THIS is exactly why you're stuck in CS2 - coaching

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oh still yeah right now it's okay oh no I don't know why you planted there by the way this is a [ __ ] spot to plant I'm asking like why did you buy a smoke and caver without buying a pistol immediately cross around the Box Peak cross around the Box Peak and that's how you should have PE this guy like peek maybe even Crouch peek you know okay now I get it bomb has been planted no no bro this was the worst round I ever seen to win it's full shift you are not strafing you're just shifting you know this angle by the way uh no wait you can see the guy from uh yeah that's that's what you're Mirage then let's see what you're doing here you win this game but yes yes and you had 214 I think so you made some mistakes for sure for sure I made some mistes for sure I play but I play I think I played good so where what map what position do you play sorry not map uh on City on City I play I like connector I like connector and the aside okay cool I mean which one do you play more uh con okay because you know you know my issue is uh my issue is when I I'm not 100% when to leave con and help the guy on aite okay how many players do they have to play actually on a side so I can play so there's so the default is one a responsible for a himself one con player who's helping mid and helping a whatever he decides one window who's generally AVP and one short who's helping mid and short and B and one B player so you would be the connector player so you're helping to take mid if you see there is nothing mid you probably go back and play from stairs or under stairs and help the a player you know m see you will see this round then you will laugh okay what the hell is going on here and why are you holding under because they told me gu bro I was waiting for for another smokees to smoke both windows yeah and they the one was watching on there I was trying to cover them you will see you'll see which but your teammate is holding under uh yes I was maybe I was still holding under look look I was still holding under yeah right now it's okay oh no okay it's nice I'm not going to lie but the smoke is like Landing super long I'll show you a different smoke this one is landing for like ages okay nice he looking good maybe r m oh maybe not bomb has beened you press W that's why you missed yes yes adusted enough cross was on his head by the way uh I if if I ad there and stopped I will kill him right easily easy look look yeah I don't know why you planted there by the way this is a [ __ ] spot to plant you should never plant there you should plant default default and uh maybe short yeah for short yeah for short like close to the I will show you in a second where yeah w i press W Yes W you press W you should plant either default or here sometimes like this yeah yeah because it's for ups and for shorts you don't need to call this flash even it's honestly behind the your teammate's back okay and probably running around with a nade like that is not the best idea not good you're not clearing left side by the way uh ah you mean the the be behind me now right yeah left like behind you now yeah you could get knifed here easily okay this is a nice adjustment I like this this game I iied I try to stay calm don't shout just saying what I'm going to do and do it yeah yeah I like it I was just noting yeah this this is okay break this this is good I like this you should go take this you know control go inside con after the after the it's better to go inside yeah yeah because there is the smokes I don't know who fro is but this could help you a lot you know yeah this Molly waste waste of a Molly no need for this and I die here I I think you were like I was you had [ __ ] cross replacement and that that's why you had to move again because first PE you you you were like here and then you see him and then you need to piek again but he's already shooting you so because I've noticed so many times on this position I die all the time because of that maybe but [ __ ] cross Replacements oh that was unlucky kind of okay I go are you can hear the enemy too ah back yeah what the I lost this round look wait let me see what was happening before so what information you had available okay so you guys are contacting B one of your teammates is here under this is good you clear the the side angles quite well this is okay you didn't make any steps so one was kitchen right mhm so you go out you still clear the other angles and you know that the one is Kitchen yep and now you kill kitchen now you're looking towards short this is quite good and I don't understand why you're still walking after killing this guy kitchen this is a mistake because I you know why I I panicked CU then I saw my teammate died and I was two versus one and I panicked I I I don't know you can you will see I'm noting couple things so first of all you should have instantly killed this guy move to S and plan this would shave off like three seconds I think you wasted like and I don't know why you're faking you should not fake so again like it this you wasted like 10 seconds something like this oh you rest yeah I wasted a lot of time because you should have understanding that you killed the guy kitchen so the other two are rotating probably right and do you know what this is pretty obvious right now that you're going somewhere if you're not planting so they will be watching you 100% very very obvious you make it very obvious that you're here look they're not even looking at B like at all counter you see the problem here yeah I I should have planted there instantly planted and just play one V2 on side or go somewhere kitchen or whatever you know let's try though the kill kitchen was pretty good uh wait what's going on here they died everybody died me no no no I'm asking like why did you