Catching The "Best" Eating Fish - Solo Camping An Uninhabited Island - Part 1

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so nice and calm just around the corner there the swirl's actually coming in it's not overly uh rough but the swell and the chop is getting splashed up and the wind's just whipping it back straight out yeah so i was getting a bit wet there but i've dried off i just came into this little cove here just to check it out because i've never been in here at such a high tide had to make the call north or south i've made the call to go south and i know the campsite that's the little island i'm aiming to get to right now nice run over for once though i thought maybe i'll just go to one of the better camping site ones and it's only a quick trip i think it'll only be a two day or maybe three depending on what i can squeeze out of it and if the weather's plays ball but will you go straight over to that little beach over there and uh it should be very nice hopefully the water's clear it's not looking that clear here but i'm sure it'll be a bit clearer out there anyway let's jet over the rest of the way well that doesn't look too bad to me water doesn't look that clear at the moment but we can live with that uh as long as we can get something and uh i'm gonna go straight back to the good campsite just down here so we'll just get a bit further down this way and then we are in paradise for a couple of days anyway straight up here here it is it's such a cool little spot because it's nice and flat there's the two perfect trees for the huchi and then you just look straight out over here so not a bad spot at all we'll get set up quickly get the stuff up and it's good that the boats are nice and close so it's easy to get everything up hey all right let's chuck this down here get the tent set up keep the tent in as much shade as possible that's the rules because if you don't it gets toasty but not a bad outlook huh not bad at all perfect goes up quick that's for sure here we go look how much room i really do love the wichi if you haven't tried one it's worth a go because they go up so quick and there really is just so much room in them it's a good setup really goes up very quickly ah i've got a huge thing across the camera great how long has that been there for okay that on there so all the gear that i normally bring mattress and uh that's about it really it is pretty toasty in here even though we've got a half a shade because it just isn't any breeze whatsoever so i'm actually sweating it up and i haven't even done anything let's just sit down here for a second nice bit of shade here so yeah i guess there's nothing much else for me to do except go and catch something to eat now so i've only bought the very basic ingredients and i'm feeling it i'm feeling yeah last couple of chips i reckon i've been over complicating it and worrying more about the cooking and less about just enjoying the amazing kind of area so this time i'm a bit more determined to simplify the meals they'll still be delicious and sometimes the simple is the best and just enjoy everything that's on over here just sit down and relax in fact right now because it's the hottest part of the day almost it's just a little past lunch time it's probably going to be good just to actually sit around and do not a whole lot for a little bit and think about getting in the water as the tide goes down it's actually a good thing in this area because you get access to a bit further out because the reef doesn't really start until a little bit further out there so it actually helps to be um it helps to be a little bit shallower it's already dropped like at least two meters i'd say so that should be good allow access to a little bit deeper i don't like to go too deep on these things because i'm by myself there's that jump again there's a fish something keeps jumping just out just a bit out from that point i wonder what it is might be worth a little sort of trip up there have a little cast around so the aim is yeah nice tusky like last time it's definitely a high on my priority high on the list that was to be really nice coral trout crayfish of course so i haven't had breakfast i haven't had anything to eat so by the end of today i'll be hungry so we better catch something but that's all part of the fun isn't it that's what it's all about so yeah just going to chill here for a bit cool down and then we'll get in the water i'd say wouldn't mind a squid as well we bought those squid jigs might as well have a cast around for them but we'll see what we can muster up okay i've sat there long enough i'm getting a bit antsy to get in the water because uh no need to leave it too late okay speaking that oh okay let's get some gear on we've got geared up and ready to sort of roll this is the island with the green zone so the green zone basically means that it's a protected zone you can't go too far around it's a protected area so you're not allowed to spear or collect so the back half of this island is a green zone the front half is all good so let's get in and see what we can find on the all good side here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh so [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so i'll tell you what that's the limit and he's like a couple of millimeters over and tell you what i wouldn't have wanted to cut it any finer yeah we'll go down there and talk about that whole session actually that's probably