a mod with scary mobs that are actually real?

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this is the scariest Minecraft mod I've ever downloaded and my goal today is to scare my friends with every deadly demon that's added in just don't also get scared in the process okay and hey YouTube tells me it's impossible to subscribe with the lights off so flip that switch and aim for that subscribe button down below if you dare it's free and it helps out a ton before we start this showcase I do want to say that this mod comes with a warning saying that no human or animal was injured during the recordings of it sound effects good luck normally it's just animals why do they have to specify humans wait can I hurt a human during the recording of this video we're going to find out this guy is the Betrayed guzzler yeah oh don't like it don't like it don't like it get rid of it you call it betrayed guzzler yeah that's its name dude that's the government name I don't know let's get rid of him so with this you can get the Flesh of demise nah I prefer bacon all right so we can ALS from him get the sickle of struggle Mr struggle over here it gives you less reach bleeding and being dismembered a bad fate are you bleeding why sick to you you crying you crying you cry you cry little baby wait wao wo it hit like multiple times it's cuz two of you were hitting me at the same time wao wao wao wo wo wo wo no the attack speed goes crazy does it hold on Jay stop moving why what How's that even possible all right so all of this we're going going to be using for rituals oh God make him stop make him stop with it so we can use these to summon the flesh carcass oh there we go see see y'all later yep I've got a new friend I don't need you guys I got a flesh carcass that was so funny when you make it to the hangout and he starts summoning eldrich my bad guys yeah I draw the line of cage Behavior All right so with this we can start to make our flesh ritual monster oh how lovely sounds like fun arts and crafts so we can add in different things like Enderman muscles Strider muscles ravager muscles oh okay this is disgusting I hate it got to catch them all got to catch them all Dan do you remember crafting your first flesh monster no absolutely did he look like this oh that's how he came out like so this guy is gluttony oh yeah oh dude he's just beaming with excitement he's also makes me beam when I look that was a real SC that was just a genuine that was genuine fear Dan go into survival go into survival you have to see it wait hold on no no oh oh God I see what you mean now so this is the Wister oh God oh God oh God oh God I call myself the list ofer nice this is 19 ways that my heart stops no no no no no oh my God make it stop make it stop that is so scary go run can we kill it this is actually horrifying let me at him yeah Dan get at this hit him with the hammer and sickle yeah I'll give him the hammer and sickle I think I'm safe that's horrifying oh yeah he's really taking it he just has something in his throat dude stop stop stop got him hey it works his attack and health increases every time he kills we made that voluntarily yeah unfortunately we made that yeah we're off to a really good start I can't wait for the rest of them what did he drop he dropped his jaw literally jaw dropping wow Dan Dan stop it's not that funny dude can I wear it dude your hat even when you crouch it's like still there oh so these are relics that we can hold on to relics of the past nice I'm going to kill you all right become stronger each stroke so the more that I kill you I get stronger please go ahead okay oh yeah no let me make myself killable am I getting stronger nope what if I hold it nope made a sound yep oh oh oh my w wo oh wo wo so I have to use it oh God okay so I have exponential damage put a ward in here baby I got this are you sure you ready for the big guy I mean it'll start doubling over time if it's exponential guess so all right let's try it I'm in Warden go get him skip give them what for all right skip all right show them how What You're Made Of all right take them to the cleaners okay sorry I I was just showing them our other amenities of the resort hold on hold on wait no stop stop he's jumping it oh he angry like oh my gosh look at all the hearts coming off of him yeah know he is like 12 coming off I think it's still going I should have got myself some armor yes dude okay wait wait let's try this on something with a trackable health bar oh yeah yeah yeah ah there we go no noobster nster he went right for him W oh my God look at him wait look at the health bar wo wo this is insane that's like really powerful wow it couldn't even track it at the end it just immediately died yeah wow new monster let's go this one represents sloth oh yeah it's going to be a sloth it is the walking bed okay oh my god oh living bed it's attack will send you Waltzing oh come on why does it make me shake again uh ow oh it's like a boo J you love these things oh I do well I don't love that it gives you the insanity effect wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh that's so freaky dude you're doing lethal company that's so sketchy oh God careful Jay that's so creepy it runs super fast this got stop breathing dude he's he's getting a little labored I hate that that's so terrifying oh Jay watch out I'm watching him hey you did it that gives us the puppet of strife why is he holding it like that it can use organs capacities what did you just say to me so what we can do is back away 30 ft is remember earlier I was like the Enderman muscle and like The Strider muscle and stuff we can add these into it okay oh I don't have an n Filled sorry guys what a shame have to bring out my shortcomings let me get an N here's some flushing mice right from her come on why would