FULL PSEUDO FIRE TYPE POKEMON TEAM! - Pokemon That Should Be Fire Type

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up with you photos video with a full pseudo 5 type pokemon team now we've done a couple of pseudo's series the last couple of weeks now we're going to be continuing with a fire type team now these are pokemon i feel could definitely have a fire type to them and let me know if you agree with my picks or you could have added someone else in let me know now of course i'm basing off the pokemon that are in the game if you do want to come and follow me on twitch people that's what i do all my life pokemon sweeps steam teams or other forms of self-detainment and of course if you missed a solve it's not my fault now all three of the battles that today these were all on the wycom if you were one of my opponents please let me know in the comments section of the video especially one of them you'll get to see one so uh the first pokemon that we got is lapras and i've got the uh pie electric as is so i thought this would be quite a good pick as a fire type pseudo pokemon right now it does learn a lot of fire type moves we've got fire punch and sunny day i tried to include five type uh you know moves on all of my pokemon where possible and it literally has a full neck lizard which looks like a sunride and it's also got a sunny based ability solar power too so i'm obviously running that one which is going to be really good with the fizzles there right so we got the elephone coming in here i guess they got to leaf on because i looked at that team preview before and i really didn't think lapras was going to obviously stay in for electric type move they probably thought i was going to go for a thunder or something however i'm running a physical heroes let me give you a load of this one so we've got our sunny day fire punch a thunder punch and low kick right we got max speed and max attack and i've got adam and nature here now they've got a leaf on and it's actually a uh a special set it's got the uh giga drain and left over too so let me put it to your straight leaf on special attack is about as good as the healer whis attack right now leaf's going to be swapping out here right and we've got the more peco coming in so it's like okay i might be able to hit this with the low kick then i could go for a fire punch shoe both of them will be doing you know a fair bit of damage right here so i've got solar power the ability purely for a mean right now the things i do for your people so i have to give it a dud ability just for the sake team right because i'm running a fizzle set obviously so going for that five packs there does very very good damage for more pekko and more pekko is going to run on this little hamster wheel and that's going to be enough to take your boy out but he did some pretty good damage there on the leaf on and of course on the more peco as well so bye bye here lewis a good start to the battle and the uh more pecos also got leftover so we've got uh leaf on and the wallpacker with leftovers that's the item now morpheko's going to change into another form there and we're going to go into a fire i spoke one now we've got this as darm manaten now i deliberately did this for damanta up because it's zen mode is fire and i so i thought well it sort of makes sense that it's normal form would be fire and ice as well unless it can suddenly start breathing fire after it changes form but uh yeah i thought that'd be an interesting sort of thing where it just starts off as fire and ice obviously it's stats can still change but uh yeah let me know what you think so we got the uh fire fire blast and blizzard said here it was an absolute horrible horrible set the other move was grass not so obviously its special attack is absolute hot smoking trash and that's purely why i want to use right so zen motors gonna trigger there and we're gonna get a big flaming nose right now in comes the lapras here and lapras is going to be able to take this fairly well i mean i've got grass stop which will probably be about three to four here ko and i've got fire blast as well so go for the grass so they're hoping for as much damage as possible and it actually does very good damage considering right so hydro pump has got a hydro mist there on my dimension now i was thinking is it going to have actually take me out in the sun and uh you know is it going to have another coverage move there so they went for hydroponics like okay maybe they don't have any other moves so go for the fire blast here on the lap press does around the same as the grasshot and now it's going to go for the hydropop again and that is going to take my dumb manatee cali out there with a critical hit that was max speed and max special attack modest nature now lapras i notice also has leftovers wait what is it lefron's got leftovers more pecos got leftovers and lapras has got leftover is this a full leftover steam like this is straight up a random person too maybe they're running a i don't know leftovers at every single one of their popcorn will have to say so the next pokemon i'm going to swap in here is my solo i believe this definitely should be a fire and rock type it's literally the sun right so we got sunny day solar beam weatherball and meteor beam so quite a few things to do with the weather uh with its moves there too and this set is uh pretty fun so we got max special attack and i've also got max speed and i've got modest nature so what we're going to do is we're going to the meteor beam i've got the power herb as the item which is going to give me a boost in scratch stack and it's also going to activate right away now i did obviously have the shiny versions just for a little bit more aesthetics as well for the fire type team if you did notice