buy a smoke and cavlar without buying a pistol uh I don't know really yeah you don't want to do that did I buy it or did they it to me how can they throw you Kevlar ah Kevlar no Kev no yeah I bought uh I don't know why yeah don't do that like you have to like weapon is uh priority you know a nice shot you picked up the dle from someone [Music] so you're aware of the possibility of the push let's see if you if you clear right side let's see let's see no I was going to I there I know I know it's Lu I'm not blaming you for this it was a good play there because I was actually thinking why did I go like this I I could e easily killed him if I had my Crosshair on the door but I was like maybe it's better if I jiggle pick no no because what do you mean jiggle pick you you were I I was I was I was preparing you were preparing to peek the deeper angle yes that was okay and that was okay he just timed you okay here I was ah because my cross I had a bind which was changing my C all the time I was trying to fix it understand are CLE yes or no oh here I thought here I thought I got the bomb okay let me see let me see this guy it was five ver this guy you need to grab the bomb pretty quickly I I I thought I got the bomb there this was nice one V2 and oh no you saw him close oh [ __ ] no bro [ __ ] my you're too slow in this clutches okay this is this is fine this this is actually good good job you're going to run all the way to B no I came back but this is good in my opinion that you came back MH you know what they remember you last round were silent and you were walking to the other side so this round maybe they think oh he's silent he's going to the other side but here the play was to run B to be [Music] honest bomb has been planted no no bro this was the worst round I ever seen to win it was so messy right yeah first of all uh after you plant uh you have to smoke like under yourself there's no point of smoking City just smoke like midside you know ah you mean you smoke here I smoke myself or or or I throw the smoke on on a on the a sign yeah that's what you mean okay I was trying to find the smoke there and I couldn't find it take it you want you know that [Music] this m has this is fine and again you don't look stairs at all you can die from stairs here so you're forgetting about yeah I'm just going to make a note don't forget about stairs in clutches oh my God this is not the best flash it's not going to blind people yeah just forget the the bounce flash I thought this I thought this uh flash would actually blind someone yeah yourself the only one who's going going to Blind the reason why it's bad is because it's Landing for such a long time it's basically like you're they know where you throw it from that's the first thing they didn't know that you're there and second of all it's like it's going in the air for such a long time they can easily Turn Around from they think here you peek with ad a w no no W Crouch and shoot I think you just didn't readjust your mouse here to be honest actually let see if you pick up your m i was I wasn't aware if you was yeah you just weren't aware terorist so it's your awareness that's the problem here one trying to jump bomb has terrorists win you keep smoking window using this flash that's okay but there is like a better flash like under con that you can throw and mix it up this is only the flash that you should throw against like maybe force by and [ __ ] so when they're like pushing mid you know this be flash behind boxes but if nobody's flashing below con it's actually for you to flash below con below con you mean where where exactly I will show you I will show you okay I'm just saying like there is a flasher that blinds con this Flash doesn't blind con I don't know how I miss this shot I was so I was so that sh somebody came from sh and kid me yeah I can see that was just committing to this spr too much to be honest yeah I didn't rush because they were rushing me all the time in I mean they weren't really rushing you they were just playing their positions but this is nice okay nice calmness there I like it you know that you weren't like shooting instantly bomb has been planted oh here I don't know I think you're peeking with like bomb has been planted you're like walking you know you didn't P that angle uh I was shifting what yeah shifting yes I didn't know what to do here I mean you didn't need to do much you just need to pick the Angles and again you were shifting out into an angle it's full shift you are not strafing you're just shifting shoot yeah you you're not using any flash here I think yeah no no this one and this doesn't blind the guy it blinds the guy short but you're not going with the flash does that make sense yeah you're going a lot after the flash so you should not throw this flash at all there probably do you know why I was scared maybe they Rush that's why I didn't uh do so many things I yeah but why they flash I don't know yeah so first of all uh for B market I'm I'm recording this so like don't worry that um you will not remember uh there is this line you need to crouch here and you aim at this like wood at this height and then you jump from here and it lands in around oh 4.7 seconds right where this smoke lands in let's see how long it lands 7.9 right so it's 3.3 3.2 seconds that we're saving which is a lot 3 3.2 seconds it's like one two three three second you can get the hold side yeah yeah seconds uh now don't run around uh with the nade even if things are smoked so if this [ __ ] is even smoked don't have your nade out and like run around here you can like clear the angles Okay then if you want to n you hide then you peek out you n then you hide again then you take out your you know that's how it should look like not like running around you know like this that's unprofessional you just exposing yourself to angles now clear