold the legs together and make it move oh gosh look at that that's just a piece of tendon oh this is one of my favorite things to eat in vietnam we'll see how it compares here very rich that's like the word of the dame it's like i don't even need chapstick now it has oiled up my lips oh let me get some of that broth it looks like something exxon would be responsible for oh it's so just greasy but i love it here we have the green one that we talked about already we saw it almost scolded me and went into my eyeballs earlier i'm not gonna try that yet because it's meant to be tried with this this is tomato on top of rice it's almost like a chunky marinara this white rice is supposed to mix with the green stuff here let's see how this goes because this is borderline slimy it looks like shrek's toilet so we've got our rice a little tomato a little of the malachi i just like saying it makes me feel like i know arabic try it out that's really good it reminds me a lot of spinach like if you've got spinach that's been seared in oil until it's really like broken down and become kind of greasy because if you look at the top of this that's just pure oil i know you're thinking oh so like olive oil no it's just cooking oil the one vegetable i've seen all day it is just full of oil it is delicious it has a very unique super savory spinachy type taste to it but man that is heavy i think i might explode if i take one more bite of anything i can tell that people here in egypt at least in cairo they love heavy food and they love their meat tons of mutton tons of beef there's chicken out there too but we didn't have that today otherwise that is a pretty successful day too i can't complain we went to six places and honestly no police how's it possible maybe we're gonna get through this series after all fingers crossed let's see best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits of peace and it's ready to take the meat like kai the camera guy always ready to take the meat so it looks like something from aliens but no it is ah i learned another arabic word butcher i think he's saying he's the butcher as always i'm gonna eat all of the rest of this all by myself and then after that we'll go to our next destination i will do that off camera i've gained the power and intelligence of one pigeon malm is smart as two pigeons nice pigeon [ย __ย ] on my head [Music] guys that is the end of our second video in egypt this place is tough to shoot in but we're making it through it's also tough to know who to trust when you're here but i can tell you today halfway through the day we ended up working with iego tours and travel they were a huge help just something you should know if you do end up coming here for some reason that's who i would work with otherwise that is it for our second video we have a few more to come and let me tell you after this we are leaving cairo we're heading into the desert we're going to a camel market and it's going to get effing crazy that's it for this one thank you so much for watching i will see you next time peace
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,510,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, egypt, africa, african country, cairo, worst place to shoot, Egypt traditional food, Egypt food tour, street food in cairo, Eating camel, Camel meat, Bedouin, Islam country, Muslim country, Egyptian police, Egypt revolution, caught by police, Desert food, Life in oasis, where to eat in Egypt, what to do in Cairo, shooting in egypt, pyramid
Id: nuSHSnnz4cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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