Audio EQ & Saving Audio Presets in Davinci Resolve 17

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hello my friends yes the day has finally arrived today we're going to be going over my eq process individuals of 17 and also how you can save audio effects but firstly i'm going to show you how my audio goes from this okay so this is my audio sample it sounded like this okay so this is my audio sample that's not bad at all so without further ado let us indulge my friends oh look at this i've got a change of clothes yes this is actually my third time recording this but don't worry we're going to get this right do or die we're going to get right right now so welcome to davinci resolve 17. today we're going to be spending the majority of our time within the fairlight audio page because this is the exciting eq process tutorial so without further ado let us indulge okay so we're currently in the edit page as you can see right here and to get to the fella audio page all we need to do is find this kind of music icon right here so it's right next to the last and final delivery page is the fella audio page just to the left so click onto that and you'll be presented with this welcome to the fairly audio page my fellow audio may look i know for a fact my fellow audio page is going to look incredibly different to you so let's firstly go through how to set yours up to look exactly like mine so first things first everything at the top left corner here is the media pool effects library index sound library adl we do not need we do not need any of these make sure these are disabled next go all the way to the right hand side and make sure your meters is on because i like to be able to see my audio levels at the top here so if i play my audio back okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue you can see the meters here right here right here right the control room right in the loudness that's what we want because i like to see a little visual representation of what's going on when perfect okay next we're going to enable is the mixer so here if you click onto the mixer it's going to open up this panel on the right hand side and this actually is where we're going to be affecting all of our parameters to get the perfect crisp sensational audio so make sure mixer is enabled you can actually also see your volume levels here as well so if i place that audio absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this yep so you can see your audios right there two different places three four five different places if you want this just gives me a nice visual representation but we do need the mixer anyway because we're going to be using all of the processors in here such as the eq but we're going to get to that in just a second the next thing we need to set up is our timeline view options so by this icon right here and copy these settings exactly so everything which is highlighted these highlights on yours everything which is disabled please disable on yours so for example i have stuff like the full waveform if i click this and enable it you can see that my waveform expands a little bit so you can see a bit clearly we have the audio scroller which is here which when enabled you can see at the bottom here we have an audio scroller so when i play my audio back you can actually see it move in real time and it's quite nice actually absolutely zero clue what i'm gonna be saying not only this my friends but you can actually you can actually scroll back and forth which is you know it's kind of fun i'm not gonna lie to you it's kind of hard zero clue what i'm gonna but again you have a bit of a visual representation of what your audio is gonna look like you can actually have a video scroll as well um i would recommend this maybe if you have you know videos but for the sake see video scroller but for this sake we're only going to be working with audio so i'm not going to have the video scroller enabled so i'm going to turn this off so make sure your navigation options are these three as well and once we have that we can finally indulge let us get started okay so there are five basically main parameters that i adjust in order to get sensational perfect sound and audio and they are eq noise gates compressor limiter and vocal channel slash vocal enhancer these are the five items that i use in order to get crisp audio and i'm going to be going through every individual one but before we do let's take a listen to our audio just to see what we're working with here so i'm gonna play back please excuse it is quite random okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge there actually needs to be a part however where i pause okay that's enough we're not going to get to the end we're not going to get to the rest of it just yet and i'll show you where in just a minute let us get started first audio parameters that i like to adjust and incorporate within my audio sound is an eq what is an eq eq is essentially an equalizer and that's found at the right hand side here make sure your mixer is enabled and double click on to eq and it's going to enable this tab right here so this my friends is the eq which is the equalizer and essentially what this is is this is a chart full of frequencies and how this works is you are manipulating each of these bands so two three four five and you're basically manipulating different frequencies everything towards the left hand side here so with band two and three is the low end so this is going to be the bassy the deep tones you know the boomy tones everything to the right hand side around band five this is the high frequency this essentially affects the treble and it's basically a cheat to get a little bit of a crisp sound now an important thing to note is different people have different voices some people have a bassier voice some people have a deep voice some people have a soft voice as such you're going to need to adjust your equalizer accordingly tailored to specific people's type of voices because what work for a softer voice might not necessarily work for a deeper voice so we're going to be effects and parameters based on my voice in addition you may also get a different sound depending on the microphone you're using because different microphones have different sound signatures some microphones a bit more boomy bit more bassy have a bit more of a radio voice there's also other things to think of like a mixer but i digress let's just get started so i'm going to play back my audio and i'm going to be manipulating the lower and i know my voice and this audio right now okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this although it sounds it's actually if i'm quite honest with you it's not bad but we're going to take it to the next level it sounds good but it's lacking a little bit of bass at the moment so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great what i'm going to be doing is i'm going to manipulate the bands 2 and the band 3 because these are the low end and essentially i'm going to be moving this right and up and down up and down affects how strong we want to manipulate the frequency right and left affects basically the influence how much of the frequency is being affected so i'm going to sharp now and i'm just going to manipulate this so you can see so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge okay so straight away you can see that it's manipulating the sound and it sounds terrible what i personally like to do is move this up because i want it to be a bit more bassy so just watch as i move this up and listen to how it starts please make sure you use the headphones guys in fact stop right now put on headphones right now okay perfect let us continue zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge that actually needs to be a part however where i pause i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge absolutely zero clue what i'm gonna be saying okay so i'm gonna play this i'm going to turn the effect on and off and just see if you can hear the difference so far so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying it's my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but so straight away you can hear that we've actually got a bit of a basic sound but it does sound a little bit muddy and not clear i have no figures we're going to adjust the high end now and this is going to basically make our sounds sound a little bit more crisp but one thing to note please be careful when manipulating the hand which is the band 5 and band 6 because some people are way more sensitive to this frequency than the others and if it's raised too much it starts to get scratchy you know it's going to sound very irritable so i'm going to show you what it means please info users be careful right now because it's going to sound super crazy this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be whoa how crazy this sounds disgusting but you can start to see how we can get like a crisp sound if we don't manipulate this too much so again i'm going to show you the extremes of bringing it all the way down saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go okay now that i'm showing you how it works i'm going to actually manipulate this but before i do there are some parameters here which i didn't specified mentioned before so if we go to band 4 for example you can see it says frequency gain and q factor now as you can see i'm actually eyeballing it and manipulating these values myself by moving the bands literally by hand but if i was doing a much larger production whether it's going to be a podcast tv film interview you name it if it's a much larger production i would actually be using these knobs these frequencies because you can actually adjust it on a per frequency level you can get very fine control so if i go to band 4 and i manipulate the frequency you're going to see that the frequency of this band is going to move left to right it's going to have very fine controls see you can actually see which of the frequency is affected this effect in frequency around this range right here see very fine controls it's actually quite nice but it takes a little bit of time but final controls you're actually missing out on a bit of speed um next you see it has gain and gain basically will lift this up and down so it's going to affect the frequency by lifting it up and down if i put this up you can see it's moving up if i put it down it's affecting the frequency down see find controls and again you can move the frequency left and right can change the bands perfect the last thing you're going to see is a q factor and this is basically the area of influence as you can see we have kind of like a a large curve if i affect the q factor by raising up it's going to get skinnier see so you're actually getting a much narrower influence your curve so again if you wanted to adjust your bands on a per frequency level and get way finer controllers by all means use these adjustments but personally for me what i'm going to be doing my youtube videos i like to be fast and intuitive which is why i tend to move the bands myself physically so i'm going to reset this back to normal because we don't want to be messing with band 4 at all okay so back to the high end so right now we currently have this sound example i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but which sounds decent pretty far it sounds not too bad but at the moment i want to increase my high end so i'm going to increase band five i'm just going to play it back i'm going to shut up now it's going to manipulate this you're going to be able to hear the difference until it sounds okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge that actually needs to be a part however where i pause and go quiet in between because we're going to be testing one of the things called a noise gate absolutely sensational i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on okay so as you can see i've been turning the equalizer on and off just so you can hear the difference and actually sounds a lot better straight away it genuinely sounds i don't know about you but i think it genuinely sounds pretty good straight away okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely so this is my okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but he okay i know by the end of this you're definitely going to be sick of my voice you're never going to watch my tutorial again okay but this so far sounds pretty good and we've literally just added one layer of eq and one effect so this is literally it just an eq we're next going to be moving on to the next process which i mentioned that i use to get even better sound if you remember what that is that is called a noise gate so again if you want to get my settings literally this is the curve that i use it may not sound the exact same again because people have the voices and different sound signatures but you'll be able to get a similar sound of this curve so just follow this curve right perfect done okay so now i'm going to close this i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying yep immediately yep okay next on the right hand side