left side jungle whenever you're like pecking these angles right on eco especially just make sure you're clear this left side jungle angle and then you should probably clear out window as well okay uh now better cross replacement towards ladder so here as you can see like how this this angle looks uh someone probably will be like I'll place a b here be standing like this right so you got to have the Crosser in the middle of the the angle right so you can kind of position it with I don't know like you can I guess you can find something or you don't have to find you can have just a feeling you know not like here because you had the cross here and then and then you Reed and then you're already dead you know yeah understand that and one V3 on B okay so the way it should work is you're doing this I'm going to fix this bomb now bomb has been planted there's a guy dead then repositioning behind side and playing like this for example right yeah yeah yeah understand it was a this is much better to do it was instead of just like just his faster reactions what's going on now don't buy Kevlar and util without the pistol if you don't have pistol don't just buy Kevlar and util like buy prioritize a weapon and then buy like util and Kevlar around it this one V3 on a right it should be probably like this you're taking the bomb you kill this guy then you're falling back and you're like either repositioning or slowing it down and coming back right and like chilling for a moment but uh it was good and what I mean here by like uh we planted the bomb right you could have just smoked like under yourself and like you know played in the smoke or something oh that's yeah yeah you know played around the smoke it's if I clear the smoke it was a pretty common play like back in the days to play on top of the smoke on default you know yeah it's much better he was okay now I he was on stairs so this I was yeah it's better to yeah okay you could have crossed right yeah play time also maybe he thinks you're on side when he comes right he doesn't know if you're default or this box or City whatever so it gives you like more advantages and just don't forget about the stairs angle when you're clutching right just peek it right you know this angle by the way uh no wait you can see the guy from UNG yeah oh I didn't know that look and I was confused I was watching some games they were killing them from there and I was like ah no I didn't know that and there's I believe a nice fre smoke here think this smoke Shield yeah so if you go into this corner of the and look at this have smoke towards con right since con is smoked well you can hold this this angle right pretty nice hold I didn't know that now don't forget the about start forget the bounce Flash and default ah just forget this look B flash I mean this is how it looks if you're like if I'm against you ah yeah yeah you could see all the smoke and okay and you know exactly where I am yeah and I know exactly when you peek as well because I understand that you're there so these are the the things that you need to stop doing and now the things that you need to start doing you need to start uh taking con control more on Mid right so after you smoked uh and flashing that that flash so after throwing the window smoke you probably should be yeah you should be flashing like this then turning around for the Flash and then peeking because this flash will like actually blind people who are like for example posted like that right yeah yeah oh my God that's a good flash I didn't know that compared to your flash that pops here doesn't blind like people who are like aiming at you right this will not better to throw this this Flash the one I this yours yours yes yes when when someone is already throwing this because you don't need two of these you can blind this and you can blind the guy who's maybe pushing you know normally when you like have Team uh teams you throw two of these flashes so when I play solo it's better to do the second flash you saw me now yes yes yes okay uh yeah so this is a better flash you should start throwing and uh you should just wait for it to pop and then just peek short and then like maybe even jump around here and peek the angles in con you know and take con control question this is a left right flash throw or just left left you're basically like pressing W then you're going a a bit to the side and then like bouncing the the flash of the on the wall there bouncing the flash of the wall you then you're pecking here and of course window is smoked so you can pick these angles and then you can go like inside con that's pretty strong and you don't want to molon anymore out of the meta okay on antio uh you can use this smoke sming this is a running jump for Crouch wait this is this is a bind you have no no no I just crouch on top of the bin I crouch and I aim next to this frag and I running jump thr now while crouching so I press control and the running jump thr bind and I can smoke inside con I saw it in the Don demo by the way Don is throwing this if you know this player I know I know the player yes but uh I think it's it's confused for me I have running JP throw but it doesn't throw the N what do you mean it doesn't throw the N of course it throws the N you open the nade then you yes and then you press the running jump for bind smoke sh my running jump throw doesn't throw theen I don't know why who do you have the running jump from bind from from me or no no I think it's uh from myself because you asked me when we started and I said to you I have so you didn't say me but I tried it and it doesn't work my jump throw works I'll give you the the the commands another like these are the plays you you just need to be doing so I like that you're taking mid you just need to be going more into con and faster you know and another play that I like to do and like to