How Best In-Game Leaders Think in CS

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how in-game leaders think in Counter Strike people always see these players as most intelligent creative and leading figures on the server they're able to lead a team of Superstar players through great victories but also terrible slumps there are a lot of responsibilities you have as an igl both on the server but also off the server and it can get overwhelming very easily on top of that you will be often criticized for the failures while star players tend to get credit for Success also your role is no longly tied to not having great statistics as your true impact lies in something we can't measure with numbers like rating this video will act as a guideline how to be a better Captain leader and a teammate to bring your team closer to success one how to deal with bad performances key and common takeaway here is to do a self-reflection let's start with Apex who is leading team Vitality the best team in CS for majority of this year for me for example something that my Eng never done is that you go to like a talking and you lost and just say guys it's my bad today I [ __ ] up taking ownership of you lost and that's really rare because if you admit your your mistakes other people will come up really in an easier way they say okay yeah me too I [ __ ] up this r i that's why I love to talk in in in the talks we have with the team I have to talk first because I just say yeah for example I remember when we played G2 at the major we had a good lead 10 five on new and this I called like [ __ ] we didn't win because of him I should say it guys I just really call like [ __ ] didn't work out and I wasn't there but there it's fine and then it's easier you can see that this kind of openness brings a lot of trust in the team and this trust is ready to spread amongst the rest of the team as well but most importantly what makes your teammates and your coach aware that you know you did mistakes and you are ready to fix them you don't need a teammate to point out the mistake you did you need teammates to help you correct it instead of thinking how bad you were in certain game you share it with the rest of the team talk about it and you are able to refocus quickly for the next game where you are again improved and in better mindset to perform also for me I don't have it in me then we play the second game against s i was Bare individually I was better as a captain and then it goes and then Bo I I trust myself and I think for me it's really important to admit your weakness towards the others and if you do that the openness in the team is better this role is really tough as you have to focus on macro of the game instead of micro which are your individual plays Peaks and moves focusing on macro you will be responsible for creating a plan setting up a tactic or working on taking a specific area of a map having all these thoughts in your head will create situations where you are bound to die for a teammate and your stats are generally not going to be great that is a sacrifice pretty much every in-game leader has to take and putting up bad numbers can take a huge toll on on your impression how good you actually are you will lose confidence you will doubt yourself and think that you are weak linked another leader who is very good at self-reflection is carrian him leading face team packed with International Superstars must be very stressful if the team performs bad it is usually krian that takes the most of the online hate so I was interested how his self reflection improves and enables him to become better instead I I think self reflection is most important piece of my career and where I am it's like always be reflective I think I always bring up this example of boo Master when he joined the mouse and I saw how how he did spray transfers I was like I've never seen this in my life so I asked a 70y old kid how are you training this and he told me on aimbots so I went on doing that for two weeks and training and suddenly in a 13 1 round I do a spray transfer I've never done in my career before okay now so I think I think what I adopted early was from Kobe like be a sponge I think everyone who is a tire one player has done something right to get where they are but they have maybe not done everything right but they're doing one thing right and if you ask the right question to this player you get to know how he became one of the best players in the world and you're like okay interesting how he practiced the way he see the game the way he thinks about teammates uh you know so for me that was a big part of being self-reflective and being there before someone else tell you doing something wrong so I always try to correct myself and and some times I have bad faults I like I'm talking myself down when I shouldn't but that's something I had to learn the last two years to be listening and be more positive in my inner voice like okay there's a bad tournament you didn't do the right calls okay was I not in the zone as critical Crystal of myself where were how did I sleep the day before okay everything was good I just had a bad day then you know like asking this question myself made me realize it's much more than just aiming in the server sure like there has to be other things that affect your game play on on the day you lost you can hear firsthand from krian that whenever his calling or individual skill Falls he asks himself bunch of questions being completely honest with yourself why you did so poorly often reveals hidden truth underneath your stats maybe your focus drifted away because you're stressing about your like School exams or something maybe you just slept poorly that night maybe you felt sick maybe you felt like your aim was shaking important thing is you recognize it after you recognize it you can sit down with your team and ask what is their aim routine try to copy it maybe challenge them that you can do it faster or better I assure you this open-minded approach will reignite your confidence and ability to perform next time not only individually but also as a leader hey there if you're glad this video is without boring ads please make sure to hit that like And subscribe button so it can stay that way in the future as well helps this channel grow and that would be fantastic thank you now let's get back to the video number two how to make the team work we all know that buzzword teamwork you can praise the teamwork of a team for playing great and also you can point out the teamwork of losing team is terrible but that's obvious what really is a teamwork in my experience and also experience of players which I'm about to show you the answer is right there just in