30 Scary Deep Wilderness Horror Stories

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Park Rangers have some of the creepiest jobs out there being deep in the isolation of woods in the middle of nowhere where you can run across dead people murderers or even something paranormal these ten stories coming from our state parks and Park Rangers will definitely put a creep in your night so sit back relax and prepare for some nightmares this happened about three years ago in Western Maryland it was late September and three of my friends and I were at a camping trip at a state park outside of Cumberland we got there pretty early in the afternoon and set up camp because we wanted to hike around a bit before it got dark anyway after we got back to camp and the Sun had gone down we gathered some wood for a fire we were in the process of building the fire when we noticed a light suddenly appeared the top of the hill by our campsites we were down in a small valley with steep hills all around us and it was very dark because it was heavily forested we all kind of ignored it thinking it was either the moon coming up or maybe there was a building that we hadn't noticed before as time went on I became curious about the light like I needed to go up there see what it was my friends didn't share my curiosity and had no desire to check it out they just kept telling me it was the moon coming up and I was being stupid to me the light didn't appear like anything moonlight and it wasn't really like a moon so it was starting to creep me out I took off up the hill and put my mind at ease the hill was densely forested and full of briars it was totally dark except for the light up ahead so I had to proceed carefully I was almost to the light when I heard something moving up ahead I stopped so I could hear better assuming it was a day or some other woodland creature however it didn't sound like a deer it sounded like something maybe a person sneaking in the woods moving slowly so as not to make much noise then I heard another sound coming from the other side of me I froze trying to get an idea of what was approaching me the footsteps got closer and I just stood there waiting for whatever it was to find me then I saw it it was the classic gray alien about five five and the light from ahead was reflecting off of its skin that is the only thing I remember about it I didn't get a good very good look at it I was just kind of scared and I think I lost consciousness the next thing I remember I was picking myself up off the ground it didn't seem like any time had passed but there was a definite lapse of consciousness like I was taking out and reinserted into time I decide to go back to the campsite I could see the light from a fire from my friends had made but on my way back to camp I start hearing voices inside my head I have no history of schizophrenia and consider myself a very calm and controlled person I have never had anything like this happened to me before or since the voices were very subtle but they were definitely there at first I was kind of a static but I was actually communicating with what I thought were aliens this is the most amazing thing to have ever happened to me they tell me I am special and they chose me to make contact because I was open-minded it however they soon start mocking me and their tone gets very ugly and they begin to sound almost demonic they tell me I'm going to burn in hell on to kill myself they tell me to throw myself into the campfire and get it over with I am terrified at this point and I can't get the voices to stop I get back to the campsite and my friends are enjoying themselves like nothing had ever happened they talked to me but their voices sound different they sound like they're voices like were the ones that I heard in my head and all I can understand is that they hate me and want me to die I pretty much have a panic attack and lay down on the ground crying the voices in my head continue to torment me it just keeps getting worse finally my friend starts holding me and telling me everything is fine we are both atheists or at least agnostic but for some reason she tells me to pray for Jesus I start praying out loud and asking Jesus to help me I do this for quite a while and the voices finally died down and go away I go to lay down and try to sleep to forget about what just happened and I see the moon coming up over the hill [Music] one of my best buddies from college was a geologist major that ended up becoming a ranger in the Southeast United States we haven't spoken in years as is the case with age but I remember about eight to nine years back he was telling me about an old married couple that he had recently helped out he had seen them come to the park several days in a row and found out they were visiting from out west and they had gotten engaged there decades prior they had been searching for a spot they'd taken pictures of when they popped the question about having trouble after looking at the pics and figuring out roughly where they were trying to get to he escorted them in his vehicle then hiked them to where he thought that it would be they found it and he left them there and went back to his station at the entrance he said he got a weird feeling what too got back it felt like he needed a way to see them whenever they laughed well once it came time to lock up at night he still hadn't seen them leave so he reported it he left his assistant to wait at the shack at the entrance and wait for them where he left them he went back to try to find them he found them both they're laying down scooting along the bank of the river neither were alive he called the cops went through the nine yards and went home the police were able to disclose them to their identities but weren't sure of anything else initially later he learned that the wife was terminally ill with cancer and they both committed suicide by ingesting some sort of chemical pill combination they just chose to do it where they had gotten engaged at my bud wasn't torn up about it he was obviously sad for them dying but said he thought that they wouldn't have asked for help earlier because they didn't want anyone to think that they helped kill them you just to give you a background on me I am a 29 year old and I have been researching and investigating the paranormal since I was the age of nine in 1998 I'm an extremely realistic and logical person and I am not easily excited over things that go bump in the night I have seen and experienced some things in my life which most people will not believe but that's okay because I'm not here to convince anyone of anything I'm just here to share my lights in the sky experience happened a few years ago in 2014 I was living in New York and had gone to Jones Beach State Park one fall night with a friend of mine it was a chilly night so we didn't plan on staying out long but it was nice to be able to walk along the boardwalk without doing of crowds of people we had stopped at a covered picnic area to sit down and chat the night was clear enough to see the stars which can sometimes be difficult with all the light pollution on Long Island we lost track of time with our conversations and as we got up to leave I glanced up at the sky I loved the Stars and noticed something it was a very bright light had appeared over the horizon that wasn't there a moment ago my friend seeing that I was staring off into space literally looked up and thankfully saw it as well of course we had two initial thoughts one it was an airplane or two it was just another star we watched it for a few solid minutes and it never moved from where I sat ruling out the possibility of it being an airplane side note my boyfriend is an airline pilot and I spent a lot of time watching airplanes this is definitely not a plane so a few minutes go by when we notice a second light just as bright as the first appear seemingly out of nowhere it manifested if you will right below the first light and just hovered there naturally we look at each other and exchange per pecks glances when we look back up again a third light appeared below the first - I don't know how long we stood there looking at these lights but we did verbally discuss all the possibilities that might explain what they were we tried very hard to be realistic in debunking this phenomena after a while the light shifted taking on a triangular pattern again we stood mesmerised and watched they did not change positions again after that it felt like forever we finally decided that we should leave it was starting to get late and we started to walk away assuming that when we looked back the lights would be gone they weren't they stayed right there in the sky in that triangular pattern for almost our entire walk back to the car only when we reached the park exit did they disappear we do believe what we saw were UFOs though I'm not a hundred percent comfortable labeling as an alien per se I was working as a prospectors assistant in central Manitoba one summer we were doing a helicopter assisted magnetic anomaly investigation best summer of my life there's nothing like ringing in your ears dissipating after that helicopter has dropped you off and slowly increasing volume of the bugs taking its place you know for sure you are in the middle of nowhere it was the last day of our campaign this was a little piece of the property close enough to a road that we didn't need a helicopter it was a low priority target and was saved until the end we had kicked so much ass during the high priority targets we decided to do this one on the last day just for an easy in and out of the bush around 9:00 a.m. we heard yelling in the bush which was odd nobody else should be out here we kept on grabbing samples and it's in the back of our mind around 11:00 we hear it again it's a little closer this time though we cut back and call out again but it was silence now through our travels of this 30 kilometer piece of property we came across many pieces of animal evidence deer moose and rabbit droppings were everywhere a few carcasses here and there bear tracks and bear feces were seen a few times but nothing prepared us for what happened next around noon we were in an old blast hole from the 80s prospector Dave told me he used to have a blasting license and that blowing [ __ ] up in the middle of nowhere is really fun while drinking beer is his favorite pastime as a prospector they changed the laws a few years ago though so now they can't do it because it caused way too many forest fires we were facing due west with our GPS on some rocks getting the most precise at UTM it could when we hear in earth-shattering bone-chilling how I looked at Dave and he turned so white he was almost green I picked up the GPS and put it in my belt and unclutch my bear safety spray then at our 9 o'clock facing due west another wolf then another at our 10 in another all the way to our for Dave calmly said we need to leave but you cannot run if you run you die we left most of our sampling [ __ ] there we also carry these modified steel sledgehammers for breaking rock and scraping moss most useful durable thing I've ever had it's at the ready along with my bear spray and we walk longest walk in my entire life we didn't say a word and I didn't hear anything but I'm positive they followed us back to the road and into the truck we drove back to town proceeded to get thoroughly thoroughly drunk [Music] in the 90s before everyone had cell phones my Girl Scout Troop was camping in a state park when a terrible thunderstorm came through the area with major flood warnings the Rangers at the park frantically came through every campsite and evacuated everyone to higher ground everyone that is except for us in the Boy Scouts in the site next to us we went to bed with light rain but woke up in the middle of the night to our tents collapsing from the driving rain in the water quickly rising the Boy Scouts they were 12 to 16 years old we were seven to nine years old in ours helped us quickly pack our sights into our cars