6 days solo bushcraft - canvas lavvu, bow drill, spoon carving, Finnish axe
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Rune Malte Bertram-Nielsen
Views: 14,190,993
Rating: 4.7811408 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, solo, canvas, lavvu, polish lavvu, polish poncho, polish military tent, canvas tent, traditional, old school, pine, pine forest, bow drill, spoon carving, finnish axe, frame saw, scandi knife, scandinavian knife, denmark, vest coast, wilderness, eagle pot, eagle kettle, kajka fjallraven, camp fire, wilderness cooking, survival, woodcraft, green wood work, greenwoodwork, sloyd, hiking, trip, travel, hike, journey, beach, open land, fall, scandinavian, documentary
Id: _8wwAwEDeGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Such beautiful filming and such a beautiful landscape!
Beautiful video, but what kind of Viking prayer is he doing do to get a meat fairy to leave food on branches every day??
Fantastic! Looks relaxing but that guy work his ass off with the camera (assuming he was alone doing it).
It's like watching a dirty young qui-gon jinn tromping through the wilderness. The camera work and the beauty of where he was is incredible!
It was like a movie! Thanks for sharing.
not in bear country?
The best part was the pot designed to pour while still hanging over the fire
Anyone know what the bowl of mystery meat was at the end?
What about Bears? Bigfoot?