How Stewie2K Made The Greatest Comeback To CS2! | Elige Reviews

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Legendary Run from Stewie 2K he came in as a standin for G2 at IM IM Dallas 2024 they took down Vitality in the grand finals they beat the current rank one team ma Stewie has not been playing for a while in a professional CS team that's why I wanted to you know do a demo review of him watch his POV specifically and you know show you guys the impact that he was making to make this run possible so starting off this round Jake's going to be starting towards banana he moles and and this is going to be very unfortunate they take a lot of nade damage here see Jake's already on 24 HP Nico on 42 Mony takes another H and look at how low they are already but I think the call that they have is very nice in this round so as as we move forward as you can see they're going to be doing a fake Lane pop so they're dropping the nades and as all this is going on they're going to be walking through the left midm smoke they Molly they flash Jake goes first so if anyone was there you know you do want to have the person that has low HP to be either supporting or that's the guy that's going to be making space and trying to mess up their cross placement everything like that and now you're going to see G2 doing the second phase they're smoking flashing over and you have mon or you have Hunter and Stewie they're going to be walking through and they had a really good chance on this round Nico's even here to hold for the banana push so he's there for that he gets one unfortunately he's going to get traded and as that's happening they walk through they're unfortunately just kind of uh super aware of it but they knew what was happening and they punish it accordingly but I think it was a good round to try to salvage three people being sub 50 HP this unfortunately is just going to be the life of banana player you get Molly Nat you're trying to go forward kind of getting owned but now they know pretty much the setup they know that they just walked back Nico has that info and you know somebody's got to go first in banana and sometimes that stuff just happens and now he gets this really nice 3K trying to spam for the third guy and he eventually does get it so it goes through as that Apex is anticipating that you know the te's are going to run through the smoke as it's popping now we're going to have Jake going first here and he's going to be doing the same pathing as he did in the other round and look at how wide he jumps out here gets into pit gets the kill on that not actually anticipating the second guy in pit so as he's jumping up you know the smoke happens he gets he doesn't get blind but his crossair placement gets really messed up as he's trying to you know shoot at Stewie he's able to still transfer onto Nexa but you know he potentially could have had two so first banana Molly Smokes on top of it again they hear him probably okay they didn't hear him because of the crowd and he hears all of that and this is what Jake is actually really good at he's really good at uh you know just feeling out the round and you know playing for it he doesn't get the kill here but you know he had all the info on this and his teammates you know he's he's relaying all the information now they're walking up you know they were this was obviously the plan from them from the beginning but it definitely helps when you have a player that's you know Finding everything that's happening in the round on like their side and vitality is obviously getting caught off guard by that too like as soon as Stewie is you know fighting them at top of banana like I'm sure the comms are like super hectic as like he's in those du and they're able to like walk up lane on that they know that like they're trying to reagg at Banana okay next I got really up close here catch a SS off guard smokes Modo o anticipates me wow that was a really clean sequence from Nex to there and now he's in the 1v2 clutch this is big and he pretty much has this but they have a smoke which really sucks can't hear exactly dinks him gets the kill o big clutch from Jake Force up this has been like a a normal thing where you see a bunch of people buying MP9 but instead they're just having four going to be pushing down mid with MP9 I like this that's exactly what Jake likes to gets the flash from from mid right so of course like when you're doing something like this you want to make sure your first guy like swings super hard unfortunately it seems like he doesn't get blind because you know Apex was going really close but it allows Hunter the space to get two kills next to gets one as well really nice job from G2 there you know the trades didn't all work out in their favor but you know they got pretty close and now they're playing Super aggressive here off the face smoke that gets nuked Jake has just thrown an early Molly he has a lot of nades here here and his main job is to just delay he just needs to delay as much as he can he has all the nades that in the world so now he's just selling smoke molly things are getting crazy he had an opportunity there but he did his job he got one delayed a bit Vitality doesn't have a lot of util so they're doing this double sandbag setup where Nico's going to be you know playing the contact and he's in a strong a to multikill and then if they do flash you know he's going to be able to kill them and you can see that Jake he's giving some space for NCO to drop down if