unfortunately the roads were too dangerous to drive on because we couldn't see the how deep the water was and we didn't know if any sections of the road had been washed out we abandon all the vehicles that used the map that Scout leaders had to find someplace that wouldn't be flooded a few miles away there were tree house cabins that were built around a tree and lofted 15 feet in the air it was decided that we needed to move quickly and that was our best shot the older boys and the adults carried the smallest girls when it became clear that the wind was preventing them from staying on their feet the wind and rain soaked everyone through the skin we made to the cabins and the adults broke in and rated the emergency supplies there for space blankets there was no way to build a fire because there was no firewood it had been an especially dry year and starting campfires was forbidden due to the risk of starting a forest fire I remember shivering for hours all of us girls in the middle of a huddle on the floor with the Boy Scouts on the outside trying their best to keep us warm one of the boys asked if we knew any girls cow songs either camp songs or more of a Girl Scout thing than a Boy Scout theme or they were just humoring us we sing every song we knew and the leaders taught us a few more that they had learned at some point we were convincing the boys to sing in rounds with us morning came and the rain slowed down to a light drizzle and a ranger showed up assessing damage to the park he discovered us and immediately drove us to get help they returned with a bunch of strux in all-terrain vehicles they drove us to a location where doctors were on-site to evaluate us it was sheer luck that none of us had anything worse than the chills it could have been worse than it was and they were unbelievably lucky to have survived at all we could have easily died in our sleep at the flood had come through all at once instead of slowly rising if the Boy Scouts hadn't been there then us small girls would not have been able to hike out of there safely if we had to try to drive we would have been washed away I am a seasonal Ranger for my local forest district despite the fact that I live in a fairly suburban area the forest preserves still make up 12% of the county with much of the property being heavily wooded not far out wilderness but pretty secluded in some areas being a seasonal employee I have been on the job for a bit over a month now but in my short time I have found a creepy things here are three of those things one a dead man in a tree the rest of the Rangers say that they find about one suicide a year so here was the one for the year when we go around opening parks each day we drive through to make sure everything is okay I in this instance I was driving through and had just lost sight of the road when I saw a man hanging from a tree in a clearing he had hung himself I called the cops in the corn or freaking corner took about an hour to show up he was the only one with the ladder long enough to cut the guy down so I stared at a dead guy on a tree for about an hour to crazed drugged-up naked man running around the parking lot it took me in three of the Rangers to catch him when we finally caught him found out that he had multiple cuts across his body running through brush and had a rock ledge firmly up his ass three a headless deer normally when a pack of coyotes take down a deer yes we have a bunch of coyotes around here they leave bite marks all over the body along with torn flesh everywhere but the head was cleanly sliced off and placed directly off next to the body meaning this is something created by human intervention we still haven't figured out that one yet and I have only been on this job for five weeks so you can only imagine what a full time forest ranger has probably seen over a long career this happened in either 97 or 98 the memory came flooding back to me several years after my father passed in 2007 it was not a suppressed memory it was more like a decade or more of life got my way and I forgot about it anyway I live in the Midwest and it was either December or January it was the time of year where high school was in season but college is not so just before Christmas or possibly early early January I know because my brother was home from college but I was cheering basketball games at the time my dad was driving me from home from cheering at a varsity basketball game it would have been after around 10:30 p.m. and either a Tuesday or a Friday since that's when the games were we live in the country and I do remember it was cold in a brisk night that was snow on the ground and the moon was really bright and the snow was almost smartly we came down our country gravel road and came to a top of the hill where all of our mailboxes were dad wanted to stop and get the mail to the right there are the mailboxes and to the left is an expansive farm field there is no other way to put it but to the left there was a large cylindrical object hovering I had a slant over the cornfield the side tipped down where maybe five feet off the ground there weren't any lights on it and it made no sound I think we kind of gave doubt it for a while and then we were like what the [ __ ] is that I remember my dad saying that he was going to ask the farmer who owned the land if he had bought any new farm equipment mind you this was the dead of winter and no one would have been in the field with their farm equipment let alone one that floats middle in the air like that I remember saying to him dad that's no piece of farm equipment and he was like yeah I know let's get out of here and roared his little Ford Ranger off into the night down to our house on the very short rest of the way home we were like oh my god we have to tell my brother and mom when we get home however when we got home my mom was experiencing a severe gallbladder attack she had been having gallbladder problems for a while when we didn't have any health insurance so she had been putting off getting it checked out push came to shove and that night we had to take her to the ER and she had to have surgery and this whole crazy experience got lost and was never talked about again my dad passed in late 2007 and several years after that like I said above memory came back to me like a flood unfortunately now I can't ask him about it if he remembers it too I did work my way around to ask my mom if Dad ever mentioned anything to her over the years and she said no he hadn't I really wish that I would have remembered before he passed so I could have asked him more frankly that he was still here to ask today it really bothers me and I really want to know what he remembers from that night you this happened about a year ago I was 15 at the time camping with my family and also a good friend who we will call Zack who is the same age as me we were out camping in a campground called macquillan Lake which is a campground in central Alberta Canada the lake is basically drying up ship pile now but the scenery is nice and we know most of the staff at the park the campground is of modest size and is often filled to capacity there are a series of trails over by the park center that takes you through the forest we decided to walk down one of those in the evening after some walking we found an old trail that we had not taken before it was overgrown but you could clearly tell it was a pathway and so we took it to see where it would go after walking for about 15 to 20 minutes we heard some rustling in the bushes Zack figured it was a beaver as they were common around here but I looked into my horror I saw Cougars face peering at us from behind the bushes I could barely make out at yellowest eyes but it did seem like the Cougar was moving and yet we still heard the rustling in the bushes I pointed at it and told Zack and he began to panic Cougars often try to stay away from humans but they are getting more common so even though they are unlikely it is not impossible to find one I told Zack to remain calm and backpedal away with me and we began to backpedal I could tell he was scared shitless but I told him the rustling was probably as young and we probably stumbled upon his nest by accident I figured so long we made a point to backpedal away the Cougar would let us go we begged paddled down the trail for some time when we felt we were safe we turned our backs and continued walking we rounded a corner only to find the cougars standing there on the trail in front of us it was staring at us and obviously wanted to attack us I was shocked at how fast and quietly it was able to pass us at this point it was clear the Cougar was toying with us and that an attack is imminent I had a k-bar knife on me at the time in case the situation got worse and so I pulled it out truthfully a knife probably would not save our lives against such an amazing predator but it is better than having nothing it's a useful tool a weapon for hunting or defense so it was better than nothing I think Zack knew the Cougar was probably going to attack - given my reaction to the situation in the Cougars out behavior we were both tall for our age and though Zack was scrawny I was quite muscular for my age even so if the Cougar chose to attack us we would be in trouble I told him to backpedal away once again and to stay close he did not listen though he booked it before I knew it the Cougar was running towards us it was fast I chose to fight as my natural response to danger it was probably also my best chance of survival at this point as running would be my only result in just being attacked and dismembered perhaps if I bought Zack some time he would be able to get help from people walking the trails or there was always the possibility that he would rush to my aid the Cougar got close to me so fast that I barely had time to react I plunged my knife into its torso right as a junk towards me it ground in pain but the wound though it was deep was not lethal perhaps maybe I just hit a rib it shoved me to the ground clawed my right hand forcing me to let go of the knife and tried to bite my throat while sinking his claws into my shoulders Zack at this point was running away yelling for help to be honest I did not blame him yes he probably should have helped me out while screaming for help but some people which is too afraid and they don't know how to react I protected my throat with my left arm which was lucky by my chess before it clawed my shoulder so I was able to defend myself it bit my arm which was the worst pain I have ever felt I could hear the sound of his teeth puncturing my and ripping it to pieces I remembered advice from some show stating that shoving your arm down a predators throat initiates its gag reflex forcing it to stop biting you at least for a moment remembering this I shoved my arm further down his throat and the pain got worse but I was able to fight through it and thanks to my adrenaline rush the Cougar gagged and promptly let go of after the struggle this gave me a few seconds at the most prepare for the next attack however I was still at its mercy and I knew my chances of survival at this point we're low suddenly I heard a loud bang and the Cougar let out a small whimper before falling on his side I stood up a saw a park ranger running towards me along with Zach at this point the pain in my left arm was starting to set in it was messed up bad and so were my shoulders both deeply scratched I did not realize it hurt me as bad as I thought it did until I looked up and felt the pain set in he explained that other hikers had reported the Cougar earlier and so he came to the trails to find it and heard Zach's cries for help after performing the first aid he took it to his truck which was quite a walk to get me to Zach to our sights and to get me to the nearest hospital as my wounds were serious it could easily become infected my parents ended up driving me there as the Ranger could not leave the campground on duty leaving Zach and the trailer at her sights Zach was shaken but he was