Nikola Tesla’s Hidden 369 Manifestation Code REVEALED

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who's ready for part two about a year ago we did a video on nikola tesla's three six nine manifestation method response seemed to be pretty positive you guys liked it so i thought we'd continue our conversation on nikola tesla because it's actually 165th birthday today so in this video we're gonna unpack the three six and nine the significance of that we'll deep dive in there and then i'll give you the 369 technique revisited and kind of redone for this year and some things will add into it in honor of his birthday i pulled a few fun facts and stories about the man the myth the legend he's an interesting dude he was born during a lightning storm and what was more shocking was that the midwife who was helping deliver him said oh my god this is such a bad omen like this is terrible a lightning and nikola tesla's born and his mom said no this is a good omen he'll be a child of the light plus one for his supportive mom speaking of women in his life he hated when women or anyone would wear pearls he refused to speak with any of them and needless to say if he was alive today he would hate the band pearl jam uses their cds as coasters he had the idea of basically for a smartphone in 1901 which was basically to take all the telegram messages out there broadcast them into his laboratory and then broadcast them to each person with a specific frequency on a device that you could hold in your hand now if that don't sound like this pretty ahead of his time he's still responsible for a lot of the inventions we use to this day including induction motors remote controls neon lamps three-phase electric power one of the quotes that's odd from him is that he was obsessed with the numbers three six and nine he went so far as to say if you only knew the magnificence of the three the six and the nine you would hold the secrets to the entire universe pretty cryptic statement pretty bold statement what does that even mean what's the real significance of the three six and nine let's unpack that a little more nikola tesla realized much like yourself i'm sure that nature creates in pattern extrapolated out there seems to be an intelligence that works beyond what we can comprehend that creates the same thing over and over and over again take the golden ratio or the fibonacci sequence the similarities between you and nature and the universe and how it creates take a look at your body the anatomy of a person much like the capillaries the veins the arteries those can be zoomed out on the worlds sort of look like rivers or highway systems that we build much of what we do is mimicking nature intuitive there's a numerology of triplets or trios when you think about the universe and how it comes together there's essentially three major parts there's dark energy dark matter and normal matter zoomed in a bit deeper you have space time and matter you have positive negative and neutral the cycle of life you have birth life and death if you look at christianity in those stories three shows up quite a bit there's three wise men three men were crucified on the cross there's the holy trinity the father the son the holy spirit jesus rose three days later he lived to be 33 years old the number three is sort of built into life itself it seems without reading too much into numerology here you can kind of think of nature creating in the same way that there's only so many lego blocks that you can stack together they're all shapes and sizes but at the end of the day they work the same even beyond our planet when you get to an asteroid it has many of the same elements same thing with other planets so now that we know how nature creates now that we know a little bit about the significance of the three let's talk about the sequencing of three six nine why this pattern and before i get too far here i don't want to spend the whole video talking about vortex math that's the thing that nikola tesla was obsessed with and that's what it's called i'll link down below a video if you want to go deeper you want to geek out on it by engineering made easy i found this video on youtube talking about this and he explains it very well in about 14 minutes it blew my mind think of this a circle has 306 degrees now if you add that together 3 plus 6 plus 0 equals 9. but what if you cut that circle in half it's 180 degrees 1 plus 8 plus 0 is what 9. now what if you cut that 180 degrees in half it's 90. 9 plus 0 is 9. same thing if you cut that in half again it's 45 4 plus 5 is 9. and you can keep doing this over and over and over again and the sum of the numbers will always equal 9. the circle in some way represents something that is never ending infinity just like you can't have less of no thing in a backwards way that is sort of infinity infinitively zero here's what's crazy about nine the same applies if you add the digits of the speed of light you get nine the same for diameter of the sun the minutes of a day fourteen hundred and forty one plus four plus four plus zero equals nine same with the minutes in a month equals nine minutes in a year same with the minutes in a week even the duration of a pregnancy is how many months nine there's something sacred about the nine there because it controls the three and the six if you look at that vortex math and how it all comes together if you want to read very deeply essentially one way to look at this is that the numbers one two four five seven and eight out of there out of one through nine there sort of represent the 3d newtonian world that everything that can be weighed and measured is all that there is essentially it is matter and if you want to read deeper into this essentially the numbers 3 6 and 9 represent a higher dimensional world that just as you and i right now what you're watching me on is only just a little little slice of the visible light spectrum you know it's less than what is it one percent that we can see with our naked eyes everything else still exists x-rays radio waves uv rays those are equally as real we just can't see them in the same way there's a spectrum that what we can comprehend and can't comprehend but we know this exists maybe that's what's happening with higher dimensional realms and the 3 the 6 and the 9 represent that and that way you can get into the quantum view of change or quantum physics which to go down that rabbit hole essentially says that when you change the way you look at things the things you look at actually change there's something called an observer effect that even the very fact of you studying something it knows in some way that you're looking at it through like the double slit test if you read up on that changes the behavior of what's actually happening just with your intention so up until this point you have been geeking out on 369 and this is interesting to you because you're still watching just like nikola tesla that curiosity that you have towards this and if anything has blown your minds like when i was researching this i got my mind blown just in that circle piece alone the deeper you think into this the more you start to realize like nikola tesla