Nico did get blind he can shoot while he's falling down and then Jake would peek out so Nico I mean this is these are such strong angles and he even Peaks into it really nice nice spray gets two there I like their choice of setup especially for you know the economy of the other team a lot of nades three nades at the same time they Vitality could actually read that G2 doesn't mind too much cuz they actually want to push forward same type of thing that we saw this before flashes as he goes through doesn't clear the left I guess he had the sound Q or had the read that they weren't in there at all ni's whole goal is as soon as Jake takes contact he's going to be peeking off of him gets moled oh and they they go before wow Flames not dying here is really good from him when Nico comes back here after juggling all the the nades you know he's just jiggling he has no idea that there was an op and banana in the beginning of the round and zyu gets a A Nice kill on him and zyu he already as you can see zyu already pre-shot coffins they he already read the setup of you know CT and coffins of course very very common setup if Jake was first he probably would have already thrown something so they probably read from the delay of no nades that he's coffin most likely but unluckily for G2 sui did not have any of the nades coffins all of them are right here and they were on Nico as well so this is going to be a very hard round to win calling the flashes as they're going in top coffins oo ah overall Jake I think he did a really good job on that retake he went with the flashes he figured out that they're not playing like front emo gets two kills on that unfortunately retaking B is just very hard so they need this round to be able to actually bring this back Vitality is trying to react as you can see they're trying to grab the bomb they want to walk up quickly they they read that it's 3B and now it's just a race if they can get here in time before the hall pop but they're not really going to make it it's kind of up to Nexa and Hunter one is good and now Jake it's going to be hard for him to read this guy in min oh unfortunately just gets spammed doesn't even come down to the lurk here from Messi choose the execute Mony instead now this is a very hard you know angle for the CTS to clear they're definitely not going to be expecting this as I just own some I thought it would have worked out better securing the the next OT I think that overall G2 and sui has done like a good job on their banana takes they've had like a lot of success like finding that space Nico sui Mony obviously been doing a really good job at that so now here's where a lot needs to happen on the CT side they need to be able to either you know shut down their banana or you know delay them enough in the round where they can figure out where they're going and stack accordingly holding the Molly as soon as they flash or monly takes contact gets a free one in there I think that they I think Vitalia was assuming that the op rotated towards a off of that shot that's probably why they walked in there not expecting him to be Emo so he moles off of that unfortunately just gets owned so monus's holding as Jake Molly ooh winning that fight out oh yeah that's that's when spin uh that's when Spinx didn't reload I remember that actually big clutch and that's how they're going to end it on the first map so yeah overall I think that Jake did a good job on tside like creating space I think they worked together well I think that he did a good job when he was like entering in making sure that you know he did create that space for his teammates so getting into map two we're already going to have a crazy start to the pistol round where Jake is going to get run boosted off of Mony and they're just going to be hopping into be here gushes that guy gets the frag I'm surprised that he honestly didn't even go for the knife like if he just kept jumping up there and goes for the knife definitely could have worked another kill and that's the type of entering that you expect also from him he he loves doing that type of crazy stuff all right so here we're going to have a very early b split Stewie's whole goal here is to get close to EB box and be ready to trade off of everything that's happening at B so as soon as this is happening he's going to be muling so he can actually Edge this smoke as well let's see if he's aware of Spinx gets Tagged so he is nice as soon as as soon as Jake gets ties he starts spraying but unfortunately the rest of the be hit kind of got owned by Mesi oh Mesi with an incredible round and now they're going in the CTS no as well that's clear o Mony is just too insane Hunter doing a good job of not dying too early as well letting the ebox players play first what a shot as well and now 2v one and Mony was about to get the though honestly if nexo doesn't get that kill he was feeling it that entire time he was feeling it he's so good and we are doing a focus on Stewie but you know obviously if you guys watched it the finals was so good I thought that all their games you just have Mony Nico just taking turns popping off popping off together and overall the half is not lost only 10 to five they were able to get seven rounds on their CT side that being Vitality so it's going to be a little bit harder since they didn't win the pistol I'd say that this map does lean a little bit t- sided but it honestly it can be either sided this is tough now though uh Jake does not have anything to deal with