3 guys one block

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- [Skip the Tutorial] Today, we've got a mod that only adds one block. That's it, just one. But with this one Lucky Block, we can either get rich or die trying, literally. Let's see if we can beat the game! And hey, YouTube tells me it's impossible to subscribe to the channel using only your nose. So, if you wanna prove them wrong, bonk your nose on that white subscribe button below. It's free and it helps out a ton. - [Jaymoji] Skip, what's going on? - [Skip the Tutorial] So, today we've got one Lucky Block. Good luck. Oh. - Okay. - [Skip the Tutorial] We didn't get lucky. (laughs) - [Failboat] Oh, goodbye. - [Jaymoji] Actually, we got extremely lucky. I got lucky at least. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, we got a ghostly horseman. Aw. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] Oh my God. - [Failboat] I got a dropper. - No, that's nice. - No! - [Jaymoji] And you dropped, (chuckles) crazy. - Okay. (Jaymoji screams) - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, this is just wrong. - This is rude. - This is malicious. - [Jaymoji] This is malicious and mean. - [Skip the tutorial] Oh, I got a lucky sword. - This is bad. - Where am I? (explosion booms) Nice. - [Skip the Tutorial] No, we got a not lucky sword. (Jaymoji laughing) One of these has to create blocks, right? - [Failboat] Oh, we got wooden tools. - [Skip the tutorial] Nice. - [Jaymoji] XPs, nice. - Okay, I got- - Okay. - [Skip the Tutorial] A hero's potion. - [Failboat] Oh, blocks. - Hay. - Blocks. - [Jaymoji] Oh, the hay is gone. - [Skip the Tutorial] Hero's potion, hero's potion. - [Failboat] Huh, I lived. - [Jaymoji] What benefit is that? - [Failboat] Oh, oh, here we go, boys. - Oh, oh, oh. - Here we go. - [Jaymoji] Okay, hang on, hang on, this is good. Dan, help me, dig me out, help me out. - [Failboat] Where are you? - [Jaymoji] Break the gold, break the gold, break the gold. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, wait, help me up. - [Failboat] Hold on, hold on, hold on. - [Jaymoji] Bring us, Skip. We'll get you, we'll get to you in a minute. - (laughs) Okay. - [Failboat] We're coming, we're coming. - [Jaymoji] We're trying our hardest, believe me. - [Failboat] How much is left on that hero's potion? - [Jaymoji] Oh, like four minutes, I'm set. - Okay, yeah. - Do you think... - [Jaymoji] We're on a rescue mission for Skip. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, my handle's burning, My handle's... - Well... - [Jaymoji] (laughs) So much for that, Dan. - [Skip the Tutorial] (laughs) Okay, okay, okay. We're good. Oh, we're so good! - [Jaymoji] Whoa! Blocks, it's so many blocks. - [Failboat] Skip- - Help me up. - Oh. - Skip, get ready to catch. - Yes. - [Failboat] One, two, three- - Oh, no. - Four, five, six. Here's some more. Very prideful today. - [Skip the Tutorial] Thank you. I am proud of you. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] Get me out of here. (laughs) - [Failboat] Oh, oh. Dan we have a problem. - [Jaymoji] What's up? - [Failboat] Oh my God. - [Jaymoji] Um, so that happened. (laughs) - [Failboat] I can't be the only one that saw that, right? (Jaymoji laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Do we have more blocks? - Well, we're working on it. - Yes. - Dan got pumpkins. - Okay. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay. Dan, place the pumpkins around. Or maybe, it is possible to throw something in. - [Failboat] Hold on, I am a little hungry. - Oh, oh. (player screams) - [Jaymoji] You might wanna be quick. (players laughing) I'm back to block one. Back to the square one. - Oh my God. - We almost got 'em. - [Jaymoji] This is my favorite. (laughs) - [Failboat] Surely one of these will produce terrain. - Oh, oh. - We're good, we're good. Oh, that's good, that's good. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, look up. No, we're not good, we're not good! (players laughing) - [Jaymoji] Okay, okay. Wait a minute, we have a picture. - Oh, nice. - Of? - [Jaymoji] Maybe that'll help. Oh, oh, this is really good. Oh, our luck is turning out, fellas. