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this texture on overpass disappears at long range so you can see your opponent Crossing through the pillar and if you ever get mollied out under balcony on Mirage now you can smoke on top of the balcony to put out the Molly and give yourself room to fight just make sure you throw it quickly enough or you'll die before the smoke goes off this is 30 CS2 tips you can't live without but first sponsor of this video Blitz Blitz is an analytics app that provides personalized insights to improve your skills using in-game overlays and Powerful Analytics with CS2 Blitz has overlays as well as postmatch insights much more advanced than you would normally see even where your bullets are landing on your opponents and you have your own personal profile to compare things to as well you can easily see your match history and compare yourself to your earlier self when hopefully you were worse but potentially much better Blitz also supports valerant League of Legends TFT Apex Legends and soon fortnite check out Blitz at the link in the description to see what it can do for you CS2 is has barely been out for 2 weeks and we already have a silent drw from Apartments just follow the keys on screen the trick is to get the right distance on your initial jump onto the railing it seems like valve wanted to remove a lot of the odd wall bangs in CS but this one seems intentional because this wall bang is blocked by a truck that ends kind of early which means if you grab yourself an op and aim Above This pallet you're going to be spamming directly into the back of the a bomb site here on Inferno and if you crouch you'll be able to easily kill someone planting back site or if you get a bit more creative standing up you can kill someone as they swing into the bomb site it might just be me but these barrels on banana feel like you have to jump twice to get on top of where your opponent's going to see you and they can pretty easily kill you however you can actually just jump on one of them and slide up the second one to get yourself a free kill just don't whiff because they can still kill you in CS go there was a ledge on Xbox that you could jump onto for much faster rotates up catwalk in CS2 you can't see it anymore however it actually still is there and you can jump on it from lower tunnels or from right next to Xbox as long as you remember where it is and on the other side of Xbox you can still do the double jump to get on top of it without someone on cat seeing you but you have to be a little careful because if you have your knife out they might be able to see your gun this is an interesting angle at Mid on Inferno the problem is if you play there with a silencer they're going to easily see the tip of your gun and kill you if you remove the silencer you're going to notice that the spot actually is still terrible but an angle I thought might be different in CS2 is this one here it feels like you're in the open but in order to be spotted your opponent has to be pretty exposed another angle that works in CS2 as well is goose on Dust 2 and you can still do this jump throw flash if your opponents are pushing on you from their perspective it kind of comes up into the tree and if they're not looking at a wall but instead clearing on the way to the site it's going to be pretty hard to dodge this Molotov is actually even better in CS2 it's still easy to miss but when you do land it and make it through the Gap it will get empty pillar as well as the rest of the B bomb site which wouldn't happen in csgo and it didn't happen in this clip either I actually missed it but something I didn't mess up is the self boost on Inferno the new lineup I found is right here where you aim at the right side of that second pillar and jump to land on the first one and once you get up there your opponents are going to say he's boosted porch but little do they know I needed no help to get to this angle on my own something you could use some teammate support for is this smoke here you aim to the top right of that dot on the wall and jump throw to smoke off te stairs and not only does it smoke te stairs but it also smokes off anyone trying to support banana and might even get them to Molly themselves off the way you can get support for this is have a teammate throw this Molly here that in CS2 actually Molly's off bottom left and bottom right cubby on banana and if you combine that that with a smoke to get aggressive you're going to notice your teammates are able to die really effectively at car and lose you the round but if you do it well your teammate on banana can spam on this wall here where players will often stand trying to be safe but get killed now an angle that actually works a lot worse in CS2 is this angle here this was really common in CSO because you could watch ramp and occasionally turn around to kill anyone in the corner at Palace and then silent drop off of the bricks but in CS2 you unfortunately can no longer silent drop off of the bricks which makes it kind of suck similarly I think everyone that's played csgo has probably died to this angle while entering B site but in CS2 they got rid of the ledge you needed to solo boost on top of this so it's not really possible check this out and hear the reactions yo what the [ __ ] was that yeah do it again it it looks like you have some like [ __ ] valerant special effect ability around you you can force this interaction if you run out of a smoke as it's about to bloom but for some reason it only works on CT side honestly it's not that useful but it's really fun less fun but more useful is masking jump sounds is insanely effective in CS2 that's a normal jump that's a Glock shot sometimes it feels like you can't even hear the jump at all all with an AK it's actually crazy and it's not really fixed by being closer necessarily not perfect but definitely way more effective than in CSO this is a really common angle and this is a really effective way to kill that player if you don't whiff you jump across their angle and because of left