Want BETTER Audio? | I EDIT YOUR AUDIO in DaVinci Resolve Fairlight | Episode #2

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what's up guys we are back for another video in our series i edit your audio i know it's been a little while things been a little crazy and busy for me but we're getting back into the series here and this is episode two so if you missed the first one i'll link to it up here you can go check that out and the whole goal of this series is for you guys to submit your audio clips and for you to see how i would edit those audio clips just to help it sound the best we can with what you got and if you've been making videos for any length of time you know that audio is super important when it comes to your videos so today we're going to be taking a look at a clip that i think could represent a situation that a lot of you guys might be in so today's clip comes from a viewer named gail jan and i've had the pleasure of emailing back and forth with gail over the last few months and she runs a channel here on youtube that is all about yoga so you can watch along as she does yoga do it at the same time you can learn different yoga techniques if you're interested in that she also has a website where you can book private lessons as well as get other information all about yoga so in the particular clip we're going to be listening to today gail had tried to use a microphone on her camera and for whatever reason it didn't work but the camera still caught audio using the internal microphone now a lot of us use dslrs that's what i'm using and i actually have a separate boom mic up here because the audio that comes from the internal mics on a dslr let's be honest it just stinks it's just not that great but if you don't have anything else or maybe that's a backup audio clip and you need to splice in a little bit of that you can work with it i think this example could come in really handy for anybody out there who maybe you only have the internal mic on your camera or maybe your main mic like my boom mic up here failed and you just happen to be recording audio on your camera and maybe you can use that to kind of piece together your audio and just salvage the video so it is possible to use it and that's what we're going to take a look at today and dude bro what are you doing what what i'm trying dude i'm just playing a little drums here why are you playing the drums what are you doing just getting started with some drums here man so i just thought i would you know film a little something give it a shot and we'll throw it under the video trying to lay down a background music track you know something we could throw under the video you know make it sound cool hip you know unique you know i thought we could do that can be kind of cool well yeah i know you're just getting started in drums it sounds all right but i mean you don't i'm filming you can't you can't do it while i'm filming i mean i think i was here first you know let's be honest i think i started first before you yeah i i i i get i get it but you can't be practicing especially while i'm filming i'm trying to film with these guys here trying to make a video for them on how to edit their audio and here you are messing up my audio dude dude i got a better idea why don't you just head on over to art list i use art lists all the time and you should be using it too artless is awesome you can get tons of great background music or any kind of music tracks for your videos that's pretty cool you can also get awesome sound effects use them all the time highly recommend artless been using them for a long time it's easy to jump on artless and find things you might be looking for whether it's you know smooth easy listening music like this [Music] or maybe you want some amped up pumped up music you're ready to go you need something that rocks like this maybe you're just looking for some background music for your video kind of like this [Music] hey hey let's be keep it quiet over there i'm trying to show these guys our list so they don't have to record all their own music like you're doing over there besides you're making a racket well all right man i got it we got it okay i'm out of here i'm out of here let me know when you want me to edit this video all right i'll see you later and if it's sound effects that you're looking for artless has a ton of them just look at all these different categories you can look through to find sound effects i use them all the time they're awesome they're super high quality and it's a lot easier than recording your own stuff check out the description there's a link down there for you you can get two months free when you sign up for a year so check out art lists i use them all the time they're awesome love them thank you artless for sponsoring today's video all right now that we got that guy out of the way let's get into taking a look at this audio clip we're gonna listen to a little bit and we're gonna get into editing it so when it comes to editing audio love me a good pair of headphones and you should use some headphones too now if you don't have them no big deal but if you got them use them because you're going to be able to hear the nuances of what we're changing a little bit better all right let's get into it so here's the clip that gail had sent us let's play through a little bit of it again there's nothing done to it here it didn't set my levels or anything let's listen to a little bit over here and hear what it sounds like again it's called recorded straight out of the camera from a camera's internal microphone now i forget what kind of camera she has off the top of my head but if i uh find out i'll just write it down on the bottom of the screen here so you can check that out so that's what she's recording on if if i find out what it is all right let's listen in and hear how it sounds welcome everyone my name is gail and this practice is about self-esteem so self-esteem is about being authentic about having confidence about honoring you okay so let's talk about what we hear there right what do we hear we hear a lot of background noise right and it's just kind of like a hissing in the background which is very common for audio that you might get on your camera and the reason for that is i believe that the preamps stink in these things and the internal mics just stink so that's probably why you're getting that background noise so we want to take care