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, Dan, if we could break the block right next to us, we could jump up. - Oh. - Wait. - No, we can't. - This is really turning out. (Skip the tutorial laughs) - [Failboat] Dude, this is awesome. - [Jaymoji] Oh, oh, hang on, maybe I can like... You have water? - [Skip the tutorial] I'd somehow. - [Jaymoji] Put water down to like give us a way to get back up. - [Failboat] Wait, that's genius, okay. - [Skip the Tutorial] Put it off the side of one of these like gold blocks, so we have... (softly screams) - [Jaymoji] It's okay, Skip, I'm sending the water off the side. - [Skip the Tutorial] I got Golden Swords. - [Jaymoji] Oh, Golden Swords. (laughs) It's nice. - [Failboat] Awesome. - [Jaymoji] Where's the original block? - [Failboat] I found it. - [Jaymoji] Oh, there it is. Just be careful with what you wish for. - [Failboat] Guys, wait, wait, wait. Look at this, a luck potion. - [Jaymoji] Oh- - With this. - We could really use this. (blocks clinking) - Oh wait, it's a... (Jaymoji chuckling) - [Skip the Tutorial] It's not a drinkable. - [Jaymoji] (laughs) I feel so lucky. Oh, oh. - Oh! (Failboat coughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] Smokescreen. I can't see Dan anymore. My luck has run come together. (players laughing) - [Failboat] Okay, here's some... A lot of speed boost. Careful. - [Jaymoji] (laughs) This is intense. - And I don't, oh! - Cookies. Cookies. - [Skip the Tutorial ] Okay, teleport it, man. (blocks clinking) (players yelling) - Hey. (player yells) - [Jaymoji] Well, that's good. That's good. We want that, probably. - Oh. - That we don't. - [Skip the Tutorial] Horseman? - [Jaymoji] That we definitely don't. Okay, he's almost dead. He's dead. - He's gone. (Jaymoji laughs) - Goodbye, ghost rider. - [Jaymoji] He's not a problem for us. - [Failboat] An iron block. - [Jaymoji] Oh, iron, nice. That's really good. - [Failboat] Just, you know, wood, whatever would be great. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, (chuckles) wood would be really nice. Wood you please? - [Failboat] Next? - Oh, okay. - Oh, another. - [Failboat] We can work with this. - [Jaymoji] Chain mail. Don't mind if I do. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, so it's like a virus that spreads? - I think so. - Kind of... - Okay. - And like a chest... - [Jaymoji] Oh, wait. The ender pearl in it and a sword. Okay. - [Failboat] Guys, look what I got. - [Jaymoji] What you get? (players laughing) - Yeah. (players laughing) - We're saved. - I'll get it. - Oh. (laughs) - Okay, I did not think- - Something... - [Failboat] About the greater ramifications of that action. - [Skip the Tutorial] That we just now I have to deal with a Wither for eternity. - [Jaymoji] No. No, no, no, no. We'll get something to help us. - [Skip the tutorial] A diamond sword. Hit him. - [Jaymoji] I'm locked in a room with a Lucky Block. - [Skip the Tutorial] What does this do? - [Jaymoji] No, Dan, no. Oh, no, it's deteriorating. - [Skip the Tutorial] You're in a giant Lucky Block now? (fireworks wailing and rustling) (Jaymoji and Failboat yelling) - [Jaymoji] Well, I was. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, see you later. - [Failboat] (laughs) Where's the Wither at? - [Jaymoji] He's off the edge. Look, he's descending. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, Dan, we gotta like, make it so we can get back up. There you go. - Oh, I see. - [Jaymoji] Dude, I've got 21 diamonds. - [Skip the Tutorial] You got 21 diamonds, and no crafting table. Sick. - [Jaymoji] And no sticks or crafting tables. - [Failboat] Look, guys, we can get closer to defeating the game. - [Jaymoji] Oh, yes. That's what we need. We hid... (chuckles) We're one. What? One tenth of the way through the game now? - [Skip the Tutorial] Nice. - I think it was. (Jaymoji laughs) - [Failboat] Yeah, one twelfth. Is that baby Jaymoji? - [Skip the Tutoring] Baby Jaymoji, what? - Oh, his birth? - What? - [Skip the Tutorial] Jay, what did you get up to while you were down there? - [Jaymoji] What is it? What it... - Live birth? - [Jaymoji] I don't know how to feel about this. - Oh God. - Oh. - [Jaymoji] Oh my God, I got my own head. Look, my brain is pulsing with ideas. (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa, dude, that's pretty crazy. Here's some of these. - Wow. - [Failboat] We should move this water, it's very inconvenient, right? Oh, the Wither is dying. - [Skip The Tutorial] I have a romantic gross. (chuckles). - [Jaymoji] I don't have a bucket. So we can't destroy the water yet. Wait, Eyes of Ender. Dude, we're gonna beat this game totally. - [Skip the Tutorial] Really? - [Jaymoji] Yeah. (laughs) Look at that. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dan, do you want a romantic rose? - [Failboat] Oh, I thought you'd never ask. Thank you. I guess I'm yours now. - [Jaymoji] I'm stuck down here. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, buckets, buckets. (Failboat yelping) - No. Oh, oh. - Oh. (Failboat babbling) - [Skip the Tutorial] No. (screams) I had so many things. - [Jaymoji] Oh, this is rough, man. - [Failboat] We gotta start building something that's permanent. - Yeah. - [Failboat] Something that we can actually, like, make a life out of. - Whoa. - Oh. - Whoa. - I'm gone. - Oh, wait. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, see y'all later. - [Failboat] Here we go, here we go. Oh, oh, oh, I have entered into grinding state. Nevermind. - [Jaymoji] Okay. - So should we, like- - Okay. - [Skip the Tutorial] Water log it so that it... I guess it is waterlogged, but the TNT still breaks it for us. (weapon smacks) Oh. (Failboat yelling) Giant slime. (Failboat laughs) - That's um. - Big fella! Big fella! - [Jaymoji] I'm being steamed by Whoopsies. (laughs) - [Skip the tutorial] He's massive. - [Jaymoji] That is a massive slime. - [Skip The tutorial] Oh, wait. - Oh. - There's a structure. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my God, this is crazy. - [Jaymoji] How do we get up there? - [Failboat] Oh, doggies! - [Jaymoji] Oh there's a bunch of wolves. (laughs) - [Failboat] I need some doggies! - [Skip the Tutorial] No, the water supply got destroyed by it. - [Jaymoji] Whoa. Okay. - Hey- - Oh, chest. - [Skip the Tutorial] Careful. Wait, wait, wait. Let's open the chest, see what's in it? - Diamond stuff. - Nice. - [Failboat] It's a clock. Now, we can see what type it is. It's new. - That's handy. (laughs) Thanks, Dan. - [Skip the tutorial] I got like every enchanted book and a stick. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] Wow. That was all relatively good stuff. How are you even remotely supposed to progress in there? - It's here. - I don't know. Oh, Bobby is here. - Let's just let him... - Oh, oh. Oh. (explosion booms) Where's the Lucky Block? - Hello. Up here. - [Jaymoji] Oh, oh. Oh, Dan, let down your hair. Let down your hair or water. - I thought you get. - That's not water. - Oh. Oh, oh. - [Jaymoji] I'll see you, Dan. (explosion booms) (player laughs) Well know what do we do? - [Failboat] Oh, oh. Oh. - [Jaymoji] Did we soft lock? (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, maybe I can, like, by chance, respawn on it. - Oh, you're right. - Oh, maybe. - [Failboat] One second, be right back. - Oh, you got this. - I got it. I got it. - You did it. Nice. - Start breaking it. Start breaking it. - Oh God. Oh God. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, come on. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] Well, here we go. (laughs). I got it! Nice. - [Failboat] Oh, you got it? Okay, yeah. - Okay. - Nice. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, I'm in a big Lucky Block. - [Jaymoji] Break the big one. - [Skip the Tutorial] I got a sword. - [Failboat] Send some stuff down. Yes. - [Jaymoji] Give us some blocks or something. - [Failboat] Yes. A yellow block - A supply drop. - [Jaymoji] Hey guys, I didn't forget you as soon as I got to the top floor. Oh, oh. Oops. (Skip the tutorial laughs) - [Failboat] Have fun. - [Skip the Tutorial] What's up there? Wow. - [Jaymoji] Wait, why don't we just die, Dan? Just respawn there. - Oh, yeah. - [Jaymoji] I didn't think about that. Hooray, we made it. Okay. I'm gonna grab these blocks as they fall. - [Skip the Tutorial] Sure, what's down there? I'm gonna drop down here and get this stuff. - [Failboat] Sure. - Oh, no. No, no. - No, Jay, run. - [Failboat] We're not (indistinct). - [Skip the Tutorial] It's contained, its contained. - No. - Hmm. - [Skip the Tutorial] I think we're fine, we're fine, we're fine, we're fine. - We're fine. We're good. We're not fine, but we're here. - [Failboat] Look, I got 15 blocks of quartz. Dude, this is huge. - [Jaymoji] Wait, I can build- - [Failboat] We build out, build out, build out. - [Jaymoji] A platform for us to live on. - [Skip the Tutorial] We can start a new civilization. - Oh, bunnies. - See you later. - [Jaymoji] We need to be able to... Oh. (zombie growls) - [Failboat] Hey, Bob. Bye, Bob. - [Skip the Tutorial] Jack o'lanterns. I can build out- - Pumpkins. - [Skip the Tutorial] With Jack o'lanterns. (player giggles) - I got one pumpkin. - (laughs) The carpet bombing. - Oh God. (explosion booms) (player laughs) No one's ever said ha ha ha, the carpet bombing before. (Skip the tutorial laughs) Oh, Dan. - Oh. - [Jaymoji] Look up. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, look, we're fine. - [Jaymoji] I'll help you out, fellas. (player laughing) I didn't help you out. Sorry. - Well, well well. - Wait, a wishing well. (player laughs) - [Failboat] A wishing well. (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, Dan! - [Jaymoji] Sorry, I didn't... - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my God, you almost believe to me, dude. (Jaymoji laughs) Wrong with you? - Ooh, yeah. He started hissing. - New block, new block. - [Skip the Tutorial] Slime for days, Slime. - [Failboat] This shape ain't nothing to me. Slime. - [Jaymoji] (laughs) Dude, this rules. - Nice bow. - Wait- - Flowers. - We can decorate. - [Jaymoji] Finally. (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, how pretty. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] Just what we needed. - [Skip the Tutorial] Look, Jay Company. - Oh. - Wait, wait. We gonna use the droppers as storage. - [Failboat] That's true, here, here, here. - [Jaymoji] We can use the droppers as storage. Can I take the slime box? - You can't, dude. They're so good. - Yeah, they're InstaBreak. - [Jaymoji] Dude, we're using these for all the show. Oh, I got. (Failboat laughs) Oh God. - We're both. (chuckles) - [Skip the Tutorial] We're not getting a lot of those. - [Jaymoji] Oh, Dan, why would you? - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, sorry. What would you? - [Jaymoji] You're a villain, bro. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's like turning off the lights while I'm working. It's like, you see me here. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] Stop, bro. - [Skip the Tutorial] Jay, I wanna say that we should take up a building class. - [Jaymoji] (laughs) Well, look, I'm just making do with what I've been given, bro. You know what I mean? - No, you're making doo-doo. Huh? - This is awesome. - [Failboat] And a freaking dinosaur. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, horse. - I just need a saddle. - Yeah. - [Skip The Tutorial] It teleports you every now and then, and that terrifies me. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, I don't like it. Oh, oh, it broke a few times. Bunch of fish, that's nice. (object whistling and popping) - [Skip the Tutorial] Blocks, blocks. - Aw. - Okay, we got blocks. - There go the blocks. - No. (explosion booms) - Oh, no. - What happened? - No. - I used the lucky potions and I didn't expect them to blow up. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, so now we know that's what those can do sometimes. - [Jaymoji] Our home. - [Skip the Tutorial] Just don't use them in our house. - [Jaymoji] Okay. Deal. That's what we know. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dan, run, run, run (explosion booms) run, run. - We're fine. - This is awful. - [Skip the Tutorial] That was actually a pretty cool shot. Dan, I wanna be completely honest. That was pretty sweet. - Thank you, thank you. - Just seeing you run away from the explosion like that. (explosion booms) - Oh. - Oh. - Speaking of that. (explosion booms) - Oh. - Watch out. - Oh. - No. - [Failboat] I don't know what that noise was. - [Jaymoji] (laughs) We're stuck in here- - Well- - So. - [Skip the Tutorial] Want to eat potatoes or like- - [Jaymoji] Yeah, I'll take a potato. Why not? - [Skip the Tutorial] This is... We're having like a wonderful dinner right now. - I got wood. - Yeah, yeah. - [Failboat] Put it in the dropper. - [Skip The Tutorial] I'm doing it. I'm doing it. Should we like a water log all of our chests so they don't explode if we can? Maybe. - Oh, smart guy. - [Jaymoji] This is where the "Minecraft" kicks in. (Skip the Tutorial chuckles) There was no "Minecraft" happening until now, but now it's kicking in. - [Skip the Tutorial] You were holding him back, now that he has the reigns, dude. - [Jaymoji] (laughs) Now that I'm unhinged. Skip the Tutorial unlocked. I got stuff stored away here. Here's an even better idea. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my gosh, Jay, you've got chests. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, 'cause I'm better. (Skip blows raspberry) You know? - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, there's lucky potions that say like, negative 100. Maybe we shouldn't use those. - Oh, yeah. Just don't use those ones. - [Failboat] Oh, I see. - [Jaymoji] We need a block right here. Smokescreen. - Whoa. Look at all these goodies. - Cookies. - [Jaymoji] Cookies and fun things for me. - [Skip the Tutorial] Look, I turned Dan into a horse. - Whoa. - (laughs) Oh God. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, I wanna give our friends something to read. Here we go. - [Jaymoji] Well, our friends still death. - Oh. - Oh. Great. - Explode. - Damn. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] Okay, well, we're starting to be better set up now. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, yeah. Now we're milking it. - [Jaymoji] We should start building- - Oh, no. - Floating civilization. (explosion booms) - Go die. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, perfect. I know, I wanted an open floor plan. (players laughing) - Diamond. - Wait. I can make a diamond pick axe so we can get those diamonds. Stop it. - I'm scared, help. - Stop it. - Cease. Does anyone have more blocks so I can- - Yeah. - Okay. - No, what? - We have last 10. (players laughing) - Hey. - Oh. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] Here we go, and yeah, and then I'll just go down here and I'll activate it and more hay will spawn. (object whistling and popping) - Perfect. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. (players laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] They will go. Oh my God. - [Jaymoji] We perfectly trapped him in here. Okay. He's gone. I wanted blocks, not cubes. - That... (chuckles) - [Jaymoji] Oh, a giant... - [Failboat] Careful, careful, careful, careful. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, that could be a problem down the road. - No, we have a quiche. - Okay, oh, great. - Yeah, but he's just... He's chill. - Well, he has no AI either. So he is just a new roommate. - A trident? - Okay. - Trident? (object whistling and popping) - Oh. - Ah! - A fourth. - Oh, oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] (chuckles) No, not this one. - [Jaymoji] What does that do? - [Skip the Tutorial] It makes it really hard to get to the block. - [Jaymoji] Oh, oh. Whoops. I'm falling- - I'm sorry. - [Jaymoji] Horribly. - [Skip the Tutorial] No. (laughs) I fell in, oh, plus ratio. Oh. (Jaymoji laughs) (object whistling and popping) - Oh, oh. - Here you go. - Oh. - Oh, no. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, another one. - [Jaymoji] Dude, I got like a million diamonds and stuff. - [Skip the Tutorial] Really? Bring 'em back. - [Jaymoji] It 16 diamonds and 20 emeralds, I'm on my way. - [Skip the Tutorial] Trying to get rid of this giant. It's so annoying. - I know. He's like, his hit box is like annoying us. - [Skip the Tutorial] He's like, no, I don't wanna die with the diamonds. - [Jaymoji] Okay, I need him to go. Okay, safe. - [Failboat] I found the block. - [Skip the Tutorial] Immediately jumps off and falls. (players laughing) - [Jaymoji] All right, here's the resources that I salvaged. - [Skip the Tutorial] ] Oh my God. You got... Oh my God, Jay, I could kiss you. - [Jaymoji] You okay, Dan? (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] I blocked off the anvil as it was caught. - Sorry. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, fire. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] Thanks, Skip. You really put out that problem. - [Skip the Tutorial] I stop drop and punch heroes. - [Jaymoji] Heroes coming, heroes leggings. This will help me resist as well as this rabbit stew that I got. - Oh, hero villager. - Slime blocks. - Nice. - [Jaymoji] Many slime blocks. Slime. - [Failboat] Slime. - [Jaymoji] Easy, easy there, easy there, buddy. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dan, Dan, you break it so fast, dude. - Wow. - Wait, ice. - [Jaymoji] You are going so fast. - [Failboat] We got a bunch of eyes of ender. - [Jaymoji] We got a rainbow tower. - [Failboat] Oh! - [Jaymoji And a diamond block at the top. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, TNT. - [Jaymoji] I'll expand the bridge a little bit. I don't like that we have so much TNT, 'cause I want to use it, but I know it's not... - Yeah. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] Okay. I got the diamond blocks. That's another nine diamonds. - [Failboat] Nice. Next. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my God. So many redstone base blocks. Look at all this junk. - Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] We got pistons and pistons and trap doors and lanterns, and pressure plates. - I got it. - The mumbo jumbo special. - Dude. I got tons of food. - Yeah, actually. We got some hoppers. - Oh my God, Dan. I'm gonna throw away the things we don't need. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, let's put the TNT away. (laughs) This is our death pit. (players laughing) - What? Just... - Nice, dude. - [Failboat] Oh my goodness, guys. Look at this. We've beaten the game. - [Skip the Tutorial] (laughs) We beat the game. - [Jaymoji] (laughs) Wow. Is that the end? - Nice. - [Jaymoji] Is that the end of the speed run? - Oh God, no. - Move, move, move. (explosion booms) - [Jaymoji] Oh, so I didn't survive it, but I'm back. - [Skip the Tutorial] Hey Jay, I still got your leggings. - [Jaymoji] We did water log it, there's no destruction, which is dope. - Good. - [Jaymoji] Oh, so many blocks just then. There's like a Billy Milly blocks. - [Skip the Tutorial] Quickly, put them away before you get killed. - Aw. Aw. - Skip, get my Skittles. - Oh, sure. - Hey. - Hey, whoa, hey. - Hey. (chuckles) - Whoa. (object whistling and popping) - [Skip the Tutorial] Hey, a little celebration never hurt anybody. - [Jaymoji] This pig is... There's a tower of pigs. - Nice. Good meat. - [Jaymoji] And a villager on top. - [Skip the Tutorial] Hey, the mob grinder. - [Jaymoji] They're just dying in a row. (players laughing) The mob grinder is systematically fall down and perish. Oh, see the ball. - Oh, oh, oh. Oh no. - [Skip the Tutorial] He's running. - [Jaymoji] That ain't good. Okay, get rid of 'em. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, diamonds down here. - Aw. - Oh my God. Oh. - [Jaymoji] I'm fighting with my sword. - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm drowning. Help me. - [Jaymoji] We're coming, Dan. - [Failboat] What's happening? I can't. (retching) (players laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] You're getting tarred and feathered. - [Jaymoji] I just started vomiting feathers. What is this? - [Failboat] I don't know what's happening to me. I'll just crank this block until something helps. - [Skip the Tutorial] Puking arrows everywhere. - [Jaymoji] Dan, Dan. Stop breaking stuff so much. - [Failboat] I got stuck underwater. - [Skip the Tutorial] Well, there's another Lucky Block. Oh no, that's the same one. Okay. - [Jaymoji] That's lightning. Okay. We can put that out real quick. There we go. - We can get the diamond. - Hold on. - Diamond, nice. - I need a pick axe. - [Jaymoji] No, why did you break it still? - Oh. - What happened? - We need the diamonds. - What happened? - No. - I broke it. I didn't realize you guys were carrying precious material. - [Jaymoji] Oh, well we just... It breaks the blocks around it, so we have to like, wait, wait, wait. I get the... - So, many eyes of ender. - [Jaymoji] I got like a billion of them. - Really? - I'm bringing 'em back. - Yeah. - I got like 30. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, let's go. - [Jaymoji] I got five. (laughs) Which is a little bit less 30. But I have blaze powder. - Nice. - [Skip the Tutorial] Brother, I got a gapple. - Brother. - [Jaymoji] (chuckles) Brother, iconic apple. Nice dude. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, I found an iron helmet. - [Jaymoji] Your death wish came true. Well, I didn't die. (players screaming) That was a little catastrophic. But we'll recover. - [Skip the Tutorial] The water broke. The water broke. The baby is coming. - [Failboat] Oh, baby Jaymoji. - [Jaymoji] No. (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, man and look at this. Not too shabby. - [Jaymoji] Actually, this is the best that our base has looked. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Arguably. - [Skip the Tutorial] We need a little bit of a skylight. - [Jaymoji] I have a skylight for you. - Yeah. - There's a beacon under here. - Oh my God. Really? - I can't get, yeah. I can't get to it though. (water sploshing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Like an assembled beacon? - [Jaymoji] I don't know. Just a... - Oh. - That's it. Okay. - [Failboat] Out with you. (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] That's not a beacon, but it'll give you a beam. - Oh. - Out with you coin. I don't know where I'm supposed to throw in the coin. I also was not... It's nowhere. - I don't know. I don't know, dude. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, careful, careful, careful. - [Jaymoji] Careful, Dan. Easy there, buddy. - A heroes crossbow. - Okay, I'm into lava now. - [Skip the Tutorial] Hey, look. More blocks to build with. - Nice. Dan? (Jaymoji laughs) Scrolls to TNT in inventory. - Yeah. - There we go. - [Jaymoji] I like this llama that we got going on. - He's going crazy. - Camel. We are terrible at that. (Skip the tutorial laughs) He's going a little crazy. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, I should not build with TNT. It's kind of funny, but like, I wanna preserve what we have. - [Jaymoji] Oh, it just stacked up a bunch of blockies with the diamonds on the top. - Okay. Don't break it again. We have to go get the... - Okay. - [Skip the Tutorial] These blocks with the pickaxe. - [Jaymoji] Got it. Go get 'em, Skip. [Skip the Tutorial] I'm off. - [Jaymoji] Ender chest. Wait, that's so good. We can put hella valuables in there. I'm gonna put the eyes of ender and the ender pearls in the ender chest so they never go away. - [Skip the Tutorial] What about the guys of ender? And it's just us. - It's just us hanging out. - Oh, oh. That's us. - Yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] Just being bros. - Emerald? - Oh, the bats. - I gotta sword though. (explosion booms) - Oh, no. (object popping) - [Skip the Tutorial] Well, I'm glad I brought the ender chest. Good God. Kill that way. Yeah. (laughs) right? - [Jaymoji] Kill that witch. There you go, Dan. - [Failboat] Kill that witch. - [Jaymoji] Now you're thinking with your head. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, we gotta some blocks. - Okay. (players laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, I'm so glad you could stop by for this episode. - [Jaymoji] Nice, Skip. This won't turn out bad at all. - [Skip the Tutorial] Well, I was thinking if it ignites, maybe it'll like, (laughs) it'll fall first, okay? - [Jaymoji] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Llamas not gonna be good for us. Okay. - [Skip the Tutorial] Here, how about a splash potion of water breathing? - [Jaymoji] Yeah, that'll do it. How are we gonna get to the... Oh, we got it. Oh, nice. - [Skip the Tutorial] Hey, we got another one of these towers. - Puppies. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, let me get the stuff on top. - [Jaymoji] TNT. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, Skip. This bridge was not a good idea. - [Failboat] We blew through our house. - [Skip the Tutorial] It was not a good idea. (laughs) I admit that now. - No, no. (Jaymoji laughs) - I'm gonna throw out the TNT. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, also, it's 6:19 and I need to leave. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, sure. Jay, look- - Sorry, it's not. - [Skip the Tutorial] Come sit at my table. (Jaymoji chuckles) Wait, wait. Let me have a seat. Set the table. See you later. (players laughing) And folks, I thought it was only gonna take us an hour to beat "Minecraft" with Lucky Blocks, but with the way things are going, we're already well past that mark. So this is part one, and I'll see you folks in part two, which we'll upload two days after this video comes out on our second channel, Skippy T. See you in two days and have a good one. Alright?
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 688,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RixDjnfIrhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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