Christocentric Meal (May, 3rd) | What Is Prayer?

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody good morning and welcome to the Christocentric meal a daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus emailed Amina is my name Hey look invite friends and loved ones as we continue teaching you the word of His grace we're gonna have a wonderful time of teaching today and this is a subject you will be very interested and will love your friends to be part of learning and has to do with you and God in communicate very important and I'm co-hosting the broadcast with me this morning my wife dr. Richard I mean honey good morning good morning everybody welcome to the broker amen let's pray father thank you for our eyes this and our ears they hear we pray for viewers around the world today that the truths that will come from your warden resonate with their reality we decree that veils follow that they are strengthened with might by your spirit in the inner man Christ dwells in the heart of all she was around the world by faith you are rooted and grounded in the love of God we pray that your eyes be flooded with light that you have found complete in Christ and that you stand in all of the will of God we pray today that the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light that you may know what is the hope of your calling that you may know what are the riches of his inheritance in you and that you may know the exceeding greatness of his power towards you who believe according to the working of his mighty power which is wrought in Christ when you raised him from the dead we speak grace upon you today in Jesus name Amen praise God alright today we're looking at what is prayer it's gonna be a series and this is one series you don't want to miss what is prayer hundred Falls mark 11:24 therefore I say unto you what is every design when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them so if I were you this is how I read it you shall have them when you believe you received them when you prayed you shall have them when you believe you receive when you played because what is similar when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall on them so you shall have them when you believe you receive them when so when you pray you believe you receive some question when did you receive you received when you pray it's not like you prayed and after some days the praying is the receive the recipient is in the prayer was the prayer begins prayer is received the moment you start praying you're receiving because God doesn't hold back God has given it's not when you pray that God gives it's not when you pray that God answers you when you praise when you receive or you take of what God has already provided so your prayer don'tmove God God does not react to your prayer God through acted before you pray it is like a man of God sees fit moves God and I said faith does not move God God moved faith key it is the movement of God in Christ that brought faith so faith don't move God rather you can see if it moves me it moves me from where I am lucky to where I am receiving what is mine in Christ Jesus so faith awesome of God faith moves me okay it moves me to take delivery of what God provided when Christ moved of what God provided when Christ moved this is so important because you know in the church world we've been taught that it is when we pray that God will do something and that's where you have unanswered prayer that there are prayers and God does not answer and there are prayers our God has us know in Christ all prayers have been answered all the promises of God in him I yes and amen all of the on everything God ever promised is already done in Christ he's already don't fulfilled complete in Christ Jesus so now Preah is making requests or making your desires known to the Father it also means to make a strong appeal or a fixed request of what you desire to make it fixed request that is you know that it is there so you take it you are not taking it off an answer because if I know this cop is mine and everything in it is mine not in stopping me from taking it when I invested face with a cop so prayer is making a fixed request that this is mine and taking delivery of it as yours in Christ Jesus prayer is reasoning with God reasoning with God on the platform of his world that is you come to where God is in his word and reason with him you receive him on the grounds of his world prayer is the medium of exercising your authority on the end exercising your already of authority in Christ but you exercise that authority when you pray prayer is exercising authority on the edge way on our train you're not exercising your authority on the earth prayer is divine fellowship with God on the grounds of the finished work of Christ you fellowship with God you intercourse with God on the grounds of what Christ has already provided the finished work of Christ Christ has provided Redemption he has provided forgiveness yes provided healing has provided all of that so prayer is fellowshiping with God on the basis of what has been provided that is saying to God it's been done and I have it now the surprise prayer is bringing the answers before God prayer is bringing the answers before God with thunking you realize that every prayer teaching in the New Testament is retasking why do you give talks okay honey watch this before I give you this pen you don't thank me it is after I'm giving you the pen from that you thank you priya is taking a hold of what is yours with thanksgiving it is not after you pray that God answer pray is actually taking the else's that's why people don't already given yes taking the answer that I already provide you know because you can't take what is not that you can't pray for what is Monday know so when you're praying in line with Scripture that pertain to life and godliness receiving it and because you will received it in a tray preyus receive it don't forget we said that in the beginning prayer is receiving what has been proven if you really know that you're a feeling you'll be thankful yes if you make your tongue yes because you know the New Testament is receiving receiving the other day we