3 Tips for BETTER Landings - Flight Training

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[Music] [Music] our deviator is welcome back in this video I am going to give you three tips that will cause you to have better landings alright three practical tips that you can apply right away the first one is make sure that you have a stabilized approach alright every stabilized approach begins with some sort of aiming point if you can use the aiming point markers on the runway you can use the numbers on the runway you can use some pile of dirt in front of the runway but if your airspeed is stable and your rate of descent is stable there will be only one only one point in your view in your sight picture in your windscreen that is not moving all other points will appear to emanate from this one point that is not moving and that is your aiming point all right you'll want to set that and be sort of conscious about what you're aiming at but maybe at first just set up a sit a stabilized descent and that's a stabilized airspeed stabilized rate of descent and figure out which point on the runway is not moving start there learn to see the aiming point you can manipulate power as necessary in a perfect world you won't have to do that very much but it's fine if you do because the variables that we are looking to stabilize our airspeed and rate of descent all right the second tip make sure that you transition to a second aiming point during the round out and flare so approximately one wingspan above the ground as you're looking at your aiming point some point about a hundred feet in front of it or so will start to disappear under your dash that is a cue for you to transition your sight all the way down to the end of the runway a second aiming point now and you're going to start to use your peripheral vision to judge your height and make sure that you're protecting the nosewheel as the airplane settles toward the earth the third tip make sure that you're using the Lindbergh reference right that sort of sideways view through the forward window because if you're protecting the nose properly if you're holding the nose off you're gonna lose all forward references and you need to have data here don't be what I call a passenger right you're not just along for the ride during this landing you're going to use the Lindbergh reference to judge your height to control your drift and to make sure that you're aligned with the centerline of the runway all right for more information on the Lindbergh reference come back to the finer points YouTube channel there's a whole video there on how to use the Lindbergh reference all right so let's put all that together here you can see Paul on an approach he's using the second one-way stripe past the aiming marks here as his as his aiming point that's the point that's not moving right here and when some point about a hundred feet in front of that about the top of this stripe here starts to disappear under the under his out of his view then he'll begin to transition to the second aiming point at the far end of the runway you'll see that happen right about now there he's starting to transition and then remember that the cameras mounted a little higher than his eyes so now he's using this Lindbergh reference over here to protect the nose all right there's the touchdown and then we begin the rollout remember to fly it all the way to the tie down so if you find that your ballooning a lot during the round out and the flare I'm how to deal with that is a little bit beyond the scope of this video but try having it take about four seconds and check out the Jacobsen flare this comes from you know about 35,000 flares this guy averaged out the time it takes and claims that if you begin the flare at the right time it should take about four seconds to transition to that second aiming point at the far end of the runway so just to kind of keep you in the ballpark try that alright let's see one more example here this is surge coming in and looks like he's using this is a little bit of a steeper approach he's using the numbers as the aiming point so that's that the point that isn't moving are the numbers and when some mark a hundred feet in front of that let's say the top of these white lines here begins to disappear you'll see him transition to the second aiming point right about now good that should take about four seconds now he's using the Lindbergh reference to protect the nosewheel and there's the touchdown and the rollout all right and before I leave you before I leave you I think it's important for you as you're gonna judge yourself out there to remember the FAA teaches landings with five phases if you go to the airplane flying handbook they will tell you there's an approach there's a round out there's a flare there's a down there's a roll out and I think it's important for you to have this granular analysis of your performance so that you're not just saying oh that was a good landing or that was a bad landing right you can say that was a great approach or that was a great round out and flare but when I touched down I was crooked and I completely let go of the nose so I didn't fly the airplane all the way to the tie downs you can start to evaluate your performance in more detail so maybe go back to the airplane flying handbook read that section on landings remember there's five phases don't be too hard on yourselves we're all seeking the perfect landing and enough watching this video go practice a big thanks to the sponsors for their support of the channel and to the patrons without that support these videos just wouldn't be possible come visit me at learn the finer points com we've got podcasts every other week videos every other week and you can find me on instagram at learn the finer points please like this video subscribe to the channel hit the bell so you get alerted of uploads share this among your friends thanks for watching this video you are the best fans on the Internet I'm Jason Miller and until next time be safe bye your best [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Finer Points
Views: 90,347
Rating: 4.9643135 out of 5
Keywords: certified flight instruction, cfi, flight instructor, flight instruction, flight instructor tips, flight instructor ground school, flight instructor pay, jason, flight training, cessna, landings, landing, better landing, better landings cessna 172, tips for better landings, aviation, flying, flying vlog, flight training vlog, pilot life, improve landings, improve your landings, how to grease landing gear, flying instructions, flying instructor, aviation instruction, aviators
Id: atl4DKo6l9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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