you can see it says something called dynamics now this my friends dynamics is where we're going to be manipulating all of the other three that i mentioned so the noise gate the compressor and the limiter so final says dynamics on your audio one which is where my audio currently is where my effects are and i'm going to double click it and it's going to open dynamics bang and right here you can see the beautiful dynamics tab right here so you see we have inputs output side chain we have this which is going to give you a visual representation of what's going on so the first thing we're going to enable is a noise gate now this this is a little bit difficult to explain but when i show you you're going to understand it a lot more essentially how a noise gate works is you're basically telling a noise gate anything lower than this volume level cut the sound off immediately now if you remember in this vocal right here i actually pause a few times and that's because if you listen carefully you'll be able to hear background noise literally the background nice one we shall indulge that actually needs to be a part however where i pause and go quiet in between because we're going to be testing one of the things called a noise gate absolutely sensational so as you can hear when i stop talking you hear a bit of background noise and that's literally my computer because my computer's right here now generally when you're recording i know a lot of you may not necessarily be in a studio environment right as such you're definitely going to get backgrounds whether it's going to be your computer your laptop electricity whether it's going to be air conditioning or even a fridge i don't know i don't know where you're going to be recording you know i have no idea but you're definitely going to have background of some sort so i'm going to go back to my dynamics i'm going to double click onto it and i'm going to enable my noise gate and remember the noise gate is basically saying anything lower than a certain volume level cut the audio off but listen to the background noise once i enable my nose gate bear in mind we haven't changed any settings just yet just don't escape right off the bat we move on we shall indulge that actually needs to be a part however where i pause and go quiet in between because we're going to be testing one of the things called a noise gate absolutely sensational did you hear that no you didn't exactly exactly that because it got rid of the background noise i'm going to play it again and i'm going to be turning off the noise gate on and off literally we shall indulge that actually needs to be apart however where i pause and go quiet in between because we're going to be indulged indulge noise literally just by enabling the noise gate we have gotten rid of all of that fuzzy sound that you hear in the background and it sounds sensational it makes the audio really crisp that actually needs to be a part however where i pause and go quiet in between because we're going to be testing one of the things called a noise gate and straight away we've just enabled eq and noise gate and our audio already has been taken to the next level if there's one thing you wanted to take away from this tutorial literally one thing it is enable noise gate it's going to take your audio level to literally the next level literally but there are a few things that we need to adjust here because there are some parameters now a few people can actually enable the noise gate and be done of it but we are not those people there are a few things that we need to do to make it sound perfect so right here you can see we have something called threshold so the things we're actually going to be manipulating are the threshold the attack and the release we're not going to mess with range we're not going to mess with ratio we're not going to mess with the hold now the threshold you're going to see is going to be represented by this line so as i manipulate this you can see a visual representation of what's going on so this is basically showing you at what point do we want to cut the audio this is what the threshold is so if i manipulate this and i put this all the way up you're going to see that it's going to try and cut my audio out as i'm speaking this is not what i'm going to be doing because it's an extreme example just to show you how it's working absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you can see it's cutting in and out because it's literally trying to cut my audio when i'm going quiet because i'm speaking quite consistently and my pauses aren't much it's dipping in and out so this is something you may notice if for example you enable your noise gate and you're getting a kind of dipping in and out sound absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great it's probably because your threshold is too high so make sure you reduce it essentially what i like to do is i like to look at my output here and remember i told you to enable all of these crazy audios to see exactly where your audio is laying when i play my audio zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but i can actually see where exactly are so many different places to look but you can actually see where exactly my audio is laying like where it lays where does it peak where does it sit in the middle here we go you know we move on we shall indulge so i know personally that i shouldn't get my noise gate anywhere near minus 16 for example because that's where my vocals are laying anything around there my vocals will start to dip in and out so i'm going to deal with it i'm going to make it minus 32 so about minus 32 i'm going to have my noise gate why double it i have no idea but it seems to work but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge and again this is going to be on a per use basis because you may be in different rooms for example you may be in an interview you may have a podcast set up you're going to have different microphones around you're going to have different electronics around so you need to manipulate the threshold just so you can't hear any background noise once you're talking indulge that actually needs to be a part however where i pause and go quiet in between because we're going to be testing one of the things called a noise gate that actually needs to be a part however where i pause and go quiet in between it really sounds incredible literally this already sounds incredible now before i go to the attack and the release please let me inform you why the noise gate is so powerful if you were to do this yourself what