3 Signs Your Manifestation Is Coming Your Way | Law of Attraction

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can you relate to this you know i think one of the most challenging parts about practicing concepts like raising your vibration the law of attraction manifestation visualization how the heck do you know if that stuff is actually working now hear me out this is actually a really good question and maybe you're in the camp of is this stuff actually working how do i know like my efforts are going to pay off like what do i look for what are some signs so in this video i want to give you not one not two but three signs that your manifestations are closer than you think and are on the way for you i look back on my life and i start seeing some patterns whether it's getting in a good relationship order the signs before that whether it's touring in a band playing sold out shows of 35 000 people internationally around the world saw some good signs whether it's doing this business full-time what i love shifting into this these are the three signs i would look for in your life if this sounds good smash that like button and let's get started with the third sign your manifestation is closer than you think now this sounds completely counterintuitive but you're no longer obsessed about the thing that you want to manifest the person the place the job the experience whatever that is to you you no longer have this obsession obsession over it this took me so long to practice i think one of the biggest things that blocks the law of attraction raising your vibe all this stuff from working is over attachment and so if over attachment blocks it well then on the other side being detached from things actually makes you closer to the thing because anytime you're over attached to something that carries the energy of like i don't have it yet of lack but you probably know and also neediness like i need this thing to feel complete you even hear this with people and they talk about i want to be in a relationship i want to find my other half what's wrong there that's implying you're not whole already so if you need something to complete you that's also a scary place to come from but it's with this energy of over attachment now let's just say you go into looking for a relationship you want to manifest love into your life that is good that is great you deserve it but you go into it with that neediness energy from a male perspective when i if i ever approached a female and i was needy and like over attached to it that's pretty repulsive that pushes them away they're like ah get this out of here it's that needy energy that can really throw it off so the third thing that your sign is closer than you think is if you're no longer from that place of i need this thing to completely otherwise i'm gonna fall apart and i'm just gonna feel terrible no you relax more you start becoming more detached now here's a quick example again to make this practical and less abstract about a year ago before i moved here i was ready to pretty much quit youtube i was really burnt out on the content i was making um it just felt like i don't know you get in this creative rut of where okay i don't want to do that video anymore it's only so many times i can say this thing i've already said it all you know i was pretty much ready to throw in the towel and quit and i realized it was because i was over attached to the views to the subscribers i had become a slave in this own little castle that i built right of the youtube channel where i was just trying to do what worked to go like crazy viral and stuff and that i was over attached to it i said i have to hit you know i want half a million subscribers in 2020. million views a month x number in ad revenue and i had all these arbitrary metrics like who's setting the rules right and it sucked the living fun out of doing something that i fell in love with in the first place because it was fun to have a voice to share opinions to read and then share and learn that's the coolest job in the world and so i was ready to quit till i moved here and i started asking myself okay let's just say i quit today what would i do i would still probably read i would still probably share ideas i would still probably grow and still probably have the art form of making videos i love it so why don't i just do that without the attachment since i'm going to quit anyway why don't i just do it without the intent the attachment of it has to go viral so why don't i speak from the heart be authentic you know what happened i shifted my content i went back to the start of what we started this channel with which is self-development ideas last month we had a record month for this channel and it was literally the goals i wrote down i'll share some with you it was like over ten thousand dollars a month just from ad revenue i don't know why that was important to me it just sounded so sick you know 10k a month back when i was a kid like i'm like wow that's so much money just from ads 10k a month we hit it in november it was like over 15 000 18 000 subscribers a month because that was the all-time high we had in like 2017 we hit it in november it was views and reaching new people we hit it was having fun and authentic so i'm sharing that with you because when we're over attached to things you actually get worse results not better ones when you're obsessed with something there's this terrible myth that you have to eat sleep and breathe what you want to manifest and obsess and just ah and it'll come to you no when you relax into things you get better results now that's all i have to say with that so you're less attached that is the third sign that something's coming nothing is wrong with you if you're like wow that thing doesn't really interest me as much of that obsession like even if it doesn't come i'll be okay without it that's good that's a sign of detachment so once you have that third sign you're ready for the second sign okay now these don't all three have to be there you may experience one or two you may experience one and then it goes away and then the second one pops up these are just signs that i've noticed again with all the things i manifested so sign number two is you're connecting more dots things are firing and wiring in your minds like they haven't before here's why this works learning is literally just your brain if you look at it from a neurological level the synapses are firing and wiring