10 Hacks to Raise Your Vibration INSTANTLY! (MUST TRY)

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so I was talking about buddy the other day who's not really into woowoo stuff it doesn't fly with it give me the facts give me the science give me the logic if it's not backed up I don't do it and he asked me Clark you talk a lot about vibe and energy is that just a hippie saying everything is energy what what does that actually mean and more importantly can you actually control that like can you get into better vibes can you get into a better energetic state so in this video I want to simply explain what the heck people are talking about when they talk about high vibration and good vibes and also give you ten habits the ten fingers that you can do very simple stuff on a day-to-day basis to raise your vibe let's quickly explain on our handy-dandy little chalkboard what the heck vibe is what I'm about to share with you comes from this book called power versus force one of the first books to back up what the heck it means to actually have high vibration we're just going to call this the high van chart so it looks something like this so this is a cone that has the different stages of consciousness and these are gonna list the different vibrational frequencies you could think of these instead of vibrations as just miles per hour on a car or going somewhere so you see if you're going 20 miles per hour it's not that fast but it's 700 that's really fast that's kind of vibration right so you're moving really faster than these up here really slowly I mean in these down here now what are these I'll write them out we'll do them five at a time things like fear grief apathy guilt shame now you don't want to experience these emotions obviously right and that's why they're lower vibration right here it just makes sense problem is most people don't consciously know that they're in these states so when you do things like in this video of consciously raising your vibration you're able to get out of these and tap into the next five and so forth the next five courage pride anger stress desire okay so these are higher than these but there's still not the ultimate ones because these are very egoic courage pride right it's all about me me me me me up here you'll start finding that hi vibes are more about us and we so up here we have things like love reason reason for doing something you're why acceptance willingness and neutrality which is the break-even point final three we got enlightenment joy and peace these all correlate with a different state of consciousness we don't have time to get into that this is like your level of awareness this is vibe or conscious awareness but see as you move your way up as you do habits you are scientifically increasing your vibration or to use that car you're moving faster right and these ten habits will show you how to do this all right with this arts and crafts helpful smash that like button subscribe if you're not already if it was high five habit number one we got the crystal hat I'm a big fan of crystals got some right here I got some back there all around the room and a lot of people say crystals are be estimate hippy maybe they're right maybe they're not all I know is that I love looking at them and they make me feel good and that's what it is it's all personal to you they are very high vibrational when you look it up you can do your own research on this different crystals vibrate at different energies but a lot of the sacred spots either a high elevation or all around the world or where we build things those are high vibrational spots in fact I'm in Scottsdale Arizona and there's way more quartz crystals in the earth here and those hold on energy and I find myself in a way higher vibe here than I was in gloomy doom Seattle even in phones and Technology though we use diamonds we use crystals because they hold energy so crystals don't just write them off you can look into them I find they're a very high vibe habit super easy to do go to your local farmers market talk to the girl with dreadlocks get some crystals in your room barter with them get some good deals so get this you are about 70 to 80% water depending on where you measure ok the earth is around 70% water we spend so much time talking about food and like I thought about putting food in here and telling you all these vibrations of foods and stuff but one that's way better is just water focusing on good clean water because think about it you can influence 70 80 percent of you just by drinking more water getting clean water getting pure water that's mind blowing you want to feel good drink more water so when I was interviewing this legend in the holistic health space Paul check he's one of the greatest I went to his house in San Diego and my friend Brian and I are there and he gives us a cup of waters like that is the best damn water you will ever find on the face of the planet I was kind of laughed and we drank it and instantly it was like something was better about that water and he showed us how he did it and he built himself this huge rock circle under the moonlight and he would carry these like 20 gallon glass jugs and let it soak there under the moonlight and in these rocks and it would charge all night long he won on this huge point about how water carries it has some sort of higher intelligence to it at the microscopic level or subatomic particle level where everything has energy down there vibrates and she can actually influence it through those things he also did things like praying over his water and just giving it an affirmation the water right there he can look into dr. emoto's research as well I know that has some controversy around it he basically had a few cups of water and he would whisper things and I'm like I love you or I hate you or he would play heavy metal music or he would play Beethoven and then he froze the water looked under it under a microscope at the crystals kind of like snowflakes he found the ones that he gave higher vibration to write some more up here of enlightenment peace joy love reason and less things down here well the ones up here were like beautiful snowflake crystals and the ones he looked at down here with like heavy metal music they were deformed gross ugly black green looking sludgy crystals hack number three this is what I called the password hack and it's super easy super quick you can do it in like 10 seconds a lot of people talk about affirmations and okay think positively and all this stuff but what's laying under your nose what's easy to do is just change the passwords on your phones on your logins to things you want to become so for example my exact bank account password is now I'm kidding you might consider changing a password on your phone too I am rich 24/7 365 my life is badass 24/7 365 explanation point something like that just the password hack it's really easy to do hack number four so for this next habit I brought you to this mirror right here because this one's really powerful it's kind of weird but if you try it I promise it will make a huge difference there's a guy I'm blanking on his name but he came up with this saying ho nope Oh nope oh no and it was a series of four sayings and he worked in this prison where the inmates were like there was no hope for him it was like death row convicted criminals all that stuff this guy decided to do an experiment where he would look at the files of these inmates and he would say four things I love you I forgive you I'm sorry please forgive me stuff like that what happened from the intention of doing that is in the prison everything started to change using that same logic that your words and your intentions have power one of the ways to raise your vibration is to do that to yourself so I've my own spin on it if you're ever feeling down I don't do this as much anymore