What's up with YEKINDAR?

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D do we want to push or do we not oh no oh no I'll give this to Yar like he didn't bait a single time yet na is actually out of bullets okay we're pre-firing a wall like what is this I want to do a demo review I wanted to do this demo review for some time now but I feel like it's pretty fitting time where yesterday liquid somewhat made it into the Grand Final best of five against the tal fire they lost but I'm pretty surprised they actually made it all the way there and I haven't been too much impressed with Yar honestly so that's the main reason where we're going to watch something of him and see like what we can see because honestly I haven't focused on him too much um actually new update you can see in the bottom we see the kills and deaths of yekindar that's pretty neat you can see like little skulls here H skulls get it pun intended okay so yekindar is supposed to be a banana player for tside very um impact heavy position obviously okay so twist is taking first Contact here B to 50 y canar dodging flashes everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine you know what's funny you know this is actually incredibly funny I I feel like they're doing exactly same pistol as they did against asales Inferno in semi-final and in that pistol if you guys remember they were going for banana and schools was actually playing here holding flank and aalis push down middle and they got like kill in the back and skulls wasn't like able to cover his teammates now he's actually covering so good good good little change here okay how did the Yar die got own Absol absolutely own all right for is by Deep banana smoke we're not challenging that we're not challenging that everything's good we're going to do a little retake who has the flash who has the flash nly is going to offer that one FL are we playing Berettas on T side nav I respect that but I think p do if they clears dual baras okay that was um smoke for CT and we're running instantly with it bro what is this paing like surely this was not intended to go here while we're or either Yar is definitely not like he's almost dying to his own mly here not his own but his teammate's Molly either we're not supposed to uh Molly that or don't go there right all right he's covering the smoke we need to make a play it's 4 V3 with tech 9es we need to fade the smokes Kaden actually does that first surely we are getting a kill here Yar did not shoot yet by the way and he was for second round in a row actually in a position where he's holding for a kill but he's like not looking at his Crosshair or something Yar did not shoot this best of three yet I mean this map yet okay banana to Banana retake are we immediately following it up surely someone is flashing us through we don't have any flashes or we do we do Kad and does okay we actually got to kill here good pillar okay good I like it I also like that we are seeing now highlighted uh kills on demo like it looks like we are getting the kill you know what I mean that's a nice little change valve great and cursor is going no it's not it's here [ __ ] bom has that's pretty weird by the way pretty weird decision to goom in the open like that so late in the retake okay I get that you want to flank this guy but just surviving here will give you so much more info you're three I don't like this in 3v3 but again we don't know the coms and everything around that now twist has to take that position and he gets a kill like this could be Yar of course with a tech 9 but you know what I mean you know what I mean okay this should be round good two entries on Yar that was actually big impact after plant I don't know feels questionable watching from a demo but we never know what happens in the coms maybe maybe they were sure there two already in Ruins and one flanking so he thought city is clear but then why he was looking towards City H maybe I'm just reaching C these are a little bit respectful of banana now and nindar is taking the space double Peak oh my God we're completely skipping angles here and Kaden is not even close to trade I don't I I personally don't like this like I think if he would be doing like a re like a game review after the game and we would be in position liquid this would be like a technical like mistake where just Kaden wasn't close enough for the trade so Yar shouldn't even be swinging that white great pre a this felt like a refr like exact free aim B in there that was pretty good then we we continue to be like hm teammates are full blind or what happened here it feels like he's running alone why is Twist full blind not running in while Yar is full sing it in what blinded the uh twist oh no oh no wait a second and now the trade frag is nowhere okay this is pretty bad though like look at the spacing here y there is just full sending it while twist doesn't even know he's full sending it because he's full blind he doesn't see a radar he doesn't see anything he doesn't hear anything and that's that's a that's a pop flash from Caden right in front of twist screen oh my God and it looks so perfect like it was also a pretty good call instant head shot from Yar oh that was a little bit dangerous and we're spraying he didn't see that m is there the