said have you received a man receive not exactly be giving to him from above what instrument is that when you pray believe you receive the natural man cannot receive you see that it's all about receiving receiving receive it so when you are praying what you're doing is you are receiving that's why it must come with Thanksgiving so prayer is bringing the answers before God with Thanksgiving and taking full delivery of their manifestation pray up is fellowshiping with God our round God's character around God's character what is not in God's character you can re see you can receive from God what is not in Korres character you can receive from God so if you are praying for people to die it is not English character so that is a useless prayer because killing people is not in God's character okay if you're so fat in the will of people mother a father a command that man to be insane and give me what he sees that's not Ingalls Caritas witchcraft okay so prayer must be around God's character and you cannot pray around goes character until you know goes Cara so actually true Bible train begins with knowledge the knowledge of what has been provided and the knowledge of God's character and the knowledge of how God functions when you have that knowledge that is what forms your play you can train it more when you print ignorance you may have hit on wrong here again you know accidental discharges but the problem with that is you will not know how to pray the prayer next time that's why you must have knowledge to be able to pray in knowledge is very important this implies that prayer cannot be by thinking words have to be spawned it is an activity carried out in reverence by man on every force Philippians 4:6 be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God by prayer and supplication let your requests that is your desire be made known unto God the words prayer and supplication refer to the same thing it is to make petition or come before a higher authority with your request this was use n in Chapter 1 of Philippians Philippians 1 for each force always in every prayer of mine for you all making requests with joy why is the request with joy because your question for you already knew is there so that's why it is with joy alright Romans 10:1 brethren and prayer to God for Israel the reason why is an action for their salvation is because salvation has been provided is in language God's character so pray involves verbalizing our desires to speak forth our requests unto God that's what Jesus will teach a see when you pray say when you pray say say it's important say when you pray Matthew 21:22 all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing ye shall receive believing is receiving believing is receiving what you believe in prayer is water easy so believing is receiving us as in believing you shall receive James 1:5 honey if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him God does not operate he does not find fault God does not see neither plane I wish all you have metal the condition are you sure you are standing right who is that woman with you your wife who is that child to easy the good child God does all those things he operates naughty operated not and that is why it shall be given because God does not find fault you know some people say whenever you pray sometimes when you pray God says yes other times God sees no some other times God sees witness not true that's not my God my God says yes every prayer in Christ Jesus that's what Jesus who say father I thank you that you hear me always and the book of Josas and if we know that he has goes then we know that the petitions we desire of him we have them so God expects that we make a request and he wants us to action he wants us to action action is equivalent to receive when you ask and that's a mantra Maxim actions actually answer you are taking delivery of what Christ has already available and today you don't have to go one more day without taking delivery of what is yours stop giving excuses and reasons why you cannot have it when the scripture already said Christ provided it for you stop excusing you know there's some people you say well you know we are grease preachers and teachers and then they say you don't need to pray that's not true if there are real Kris preachers and true grease preachers they will know that prayer is the ongoing work of Christ believers must pray very hard and pray after now and pray without ceasing say if anybody tells you to forget prayer forget the person because there is no other way to fellowship and commune with God there's no other way to exercise your authority there's no other way to take delivery of what is yours in Christ I'll say your prayer in fact prayer make a power available that the believer choirs to live victoriously so we pray with our season we pray all the time praise God alright honey go ahead look at that today you're going to pray for something specific yes you know put it to test look through the Word of God think through it salvation the party has been given and see if there's anything more important more expensive that God giving up himself way and then ask that T so because you're definitely going to find that nothing is more precious than God's life himself then you are going to pay for something today and that is your desire make a request to God right and tell us the testimony right you must remember this he does spared not his own son but gave him up for us all how shall he not also with him your braided not he freely gives he gives he doesn't make excuses on to you that a solid player yes he's a prayer answering God I was teaching this song I think on one TV channel somewhere I said even the prayer of demons God answered the prayer of demos Jesus is God and somebody thought you may matter you remember those unclean spirits not causes all right and then Jesus cast out the demons in our Jesus we know you grant requests we know you react selection please permit us to enter the Kings because if you throw us out we'll be homeless we wonder if it rolls out we will have no accommodation and no transportation you know no transportation no accommodation so they say please don't need to