Can You Glide To The Runway? - 3 Tips to be SURE you can

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I'll speed up good now use a forward slip to see if you can find TN nice job look at that there's your football field band go through the long maybe on for about a human right so I have a deal with my students that I can look at them at any point in the flight and ask them where would you go right now if you lost the motor they can ask me the very same question and the idea is just to keep that awareness going right to make sure that you're always thinking where you would go so that if you lose your motor you just hold your pitch to your best glide speed turn toward your best field immediately start checking systems and seeing if you can't fix the problem so the other day I'm out with Serge we're near Livermore and he looks at the airport and says hey could we make Livermore from here and we just tried it I don't know if you've ever done that but off in a class Delta tower if they're not busy will approve a simulated engine failure to the runway that's what we asked for and that's what we got and it was a great exercise what we learned at Livermore as you can see in this first approach here is that we were way too high I think the lesson that we're gonna learn on this one is that it's just as bad to be too hot as it is to be too low and that we're gonna have to learn some tricks to make sure that we get there at the right altitude we had plenty of ways to get to a little more and you can see that being too high when it comes to an engine failure is pretty much just as bad as being too low especially where I fly I don't know where you all are flying but you know when I'm looking out at places I can hit I'm usually over a congested area so it's like can I hit this soccer field can I hit that football field can I hit this small beach area and mountainous terrain can I hit this little meadow so the skill is really not just can I make the runway what I like to practice is can I hit a specific part of the runway so after some work at the practice area we found our way over to Oakland where I know there is not a lot of light GA traffic so we could do power off approaches and we practiced power off approaches onto a runway with precision instrument markings now if you look at the markings on a precision runway you can see that each set of marks here is about 500 feet down the runway the solid white marks the thousand foot markers are 1005 from the runway threshold so if you think about the size of a football field which is about 100 yards right maybe 300 feet 100 feet on on each end for the endzone let's call it 500 feet all right I don't know if that's accurate but that's what I'm going to use a football field is 500 feet long so when we're out here practicing at Oakland we're trying to hit a point right here in between these two marks so you can come back to the finer points channel and review the engine failure video that I did with Paul last year but what you're gonna see there is kind of what we're practicing here at Oakland that I teach there are three tools available to you as the pilot to make sure that you hit a point you want to hit on the runway so power comes to idle initially we have so much altitude here we're just going to go flaps 10 and look for a down line at 85 knots so we're gonna turn a high tight base leg alright we're still we're dealing with so much altitude that it's now about how do I shed the altitude effectively without you know getting in too deep without shedding at all too soon so I have 10 degrees of flaps I'm in that key position that high tight position and flaps are my first tools so if I look at that runway and I still think yeah I'm way high I'm just gonna go flaps full tool number one is spent tool number two is the geometry of the approach so I don't have to turn in right away now this is giving me a little bit of fudge room if I overdid it on the flaps and I and I feel like oh man I'm gonna be low now you can turn directly toward the numbers that's why that geometry of that approach is so important you're not getting any further away from the runway but you can turn in at any point more than likely you're still going to be a little bit high so make sure you square the term to final letting your nose fall don't be afraid to bank the airplane you can see here that surge is pushing a little bit of inside rudder and not banking the airplane enough that's a dangerous situation he's skidding around the turn here and preventing the bank it's much better to Bank the airplane and let your nose fall to maintain speed after all you're still flying at 1g so your stall speed has not increased as long as your speed doesn't increase and you not holding altitude plus losing altitude is what you wanted to do that's why we square the turn to begin with so practice that a little bit and as you come out on final now you can use a forward slip to kind of fine-tune your touchdown and make sure that you can land the airplane inside a 500 feet from a power off fly the flaps Terry you're really wanting to end up in the key position you want to turn a high tight base so let's go ahead and turn this is really where you want to be in this key position okay hold 75 don't dive at the Rotter hold your altitude okay good there you go because from this position you can ask yourself am i high and buy low yep so let's add more flaps you're a little high so from this position or absence the geometry of your approach is the most powerful tool here like should you turn in yet or not I say go for it turn and go full flaps all right good now this is where you want to do you actually do you want to keep your nose down for 65 knots don't flare early keep your nose down even if it looks like you're gonna land short you'll float onto that runway keep your nose down keep it down for flying speed there you go good hold her off nice it all right that was all side loading good flaps up nice it there but we had a lot of cleanup to do all right so let's go full power maybe a fryer below 2500 and contact Nortel approach from one to zero point unearthed what do you find a derby a car out of below 2500 1,500 all right let me take the plane again I got it I got the plane okay so all right so there's a football field see it over there where the Raiders practice behind the cell tower if you want to be able to put the airplane down and something that size yeah you have to be a little more precise right then we're being so nice nice job getting to the runway we got there but we got their tent not sniffing not so I want you to look at the precision marking six o'clock same altitude zero miles to coast if you look at the runway do you see those big thick white marks the marks beop those are 500 feet so that's a football field from the thousand foot markers to the marks be a [Music] right two three six here let's see if we can now hit that spot okay and if we don't if we go through the wall at the end there's no consequence we'll just know it how fast we're going why don't we hit the wall okay all right so same drill only now you can't touch doubt before the right marks and you have to try to touch down as close to them as possible at it all right you've got the airplane that's so power to idle all right he's a fat suit and a chap I survived good now looking at those white marks get yourself out to the 45 degree position all right think that it's about right here good and turn face that that's a high tight base like all right height died base been here 75 right now with after good that's okay I've kept turning okay all right hey good good so go flaps 20 I think you're quite high let's go flaps 30 that's now the only other option you have here to hit that spot other than your slip is this geometry right here so hold off for the last minute here now turn bank it over let your nose cut down a few if you don't pull you're not increasing your stall speed good now use a forward slip to see if you can fine tune it really hit that spot beautiful good an aim in front of it you're aiming like one runway strip in front don't dive so far with the nose that's building up speed that you're gonna see is gonna take you right through the wall all right it's good come out of it nice job look at that yeah I think first time I built too much speed and exact looks good there's your football field family go through the wall maybe go on four it's not a human right and this is great for anybody working on the 180 degree power off approaches for the commercial the powerup approach should be the default if nobody's in your way if you don't have to extend onto a two mile final why not glide to the runway if you do this on every approach you fly or at least as many approaches as possible if you are ever that person who has an engine failure in flight and you need to hit a small area you're gonna be able to do it okay my thanks to the sponsors for their support of this show and to the patrons without that support these videos and podcasts and all the stuff that I do just wouldn't be possible if you'd like to support the channel please come visit patreon calm you get all sorts of benefits long-form lesson videos and all sorts of other fun stuff also a huge thanks to Serge for letting me publish his bike training to the Internet and to Michael Bazar for the music if you enjoyed this video please hit the like button and share with your friends that makes a huge difference for the channel come visit me and learn in the finer points calm thank you for watching this video I'm Jason Miller and until next time be safe why your best [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Finer Points
Views: 150,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gliding approaches, engine failures, vfr, airplanes, airplane crashes, emergency procedures, airplane emergencies, flight training, flight instruction, flight instructor, cfi, certified flight instructor, flying, cessna, gliding, emergency landing, flying lessons, certified instructor pay, jason, flying videos, flying vlog, aviation, aviators, aviation vlog, landing practice, better landings, improving landings, learning to land, CFII, flying skills
Id: x42c21M-z_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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