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you've heard me rant on this channel before that we have 60,000 thoughts a day right that's what psychologists have found out I don't know if they had a guy hit a button every single time you had a thought it sounds exhausting well in this video I want to dive deep into the subconscious and the unconscious mind and if you're like ok you know I've already heard that before or Phoebe something new we're gonna illustrate it with the journal here the second camera I have set up and all these freaking pens for you really dive deep and merge so many different concepts so by the end of this video I guarantee that things will be clicking for you in a totally different way this is Clark with refusing to settle let's get in to this week's soul Sunday the fusers welcome back to Seoul Sunday excuse the let that bad it's gonna say messy hair oh is out of bounce house with my girlfriends nice all day jumping up and down like crazy diving into foam pit so the good thing you can't smell through the camera yet there's your daily dose of cringe alright let's dive into this let's let's not set it up it's not too much set-up time we're gonna be talking about three things okay the conscious mind the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind and how these actually hold you back from the life you want or just like if you understand them you have a key and it unlocks all of change I credit a lot of my energy shift and these videos and all the stuff to this content over the past I don't know how many weeks have really been diving deep into it so if you want to make change in any area health wealth relationships this is the reason you can or can't okay you don't want to ignore this video you don't want to skip this one so anyway let's keep it short Clark here's the beautiful journal let's get into this you guys ready arts and crafts with Clark time this right here is not Africa this is your mind and Freud was actually the first person of my knowledge to pioneer this Sigmund Freud the guy was obsessed with this mom right and thought everything was about sexual desire and edging um we're gonna talk about this iceberg in this video so there's three parts to the mind so Freud thought it was the ego the super-ego and the it'd recently most psychologists and spirituality meza fit metaphysics they call it these three things so right up here just just like an iceberg right this is water you have your conscious mind all right this is responsible for about 10% five to ten percent of your waking thoughts so that is the tip of the iceberg okay so of your 60,000 thoughts around three to six thousand thoughts a day are conscious these change these are things like again willpower goals decisions actions plans analysis anytime you have to think about things that's where it is a lot of people in the self-development space they watch a lot of videos about setting goals and how to motivate yourself to not procrastinate how to get more willpower how to force yourself to take action now let's dive deeper into this iceberg just like 90 percent beneath the surface right sometimes even more this is where the real controlling factor of your life is happening it's not up here it's in here alright let me set this up a little more this is like deep water on below next up we have your subconscious mind and this is about you could say 50 to 60 percent of your thoughts in a given day is subconscious they're not conscious like a good example of subconscious mind this is what happens when you're asleep this is what psychologists say you develop from the ages of 0 to 6 years old this is where all your values and beliefs and societal norms get developed and it controls a majority of your life is subconscious so if you want to make change right now I hope you're seeing is it better to go after the conscious mind or the subconscious mind ok this is another way to look at it beneath the water level this is like body and above the water level that's like your head okay so that's why you can't really think your way out of problems because sometimes that thinking creates a lot of anxiety which is in my opinion when I've experienced it and I know some people disagree but for the most part it's over thinking right it's just oh I should do this but if I do this X Y & Z and Z will happen and buh buh buh buh buh buh ba and you just get in your head that's why when you use your body like you go for a really intense workout you're like I'm the man I'm killing it in the gym new PR and you're in that flow state is that a conscious thing in your mind no that's like your body kicking on that's your body taking over you don't have time when you're out of there and you exhaust yourself and it's like that piece you don't really have time to feel anxious that's why working out helps so much raises your all the chemicals in your body to to feel good feel good chemical really intense workout and stuff get you into your body all right I heard dr. Joe Dispenza and credit to him a lot of this stuff is coming from him I've been geeking out on him lately him and dr. Bruce Lipton I think is his name not to be confused the guy who made Lipton tea by the way but anyway they say that Joe spends a-- says that feelings are how your body expresses itself so you feel the press do you feel anxious and thoughts are how your conscious mind expresses itself and your thoughts and feelings what do they do they control your life that's how you feel about the day that's what gives you a temperament that's what gives you a mood that's what gives you your personality it comes from your thoughts and your feelings the mind and the body really cool distinction there and so there are always juxtaposed kind of going at each other but let's dive deeper here the subconscious mind what actually makes it up it's this I'll read this out to you I can't tell the chicken scratch it's your emotions your values your fears projections self-image identity imagination all your memories your personal beliefs cultural beliefs and limiting beliefs I love this if we're talking about getting rich right making some money you can consciously want that thought like we talked about on money Monday's right you consciously