of that now it also sounds a little echoey um so we want to try and take care of that if we can and we want to just kind of sculpt the sound and shape it a little bit so we're going to use the exact same tools that we used in our previous video and these are the tools that i always go with as far as how how to work with our audio here that's going to be eq we're going to do some dynamics with compression and maybe a gate or expander to help get rid of some of that background noise we might even try noise reduction it may work well on this particular clip we also may apply a little de-esser and a multi-band compressor so those five items are the things i like to kind of start with and try to work with any audio here in davinci resolve so i am in the edit tab right now but we're gonna jump over into fairlight because fairlight's where the good stuff is all right you could do a lot of stuff with the edit tab here too but we're going to jump into fairlight because that's where it's just easier to work with all the tools that we want to work with here and i want to apply these things on a track level not just a clip level so i can affect this entire track and hopefully get the whole thing sounding better as we work with it so to get into fair light click on the little musical notes over here at the bottom and let's make this a little bigger so we can see what's going on here so the first thing that i want to do is i want to set the levels right i want to watch my meters over here and i want to make sure that you know we're in that say minus 10 db range right about here um i want to make sure that you know we got enough signal coming through before we start working with it so let's play through a little bit of it i'm going to watch it and see if i have to boost the volume or boost the gain a little bit of our channel here your true value to as a human being to the divine now i do see uh where these lines are here that's kind of the top level of where our audio is going could be a little bit louder so a few ways to do it easiest way is just to hover over your clip click on this little icon drag it up a little bit let's go up say 5 db see how that works out to being connected with something bigger and to the idea that you're worth it you're worth loving your worth okay i think that's a good place to start we saw it did go up into the red a little bit but uh for the most part it's around that minus 10 or so and again you may need to adjust this as you go along too that's not a problem but this is where we're going to start for now i think we're pretty good so now there's two items that i want that i'm thinking about next one is working with the dynamics a little bit or noise reduction dynamics i'm thinking of either using a gate or an expander to help get rid of some of that background noise and what those are going to do is kind of cut out the spaces between where she's talking kind of reduce or lower that hissing sound or we can try the noise reduction which might actually work here too in this case so why don't we try a little noise reduction first and then we'll go into looking at you know maybe the dynamics in the eq a little bit but let's just give the noise reduction a try and see how that works so you want to make sure you have your mixer open right at the top here you've got mixer if for some reason you don't see your mixer you can come up to workspace here down to show panel in workspace and make sure you got mixer on you can check that on right there so we've got our mixer now the next thing i want to do is add the noise reduction effect so we're going to use the standard effect that comes here in davinci resolve going to go ahead come to effects here if you don't see effects you can always click on the three little dots and make sure effects is checked on so i'm going to click on effects then i'm going to come down to noise reduction and i'm going to choose noise reduction okay so that brings up our noise reduction window now you've got two options here i'm not going to run through every knob and button and dial here i do have a video on that already link above if you want to check that out you can start by trying the auto speech mode play through it see how it sounds let's give that a try first here to the idea that you're worth it you're worth loving you're worth doing what you feel now if it sounds like it's not working so good i would agree with that i don't think that's doing such a great job um what i do want to try is using the manual mode and if i scoot my little window out of the way here i'm just going to scroll along my timeline and i want to look for a little dead spot kind of like right here where nobody's talking so we can allow the effect to learn what that background noise sounds like and see see if we can get rid of it that way so let's just listen to this and see if you can hear what just the background noise sounds like okay so i can hear that i think that's pretty clear turn your speakers up if you can hear it but what i'm going to do is use the noise reduction i'm going to go on manual right here and i'm going to use learn so now when i hit learn as soon as i start to play through my timeline it's going to learn whatever it hears so that's why you want a space where there's nobody talking you just want to isolate that background noise so the effect can learn that background noise and hopefully remove it so i hit learn let's play on the timeline and see what it does okay so i stopped it right before she started talking once i stop the effect is done learning so now let's play through and see see how it did so it still kind of sounds the same so what i can do to increase the effect a little bit is come over to my output we have wet dry i'm going to drag that guy up a little bit that's try 91 see how that sounds okay so it's making somewhat of a difference now if i turn off the noise reduction and turn it on let's just hear how that's sounding so when you hear it like that before and after it is making a pretty big difference so let's just start with this since that's the easiest thing to do uh and we'll see how it works out as we move forward now if i don't like the way this is sounding because sometimes the noise reduction here it does make things sound a little weird or i don't know sometimes it just doesn't work good most of the time actually i don't use it but let's try it here and see how it works out and