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hey it's clark and in this video we're talking about the roots of why if you feel like you can't manifest something man you've had the same goals for like 12 to 18 months nothing budging this is the root of it if you felt like you've slipped into some low vibes or it's easy for you to slip into low vibes or you feel like people don't like you this thing we're talking about here is probably at the root of it relationship issues this thing in this video probably at the root of it and definitely if you've ever felt like afraid of getting found out or exposed or you felt like an imposter you weren't good enough this is probably at the root here forewarning it might sound a little simple and boring to you but here's the thing termites in your house are simple you don't notice them at first but over 10 20 30 years they're the root cause and they erode the foundation away that's exactly what this is to you and your life and we're talking about it in this video i'm gonna share some stories with you i'm gonna give you some what to do and uh just explore this idea with you full transparency this video videos inspired by this book that i reread i bought it several years ago and i was looking at my bookshelf just trying to find something kind of quick to breeze through this morning and this was the shortest book i could find it's like 30 or 40 pages so i'm like hey let me just pick this up and man it was such a good refresher i definitely want to share it with you it's uh by sam harris thought leader and it's called lying now i know exactly what you're thinking now like clark i'm not some sociopath i don't lie all the time keep watching because we'll show you why i want to first unpack why lying is at the roots like we were talking about and y can really just suck you down and lower your vibe and it's not really what you think insert the chart of vibrations also known as the hawk and scale this is not a theoretical video of how they measured it it's pretty intuitive you got the good feelings up top you got the bad feelings at the bottom where do you want to be yeah you want to be towards the top don't you intuitively what's interesting about this chart that i want to point out and just visually illustrate this to you what are the lowest emotions there it's not anger it's not pride it's not like frustration revenge even it's guilt shame it's not even fear so guilt and shame are like the lowest vibrations think about that when you feel guilty and shameful i mean that sucks you down right there right what does lying do it makes you feel like you're in those feelings of guilt and shame so this is why sociopaths and psychopaths are so dangerous because they actually don't feel guilt and shame towards lying so obviously lying to other people yes it's bad like if you're a cfo and you lie about your numbers publicly to a company you inflate them or deflate them yeah it's bad we understand that if you're lying on a test and it's blatantly obvious yeah that's bad we're not talking about that here we're talking about something more subtle lying to yourself and could that elicit some of the same feelings of guilt and shame that are actually lowering your vibration down and keeping you stuck as those big public audacious lies that we conjure up in our mind in college my first gig ever in height in um in high school i was getting super into health and wellness okay i was super into paleo fitness and like natural with like west nate price and paul czech all the greats there was obsessed with this i mean i was hardcore into health and wellness right i would order chinese herbs uh pre like alibaba and all those sites and amazon didn't have them so i would import them from china to my dorm room i would sip blue green algae drink the bentonite clay had fermented foods in my dorm like that was hardcore health but i also had a terrible chewing tobacco habit it was from high school i was hanging around a lot of blue collar guys and whatnot so i would just chew the funniest thing is i had this health podcast gig okay it was like my first gig outside of uh college it actually went there this microphone right here and i would interview a lot of the greatest names in the health and wellness field i'm not going to name drop 50 on them but you know it was a legit show it was so funny because i kind of felt like this imposter i would get so in my head with these recordings and interviews i was like um maybe am i healthy enough like are people going to listen to me like in my health advice now here's the thing on paper of course i was healthy actually looked good i was doing all the healthy things to check all the boxes and say that with utmost integrity but on the other side internally i was kind of lying to myself with that one habit that chewing tobacco habit that after i get done with the podcast i was literally like counting the hours or the minutes so where i could hang up all right see you later and pop in a dip so that was causing all the internal imposter syndrome all the internal ick was because i was lying to myself about what i was actually doing that when you break the promises you keep to yourself that's really what integrity is and manifesting is if you let yourself off the hook over and over and over again you're going to feel low vibe you're going to feel guilt and shame you could almost replace the word lie with living out the highest version of yourself so i call it the 1.0 you which