amazed that I was still alive I needed stitches for my shoulders and my left arm which to this day is still damaged permanently but it could have been a lot worse it was a very terrifying moment of my life and I could have easily died there later after I was treated I talked to an expert from the park he told me that the Cougar attacked us because it was in pain and we approached its nest and had porcupine quills in its throat he said that it probably would have left us alone if we did everything right at least initially if it wasn't for the clothes on his throat we probably never would have been attacked at all I have an uncle that used to work as a ranger in Michigan he's gone through nights of tigers loose in a campsite without a working flashlight drunk guys drowning in the rapids and kids found dead from hypothermia cradled peacefully at the basis of tall pines but he never seemed too stirred when telling these stories he saw it as just a part of the job he took me and my middle brother on a walk through my grandparents woods one evening while all the adults made dinner the other two boys were completely occupied with a video game that was only two player and so our uncle decided that he would give us to some special attention especially to me as being the only girl I would get excluded from a lot we watched for maybe 15 minutes before my uncle stopped dead at the swamp area in the woods a place we went to often to hunt for mushrooms in the summer but right in the middle of the soggy forest fluke was a 10-foot spiral staircase that none of us could ever remember being there before it was like someone had built a house and everything but the stairs had been swallowed up by the swamp at the top was a very small landing where a welcome mat and carpets at completely clean and untouched from what we could tell I looked up at my uncle in the look on his face struck me like a cold ice pick he was terrified shaking like it was winter and his eyes darting around on the treeline like he was looking for something he grabbed our hands and walked fast I have always been very short and unable to keep up I found myself being carried all the way back to the house he set me down only when we were in direct sight of the house and told us not to say anything about it to anyone especially the boys and to not go out of side of the house without him with us we were very confused and scared and as it sounded just insane we kept our mouth shut I recently went back home to visit and convinced my brother to come with me to see the staircase though it took a lot of convincing to get him to come along and he refused to go without our gun or a 200-pound Mastiff we got out there to the right spot and there was nothing just a clearing no bits of metal no carpet just an empty clearing and a nice big patch of mushrooms those mushrooms might have been our dinner if our Mastiff hadn't growled the moment we stepped towards them it was probably at a deer but we left quickly and I've never been back or told anyone what we saw when I was around 10 I was playing at a state park with my cousin who was a year younger than me it was a neighborhood park a few streets away from my house so we were allowed to go there alone as long as we were careful so my cousin and I were in this sort of crow's nest thing we were going up and sliding down this pole we were pretending to be firemen's at one point I noticed a white SUV circle around us a few times in the parking lots then I saw it again and again and again it weaved me out so I told my cousin we need to leave but I wasn't sure if the car would follow us and I didn't want them to know where I lived at a certain point during this car circuit around the park we would be obscured from its view by trees and buildings so I waited for the car to reach that point and then we hightailed it out of there it's kind of sad because I love going to that park it's a beautiful state park but a lot of really creepy reports have been coming in from the park recently from perverts and stuff I guess it could say pervert ruin everything while my story wasn't necessarily the creepiest out there I definitely do think that that van might have something to do with some of the missing cases that are coming from our local state park you growing up every summer in July in August my family would get together to camp out for two weeks at White Lake State Park in Tamworth New Hampshire some of my best childhood memories were made there roller blading nerf gun wars flashlight tag and water balloon fights with my cousins and neighboring kids in the campground when I was around my late teen years my family stopped gathering together to camp out after my grandmother passed away one of the last years I was there this one particular memory has stuck with me a little over ten years ago I was 16 years old it was around 10:00 p.m. at night when I noticed I had one missed call on my phone my family was sitting around the campfire cooking s'mores and sharing some laughs so I decided to go off for some privacy to return the call I took a long narrow trail that winds in between other campsites that at the end leads up to the bathroom I wasn't going up to the bathroom I just wanted to find an empty campsite and sit at a picnic table to make my call there were plenty of lows since this whole side of the campground where I was heading was vacant there were no other campers nearby in that area it was quiet and dark so I chose a campsite i sat down at the table in the lights from the distant bathroom from up on top of the hill behind me were illuminating my surroundings just a little bit I called my friend and was carrying on a conversation for around 20 minutes as I'm sitting there staring straight ahead I see a silhouette coming down the road in front of me this figure is coming towards my direction where all these empty campsites are I could see it was a person it's not that unusual to see people strolling through the campground for a late-night walk the people I usually see have flashlights though this person did not I wasn't creeped out at this point there's no reason to be I was just watching curiously as the person got closer I could see a better outline that it was a man I was looking at I also noticed his pay slowed down I kept my eyes fixated on him as I continue conversing on my phone call a minute or two passes and now he stopped moving he's just standing there in the road looking straight into the campsite where I'm at I don't know if I knew him or if he could see me clearly he was staring at me and I was staring right back at him he was a little heavyset and tall I can also make out that he was wearing the light jackets I couldn't see much for facial features but I would guess I was staring at a man in his 30s or 40s alarm bells were going off in my head now my mind had turned to mush at this point I'm frozen and I was no longer listening to what my friend was saying on the phone I was going to stare off with this guy then he started moving again he was tiptoeing towards me very carefully like he didn't want to make noise he put one foot in front of the other leaned forward in a slight hunched form it looked like he was about to charge towards me in that moment I snapped out of that mind mushy frozen state and leaped off the picnic table and started running through the campsite back towards the trail thud thud thud I could hear him trampling behind me leave scuffling heavyset footsteps footsteps were getting louder and louder and closer and closer I made it back to the narrow trail once he got close to where I'm about was I heard the sound of twig snapping in a noise that came from the man which I can imagine maybe he was him tripping or almost tripped or maybe got face slapped by a tree branch most likely he wasn't familiar with the trail like I was whatever the reason was it caused him to stop after me I didn't stop to look back I just kept running running and running until I made it back to my family's campsite when I got back they were still sharing laughs and smiles by the campfire I broke down crying and I was trembling I explained what just happened my aunt spoke up and said oh jeez he probably thought he knew you and was coming to give you a good scare as a joke she dismissed me my cousin chimed in and said yeah he probably stopped running after he realized he didn't actually know you they all chuckled about it and changed the subject I think I was dismissed because no one wanted the good vibes of that night to be ruined really and the fact that I'm just a socially anxious person in general I'm very cautious and sigh for that time being I let them convince me that I was just overreacting at over-thinking but I am here years later looking back and shaking my head over this I wish I was taken seriously but other than that no nothing really happened it was still a great trip and it was still well time spent with the family my experience makes me think twice about going for a walk by myself though I carry pepper spray and a MIDI key chain alarm on me now my friends and I decided to head up to a remote part of the shadow HUJI National Forest to spend our Friday night and Saturday out camping I have been camping before but this was going to be the first time doing it deep in the woods with basically no humans within a 5 to 10 mile radius and no cell service we set up our camp near an old logging path once we got settled into camp we made some dinner and shortly after we're getting cleaned up because it was completely dark and out in the woods it was the darkest I have ever seen as the fire started to burn out we decided to call it a night and head to our tents at this point I was already having trouble sleeping if you've ever experienced the quietness of the woods you know it's so quiet that it's loud every twig snapping and rustling in the leaves had freaked me out I fell asleep finally after about an hour I woke up in the late night to the sound of a very large truck in a dog barking like crazy my friend's tent was right in front of mine so I immediately hear him whispered to me wake up now I can hear the sound of a shotgun pumping as I'm grabbing the machete I have in my tent the truck is now driving directly next to our camp and this dog is going nuts he stops gets out and starts screaming incomprehensible [ __ ] it sounded like somebody yelling at a concert but with no music playing then he takes a piss on the tree and starts laughing hysterically after what felt like an hour this guy gets back in his truck and speeds off we both think it may have been some guy that comes out here to do drugs or other types of illegal [ __ ] but to me it sounded like someone who was completely mentally insane I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night and I hope I never meet that mentally insane mountain man ever again you [Music] I worked the graveyard shift at work and when I come home my wife leaves for work I'm typically exhausted and mildly sleep-deprived my adventure happened to mid morning before my sinan eyes nap time I also only get three to four hours of actual sleep in the evening before my shift I believe this detail can help this community help come to a conclusion I'm also going to make a separate post with photos of the trail a picture of my son and I with the wagon the map of the trail in an approximate area where the anomaly was observed I'm an Armed Forces veteran USA on the East Coast my son is only two years old and this event happened about one week ago every now and then I like to take my son out on walks around the neighborhood and his wagon we would typically travel to one of the nearby playgrounds so that he can blow off some energy before it's afternoon nap I live in a decent area that as a newly-developed houses and townhomes and the housing development is still expanding greatly this particular day was beautiful lightly cloudy somewhat hot but with a frequent cool down due to passing clouds I thought that today would be a great day to take myself for a stroll