on the heliwisk and the zarok too so lapras is going to get destroyed there and that is a very very good threat by the way i didn't really want to have to deal with lapras g-max that would have been uh that would have been nasty so the next pokemon speaking of nasty is the spectra i am probably going to get destroyed by this thing but i thought let's get one move off against it and try and get some sort of damage right and it's going to destroy me with one shadow ball so bye bye so rock but soul rock does come back and it does do some mighty damage in the next couple of battles there so we got a special attack race on the spectre i've only got one poker to come in and that is moltres so we got this as fire duck and it's got fiery rats right now this learns no other fire type moose so i gave it fire wrath and i gave facade holding a flame orb that's all i could do it lends no fire moves at all which is really really strange i i definitely believe this should be a fire and dark time so we got the uh zamasana just sliding right in here i went for protect there because sometimes you need to use projection and uh you know check what the other pokemons moves are right so go for a double protector just to see what they're going to do to my mock trace here and they've got close combat so i'm like okay i do need to save moltres for that spectra though because that's going to be really nasty once my moltres is out of the way and i don't want to suck it off just yet so swapping out the multhreds right and going into groudon we've got grouder as fire and ground i always thought this would be a fire type pokemon obviously the mega is but um i wanted not the mega the primal man that's that's how long megas have been away for like it's been so long people and uh we got the behemoth on the swapping now groudon is pretty thick on the defensive side even though i'm running uh more of a sweeping scent so i tried to make a fun set on groudon so i used my special grotto we got fire blast eruption solar beam and earth power trying to make uh you know stuffed base around the weather too so we've got the zamasu in it obviously swapping out there they don't want to get hit by any fire type moves at all and we got the spectra coming in that was a really really interesting swap to me right very very issuing like why would you swap in the pokemon like if i was running a physical set that would be gone already like i don't understand that swapping at all but they were just lucky i was running a special set right so i thought about going for dynamaxx here and living the shadow ball if they were going to go for that i was like nah i'll just bring the moltres again i won't waste my dynamics so here comes the shadow ball and a lift on seven help that was very very nicely firing off another fire blast and spectra is uh going to be going down that's very good getting rid of that so there's a leaf on light and this is amazing there's one more pokemon and that is charizard and man it's just the normal charizard i mean i wish i could see a shiny charizard one day that's uh you know not hacked so here we go we got the charizard go for the solo baby and they're going to make use of my drought and go for solar bean right away and groudon is not going to be liking that one on 7l so bye bye groudon but he did a very good job getting around the spectra because that was a very very threatening pokemon run now that is going to have solar power as the epithelia which is quite ironic for the same team right obviously it's being a fire type so it doesn't really count wait that had leftovers as well all of these pokemon have leftovers i may have missed some santa they've got you know what zamasa has got a shield and it's got leftovers all right only up in russia so i'm going to go back into the mulch race here i definitely have to go for a desperation dynamics here i think maybe i could lift the next attack right get a berserk up and then i could try and take the charizard out then all i'd have left is like the leaf on which i doubt would come in and then the zamasu and the zomba center is the problem at the moment so we're going to go into dynamics uh voltres there it's so weird it's got it's covered in flames and it's not a fire type i mean i'm trying to think of some other pseudo fire type pokemon i believe i really did out of all the pseudo teams i believe all these picks were spot on anyway so we're going to get a berserk from the charizard which is uh very nice there i'm going to go for the max actually because i want to out speed the charizard because i thought i don't believe i'll be able to take it out in one shot and i don't want to get hit by two fire blasts right so it's just going to lift their solar power is going to kick in and it's going to go down back to the naughty hack land now there's uh two pokemon there the leaf bomb which is definitely not coming in unless they want to stall out my dynamics which they're not going to do so next one is zamasuntier so zamasu i don't have a lot to hit with it i've got max airstream and that's it now even with plus one and special attack this is not going to be doing a lot of damage i've got uh max feed and max special tech it's fiery wrath air slash set with a side and light bulb it was a giant meme basically uh the move that's amazing obviously it's gonna use against me is behemoth i always found the animation for this funny against like a dynamic spoke or like it's just tiny like pokemon just smash it and uh the motres is gonna go down i can't believe that does so much damage so bye bye moltres but you did a very good thing they're taking the trials of that and putting a serious dent in the center now the last pokemon is fire is still and that is solgaleo i've always thought this would be a fire