you spawn flesh of demise you know that kills us sorry let's try Strider muscle put down some lava uh give it a minute oh nice it's like a permanent potion thing okay that's pretty cool potion effect oh cool Enderman ashes wao Jesus what was that wao wao wao we can teleport does that happen when we hit you or when you hit us when I punch you wa spooky hey man I don't like the way you've been talking to my girlfriend never mind you can talk out however you want what other muscles can we put in this wa this is the ice heart J I'm so cold oh I'm frozen I can make you snowy I'll help you out hang on let me there you go all right now I've got the Golem one oh thanks for putting me out of my misery I have resistance hold on take armor I'm doing just fine you're not even hurting me dude resist this see you ow it really works he did not resist it it seems works every time blazing o oh God water water now oh over there all right guys we got a new monster no way the prowler why are they always like this they all give you Insanity wait the Plymouth Prowler just the prowler from spiderverse so what's this guy Dro ner stop shaking the camera maybe if I look at it it won't attack me Noster cut it out nster knock it off all right this guy gives you the hand of Riot makes entities around the target enemy I hate you skip no skip the tutorial maybe I meet more ear ashes I summoned a bunch of pigs Okay Hand of Riot mean it's strong but it's not killing they're definitely your enemy that's for sure I mean what mob would this work with cuz zombies are already going to attack you yeah summon monsters let me move like a little bit farther away maybe it like makes every mob on the in the world aggro I think it's just a strong thing I don't know if it works wait it makes entities what if I drop this pork chop and the pork chop tries to kill you all right hand of Ryan is Hand of nothing wait no look it made the zombie attack it the other zombie oh they're freemies not enemies oh oh oh oh skip here you go okay look okay we did it we did it now there you go we figured it out what about you guys know Kevin like bacon the actor yeah I'm familiar this is Kelvin like the heat measurement J look out oh oh oh oh oh my gosh look at how high he jumped up now why did he do that well how do I stop him I don't think you can dude that's a real jooji hater at big time you start putting up 55 in box jumps just to go take someone out you hate them oh he's jealous he's so jealous of Jay that's what it is is he wishes he was friends with failo and not me should be me he does oh ow I can't even set him on fire everybody gets set on fire but he doesn't wao where didd he go why didd he die like that I punched him with strength a billion so he gives me soul steel all right let me show you guys how to get something cool I want something cool we're going to make this Armor All right so I believe what we do is if we get a bucket of blood you should have thought about that before you dove into it and I think if we put this in stop just throwing things into it no humans or animals were harmed in the creation of this not a single one this gives us the crystallized ether so with this we can craft ourselves aome Remnant gear let's get Remnant gear shall we okay okay what does it do to me wa you look stupid that's what it does oh ow ow ow ow ow oh there we go wait I want to look dumb excuse me like you guys well now I feel self-conscious now dude you totally killed my vibe I thought it was fine you look very cringe right now skip I can't believe what you're one to talk what Rodeo did you just space plant out of talk a lot of trash for an air vent I'm going to drown in the blood have you done what have you done what have you done what have you un least on of this world you should have made fun of me so this is the curse mob who is it going to Ender my body again it's going to take your clothes off wait wait wait no no that's not what my soul would do no no no that's not me that's not me uh it sucks me in oh wait wait it does grab you I know dude can you kill this guy please yeah one second oh it suck me all right so this is actually our next sin we just ended up getting it a weird way this is the curse it gives you the cursed head it represents lust one of the things that I could craft this is the shapeshifting tool and this I think becomes any tool you need it to be W that's awesome dude hold on to this with the N try that oh no no no no no no no not with the blood I'm sick of the blood sick of the blood sry hold on to this with the ear there you go wait I don't it's changing in your hand Dan oh oh I see wa that that feels unnatural try try go for the log wow this feels very weird dude that is awesome that's really cool W oh oh this feels almost unnatural icy but it burns your ashes in sense yeah you're going to need a couple more Grandma after this tool hey Grandma I know you lose your left leg for the last one can we uh get a little bit more wa wa did you just Zin bustable armor what's that mean that's like totem of undying armor cuz I would have killed you in that attack oh able to imprison attacks too brutal for The Mortals whoa that's sick that's cool that's pretty neat who knew Jay dressing up like a Power Ranger would make him cool not me all right you guys want to meet BL me I'd be honored it's blood with an oot over it it's bled oh bled oh he's sitting in blood why there bled oh he's cute feel like it'd be appropriate to give him blood yeah give him blood he's wearing a big dress he's wearing a big gown oh never mind he's shooting blood clots at me e it will stay safe throwing balls of blood at you that's disgusting oh my God he's sending me down in the world what's going on he send me into the ground whoa I can see your name play down there all right so he's greed wa that's