3 most DISTURBING facts about the Flood

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hey guys welcome back today as promised we are looking at three of the most disturbing things about the flirt in halos law now I know at the end of last video I said that this was gonna be a top five but right now I'm drowning in university work I'm in my final two months of university so as you can imagine the level of work is [ __ ] ridiculous which means that I don't have as much time for YouTube right now but in two months when I graduate YouTube is going to become my full-time job so from there on we're we're golden we're golden but anyways let's get down to the video here are three of the most disturbing [ __ ] up pieces of law surrounding the flirt I hope you're ready to get creeped the [ __ ] out number three unconventional methods of infection so in the number three spot we have something that the games have never really touched on before so according to halo combat Evolved halo - i'm hero 3 the only way for somebody to get infected by the flood is via infection forms and although yes that is the main method of infection it's by no means the only one one method that we've discussed a load before our flips pause now clip spores are capable of making the flood infection airborne by clogging up ventilation systems and creating this dense green fog that's full of these spores essentially small airborne versions of infection forms where all it takes is for a human to inhale the fog and they're infected reason being each spore contains a flood supercell which is the one cell that's needed to begin the mutation process from a regular organism into a flood infected organism it's really that disturbingly simple the fact that all that needs to happen for somebody to become a combat form is simply for this cell to make it into that bloodstream is so disturbing for me it's so like I said disturbing simple because it opens the floodgates if your pardon the pun for infinite different possibilities of infection that the games and stories haven't even touched on yet for example there's one method that is only discussed once in the Mona Lisa that's biting like a common zombie combat formers are capable of biting hosts to infect them likely by transferring the super cell through saliva or just the general flood juices but like I said this gives us infinite possibilities to theorize about other methods of infection like maybe the reason that biting works is because the super cell is transferred through flood blood or like I said bodily fluids and if that's the case then surely that means that a human for example shooting a combat form and then being splattered with their blood could end up being lethal if so then that makes those infections like the one in twenty eight days later where the crow just drops a tiny little droplet of zombie blood in that dudes eye possible and it makes the thought of a flood outbreak even more terrifying and disturbing given how easy in a B to get infected think about it nothing is safe the food themselves are dangerous coming into contact with them is dangerous killing them is dangerous and even breathing the air near them is potentially very dangerous this disturbing reality of a foot outbreak really makes you want to see a sort of realistic depiction of it one day in a game awesome thing where Marines have to fight back with gas masks and you can see civilian is all around you just spontaneously getting new tasers simply because they're breathing one day we are gonna get that flood horror game that everyone is begging for one day number two infinite existence okay so what is more disturbing than any treat that the flood hold the fact that they are infinite and that these traits will likely never be exterminated from existence as far as we know the flood literally cannot be defeated at least permanently now yes he can defeat flood outbreaks like the one that happened on Alpha Halo or the one that ended up coming to earth during the human covenant war but all this does is delay the inevitable the return of the flood but this might sound quite crazy so let's look at why well first off it is very likely that the flood have spread to and infected other galaxies and maybe even universes too so during the foreigner' flood war where the flood essentially wiped out the foreigners they got so powerful and controlled so much of the galaxy that it's very very likely that some of them jumped through a slick spaceport 'el and left the galaxy to go in in fact another one if I remember correctly I think it was even heavily implied in the foreigner trilogy that the foreigners theorized based on a very good evidence that this was likely the case so no matter how many outbreaks you defeat in the Milky Way galaxy there's always the chance that the flood will just show up one day through a portal with fleets of thousands hundreds upon hundreds of times bigger than the outbreak that you just defeated but there's something even more disturbing than this because the flood are technically precursors their knowledge exists as a facet of something called neural physics which was a precursor concept that essentially states that everything in the galaxy is a living being capable of being adapted and changed by experiences but what does this highly trippy piece of drug-infused law mean for the flirt well it ties directly into the grave mind so when a grave mind is destroyed all in