type pokemon and fires are still obviously i'm using this shiny for some aesthetics for this thing too so we've got flare bits and eye net it's a scummy set and we've also got a dua an endeavor with a rocky helmet so just absolutely destroying zamasu with a flare bits obviously that uh sun boost is going to be very nice suit so bye bye zamasita the last pokemon is leaf on and i've easily got this one in the back unless lefron's got chlorophyll and it out speeds me here and it's obviously not going to have our chlorophyll outside it's got leaf gut and leaf is going to go down there so that my friends is the very first battle a kind of a injuring a team by my opponent there a couple of uh you know with the uh special relief on then like nearly all of them had leftovers i could have sworn they nearly all i had left over there um whoever that was thank you for the battle if you do ever watch this video and let's get on to battle number two this is a battle against uh your boy rom here and uh this is a pretty interesting battle as well now the first pokemon here we got on against my fire type team is a talk or enter that drown like man this is really really good now i started off with the storage because in the team preview i'm thinking i believe they're probably going to start off with talk all right if i was using their team that's probably what i wanted to do too so i was like so it'd be a great start here i can go for medial bend and i can hit this very very hard uh straight away with the uh power herb activation toggle's better on the defensive side so if you know toggle does stand for this it's gonna hit it very very hard or i can one shot i believe i had a very good chance of one shotting at this stage give me a nice little early day so toggle is going to get absolutely obliterated and that is one pokemon down for me now i can actually go for a weather ball here which will turn into a fire type move so i tried to make all of them have at least one fire time of except for moltres right but it's got fiery wrath that has got flamewar facade alright so you've got to give me some points for that so in comes a venusaur i'm thinking here well what i'm gonna do right i believe they'll probably just leave a weathervault just really badly because venusaur kind of think right and it'll out speed with chlorophyll right so i won't even get a chance to attack this thing it's going to drop me with one solar beam right or a giga drain or an energy ball so i decided to go for the dynamic soul rock yeah i believe i could leave venusaur's attack and then hit it with the weather ball right now even though when you're in dynamics right and said max strike it's still gonna be a fire type move right once again i was talking about this the other day it should say max strike and have like as a fire type move right so as i thought they're gonna go for the energy ball if i didn't dynamax then the sun definitely would have set and uh the venusaur is going to go down to the weather ball there or the max layer so that was absolutely incredible they dare give him a d uh by the soul rock right next pokemon is dragonish i've never seen this used in a pokemon battle in my life it's gonna go for fisheries when wow wow i always see water gun dragon like that's so rare so sauron is gonna fake that but man it gave me such a great you know lead to the battle i know i did dynamaxx but i was happy with the pokemon that i took out there now we're going to go into groudon now groudon can't do a lot to this thing all i can do is go for earth power i do have speed so i'd say they're running choice bed and i do around half elf right now since it went second and the sun's up and growling's a pretty big unit in defense it doesn't quite do as much damage i'd say they would have hoped it so now they're gonna go for the dynomax to live my earth power and try to take me out with their watertight move now the only thing about this right is they are definitely going to be able to get an attack off they will get rid of the sun too so i need to try and set the sun up at some stage um if i don't have my groudon around normally i did that with like soul rock or groudon and hilu is right so earthbow's going to do only a tiny bit of damage there and here comes the max guys i was wondering if it would actually be able to live this i was like i reckon i'll be able to leave this one and i did on 23 health which is really really good there now dragofish did take a bit of damage from my earth power before and i believe the next one should almost be enough to take it out so i'll go first round and dragoos is going to go down so that was very very good right there i guess the difference i really guess the difference between my dynamics and their dynamics even though even both of them were very short-lived i did a lot more with my dynamics than they did right so i'll come to tokyo i'm going to go for a fire blast in the rain only i'll pin my shadow and uh tokus is going for the air slash i didn't really want to swap into any other pokemon like you don't know what it's going to be like it could be like a some scum he said or just do like a really good amount on damage one of my incoming pokeballs so i thought let's go into the healer with here i was a little bit worried about one pokemon coming in here so i decided to go for thunder punch in case and it didn't take the tokens out but did very very good damage and i got a paralyzed i was really happy about that now whether this has aurosphere or not it's going to be another thing and it didn't they're going to go for the dazzling gleam and i'm going to be able to lift that one which is really good so go for a second thunder punch and the tocus is going to go down now i thought there might be one pokemon that would come