and head over to a newly made playground that I saw on the way home one day so we set off packed with a couple of water bottles and snacks just in case as we were doing a brief tour around the neighborhood I noticed the state sponsored and well maintained a trail entrance that I had never noticed while driving around here I decided screw it in it's a pretty nice day my son likes nature he won't mind so off we went on this very distinctive clear trail with mile markers every quarter mile and yellow markers on trees every 100 feet or so to let you know that you were on the correct path everything was going well for the first mile and a quarter we were fairly deep in the woods but certainly no more than a quarter mile from the developments at any given time we came across the bridge that went over a small trench and proceeded for about another half mile after that then things slowly started to seem off the clear yellow markers that were put on the trees started disappearing probably due to vandalism because the nail was still there but the marker itself was completely gone I didn't mind much because the path was still definitive deliberate and well maintained but then I heard a loud snapping sound that sounded like it was roughly 50 to 75 feet back I immediately halted the wagon look back see what it was this is where things gasp surreal as I looked back I noticed that the trail I was walking on lost all sense of familiarity there were trees I didn't see certain plants I know for sure went there before stuff like that but regardless I kept my composure and stared deeply into the woods to see what made that snapping sound I scanned the area and didn't see any life-forms but for some reason my eyes started to fixate on a particularly unnerving dark section of the forest for whatever reason my body started locking up and every single alarm bell in my head was pinging no matter how hard I tried to focus on this dark patch I couldn't see anything I had the weirdest sensation of being able to see each individual branch in plants in high detail but I couldn't focus on the scene overall it was super blurry I also felt my internal fight-or-flight mechanism flipping between the two decisions faster than a coin and a coin toss I stood there for what felt like an eternity trying to figure out why my senses were not working anymore this instinctual part of my brain was screaming that there was something there but I absolutely could not observe it whatever little light was in that area have seemed to bend around this one central point somewhat like how a cloaking device works it was a minor distortion but enough to make it strangely obvious I then noticed how I hadn't heard a peep from the force this entire time and I was feeling very cold even during an 85 plus degree weather I could not shake this feeling of impending doom probably what one feels when they're on the verge of death I felt exceptionally vulnerable because I was not armed and had no way of dealing with whatever the hell this was eventually I was able to snap out of my trans briefly to look down to my son and saw that his body was contorted around his seat frozen and staring exactly where the anomaly was with his mouth a gate and his eyes wide and dilated this is when I knew I wasn't hallucinating and that we needed to get the hell out of there I took advantage of my brief moan of clarity and ran like the wind with my son in tow I looked back only once and saw that my boy was still looking towards the area but not frozen in place anymore he took all about a couple minutes to get out past the treeline onto a main road for whatever reason I broke down and started crying my son looked at me like I was crazy I never felt such sheer terror over what seemed like nothing in my whole life I hadn't felt that way at all at any point my life in fact the feeling that my son and I are completely vulnerable and then I wouldn't have been able to defend either of us I also never had that distinct feeling of being able to see things perfectly yet not able to register any of it in my head my morbid curiosity wants me to revisit the place equipped with a firearm and a GoPro to record any events that would arise but I'm still trying to get over the previous experience from now I've been in crazy situations before but this trumps anything I have ever experienced I'm a 15 year old male and I've got a pretty interesting predicament so around a year back I'm camping with my Boy Scout troop we were going to this thing called the Voyager outpost which is a one night camp during the camp we are already as we leave main camp and can do two miles to the back side where they dumped us on an island give us food to cook and leave we'd also have to build our own shelter seeing as it was July the weather was amazing me and my buddies all had our shelters between three trees our shelters were hammocks with rope over the top on which a reflective blanket would hang draped super comfy anyways around 2:00 a.m. we heard a noise it was more like a grunting this quickly got louder into it was a deafening and loud growl it was kind of like a black bear but black bears don't live in our woods no bears do actually we were on an island the next morning my two friends and I wake up how we slept once walked away I'm not sure around 6 a.m. we all have this exact same story at the exact same timeframe we were all wearing watches so we could easily tell what time it was seeing as how it was the exact same story in the exact same time and it was only us on the island which was a hundred square feet if that we figured it must be somewhere in the surrounding woods we looked around the island first only to find an owl feather next to a hawk feather owls are messengers of death and when reached by wicks dr. Inuit I believe up north near Canada I was told I was a hawk at this point I'm kind of creeped out we've looked in the water and there was nothing no prints and nothing that looked out of the ordinary we were surrounded by dense brush on the perimeter of the island so would have had to step over the brush if I had feet making its initial print and the sandy pretty deep but there was nothing we get in our canoes and paddle around the island looking for something anything well we just couldn't find anything flash-forward to yesterday and I'm camping just a weekender I go by the stream to relax and stuff there's a dead Hawk fresh no marks no bullets no homes just dead last night now flew over my tent as I walked out to take a PT I decided to hold it does anyone have a possible answer as to what's going on am I doomed or did I piss something off some answers would be greatly appreciated [Music] you I was probably eight or so and my church would always do a family camp basically you have twenty or so families all camping out in the woods at the same time it was always the highlight of my summers this particular year though there have been in abundance of bear sightings where we usually went camping apparently they had become more courageous and started wandering into camps regularly so they needed to be relocated in order to do this they had to set up very large traps the one nearest us was massive and was in a small clearing near the bathrooms inside was a dead deer hanging upside down it always struck me as odd that they would have this in the middle of a campsite and for the longest time I thought my friends and I must have imagined it years later though someone who was an adult at the time confirmed the events my friends and I all stayed in one tent together and in the middle of the night we all woke up to a clanging sound it sounded like something was clashing and get to the trap after a small amount of clinging it was completely quiet we figured the trap must have snapped shut and caught the bear a few hours later I really needed to use the bathroom and no scary bear in a trap was going to keep me from doing so I pulled open the zipper and headed to the bathroom but the trap caught my eye on the way I was just starting to get light out and I could clearly see that there was nothing in the trap the deer had been taken out in the trap hadn't shots later we looked at the trap from a distance and saw no footprints or nothing to indicate that a deer would been dragged out by an animal to this day I still can't figure out what happened maybe it was a trap malfunction well maybe it was something else that was smarter than the trap you I have a friend that's very big in ask watching that being said I was very surprised at how level-headed and objective the guy was made it clear to me that this group had actually gathered a lot of very interesting evidence he also explained that the Bigfoot community was fooled fraudsters and they were the cause of the most ridicule associated with the subject so he refers me to a few documentaries to watch and after a few beers and some more research I was hooked I phoned him the next day and asked him when they were going squatching next I was delighted when he informed me that I was welcome to join them that weekend and he gave me a list of camping gear I would need now likely as anybody else would I love the camping hands I was just out for a good time I wasn't taking this too seriously did I expect to see a Bigfoot no not really did I see a Bigfoot now but did we have a very good interesting time and some unexpected experiences that I have difficulty explaining yes the first was when my friend tried some wood knocking this apparently was a way that the Bigfoot should I call them big feet communicate it simply consists of knocking a bat or a board against the tree so he walks up to a nice tall oak takes a board and proceeds to start whacking the [ __ ] out of it with matically at this point he looks like a total jackass and I'm starting to feel like a jackass just watching him then he pauses and I hear it whack whack whack off in the distance same as he did I almost shat a cinderblock some Warner something was responding to him the [ __ ] squatchers all just smile and said it's good sounds like they're still in the area good Bigfoot being less than a mile away from you is good I had not believed in Bigfoot at any level up until this point but the forest was starting to look a lot creepier now than a sort of did before I thought about the prospect of an 8-foot tall hairy North American woody carrying me off into the trees for some sweet monkey love and cringed according to my new buddy who I'm starting to doubt the sanity of Bigfoot is mostly harmless they have been attacks he says but mostly they give you a lot of warning and rather not be seen I asked him how they warned people and he says you'll see we're gonna get him nice and round up tonight oh great I'm literally messing with sasquatch except there's no beef jerky it's cold as [ __ ] and I'm darned with nothing but a machete I'm actually starting to get a little scare I was already prairie-dogging from the wood knocking exchange and now I knew that something was just beginning so the night goes on happily enough someone brought some ballpark Frank's and we cooked on the campfire kumbaya my lord kumbaya etc [ __ ] got REO at around 1:00 a.m. my friend tells me more of the ways to antagonize Bigfoots he said one of those ways is to play recorded tapes of pigs being slaughtered at the ridiculous volume hey if it worked on Mick Jagger why not Sasquatch so he goes on ahead and starts blasting the most blood-curdling [ __ ] I've ever heard out of a megaphone if you've played this [ __ ] while I was trying to sleep I certainly wouldn't like you and to my utter amazement first one then two and then a lot of rocks started pelting us from the tree line now I know what you're thinking oh it's just rocks don't be such a [ __ ] these weren't big [ __ ] rocks and I was even more scared when I realized that whoever was throwing these rocks have been standing at the tree line watching us so under a hail of thrown rocks we pick up our gear and move camp quickly my friend informs me that we are completely