say I want to manifest and make $10,000 this year but if your personal beliefs cultural beliefs and limiting beliefs those all work together counter dict with that what do you think is gonna win 10 percent versus the other 90% that takes over of course the 90% is gonna hold you back right so if you have limiting beliefs like rich people are evil well then that's why you can't get rich or make money or growing up your parents said money doesn't grow on trees money is scarce no it's not it's so abundant they're pretty more printing more every day they you know every single day the value of a dollar goes down so I even backed up by gold anymore so rant for another time it's not scarce its currency you know the real root of current that's what our word comes from currency it means to what what is the current it flows it moves all around so we got to check this in personal culture on limiting beliefs there's lots of limiting beliefs that we don't even realize we have that's all we recommend journaling that control your life because it's beneath the surface so that's why consciously you're like I want to change I want to change I want to change your thinking thinking thinking but you're not feeling feeling feeling your body and it wins it takes over a great example of limiting beliefs I had recently for myself was I thought that with this channel I I was too young to talk about personal development or self-development that I need to go out and get all you know years and years and grow a white beard before I can really give some personal development advice and I'm like wait numb nuts Tony Robbins started when he was in his 20s and a lot of people now they follow people on YouTube that they relate to they want to see it from your perspective and you have such a unique perspective on stuff you're doing a disservice by not getting your message out there same with you whatever you want to talk about so that's why it's so important to dive deep into this stuff and at the end of this video I'll give you a few ways to reprogram your subconscious mind and we'll unpack this further it gets even cooler guys stay with me here because this is hopefully you're seeing like oh that's why change is really harder oh that's why my life is stuck it's the same thing for years or people in your life right you're like oh that's why they are the way they are dr. Joe Dispenza or Bruce Lipton I forgot I got I get them confused because I've been geeking out on them so much lately it got both their books been reading them and watching everything they do they say by the time you're 35 years old this stuff is pretty much hardwired into you it's like really really hard to change something by the time you're 35 and that's true for the most part right like remember how easy it was they say to learn a new language when you're a kid because you don't have any beliefs of learning a language is hard or wait what does that mean in this language you're not comprehending it you're more feeling it you're open to that we're gonna come back to these and I'll tell you some more stuff about brainwaves and how to actually change this it gets even cooler deep down below you're like okay conscious minds 10% subconscious minds 50 to 60% well Clark that only adds up to like 60 or 70% good math no no my friend my friend which side note if you're traveling and someone calls you my and chances are you not their friend and you might get ripped off like I did a lot in Egypt just that kind of guy anyway my friend the love of the surface is this right here this is something I don't hear a lot of people talk about ooh this is good this is dark you guys want to go dark and I'll give you another one it gets even darker before it gets better promise there's a happy ending to this just like frozen to when I cried my eyes out you see that movie yet anyway the unconscious mind 30 to 40 percent now here's what lies beneath the surface and this is I was watching planet Earth right or our planet or something like that one of those David Attenborough documentaries on Netflix right I love those he's like talking about the Lions beneath the surface there's your unconscious mind he's going really deep and it was on the ocean and what happens to the ocean as it gets deeper and deeper down the fish get weirder and creepier and darker and pretty soon you're all the way down at the bottom here and there's like that Finding Nemo fish with that light hanging over at Ted right and it has those fangs hanging out or there's like 50 prehistoric sharks that are 50 feet long down there and you're like oh my god that thing looks like a dinosaur it's the same thing with us guys beneath the surface the deeper down it goes the deeper we repress this stuff the darker it gets promise it gets dark before it gets better I'll show you the light at the end of the tunnel the unconscious mind so what relized out what resides down here what's that little fish with the hanging light I'll tell you what it is trauma guilt shame violence another way to look at it is secrets the stuff that like is pushed really really deep down inside you know I was talking to this interview I had with a with a really successful tenderer it should be live on the channel now or going live I don't really want to reveal it because it's kind of personal but he was talking about how he went to therapy and he didn't want him who's this really really macho tough dude tattoos and like kick ass take names kind of guy right and he went to therapy to work through some of the anxiety he was having and the therapists he committed to like four sessions or whatever and then at the end he gets up he walks away he's like all right that's four sessions thank you for your time bah bah bah and the guy's like he sure there's not anything you want to talk about he said nope no we're good just gotta go out now I'm you know I'm a man a macho we don't talk about that stuff is it be sure it's not any secrets or things you feel guilt shame about something about your childhood and as soon as he said that it was like the floodgates of a dam opened and he just started crying and he was telling me the story it's really vulnerable that he had been there was an immigrant in this previous country when he was a kid