why your AIM sucks (and how to fix it)

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using this in my practice made my pistol rounds extremely consistent but when you realize it it will change the way you see flicking this is huge reason why you can transfer good dead match performance into actual competitive game the Improvement rate of your skill is going to be easily noticeable by you your teammates and most importantly your enemies in this video I will show you how to create the perfect aim routine we will cover most common mistakes and provide solution Solutions but first I want to clarify a huge misconception a lot of people think warm-up is same as aim routine it isn't warmup is meant to be easy short and get you ready for a longer gaming session aim routine is going to be challenging long and improve your shooting skills and techniques which will increase your overall skill a lot of even Pro players don't have aim routine so you can imagine how rare it is amongst intermediate or aspiring young players with this video you should be able to get ahead and accelerate your improvement rate in game neglecting aim routin will hinder your individual improvements it is that simple I know that you might be commenting now but don't only place face it and look how insane he is well that is true but we cannot treat these exceptional talents the same as the rest of us we need to work and not only work hard but also smart consistent a routine will increase your skill ceiling and also increase your floor making you better not only in CS but virtually any other FPS game you pick up this is a warning so we will be using aim trainers some people still might be skeptical but should spend the majority of time in CS however for experienced players spending most of the aim routine in an aim trainer would be more beneficial in the following chapter I'll present 11 common aiming mistakes and provide solutions to each one this will enable you to build a perfect aim routine for yourself one of the most obvious mistake that I see people do is simply missing the flick the Miss isn't obvious there are slight in accuracies that are usually resulting in something we call over flick basically you overshoot the target you flick just a little bit too far and you're Force to stop and come back a little bit this makes you slow and shaky and cost you life more than any other aim error I see generally the great way to combat this is to under flick on purpose so you stop before you reach the Target and then correct your Landing in slower motion this is faster more accurate and will make a good foundation for you to later focus on lending your shots exactly where you want to elim both under flicking and over flicking errors great task that helped me with this personally was we adjust sh valerant Pokeball pistol accuracy is heavily tied to your ability to time your shots to moving Targets in aiming communities this is called a dynamic clicking you could be IR shooting before your Crosshair L on the Target and you could be too shaky on the follow-up shots using Dynamic clicking scenarios will work on both of these score mechanisms of aim using this in my practice made my pistol rounds extremely consistent tasks that I will recommend is vth strafe multic Click entry and VT syic click valerant this one is tied to flicking a lot of people expect that great accuracy is one stylish flick right on the head but the truth of the matter is such flicks are inconsistent great aimers have the ability to consistently flick very close to the Target but they follow up that with fast and precise micro correction to finalize the head Shield to novice often it looks like one clean flick but when you realize it it will change the way you see flicking task that I played a lot was CG adjust click micro while new players might often be too slow with their aim when you start improving it is easy to get overconfident and start flicking too fast at the expense of the accuracy a balance is needed where you flick speed is fast fast but not too fast to be uncontrollable VT speed switch 180 warm-up Med is part of my routine for a long time to focus purely on speed and accuracy we do not need to actively track moving targets inside of Cs however we do need to be able to readjust our aim while being present with more complex motions such as aad spam developing a smoo aim and good readjustments efficiency on tracking scenarios can help us with building up more control which also helps us when spraying moving targets BT control stes valerant is The Benchmark that serves as a great way to improve it do you often find yourself firing and hoping your opponent will run into your Crosshair after a flick instead of calmly aiming at their actual position well here you can see me incorrectly reading the timing the CT will come to my Crosshair and shooting movement of players in multiplayer games is often unpredictable so we shouldn't realize on this even in hectic moments we should make sure that we focus on aiming rather than anticipating task I'm using is VT adjust click where I try to visually see where the target blinked to after clicking onto it after seeing the new position of the target you will have a way easier time applying proper reading skills and micro correction try to not react instantly after each blink as it distracts you from good and proper flick by the way I have been coached by a professional aiming coach for past 8 weeks where I learned a lot about how to aim properly the course is extensive and also expensive and I plan on sharing all the knowledge I gained in upcoming videos so if you're still watching this chances are you will love that video too don't miss out on it and that subscribe button and Bell button it's just a few ease of flicks away so thank you now let's get back to the video lazy pre- aiming is actually very common problem players tend to predict the position of enemy with not much thought they don't aim at hedgeh level they skip certain angles and therefore they have to spend a lot of time for correcting their aim onto Target good way to battle this is to be mindful of angles on deathmatch and actually make sure your Crosshair is at headshot level before you Peak a certain part of the map another great way is to play pre-fire maps either within Workshop or on refrag GG to build that memory of most common angles and where exactly your opponents usually stand this is common especially in newer players or players who tend to play games where movement accuracy is not an issue in CS this is the most important mechanic generally you need to stand still to be accurate this is why craing and making your character stop immediately plays a huge role in winning your aim Duss soling this bad habits is actually easy and I would suggest spending extensive amount of time in isolated practice scenarios such as Workshop Maps like aim bolts Focus purely on making sure that you don't shoot while you move so-called adad technique must be applied as that is score mechanic