together and they're making new connections once they do this over and over again the way you're like nylon sheaths and stuff um fire and wire they ingrain in kind of like a river right if there's a river here you know like the grand canyon that was like water that made it because it ran there so many times that's the same thing with your thoughts in your brain it gets deeper more ingrained more true right that's exactly how it is so when you start connecting dots you start having all these new epiphanies that's going to start grooving out a path to make it easier and easier and flow more to you so when things are firing and wiring when you're connecting the dots realize that that's creating something new by definition if you didn't need to create something new in your mind and have these new connections fire and wire together to get the thing you want to manifest the thing you want to achieve what you want in your life you would already have it that's the crazy part right and that's like the blunt truth we have to go to like and sometimes it's a quick little mindset shift i'm not saying like it's this big overhaul but what i am saying is that when you find those new ahas those new connections those new connecting the dots when things start clicking it's an easier way that is a sign that your manifestation is closer to you because you're going to start taking new action you're going to get new results quick story on this i just wrapped up the first round of my new flagship program metamorphic right we're transforming into the 2.0 u is what we teach people to how to do over a six week process groundbreaking stuff fantastic course like the best thing i've ever made super cool what i'm more stoked with though are the student successes there was one student success who um you know he enrolled in the program it's a six week process so like weeks one and two he was like whoa i feel like i'm connecting so many dots i feel like oh i start seeing this concept apply to this manifestation principle apply to where i could see that in my life he started connecting all these dots and here's what happened right he went in like yeah you know i just want to level up like something it's not like my life is like poor me boo hoo it's like a hallmark movie right but it's like ass things could be better i know so i know i'm not at my full potentials a lot of people who we work with right and so we're like great let's create the 2.0 u and so what he did throughout this program week number five this is crazy as he's in this program he's firing and wiring making all these new connections by week number five he gets a call from a place he submitted his resume for right he was a massage therapist it was a different clinic and they're like we know you're in this other clinic we're willing to pay you not 25 raise not 30 rates we're literally willing to double your salary if you come work for us and he shared a success story and i'm like oh my god that is awesome dude so those are the kinds of things again no promises there i'm not saying you're going to double your income right but those are the kinds of things that happen when you start shifting into this two point of view you raise yourself up and you can attract higher things higher people higher incomes all these different possibilities to you and it starts with firing and wiring new connections that's sign number two if that interests you creating the 2.0 you if you like what we talk about on this channel i want to invite you down below there's a link a little application link to apply for our metamorphic coaching program now it's not for everyone okay it's like maybe for one out of ten of you but for the right fit that's why we have the application just to make sure you're right fit um we'll hop on the phone near you or either someone i'm working with and we'll see how this program if and how it can actually help you before we invite you in but that transitions perfectly to our first sign that your manifestation is closer than you think is my favorite one you're experiencing synchronicities and coincidences okay synchronicities and coincidences now this goes beyond seeing one one one on your phone or 555 or oh my god 369 everywhere i go i don't know you can believe what you want with numerology i haven't looked into it too much just to be perfectly honest but i believe in synchronicities and coincidences because when you look at a deeper level they're not really just these random events like they seem i think it's even deeper where there's something almost giving you a sign that it's coming your way and these are very very powerful here's why an easy way to think about synchronicities and coincidences like you ever thought about someone and then they literally text you right then in there or you get a call from them or you think about a song and you're like singing it in your head right and then you plug in your aux cord to your phone in your car and it like the first song on your spotify playlist is that song or it picks up right where you left off what the heck right that's a synchronicity that's a coincidence i think so many times in life we have these rules that we set up for ourselves and one of the rules is we want things to be linear we want things to be black and white we want things to be untangled we want things to be uh binary right if i do x i get y if i put in this amount of time i will get this amount of money for my efforts if i meditate for 20 minutes a day every single day then at the end of two months i'll have the perfect life and never have to meditate again like that's literally what we approach choices like in life like i hate to be the bearer of bad news but i find in my life and i've seen it in other people's lives that is not how the universe works that is not how life works it doesn't operate in binaries where it's black and white if you do x you get y let me give you some examples no one just shows up at your door randomly and says hi would you like to be in a relationship yeah we're soul mates now okay let's go to get no that's not how love comes to you it normally comes in the forum let's just say in my life you know when i've met people it's been i tried something new i signed up for a yoga class or a new experience where i was walking around right or got introduced to mutual friends there was almost a buffer in between me and that person there was this little messenger buffer right here right that's more