safe and I promptly disagree I felt safer in Somalia at least there I had a gun and semi saying people to get my back he goes on to inform me now that we have moved camp out of their territory they will likely disperse but I guess he knew his stuff because the rest of the night was pretty uneventful I didn't sleep for obvious reasons now did I see Bigfoot now I tried to look into the trees I even put my flashlight on the tree line this caused me to become more of a target for the rocks being thrown and couldn't make out anything with dark shapes they did look big but nonetheless they could have been pranksters so I didn't have an encounter with North America's wood aid and maybe I just had some kind of encounter with pranksters but nonetheless I won't be squatching anytime soon because those events alone were enough to creep me right the hell out I've never told the story to anyone before simply to never having an answer and thinking there's nothing that can be done many many years ago at Wang Kai campgrounds in Queensland Australia my father my friend and I were out camping for a couple of days usually it's packed but we went during the week and got two days off school I can't remember the reason I think it was just because my dad had a few days off but that's beside the point due to it being midweek the grounds were empty we've been here many times before but never alone however we were excited due to having the whole grounds to ourselves which was pretty cool now we were no strangers to the Australian bush we know what to look out for we know how to play it safe so at night knowing no one was around to mess with our camp we decided to go for a mini bush walk to walk to the other side of the river that runs along the grounds when I say grounds i-it's just a clearing in the middle of a bush not a properly established grounds far away from all the roads we got to the campsites on the opposite side of the river and looking out the river we could see a bright light just near our campgrounds thinking it could be the fire we thought we put it out by that time but we weren't sure so we walked back through the bush to go to our site still able to see the large lightning however we were going to our side and we realised that it was not a fire as we were able to come closer to the river this time we saw that the light was over the river not in it but over it we were somewhat scared but thought there was some explanation for it maybe a torch or something along those lines but looking for wherever we were there was nothing under its the light was a good 70 centimeters above the water and still dead still the light itself was flickering sort of like a fire but it was in no way attached to anything just a large between a tennis ball and soccer ball-sized ball floating giving off a strong fire like light but more like a lightbulb Center this went on for maybe thirty minutes as we tried splashing the water and trying to figure out what it was but it didn't move and didn't do anything it just floated in that one spot in complete silence unlike the sound the fire would make my dad decided to get a torch in his camera and of course being the scared twelve girls we were we went with them as soon as we go to the camp which was only maybe a hundred meters away the light was gone we ran back with a torch and nothing was there no one there and no other campers just gone we didn't really talk about it because we didn't really know what it was how or why lights are something that's very popular in the Australian outback and that's the only explanation that I can think for but they have no explanation so it's kind of a dead end story when I was 15 my brother two of our cousins and I used to spend a week up north with my grandparents on a piece of land in Wisconsin that they bought to set the scene the land was about five acres in a rural part of the state and the neighbors around us were summer people who only came up on weekends meaning midweek was pretty desolate my grandparents had two RV trailers on their land one for their use and one for guest use at 15 my parents decided to let my cousin 13 and I used the guest RV just because they thought we were old enough to be by ourselves they kept my brother 11 in my younger cousin 10 in their trailer I had just returned from a week in Washington DC with friends so most of our nighttime rituals included gossiping about DC and the boy I had a crush on who was there as well nothing concerning happened for the first few nights as a precaution my grandparents gave us a car key and an intercom just in case we got scared oh boy how didn't I know that this would be used in one of our last nights there it was around 10:00 p.m. and my grandparents and the others had gone to sleep so we walked over to the other trailer as we got in the trailer we started to change when something in my head popped up we hadn't locked the door the voice in my head urged me to lock it we had admittedly been bad about this I went back and locked it my cousin and I went back to talking at the table as my cousin talked about the boy she liked I got this feeling of dread I noticed that I stopped listening to her and after minutes she did too she asked me what was wrong and I shut her outside the window next to us the shades were closed we heard a shuffling noise as if someone was walking back and forth in front of the window this went on for a solid five minutes the noise approach the door and I immediately hit the intercom button calling my grandpa I told him that there were weird noises outside whoever was outside could most likely there be talk hearing his talk because of the thin walls we could steer to the shuffling my grandpa's voice rang out of the intercom I'm grabbing my gun now be right there at that second the shuffling stopped I hear my grandpa rip open the door of his trailer and he yelled out he ran into our door and knocked telling me it was him I opened the door into this day I have never seen the look of a crazed and terrified as my grandpa's face he was holding his gun and he asked us to follow him to his camper we obliged and grabbed the stuff we needed my brother and cousin and grandma were sitting up in the camper my grandma looked terrified she sat in the window staring out past us we settled in and slept but she sat there awake all night the next day we left two days early for home my grandparents to this day tell us it was probably an animal and shush us up about the story I'm 22 so it's been a while I know it was a person so does my cousin but if I could go back I would have ripped open those blinds so I could have made sure and not have to live with the wonder of who was on the other side [Music] I was on a field trip to our local park our teacher decided to let us go on one of the trails this trail had a larger trail and had a smaller trail inside his loo the smaller trail had a slimy stinky pond inside of it the small trail was on a circular area surrounding the pond but the pond had an area that went under a little bridge walkway on one side of the bridge was the pond on the other side was a flowing tiny Creek my friend and I decided just to take the smaller trail and stop at the bridge and wait and then go back to the bus because we didn't really feel like walking that day so that is what we did I remember it being shaded by the trees except for the little bridge so my friend laid down on the bridge in the only sunny spots facing the larger trail you could see the smaller trail from the larger trail I thought I saw a crawdad I love those things and decided I was going to go into the Little Creek and grab it I remember thinking that it was convenient that there were stone steps down into the creek I walked down them and thought nothing of it I remember standing in the creek and looking down in it I remember saying to my friend along the lines of something that doesn't look right in this creek look at it it just seems to go on for a long time but it shouldn't I mean it should end at the parking lot but the parking lot was in front of the trail right outside the tree line I remember nothing else nothing at some point my shoe was untied and I stooped down to tie it and my stomach route I said to my friend we need to get back I stepped with the rocks the creek and onto the bridge my friend said yeah I remember me being afraid I was like it was feeling spooky here it seems so late let's go and hurry she agreed we got up and we ran towards the entrance our teacher our classmates and our buses were gone but the cops the firemen in the principal and our parents were all there they were getting ready to drag the pond we had been gone for around four hours numerous people walked both trails and walked over that little bridge they said they were mad because they said we could not have been where we said we were and they were mad cuz they thought we were hiding and not coming when they screamed our names but we weren't lying my friend and I became distance we've never talked about it since not even once this happened to my friend who was working as a police officer at the time we shall call my friend Tom anyways Tom had just begun working as an officer and as a result he got stuck with lousy shifts Tom worked a neighborhood with just about nothing bad ever happened but working graveyard shifts at parks in the area can still be pretty creepy usually he would just find a couple stoners hanging out on a swing sets does one night Tom had a shift at a local park he didn't often go to it's about 2:00 a.m. and his only job is to make sure no one is around and all as well as he's walking around the house go to the woods he sees one man just standing with his back facing towards him on the edge of the darkness of the woods he yelled to the man hey you what are you doing come on over here right now the man turned and smiled at him then he dashed into the woods without really thinking Tom sprinted after him the guy was booking it leaping over bushes and ducking under fallen trees like a pro tom is an extremely athletic guy but this man was on a different level as Tom finally catches the guy he again yells to him the man smiles once again then books it once again Tom kept after Tom kept after her but was a good ways away from about 10 to 15 feet behind this guy finally reached the clearing in the woods Tom's adrenaline running low and it's taken all his power to keep screaming for the guy to stop the guy turns in smiles once more the guy books it over the hill seemingly to a steep slower this time Tom draws his gun and powers up the hill the guy was gone according to Tom he just literally disappeared there was no way he could have escaped normally to this day Tom recounts as an encounter with something very sinister the only thing he could find in the woods was a makeshift rundown campsite that looked like it hadn't been inhabited in years you [Music] I'm a guy in about 11 years ago when I was 8 years old me and my family my mom dad brother and as well as my brothers a girlfriend who was living with us at the time went on holiday to Australia to visit some relatives on my mom's side of the family they lived in the rural parts of Victoria and to give a basic summary of the area they lived on a farm the house was surrounded by various fields when facing the house on the left side there were two fields and then on the far end of these fields there were highly wooded areas with a dirt track running through it my grandparents the relatives that lived there would often go nature rambles through this forest at spy in the wildlife that lived within there my mother being a dedicated bird spotter decides to head off with me and Lisa my brother's girlfriend into the forest as we both had a fascination with wildlife we must been walking along the dirt track for around ten minutes taking pictures of the various animals we'd seen we passed by a line of motorbikes and around 7 bikers having a barbecue one of the bikers politely smiled at my mother and she responded with a simple good evening