3 Things Your CFI Isn't Telling You About Landings - MzeroA Flight Training

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hey everyone Jason Schappert here of m0a calm and the results from your survey are in the one thing you need help with most and would like help with most according to everybody is landings and trust me you know the takeoffs are optional the landings are mandatory I totally get that I totally understand it so what I want to share with you in this clip is three bits of action you can take really three things that maybe your CFI isn't sharing with you it's not because you don't have a great CFI it's just because maybe your CFI teaches with a different style or maybe your CFI you know knows this but doesn't know how to explain it to you and I want to share that with you with my over 8,000 hours of giving dual instruction and helping students with landings I've got three tips that I know are going to make your landings that much easier and the first is this its airspeed you've got to know your air speeds and it's one thing to know them it's another thing to nail them here's an example on downwind I like to be 90 on base I like to be 80 and on final I like to be 70 and continuing to slow as I cross over the airport fence I'm pitching for air speed I'm powering for altitude air speed is king you guys have probably read my book the secret to perfect landings seen the many webinars and other videos I've done on landings so you know this sort of stuff but you've got to understand that air speed is king that's what's going to help you with your landings the second big tip that I believe maybe your CFI isn't telling you is it's all about where you put your eyes let me ask you this have you ever had a landing where you feel like the ground snuck up on you you're coming in everything is looking good and next thing you know there's the ground and you meet the ground and you weren't expecting it chances are if you hit the ground you weren't expecting it you need to take your eyes further down the runway you have too small of a perspective you didn't take those eyes 3 4 500 feet look toward the tree line if that's what it takes take your eyes down the runway landings are all about perspective and all about where you put your eyes the third thing is this and this is going to be the hardest one for you to do because it is ingrained in each and every one of us as pilots it's to lose the word flair from your vocabulary what do I mean by this well a 737 on landing flares the space shuttle back in its heyday flared on landing a Cherokee 140 a Cessna 172 does not flare per se instead let's replace that with the word transition guys why do we practice slow flight we practice slow flight to learn how to control the airspeed or control the airplane adds a minimum controllable airspeed right before you touch down you are effectively in a phase of slow flight now think about it in slow flight in the dirty configuration with flaps where is the nose well it's certainly not as high as it was in slow flight in the clean configuration with flaps I'm not saying don't have a nose high attitude I am NOT saying have a three-point landing I am saying touch the main wheels down first followed very quickly by the nose wheel what I'm saying is lose the word flair because when you think of the word flair you think of bringing that yoke all the way back to your chest you're just coming in like this if you're in a position where you can't see the runway when you're coming in to land you're pitched up way too much that's the problem okay so keep that nose coming down and transition transition into slow flight on your landing and hold it off bleed off that airspeed and bring it on in those are three huge tips are going to help you so much with your landings guys airspeed where you put your eyes and ditch the word flair from your vocabulary are 172 doesn't flare it transitions into just about level or slow flight as we're heading down the runway guys in in a little bit over a week now from from the time you're seeing this we're doing a great great webinar I want you to go to flight training webinar comm it's a free to you webinar and I want to help you more with your flight train I'm going to share with you nine ways you are throwing away money in your flight training I mean that sounds crazy that there could possibly possibly be nine ways you're wasting money in your flight training student private instrument already a pilot it does not matter I'm going to show you nine ways that you could save money for renting and everything else or buying an aircraft eventually that you're wasting money in your flight training I want you to go to flight training webinar dot-com or scroll down underneath this video on mzo wacom you'll see the URL there also it will be in a youtube description for you flight training webinar comm it's a free webinar go to that URL to get signed up there's multiple dates I'm going to share with you nine ways you are throwing away money in your flight train you're gonna be surprised at a lot of them because I bet maybe you're doing quite a few of those so let's work on that let's start saving some money in our flight train so guys leave me a comment down below this video as well if you're on mzo a comm you know you'll get a response from me I want to hear maybe you've got some landing tips maybe you've got some objections to what I said I'm all about hearing about that let's start the conversation let's do it on MgO a comm scroll down underneath this video on mzo a comm and let's start that conversation so guys enjoy the rest of your day two more great videos coming up guys next video I'm going to share with you about some VFR and ifr radio communications and navigation techniques because those were number two on your most wanted list based on the survey that you conducted so guys enjoy the rest of your day please watch your inbox or video number two it's going to be out two days from now so watch for that I'll be sending an email about it enjoy the rest of your day and most importantly remember but a good pilot is always learning how a great day guys see ya
Channel: MzeroA Flight Training
Views: 379,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Land an Airplane, MzeroA Flight Training
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 07 2014
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