said if you only knew the significance of the three the six and the nine you would know the power of the entire universe what do we actually do with this information you don't have to get six nine tattooed 69 times on your body maybe he's onto something there what you can do is if you want a way to tap into this 369 ratio and use it in your life a little technique called the 369 manifestation now i do not know who the first person to come up with this is and i don't even know what the original manifestation is but i'll tell you the way that i do it and this is the first video that i did i recommended this way a lot of people have given great feedback saying that this was awesome so there are three steps to the 369 manifestation method step one is i want you to think of three things that you want this could be tangible or intangible things like more money more success better job or this can be intangible like more confidence more patience more love if you had a magic lamp and you had three wishes what would you put i'ma challenge you to not just go for big um you know some videos i do when you're talking about manifesting which that word can be somewhat cringe to me now not because i don't believe in it but just sometimes the things people want to manifest are like i'm gonna be a millionaire in two weeks i'm gonna be a billionaire by 20. and hey i'm not putting you down but i think it's smarter in the case of money don't you think we should probably try and manifest a hundred thousand dollars first or your first 10k month so in that way i kind of like smaller manifestations not because i want to cram your style but i like having those check marks to sort of build up to bigger things if you know anything about positive psychology that's actually how you stay motivated is hitting little goals along the way that's what's going to keep you motivated to reach the big ones so instead of losing 50 pounds change it to five pounds or one pound whatever it is choose three things that you sort of want i'll let you go crazy there once you have these three things what you're going to do is visit them six times per day now yes i know that sounds a little crazy you don't have to do this forever but if you want to give it a fair shot six times a day now why six times a day yeah it's kind of arbitrary but it fits with the three six nine the point here is that your subconscious mind which about eighty percent of your thoughts are not conscious they are subconscious they're the scripts running in the background when you look at uh studies that show we have about sixty thousand thoughts a day they find that about eighty percent of them are subconscious can reprogram your subconscious mind in one of these two ways emotions or repetition example where were you on 9 11 if you're old enough you know if you're gen z you probably don't know you can recall that like no other and who you were with exactly what you were doing because there's so much emotion to that event where were you when you had your first kiss where were you when your boyfriend or girlfriend the last one dumped you how did that conversation go emotions stick with you and then repetition is also strong the reason you can recite songs in your head and they get stuck in your head it's because you've heard them so many times and it's repetitive or maybe the melody is repetitive in the song so it's catchy in that way you can influence your subconscious mind so six times a day is what you're going to review those three things that you want but what about the nine the nine is you're going to review these three things six times a day for nine seconds each now i'll give you a tip here i find that it works very well to take out a journal and do this this is something i'm actually working on right now i'm just going to show you this is my very own custom journal i'm working with a manufacturer to make for our clients in our metamorphic program we're never going to sell these the only way you get this and the inside it's all customized it's going to be beautiful super high quality only way you get it is if you're clients and you're in our program i just wanted to show it off a little bit because it's so cool this is like eight years in the making i'm finally decided to pull the trigger and order some want more info on our coaching program you can apply down below see if you're a fit take out a journal you don't need r's for it but anyone that's that'll work what you're going to do is you're going to write those three things six times a day for nine seconds each okay so you're just going to fill it up right here and i find that the act of writing the manifestation is actually about nine seconds each takes you about nine seconds to write so in that way if you just write these six times a day and you can even do this you can even if you don't have a journal on you you can type it in your phone just go to your notes app typing it out will be about nine seconds but it's going to work better if you actually physically write it i believe that something for lack of better word magical happens when you take your ideas from in here you actually put them on to paper it's been said don't just think it ink it i've been journaling for eight years and there's some things that i'm doing today that i look back on eight years ago and i was literally just writing out it is amazing what can happen the last question is how long should you do this technique for in the theme of the 369 i'd say start with nine days if you want to be a maniac and it feels good and you love doing it do it for three weeks 21 days it says 21 days about what it takes to build in a new habit and remember repetition is one of the best ways to install those new beliefs or anything that has a three six or nine to it don't get too bogged down with the details of if you're doing it right the most important thing is to just try it ultimately what do you have to lose worst case you're wasting time best case you get closer to the things that you actually want you know one of my favorite quotes is you do not manifest what you want you manifest what you are that's why in our coaching program metamorphic we really help you experience an identity shift making this feel real and not just something you're writing and don't really believe so if you need some help manifesting what you really want in life scroll down below apply to our metamorphic coaching program and uh if you're a good fit i'm happy to hop on the phone tell you a bit more and see if we can actually help you thanks so much that is nicola tesla in the 369 a deep dive part two and like this video subscribe for more and until next time stop settling start living see ya
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 301,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nikola tesla, nikola tesla vortex math, 369 method, 369 manifestation, tesla secret code 369, tesla code 369, nikola tesla divine code 369, manifesting with tesla code 369, law of attraction technique, clark kegley, clark kegley 369, 369 manifestation technique
Id: uFylqwmgkQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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