as we walked past them one of the bikers approached us and asked us where we were going we told them then they informed us that they had been camping in this area for around 2 nights now they told us to be careful as people had been shooting game in the forest these people apparently had aggressive dogs so we were told to be careful around 15 minutes later I spotted an old barn which I dashed off to explore being the adventurous child I was while my mother and Lisa observed a bird of some kind I didn't tell them where I was going as I approached the barn I saw three large dogs tied up outside they were Rottweilers and they seemed incredibly aggressive they were on chains and barking and snarling a lot I didn't think anything of it at the time I assumed they were for hunting but looking back Rottweilers aren't very good for hunting there was also an old mattress on the floor outside which appeared to be covered in brown stains and emanated a foul Roma I was around three feet away from the mattress but the smell was unbelievably powerful as I was going to turn around and return to the others I saw a man emerging from the barn the image of this man is one of the few things I remember clearly from this day he was very tall about 64 and was wearing a blue pinstripe suit the strangest thing about him was that he was wearing a large top hat his clothes seemed very worn in his face the parts of it that weren't covered by a large brow beard were red as if you just been working out on a hot day I remember the man smiled and approached me I asked him if he was a magician which he said now I look after doggies do you like doggies I told him I did this is when I started to get weird he began to approach me and asked if I wanted to come inside and have my picture taken with the dogs I politely refused and said my mom would be looking for me he grabbed my hand lightly and said it'd only take a second at that point I heard my mom shouting to the man to manage to know what he was doing she had come looking for me the man simply let go and just stare to her she asked him again in which she continued just to blankly stare he didn't say a word my mom immediately grabbed my arm and me and her Alisa walked away as quickly as possible back to the entrance we got about halfway there when I turned around and told my mother that the magician was following us she turned around and sure enough he was power walking behind us my mom screamed to him and asked what he wanted he didn't reply again simply continued power walking toward us at that point my mom began walking even faster to the point that she was dragging me along the next part of the story is mostly a blur to me I remember my mom gasping picking me up and sprinting full pelt with me while screaming for health my mom tells me that the man had begun running toward us and managed to grab my leg she said that Lisa jumped on the man's back and scratched all across his face before he threw her on the floor my mom apparently kicked the man in the testicles grabbed Lisa off the ground and ran with me over her shoulder I remember we slowed down shortly afterwards and stopped to catch our breath we continued walking over for the magician to show up again but we didn't see him pop out anymore my mom began to panic and started running with me again all of a sudden this man Sprint's out the bushes again after us we were nearing the area where the bikers were camping and my mom screamed for help two bikers emerge from the tree nearby my mom screamed that man tried to kidnap my son the magician turned around and immediately bolted in the other direction one of the bikers pursues him but unfortunately the magician had a head start I remember the bikers were incredibly nice and I soon forgot about the strange man after one of the bikers let me sit in one of his motorbikes while my mom and Lisa went inside the car the guy took us to the nearest town and dropped us off at the police station where my mom filed a report after that he gave us all lift backed so he was really nice and we really appreciated that I never got to thank him at the time as I didn't really understand the situation when I was living in Australia for a year I was once in a passenger carrier travelling through towns to get to the next destination I was heading to we were passing through rural towns in New South Wales that are all small but are still well populated we pass by a field in this park where families are having picnics and enjoying the day kids are running around playing etc while I'm looking at the park and all the people win it with my head on the window I all of a sudden see what looks like a grey zombie walking through the park it's walking right by families and people sitting down but no one seems to take notice of this thing it's sticking out like a sore thumb no one is looking up and I assume the Freak is in a Halloween costume when it's not Halloween or something it is moving slow in limping like a zombie would but has a dead look in its eyes and his skin is grey if my memory serves me correctly even its clothes are grey it's wearing tattered clothes and has a Frankenstein monster kind of air about it that's the best way I can describe it like a grey zombie Frankenstein monster my eyes follow him the entire time while my bus passes the park which is only for a moment but the thing that freaks me out the most is how it's passing by all these families and no one is paying any attention to it the thing is it didn't necessarily seem evil to me just incredibly sad it didn't make eye contact with me it was just walking slowly and sadly and didn't necessarily seem to have a purpose the huge grey guy is dressed up as Frankenstein's monsters painted gray on a sunny day and no one is taking notice of him even when he walks right in front of them I don't know what to make of it a very short ten-second psychosis on my part or something supernatural you this encounter takes place several years ago in a remote part of the Australian outback for a bit of background I'm a pretty built six to dude and I was around 26 years old at the time I was on a road trip with a mate travelling around the central Queensland out back in my old semi reliable Nissan x-trail were both science and zoology nerds and had heard about this amazing dinosaur trail out this way which is basically a grouping of three areas Winton Richmond in he windin the have had previous Dino bone discoveries still have fossils as well as seriously awesome dinosaur tracks with preserved foot imprints we were staying at a place three hours from Winton for a couple of days and were pretty keen to check out this trail so we made the decision to do the six-hour round trip in a day we were pretty ambitious and stupid back then we left at 9 a.m. and the next morning our car was packed with lunch several liters of water and a trusty GPS and off we went it was a long drive and halfway through my air-conditioning decided to car kits if any of you live or have visited Australia in the summer you would know that it's brutally hot so I'm sure you can imagine the three-hour trip there without air-conditioning with the eventualities of six hours in the round-trip it was hell to make matters worse my GPS also stopped working as the map software didn't recognize the area we were in luckily I had an old reffered X in my back seat but it was pretty tough to revert to map reading when we were so used to a computer screen telling you where to go especially given we're talking the Australian outback here complete with dirt tracks for roads in a very limited signage but I digress finally we make it to the trail and kick around there for a couple of hours not gonna lie it was pretty awesome then we decided to make the trip back as it was starting to get later in the afternoon and when we don't be driving back in the dark as we were about to leave this gnarly old guy who appeared to be an employee of the trail company dressed in a khaki camouflage gear asked us where we were from where we were headed he gave me the stink-eye when I was vague with the details but my maid told him the name of the town we were staying he took a real liking to my mate and he laughed and then he told him about our lengthy journey apparently he had taken the long route and there was a much quicker way to get back that would shave about an hour off our trip we jumped at the directions he gave us they were all verbal which we wrote down off we went on her merry way thinking how lucky we were to have met this old dude who gave us some sweet intel on a shortcut home but I can't deny there was definitely a creep vibe coming from him based on the directions he gave us we went winding along several roads in an area I had never been in and eventually settled straight on this narrow donut road we were supposed to reach an intersection about a half mile in there take a ride and continue to the road until we got into a main highway that would take us back after an hour and a half of driving on this dirt trail we still hadn't reached this intersection I was starting to freak out a bit thinking we missed the turn but my mate was completely chilled out and was sure we'd get there eventually I think he thought I was driving too slowly but there are kangaroos out there man and those things are seriously dangerous if you hit one we have been traveling for a while now it was getting later and later in the day and it got to the point where the petrol in the tank was only a quarter fool there were no houses other roads or cars in sight and I was really not comfortable with where this was headed the middle of nowhere in a remote area in the wasteland that is the Australian outback there weren't even any trees only this dirt road in desolates dry bush land and shrubs as far as the eye can see I stopped the car and tell my mate to get the binoculars out and to go to the back and look around in case he could see some landmarks yes I carry binoculars in my car and still do he obliges and can make just out a house like a structure down in the far distance so we made the decision to head for that we figured it could be a house and maybe people would be nice enough to give us some petrol to top us off as we neared the structure it became apparent that it was not a house at all we pulled up out front to see that it was an old Caravan that has been burned to a shell from the outside end it still got three black and partial walls up though so we can't see all the way in and it looks like someone's been there recently because there are animal bones strung up all over the place in a cow skull at the entrance of the caravan some of the animal bone things even have grass or a horsehair woven into them and they were arranged like decorations then we see this hand-painted sign has been staked into the ground with the words moonlight motel on it my alarm bells are ringing loud and clear I knows my friend and say let's get the [ __ ] out of here but he's distracted by something in the distance it's a car coming in the direction we had just come from it would have only been ten minutes behind us the entire time we were driving but I never saw it not even once it was kicking up a ton of dust which indicates that it was coming towards us fast it is at this point that we both hear this crispy scratching sound coming from the burned Caravan like someone is scratching at the wall from the inside I'm moving a little closer and try to see what it was and there's a person in there peeking out others from a hole in the damaged wall then this childlike voice that is obviously a grown man imitating a little girl giggles and says are you here to play with me my mates and I both look at each other and booked it out of there back to the inner sanctum of the x-trail just as I am about to reverse out the other car stops just behind my car with the high beams on I can't see the driver but they're in my way so I can't reverse out of this I have no choice but to drive forward and around the narrowly small little path that goes