into that which tells me that it didn't quite have the ability that uh i thought it could have right now the rain is going to uh dry up there and the next pokemon to come in this morning now i thought this would come in with the lightning rod i was like maybe they still have it they're just trolling me but they don't so thunder punch is a 3k and i get another paralyzed man that's pretty nice there i have to agree uh with that right so here we got a bone rush set and ball rush is going to land and mike lewis is going to go down but he lewis did once again a very good job there i've taken uh you know four pokemon out and uh you know damage to marijuana next pokemon to come in is by fire and dark tide small trees it can go for its fiery wrath which is it's a fire type mover right and uh mario is most definitely going to be going down to that one right so i've got one more poke left and they've got no dynamics which is uh you know pretty good for me rock so flame orb is going to kick in there and the last pokemon they got is darm manasseh so when you look at their team they're actually running a pretty dang good team when you think about it right so they've got unless they don't have a special dumb mountain for sure uh they're gonna take me out with just the guerrilla tactics the snorefest icicle crash so bye bye moltres but that's okay i've still got two pokemon remaining right sorry i'm thinking let's go to fire still i've i'm going to keep my uh diameter in the back i want to see if this is actually guerrilla tactics or zen mode right so i thought well i can go for it in julia if they are running a zen mode uh you know sorry a uh guerrilla tactics choice band set this will actually put them down on one health then i can get i probably should nearly be able to take them out with the rocky helmet and the recall right so they're going to take some rocky helmet damage they're going to take them by recall there which is nice and they've got the uh leftovers out of man everyone's got leftover stains it's a it's a leftovers kind of day right so go for flair blitz there i'm gonna out speed them and that is the diamanta down and that is the second battle i was thinking about going for the endure and the endeavor but i didn't think it'd be worth there like not worth the wrist right where i can just attack and i believe that dumb anton was zen mode too so thank you for the battle rom uh if you ever watch this video and i'm gonna go on to the third and final battle here and this one was against reggie so when i seen the thing i was like man are they going to stack up the reggie's team or what right so we're on the uh we're in the fairy type field this time now the first pokemon to come out is heat rams right okay it's uh another fire type now this that flash fight is going to be nasty right because i have to take this out then i'm thinking wait i can go for low kick physical healers this is going to be content right i didn't think it would take out one hit but it actually does very very good damage but when you think about it right so taking some uh damage there from the light bulb and heat rain was always gonna go for a stealth right usually when you see them as a starting lead it's gonna be bulky defensive and it's gonna go for stealth unless they've got some sort of anti-like uh under a choice scarf meme set right or choice specs so i'm going to go for another low kick there unfortunately doesn't take it out and heat brand doesn't obviously have any investment in its smash attack and that was the reason he lewis was able to live there the thing about this is i am going to go down to the live warp anyway so bye bye heat wren but you know hilo has took heat around so i'm gonna take that as a win there and also i won't have a pokemon that can just freely swap in with flash fire because that'll be really really bad it's time for solrock people saw what was the absolute unit in the last battle let's see what it can do in this game now iphone had actually quite an interesting team they had a uh a team that was sort of based around weather kind of like mine now we've got the alola ninetales here right they're gonna have that hail up i'm like okay they're definitely gonna go for the veil straight off the bat right that's obvious now they've managed to get the veil off because siderock is slower so i thought let's go for sunny day here let's get the sun up and then i can go for meteor beam i don't think ninth house is gonna be out of one shot by sauron sure it's gonna be able to hit me fairly hard but i do believe it won't take me out and i don't believe meteor beam will do a fair chunk of damage however they're gonna be swapping out here and clefable is gonna be coming in this thing was really really special defensive and just bulky or rare run so go for my medial beaming giving myself a plus one especially that's if this uh favorite was magikarp or unaware i started to feel like after my first uh meteor beam that it was definitely unaware so this would be a big big problem right especially when you're running like uh you know when you're running a meme set and there's a ridiculously bulky pokemon and you're sort of struggling for a bit of damage right so that did nothing it's like wow this is gonna be super super hard to get out now what they're gonna do they use the fable as a sponge for the soul rocks attack they're gonna swap back in their alola nintendos obviously now they know that i can't go for a meteor beam again i've got to wait two turns and they're gonna get the uh hail up again there right so i was thinking let's go for a weather ball here with a higher i might as well get some sort of damage on the night tires and see what other moves it's got i was assuming just blizzard and moon blast and veil right so i'm