3 MOST DISTURBING things about the Covenant

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hey guys welcome back you know I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to how [ __ ] cool that intro is but anyways today we are continuing to make the Halo universe a much more dark disturbing place by looking at some of the more fucked-up [ __ ] done by the Covenant now these are things but the games can't exactly cover for various reasons that are forever gonna make you look at the Covenant in an entirely different light so buckle up and let's get into this big number three brute islands so the brutes have always been savage beasts in the Halo games right from there violently themed weaponry built to output as much raw damage and destruction as possible to their affinity to just drop their weapons and just beat the [ __ ] out of you with their hands they've always been a fairly well represented species in game that said the law expands on this savagery even further and to extremely disturbing extends the brutes are known to have absolutely no respect for humans or anything they kill for that matter be it friend or foe and they also have a sadistic love of torture they've been known to capture humans and then let them escape so they can use them as prey in their blood sports and hunt them down for fun giving them a slight bit of hope before catching them and quite literally tearing them apart they're not exactly a stranger to eating humans either report from only agent Connor Brienne who was captured by them indicate that they'd like to either cook their humans or just straight-up eat them raw after hunting them down and when there are no human is on the menu they'll often just eat some of their own no drink station database with a pack of brutes is safe and chances are they're the Brutes next meal in the absence of a human but what happens when a brute has some human victims but isn't hungry enough to eat them well torture of course and extremely [ __ ] up inhumane methods of torture may I ask they're known to quite literally use humans as toys and use the most painful methods possible to extract information or just pleasure out of their victims from massive blades to superheated branding tools to just straight-up malnourished their victims and watching them wither away the same only agent to observe their eating patterns agent Brianne saw one brute pick up a human prisoner by his arm and then have other brutes grab onto his other limbs his arms his legs and then literally just tear him limb from limb leaving nothing but a bleeding torso with a loosely attached head behind with all this in mind it's safe to say that the brutes are some of the most sadistic creatures in the Halo universe if not the most sadistic so much so that when they get bored of killing humans or they run out of grills to eat they'll just turn on each other and beat the [ __ ] out of each other and start killing their own brutes agent Brienne watched a chieftain stump on the neck of one of his own pack brothers before bending down and ripping the brutes throat out through his neck with his own teeth if this doesn't make the brooch the most sadistic creatures in the Halo universe then man I don't know what is point me in that direction there's also some other more well-known brutes that have done stuff like this too like for example our boy Tartarus you know that snazzy massive gravity hammer that he has called the fist of rooked well he got that by killing his uncle Maccabees who also got the hammer by killing his own father so it's safe to say the brutes have a precedence of killing their own all in all the level of savagery shown by the brutes is nothing compared to the messed-up [ __ ] that they do in the expanded law and it really turns up the savagery dial from like 5 in the games to [ __ ] 11 in the expanded universe and to me it's safe to say that they more than earn the title of brute number 2 glassing so for anybody who's played halo reach which I imagine is a very large majority of the people watching this you've seen a glimpse at the effect of glassing but the long-term reality of it has never really been shown in game before aside from maybe halo 5 so what the hell is glassing well glassing is the process of firing massive superheated plasma rounds from a covenant ship to the surface of a planet the effect vaporizes anything it directly impacts and then sends off a massive heat wave in all directions that quite literally melts anything that it touches be it buildings plants or even human us so that's pretty [ __ ] up right but it's not exactly disturbing aside from the fact that you know it melts us well the aftermath and the state that it leaves a planet in is pretty [ __ ] up in my opinion the insane heat of the plasma bombardment literally turns everything on the surface of the planet into the sort of chemical mush which ultimately hardens and creates an obsidian like surface created from the remnants of structures fauna and pretty much everything you'd expect to see on the surface of a planet in fact the surface gets so [ __ ] up that the only way to make a glassed planet inhabitable again is through terraforming which takes hundreds upon hundreds of years and an unholy amount of resources so essentially it completely ruins a planet furthermore the plasma gets so hot that it completely evaporates oceans and any other bodies of water on the planet or near the blast radius and any type of wildlife and