right by the motel as we were turning to leaf the driver starts blaring the horn just hammering on it's for no reason at all I just sped off back in the direction we came and the art of their car doesn't fall out it's getting to Twilight at this stage and pretty dangerous to be out in these country roads once it's dark because of the king of Jerusalem as we manage to navigate our way back to where we had come from the Dino trail and even started joke around what happened the person in the other car was probably just honking at us to get our attention to help with directions or something I pull into a parking lot and go to the front desk of the company that runs the tours I explained that we had gotten lost on our way back to town and we were staying at and the lady there is kind enough to give us enough petrol for the ride back I couldn't help myself and mention to her that her work mate is a real jerk for giving us those weird directions we figured that there was no way that he would mess up advice like that and she gives me a weird look and asked me to describe the guy I do in her face goes funny and she says that man does not work here I saw him talking with torch today my boss had to ask him to leave he kept trying to get details of where people were staying and telling them that he had vacancies at his place and they could stay there the moonlight Motel when I was younger I lived in a quite small town in Queensland the whole town was surrounded by bush in every direction for hundreds of kilometres when we had so much room to play this particular story is about the first time we got drunk in the winter the level of water would drop significantly enough for us to camp in the riverbed my best mates parents owned a pub at the time so we were in charge of getting the drinks for a little camping trip we had planned so we could finally pop our drunk cherry the place we had in mind was out near an old indigenous settlement where a few creepy things have happened to us over time so we made our way down into the riverbank which was a low on the side that we came in and really high on the other side you couldn't see the other side through all the trees on the top and it was kind of unnerving knowing someone could be up there watching you and you wouldn't know there are about seven of us kids in the camp and our parents have no idea where we are or what we are doing we lied and said we were staying at a friend's place we set up our camp and built a little shelter for all of us to sleep under we were all set up and start drinking as the Sun is setting soon it's dark and we are full swing mixing drinks and singing songs and throwing stuff into the water and generally making a whole heap of noise as we are starting to wind down one of my friends says how something moved at the top of the riverbank on the steep side we all say that he is full [ __ ] and should calm down it but he is adamant that there's someone up there so we all start calling out come out you [ __ ] and other such things being brave well beyond our years to our surprise a bearded man wearing straggly clothes and no shoes comes out to the tree line he stands on the edge of the bank it just stares at us we all go silence waiting for him to do something for about five minutes he just stands there then he retreats back into the tree line we all talk amongst ourselves and get a bit nervous but we soon forget about it about an hour later the guy is back but he isn't on the pink anymore he is coming out of the shadows from the other side of the bank and entering our camp he stands next to our fire and just joins our group of 12 year old kids and stands there we are officially a bit scared and don't really know what to do so we just sit there in silence eventually one of my friends gets the courage to speak to him good I might how are you are you okay the guy just stares at my friend and then start staring at each other and he turns away for a little bit of time my friend tries again hey are you okay what's your name the man snaps his head back at my friend if there's a him why die for at least two minutes before answering without blinking he says in a raspy whisper that's none of your [ __ ] business and he hisses like a cat then this guy jumps back screaming and staring at the fire like it just appeared and runs off up the steep Bank in record time it was impossible to get up this thing so we all stand there speechless we decide that it's best if we just stoked the fire up because it's a 19 kilometer back to town and we definitely weren't doing that at night so we stoked the fire we sat up for as long as we could keeping watch not really talking we eventually dozed off one at a time when we woke up in the morning everything was gone all of our alcohol all of our bags all of our shoes off our blankets everything the creepy thing is is none of us awoke as someone robbed his blind and there was not a single footprint we were sleeping in a wetter sand so there was no way that that could have been footprints it looked like we hadn't even been there needless to say we bailed out and ran almost all the way back to town our feet were cut up and messed up by the time we got back we never told our parents about that camping trip and I don't think we ever will this happened about four years ago when I was 19 I was allowed by my parents to take over managing a little house we had in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere which we used to rent out to people throughout the year there was a manager's house about three kilometers away where I lived during this time originally my father and I would meet the tenants and then come stay in the managers house for the first week and then two days out of every month that followed to make sure that everything was okay as I was a teenage girl my parents were little hesitant to start letting me take over by myself but dad got in an accident and mom had to take care of him so they stayed home while I managed the managers house full-time as I wanted to move out of home finally the first two lots of people who rented the house under my supervision were great there was a family of four who stayed in March through June and then a young lesbian couple who stayed August in November after two such successful tenants my parents and I had pretty much calmed down and we stopped worrying that one day I'd meet some creeps who would murder me or would used the house as a drug den or something it was with my guard thoroughly dropped that I arranged for a couple to stay for the month of December we spoke via email and they seemed pretty normal Joe and Laura husband and wife in their late 40s who were looking to rent for a month to see if the country life was for them so after two weeks of emailing the day comes that I'm meeting them in person at the house that they'll be renting for the next few weeks when their car pulled up Joe flashed me a smile through the windshield and jumped out of the car to shake my hand while Laura went to the boot of the car for something Joe was probably only two inches taller than me a bit of a belly thinning hair and smelt like cloves all in all not threatening in the least his face was surprisingly unlined which made him look a lot younger than he was but also vaguely disturbing no crow's feet her laugh lines as though he had never smiled to have enough edged into them if you go into the internet you can find articles about woman who hasn't smiled in 40 years it was reading an article about that which reminded me of this story it made me decide to share it as a matter of fact it gives her an appearance which makes her look a lot younger it's though your brain is saying that there's something not quite right about this person with no lines on their face standing there talking to Joe was the single most horrifically uncomfortable experience of my life it's often said that if you meet a true psychopath you'll know it but then you'll ignore the feeling and soon forget about it the most common theory that I've heard at least is that they don't give out the unconscious signals that everyone else does when interacting with people and that your mind picks up on this lack of tips and tips you off about them being kind of off then of course the psychopath will be as charming as they always are and you'll feel like you are being silly and pushed the feeling away the second Joe approached me my whole body went on high alert he made a do you take card joke before handing me the cash for the month he said a lot of very complimentary things about the house and the bush around us but the whole time I could just not shake that feeling that there was something very very wrong about him Laura came over and introduced herself and the feeling just got worse to the point to where instead of the offering to make them some tea and showed them her in a property I just handed over the keys and told them to call thing you did anything Joe gave me another smile as he said goodbye but I noticed that it didn't even reach his eyes I almost threw up on the spot I never told my parents about how much they scared me but I did tell some friends so they'd know who to blame if I got murdered one night Joe and Laura never contacted me throughout the rest of the month I spent those weeks double-checking every door in window before going to bed and several times convinced friends to stay with me because I was too afraid that Joe and Laura would come for me in the night even though they had never been at all threatening a day after they were meant to leave I bought three male very tough friends with me and checked the house the keys were left on the kitchen table along with a short note thanking me for the privacy I gave them an extra hundred dollars on our website they left a short but positive review about the house and made a special mention of the beautiful and helpful manager whose attitude and care made the whole experience that much more unforgettable we'll be thinking of you often dear which I promptly deleted before getting incredibly drunk and crying about it to Joe and Laura thank you for the extra hundred dollars but for the love of all that is holy please don't ever try to contact me again this isn't my story but it's my father's my dad has only told the story very few times and has refused to tell the story again now just to elaborate my dad is a very black and white person and does not believe in anything spiritual paranormal and because of this the story creeps me out because I know my dad is not the kind of person to lie about these types of things he does not know to this day what exactly happened in the Australian outback on a night that scared the life out of him now the place where my dad used to mine was practically a desert a few straggly trees shrubs and red dirt what you would describe it as a typical Australian outback in the early 1900's people would build shacks out in this outback primarily to be close to the mine sites located there the very few of these shacks that still remain are rundown and almost non-existent roofs are missing walls torn down etc when my dad was a miner he was good friends with many Aboriginal elders who were strong believers in the spiritual world it was on the brink of night when my dad would be driving back from a mine site with an outer they were also miners they would pass one of these ruined shacks and apparently it would be lit up like someone had installed a working light bulb there were no other people were cars or any other type of clothes civilisation the outer would tell my dad very sternly to keep driving and do not make any notice of the Shack and to never stop and investigate according to the elder these shacks were full bad spirits now this is the story that creeps me out and the one that my dad will never tell again my dad would be out of one of these mine sites for days and sometimes weeks himself and his two mates had all put down for a caravan that they used to sleep in each night on the mines this caravan had an attached trailer