would you be doing you would actually probably cut each individual pause you see these individual sections you most certainly will be spending way way way too much time cutting each individual section and deleting it or clutching each individual section and lowering the audio but if the noise gate is literally automated it does it automatically for you and it's then facial not only this is perfect for interviews or podcast setup podcasts especially because imagine you have two people in conversation generally speak generally once one person is speaking another person is listening right so you have two microphones but that one at the same time one speaking one's quiet this is perfect because the person who's not speaking can have a noise gate on they can both have no skates on to be honest when a poker use not speaker the noise gate will be enabled so you don't hear any background noises of air conditioner or even you have a microphone or the other person speaking or picking it up absolutely sensational in this or if it's even gonna sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge okay so you can see we have attack hold and release essentially i told you i'll tell you what this means attack is how fast you want the effect to kick in so if you have this all the way up the noise is going to kick in immediately as soon as it as soon as you stop talking bang it's going to kick in now this is curds this is cool but if you put this too high it's going to sound unnatural you're going to get a very fast attack it's going to sound very abrupt so right now this is 1.4 i'm going to increase it ever so slightly in fact i'm going to increase a lot let's see if you can hear when it kicks in and off you know we move on we shall indulge you can see that it's kicking in way too soon actually needs to be apart however and it's bringing audio back in and out so remember the problem before we had when the threshold was too high you're gonna get a similar problem if the attack is too high so make sure you bring this down i'm going to have mine at about 1.6 1.8 great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge so right now it's kicking in and out but it's not too crazy something's happening you can hear something's happening but it's not so distracting and it's doing its job because we can't hear any background noise once there's complete pauses indulge that actually needs to be apart however but again it's not perfect you can still see it's kind of dipping in and out this is where the last parameter that we're going to adjust the release comes in so the release is how it eases off basically it's going to ease off the effect so i'm going to raise this up slightly to about 162 and essentially now my noise gate is going to kick in around about here it's going to attack 1.6 and it's going to ease off ever so slightly it sounds great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge that actually needs to be apart however where i pause and go quiet in between because we're going to be testing one of the things called a noise gate absolutely sensational i also need to have some i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting some very loud but yeah let's test it out see how it works hopefully you enjoy it perfect so right now our audio sounds incredibly crisp i'm actually going to turn off all of the effects we have enabled at the moment so i'm going to drag this and we only have two by the way we only have eq and noise gate i'm going to drag this to our second audio because our second audio doesn't have anything on it and we're just going to play it back and see see how far we've come so far we are not even finished yet but so far how far we've got okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge that actually needs to be apart however okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge that actually needs to be a part however where i pause okay it sounds great to me it actually sounds really good but i can actually hear that my noise get is a little bit too strong so again you might need to go back and forth i'm just gonna bring the threshold down even more to explain this or if it's even gonna sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge perfect so now it doesn't cut out cut in and out as much that is one last final word of warning about noise gates even though this is absolutely incredible and sensational and it cuts out the sound when you're not talking you know we move on we sell indulge the one thing it does the one thing it doesn't do rather is it doesn't cut out your background noise when you are talking so if for example you are in an extremely like extremely noisy room and you have electronics running left right and center air conditioning blowing when you are talking your noise gate is not active so you're actually going to hear that background noise once you're talking it's only when you stop talking and your threshold is at a certain point that it's going to cut the audio off so this is perfect for the times where there's silence and you're not talking but if you're talking and there's still background noise per se it's still your microphone and your audio is still going to pick it up so please please please the noise gate is incredible but it's not a be or do all please make sure that you audio levels are set correctly and you're eliminating as many problems as possible during recording okay perfect okay let us get started onto the next one the next one is the compressor so currently we have done the eq which looks like this sensational let me close it for now we've opened the dynamics up we've enabled the noise gate we've manipulated some of the parameters and it's cutting off the audio when we're not speaking the next one we're going to manipulate is the compressor so what is a compressor well i try to explain this as simply as possible i'll probably have a link in the description to a video which is more in depth but quite simply a compressor brings the highs and lows and averages them together so the harshest points of your audio and your voice and the lowest points of your audio voice and kind of averages them together currently i actually have a mixer which my microphone is going into and my mixer has a compressor built in and i've adjusted some of the settings there so because of that and for the sake of time i'm not actually going to be manipulating any of the values here it's good enough to literally just enable the compressor you might be thinking you're crazy well my friends when we enabled the noise gate straightaway affected it