is maybe where you currently are where you've been in the past and you want to get to this next level we call that the 2.0 u in our metamorphic program and this channel that's what our whole mission is to show you how to evolve and shift into that highest version of you what you know you're capable of and what you're actually doing the bigger this gap the bigger that tension tension's not bad but don't trick yourself into thinking that this is just magically gonna just shoot up right here overnight you're gonna need actions to get there and so you have to start like merging into it right here when you take a step towards it it takes a step towards you right and so those actions that you do or don't do are either getting you closer or further away closer or further away now this brings up a good point too of like well when is the time to ease up on yourself isn't that being too hard on yourself clark like if you're all the time super intense yes there's a time and place to be easy or hard on yourself there's two kinds of people the kind that need loosening up and the kind that need tightening up and i find that if you're having the same goals year after year after year just take an honest look at your actions you can even do the exercise called 100 units of time so it's where you put a stop watch on your phone okay and every 30 minutes you set an alarm and you just record what you're doing you do that for a week so seven days obviously if you're sleeping you're gonna mark sleep but if you track your time every day for seven days and you do 100 units of time then you categorize those into buckets try and choose four it could be free time work uh mission kind of like 2.0 you maybe self-growth or family time or fun and just give yourself an objective look you'll start to uncover a lot of things that you're doing or not doing and i'm not trying to come off as a hard ass here look i think it's totally fine if your goals are what you want to manifest are these internal states of being you just want more presence and happier in the moment i don't think everyone has to be this like obsessive entrepreneur who's grinding their face off not at all because we're talking about lying to yourself and really being honest with yourself the more integrity you have with yourself the more confidence you're going to have moving forward day to day just for example like i notice back in my early 20s when i tried to film youtube videos and i was drinking and partying i wake up you know or i was hungover and i ordered ubereats or greasy pizza yeah no wonder i felt like an imposter and it was hard for me to do the actions giving life advice flash forward to now you know don't drink hardly ever easy for me to turn on the camera i mean i'm living this stuff all day every day right so it's so easy to film these videos and give this advice because you're living it but here's the distinction and this is one thing i was just talking to my coaching clients and metamorphic program about that was pretty powerful and i want to share with you here and you can only help people level up to the level that you are so if you're not leveling up and pushing yourself to get to that next level of course the people below you aren't going to be able to rise up as much see where i'm going with this let's just take the easy context of a business how do you know if it's been too much you've put too much into it you should quit and walk away here's the difference i think that you know what you want deep down inside once you've identified that your 2.0 your highest vision the best like mission purpose for yourself what you really want don't lie to yourself on that don't sugarcoat it don't make it less than it is make it real so you have that it is okay to quit i know counterintuitive advice i think it's okay to quit i think there's some people who for 10 20 30 years are saying that they want this business but if they're brutally honest with themselves they don't and they're just like holding on to the sunk cost that they've been doing this path and this entrepreneurship for so long so long that quitting almost seems like i can't even imagine that but in reality their life would be much better if they just quit and and like they just admitted that maybe i just don't want it as much that's fine there's no judgment there it's totally fine to quit in that sense that's actually a positive because now they can go live life the next 10 years without even a thought of business there and they're free okay you see that but here's the thing it's okay to quit okay if you're honest and you say i actually in my heart of hearts do not want that anymore i will not regret it one day it's never okay to settle it's okay to quit it's never okay to settle and knowing the difference those nuances there that subtle difference there between like when do i quit when do i settle that's huge that's exactly what we you know go into in the metamorphic coaching program and whatnot if you want more info it's down below just briefly settling is where you know what your 2.0 self wants that highest version of you and you quit because it's easier than to do it like if in your heart you know you're supposed to be on stage playing the music to 10 000 people and you quit because your friends and family around you are saying that's unrealistic or you give up on it and you walk away that's settling right there but if you're honestly like said you were going to be this pro nba player one day and you get