he got molested by older boys and he had all this guilt and shame around it like you know why me or you know am i gay and all this stuff he was questioning because of that experience deep down inside like this is where abuse lies this is where trauma lies from childhood this is where you know all this stuff is is beneath the surface that controls our life really and you can't rationally think your way out of this stuff you have to feel through it you have to talk through it with someone who's really experienced you have to do releases if they do meditation hypnosis there's so many other things we'll talk about and then at the very very bottom right here okay this is like crazy crazy deep and this isn't something that really Freud talks about or anyone who's given these things but this is like if you believe it this would be this is like how we evolved so the primitive part of your brain like the nervous system that drives things your impulses you know procreation all have stuff your impulses and some cultures and religions would say past lives so they believe that or not it's not the point of this video but if you have past lives or reincarnate or whatever this is where some of that wood would reside deep down inside what science has showed us recently is we can actually explain this stuff scientifically okay and this is cool there's three kinds of waves that we'll talk about and there's several more but there's beta waves okay these are the really high like zigzag waves right if you look on them and on a spectrum eater the waves are moving really really really really really really fast okay and so those are beta waves that's when you're conscious so you're consciously going about the day you know you're in beta state for the most part thinking then there's data waves all right there these are the three types we need to talk about and then I'll relate it back to this promise this all hangs in stay with me Stata waves okay this is a bit more the wave looks a little slower okay and this is the state you're in until you're about six or seven years old you're in theta wave state so you're developing this is where like our subconscious gets developed you tap into this and deep levels of meditation you can tap into this some people and psychedelic experiences you can tap into this when you're sleeping for the most part okay and then there's things called delta waves you look at that waveform it's much more like a wave predictable long it'd be like bass notes and treble notes right or like a bass guitar right if you look at the waveform it's more like this versus if you look like a snare drum hit it's more like this I'm a musician so I have to relate it to it and there's stuff in the middle like guitars if you have an EQ you can think of it like that we're like the low end of the frequency and then there's the high end of the frequency well an EQ is all about frequencies okay it's the same thing so you can EQ your thoughts too and relate these waves to your thoughts and yours or it gets really awesome guys you want to geek out with me okay and hope putting some of these concepts together it's like Bing Bing Bing light bulb moments for you cuz it was for me when I drew this up earlier today and I I made this up technically but I took a lot of concepts and put them together just on a mind map of how it works here's where it gets really cool in the waveforms here's your beta waves they're reside mostly in the conscious state they look like this and they actually go from 30 Hertz to about a hundred Hertz right there you can measure them that's in a conscious state so those beta waves right there a little bit right exactly sound like that that's what the waveform looks like they're in your conscious mind here's where theta waves are can you guess guessed it they're right here they're about eight to 13 Hertz when we measure it and the waveform looks way different than the beta waveform then there's a last one which is Delta this is deep deep deep stuff okay delta waves they look like this they look more like a true wave form right and they've a very lower vibration right here so 0.5 Hertz - I believe it's 4 Hertz ok so 4 Hertz so why am I telling you about brain waves and conscious states and all this stuff well it's because with meditation this is one of the ways we can reprogram our subconscious mind things like hypnosis all that's doing is putting your brain in a different state to where you're more susceptible to suggestion so you gotta be careful because sometimes there's hypnotists who are manipulative like your ex-girlfriend no I'm kidding guys Clark that's a deep-rooted trauma well yeah ok deep down but things like meditation that puts you in more of a theta state that's why it makes change because you can start reprogramming your subconscious when you put your brainwaves in that state that's why things like getting enough sleep stupid as that sounds basic as that sounds well that's because it puts your subconscious mind in that theta state more often that's why things like waking up early on your brains actually more in a theta state in the hours of like 4 a.m. 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. that's why Ben Franklin even said early to rise you know and he could have all the best ideas in the morning or you get your most work done that's like magic time because your brains in the theta state ok not too sure how to get in a delta state to be honest I know there's ways and some monks can do it and like deep Tibetan meditation levels but if you're like Clarke meditations really hard it's boring yeah it's supposed to be because look you're in a beta state right here on Alpha wave state your brains going like this so to make it go like this very scientifically here you have to just calm down so here's what I think guys when people say I have anxiety or I'm depressed let's go with anxious it's more up here it's more of their thoughts are they really fast or really slow I mean anxiety your worry worries a really high vibrational thought-form it's not slow you're not really relaxed you're not chewing you're like oh my god that's actually why I stopped drinking coffee was abusing it since I was 14 man and the last 10 or 20 days I stopped drinking