so why not the compressor so let's just show you what it does it's going to be very very subtle but we're going to get to a point where my audio is quite dynamic in terms of the voice i'm going to go up to about here i also need my voice to be quite dynamic okay here so you can see my audio levels go quite high and quite low so we're going to go back we're going to turn our compressor on and let's just see how it works what it does i also also by the way you can see the curve we have a visual representation of what's going on it's actually bringing it down a little bit i need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting some very loud i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting very loud i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting some very loud so as you can see actually compresses the vocals and averages them out and it sounds pretty good the difference is quite subtle if you don't know what to look for and what to listen for if it's not there you notice literally so please please please make sure you enable just a little bit of compression add the compressor and it does make a difference to audio trust me i'm gonna have a much detailed video later about my microphone i use the mixer that i use and the settings between these two but this is just the eq process of you know my process in post-production without any audio processing in my mixer so right now my audio mix is not doing any eq processing we're doing it all here i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting some very loud but yeah let's test it out see how it works hopefully you enjoy it uh yeah absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge when you adjust one thing sometimes something else might break so the noise gate since we've added a compressor since we've added a compressor we're actually going to need to manipulate our noise gate a little bit more that should be okay that actually needs to be a part however there we go it doesn't dip in and out as much and it eases off a bit more so make sure you're going back and checking just to make sure the audio sounds absolutely crisp don't worry we actually need to only do this once because after we've done this we're going to set up presets which will just happen every single time but yeah so we've added eq noise gates and a compressor absolutely sensational but there's one more thing in this dynamics panel that we're going to add there's two more things we're going to add but there's one more thing in dynamics that we're going to add and that's right here when we're listening to the audio you're gonna notice something i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting very loud okay so immediately you saw here it went red and that is not good i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting very loud naturally when most people speak they have different tonalities and also their voices can be quite dynamic when they get excited typically their volume goes up sometimes this is not something you can predict which is why a limiter is absolutely perfect now what telemeter basically does and how it works is what you're saying is anything at this volume level when my when my audio reaches this volume level bring it down immediately when it peaks at here bring the audio down so limit is basically stopping your audio from reaching a certain volume level which is really impressive and really important so let me just show you what it does i'm going to enable it and just keep an eye on the -10 because remember our audio as well as very harsh and getting some very loud it peaks at around -10 you can see it's getting red right here so we're going to enable the limits and i'm going to show you what it does keep your eye on this i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting some very loud as you can see it didn't even reach anywhere near -10 you can see no red and this is important it's important we do not want to see red at all ideally we want your vocals to be around -12 6 at the peak you don't you do not want it to get higher than minus 6 when people get excited and audio peaks at all right so typically keep your voice around minus 12 and this seems to be working pretty well as for the visual indicator you can see here on the left hand side when we enable the limiter we essentially have a hard cutoff point you can literally see it goes and again to manipulate how much of the limiter is affecting you just need to change the threshold as i move the threshold you can see it's changing how much of the limiter is being affected so if i play it back i also need my voice to be quite dynamic for an example sec just to show you how crazy this i'm going to put it all the way to minus 13 what in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting very loud so you can see it's bringing the audio down a lot but the audio sounds a lot compressed which is not what we want so make sure you manipulate it to a point where you think will sound good ideally just keep your eye on the output you do not want it to hit the red basically when you see red that's a bad sign just manipulate it so it stays within the yellow range so again minus 12 is where you want to be damage in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and get some very loud no compress is too much let's lift up being very soft as well as very harsh and get some very loud i'm gonna put up a little bit more because again you don't want to be putting the limiter too high because you do still want a variation in the volume of somebody's voice otherwise it sounds a bit robotic as well as very harsh and gets them very loud perfect so right now it's almost reaching -10 and we're still in the yellow zone which is a good sign i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting very loud that's where we're on the river off let's see where it goes i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting very loud yeah so the limit is pretty good again really really and truly having it where it currently is for me without the limiter as well as very harsh here isn't actually honestly it's not too too bad we could technically go to about minus six but that's you can't go anything higher than that because the audio starts to get distorted it sounds terrible absolutely terrible in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting very loud perfect so speaking of the audio sounding terrible much like the noise gate if you mess up during your recording it's very difficult if impossible to bring your audio back so if for example you're