+30 ADR Guaranteed with These CS2 Tricks!

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hello everyone welcome to the channel there's another video full of tips and tricks this one's loaded with a bunch of cool stuff and we're taking a look at Mirage everyone's favorite and then we're going to take a look at nuk because I had some crazy ideas there that I want to share with you and don't want to waste any of your time so let's get into it all right so first time I'm going to start with is the silent trops around window area there's a lot of them and they are very popular and everyone wants to know them and you know probably this one jumping down and it's very like you have to time the jump and then you have to do the certain key presses but I found this very easy way where you don't need to time anything all you're going to do is get yourself into the corner and aim at this part of the wall so you can have anything in your hand doesn't matter if you have knife AK look whatever if you aim here and you hold W and the D while shifting you're going to go silently down no matter what so you don't have to jump or time the jump so this is with AK and with before it works the same let's try with the glog as well so you're going to go down silently no matter what very easy probably the easiest silent drop you can do in window and uh anyone can do this really there's a bunch of other silent drops in window area so first off from this ledge sometimes you're going to get boosted here and you're you know trying to activate the lur obviously everyone knows this you can go silently into the window but if you're not going to crouch you're going to not going to make it you're not fast enough right so you want to crouch into the window and then you can sneak into powerful flank position however there's some other ways to silently drop off this ledge if you decide not to commit to the lur again you can have uh knife in hand a in hand whatever it is but aiming here and just holding forward while shifting is going to make you slide down from the wall it's going to take a weird movement here but you're not going to make any step you're going to aim here just go forward and you're silently down this way it's suppos possible as well just aim at the shadow there right right there in the connector just aim at it and just shift forward it's going to make you go down silently let's try again let's try maybe with a knife it's consistent it's very easy and uh you can you know disengage from this position silently there's one more I want to show you around the window area but I I'm not really good at it I don't know if it's consistent I don't know you can try it yourself maybe I'm doing something wrong but basically you can go down side L from the window and I'm doing it this way maybe I will fail it we'll test it out so I'm crouching yeah I failed it so I'm going into the window frame and I'm crouching and I'm aiming somewhere here as soon as I start falling I keep Crouch uh and I start holding a and S so it looks something like this now I went down silently it's not consistent I'm going to be honest with you I cannot do it 100% but it's doable you you see I failed it right there maybe let's try one more time oh I just dropped here that's my bad let's try one more time yeah this worked and then you can go down and flank connector whatever you like it's very situational not consistent it's very awkward to you know be in the open and line up here but uh I still wanted to include in the video maybe maybe you will find a use for it and uh let me know how it goes we're staying on Mirage and this is actually the way way I just learned from riop uh shout out to him that you can go down silently from B apps like that so I'm going to show you one more time uh you go here at the bench and you're going to aim here and you're going to start holding W and d and as soon as you start falling you're going to tap A and S and hold it um it's going to make it go down silently so it looks like this and this enables again some powerful lurt position on T side whenever you want to drop down to B and CTS might be you know somewhere here they will hear this step but they're not going to hear this one there it is while we're here at the Mirage BS side Let's uh let's show off one more position so recently Val upgraded this bumper and you can stand on it pretty uh pretty op angle that creates is right here obviously um it's not as safe as jump spotting but if you actually want to do terrorist coming from B apps then you can Crouch like this and Peak on timings however be careful as soon as terrorists come up here these steps they're going to see you you're not going to spot them so uh you can use op here or even like uh deagle whatever rifle you want but uh be be mindful of this position now um as well as this bumper now is easier to perform H jump so what what you want to do is like I'm aiming roughly around here when I when I when I cross this area I'm going to jump and bounce off of bumper into the B apps it's very easy right now it's much easier when CS2 came out it was rather hard but now with this bumper It's really really easy so I can I can manage to do it pretty much 10 out of 10 times another another thing is in aaps and this is something that really grinds my gears because a lot of pro players they don't even know this and I I I'm watching a lot of demos of a players okay and sometimes they this up so there's this perfect mly for under balcony from maps and you can throw it anytime let me show it to you basically you don't want to come here and line up like this because you are lining up you know now there's a timing where City just Peaks you and kill you it's a low chance but there is a chance however what I like to do is this it's super safe so I'm hugging the pillar behind me while still still pre- aiming an apps and now I'm using this wall to basically cut an a into exact half and right now I'm just holding and when my team is ready to execute I'm going to pull up moly and then I'm going to throw it like this yes there's a still timing that they're going to Peak me exactly at the time where I'm throwing it but it's much more safer and this is true beauty of this you can actually manage to Molly if you're smoked so you're going to line up the same way but you don't see the a anymore however you want to line up this wall you know so it's parallel to your view and now you see this krack in wall just left of it your aim little bit down oh my God I jump through it don't jump through it just throw it normally and it's going to go down I miss kick the jump throw right there buddies so again let's go with a smoke you're going to line it up it cuts an a as you saw crack a little bit left of it go a little bit down and it's impossible to fail this and your teammates are going to be coming out ra and this is going to burn no matter what even if they smoke you on a bad timing so this is really important Nate to know if you're an a player basically it looks like this without smoke the lineup okay