smoke is there uh okay this is a little bit like unexpected but wait what is eternal fire okay this this is clearly like a set play but it's pretty weird one because they are using two smokes to go just for a peak down banana and akar kind of doesn't expect it he didn't see this smoke pop ever that's why he thinks right now his mly is actually burning because you can hear can you hear this sound CU like right now it feels like it's burning but it actually isn't and uh that's why he feels comfortable to spam back a little bit couple of bullets but he doesn't understand that SAS can just stay in the position and he will shoot him back I'm going to be honest y being a solo banana player here most of the tal and he's facing a lot of the times three cities starting on B so it's rough with him when it comes to like utility trading and everything but he was doing pretty good job most of the time he wasn't like dying during taking banana well well apart from couple of moments he was successfully like giving it up and then retaking it B player gets utility no C Lu rough spot but it is what it is someone has to do it Kaden asking for the Boost and Yar is just zooming by through the smoke but I think it's a good call honestly a Twist is alive he he needs some help and Yar is I think good doing a good call by full sending it through even without Kevlar now playing headshot positions counter terrist win okay that's a little bit crazy but okay that that surely NE is going to smoke deep like where's the okay there is a smoke did it land like a little bit delayed surely it was supposed to be there before Yar swings otherwise this is just a free kill for for cantaras like he should be happy that he like missed why was the smoke delayed who threw it Twi oh no oh no throw it this is why yekindar almost died you can see like yekindar is in a position where he should be dying and if he died here like everyone would be oh y are giving away and tree but in reality we're up some smokes here like liquid are laid with the lineups they're they're screwing up the lineups sometimes they're fa just failing the smoke alt together just want to see this util retake youtil dropped extra smoke and fast rotation it doesn't even get to play this is a safe take the AK and run can there is like [ __ ] it I'm not going I'm I want to make a play somewhere but dude do we want to push or do we not because to me this feels like extremely hesitent like no confidence Yar if I ever saw one do we want to push here or not do make up your mind just go back or just go because you you're on a timer if you're ever peeking down mid like this or you're on the timer someone can peek you from like underpass or doing exactly what voig did in this where is voig like this is the freest kill in W's life and if he just peaked a little bit earlier he actually killing Saras in the side of the face all right so this was a liquid pick didn't go that well but I'm interested in the second map it's going to be more competitive we're starting on t- side and AAR is exactly what we want to focus on again buying up nates he heard that steeping a in okay everything's good instant flashes where are we not oh he wanted to Molly side actually since two kills happen in aan he doesn't need a he doesn't need to oh that's mly have it no no no that's a broken W Mo okay never mind never mind yeah this is what I don't understand like surely someone can flank you at any time unless there was like a information that there are three people already spotted on a that might be a fake information but surely we can run with a Glo and look behind like we don't need to like if you're a pro player you don't really need to like take a knife out and look where you're going because you can you kind of know the map so we can you might as well just hold something while you're running and yeah maybe this didn't really save him here but at least he would have a duel maybe a bad call yeah might be it definitely sounds like a bad looks like a bad call voik gets a diffuse extra 300 for an oper a little important detail good job Eternal fire so again akar is playing probably one of the highest rated not highest rated but highest impact positions on Anubis same as Inferno there he was a banana bler here he's going to fight for connector control this is a set Strat so we can't really judge this that's a good bait I like how this H forces major to take like a deeper Peak to make sure that no one is crossing by that baits him into peeking into Kaden's flash like honestly I feel like yekindar sometimes isn't even ready for the fight even though he is I'm I'm sure he is but I like this this was pretty good take it's pretty basic as well like pretty popular and meta but this mod is good I like that effect where major is actually burning this is after update you see how his legs are burning this a Speedy Gonzalez here look at this oh that's pretty cool actually I didn't know they added it okay but like this is happening way too of in this best of three like when are we going to react to someone being on the screen and even Yar is playing super close to the monitor as well like is he looking at the radar or what's happening it might be that he most of the time is just looking at the radar because like he's not sure where his