vegetation is just completely destroyed - making the planet one big dry monotone rock the surface of which still can be too hot even nine later to even step foot on there have also been instances where the effect of glassing was so significant that it completely destroyed the planet's atmosphere as well all of this turn is a wouldn't serve i brand exotic and lively planet bustling with life and entertainment into a ghost planet devoid of life and color plagued with extreme inclement weather and the echoes of its billions of former inhabitants the Covenant really can add context to that famous saying fifty billion people used to live here now it's a ghost town and [Music] in the number one spot we have something that to me is so disturbing the fact that it was all a lie now of course we know that the Covenant would not transcend to become gods when they fired the halo rings and that instead they just kill everything in the galaxy but there was one small group within the Covenant who knew all along that the entire covenant faith was a lie the three prophets hierarchs so when mendicant bias informed them that the humans were the reclaimers the true descendants of the foreigners this indirectly undermined everything the Covenant faith was built on and everything the Covenant were working towards because it meant none of the Covenant was special and that the great journey was false with this lie in mind the three prophets knew that it would completely destroy the Covenant if it got out and everything they'd work towards would be for nothing so they led a political revolution in which they gained total control of the Covenant just so the truth wouldn't get out the three then proceeded to continuously deceive the elites that brutes the Jackals and every other species within the Covenant leading to tens of billions of casualties and almost the entire eradication of their own species on the other side of the wall upwards of twenty three billion humans are exterminated and God knows how many planets were a rapidly destroyed the largest loss of human life in history and likely for a very long time to come along with the NIA xt of us as a species was all because of a lie three prophets were too afraid of the consequences of admitting that their entire religion was based upon a mistake sir instead led a genocidal campaign against the species who were the true reclaimers marked by the foreignness to claim the mantle of responsibility and have total control over the galaxy the fact that all of this loss of life was based upon a simple mistranslation where the glyphs were falsely translated into reclamation instead of reclaimer is so [ __ ] up to me over twenty billion humans were killed because of a mistranslation is so disturbing to me because in a lot of ways it does feel quite grounded and realistic given that sadly the iraq war happened based on false reports of weapons of mass destruction that and it makes the covenant sena side completely pointless to all parties there wasn't even a point in the Covenant during it and had they succeeded all that would have happened is the complete extermination of the entirety of the galaxy aside from the profits that would have been sat on the ark and therefore would have survived left to live in an empty dead galaxy so they are three of the most disturbing aspects of the covenant at least in my opinion to be honest I honestly don't know which one was worse for me the fact that it's all a lie is so [ __ ] up but at the same time the way that brutes treat their victims is insanely [ __ ] her they literally tear them to shreds with their teeth and also kill their own but at the same time you've got to remember that the reason they're killing people like this is because of a lie things like this happened because of a lie so I guess anything [ __ ] up within the Covenant is exacerbated by the fact that the great journey they're doing it in the name of is all one big lie but I don't know that just me let me know your thoughts on the comments and which one you thought was the worst anyways as per usual I want to give a big thank you to the patrons the ardent prayer tomahawk Taylor Hayden Christian Marvin Anna Stefan Kasich and also everybody else over there I really appreciate it the fact that you guys are helping me out in such a way is it means the world to me so thank you all so as promised here are three of the spiciest memes straight from the patreon discord let's be real there's never been a better reason to support somebody on patreon before [Music] [Music] anyways thanks a lot for watching guys thank you for the massive support recently both on patreon and also on the channel we're almost at 120 KS herbs which is insane already like especially in this hailer dry period that's just nuts to me so again thank you so much for that and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 1,026,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo Covenant, Halo ONI, Halo lore, Halo creepy, disturbing Halo facts, Halo HiddenXperia, Halo disturbing lore, Halo top 5, Halo top 3, Disturbing Halo lore, Creepy Halo lore, Halo deep lore, Halo books, Halo Covenant lore, Halo Covenant origin, the scariest thing about the Covenant Halo, Halo Prophets, Halo Brutes, Halo glassing, Halo Reach, Halo Elites, Halo Evolutions, The most disturbing thing about the Covenant Halo
Id: rmLAWsZZd0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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