so this becomes suddenly half of an A and then crack a little bit to the left and go down randomly like not too much even if you go here I think you're going to still land it but something like this run a little and when you hit the smoke you're going to release it all right so a lot of pro players they don't even know this uh maybe you're one of them that you will benefit from this W bank but whenever you're CT and terrorists are planting default this is actually how you can wall bang them this is W bangable this part of the box is w bangable and you can get easy damage or even a kill on a bone planter so this way this way you can deal deal a couple of damage hits as well as possible from here and it's not much but sometimes you know terrorist is planting with 50 HP and all it takes is like five to six bullets for you to kill him if you know about this obviously you can you can learn this lineup maybe even through the smoke I don't know it personally right now but I will try to find it now that I talk about it and this is how you get free free damage okay so this was Mirage some Theory ideas that you can start implementing yourself I think they're pretty neat ticks not ticks tips and tricks so um it's very situational and I understand that you're not going to use this in every single Mirage game you're going to play however I feel like this gives you an opportunity to outplay even better opponents if they're playing against you you can surprise them with a couple of these and not a lot of people know it and you can you know at least Flex in front of your teammates so that's a good start let's move on to Nuke by the [Music] way all right let's talk about nuke and here's just couple of tips and tricks especially for a players there's two tips right now that I have on this very position so silently drop onto top of Hut so it's very easy actually but you have to drop on this part of the ledge which is like a little bit elevated compared to the rest of the Hut you want to just come right next to it or on top of it rather and then you're going to crouch and then you're going to go like this and uncrouch midair while touching this wall uh this will make you like Edge bug a little bit and you're going to go down silently so you can reposition better on a side instead of you know just trying to go top of H and make a step and now terrorists around little or where where you are so be careful for that another thing if you're in this position you have to be very careful of is this Shadow right there so there's a shadow in CS2 that you can be spotted and let me show you how it looks for terrorists so whenever you would be up there and holding and trying to you know hold maybe top HUD which is pretty powerful position you're dodging a lot of flashes if terrorists are ever like coming close to the Hut they will see this Shadow and now it's very easy for them to kill you they will just pre-fire I would say maybe they will not whip like I did right now but you know they will come here and they will prefire and uh yeah that's much cleaner and uh yeah it's it's something that you should be aware of that you are being spotted even if you don't know about it so be careful and don't overuse this position if you really want I think it's a little bit safer to play like all the way tucked here maybe Crouch because that shadow is much harder to spot for Te another thing on nuke is the plan right here and how to deal with it so there is uh this is a cobon plant for tside whenever they come be and they want to plant quickly this is the position they're choosing because they can be killed yes from the left side but usually that is smoke that might be smoked as well maybe terrorists already took control of this area uh but basically they're not planting in the open here because they're literally exposed from every single angle on BS side however this position is w bangable and this is pretty known even from CS go days that you can come here and you can W bang like like this you go under the B something like this and you're going to throw a couple of bullets in it you see every bullet that I hit was six damage so you will need like 15 I'd say yeah 15 16 17 bullets that you're going to kill 100 HP planter it's pretty situational again but again he might be 20 HP and you get a free kill on a bom planter went around like that however there's another way cool way to to wallbang this position and that is from inside W basically if you're too late to attempt the retake you can deny the boom plant like this and this one is dealing a lot of damage more damage than previous one so you're lining yourself up in the last part of the wind like last knuckle of the wind I don't know how to explain it and then you see this very big triangle here it's not in the middle but a little bit above that and if you manage to hit a head shot I believe that's like for 30 bu uh 30 damage so you're going to kill him in no time I'll try to hit it just yep that's a that's a head shot right there so 31 damage head sheld and you can kill him in four bullets and it's going to be pretty awesome if you enable retake this way okay this might be a bonus clip without any comment like because I don't know this edgebug let's do it until I hit it that was it that was it it's it's kind of edge buug one bonus clip that I have this was happening in csgo as well but in CS2 it's a little bit easier to pull off this position is extremely powerful for CD side if you gave up yard control and somehow terrorists are able to you know flank heaven or come under Heaven this is position that will give you free information and why because if terrorists decide to go downstairs they will not expect you it's pretty good off angle you get a little bit of Advantage as well and you might get a free kill however if they decide to go up heaven or you know self climb like this and when they're in position where they want to enter the door you will actually spot their Shadow right there and you can call for free information to your aside players be careful they might be coming he Heaven they are actually coming Heaven be ready for this flank so you can see this Shadow even if they're on top of the railing even if they're hugging the wall you will always spot it it's a free information instead you maybe even stop holding this and you just prepare your Crosshair to hold this and they can sneak by on the right side so be careful for that your a teammates should be ready to kill him but it's a free information it was possible in CS go in CS2 it's even easier iier good luck with that use it well
Channel: STYKO
Views: 18,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STYKO, Martin, Styk, csgo, Slovakia, rifler, esports, gaming, player, gamer, professionalplayer, tournaments, officialtournaments, professionalgamer, competitions, streamer, headshot, Counter, Strike, Global, Offensive, APEKS, CS2, Counter-Strike 2, Source2, Source
Id: aqpT3dh1FIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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