One Bite Challenge: Chicken Sandwich Edition!!!!

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first chicken sandwich of the day let's go for it here we go wait did you bite yet i was just testing you here we go in the last six months over 65 percent of americans have ordered a fried chicken sandwich from a fast food joint in 2021 we can't agree on much so we can agree that chicken is delicious now that the market for chicken is heating up brands from around the usa are rushing to claim their piece of the chicken pie mcdonald's burger king they try to get in on every trend they possibly can but with all these fried crunchy options it's impossible to know what's best enter sunny and calvin calvin sunny today we're taking on america's chicken sammy obsession but there's a catch any food reviewer can eat an entire chicken sandwich and tell you whether or not it's good but today we'll have just one bite one bite one chance to decide the deliciousness level of this one chicken sandwich i'm driving all over the road and this isn't that safe this is the one bite challenge chicken edition [Music] calvin there are certain things that every chicken sandwich has but i want to know for you what do you look for in a chicken sandwich so i like a chicken sandwich where the chicken is marinated in buttermilk how are you gonna know that i'm gonna ask them how are they gonna know that these people are not making 15 per hour for nothing today's first contestant mcdonald's mcdonald's is just around the corner you hungry i'm starving a behemoth fast food chain better known for its burgers and fries now they want a hand in the chicken game but can they wing it the usa's chicken sandwich war has been in full effect since 2019 starting between popeyes and chick-fil-a what spices do you marinate your chicken in is that marinated in buttermilk i don't know but i don't make cookies oh now everyone is trying to get a piece of the chicken pie taco bell even released a chicken taco sandwich a couple weeks ago we're gonna take a deluxe crispy chicken sandwich i'll take five of them and a diet coke i'm kind of on a diet i heard a lot raiding a seven is a safe space for those who don't want to commit or cast judgment so there will be no sevens today five chickens thank you thank you very much all right oh it smells good [Music] calvin buddy our first chicken of the day please hand them out to the audience our deluxe chicken sandwich starts with a squishy potato roll i got mayonnaise all up on one side i love the same thing i got bananas on one side of my sandwich whose plan was that there's no way that the diagram that's sitting next to them is like make sure to get mayonnaise just on the northwest corner inside a load of confetti shredded lettuce when vegans get married this is what they throw in the air a few slices of tomato and finally the star of the sandwich the crispy chicken i love you a big fire small bite i'm going big i'm going big too i want to choke i want a gargle [Music] nothing like processed chicken in the morning so what do you mean by process because one thing i noticed i'm biting through it i'm feeling sinew and fat and stuff kind of tear apart like a proper muscle that's not been ground up you're right my mistake this is a full piece of chicken that was good i love the combination of lettuce tomato and mayo that combo with the fried chicken very good the hardest part is putting it down yeah i want to take another bite i do too but no this is the one by challenge so now we have to see how it competes with other chicken sandwiches but first i need your rating for me this is a solid eight i'm wanting to eat the whole thing i'm wanting to keep going for me it's also an eight i usually disagree with you for this situation a six and a half it wouldn't give it justice no all right we got a couple of baits but we have a lot more chicken to go you ready you got a little on your mustache i'm trying to say it for later okay calvin our second destination is right in front of us burger king it says gnc um just like mcdonald's burger cake has only recently joined the chicken sandwich war i'm a huge burger king fan berkey was the first thing that i ate before mcdonald's and it's always sit really near and dear to me and the whopper is better than big whopper is definitely better here's why i like it when mcdonald's is putting salads on the menu burger king was finding more ways to put more calories in their food items it's brazen it's ballsy and we're gonna drive up in here right now and see what kind of chicken they have to offer us let's go let's go we're driving so let's go we're actually going the home of the wahp first introduce their chicken sandwiches or chicken on june 3. front and center the juicy crispy hand breaded chicken breast fillet i see a few different cheek king options what is the most calorie filled chicken that you have be the deluxe with the lettuce tomatoes and the savory sauce on it i will have five of those is this better than mcdonald's we sell a lot of them so i think ours is better than theirs oh oh confidence i would also like one diet coke small medium or large small i'm on a diet i liked how she said this is the better sandwich that confidence seems to be well-founded as good reviews for bk's chicken pile up including paul giamatti who said it's scary good thank you very much but now calvin and i must judge for ourselves buddy location two chicken sandwich two bites two usually i'd be getting pretty full by now but we just had one bite of food that's right can i get a chicken you can't get your cake by the way the king is a noun oh they made their own words your way way better trademarks how simple is that combination of words and they wrote tm i'm gonna take a bite and go that's delicious chicken sandwich looks a lot more plump not much sauce no i think it's going to be dry this is freshly hand breaded what is hand breaded not talking about the bun no just hand breaded that's a nice bite i know let's go for it one bite here we go wait did you bite yet i was just testing you here we go mmm man i always want to go