show people is this one uh with this top top M smoke you're just running and in this case you will be actually throwing that flash behind boxes because you're going to be the reason why I throw this in this play is because I want to take out my Molly in the middle of uh mid right and since I'm taking my Molly out I don't want anybody pushing so that's what I care about so I'm going to smoke top mid I'm going to show you the whole play that I recommend then you flash behind the boxes flash and then you take out your Molly you Molly here on the Lea this Molly's window and then you run through the I take okay yeah and another alternative of this is you can jump towards con sming so I'm just showing you the place that you can do throwing flashbang this is burning this doesn't see you right it's a it's really good play to do okay so whenever you're picking an angle and you want to like fully run out like do the big peig right mm you don't have to cut the angles up like this you can just swing across the angles you just put your Crosser and then you do like this and then you can press D and shoot someone you know okay that's uh okay I understand now so you don't have to do this you know sometimes if you want you're feeling confident and you want to run you can still run so yeah that's you run and you press the the opposite key and you stop and shoot a and d and should stop yeah so yeah these are the things these are the things that you can be doing now I mean yeah that's pretty much it ah oh wait I have to question yeah now let's say they don't wait uh let's say we don't have mid control we cannot get mid control is it better to go from underpass and take mid sometime how you cannot get mid control yeah if there's some guys maybe some teams that better than us and they throw flashes they push all the time and I get killed all the time okay understand understand yeah it happens to me as well so if you want to change things you can for example not throw anything no util just sit here maybe jiggle right not jiggle but peek in and out okay maybe hold this and then you can just walk out at like 130 or 120 walk out and then start picking the angles with shift then when you don't see anybody just run out because what they will do they will fight for Mid very heavy they will check mid and then they think like oh nobody me probably a or probably B execute right and then you surprise them because they don't long no longer have smokes and flashes and you just go out mid blade okay okay that's a good tip and of course you can send people in under that's also okay yeah so being in under is fine okay but yeah if people are super Agro versus mid on you like they pick shorts they pick con and they pick window right you can do something like this where you ask your teammates for smokes and you tell them I'll do two smokes and you do window smoke then you immediately do this like con smoke and then you go here right and you do two flashes flash so you fake mid a lot right and then everybody else is going be contact and when you do this you tell them guys go B go B now right and uh their teammates go B and they think that you are fighting mid you know and the short player is scared because his teammates are telling him that they're smoked off his he's like oh [ __ ] they're fighting me you know I need to watch out and he's not going to be watching B UPS because he's scared about shorts so that's why the B players have easier time to go does that Mak to you yeah yeah but when you say contact you mean they stay close to B so they can Rush no no no they don't stay close contact be means they are uh walking shifting up yeah until the point they can meet the enemies and then on the point they meet the enemies they start like picking the angles right and they are shifting until they're close and then when they get like contact so the enemies see them so for example like I jump spot everybody starts running this is means the contact play ah okay does that make sense yes this contact play is not it should not be ex this exact threat that I showed you should not be executed like this that everybody's coming here and jerking off and everything this has to be instant so everybody who's going contact I mean of course your randoms will not do that immediately but they have to exactly do this exactly run like this start shifting exactly here because that's the moment where the short player can hear you be with their knife out like this exactly with the knife and like start picking the Angles and that's the best timing for the contact play so you're like shifting up and and you already and here you probably start running even if you don't see anybody because there is no point of Shifting out B UPS right yeah yeah yeah so this is the exact timing for everything everything I'm showing here in the contact plate that makes sense you're running with your knife until here this is where you start shifting you still have your knife out because they cannot be here and then you start like peeking the angles from here because that's where they can be and then you'll start shifting and then when you're around here you probably someone probably should be throwing flashes and the B smoke okay get and the two smokes you're thr because you want them to think that early round you are um basically fighting mid right and the longer you take for the B push your teammates take the more chance it is that they will figure out that there is nobody on Mid does that make sense yeah yeah yeah you have to do this quick quick but silent yeah yeah yeah it's not the rush yeah uh it's it's a bit Advanced threat and this is more like Advanced kind of mechanics of fakes which for you yet is not that important it's mostly important to not walk out into the angles right in your case uh it's like mechanics and you should focus on yourself but you asked