Pokémon with Confusing Types

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one thing that defines each Pokemon is its type Pokemon types are arguably the most important thing that when it comes to Pokemon battles and that's something that will always be a part of Pokemon the most part you can tell what type of Pokemon is just by their design Bob so you can tell is grass type by its green color and the plant life growing on its back Charmander is orange and even has a flame on its tail meaning it's definitely a fire type and squirtle is a blue aquatic reptile meaning it's definitely water type however I think we can all agree that's good for you Pokemon that you've looked at and then looked at its typing your thoughts so I've made a list spoken I'm gonna talk about having either questionable types what types that in my opinion just don't match their designs so let's begin by talking about bulbasaur what bulbasaur one of the original starters now for any of you stop calling me idiots no I'm not so stupid as to question why Bob saw as a grass type again the Massa green plant since back makes that fairly obvious but why do question is wise Bob saw a poison type I can kind of understand I've saw him vince'll being poison type since they have the pinkish looking plant blossoming on that back but there isn't anything that really says poison type to me with Bulbasaur but the main reason why I'm talking about Bob saw it's because it's a starter Pokemon every starter poke one that gets the second type doesn't get that second type until our balls at least once except for Bob a saw I personally think starter shouldn't have a second type only being grass fire or water the very first stage I'm not saying starter Pokemon shouldn't have a second type in fact I prefer if every starter at some point had a second type but I personally think for a very first stage they should only be one type I mean seriously Bob sells poison type because what it learns poison powder is that it of course I see some possible arguments for Bob so being a poison type but I've never seen a good argument for Gyarados being a Flying type literally every other Flying type in the game makes sense that is the Flying type that you'd have wings awesome salt design that makes them look like flank type like being balloon or fan what does Garrity's have it doesn't have wings it's sign doesn't say anything about it being a flying type it just seems to float off the ground is that why it's Flying type but the Magnemite line also floats and they're not flying type they don't even have a levitate I mean you're supposed to tell me that all these Pokemon are not flying type and they don't have levitate yeah it's perfectly fine that Gyarados can fly it can't even learn fly makes we have a couple of psycho types and a couple of months a geek types hang on Psyduck and go duck Ants psychic type and execute an executor are sigh sigh duck isn't a psychic type I mean apart from the name cider can God that makes sense to be psychic types sigh doc is constantly calling its head getting headaches and garlic has the journalist head as well as the enemy making out a sigh duck has psychic powers side that can gold it's pokedex entries are even constant talking about their psychic abilities execute an executor have close to nothing that's a psychic type I mean yeah learned psychic moves bisoder Golduck and sie doch the only other hints towards a psychic type is a few mentions of telepathy in execute in the executives pokedex entries but looking at it would anyone think that these two freaks of Pokemon us are actually psyche types I'd guess not next let's take a look at the original three ghost-type pokémon gastly Haunter and Gengar now the obviously ghost type but light bulb thought they're not so obviously poisoned type in fact they're poison typing is the reason why everyone at first thought that ghosts were weeks of psychic types these ghosts at least look like they could be poisoned type being purple but it would have been so much more helpful if they just starts out as pure ghost types it also would have helped that in Gem one psychic types weren't completely immune to ghost types in the first place of course this mistake was fixed after gym one but I personally do think there would make more sense of the gutter line with either pure ghosts or maybe ghost dark now I was originally gonna go on a small run to my sudowoodo and bonsly a rock-type and because they look like trees there should be grass types but they're pokedex entries saved them according to their focus centuries their bodies are actually more similar to rock them vegetation and they pretend to be trees to avoid being attacked which makes sense when you attempt to cut them down and gold and silver and since they hate water it also makes sense why you use the squirt bottle to make sudowoodo move oh I'm still going to mention these two because even though they're Dec centuries do make sense of their rock typing they still look like a tree I mean I'm went about that close to every person who first saw sudowoodo either thought it was grass type or at least not a rock type fast forwarding to the sixth generation the brand new fairy type was introduced and quite a few Pokemon had the types altered to be part fairy and for the most part the fairy typing made sense like with Clefairy Clefairy giggly puffed togepi Gardevoir and marwah but no with or dino or chancy well Megara tina of course is part fairy and I guess chancy would have been pretty busted if it did get fairy typing but they look a lot more like ferritin see grumble a couple of other Pokemon that didn't receive the fairy typing was Celebi and Jirachi these two in my opinion look a lot more like fairies and say costumey and whimsical and Selby is apparently based off an actual fairy with bobble PG saying it's a green fairy like creature as well as one point apparently calling Celebi The Onion fairy Pokemon so would have made sense of these two lost the psychic type and gained the fairy type instead well sure Archie to me makes more sense of why the psychic time however Celebi feels kind of like it fits the stereotype more than the psychic typing however Celebi and jirachi have been around way before the fairy type existed and had been psychic types for a long time meaning