coffee I do use a little bit of caffeine about a hundred 200 milligrams a day which is significantly less than what I used and the reason I did this and why it relates to it it's because what do you think coffee does to your thoughts things like stimulants like coffee and the adderall in all these prescriptions that like jack you up or even cocaine right that puts you in that really high conscious state that's why a bunch of the Silicon Valley guys like it because it makes their brain fart like that but it's not good for developing this stuff right here and calming down you know what is that's why some people drink they do downers okay that's like uppers and downers downers make you slow down more you relax and that's actually why a lot of people get addicted to drinking at night it's not necessarily I mean a lot of it has to do with the bio biological chemical and habit-forming parts of it right but a lot of it too has to be just feeling calm feeling at ease that's why I'm planes when you're really anxious right like I fly a lot and I've ordered drinks on there plenty of time so I'm gonna say I'm above that but like if you need a drink to calm down it's really going from this to this all right yeah I'm not gonna draw Ron about this this makes sense you guys get in this post in the comments if you have an alcohol right now like cuz we start geeking out on this stuff all these things fire and man it's really cool so anyway let's keep going I want to draw one thing here let's talk about will do this in purple secrets these are kind of like an anchor all right let me try and draw an anchor from memory yeah that's decent these are kind like an anchor that gets attached to this iceberg and drags it further beneath the surface right that's why some people they feel like they're drowning and Shane I'm drowning in regret I'm drowning in trauma that stuff like we use words like that I'm drowning in stress because it's like an anchor that's pulling you down you can't be in the present moment if you're worried about the past and then you're worried about the future because like oh my god my past my past I don't want to make my future the same but in your mind you're like oh it is gonna be the same because well here's all the things that happen in the past and so your body wants to pull you down deeper and deeper and deeper think you like an anchor okay and so that's why it's important to work through that stuff and go watch our book summary on the power of now that's a really good one to top that we talked about this the Eckhart Tolle we did that on I think like the second day of the 34:30 challenge good place to go I'll link it in the description below as well but I want to highlight a few more things okay so this is language of your body and then where do we have yeah we have thoughts right here okay this stuff this is like language of your mind okay so there's that mind-body connection you hear a lot of people talk about Jonathan height in the happiness hypothesis we've reviewed that book as well in this channel he talks about how your mind and your body are kind of juxtaposed juxtaposed there's a juxtaposition there right three letter word and it's like you have an elephant that is your body okay and there's a big elephant right and then you have the writer sitting on top that is your mind and so the minds trying to control this body but sometimes the person doesn't know where they're going doesn't have the best intuition and the elephant can sort out things a lot better and in they need to be in harmony is really what it's saying right to really have the best results because what if the elephant wants to go this way and the writer wants to go this way no we're going south no we're going north it's not gonna go anywhere it's gonna go in a circle right that's why they need to be on the same page there's two more things I want to draw up for you here and these are kind of things that I added to this just to make it more of a dynamic chart here I want to talk about thoughts you're like okay where do thoughts come from because that's conscious but I can change my thoughts I can change them in a meditation where apparently Mankato State Clarke or at night I have a lot of thoughts I think thoughts are like this all right these so we have to keep going with this this analogy right here I think these are thoughts right here these are supposed to be clouds so bear with me okay well do you like happy thought stab thought medium thought okay and I drew them as clouds because I have a 5th grade art taste but also they say in meditation if you're like I can't meditate Clark because I have too many thoughts and that's what I said for the longest time I'm like I'm just not getting anything out of meditation because I have too many thoughts I can't clear my mind well yeah you're not supposed to clear your mind and the times where it's hard to meditate for the people who it's hardest to meditate for we're the people guys who need to meditate the most all right and I drew thoughts here to bring it full circle because they say in meditation the primary goal is not to get rid of your thoughts is to dis identify with them okay the primary goal is to observe your thoughts just like clouds passing in the sky right you're sitting back it's a hot day in the summer maybe got a girl next to you right you're like look at that thought what does that look like oh it's a bunny oh that's a turtle oh that's the one and you kind of look at them like a cloud passing in the sky so you can be like oh man there's that stressful thought I have oh there's that thought if I'm no good oh there's that thought of I shouldn't post this because it's redundant or whatever limiting beliefs hold you back right and you don't have to identify with those and that takes the power away from this conscious mind that runs on habit they say of those 60,000 thoughts how we open this video right you have 60,000 thoughts a day they say that like 80 to 90% of those thoughts they're not conscious but they're also repetitive as the day before because your body does it want to conserve energy or spend energy when you look at most people in the United States 66% or over obese or overweight does the body want to hold on energy or