teammates are I like these flashes is he open for everything no the smoke is still there I don't like that he has a bomb here by the way because let's say entry frags H would happen he already can hold behind now he has to deliver the bump come on make it through okay that's good I wonder if these flashes actually get the pillar guy but uh there's no chance it's just for the aim take honestly don't even think it would get this guy like where are we looking like he's not even looking at his Crosshair right now I can guarantee you like you you can see that he's looking somewhere else not on his Crosshair dies loses the bumb I mean I get this like sometimes I don't look at the Crosshair at all times of course um but the thing is it happens so much in and we're looking at the second map we're looking at we looked two halves on The Inferno and One Hal on the newas and we can count it on two hands how many times this happened um what happened here I don't know but I feel like this should be a kill like he's aiming at the correct place which just like not controlling his spray and then when he starts major just ducks and it it it he needs to overcompensate even more like you can see his Crosshair is actually like so close to Major and he doesn't hit him once and what is this summarized in my opinion like there there's just so so so passive apart from Yar in so many situations where they shouldn't be like they get to the position and they stop clearing and then wait for Yar to go and create space and think s speaks very lovely and very lovely three kills from for Mr Cowboy four kills can we get a fifth like I'm watching this like a western movie okay book 16 it way I'm coming to a conclusion that thear should bait more there's a lot of mistakes in these demos and obviously like it's far from optimal but I'll give this to Yar like he didn't bait a single time yet he never puts himself in a better position at the expense of his teammate which for a guy like like him it clearly shows me that he doesn't personally care about like score and stats and that's a good thing honestly that's pretty rare and good thing to have he's where he are we doing a retake just slowly takes it by himself not really okay so he's gambling right now that no one is here by the way and it was a good gamble but again if there would be a t and he picks him and they lose around because of it that would look really really stupid gets another set of nades that's good Naf is not going to need them if he has an OP like that he has a timer now Yar has a timer he can take this position and focus on Bain for like three more seconds before his mly that he threw himself s in connector goes away and terce can be behind him so he needs to you see this this was the exact timing like he was holding and now he understand okay they can be behind me and he needs to switch the Target and now he's in real trouble he's always paranoid about this guy behind him there's no one by the way this is pretty doable retake smoke the C4 good not good not [Music] good I shouldn't have watched this okay 3B setup nly with a pop flash y are blocking this cave um rotation needed it's a hit good good shot by skulls completely block them complete block now AAR needs to be careful that mid was open and major is in the window and he could have been anywhere by the way and he hears all this rotation so twist is going to take over that's accidental good bait by yekindar it's going to be good flash as well holy holy moly I like this protocol ning behind the smoke Kaden actually sees above it it's very good oh my God Vian knows there's possibility of this and he crouches immediately it's very good and thear said you know what but this is I'm not the B player but what I would suggest not even like suggest but this is what I'm thinking and I'm trying to think of some other Maps where this is applicable but here yakar actually smokes connector I was thinking about mulling here because this is exactly what would like this smoke is extremely dangerous if T threw it up uh they can they can they can go through it they can pop through it they can execute behind it even though they're three on B if you put up smoke here that's great but they can just push through it at any given moment and if you put in Molly you would actually give a like get a sound Q if someone is pushing right so you can play inside of the connector instead and therefore you would be dodging much more nades and eventually even a flash that they canar gets called off guard by okay we have two hes here now oh I like this I I don't like this anymore you know what this boost is causing first of all nav and Yar they both have HS they can like chain double break of the smoke in order to cover camera or like disconnector area for for Twist and skulls or they have two moles and they can just mly the camera I mean we call this part camera and because they're boosting they're not not able to do either of it and eventually they do I think Yar does he's going to moly no NF is going to moly and he's going to fail it round GG that was pretty important round they should have definitely used util to block that a split okay what happened to Yar actually how did he play it with the mly there was not much he could do like good reaction again from