then i can always change to using the gate or the expander later so we're good there on the noise reduction next i want to get into using a little eq so we're going to try and scope the sound a little bit just make it sound a little bit better see what happens with that so i'm going to go ahead and open up my eq which is right here i'm going to double click on it open it up so now i'm going to play through my timeline and we're going to make adjustments to the eq now i do have a whole crash course on eq on how it works what all the buttons and dials mean link up here you can go check that out also if you uh attended resolve con that casey ferris put on i did a little presentation there about the eq and how you can use it you can also check that out that was a good one too whole lot of fun too at resolvcon there so let's get into eq here let's play through our clip and i'm just going to make adjustments here and i'll try and talk through it as i'm making the adjustments just so you guys can understand what i'm doing and why so the first thing i know i want to do is throw on a high pass filter so i'm going to roll this guy up to say 112 that'll work because i want to cut out all those low frequencies that we don't need and i know i'm going to apply a low-pass filter which is band six up here to help cut out some of that hissing that we hear so let's play through the clip and i'll throw in that low-pass filter up top here on band six and we'll see if we hear a difference as you breathe in feel like you're opening yourself up to the divine to prana to life force energy and just filling up with this elixir of life and as you exhale allow yourself to soft and then let go so inhale fully okay so i think that helps a little bit i don't want to bring it down too much because then it's going to muffle her voice so the next thing i want to do i'm going to come and grab my band 4 and i like to use this uh this form or shape with the bell curve right here i'm going to boost my q factor all the way up i'm going to grab my point four here bring it up and i'm just gonna sweep back and forth as i play through the audio and listen for anything that sounds harsh what do i mean by sounds harsh it just doesn't sound good it sounds bad you're like you hear that that that particular frequency and you're like all right so let's play through and sweep around our band four here opening up in all directions and exhale softly move inward it's pretty harsh around in there so inhale breathe in 360 degrees so you feel your ribs inflate front to back side to side so that's sounding pretty harsh around there so i'm going to go ahead and try dropping this frequency down and now notice i made the q factor a little bit wider because i want to affect more frequencies just based on the way this clips sound and it sounds like a pretty harsh range there so let's play through and drop the gain of that clip bring it down minus 5 minus 10 and see how that sounds you can even if you can't feel it you can start by imagining it so as you inhale all right so i think that's better now i'm going to do the same thing with 0.3 but i'm going to look a little below that 1k range now the voice if you remember lives in that you know a little below 1k to a little above 2k range depending on whether it's a you know male voice female voice uh you know and the environment that kind of stuff but it's gonna live in that range and you're gonna usually have harsh sounds somewhere in that frequency range so i'm gonna do the same thing with my point three i'm gonna boost my q factor and then i'm gonna sweep around and see what i can find that does not sound good feel that you're expanding in the front body the back body both side bodies and even a little bit of downward pressure and a little bit of upward pressure we have this very large muscle called the diaphragm which is our main muscle of respiration of breathing and as i was saying respiration made me think of inspiration like you know to be inspired is to feel full to feel okay so i think that's sounding better um you definitely heard some harsh sounds around that 1k range there it's like ooh that don't sound good so we want to drop that back a little bit so now i'm going to take band two and i could do one of two things here so i feel like there's not a lot of lower end you know in this recording so i could try boosting number two a little bit some of the lower frequencies just to get a little more bass sound in there or a little more uh body to the voice or if i find something that sounds really harsh i can cut that out and that might kind of help clean it up a little bit too so i'm gonna try both here and let's see what happens uh real quick i'm also gonna change this point to the bell curve because for bands two three four and five i typically like to use the bell curve uh or the bell shape for adjusting the eq here so as you inhale feel that inspiration welling up inside of you and as you exhale feel a sense of trust and worthiness self-esteem doesn't mean that we're showing ourselves off to others or brag okay so here's what it would sound like if i cut this harsh frequency that was a little below 500 hertz here or having a big ego instead it means just kind of um all right so i'm going to go with that for now where i cut that harsh frequency because my idea here is to use the multiband compressor to bring up the low end a little bit and add a little bit more of that uh lower end bass the the body kind of or uh you know meet to the to the voice a little bit so i'm going to try doing that in the multi-band compressor versus boosting the eq here because i'd like to cut into eq before i ever boost anything because i want to get rid of all the things that sound harsh right and we'll try and use the multiband compressor to bring up that lower end a little bit so the last one i'm going to do here is check out point five sweep around a little bit and see if anything doesn't sound good in that upper frequency range because it was recorded using the camera mic a lot of times you know a lot of that is higher frequency stuff anyway so you could find another harsh frequency up there so let's check that out what's the word i want to say acknowledging our own self-worth and our own inner powers and our own abilities to lift ourselves up and bring others up with us okay so slight little little uh dip there i i put in around what is this a little just