for that second bite compared to the first chicken sandwich we have the spices they use better much better here it's really juicy when you bite into it maybe yours is mine is dry [Music] oh it's too yeah that's too late you're covered i like that has its own uniform shape we know it hasn't been turned through some machine and i just feel like these days people they want to know that this came from a walking creature and it's not just an amalgamation of random chemicals and fillers amalgamation is a good word oh thank you with everything in mind i'm gonna give it an 8.25 i'm going 6.75 really so mine was dry the breast meat had great flavor that hand breaded exterior provided a nice crunch but without a sauce that kind of brings it together it just wasn't there for me okay fair enough next we're gonna go to some places that specialize in chicken and they should have a chicken leg up on the competition i see what you did there so much i was up till 1am last night writing that burger king and mcdonald's are late to the chicken sandwich game the first act of unholy chicken war was brought on by popeyes when they took aim at the chick-fil-a market calvin in front of us popeye's louisiana kitchen this is popeye's crispy chicken sandwich or as calvin calls it the mecca of all chicken sandwiches since its release dates in august 2019 this louisiana inspired star has become a worldwide craze new popeye's chicken sandwich is now leading to long lines and also police were called here four times just to deal with the traffic people lining up before the restaurant opens to be able to get the chicken sandwich even contending with chick-fil-a themselves they don't have a deluxe here no this is all about just a pickle and the chicken and the mayonnaise sauce they're not trying to mess around with freshness popeye's marketing was so successful they ran out of chicken sandwiches jones in vegas out flamingo and decatur out also in case you guys forgot a man was stabbed while waiting outside in line for this crispy chicken sandwich delicious and stab worthy i gotta try this hi there i'm gonna have five classic sandwiches this revolutionary crispy chicken sandwich marks a turning point for the fast food industry and since i was living in vietnam i completely missed it that is until today oh location three we got chicken sandwiches right here let's go we do that looks nice i would like to have a darker fried chicken you think they should have fried it a little longer a little longer nice layer of mayo on there pickle and mayo on the bottom i like that they're going 360 surround sound of the mail i've been impressed with the bun quality today overall it really just kind of wraps around the chicken sandwich like a glove it's easy to hold on to should we go for it three two one [Music] fried chicken and pickle that is the right combo i think the first few places we've gotten the lettuce and tomato it's gotten away they wanted to have a tiered menu if you wanted to make the king best chicken sandwich you could you would just make one best sandwich that's correct that chicken has all that cajun spice the pickle super good acid if i'm gonna drop acid it better be in the form of a pickle on a freaking chicken sandwich that would be intense would you get stabbed for this yeah would you wait in line for two hours for this no i don't have that kind of time but my rating for this simple but pure deliciousness right here in my hand at 8.75 i'm shaking right now sunny for me this is like a symphony between two buttons i'm going to give popeyes a 9.25 whoa i know that's really good you ready for more i'm ready let's go can we eat and drive that's illegal can you feed me like big bird mommy bird calvin we are headed into location number four i was tempted to go to kfc but i've had the zinger burger a few times and to me their chance is over that's why we're here next at wendy's they also saw this tsunami of chicken fandom and set out to create their own shall we say very unique variant on the popular menu item what's that oh i have a bourbon bacon cheeseburger should we change the episode theme their latest entry into the chicken sandwich war the jalapeno popper which utilizes powerful new taste bud and actors well that's what they say anyways hi there we're gonna do the jalapeno popper i'll take currently just have five classic um jalapeno would you like uh two other spicy or would you like to wait for the other two classic oh how long would i have to wait six minutes oh yeah wait wow i'm shocked demand for this sandwich must be through the roof in a few minutes our steaming hot sammies will be personally delivered wait wait for it thank you i think i see yourself oh on youtube oh that's who you are the guy that used food right it's very nice to meet you like thank you take care jalapeno poppers acquired time to find a dark alleyway where we can eat can i have a sandwich please sure you can this could be the black sheep like in the olympics there's that one person with one leg he's doing the hurdle there's no way he can win but then he wins oh this will be like the para olympics it could be the most special one because we didn't plan on doing wendy's oh like an underdog the underdog ah yeah i gotcha wendy's took a complete left turn on this recipe they smothered this thing with a liberal amount of jalapeno cream cheese cheddar cheese sauce and shredded pepper jack cheese then the protein i think we're getting a little outside the realm of what constitutes a classic chicken sandwich i say that because i wasn't expecting bacon applewood smoked bacon and a chicken breast fillet it is way too long for the bread are they making the buns smaller to make it seem like the chicken is bigger oh like the same reason i get really tiny underwear to make your oh last six slices of jalapeno that is a lot of stuff i need to make sure to get a jalapeno on here but will all that stuff taste good i got everything here in one bite let's do it let's do it [Music] okay i got the same i think it's a lot of smoke and mirrors the chicken patties it's just kind of lightly breaded like a