expend it wants the store fat it wants to hang on to things it doesn't want to work hard why because change is hard it's hard to make change it requires energy we want to conserve energy for that feast or famine that's the two modes were in right so sometimes in famine mode with stress you want to conserve stuff all right so that's why it's really hard to change because your body doesn't really want to change it's like going to the gym do you get results in two weeks sometimes not really though you need to keep breaking your muscle down and let it grow bigger bigger and bigger and that's why it's hard to build muscle unless you take like steroids right and force your body to change when you're going in the gym your body's trying to resist that because change is hard anyway the last thing right here this is your higher self all right your highest self the ideal version of you and we'll kind of wrap it up with this that I think that all of us man to go really deep but it's soul Sunday so screw it there's a quote that's about Michelangelo right and he was doing the Statue of David and he's talking about how he was getting interviewed or something the story goes and like oh my god the Statue of David so miraculous even if you go today people like my mom she went she said she almost broke down into tears because it's this big perfection of statue that's chiseled into marble and so people are just there and awed this thing like it's so precise even down to what he's packing down there you know anyway and they're like just marveling over it and so David's getting interviewed and like how did you do this Michelangelo carved it Michelangelo said that David was already in the rock all I had to do was chip away the marble man that's my favorite quote guys III believed so strongly in that that with us this whole iceberg right here man like we have a higher self some you know the ideal version of you what you're been called the do on this earth how many people impacting that you deserve to impact and get your message out and it's like these things right here that we needed to chip away at and change and it's already within us that like you have the highest version of you already inside you and it just comes down to less about adding in a new morning routine or a kale smoothie and comes more about like chipping away the marble the rough edges of us and that happens over time and that's change but it's already there you already exists as a higher version of you so I always ask myself you know what the highest version of Clark do well the highest self version of you do what what would it do moments a moment and you don't have to be perfect right away okay you don't have to be a ten out of ten knockout from day one otherwise you're a failure that's your conscious mind trying to cut the anchor and suck you down right we did beat ourselves up with guilt shame fear we're grant ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba right you don't have to listen to that voice observe it like a thought what the highest version of you do moments a moment if you start doing that if you start aligning with that version don't you think you have a better chance in a year from now from being in a totally different spot than you are today yeah don't you think you have a higher chance of actually making your ideal life we have on your vision board your visualizations or journal or goals into reality if you start aligning with that higher self absolutely it's kind of like right here okay here's where you want to be and here's where you are now you just keep going it's just gonna stay straight like two parallel lines right but slowly what happens when your actions start aligning with your higher self you start to go like this like this like this like this like this and then pretty soon they merge and you are living how you've always wanted to live I use the analogy of a two degree change that if you take off a ship from the harbor and it starts moving a little bit like a little to agree change you won't see it at first for you know a while but over time it's going 3,000 miles you know it's a significant chunk right there eventually it's gonna happen the same thing with your life man all you need is just to to be change ideal self ideal self ideal self and then eventually you merge with it and you start becoming that and then he refused to settle until you get that you refuse to settle for this average life right here you know of what most people aren't unconscious they're asleep they're sleepwalking through life something go love this channel I go of this channel is to wake up together and we won't mean any woo by that or anything you know way too out there no I mean like what do you want to do it could be anything and refused to settle till we get there all right so what do you think of this do you guys like that key do me a favor if you're watching right now leave me a comment down below for the YouTube algorithm and I read every single comment I get notifications on them and I check them personally I might not respond to them all but I love seeing the conversation down there it does influence the we make on this channel so it matters and then like this video subscribe share it with anyone you think it would benefit ok I'm aware it's a little more esoteric than what normally gets shared on YouTube but yeah I'd appreciate that and I'll link up down below all the resources mentioned as well as right here to our power of now video highly recommend you watch that thank you so much for being on soul Sunday and stop settling start living see you guys
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 70,416
Rating: 4.9620314 out of 5
Keywords: why you cant change subconscious beliefs, how to change beliefs in the subconscious mind, how to change your subconscious actions, how do i change my subconscious beliefs, subconscious habit change, refusing to settle, clark kegley, Powerful Techniques to Reprogram Subconscious Mind, law of attraction, subconscious mind, reprogram subconscious mind, subconscious mind reprogramming, reprogramming the subconscious mind, reprogram mind
Id: 2swTfd85yHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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