its knowledge and intellect that makes it so intelligent doesn't just disappear into thin air it continues to exist based on the concept of neural physics and the next brave mind that is formed no matter how far in the future instantly gain is the knowledge and all of the memories of the past grave mind this means that information and strategies known by the flood can never be destroyed they will always exist woven into literally everything within the universe from planet to trees to molecules to us humans because of this disturbing mind-bending fact the flood will all exist in some capacity whether it's their knowledge or their different flood forms either way this disturbing facts really make you wonder ah the flood part of something higher are they part of some ulterior plan that we can't perceive as humans if so is this planet to succeed or has it even started yet and in the number one spot we have flood cannibalism coughs so in the number one spot we have something that is without a doubt the most sick disturbing flood related thing that will ever exist inhaler law in fact it's probably the most disturbing and sickening thing in the entirety of the Halo universe flood Cannibal Corpse now this name sounds like extreme clickbait hyperbole but trust me I can promise you that it isn't this is exactly what we are talking about so to understand this you have to know how the flood first spread around 100,000 years ago ancient humanity discovered a bunch of crushed starships and on board were vials of a fine powder now they run tests on the powder and they came back showing nothing harmful or crazy so like you do they become feeding them to a doglike animal that they and the ancient prophets kept his pets called the Faru now initially all the powder seemed to do was elicit positive behavior in the Faru so the two species kept feeding it to them but over time it began to alter their genetic code and soon the doglike creatures began growing furry patches and fleshy lumps all too consistent with another species were very familiar with other Faru even ended up eating these growths and ultimately they had to be either euthanized or sent back into the wild unfortunately the humanism prophets had left this way too late by this point they'd been exposed to the infected Peru for way too long and they began to show similar symptoms of this mystery disease it turned out that this powder they've been feeding the Faru wasn't any old random powder it was the ground down remains of the corrupted precursors the species that created everything in the Halo universe and were exterminated by the foreigners millions of years prior as you'd expect the disease began to act similarly in humanism profits - it began twisting them psychologically initially just causing them to eat the infected for room leaving behind rotting carcasses but only active is effectively infection but over time the Faru stopped satisfying the infective so they moved on to cannibalism and human and profit sacrifices what they do is they'd get an infected victims and force-feed them until they grew to massive sizes and then eat them to satiate themselves this was the beginning of the end of this generation of the Halo universe as you'd expect because all of these inhumane sickening acts of cannibalism cultism and disturbing hedonism led to the rapid spread of the disease across the galaxy across multiple species and ultimately acted as the first official flood outbreak so let that sink in the flood were first spread because humans and prophets gave their dogs a weird powder and then ended up eating them going insane and then sacrificing uninfected humans and prophets and force feeding them so they could eat them if that isn't the most disturbing thing in the entirety of the foods law or like I said at the start even the entirety of halos law then man I don't know what is it's so disturbing that it almost doesn't seem fitting for a universe like halo is but as my recent videos have covered the Halo universe is a lot darker and more disturbing than people would imagine so they are three of the most disturbing things about the flood let me know which one you think was the most disturbing in the comments for me it has to be the flood cannibals I mean that [ __ ] is on another level of Factor but at the same time it adds a nice touch of darkness to the fluid origin and it really makes you question how the mainstream population of Seville would react if they knew about the foots existence and if they knew what the food were capable of anyways as per usual I want to give a huge thank you to the ardent prayer tomahawk Taylor Hayden Christian Madden Stefan Kasich and every single other patron for the hugely generous continued support thanks a lot for watching guys and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 755,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo Flood, Halo ONI, Halo lore, Halo creepy, disturbing Halo facts, Halo HiddenXperia, Halo disturbing lore, Halo top 5, Halo top 3, Disturbing Halo lore, Creepy Halo lore, Halo deep lore, Halo books, Halo Flood lore, Halo Flood origin, The scariest thing about the Flood in Halo, Halo Precursors, Halo Gravemind, Halo Flood forms, Halo 6 Flood, Halo Forerunner Flood war, Halo Forerunners, Halo Flood Combat Forms, Halo scary Flood, Halo Mona Lisa
Id: -FKChuMh08Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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