so weird okay get of this joker I'm sick of him I I'm not sick of Jay though I kind of need him for the rest of the recording yeah I might be here I'm with one and a half hearts this is the touch of greed oh make enemy go through ground oh oh oh that's what you meant by that that's freaky oh God waa that's terrifying that's weird dude I like it though it's cool can I do it to anything wait wait wait stand up top I'm ready all right Jay the rise of fall of J Emoji was ready oh oh God it's like a fireman ble I can control myself oh well thanks uh bye see you fellas oh air yay ow that's awful oh wait skip hit me with it wa W you can like fly with it yeah yeah yeah I made you no clip weird that's very [Music] weird I love that they just disappear that's so funny all right first of all y'all hungry for a block of Flesh M yummy block of Flesh oh it's got a oh this is disgusting dude it's like flesh o a block of ribs let me help you out here on this guy Dan yeah let's build a man together what about the block of muscles for the pecs oh okay okay yeah you on to something okay I'm I'm starting to see where where we're going here the block of Hearts I think he only needs one there you go he's pretty cool what are we calling this guy an ambulance an ambulance let's do all the carcass guys what about the Nibbler oh he's a cutie e all right so when you add different things to the carcus we can make it into a different thing so this is like a our owned innocent Thorns uh drowned kind of guy like a guardian what's the word for it I do Minecraft for a living does this work what the what sorry waa that is actually a nightmare for me do you want to drop the Nibbler into it I was curious if you would swim in it damn there's much happier ways to show that yeah can you do it can you change it to water please I just thought like he would okay look good point hey look at him go you're is much happier natural habitat it's cute it's cute oh that's a word for it yeah a life all right you want to look at the grub grub I I don't want to look at it but I mean there it is y you can ride it dude oh wait a minute I like him here you go Dan I'm a fan of little friends that have massive under bites yeah that's true all right this gives you an allterrain Mount that'll Crush other creatures uh oh no oh I thought I was going to go through the head oh my god dude that almost went perfectly through oh I didn't think it was going to land perfectly on his head he's got a mouth see you you see it you see it there we go oh there you go it looks like skip the tutorial yeah it does it does all right that was the Nibbler and the grub let's do the G bear so this is the base one little guy ow uhoh ow ow now what happened down there amazing oh my God that was terrifying that was so funny all right so that's the base one that we get and then we can change it into other things like the Nibbler and the grub that we've seen this is the Devourer oh Dan we're trying to oh I don't know if you noticed but oh God those are like tears of Kingdom creatures that's gross did they go down as easily no but I will yeah probably dude everything wants to get you and it's the fish are jumping out of the water to get you it has vampire abilities too I hate these guys I don't want to say that out loud cuz that sounds mean but I definitely just despise them with all of my bean this is the guzzler I don't like how thin he is this was the first guy we looked at wasn't it no no he doesn't have the back piece that was a ruined guzzler or whatever oh yeah yeah that was a betrayed guzzler dude we're finding out the lore as we go map pack you might want to come out of retirement for this one buddy look at these these look like things from Omega Mar oh you're right oh God flesh axe flesh sword it's like a flamingo head has the ability to self-regenerate so they have low durability but they're going to get back up they're always there for you dude when I was at my lowest flesh tools were right there for me feel like I'm beating you up with a corn dog this what it feels like all right oops oh now my soul's coming after you now you messed up no now you messed up you should have known the spirit of J all right now my soul attacks you we accidentally resurrected a monster what is that thing oopsie daisies get me out of here happens if I do it again this Blood was a terrible idea I'm getting rid of our girlfriend mod yeah I said it I said it I'm single Pringle for the rest of the year I'm focusing on myself you're an evil man well let me show you guys the butcher as our final guy here he is well there he was there he goes so this is wrath he doesn't want to purify the world he wants to avenge it what does that mean he's just killing me I'll give you one secret while you're avenging dude kill him what have we done to the world oh my gosh if I can reach him he's impossible to kill okay so he gives you the butcher Cleaver ah that makes sense cuz he's a butcher low as your health stronger you will be I think the mod maker is French but I just like the tool tip looking like Yoda Jay go no no don't kill me don't kill me oh Jay what's your arm what hand it to me Jay all here oh was it backwards or something oh never mind oh never mind all right low as your health stronger you may be is that what you're trying to tell us about this skip yeah that's what I was trying to say yep got it understood okay well my health is all the way at zero so dude I'm getting so strong no I'm not and with that folks YouTube thinks that you might like this video so see if they're right and have a good one all right
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 53,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mPvtiDNlUmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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