eye peaking you can strafe back and kill them in CS2 there's another way you can do this as well well using these little mailboxes from their perspective it looks a little something like that but I still prefer the other Peak personally now if you move slightly to the left from this spot the best way to Molly bottom mid seems to be to aim at the top of that building there and run throw pretty deep so that you get into Pit and the ledge in front of pit and the majority of bottom mid but unfortunately you won't get the corner here which is actually a problem in CS2 in csgo you could see someone even if they were ducking into that corner but in CS2 you can't see them at all until you're all the way near the bottom of mid which means people can definitely hide there and catch you off guard now on the other side of the reality we have smokes that most people know are colored based on which team through them you can see the CT through the one on stairs it's a lot Bluer but what I didn't know is that if you get dropped a smoke from an enemy or you pick it up off their dead body it will remain the same color as that enemy and something I noticed while recording this is actually smokes change color color as they dissipate so the color of a smoke can actually be used to tell how long is left in that smoke what's a little harder to tell is it looks like you might not be able to jump on of coffins without being spotted and spammed anymore however if you jump early just before that first little sandbag on the ground you can still jump up safely and get yourself some kills if you want to counter that spot by using a smoke you can Crouch and aim at this dot on the wall and jump throw and it's going to bounce off the back wall and land on the first ledge of coffins to block the whole thing out now you might be tempted to throw one like this that lands like a standard csgo smoke but the problem is there's a massive Gap in front of it you can also still spam someone Ninja on a site pretty deep left on the wall but instead of seeing their blood you have to listen for the sound and the second vent on nuke I believe was still spammable in CS go as well however you would do so little damage it wasn't that worth it but in CS2 you can can hear when you hit them so it might be worth spamming and then using this Molotov to finish them off once you hit them on Raj the window smoke is still pretty easy you used to aim here but instead just aim up from there to the ceiling and hold D and jump throw and it's a pretty easy lineup you can combine this with a smoke connector from in front of the garbage can you aim down from the middle of that doorway if you want to miss the smoke to the right you aim slightly just a smidge to the left and jump throw if you want to actually land it in connector so your opponents won't be able to see anything now if you get some support from a teammate you can combine to throw both of these yourself and have your team go for a fast cat play where they maybe even throw this flash to make their way in when I first started this video there was a weird glitch that I found in testing where if someone was hugging a destructible door you could see the X-ray of their gun through the door and no longer blow it up with a nade they fixed that you can no longer see the X-ray but you can still see their name through the door some of the time you can now blow up the door with a nade though the problem is if someone's hugging the door you can often see their guns sticking through if they move around at all and you can even see it through the wall when they quick switch or change guns at all and after noticing that along with the sound of hitting people I realized you can actually spam all of squeaky to at the very least get the information if someone is in there or not it's kind of broken and right next to squeaky in vents you can still use e to open and close this vent it doesn't make any noise and you can spam through to the left side of vents really easily to potentially kill someone but there's a problem your gun glitches through which means you're very easy to shoot back I'm assuming they're going to fix this this is an angle that's very common because cuz it's great to lock down rotates off of catwalk then you can easily jump into window to get someone in Jungle or you can jump off entirely but you might not have known you can actually get off that ledge silently if you time your Crouch correctly you have to use a similar mechanic now to do the silent boost on Inferno because if you walk straight off this ledge you will go right through their head but if you crouch just as you come off the ledge and you don't mess it up you will still be able to get onto the head it's really really weird you may have already noticed but I thought this was pretty cool the bomb makes a beep sound when it drops and you don't actually need to be able to see the bomb for that to happen it'll even make a beep when it bounces it will not make any sound if dropped directly to a teammate and finally this incredibly common angle in csgo was called the Benet angle it doesn't look like that much however from the enemy POV it's very hard to see your head now with metal oranges like in csgo this made a big difference but in CS2 they wood which means you can still spam them back pretty effectively if you'd rather not whiff you can Molly It Out by jumping on top of car aiming at the dark spot on the wall and throwing and it's going to land for first second and on top of second oranges anyways if you enjoyed this video click on this other one YouTube thinks you'll like
Channel: voo CSGO
Views: 250,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs2, csgo, cs, counter-strike, counter-strike 2, cs tips, cs2 tips, csgo tips, csgo guide, 30 cs tips, 50 cs tips, how to play cs2, learn cs2, cs2 guide, mirage molotov, inferno smoke, inferno molly, dust2 angle, 1 way smoke, inferno silent drop, cs2 wallbang
Id: 8bL4R6fwLqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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