the wrong order you create teamwork by working with the team young players nowadays that want to become professional players they grow up playing fa it and grinding online CS but they miss out on the way Apex grew up attending a lot of land talking face to face with others Etc they miss something he called human touch like the relationship with the team and everything that's that's exactly like what those young guys don't understand and they think that okay it's all about my individual level and I can if I'm good uh I'm going to be a good team but it's not how it works I think that's also like just knowing like the human part because if when you play face it's like doing alone and your home you don't know like really well the human part I remember like for we picked up Ken and miso and those guy are exactly like that they didn't know what's like human relationship they were a bit lost in in that sense and we had to teach them like our kids like yeah you need to be like that and this it's kind of huge handicap because if you eventually become a pro player which a lot of my viewers probably won't they will need to interact with your whole team and coach on daily basis 10 hours per day 90% of the year it's a lot and if you struggle with socializing it can make or break a team I myself have been part of the teams where we benched or kicked players who we just couldn't Vibe with our relationship was off there was no friendship we were just colleagues but not friends and that is bad both caran and Apex shared same thought that when they started playing the game they had some fundamentals of a teamwork from their past playing some traditional sport like football or ice hockey that is what kids nowadays don't really have if they grind computer games at an early age there was no time for you to develop socially have a listen how krian sum it up but that's also one thing right now where I feel like the Young Generation I think many of the players I played with came from traditional Sports they grew up playing volleyball tennis football whatever they play A Team game M coming into Counter Strike they knew what a team was meant to be you had a role you had to do this and how to be social with your teammates now in that Young Generation because to start that early at 10 9 they don't really learn how to be a team so when they come in and you to join your first professional team how do you act to your teammates how do you respect them how do you see your how do you work on yourself in a team environment and I think that's what we like many of the older generation player they were already that clim to that and in in traditional sport you have like young players at 10 age they already talking with sport psychologist you know and and learning how to the facilities are already there the the support staff everything and number three is tips for young players who would like to become better leaders I managed to gather a few tips for upcoming players who wish to be captains one day who wish to lead and be a part of growing team hookie for example was asked why he thinks that Denmar Mar was able to produce such amount of captains in CS when you look at the names like carrian claive Snappy Kaden or hookie himself just to show success of recent years I think it's like the typical answer of uh we have all these guys who are willing to teach uh younger players very early age like what team CS is and then you kind of go up the ladder and you learn more and more and basically people are not afraid to share what they know with others this creates a machine of knowledge that is spread amongst the players so everyone could improve at much faster rate not only ingame leaders Danish culture is just perfect for experienced players willing to teach younger players who are willing to listen this is why Denmark specifically leads a away in producing such a amount of talented players and it gets even more obvious when you look at the population of the country for the context let's move on to Apex according to him this is the most important thing when it comes to handling your players on human level for for me what's the really important part is that having a lot of talks with your players of outside talks like one-on-one and one-onone and team but I love one-on ones just knowing about his life as well how it's going because life is a r so Prim Prim is a girlfriend his family I'm with I don't know surgery or can be a lot of things and I think this close talks with the players is one of the most important thing I think the human part is bigger than anything else in in in the coaching in also in the being a captain I think it's so important to be able to have that so that's the first thing then Apex moves on to more technical tip that you can Implement in actual CS then for for CS I think it's listening to them as well what they want but also having your own identity and that's the tough part to find like I don't know tomorrow tomorrow I play with niik I know he's love searching I know is really good at all but I also need to have my Play Store so how do we adapt both together and that's what is really hard uh because he's going to be unhappy and sometime I will be unhappy so just fighting this like really small line that is really rough but if you get it you get the groove listen to your players what they want to do and how they like to play but also have your own identity as a leader that is hard part to balance and always will be some players just don't mix together well since their vision of playing the game is Polar Opposites from each other but this that is the beauty of Cs there is no correct way to play the game as there is no wrong way Styles change players evolve meta shifts and those who adapts fastest will be the winners so I hope these Concepts shared by absolute masterminds of M CS very helpful to you as they were helpful to me if you're interested you can find links to all these interviews in the description below they were done by podcast called Talk encounter so shout out to them and if you like the video let me know in the comments section below what or who would you love to see me cover next in the meantime check the video that YouTube thinks you will like and see you there bye-bye
Channel: STYKO
Views: 34,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STYKO, Martin, Styk, csgo, Slovakia, rifler, esports, gaming, player, gamer, professionalplayer, tournaments, officialtournaments, professionalgamer, competitions, streamer, headshot, Counter, Strike, Global, Offensive, APEKS, CS2, Counter-Strike 2, Source2, Source
Id: ERbN-_R4iBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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