better out of the sun hey yeah so oh well there's a first session done um let's have a chat about that look that shot like there was two um i was having a bit of camera trouble so i'm not sure if it even if it comes up but i see two cold trout in the cave one sort of comes out i think it's bigger i thought like the first one looked bigger to me it came out and i took the shot and i tell you what that fish is is legal but it's only just legal now all i can say is i'm lucky i scraped through on that one let me stand here maybe that wind's a bit full on yeah all i can say is i'm lucky i think that i scraped through on that one because it was really really close to being undersized and that's defeats the whole purpose of spearfishing being able to select you know an ideal fish and not sort of stuff it up yeah lucky it's legal and uh let's not do that again okay now let's never talk about it again but other than that yeah sort of grab one cray unfortunately it was full of eggs did you see i so we had to let that one go um and then i saw another cray and went for a grab and unfortunately like he just shot straight out of the cave usually they shoot back into the cave he actually shot to the side and then he took off i turned around to chase him and i kind of lost track of him for a second and then i went up for a breath i came back down and he was gone so i know where he shot off to or what kv went under i had a look around after that but i couldn't find him which is a bummer because uh when they're right out like that it's sort of a gift so unfortunately no crepe but we've got coral trout so it's going to be a good dinner slash lunch but um yeah we're literally i'm so glad he's legal because i would have just been like well first of all i don't know what i would have done i don't think it definitely wouldn't have made a video of it but secondly like it's just not a good look to be that borderline so i'm sorry guys and uh please don't do that yeah and i'll make sure they're bigger from this point on too close for comfort anyway let's fill it him up and uh i don't know what are we going to do i think we might just uh lightly fry it off and have some just light greens like the top of the radishes or something that sounds pretty good the old folding flipping filling knife this knife is not a fancy knife it's just like an old berkley folding knife you get for like not an island like 10 bucks or something at bcf or whatever so buddy jeez look at that it's got something sticking out of his stomach an old dead fish let's see what we get when we pull it out it's all falling apart yeah that's not looking good it's like an old fish you just obviously tried to spit it out just chuck that in the water all right there's one fill it off there's still plenty of flesh on this fish even though he's only a little fella okay not too bad a job okay so what we'll do is we will skin them down but i'm going to keep the skin and we'll fry that off separately try and make those yummy uh those yummy crispy skin trout i've tried it obviously i've eaten trout with the skin on on the fish but i've not actually had those like it goes like pork crackling i reckon so i'm pretty keen to try that i've seen quite a few guys do it now so i'm definitely in for that i'd like to give it a go pretty tasty do like wings i can't see why wouldn't like this okay i think we've wasted enough time what are we gonna do not wasted just enjoyed our time yeah man it is cooking i can't believe how hot it has been today it was really really really toasty like there's no real place to get away from it it was hot in the side inside the tent these trees were having had limited shade the only reason i was getting through it is i had the uh towel up on the tree and i was just hiding into the shadow of the tree so even with this little bit of cover it's not enough to really keep that sun away so i'll be more conscious of it tomorrow and i'll uh be ready for the middle of the day just to rest up somewhere it's amazing how much you can take it out here and i'm feeling pretty burnt where are we going to cook it up maybe we just do it right here can we actually see if i've got that like that can we actually see all right so we get our fish um we'll need oil chopping board and we'll use the top of these radishes i'll keep the other bottom for another meal depending on what we catch the tops of radishes are very edible as well so we'll grab those just cut them off now make sure the wind doesn't bloom i saw someone asking me what brand cam serve i got i i do have that um kit video uh with all my gear but it's just a coleman peak one i think this is what it's called here just says pig one it was not expensive it was only about thirty dollars i think and it does the same job as all the other fancy ones like jetboils it's just a little less enclosed so it might take a little longer to cook things up but i'm talking like a little longer as in a matter of a minute tops so i definitely recommend getting one of those like it's lasted me quite a while haven't needed to replace it so yeah dust it in some flour and definitely need salt so we'll get that salt and pepper oh and a lighter we'll need a lighter all right yes i'm pretty hungry now i haven't eaten for quite some time so this is going to be a definitely uh enjoyed meal a very enjoyed meal so get this clean to make sure there's no sand in it we're just going to dust this down just a little bit that wind's