enter the peaks and Jesus granted their request they entered the peaks has it Peaks movement they drove them into the water because they must have entered violent maybe Miller demons in one peak and the pit today of the capacity to carry you know but the point is he granted their request that shows you how much God is eager to uh separate how much God is eager to grant your request Markus is if you don't even know compared to God know how to give good gifts to your children how much more which is in heaven how much more your father friends today I'd like you to pray with confidence it doesn't have to be 10 hours 5 minutes you want a minute up try it yes in knowledge negative is not a duration is you knowing that it is yours I'm coming before God body to take delivery of it pray for something specifically don't you ask today that's right and we are specifically asking for you today in the name of Jesus that this revelation will grow until nothing else Maria became a grounded you be rooted in this knowledge you'll be so as unleashed in this knowledge that no strategy of the enemy is capable of taking you away from districts that you are established you are rooted and you are kept by the power of God and we join fate with you today whatever you desire and whatever your accent specifically we agree with you right now receive it receive it take delivery of it now receive it in the name of Jesus father we thank you for testimonies of the goodness of God made manifest in the lives of your people we give you praise in Jesus precious name you know prayer is a medium of receiving and experiencing the goodness of God is a medium of receiving and experiencing the goodness of God every good and perfect gift comes from above from the Father of lights with whom there is no variableness no a shadow of Tony praise God make sure your order for copy of this devotional order resources on this Minister we have a book a whole book on prayer and we have the teaching series on prayer is the whole teaching series about 13 hours hundred percent answers to prayer guaranteed and I think the first thing we dealt with there is the meat of unanswered prayer without in the myth of unanswered prayer is a series you can do now so I want to encourage you when the announcer gives the details ask for that hundred percent answers to pray a guaranteed that teaching series then order for a book on prayer and father for the Christocentric meal and all other resources on this ministry that are written and designed to establish in the knowledge of Christ Jesus and who you are in him will be expecting to hear from you today and the announcer will tell you how to go about all of these but just before we go honey one word for viewers around the world don't forget what we shared with you today but you can only talk to God concerning your needs because they're already provided already providing I mean there's nothing more short in not knowing that you know your mother's good food in the kitchen and then food is more than enough buy your home and you worked mommy can I have some food you know automatically as you say yes you can have 4 portions because it's more than enough just eat as much as you can God has already provided waiting for us in Christ all initiatives just woke up there the process of making that delivery is called pray Amen well of you guys share with people what God is doing on this platform looking forward to connect with you again tomorrow I don't tell them this is ritual and cable demeanor say than the kingdom of God [Music] therefore it suffices to say that an overriding thought evidence in Jesus ministry was that he never regarded or related with people on the basis of the position or material world nor the lack of it he never illiterate people based on how much do you have or you're poor or you're not poor he went to everybody and treated everybody alike they are going to jail ourselves with Jesus so he can go and pray for Jairus his child on the way a woman with the issue of blood who had no legal grounds to mingle with people in society the person designed haha signed her punishment in this English like that the person that banished her from society was gyros now Jesus is going to join us house this woman didn't care whether it was gyros or not she had had too much of Jesus that faith has come alive in Sarah by who says she pushed through the crowd and she made up her mind if gyros wants to kill me let me let me cuckoo died today at least if sickness doesn't kill me let gyros kill me boy and if two of them don't kill me let Jesus heal me she made up her mind she was at a point where she must get it as she pressed into the crowd she thought Jesus and when she discovered occiput quietly she went away so that Jairus who not lute Issa but Jesus stopped and said somebody touch me Jesus announcer because Jesus has authority over jairos somebody touch me for I perceive virtue the power that I was carrying to go to Gerald's house somebody else collected it and unfortunately it is the person that jarrah say you should not mingle with people she came and mingle and collected the portion that is raised house I love Jesus I love Jesus somebody told me the woman came out and said I am the one and he looked at ah well Charles was losing one corner I to prepare to tell Rita Jesus called a daughter daata from today me annual one your faith has made you whole then it onto Janice and say don't be afraid there is more where it came from it hasn't finished all we get your house there'll be enough for your child don't be jealous he blessed this woman because you see Jesus treated everybody equally nobody was more important that is the character of God God doesn't religion people based on the kind of car you drive you get car which car you driving we're talking about God we are talking about God had ever been in the sky before flying in an aircraft and you look through the window and you see the formation of the clouds in the sky it's God I put them there then your driving car see clouds see firmaments look at the beauty of the atmosphere God just put it there and that is not a true reflection of his world that's not a true reflection of his