yandar releasing the M ASAP as soon as he heard like first step but he got pinched he couldn't get a gun in hand terrorist 1310 being two zero down in this best of three we're heading in to do two all right maybe maybe they lined up like that that's pretty unfortunate oh my God Naf is actually out of bullets he's trying to reach for that Glo by the way he gets he gets a USP from a teammate clutch from skulls skulls is like take it same in I'm going to be without weapon instead no no he found p50 it's good wait what where did he throw that oh I just realized he threw the USB further away than the Glock so it's useless anyway Naf is out of bullets what is happening look look how he overthrew it like skulls with a really strong hands and the USB somehow bounced like that like it's slide away like it's a skateboard USB first time I'm actually seeing yekindar bait a little bit in this best of three and I suggested that he should do it more sometimes and this is he should never be expected here by the way no like how many chances do we need to get a kill I actually need to slow this down is it over flick he sees him entering and it's under flick and then he starts shooting before he under flicks even if he would over flick I would be like okay this it's pretty bad but under flick is actually not bad it's better than over flick but then we don't like readjust like micro adjustment is just not there like we're not even on the terrorist and we are already shooting like this is it feels like a like a input lag or something m is going to oh y was ready for the edging there that's good full confidence swing now yes oh you have to reload bro okay rough rough I mean the fact that he like goes back a little bit and burn extra like if he didn't go back here he can actually exit the moly and maybe get an extra kill good night again H could be better he was guessing the position of vadia so now he understands the round like with this kill they understand it's a b split without a CT smoke and akar should yeah it was good two and a half kills I'm happy with that so this play looks pretty bad on this demo but they played this before update where there was still like a you could Peak behind the mully and there would be like this huge flame so this is good idea actually twist is muling catwalk for yandar and he would be peeking inside of that mly and terrorists wouldn't be able to see him here this is as I said like I'm reviewing this demo after the last update so the the flame pillar in the middle of the mle is not there but in this game it was there and it's unfortunate that CX is kind of wide peing this so he sees him clear I guess but pretty nice idea actually what a crazy fight on Long on Long all right okay we're that that's a little bit crazy like surely we're not going through the two mes here when I mean everyone is swinging so it's clearly a call here s is just holding Mouse one controlling look at the control spray here okay I think that was a little bit overcooked from uh liquid I respect the swing but not into two moles and they see that the moles are there if I'm telling you at 27 and this game play the liquid is going to win this would you believe me but at least like his utility usage really makes sense he's getting a lot of Chip damage honestly like pretty much every H that he throws gets significant amount of Chip damage okay then gets a shot immediately holds long h y gets like a ding there good break from kadon double oake ah it works or does it no no kit okay now sit here and don't peek oh he got spotted from by Major yep he got spotted and W immediately smacks him by the way if you're if you're having like a silenced M4 and you're playing this position always look into the wall please soon as you spin a little bit these people will see your silencer and your dead man you're going to get mulled and Ned to Oblivion after that I think it with M4 A4 you actually can get away with the spinning there okay we're pre-firing a wall like what is this the angle doesn't work like that and he Peaks without Flash as well or was there a Flash okay mly is there is there a Flash no there's an H he just WIS without anything I don't I don't like this at all did he get stopped by something think did that smoke blocks him no it didn't it just just needs to be bigger strafe in general like this is this is wild to me this is not the Yar I know this wall after that strafe this wall is basically one HP he wanted to peek behind the a maybe I think what he wanted to do again is that he peaks with a moly so he puts a mly himself here and he wants to peek behind it because it's really hard to spot him pre update and uh he just doesn't strafe long enough he swings from the smoke and expects that when he leaves the smokes he's going to be in line to kill the terrorist but in fact the smokes were a little bit deeper so he when he were out of it he was still like before the proper angle you know I don't even know how twist retook this but 93 Health well I I know this this N I like this is he going to get extra smoke nope what I mean the smoke is Good from yandar it was I think so no it isn't I saw twist throwing it and it landed like here and it's supposed to help you get out of the tunnels into the smoke and you can swarm the side you you