to carry their tools s keys etc one night whilst travelling between mines the three men decided to set up camp next to one of these shacks nothing unusual what happened while they set up for the night and they did her around the fire it wasn't until the early hours in the morning where things began to become scary the three men all woke up at the same time to a blood-curdling scream of to woman coming from the shack my dad described a scream as no other one up yer terror and evil startled all the men jumped up and looked out at the caravan window to see this terrifying sight the trailer that was once attached to their Caravan was spinning on the spots keep in mind that for a two wheel trailer to spin on his back is nearly impossible the screaming continued in the three men all terrified sped off into the night not looking back my dad says they drove silent and scared out of their wit's for about an hour before stopping and hesitantly going back to sleep in the morning my dad said that there were no visible handprints on the caravan window and there was nothing else that they could find they all looked on the dirt below the window and there were no prints of shoes or feet it gave the impression that someone was pressed up against the window and looking in it wasn't until they arrived back at the local pub that they spoke of their ordeal that occurred that night they mentioned what had happened to the locals in the location of where they had set up camp the locals all knew of the shack they were talking of exclaiming that apparently in the early 1900's two Aboriginal woman had been raped and murdered in that said Shack bad and corrupted spirits were only left remaining a couple of weeks later my dad and his two mates returned to the shack to reclaim their trailer although it had disappeared into thin air or had been stolen they decided that the best thing to do was burn down the shack and I hopes the spiritual disappear my dad was only repeated the story a few times and now refuses to ever say it again I think that night was the only few that my dad actually was scared out of his wits and he cannot have reasonable explanation to what happened that night so I spent most of my summers in Australia helping out of my uncle's farm in the family it's just Tim my female cousin who's never home because of ballet school and the male cousin my brother and I were there last summer when I was 14 I got up in the morning and walked into the kitchen seeing a dude underneath the computer desk he just fits in the computer he only be in an hour my uncle told me my brother and my cousin went surfing while my uncle went to pick up something from the store I get weird vibes from his bloke I've just been left alone with we're in the middle of nowhere and I can't really ask for help too much he looks kind of like the guy from Smash Mouth but with a patchy or beard and thinner hair he keeps tinkering away at the computer and I slink down the hall because I want my privacy I opened my female cousin's bedroom door and walk in her her music on softly and least silently after I slammed the door I then crept down the hall a little more into my male cousins room and then row under his bed in a maging feet but then again I'm a twig and just start messaging back and forth my boyfriend back home I let my boyfriend know what's happening I laugh it off because I'm inherently suspicious of any man or woman I don't know we were making jokes about him flying down here and beating up the repairman but then I hear footsteps down the hall the bathroom is right next to the computer room and the only thing down here is the bedrooms what did he want from here I hear my female cousins were open and he goes inside since she has laminate I can hear him walking around her bathroom door creaks and I hear him pull it open and leave the room he was definitely looking for something or someone my cousin door creaks open he steps inside the room that I'm currently hiding in thankfully my cousin has a lot of [ __ ] under his bed so I wasn't found his duties muttering to himself as he opens the bathroom the closet then leaves again walking around the house I'm freaked out at this point but it gets way worse our car pulls out in front and it doesn't have any familiar sound of my uncle's truck a phone rings and the Duke picks up no I can't find her I think she left her something there's a pause and I fiercely messaged my boyfriend thoroughly and utterly spooked fine but they're gonna be back any minute move fast I can't believe this is happening people entering the house I couldn't tell how many footsteps but I later learned it was two sets I stupid stupidly roll out from under the bed so I can grab the phone of my cousin's nightstand I couldn't use mine because it's Canadian phone and the [ __ ] those Roman charges I'm about to dial nine-one-one then I get that moment of oh [ __ ] I'm in a different country what's the number for 911 here so basically I'm holding this pizza shaped phone going [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] when three dudes walk into the room more repairman I asked them trying a very hard to play dumb right now my boyfriend is messaging me like a madman because I sense him call a 9-1-1 i'm holding a phone and looked at very pale and shaky which isn't good because i know what they're up to they just fall into the room and i have never been more glad to hear what the [ __ ] are you doing so my brother walks in soaking wet holding a surfboard looking very menacing and these dudes are cornered they start making excuses and by the time their sorry asses are done trying to explain why they've trapped a very scared looking teenage girl in a bedroom my overprotective uncle shows up boarding a bag of milk and some frozen curly fries he flips [ __ ] much beating ensues long story short I almost got terrorized by three older men and they ended up looking like a child with purple and red crayons got bored and drew all over them by my uncle you I went out pigging with one of my best mates all the time but this one time the dogs lose their [ __ ] and go to jump off the back so we stopped and let them loose and they shoot off like they're on the trail of something beside a really tall dam bank so we think we're on to some pigs we were standing there and could hear their bells off in the distance getting further away then nothing the bush was silent and we started to get a bit unnerved we felt okay because we both were holding loaded guns but it was still an uneasy feeling we stood there listening for about 10 to 15 minutes and could hear not a thing it was almost suffocating so my friend and I started calling the dogs in he is calling for a good 15 minutes and we were still hearing nothing so he says [ __ ] this were going to look for them as he turns the car on we hear bells come from behind us in the treeline which we thought was weird because it was the opposite direction with the dogs had left so we turned around listening my mate starts calling out to them to come from behind us and here comes the dogs without their bells on needless to say we were both [ __ ] bricks and threw them in the car and bailed out the whole time the bells were just jingling like something had them on weird thing was is that we were a good 400 kilometers from the closest civilization so we [ __ ] bricks and were uneasy for the rest of the night has anyone experienced anything like this what in the hell could have possibly taken off our dog's collars in the 90s before everyone had cell phones my Girl Scout Troop was camping in a state park when a terrible thunderstorm came through the area with major flood warnings the Rangers at the park frantically came through every campsite and evacuated everyone to higher ground everyone that is except for us in the Boy Scouts in the site next to us we went to bed with light rain but woke up in the middle of the night to our tents collapsing from the driving rain in the water quickly rising the Boy Scouts they were 12 to 16 years old we were seven to nine years old in ours helped us quickly pack our sights into our cars unfortunately the roads were too dangerous to drive on because we couldn't see that how deep the water was and we didn't know if any sections of the road had been washed out we abandoned all the vehicles that used the map that Scout leaders had to find someplace that wouldn't be flooded a few miles away there were tree house cabins that were built around a tree and lofted 15 feet in the air it was decided that we needed to move quickly and that was our best shot the older boys in the adults carried the smallest girls when it became clear that the wind was preventing them from staying on their feet the wind and rain soaked everyone through the skin we made it to the cabins and the adults broke in and rated the emergency supplies there for space blankets there was no way to build a fire because there was no firewood it had been an especially dry year and starting campfires was forbidden due to the risk of starting a forest fire I remember shivering for hours all of us girls in the middle of a huddle on the floor with the Boy Scouts on the outside trying their best to keep us warm one of the boys asked if we knew any girls cow songs either camp songs or more of a Girl Scout thing than a Boy Scout theme or they were just human us we sing every song we knew and the leaders taught us a few more that they had learned at some point we were convincing the boys to sing in rounds with us morning came and the rain slowed down to a light drizzle and a ranger showed up assessing damage at the park he discovered us and immediately drove us to get help they returned with a bunch of strux in all-terrain vehicles they drove us to a location where doctors were on-site to evaluate us it was sheer luck that none of us had anything worse than the chills it could have been worse than it was and they were unbelievably lucky to have survived at all we could have easily died in our sleep at the flood had come through all at once instead of slowly rising if the Boy Scouts hadn't been there then us small girls would not have been able to hike out of there safely if we had to try to drive we would have been washed away somebody's and I went camping by the lake one night about 1:30 a.m. we heard some rustling in the bushes and just figured it was a rabbit or something we went over to check it out and found nothing at about 135 am a huge pickup truck that was lifted and blaring loud music drove by on a dirt road really really slowly shining a huge police-grade spotlight on me and my friends the truck burned out and kept driving so my best friend and I decided to drive up the road to see if we could spot anything unusual about the truck we get to the main road and there are probably seven or eight cop cars lights flashing in two or three ambulances we stopped to turn around I swear like a damn horror film a cop pecks on my window with his flashlight out of nowhere he asked what we're doing we told him we were camping and told him about the truck he says well you boys might want to camp somewhere else we had a homicide here and haven't located the suspect my friend says so you think we should all have guns I said yes sir and tore off back down the campsites my best friend called the rest of our buddies and told them the pack up the gear not to ask questions and that we had to get out we literally through to fully pitched tents in the back of one of our trucks and got the hell out of there the cops located the killer about 30 minutes later at our campsite [Music]
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 398,650
Rating: 4.6389289 out of 5
Keywords: Deep wilderness stories, Park ranger stories, state park stories, search & rescue stories, new missing 411, swamp dweller, true scary stories, deep woods stories
Id: We5TNLPxuC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 30sec (6570 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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