world that's just to make you feel comfortable God is good and you will enjoy his goodness you're a man is looking for prayer you will enjoy his goodness he never related with people based on their material possession of buildings on their wealth look at it while we're reading we now said he never spoke against being rich now that he also praised being poor he was he didn't rebuke people that were poor and it is not celebrate people they were rich because both of them before him were you call ratnawati spoke against was greed covetousness trust in enriches three things breathe covetousness and trust in riches those very things Jesus took time to deal with it can be observed from all the narratives in a bowl how that the issue was not the possession of wealth in the case of the rich but placing their trust in it which is vain so it is vital to realize also that Jesus never attributed be rich to give him in the synoptic Gospels four major rich men were discussed and none of them was credited for being a so it is not because you're rich that you give because there many rich men that are stingy didn't hear me there are many rich men that are stingy if they give you any money it is like pulling out a pint of blood from their body they are so angry that they give you that they cannot even pretend the anger is visibly seen on their face so that way you even collect the money you are feeling bad for collecting it you wish you had a little to add and give them back there are rich people like that there are evil father's like that who treat their families like that your wife asks for money for food uuuugh Spock the one I give three weeks ago what have you done with it bring account you a part of those that eat it you're so angry let's buy clothes for your children you have to be as if they are same empty your bank account clothes for your children your attitude is wrong your attitude towards money is wrong you have become a slave of money when money should be your slave you have submitted yourself to money and when money controls you you're the saddest man on it you didn't hear that any man that money controls is the saddest unhappiest the most depressed man on the planet because when money controls you you can never be a happy person one is a good servant but a bad master money is a good servant but a bad master there were four of them the young rich ruler the Richmond in Lazaro story the rich fool the rich that gave in the temple and none of them was commended for having money none of them was commended for their giving none of them when we read you will find out none of them was commended why they were not commended now this does in none of Jesus teaching us here to be rich to give him he spoke of those who were poor yet we're generous in giving and also those who were rich yet were stingy and somewhat trusted in their riches see that mark 12:41 two forty two forty four and Jesus sat over against the Treasury and beheld are the people cast money into the Treasury and many that were rich cast in much how much did the rich put in much much they gave him millions maybe by watch this and there came a certain poor Widow and she threw in two mites which make a farthing and he called unto him his disciples and said unto them verily I say unto you that this poor Widow has cast more in than all they which have cast into the Treasury for all the disgust in of their abundance they gave out of much but she of her wand did cast in all that she had even all her living so before Jesus pay attention before Jesus what you give is not what matters it is what is left before Jesus it is not the amount of money you gave because this is Jesus teaching here these people had plenty they get plenty and they still have plenty left but this woman had two mites and she gave all the two mites and Jesus said this woman give more than all because they give much and still had much left she gave all Halloween that means before God true give him is not in the amount true giving is in the sacrifice involved that is true giving somebody comes out I'm giving 1 million naira somebody comes out I'm giving ten thousand era the bank giving ten thousand I was only fifteen thousand and she's going home he has only five thousand left the man who came with 1 million has 20 million left the man with 15,000 before God give more animal with 1 million that's God's Way of oppression it's not how much you came it is how much is left that's giving you no summary support the Bible says God loveth a cheerful Giver this woman was not cheerful but she was cheerful you didn't hear me this woman was not cheerful but she was cheerful she was not cheerful in the sense that the kind of giving she gave is not the type you give and go home smiling ok but her cheerfulness is that she is happy to do it for the kingdom she never calculated what about food what about school fees what about house rent what about no no no no no the kingdom of God was too big in her heart the kingdom of God was large in her heart that given to the kingdom was uppermost the Bible tells us she put in everything [Music] hello I hope you have been blessed by the wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually we need to hear study and meditate on the work you need not only here but to also read and see and that is why you need the Christocentric meal this is a book that reveals to you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can leave through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily news making it easier for you to understand and study build up and strengthen your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and her confidence as a believer so order this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. Abel Jimena call the number or email the address on the screen starting the new year with this book is your first step to guaranteeing an enriched life a new year [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 12,500
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Id: i_hYb3q-jRM
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Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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