before 4 000 hertz 3.8k you know you got to do what works best for your clip and just listen it takes training in your ear and listening to things that just don't sound good right and a lot of these things as we've talked about with a lot of audio stuff on my channel here are very small changes that as a whole make a big difference and will help your audio sound better so i think we're good with eq here let's just uh i'm a play before and after real quick just so you can hear the difference so it's possible it's powerful i mean it's possible to be self-confident and humble and it's weaving these different qualities together that build our self-esteem okay so there's a little before and after again it's not 100 great i think it's better than it was it's not quite as echoey and we did remove some of those harsh sounds so i think it's a step in the right direction now keep in mind we're not going to end up with some masterful you know awesome sound and audio like uh you know i'm recording on my my boom mic up here it's not gonna happen but we're just trying to make it better and good enough so that the whole project isn't a waste that you didn't lose all that footage that you filmed all right so let's close down the eq here and while i'm uh just kind of taking a look at our next steps here i'm actually going to try turning off the noise reduction and play through it a little just to see how it sounds see if our noise reduction is making it sound a little too wonky or if it's doing okay so i'm going to turn off the noise reduction play through and then turn it on just so we can hear what it sounds like because i'm kind of curious and uh hopefully you guys can hear it too lift your head and feel free to keep your eyes closed or open them but begin to circle around your hips and let your body be really free so you're kind of rocking on your sit bones feeling this sense of stability and groundedness all right it's not too bad i think what i want to do is actually try using the gate or the expander um i just feel like that noise reduction man it adds some weird artifacts into the to the vocals a lot of times i i don't know why it does that because in other plugins that i have that do noise reduction it doesn't do that as bad i mean it still does but um i just find that i feel like the one here individuals off should be better better than it is so i'm just gonna actually turn that off for now and let's jump into some dynamics here so dynamics right here we double click open it up so now i do want to apply a compressor because that's going to help limit our dynamic range right so you've got a more consistent sound across the recording right instead of loud parts and quiet parts it kind of helps bring bring them together so it's a more consistent sound that's what a compressor is going to do for you so i'm going to turn that on and again i'm just going to play through our clip adjust my compressor a little bit and probably boost the make up a little bit if i need to just to kind of even things out slowly come back to center again you can keep your eyes closed or open them on your inhale float your arms up open your eyes lift your gaze up towards your hands bring your palms together and on your exhale slowly bring your hands down the center line of your body and bow towards the earth so what i'm doing here is adjusting my compressor and makeup so the makeup i'm boosting up and i'm watching my output meters here because i want the output to be around that minus 10 db so that's bringing up all the quieter parts of our audio clip here now there are parts that are a little bit louder so the compressor is going to bring those loud parts down a little bit and that's why i've kind of been making some adjustments here to the ratio right as well as the threshold so the threshold says hey anything that is above you know in this case 26 db start to bring it down a little bit so this again just bringing the highs down and pushing the lows up a little bit so we get a little more balanced uh sound here i think this looks good now let's jump into the gate in the expander i'll try the expander first and what this is going to do is help eliminate the noise between her speaking so we're not going to hear the loud hissings and again whatever level that i set for the threshold everything below that is what is going to be affected by the changes that i make here and again i've got a video on all this stuff link above if you want to go learn about dynamics the buttons the dials what everything does and how it all works you can go check that video out then inhale separate your arms reach up gaze up gives up at all the possibilities and as you exhale slowly come down to earth pull into yourself into your own self-worth inhale again reach up so you can hear right there you can see the uh expander is working and anything that falls below our 31 db range is gonna get essentially muted right the volume is gonna drop down it's gonna reduce that volume and in cases like this you know i put it up so much that we don't even hear it but sometimes it can get a little weird you know cutting out uh you know the speaking you know you got to be careful with how you adjust it and the gate's going to do something very similar you just got to try them out for your situation see which one's going to work best hands together come down towards your heart center and just pause here right at your heart all right so expander works pretty good i'm gonna try the gate here and just fiddle with that a little bit and just see how that does so a gate will cut off quicker but then we don't have to bring it down as much so let's just listen and see we can do here feel your breath moving in and out with a feeling of grace a feeling of ease a feeling of balance so you can see there cuts off real quick and that's not necessary and that's not necessarily what we want to do so obviously i'm not going to keep it like that but you get the idea of kind of how it's working here all right so dynamics are good let's move on to the next step what i want to do is throw on a multi-band compressor and see what we can do with that so again come on over to your effects right here i'm gonna click on the plus come down to dynamics fairlight and multi-band compressor so i'm gonna start with this at its default settings we're gonna see how it sounds and go from there so uh let's turn it off i'm gonna play through we'll