recording audio and your microphone is way too loud or your gain is too high and your audio as such gets distorted there's no amount of limiter that you can put on to remove the distortion and bring audio levels back so it's also it's always important to note when you're recording keep your audio levels around -12 and -6 at the peak do not go higher than that because once your audio peaks and distorts you cannot bring it back even if you have a limited run you won't be able to bring the distortion sound back so that's important i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting some very loud but yeah let's test it out see how it works you can also see that we have the attack hold and release remember those yep exact same thing for noise gate and compressor again the attack is how fast we want the limiter to kick in i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and get some very loud the releases how you want it to ease off for me actually finding default sessions to be actually pretty good i'm not being lazy here i promise the default system is actually pretty good but again it varies on the person that's speaking the environment that you're in so this is on a per person basis for me this is what works literally so we have eq we currently have a noise gate on we've got a compressor for a limiter on again let's see what it sounds like with and without so this is without i also need my voice to be quite taxational i also need to have some i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting very loud but yeah let's test it out see how it works hopefully you enjoy it uh yeah absolutely sensational i also need to have some i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting very loud yeah let's test it out see how it works hopefully you enjoy it uh yeah peace perfect absolutely you can hear how credible this sounds but hold on we are not finished no no no we still have one more thing to add yes just one more thing so we've added eq we've added the noise gate compressor limiter we're going to add one more thing which is a vocal channel which is kind of like a vocal enhancer so to do that make sure your mixer is open go to the effects and here you'll be presented with all kinds of crazy and different effects you have of individual resolve you can add more modulation even further noise reduction imaging processes dynamics another compressor if you wanted to you can even add a delay and this is kind of crazy watch this absolutely zero clue what i'm gonna be saying how i'm going to explain this yeah how crazy is this gonna sound great it kind of sounds like you know those movies when you're in like a giant room and a microphone is this thing on you know the microphone is echoing all over the place yeah anyway you have a lot of different effects and presets that you can use and parameters to change i'm going to have a video very soon on sound design everything to do with sound design and different types of editing with sound design and we go through quite a few of the effects but for now this is kind of crazy anyway the reason why we need fx is because we need a vocal channel so click onto the effects go to channel go to local channel and you will be presented with this yes this actually basically is another eq quite simply you'll notice that we have similar parameters we can have different bands but instead of having literal bands you have low frequency mid frequency and high frequency so if i go to my eq we're actually going to get quite a similar curve to this which kind of like slopes up like this goes down and then comes back up and we're just going to use this to get an added layer of crispness it's just going to add to the sound a bit more so again you know the drawer by now i'm just going to manipulate these sounds as i'm playing the audio and you're going to be able to see what it sounds like we'll come back we'll turn off and on and see if we can hear a okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge actually needs to be apart however it needs to that actually needs to be apart however that actually needs to be apart however where i pause and go quiet in between because we're going to be testing one of the things called a noise gate absolutely sensational i also need to have some i also need my voice to be quite dynamic in terms of the ranges being very soft as well as very harsh and getting very loud so as you can see i don't know if you can hear i can most certainly definitely hear it but my voice has a complete new layer of crispness to it i don't exactly know what it is but i've actually just manipulated my curve to be quite similar to my original eq curve so i've added a bit more low end and i've added some high end and it sounds really really crisp again i'm going to be turning it on and off in fact i'm going to turn it off first then on and then on and off during playback so you can see so off okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying hey so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on for me i can hear it night and day it's quite crisp it has another layer of just crispness to the voice and with that we are pretty much done with all of the eq processes and what i use to make my audio sound sensational so that's a quick before and after it's currently sounding like this without any eq any processes nothing on at the moment raw audio and remember in the beginning the audio sounded okay it actually sounded decent okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge and with it back on okay so this is my audio sample i have oh my oh my god it's incredible this is you can see i'm getting excited i'm excited for you because your audio is going to sound literally just like this now i know what you're thinking okay this is absolutely great our audio sounds incredible and your audio sounds incredible now too but i'm going to need to do this every single time every time i record something or edit something in davinci resolve the answer is no because i'm going to show you how to use presets and how to save audio presets right now right this second so once you have all of the effects that you like and everything sounds to your taste and to your liking remember you only need to do this once because the majority of the time you might be recording in the same room same environment same microphones so once you have this set up you have it set up so to save audio presets go to the top corner right here and it says fair lights go down and you're going to see it says preset library now here is where you're going to set up your presets