but it was something or a year ago I would do would come to the mirror and I would lock eyes with myself okay so literally staring into your eyes they say the eyes are the windows to the soul so you look yourself directly into the eyes and you say I love you I forgive you and I accept who you are I love you I forgive you I accept you for who you are just do that as long as it feels good don't worry about anyone walking in don't worry about people judging you it's not lame just try that so much of our life were starving for validation for affirmation maybe you didn't get enough as a kid maybe you didn't get enough from a partner maybe you didn't get enough from yourself you don't have to wait for other people to give it to you and you can feel just as good if not better from it so try that again you're walking eyes and they're saying those three things powerful technique just using a mirror hack number five so we just spoke about water and something even more important than water is the breath breath work is so high vibration so powerful and man if you take one thing away and try this it's I would argue the biggest thing that's changed my life in the last year you don't have to wear orange robes and go to some cave to do this in the Himalayas you can literally do it with your phone and just find some breath work videos on YouTube I got this from wim HOF when I interviewed him he showed me how to do it and ever since then every time I get stressed or find myself going back down into the lower vibrations right breathwork instantly changes your state brings you back up so I'll link down below our breath work video or take you through three rotations of different breath work it's guided you can follow along try it for 21 days okay literally come back to that video follow along with it you don't have to do anything you're just breathing doesn't cost any money it's absolutely free something you can do in like 10 minutes and just watch how much of a better state you're in maybe you start your day with that do it first thing in the morning such a high vibrational thing you can do hi-five hack number six is scripting okay I consider the journal the biggest thing I've done the number one thing I've done the tool that's transformed my life we have two tons of videos on this channel about it journaling is one of the ways you can tap into your subconscious mind and influence it because it's only influenced through emotion and repetition those two things that's it I vibe hack number seven this one's really easy and it's not anything physical you do I want you throughout the day to picture a giant scoreboard above your head like your mental sports game you ever been to a basketball game and every single time you find yourself going into a low vibe give yourself a minus one and every single time you find yourself doing something that puts you in a high vibe give yourself a plus one and visualize the scoreboard above your head you get frustrated you get really angry you start going in these thought loops minus one minus one right or you stop it positive on positive one you've brushed your teeth positive one and I know this sounds a little rudimentary and kind of basic but get in the habit of that and you start rewarding yourself virtually and you know it's up in the air but you start earning some gold stars for the positive things you're already doing and it'll get momentum you'll want to do more of them high-dive hack number eight okay this one is I don't have a word for it so let's just call it the I love attack about eight years ago I was graduating from college I moved like six times in the span of six months it was crazy I was going in and out moving all around and stuff one thing if you've ever moved you realize is that you know you have to downsize you can't have to get rid of a lot of stuff and as I was doing that I was looking at all the stuff I had and I realized that I had just been collecting a lot of things year after year I'm taking it around with me and I honestly like stopped and I'm like do I even like this candle right here do I like this thing and if I didn't I would just throw it out who cares if I got a good deal on it or it was two-for-one or you know found a steal on it or something if it doesn't make you happy get rid of it because I think you'll find so much of the stuff you have in your place is just carry it around from the past and sometimes our past can kind of suck us down and bring you into a low vibe state so one of the quickest ways to raise your vibes not go out and get everything new that's not what I'm saying I'm saying that if you have things that are no longer serving you or you're not attached to or you know you just don't necessarily have a good energy with getting rid of them makes room for more energy and I find that the cleaner everything is around me the more easy it is to tap into high vibe States hi-5 hack number nine if you're trying to swim and you know I was doing scuba diving right and done five to six dozen dives in my lifetime it's really fun I love it but we when you're first starting out you have a weight belt okay and you put a weight belt on because when you're breathing oxygen you float and so when you breathe it out sometimes it's hard to get down to lower levels so you have a weight belt so it sucks you down easier okay well when you take that weight belt off you float right back up right so it's the same thing I want you to think of that when you cut these lower emotions off or these lower vibes up you naturally start to elevate your vibes starts to raise up one of the quickest ways to do this is the next habit and that is forgiveness okay cuz look right you have anger stress desire pride fear grief apathy shame those are all unforgiveness right that's all like holding stuff over people and when you're able to forgive or resolve some things and just like not hold grudges against people it's like magic it just lifts you up completely there's a quote by Mark Twain that sums it up grade it says forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it there's also a quote that says if you're going to hold on to resentment you better dig two graves but if you've ever had a conversation where you just cleared the air with somebody how much lighter did you feel after that pretty good right the bonus way to raise your vibration is to spread the love so do that right now click that like button right down there smash the heck out of it it helps us out if you're liking this video and subscribe make sure those bells are set to on so you don't miss anything and you're the first to know when we drop new high vibe videos for you so I want to give you a gift right now it's our new course the law of attraction in action ok this is a compilation of some of our best videos and some bonuses in there as well and it's 100% free you just put in your name email and you get instant access sent straight to you I'll link that down below it's the law of attraction in action if you want to get in the higher vibrational state if you want to reprogram your subconscious mind if you want to learn how to start changing your life that my friends is a fantastic course in a place to start thanks so much I'll see you in the next video until then stop settling start living [Music]
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 151,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raise your vibration, how to raise your vibration, raise vibration, instantly raise vibration, raise your frequency, how to increase frequency, the secret, law of attraction, increase vibration, raise your vibrational frequency, raise vibration instantly, vibrational frequency, increase your vibration, how to raise your vibrational frequency
Id: niRbLEg8Jjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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