mcchicken the flavors are pretty good but the flavors are coming from the two sauces if you took just the chicken mayonnaise and maybe added a pickle or two i don't think it'll be there it's not cutting it no it could be any bird it could be pheasant ostrich penguin alligator i think that's a reptile go with it alligator alligators not a bird it's a reptile sunny what is your rating i have to give it the lowest score of today a five oh now i'm gonna go lower than the five i'm gonna give the wendy's jalapeno popper a 3.75 that is under subpar bro calvin this was just a little bit of a speed bump on our path to chickeny greatness from here we're going for the one and only chick-fil-a but sunny chick-fil-a is closed on sundays oh so we'll go together tomorrow it'd be weird if you went without me because i am your co-host yeah that's a good point [Music] [Applause] all right calvin sunny it is the next day last location last chicken sandwich last bite we are now arriving at chick-fil-a the birthplace of holy chicken sandwiches hi we're making a video right now is that okay can we use your face in it absolutely all right normally what happens is i'll take a name for the oil starter um calvin calvin what was calvin all right hey i'm sunny chick-fil-a chicken sandwiches have been around since the 1960s and the recipe remains unchanged we're doing the ultimate chicken sandwich experience do you have some kind of a fried chicken sandwich yet it's still one of the top choices for chicken sandwiches all over the usa you have a regular chicken sandwich regular breading and then a spicy chicken sandwich perhaps their secret lies in the sandwiches simplicity perfectly seasoned and juicy chicken breast with pickles so we'll get the one with pickles i'll take five of them will that be off your though yep they should have it ready at the window by far this has been the best customer service of any of the five locations thank you what are you studying in college uh psychology entertainment you've seen a lot of footage of calvin on screen right do you know what's wrong with him he loves through too much but even if you serve it with a smile it's still gonna taste great hi calvin hey no i think that'll do it time to eat boom calvin last chicken bite of the video here you can see clearly served freshly daily monday through saturday why is that i think because it was started by a religious christian men and sunday is the sabbath it's not for working what if it's start by a woman what should i say man for oh um so shall we try some chicken sure that smells like a really good fried chicken breast i'm a little bit worried about the lack of lubricant as you call it no mayo i love mayo with chicken but i know but what they did do is they buttered the inside of their buns are you doing that not again with a talking i've got some crispy bits hanging out pickle on the bottom and then plenty of bread squeezing it all together are you ready for your one bite yes buddy i am [Music] this chicken breast sandwich is moist it's juicy it's full of flavor from the first bite all the way to the end of the first bite a little bit of pickle acid some juice shooting in there to balance it all out i think it is a very respectable sandwich i wish that the default was some kind of mayo or some kind of creamy sauce on there i don't think the sandwich comes with mayonnaise this in itself butter bun pickle fried chicken i think we had the original chicken sandwich the way they meant for us to have calvin today we ate so many chicken sandwiches we've not yet revealed the final score because i want to know which one you thought was a true winner the best one are you ready to reveal the results i'm ready did you say you're bretty no i said i'm freddy what score do you give the chick-fil-a chicken sandwich the score i'm gonna give the chick-fil-a chicken sandwich is nine 9.50 it has beaten my 9.25 i popped by wow calvin although i do respect your opinion no you don't true calvin although i pretend to respect your opinion my results do differ i have to give this sandwich an 8 8.6 meaning my favorite chicken sandwich is the popeyes chicken sandwich i like the chick-fil-a i like how nice they were there's something about this sauce i love sauce i would take a bath and mayonnaise and so at least i like to have some on my chicken sandwich okay you know what the last 48 hours doing the chicken sandwich one bite challenge it's truly been a great journey this has been the best two days of my life really i think it's because i'm hanging out with you oh and we did a whole food review and just sitting the whole time this has been great best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits of peace when vegans get married this is what they throw in the air when the vegans go to the club they get shredded iceberg lettuce and they make it rain you think there's vegan strip clubs i like you told my joke much longer clumsier hold on they're going to my neighborhood it's very plump oh what's wrong i eat lettuce is that my bite oh i think they show up from here this is hand breaded this is freshly hand breaded soon you're probably gonna see mcdonald's selling tacos or pho but now or no or far do you know the best seasoning calvin love start oh no starvation this might be that that one you should maybe write stuff down you got a pen it's too late actually i love the breast shape was like a cheer girl hey guys big thank you to calvin for joining the show today you can find him on his youtube channel fkn deliciousness is a camera on him right now is it on me either way there's probably a bar there guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,490,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, minnesota, usa, america, american food, minneapolis, one bite challenge, burger, food in america, chicken sandwich, CH’KING BURGER, MCDONALDS, DELUXE CRISPY CHICKEN SANDWICH, CLASSIC CHICKEN SANDWICH, BURGER KING, POPEYES, CLASSIC JALAPEÑO SANDWICH, WENDY’S, CHICK-FIL-A
Id: CVS0byPWRo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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