switched around it's coming straight for me just to put a little cornflour on each side and that's it really so what i'm going to do i'm just going to cook it up it's gonna be so good don't need to do too much just to ingredients it's fresh and good [Music] the wind's blowing straight back at me [Music] and then we're just gonna salt and pepper these up [Music] all right you can see just how hot this thing gets you know what i do need that i didn't get out which is a bummer is some kind of tong or chopstick isn't it always the way to realize it last minute you need something out of there just put all this stuff down and we'll hold this oh here's the chopsticks that's what we'll use okay yeah we're looking good it's looking pretty darn hot [Music] so let's chuck them in and see where they go inside down they're definitely going crispy aren't they look at that good getting a bit spitty might have to look from this angle mmm they smell good [Music] wow okay i was about to say i'm not sure if they're getting crispy but now i've let it step them in a little longer and they are definitely getting crispy i can feel the christmas on the chopsticks i reckon they might just be about done move them over here they look really good sit on the chopping board for a bit yeah we might just put our fish straight in [Music] let that cook off oh my god this is going to be so good [Music] fresh fillets well this actually oh it's pretty hot still but i'm actually dying to try this look at that you can see it just how crisp it's going okay oh my god it's actually really good you can see all the scales that popped up and it's basically like crackling wow it's surprisingly a lot like that's amazing yeah it really is surprisingly a lot like uh like a pork crackle taste wow it's amazingly crispy as well um mate that is amazing i always look at people doing it when i you know i like fish skin and i like it on the filler but how good could it really be that is delicious please give it a go that is it's amazingly good ah and i've got three more bits yes that's a big deal mate that's like a taste sensation like i i thought people were exaggerating when they said it was good but that is actually really really good all right let's finish our pillow top and then we'll quickly chuck our vegetables in the last minute i just cannot get over how good they've been i just can't wait to eat another piece right that is something else that's no joke if we turn these pepper on i'm dying to get back to that crackling i'm all i want to do is get another coral trout now and take it home and show my wife it's it's unbelievably good let me just chuck this in at the last minute okay there's two outs we're pretty much done oh broke a little bit off it's fine and all that and we just might just throw all this in see how fast does that panel is heat instant [Music] soak up the rest of the oil and all the taste on the bottom of the pan and waste that free flavor and they are done on the side there and that's good because it soaks up all the oil gets all the extra flavors back soaks it up into the vegetables and we might just pop all this back in and just walk down with it in the tin easy to handle in oh i just can't get it up without spilling it can i fish mmm that fish and the crackling go away fly let's just use our hands what am i doing wow wow wow let's walk down and eat it down here standard here we go and eat all our good meals ah it's not even at all it's really uncomfortable maybe this will be better that's much better how hot's the bottom it's fine well that is a very fancy meal it doesn't didn't uh require much effort and i swear if you haven't tried this skin like this i know all the people that have probably been eating it for ages are saying yeah we know mate but if you haven't tried it please do because i can't believe just how good it is i'm amazed i can't believe i haven't tried it all right well it's the end of another beautiful day but um yeah that meal is something else i'm just going to show you again because i just cannot believe how good these things are so good it really does it finishes off with this like weird kind of pork crackling taste but um but it's still super crispy a little bit of fish flavor like it's a weird combination of fish and just it's something you're not expecting so oh it's it's unbelievable and that crunch it's so crispy because all those scales you can see like all the scales lifting up i don't know if you can see that but it really is special that's really delicious let's try the fish look at that simple is best simply is best wow that's really delicious we'll try some with the veggies or just try the veggies nice and bitter this food is next level and that's plenty for dinner so it's a big win and we got we got through it we got we got lucky anyway i'm gonna push this stupid hair it's time to get another haircut loz if you're watching i'm going to need going to come around my mate he's a chef he cuts my hair but he's pretty good with the clippers so it's time yeah just going to sit here enjoy this watch the sunset and i'm going to call that a successful day one hopefully we'll get another two more but maybe only one but we'll see what happens but uh yeah i'll catch you on the next vid cheers
Channel: RoKKiT KiT
Views: 797,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SBF6qu8zl3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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