like how the universe works money let's take this it's not like you start manifesting and then you should go buy lottery tickets which i think is gross when people recommend that on youtube it's flashy and it brings people in but don't buy lottery tickets because you're manifesting wealth okay i just think lotteries is it's been said it's a tax on poor people but i'm ranting right now okay congratulations you're manifesting nine times 99 thousand times out of uh a hundred thousand it won't be you're manifesting money so you go buy a lottery ticket and that's the path that's like too linear a plus b equals c right but it might show up in the form that you're running your own business you start manifesting wealth you start improving yourself you have all these synchronicities right the synchronicity that shows up in your life might be a new client comes to you that day and you start signing and working with them and they're like your favorite client that actually happened to one of our students in our metamorphic program funny enough i didn't even plan this but nick he was going through it and then he got like two or three more clients by the end of the six weeks because he was working on himself he was leveling up success happiness you know it might not be that you watch one video like okay what's the answer okay i found that one video my life changed forever and now i never have any problems again that's not how life works 99 out of 100 times but it might be a synchronicity you stumble across a video like this you're like wow that guy's talking a mile a minute but i kind of like him for some reason maybe it's the golf course right and i recommend a book or someone else recommends a book you start deep diving it leads you down a rabbit hole maybe you watch these videos for a year and then you start slowly applying these things and you look back and you're like my life is different because of that that's the goal at least right that is how the universe works it's not one and done it's normally a coincidence or a synchronicity but when you look out you zoom out you realize these things aren't random these synchronicities and coincidences that just because it doesn't have a plus b equals c how can i do this like like a puzzle piece doesn't mean it didn't happen in a way in an order just because we can't see the order from the higher perspective zoomed out doesn't mean there wasn't an order you following this and so that's why one of the first things i tell people in our metamorphic coaching program our new coaching students i know you have goals i know you have things that you want to manifest in your set on but be open to the coincidences and synchronicities throughout these six weeks because i can't tell you exactly how that thing is going to show up or just to be you know ethical even if it's gonna show up i can tell you what to do and to put in the work and believing all this stuff right but you will be surprised because it would be even better than i could have said it for you or maybe even better than you could have designed it right and so that's part of the game welcome to it right and so i just think that that is such a cool point to honor synchronicities and coincidences because it might even be better than you're expecting right now and if you're not open to it you might miss it so let's land this plane now the three signs that manifestations and the law of attraction and everything you want is closer than you think that it is working r you're no longer obsessed with that thing remember that over attachment of the neediness that energy that implies lack means that it's actually further away you're not on that level and so you're going to have a hard time manifesting it to you follow the second you're starting to connect the dots right you level up because if you had what you needed to now you would already have the thing so when you start connecting these dots when things fire and wire that's where new opportunities are gonna open up because you're thinking new thoughts and you're taking new actions makes sense and the third thing what was the third thing oh yeah synchronicities and coincidences in your life show up because i believe and let me know in the comments if you believe that as well that that is the messenger that is how the universe actually delivers things to you is through coincidences and synchronicities which seem random which seem out of the blue but at a grand level when you're looking back on your life and you can do this those random events actually lead you to the best things in life you made it to the end of this video so go down there subscribe and make sure those bell notifications are set to on if you are subscribed do a double take make sure they're on do a triple take because youtube always is weird with algorithm stuff sometimes they turn them off for people i don't i don't know why i've been subscribed to channels and then i don't get their notifications anymore so i don't want you to miss anything double triple check that you're subscribed with the bells on like this video make sure you liked it and then also if the metamorphic coaching program sounds good to you you're like heck yeah i want to evolve into the 2.0 me you know maybe i'm not in this down in the dumps where my life seems broken maybe i'm just looking to kind of optimize things a little bit or maybe you are down there and you're like i want to completely shift into the 2.0 me so my life is completely different than it is now scroll down there apply again it's not for everyone so we work with limited people i'm really selective of who we work with but if you are a fit i will let you know we'll hop on a quick call and uh discuss it further see if it's even a good fit for you as well so i'd love to have you a part of that we'd love to help you and help you shift into the 2.0 u thanks so much for watching until next time stop settling start living see ya
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 90,088
Rating: 4.9391379 out of 5
Keywords: law of attraction, the secret, how to manifest, how to use the law of attraction, law of attraction love, best law of attraction video, best law of attraction techniques, signs manifestation is on its way, signs manifestation is close, signs manifestation is near, signs manifestation is working, clark kegley
Id: 5bktQ1CpkMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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