and we have triple molotovs from Vitality gets blind it is a little hard because he needs to swing there obviously or he'll just die to the molotov um but he does get blind with it and this is so doable for Flames too almost kills Nico on the cross tries to flash for Hunter but that that flash kind of even reminds me of you know when you're mini on nuke and you're flashing for a guy Heaven uh you're kind of just giving the cue of when the guy Heaven's going to be peeking Flames takes full advantage of it and gets the kill onto Hunter and this peak was so nice like that Peak onto Nico was actually perfect Hunter and Mony they're going to be pushing Jacob is going to be uh also pushing a main and they're doing these flashes here that go at this wall and it's really nice because if Nico actually doesn't die then the flashes won't blind him here so these flashes would not be blinding Eco and he's able to kind of like peek with it and run up with it and this guy from a as you can see Jake just gets a kill uh for free on a guy that was blind in the corner so this is a very strong push I like the addition of these flashes that people made to the water plus a main push and this is very common right now where people will throw this smoke into into ebox here so they'll throw this smoke and then they'll pop into B main because they know that the ebox guy uh can't do anything now so monesy he's holding contact so he's playing in front of the pillar cuz now the ebox smoke is about to go away he was ready to smoke himself nice kills overall o that was a nice shot that was also Jake and now this is where it's seeming like The Comeback is possible but what's what's really tough um about like the economy is when you're having all these round wins in a row and the bomb going down you're practically playing against a b every round if the other team wants to they could force gills every round if they want and have plenty to be able to win the round so next off of that flash he mollies ready to H if necessary support Flash from Nico and this smoke is actually usually what teas will throw as like a lurk smoke I I actually like what he did here run through and this is actually Nexus highlight I believe right he gets flashed through yep the spray transfer into the third that's nice Vitality pushing off everyone from ebox they did a Molly e box does do the one here to get them off the top and Jake if they didn't do this Molly up top he would have been here ready to opt them in the corner and still actually even finds a gap how how potential to get the kill there so they're changing the pace now they normally have been doing slower rounds but now they're taking faster a control Flames gets Two and T is just so good let's watch these kills from flames so he sees the M comes in he Peaks Nexa no one else is ready to Peak gets the kill on the close guy really nice and then Jake is here if they did try pushing ebox he was here for it but now he's making a play he knows something he needs to do something is what he's thinking and he catches spin off guard that's nice unfortunately his teammate died though and now he's in a really tough 1v3 they could actually be everywhere and unfortunately this is going to be the end of this round I think that there was actually a lot of potential for some good rounds happen but unfortunately they just didn't really get enough on their tside uh to make this easier on themselves Jake is the smoke guy filling in for hux's roll on this team he's like all right smoke in one oh whoops yeah Smoke's over here and then I'm supposed to pick up that one and then I'm going to throw this other one over here got to make sure you're W in that corner good can't can't be messing up the smoke otherwise Nico dies uh the goal of g2's Round Here is they do two waves of smokes on the first one that's when the CTS are going to use their mes their H's um Nico's there to punish anyone that Peaks and then they throw it again and then Vitality is not exactly sure okay are they actually walking down on this one now we don't have info if you're going to be throwing you know two h's two Molotov for example if you hear that then you know that there's two guys outside nobody's rotating secret because why would the CTS rotate secret if they know that nobody's there that's the whole goal of like throwing two walls of smokes you see like uh Apex he has to rotate down to secret and he smoked it what what does that do that makes upper a little bit weaker you know upper players they would have liked for that smoke to be theirs so gets blind able to get the kill onto Nexa as he's trading Mesi I mean honestly just nice shooting really nice from Spanx like that was just nice shooting overall in a very hard situation g2's Strat was was good for this round like it worked out perfectly how they would have wanted it to and as we can see as Nico's just jumping up Heaven everyone else is just holding as soon as Nico's ready then we're going to start getting ready to go Mini all right flash let's go let's go mon unfortunately got blind from that checking for top secret Mony gets entry on that they know he's stuck Mony gets his kill and six rounds for tside nuke that's not bad so the main goal for every round in Upper is just to make sure that you do not lose to rushes that that's the main goal then after that it's pretty much about conservation of utility if you can Nico kills Apex trying to come back up now that's actually like a really big read I think I