of this game this struggle is especially visible in players who are stressing out a lot so competitive environment of Cs is unforgiving and it can put you under pressure that you might die any moment sometimes you accidentally click Mouse one or click twice when you wanted to click just once Etc so this is caused by tension in your hand fingertips and wrist generally accompanied by facing a stressful situation like again there is a rather easy fix get yourself into dead match and focus on all shooting techniques you can imagine depending on the range of the duel you want to try Taps for long distance burst for medium distance and spray for close range combat try all of them and remember that there is nothing to be stressed about you will die a l and that is completely fine you will just respawn and try again so this usually comes with a little bit of practice and luckily there is a great tool within CS2 that focuses on fixing it recoil Master is Workshop map you need to implement into your aim routine especially during those periods where you have been out of the game for a longer period of time or you like to play in other games where recoil patterns are completely different for example even me as a pro player I implement this map into my routine every time our season starts and I have been away from PC for a few weeks just to get up to speed with recoils and feeling the patterns of rifles gripping your mouse too tight can cause disruption in all areas of your aim starting from flicking to tracking or to General exhaustion after a few games worst case scenario pain in the wrist this whole tension management topic is incredibly important as I have had problems with it without even realizing until my aim coach pointed it out best way to fix it for me was within aim Labs on task called VT tension track novice but you can easily do this in dead match which nicely transitions us into the next chapter of actual in-game part of aim practice so everyone who wants to become better in CS play that match it is great way to improve your in-game feeling of movement and aim against real people with no real consequences this is why I highly suggest implementing it into your aim routine you're going to work on your pre- aim techniques making sure that you isolate duels so your map awareness comes into play but most importantly you get to try out your tension management tension management is basically how much pressure you put on your mouse when you move and shoot I see lot of people putting incomparably bigger pressure in dead match as in the actual game or vice versa it will make you inconsistent and this is huge reason why you can't transfer good dead match performance into actual competitive game however I understand that a lot of people hate that match because they are being showed in the bag all the time so for you similarly to how to build your warm-up video which you can see on the screen right now I recommend playing aim dead match which is is basically DM on a simple a map so you know where the enemies are most of the time now we get extra chance to focus on what matters tension and shooting techniques such as STS burst and spray goto way for warmup are maps like aim bolts or C A stats I think it's less effective than the dead match but for some people Workshop Maps work good enough you can start by being static and shooting static targets for a minute then add con strafing and at the end try to mimic real in-game moments by spraying close bones and bursting far bones this is completely up to you but doing same thing for 20 minutes is in my opinion ineffective use of time so this is completely optional but I still want to include this personally sometimes I'm too tired or drained to finish up my routine on dead match so I had into more chill environment of surf server while I listen to a podcast or something I just want to make sure I extend my routine for as long as I need even if I don't have any enemy to shoot these modes are great to improve your hand and mouse coordination and is especially useful at times when you tweak your sensitivity a bit to make the smoother transition during my career I found that 70 minutes every day is The Sweet Spot when it comes to length of it I always start in AIM trainer for 25 minutes before I move in game for around 45 minutes aimlab is what I use for aim trainer you can use coax that is completely fine both are great tools you will find on Steam but aim lab is where my coaching happens so I'm used to that for now in the aim trainer I switch up tasks pretty often depending on what I want to work on where I spot my own weaknesses as I'm recording this video this is my task list that you can also find in the description down below the tasks are a mix of techniques that are my strengths that I want to expand upon while some are focused on my weak spots that I need to improve for strengths I have very fast initial flicks and also good click timings while my problems lie in tension management and smooth smoothness on the other hand my CS routine never changes I am always spending just 5 minutes on preferred Workshop map right now it's CS stats map and then I head into dead match here I try to focus on every possible shooting technique that I can while I also pay attention to tension levels how much pressure I apply to the mouse if I have brief period of let's say 30 seconds where I can't get the kill I try to reset everything because I always find my hand goes into craps so I always like shake my hand and put it on my mouse like I usually do and keep it that way this is completely normal at least on dead match where there are a lot of consecutive fights and you don't relax as much as in the actual game where you can die and reset your tension management while spectating for conclusion of this video I truly hope that I created enough of an interest in you to add aim routine into your practice building it tweaking it and making habit out of it is going to pay divid within a couple of days using it and the longer you will stick to it the Improvement rate of your skill is going to be easily noticeable by you your teammates and most importantly your enemies I do believe that the way of using aim trainers is going to impact Pro scene of C as heavily as it this tool that made my own progress better like no other tool I have tried if you like this video I will appreciate a little like and also let me know if you would like to see more of this kind of content in the comment section down below I will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: STYKO
Views: 102,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STYKO, Martin, Styk, csgo, Slovakia, rifler, esports, gaming, player, gamer, professionalplayer, tournaments, officialtournaments, professionalgamer, competitions, streamer, headshot, Counter, Strike, Global, Offensive, APEKS, CS2, Counter-Strike 2, Source2, Source
Id: kcEeWuEAhUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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