can like run to the right run through the smoke run to the left gives you cover from door but maybe this lineup is supposed to block the back plat fully I feel like he's panicking in the duel I don't know I really can't like describe this with words but it's 125 Round is over by the way it's 1 V3 yar did not get like too much impact altogether but I feel like even in that brief duel that he got it's like the shooting isn't there you know and this smoke I think was supposed to be a Xbox smoke as well the way he's playing lately is not how he wants to play I I mean I'm just objectively looking I'm not even like roasting I I honestly I give him as well like praise even though he has like a poor series here some things that he's doing actually like makes make sense and are like how do I say it are like fruits of his good habits you know I don't know how to really explain it but sometimes it's actually good like the bait part that we spoke about I have not seen him bait a single time apart from that when he was hiding car apart from that in three Maps I have not seen him bait a single time hiar for his roles that he's playing is actually pretty supportive guy he's buying a lot of NES on t- sides he's offering them he's using them them to take control of his own part of the map but also for for the teammates in said executes I honestly thought that he's going to be like the guy entering this is definitely a long take with this spaes and if you don't take a long take long St that should be illegal instant uh lineup from twist as well let's see how fast it pops I'm actually I need to understand these timings it pops before cities can come so this is pretty good smoke from twist let's I want to see it counterterrorist win pretty good and easy lineup as well middle of this wall w a little bit Yar going to offer three flashes here easy you see what I'm saying about this supportive role like I thought the AAR is going to full in entry on multiple occasions but he's not even in position to entry like he's lurking here on Inferno there were a couple of lur yes towards B he was entering but towards a almost never Anubis as well like whenever it was a hit I would expect guy like gindar to run first in and entry but instead he was always like throwing nades from outside Lobby okay good timing okay like this is what I'm talking about I I I feel like there's not ever a calm duel that yakar has like he hears KX coming but this is like this is like Panic this is like definition of not being ready that duel is actually being is happening but he hears the steps and we are watching this at 25% speed by the way guys and this this looks pretty chaotic to me already on this speed I like that good good that he Tes this D and he's full sending I like it ah good try good try that was that was a good play in my opinion did voig adjust or he expected it I mean voig does s million Master He adjusted so Yar had a chance there for a double entry I respect taking so much space with an AK against double op setup without using any NES like he's just full sanding it and lose a duel again like one bullet only connects there it's like a common team by now we're talking about this aim and the way he takes fights which is something Yar was so strong okay we we have to win this D okay it was last blit but still it's so jittery you know like it feels very yeah I I can't really find the perfect word but like like panic like he's like oh [ __ ] I'm in a duel I'm in uncomfortable position even though he's in favorable position and then he's still almost like lost it right 26 HP left I can't believe I'm saying it but match point for I mean not match point map point for liquid okay full recar middle and we're actually pushing to not not bad in general like pretty good macro again from liquid good trade that was pretty hard to forar there but all right surely we're not we're not oh my God surely we're not throwing this oh thank God even the rounds where liquid wins H gets me sweaty liquid they put up a good fight on couple of rounds but generally you know they got outplay like it was clear that Eternal fire was a better team even on this dust to I feel like atal fire was just better team and with the our main focus being Yar I can clearly tell that something's wrong with either like confidence or something is off in his gaml because we all know how much better he can be even when he was in igl and he has to obviously like think for for a lot of like Parts moving Parts on the map he didn't feel as unfocused as he is in some of these tools that he's taking and not even like he's taking he's anticipating a duel and when the duel comes it still feels like he's surprised but I'm going to go thank you for watching and peace bye-bye [Music]
Channel: STYKO
Views: 29,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STYKO, Martin, Styk, csgo, Slovakia, rifler, esports, gaming, player, gamer, professionalplayer, tournaments, officialtournaments, professionalgamer, competitions, streamer, headshot, Counter, Strike, Global, Offensive, APEKS, CS2, Counter-Strike 2, Source2, Source, Monte
Id: gzajggpfvdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 25sec (2485 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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