gonna get hit by the hail at this stage i think maybe i should go for sunny day again so they swapped out their nine tails and they're gonna go into activist so obviously they've got a slush rush set here now i was gonna ruin their plans with the sunny day so i'm gonna set the sunny dark again i was thinking to myself if i can actually get rid of these nine tails if i can get rid of the night tiles or the fable that is the fable was actually like as i was doing the battle i was actually figuring out that fabe was really the backbone to the team they're swapping and taking in all the big hits so if i could somehow get rid of that um i really feel like i could uh you know get around this nine times right so going for the solar beam their vicious renders gonna go second and that is not gonna do as much damage as they obviously hope for and soro is actually able to live that and get two solar beams off against the octopus now this is a three-hit ko against the archivist i thought okay well it doesn't matter if i don't take it out because i can just swap in another pokemon and take it out on a low man health however sauron gets a lucky critical hit there and that is going to take it out but it didn't really change the course of the battle too much arctivis wasn't going to be out speeding anything plus they were actually able to swap in their nine tails again and set the hail up so in a way that actually kind of worked out better for them right uh so the critical hit didn't really matter much at all so now nighttimes have got the hail up again they're finally gonna start attacking my sorrow because you know obviously it's an enough range for them to take out and so rock goes down but once again sorak did a wonderful job in this battle so let's go into fire right which is my darmanitan so it's like okay i might be able to get some uh fire blast damage right so once again nine tiles is gonna be swapping out they're basically just conserving it now a very very interesting play here was the swap in the frost i was like man that was that was interesting play so i went for the sub dude here i've got the sub up and i can go for the fire blast here right and i've got free sub and the vale's gone so they went for willow whis i was like that's a very very strange play why they go for willow whiz now i was either going to chalk it down to two things they misclicked or they did it on purpose right so fire blast does pretty good damage to them and they went for the decimals okay they definitely went for willow wisp just to sort of bait me into going for an attacking move and taking them out but once again i could have easily been running a physical set there which would obviously drop them in one shot but maybe they had a sash anyway right so it didn't matter too much so process is going to be going down there and of course my diamanton is going to be going down as well so substitute doesn't protect you from the destiny bond so i think it's going pretty good at the moment and we're going to have the nine tails coming out again it's like okay nine times gonna be freely spamming blizzard i think that it's time to set up the sun with my grout on here right now groudon is going to be pretty good against nigel's night is not going to be like versing a groudon so i thought i know what they're going to go into the only pokemon that can truly go into here is going to be the fable and this clefable is very very bulky like this is a special grounder so it's not anything like super duper duper hard right like a normal you know sweaty physical one would so go for the outrage not the outrage the eruption and it does very good damage i was actually pretty proud of that but just looking at the damage that it did the cliff was like nah the next one won't take it out and they're probably just going to go for soft world or something like that so i just want to see what the rest of this said was go for the eruption and they hang on by a slither of health and get the wish off now right here i was thinking okay what they're going to do is they're going to go for protect and they're going to get all the health back with wish and they're going to try and stall my son out i'm not going to let them do that i'm going to go for the dynamics right here and get through their possible protect look if i'm wrong about protect i've wasted probably one turn of dynamics but if i'm not wrong about the protect i've actually stopped them from healing up their fable right here so going for the dynamaxx crowder it's not often that i would do this right so enjoy and relish this moment and i went for the max flare and they actually got to go from attack exactly like i thought here on one elf practically one help there and so i'm going to go for the max fly there even they use protect there are a lot of man health and capable is going to go down this that was an excellent prediction there and they can no longer use capable to swap into any of one of my attacks there and of course they baby bottled there at the end because i got outplayed and now predicted thank you for watching people i'll catch you tomorrow peace out [Music] you
Views: 48,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pseudo fire type pokemon, Pokemon that should be fire type, Fire Type Pokemon, fire type pokemon go, fire type pokemon sword and shield, fire type pokemon sword, Best Fire Type Pokemon, Top 10 fire type pokemon, pokemon fire type only, pokemon fire type team, pokemon fire type evolution, pokemon fire type top 10, pseudo legendary team, pseudo legendary, pseudo legendary pokemon, pseudo legendary pokemon sword and shield, pseudo legendary pokemon team, PIMPNITE
Id: msSW3G9lLuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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