me what's the solution for being uh losing on Mid so I showed you okay okay great great also a execute is pretty good and for a execute uh you would do something like this that you come here you do the smoke top mid right you throw like two flashes like that throwing flashbang flashbang out this is you and me yeah that's you and that's for them to think that you're coming and then everybody's doing a execute together and you're already like jumping around here and okay uh I have I have one more question uh let's say uh they call and say we go a we smoke a and go a yeah I do I still throw the smoke yeah this this you should do uh not window I recommend top m window or top M actually doesn't matter okay okay okay yes yes and the and the better things to smoke it's stairs jungle do you smoke City also or do you you can you can smoke City it's not a problem but uh if you don't have enough smokes or if uh you're deciding what to smoke what is most important jungle and stairs are the most important then city is the least important but you can also smoke it it's okay okay I uh the the smokes uh it has to be exactly like this but but some people smoke it like this and it smoke the smoke Miss and this some people no so why did you say you know some people smoke stairs like this right yes and this is [ __ ] because it's spreading here so it gives him the angle here yeah I don't know if you're smoking like this but this is [ __ ] no no I I thought that was City that's why I said no I was I'm so I SM behind you yes yes how I smoke from here like this uh a bit down a bit a more down there somewhere there sming and this is [ __ ] as well unfortunately really yeah really look this is [ __ ] okay how do you smoke well he said you know I I know the smoke I know the smoke that you show you now I don't know there's another smoke you go like here and slightly out and then jump from and look how the smoke is going to spread so it spreads towards here not like full here and it smokes a bit of jungle as well it's better yes it's less it's less I mean no not not triangle you need to combine this so you do uh the smoke and then jungle smoke from here you can throw both smokes from there you can you can throw every smoke from there I didn't know that uh let's say they get a the most thing I I cannot do it's when they take b i I don't know how to rate it but we can wait if you want no no next no it's very hard to R take B in general so I I understand why you you feel unsure about it so that's totally understandable so I understand that so you play con you said right yeah yeah so if you play con your retake B will basically look like this you're clearing out mid and you're either like clearing out like mid and going from short yeah and you just honestly need to clear angles there's not much to to say here you just need to clear these angles like this look for the enemy and go from this side and then you're joining your teammates you know okay you don't there's nothing there is no smokes to do if I have no no bro no no there's nothing no there just you can learn like this movement so if you're in con I know I know how to jump there and went from window to short sometimes yeah there is no hack here to be honest no hacks you can maybe like if you still have a Molly you can you know Molly car incendiary but that's about it like not much else you can do or moly apps you know but you probably should not even take out your M there there were some smokes or something maybe to what can you smoke here like nothing I don't know if you're going from Kitchen yeah like and for example there is an AP here holding you because this can happen that there is an up here holding you right yep so if that happens uh you can just smoke like that of this window frame right oh yeah he cannot see uh or uh if you're like out here and this is smoked and you want to go out right and you're scared about backside you can smoke like thiso smoke sh okay okay like this will give you some Le yes yes yes actually this smoke I th I think I threw like [ __ ] it should go like deeper yeah it should go like this and give you some angles no probably not thank you there was one way in CS go but yeah I don't even recommend frying the smokes honestly most of the cases because you need the smoke for bomb or bomb yeah yeah I I I I try I train a lot on refra but I don't know maybe on refra also I play Shi Peak Peak Peak shift Peak shift Peak Peak you change your cross so I shift I put my cross you know what I do do do you know what I do I I you change your Crosshair yeah ah you know what I was do I was trying to do you the other time what the [ __ ] you're trying to do me yeah bro I was trying to do exactly what you show me how to pick and I was like how can he do that okay so look I'll explain it cross her on the box Peak immediately cross her on the box Peak cross her on the box Peak and that's how you should have PE this guy like peek maybe even Crouch peek you know PE okay now I get it not like no like peek peek boom kill right it's faster yeah yeah yeah now I get it now I get it cool cool cool that's good man okay I will start from now I will start from now training all right perfect
Channel: pienixcs
Views: 9,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esport, esports, competitive, counter-strike, cs live stream, extreme, masters, counter-strike 2, gaming, cs2 live, intel, cs live, iem dallas 2024, cs2, dallas, cs highlights, lol esports highlights, lol esports best moments, lol esports best plays, lol esports breakdown, lol esports animation, cs2 anubis utility, cs2 anubis flashes, counterstrike 2, thescoreesports, lol esports academy, lol esports worlds, lol esports best outplays, league of legends, lol esports vods
Id: He2HxeZtbk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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