turn it on and see how it sounds allow yourself to solve and then let go so inhale fully opening up in all directions so we can see most of the frequencies we're getting are in this range and i want to adjust these a little bit i'm going to pull this guy up maybe around 600 or so and i want to bring the top end down to around 3000 or so maybe even a little bit less we're going to see so let's listen and see how that sounds breathe in feel like you're opening yourself up to the divine to prana to life force energy and exhale release you can even if you can't feel it you can start by imagining it so as you inhale know that you're expanding in the front body the back body both side bodies and here's a little before and after i think it sounded pretty good this very large muscle called the diaphragm which is our main muscle of respiration of breathing all right so i don't know if you guys can hear it but i think that the compressor multi-band compressor here helped it go from sounding a little hollow just to having a little more body to it right a little more fuller a little bit fuller of a sound i think that helped out again this is not going to be awesome perfect pristine audio we're just trying to make it sound better and good enough to use you know in a video so we don't have to waste our project here the last thing i'm going to do try throw on a de-esser and see if we can get rid of any of those harsh s sounds and then that might be it we might be able to wrap this up we're gonna come back to your effects here click on the plus come down to noise reduction and we have de-esser so i'm gonna start with one of the default settings here i'm gonna come down to uh female s all right so let's play through and see if we can hear a difference here and i usually like to narrow the band a little bit there but let's see what happens you to breathe softly silently and our own inner powers so it's possible to be powerful and yet soft it's weaving these different qualities together that feel okay so we can see that the uh de-esser is working because we see the reduction meter work in there so i think i'm good with this i'm going to uh close this guy out and that should be about it the last thing i'm going to do is just double check my levels make sure we've got a good signal coming out of the track out of the audio now that we made some changes then i think that'll be about it we're going to show you a little before with nothing applied to it and then listen to the after here let's just double check our levels and see how that's looking keeping these different qualities together that build our self-esteem so i can see down here the levels did drop a little bit so you've got a lot of different ways you can do it in this case i'm just going to grab the fader here and push it up a little bit and we'll see how that does that helps us to be more of our authentic cells and that helps us to believe in ourselves okay so we can see that was hovering right around that uh minus 10 db there which is right where we want to be all right so let's take a look at the before and after of our work here so i have two tracks one has nothing applied to it no level set nothing so that is our before track here so i'm gonna go ahead and click solo so we only hear that track let's go ahead and play through and hear what it sounded like originally welcome everyone my name is gail and this practice is about self-esteem so self-esteem is about being authentic about having confidence okay so that is the original clip now let's uh unsolo that we're gonna solo just our edited audio our aftertrack and let's hear how that sounds welcome everyone my name is gail this practice is about self-esteem so self-esteem is about being authentic about having confidence okay so what do you guys think i don't know not too bad i think we made some improvements there what do you guys think comment below did we make that audio sound any better is it usable really curious to hear your opinion on it all right guys that wraps up this episode of i edit your audio a big thank you to artless for sponsoring today's video if you want some great music background music any kind of music for your videos you want sound effects anything that has to do with audio head on over check out artlist they got a ton of great stuff been using a long time and i love their service and if you would like to get your audio onto the series check out the link in the description below there's a google form go fill that out and you've got the opportunity to submit one of your audio clips it could be video with audio or just audio doesn't matter speaks a different language it's fine because actually believe it or not i don't actually listen to what people are saying when i'm working on the audio i'm listening to the sound of everything not the actual content so in a future episode we're actually going to get into editing some audio in different languages just because we're using our ears to listen to things we're not actually listening to the content itself but listening to the audio and the quality of the audio and just trying to make it sound better and as a little bonus for anybody whose file i select to use on the series i'll send you guys back a davinci resolve file with all the settings in it that way you can see what i did you can take your time to look at it you don't have to copy things from the screen to this video and you can save your own presets alright guys that wraps up this one thank you for sending in your files keep sending them in love getting stuff from you guys and we're going to continue this series as long as you guys find it interesting you find it helpful but thank you guys all for tuning in and look forward to seeing you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 2,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fairlight, fairlight tutorial, fairlight davinci resolve 17, Fairlight audio in davinci resolve 17, How to edit audio in DaVinci Resolve, How to improve audio in DaVinci Resolve, How to improve audio quality in DaVinci Resolve, How to make audio sound better, Audio Tips in DaVinci Resolve, How to use EQ in DaVinci resolve, How to get better audio in your vidoes, DaVinci Resolve Audio Tutorial, Davinci Resolve 17, Resolve 17, I Edit Your Audio, audio edit in davinci resolve
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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