there's a super slim chance of either Celebi or jirachi getting their typings changed in the first place speaking of the fairy type why is klefki a fairy type what those little pink parts make it a fairy come on it's a floating pair of keys that jingle to threaten its opponents winter have made much more sense for a poke one with this design to be a ghost type instead of a fairy you know some salt ghost possesses the sack keys that jingle to try and scare away his opponents like a ghost the still typing makes perfect sense since it's a pair of keys but the ferry typing to me it just makes close to no sense now of course the ferry typing wasn't the first new typing to ever be introduced in the Pokemon game the second generation was the first generation to introduce two new types speaking of gold and silver let's take a look at the to cover legendaries we have home a pokemon resembling a phoenix with a red and gold color scheme making good use of the fire flying type and we have lugia consent to be hers polar opposites and since lugia is represented to be the guardian of the sea and has shown many times to be alongside water along with its white / silver and blue color scheme it makes absolute perfect sense that lugar is a water flying type wait what Lukie isn't a water type it's still flying tap right alright then what is it it's psychic psychic Luca it's a flying psychic thank makes no sense almost every image with lugia in it it shows alongside water in the anime Luca is shown in water in the games each pokedex entry mentions that lugia pretty much lives in the ocean being caught the guardian of the sea saying that it causes storms that last 40 days or something else about the sea and both silver and SoulSilver Luca is literally shown swimming at the bottom of the ocean pretty much every game Luca appears and you find it in a water-based location like the world islands navel Rock and this also includes non main series Pokemon games like the mystery dungeon games we can find Luca in the silver trench or the surrounded sea and the Pokemon range games way confine lugia in the undersea Kevin even the artwork for the trading card game maker lugar - like what you've got a beef and kidding me this is hands-down the most confusing Pokemon typing ever who he is typing as so questionable he even confuses the freaking TCG now the awesome lugia cards are psychic-type but if it isn't a water-type in the game why is that what typing the TCG at all but you know what legendary is a water-type in the game Palkia once it have made so much more sense if lugia had the water typing and Palkia had the psychic typing for one park his color scheme and design looks much more like a psychic type than a water type in the Smash Bros games Pocky it distorts the stages turning them upside down or reversing the screens can like what a psychic type would do and it's the legendary that represents space Dialga does represent time but actually looks like it's part steel plus you know some clocks could have a metal casings well striping makes a lot more sense of pouches if you took both Palkia and lugia put them together and then told someone who's never seen this pokemon before to ask which one is what type and which one is psychic type I'm willing to bet I know which types day to guess if this was a top 10 list of the top 10 most questionable Pokemon typing's these two would definitely be high on the list would lugia easily being NIM born alright let's wrap up this video with one last Pokemon a Pokemon that's actually very special to this channel many because it happens to be the channels mascots let's take a look at Lucario does it make sense that it's a fighting-type absolutely does it make sense that it's a steel type yeah the only steel looking thing has are these metallic looking spikes on it but apart from that there really isn't anything else it's a steel type when a mega evolves it gets more spikes making it look a bit more like a steel type but let's take an even closer look at Lucario it's the aura pokémon each pokedex entry for Lucario says it uses aura it can detect other people's aura so much that the car can even detect auras from miles away even to the point of knowing how someone's feeling kinda like a Jedi if you think about it so in my opinion would have made a lot more sense if Lucario was psychic type hell it can even learn more psychic moves than steel moves including psychic and Zen headbutt but looking at Lucario even though psychic is probably the second type that makes the most sense it doesn't really match its design amazingly well so another possible second type could have been dark since the choreo again learns the good amount of dark moves including dark pulse and crunch and even looks kind of like a dark time it's almost looks like the quarry has some salt like Zorro mask going on there but in the end Akari o is stuck with a steel typing which on the positive side it's definitely the most confusing typing considering that the car does at least have something to make it look like a steel type plus it's definitely nowhere near as confusing as Lucy or Apopka so they have it those are just a few pick ones that have typings that to some people are quite confusing there are of course another Pokemon that I didn't talk about that I could have covered but I didn't want the video to drag on for too long so I might save them for another day so if you want to be notified for more Pokemon videos you can click Subscribe or even check out a past video one of which I remind people of tempered one they might forgotten bucks or discuss them which of Ash's Pokemon is his best one alike is always appreciated if you enjoyed the video but until next time thanks so much for watching
Channel: TheAuraGuardian
Views: 1,651,148
Rating: 4.8580713 out of 5
Keywords: Pokémon (Brand), Role-playing Video Game (Media Genre), Nintendo (Video Game Developer), Video Game (Industry), Bulbasaur (Character Species), Lucario (Character Species), Gyarados (Character Species), Psyduck (Character Species), Lugia (Character Species), Sudowoodo (Character Species), Gengar (Character Species), Pokemon, Confusing, Types, Golduck, Game Freak (Video Game Developer)
Id: vD0CirFk5ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2015
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