into 30 or 40 years old and you realize like yeah i'm probably not going to play in the nba but i still love basketball maybe there's another way you can channel that energy into coaching kids and being a coach and being an example for people helping others that's still a win that's not settling that's not quitting at all totally fine if your goals change and evolve lying in that context with yourself that self-talk that integrity there it's okay to quit which is telling the truth to yourself about what you want or don't want but it's never okay to settle another note brief story online just from a personal standpoint i think this really ties it home so in the past people would ask me to come on their podcast and i'm not saying this because like i'm some celebrity at all i think i'm e-list at best is they're lower than e z look i've never been into the whole like celebrity or big as you can get kind of thing i hang around you know rock stars at festivals all the time and whatever and i see the kind of the other side and i'm like i don't know if i want that i digress again not bragging i'd say i probably get about 50 podcast invites at some given form a week um so a ton it's like everyone has a podcast these days most of them you know you don't even see but in the past like if they they literally ask you in person i would say yeah totally let's set that up you know we'll do it sometime let's totally make your podcast work even if i didn't really have the intention of like going on their podcast but i would say that to kind of keep the peace there and then i realized you know those people would hit you up and actually makes you look worse if you agree or you say something just out of politeness that you don't actually mean just to keep the peace they actually start to think less of you and they you know now they're in their head like oh what the hell man he said he would do my show now he's not or he said maybe we'll visit it in six months or come back in three months you know because he's busy right now and now here it is and it's not happening and i would always feel guilty when they'd ask and i didn't want to do it it was this big internal conflict and it would take like an hour of brain time so i finally made the decision i'm like why am i this doesn't really serve me or them and and so why don't i just tell people the truth and the truth and what i say to everyone now i don't do speaking engagements and i'm not doing podcasts for at least three years so i can focus on my youtube channel all my efforts there that's the truth that's what i tell them you know what people say that's respectable man oh wow that's awesome that shows how dedicated you are to your clients into your youtube channel they're not getting super upset and i'll screw you what do you mean you can't do my podcast show no they respect you more because of it apply that to dating you probably get further ahead if you're just honest with people and you know no one likes to get ghosted but we think it's somehow preserving their feelings not having that conversation when in reality people respect you more if you communicated that's one of the biggest downsides people think of like telling the truth is clark what will my relationship suffer you know if if you know when i just be like an who just like tells the truth if i don't want to do things i'll be like no i'm not doing that you know get a load of this guy this guy's a dick he's rude and look we're not talking about having no tact here and we're not talking about just telling the truth about every single thing all the time for no reason in the book he talks about is it useful that's kind of the metric the barometer so to speak of if it's even worth getting into someone comes up to you on the street hey man how you doing you really want to know awful i'm contemplating my own existence dude read the room you don't have to do that so maybe you don't even know what that 2.0 version of you is i mean that's the first thing that you have to identify is like what is that ideal version of me then you need to remove any of the blocks that are going to stop you from getting there shifting into it and before you can start shifting into that higher version of you and that's really the key that unlocks everything is that identity shift there and so if you want some help on that that's exactly what we're doing in our coaching program we are moving some things around behind the scenes there so i'm not sure if that's going to be open for much longer how long how long or how many calls we're going to actually be able to do those do fill up down below so if you want one and you just want to hear about if we can potentially help you with this identity shift okay if you've had the same goals again for like six months 12 months 18 months you just feel like you're not getting anywhere i feel like you got some internal blocks either in relationships business or personally apply down below fill out the application would love to speak with you and uh see if we can potentially help you with that thanks so much for watching see in the next one till then stop settling start living see ya
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 105,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raise your vibe, raise your vibration, sam harris, sam harris lying, clark kegley, manifestation, identity shifting
Id: r3avntNQ4Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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