right now you can see that i actually already have one but we're going to set one up anyway so how this works is as follows click onto where your audio is currently saved so where your audio presets currently are right now it's on audio one because that's where our audio currently is and the effects that we've created are so click onto audio one and then click save new then press create new it's gonna ask you to add a preset name so i'm going to name it youtube eq then press ok now you're going to see now we have a new preset right here so how do we apply this preset to another you know audio channel so i'm going to click onto our preset which is here and i'm going to disable audio one and i'm going to click onto audio 2 and i'm going to press apply i just watch here you can see that it's now applied our eq curve onto our second audio so that's how you save an audio and apply an audio preset however it's quite tedious because you actually need to do this for everything else so our dynamics we're gonna need to go to dynamics go to audio one that's where our dynamics are currently saved click save new create new youtube dynamics press ok and then we can click onto our new preset go to the channel we want to apply it to press ok press apply just like that you can see we now have the dynamics quite similarly to the first audio lastly we need to do the third one which is the plugins preset because this is where we have our vocal channel so again audio one save new create new plugins youtube click onto our preset click onto the channel you want to apply it to press apply just like that we now have vocal channel right here so now if i drag our audio down to the second audio 2 okay just like that we're actually okay so right now it kind of sounds like we have everything so this is my audio sample i have but we don't right now we actually need to reset our noise gate because if i go here indulge you can still see we can hear our background noise so go to our dynamics on our second audio channel audio too i'm going to turn my noise gate on and off just on and off simply that actually needs to be up and it's working i think this is currently a bug in davinci resolve i think it's going to be updated real soon we move on we shall indulge okay so this is my audio sample i have absolutely zero clue what i'm going to be saying how i'm going to explain this or if it's even going to sound great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge and just like that it sounds the exact same as our audio one that sounds great but here we go you know we move on we shall indulge so we have spent time creating all of our presets all of our eqs our dynamics our effects we have now saved those presets and anytime we want to literally apply this preset to a timeline we go from the edit page to the fellow audio page click fairlight go to presets library and literally enable it like that unfortunately right now right now at this point in time there is not a way to apply your audio presets via the edit page right now but i do believe very soon in one of the next few updates you're going to be able to apply your audio presets in the edit page rather than to go to fellow audio but for now if you want to apply your presets go to the fellow audio page go to the top press the library and apply it that way but literally we have now gone and we've created a really good really crisp sounding audio so hopefully this was useful right now i'm gonna get changed i'm gonna read some comments without further ado let's indulge okay so here we are in youtube let's take a look at some comments shall we meeta says thank you great thank you well thank you for watching this is on my blender video alessa says elisa says brandon thank you for your video do you know if davinci allows you to customize your screens no it actually does not allow you to customize your screens yet other than the workflow presets that you can enable like dual screen single screen etc that's the only customization that we have but to have no fit i do believe that they're going to be adding that in a future update very very soon because it's something that a lot of people have requested but don't worry about that they'll probably update soon a b says next video oh got a video right here now rule says great tips thank you motivation morrison says how do i add media to my color page timeline mine don't show up in a line of media like yours i believe you're talking about this so right now you're probably saying you don't see your media at the left-hand side that's because you need to go to media pool right here if you click on media pool you'll be able to see all of your media from any of the bins that you've created so these are some of my bins or if you want to see your media that's currently in your timeline i'm going to close this go to clips right here and you'll be able to see all of the clips that are currently in your timeline so you can swap in between it really simple roger visual says bruh you help me up yes indeed i do mr kimono jr says did he just say he's that chocolate bar thank you for the video's sick thank you for watching castiel says my da vinci also loves to crash if i go to fusion tap i know it's really bad i mean it's not to the level of you know premiere bro after effects but it does crash efficiently but we're still in base at the moment so hopefully very very soon once it's out of beta all of the bugs will be fixed anyway guys this has been a very long video i really try to not make my videos long but this kind of worried did a long video and a few people have been asking how to do this so if you like this video please share your support like comment subscribe let me know if you want more tutorials like this more fairlight audio tutorials also link in the description my lights and presets you can get them on the deal right now i don't know how long the deal is going to be on but you can make your videos look sensational anyway guys thank you for watching i'll see you next one
Channel: Branden Arc
Views: 2,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Branden Arc, Davinci resolve 17, Davinci Resolve 17 EQ & Audio, resolve 17 audio presets, davinci resolve fairlight audio, davinci resolve audio processing, davinci resolve my eq process, good audio in davinci resolve, audio in davinci resolve, how to save audio presets in davinci resolve 17, audio editing in davinci resolve 17, mastering audio in davinci resolve 17
Id: FuveCUYp3HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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