think they're trying to figure out what's happening but that kind of gives it away that they want to go back to Upper because otherwise why would Apex leave secret if he was not going to go upper cuz if they were going ramp then he would stay secret so G2 are immediately like yo they're they're going upper like everyone is moving everyone is like Yo dude they're they're going upper I mean they have three people here they're more than good nice refrag after Nico dies two body shots and good swing on to mzi too like they they're playing well off of each other on on the shots Jake just trying to survive super hard Nice kill into zou so 11 to six overall dominating this half and playing really well on a lot of the t- side rounds too and we see Vitality they are setting up for an upper pop Nico's going down secret preemptively and depending on the timing it could be very helpful because he can go quickly up the vents Stewie is accounting for them to go mini so the reason this is also very good make sure that you guys do this in your games whenever a mini is left open you need to tell your upper players be like careful mini careful mini like they might even be saying careful mini Jake and making sure that like he's paying attention to that because Nico's going down and Monas is rotating towards ramp so nobody has eyes on Mini right now so that that's just a small detail but honestly the small details are the most important at upper so now this this is actually a little bit of a mini split here unfortunately getting caught on the timing as uh as they're jumping up hat uh Hut so G2 ends up getting caught by the timing here but as you can see they are getting caught off guard because the smokes are just popping and Apex is going with it so Jake is thinking that they just started you know going from like the Deep boxes outside but instead that they're already close to mini and they're already walking through so he he's getting caught in the side here unfortunately but this was a nice dra from vitality and it looks like they get caught with their pants down but you know I think that Apex had a great call here he makes a nice play Peaks as they're bounce or does like the mini split as the smokes are bouncing and catches the upper players off guard as they're repositioning Stewie and N in the clutch 's peeking out double Jake is clearing out emo that's nice I really like this flash so this Flash from Jake it I'm not going to okay no it did I remember when I was watching this okay watch this from watch this from zwu's POV so Stewie he moles nades and then as he flashes Nico's already close up here he he's actually looking at it anyway or maybe he heard the the stun or the the sound CU go off from the nade being thrown and he looks at that and as that happens Nico Peaks up I like to think that it was because of the fake flash like I like I'm sink I'm throwing the flash towards sink and then that allows Nico to peek up right behind him uh it honestly it kind of looks like he's just checking door anyway cool to think about I don't know for sure if that was it 12 to8 this is match point now overall very dominating nuke in my opinion and now we have Vitality going for mini split and Z is going to be flashing for flames and now we're going to see what their response to all that is so Hunter is playing into the door smoke Jake behind the Molly Gets two kills trying to go for the spray transfer as well I actually don't even know where this Molly came from where did this Molly come from so they they moled their own Hut I I don't know if that was actually intentional cuz they weren't able to go out with that there was two guys in Hut nice hold from them to be able to end it off of that round with Jake and Hunter holding it down I think that Molly was probably the death of them I think that was probably a mistake because you know they just moled uh CT vent and they Molly toput they of course want to come out with that and it leads Jake in the 2K overall I think that they played super well as a team this tournament I think that Jake played his role really great on tside he made a lot of space for them was able to make a lot of reads especially on Inferno where he was understanding what was going on at banana and that led to a lot of uh you know positive uh parts of the round I know that most of you probably definitely enjoyed this especially all my most of my viewers are probably from na hope you guys liked this video it was really fun watching it and just seeing like all their team play and the crazy clutches and shots that Mony and Nico were hitting and yeah let me see what more you guys want to watch if uh you ever have a recommendation of which game that you guys want to watch let me know you can tweet on me put in the comments here and and yeah I'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: EliGE
Views: 48,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stewie2k, elige, stewie2k valorant, stewie2k csgo, elige csgo, stewie2k pick elige, stewie2k fight, stewie2k highlights, stewie2k team liquid, team liquid stewie2k, stewie2k stream, stewie2k clutch, stewie2k inventory, stewie2k rage, elite, stewie2k cs, stewie2k g2, c9 stewie2k, stewie2k liquid, stewie2k awp, stewie2k cs2, stewie2k ego, stewie2k hate, csgo stewie2k, stewie2k awp highlights, IEM DALLAS, IEM, IEM CS2, iem katowice 2024, g2 cs, monesy, Monesy cs2, Niko cs2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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