3 Days in Hong Kong on a Budget

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[Music] have a good time [Music] we just made it here into Hong Kong and it feels so good to be back we did all the normal Landing in the new country things we made our way out through immigration we grabbed some money out of the ATM using our debit card we bought our new heirlo esim for like ten dollars that we had cell phone data the whole time we're here internet nice we made our way to the train station and got our new octopus Transit car topped it up like 200 Hong Kong dollars and then took the next airport express all the way to here in Causeway Bay we've got our standard hundred dollar per day budget so put that here did I get it yeah I honestly think this is going to be pretty tough to hit that hundred dollar per day budget just our hotel here in Causeway Bay which is actually the cheapest hotel in the city right now is 66 per night so we don't have a lot of wiggle room we're gonna try our best I think I think we can pull it off but anyway it's breakfast time we're gonna go find some food this is 3.75 days in Hong Kong on a budget [Music] all right [Music] okay so we're at the Barrington Road cooked food center not the most exciting of names that you could have for a restaurant but I think some of the most delicious food in all Hong Kong are in places just like this these type of places are always right above big wet food markets sort of like the area that we're in right now and they're normally not the easiest thing in the world to find like this one you gotta go up an escalator go around through a market find One Singular glass door that opens and then bam you're into this amazing cook food center we just sat down at a couple of open seats I think you just share with whoever you at a table if there's something and they do have menus most of them are in Chinese this one luckily has an English menu it looks like everybody and it smells like everyone's getting the curry here so I think that's what we're gonna get but they're very accommodating for how many people are here okay so we got the curry mutton bowl and soy sauce chicken both of these look incredible the rice plates are huge mmm this has like the ginger scallion on it and it's a rose chicken oh my God I am very ready for this they normally give it to you in like a bowl but I think you're supposed to like dip the stuff back and forth but ain't nobody got time for that I know you're supposed to do the other one I just like it better this way here we go [Music] is a little so tender so juicy the curry sauce is like you can see it driven like oh my goodness there's a lot to love about this that was so good all right now we are on our way to Central we're going to take the tram to get down there oh that was so good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all the way up and down the Hong Kong side definitely the cheapest way to get around the city for sure I think it's three Hong Kong dollars to ride this thing and you get just like the perfect tour of Hong Kong along the way this looks [Music] [Music] oh [Music] I really didn't give you guys a good lay of the land yeah so honka is kind of split between two different sides of Victoria Harbor in the middle right like we're on the Hong Kong Island side right now and on the other side of the north side is Causeway Bay which is on the east side of the Hong Kong Island side we're about halfway there right now but honestly we're in no hurry this is the coolest this is the best we're having so much fun we missed our stuff [Music] [Music] this is the longest escalator system on planet Earth which at its surface doesn't seem all that exciting but it's more about like what it unlocks as a mode of travel up the side of this thing and the thing I love to do here is just like ride up it slowly and look down at all the stuff below me all the awesome shops all the restaurants all the markets all the everything along the way and the further up that you get like the more Hong Kong kind of like unveils itself I know I'm explaining it kind of romantically and it's just a freaking escalator system but I love this experience and this feels like the perfect way to like get a good introduction to Hong Kong that there is [Music] thank you I'm so cool the incense burning everywhere like awesome back to the escalator I think the coolest part about this escalators all the different neighborhoods it brings you through we're in the Soho neighborhood [Music] it's like cold tapioca so refreshing just walking and then bam there's just like a restaurant out kind of in the middle of the street absolutely delicious food a nice little snack break more escalator all right now we're getting to the depths of the same way at the top steps from the top now we're getting into the cool stuff wow there's a mosque right here [Music] bring his stunning move [Music] okay we're almost at the top which means we got to get one thing before we get up there [Music] now we are ready [Music] egg tart so I like to stop at a place like this after I reach the top you know celebrate a little bit wow it's coming apart [Music] [Applause] so many steps I think we're I think we're almost down the hill foreign it only took about 15 minutes to walk down here to Central and it's a world of difference it feels Mega busy Mega loud there's bright lights and buses and cars everywhere and it was so Lush and green and quiet up there I kind of forget sometimes that Hong Kong has all the jungle and the Beautiful Greenery it's a really really cool contrast between the two [Music] okay [Music] it's just starting to get dark so we took the star ferry across from Hong Kong Island all the way over to simsoshui which is uh where we're going to do some night marketing stuff this is such a beautiful fairy riding across the leaf thank you [Music] foreign [Music] side we're on the hunt for some food tonight we got a quick eat so we can make it to go see the show on the water in like just an hour or so from now this is definitely my favorite side of Hong Kong there's way less fancy shops there's way less just fanciness in general I mean there is still some over here don't get me wrong but it just feels feels more real to me in a lot of ways in Hong Kong we've learned from this morning you kind of just walk through and you're like I don't belong here is this right but then they're invariably will always be a food like a cooked food center I'm sure I see it [Music] okay this looks great looks like they have beef ball fish ball noodle soup or the Hong Kong dollars for One Bowl foreign [Music] brisket and meatball noodle soup and this looks awesome it's really hot and sweaty but yeah I love good hot soup even in hot weather that is so tender so good the company sandwich I saw it on the menu and I had no idea what it was so of course I had to order it it looks like it's a Spam cheese egg ham more cheese sandwich huh simple and delicious exactly what I was looking for [Music] [Music] oh my gosh we just reached the water and it is so pretty the lights are up and the fog has like a cool cool reflection like they're pink and purple and blue clouds over the buildings we're making our way down to the Promenade and [Music] or we can do any of that though we definitely have to stop hey homage to the man that missed the legend [Music] is this close you have to bend what's going to be out okay yeah Bender left me [Music] [Laughter] good thank you ready yeah [Music] Carlsberg check smile gummies checked we're ready to go [Music] alone side I think I'm beginning to think maybe we should have stayed on this side I really like this side a lot foreign [Music] my favorite way to end the night it's just hanging out here so that's exactly what we're gonna do chill here for a little while finish this up take the boat to wanchai and then just walk back home see you tomorrow [Music] thank you [Music] day two Hong Kong our cameras on top of an orange trash can it's morning the sun is not super bright which is actually perfect we're gonna go hike Victoria Peak today all the way to the top let's go foreign [Music] that guy's been there forever doing the same thing of selling these like delicious super soft fun hot dog things for super cheap and I got so much respect from people like that like I feel like they're oftentimes forgotten these street food vendors but they're so important to this city like that guy's probably fed more people than McDonald's or any of the other big restaurants around here combine super soft squishy bud with a hot dog in it with this mysterious white sauce that I don't know what it is I don't I don't know I don't care it's delicious also some ketchup on the side 15 for this bad boy I think we also went a little bit over budget yesterday I haven't done all the maths but it felt like we went over budget yesterday it's a very budget-friendly meal we're just trying to get fueled up for our hike it's about six or seven kilometers from where we are right now all the way to the top of the peak there's a lot of different ways you can get there you can walk like we are you can take the Peak Tram it's a little bit expensive and honestly the view at the top feels better if you earn it a little bit you know [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this is the one like almost to the very tippy top and I think it's coming in just a minute here this is the other way to get up here definitely the much easier way and also much more expensive [Music] this is incredible one of the first ever electric tramways and also the thing's been running basically the exact same thing since 1888 like forever so I think we're almost to the Top This was a not whatever thing there's a Burger King here and a mall I wasn't expecting that part to be so commercialized but this place looks awesome something ice cream wow okay so that little trip to the Circle K was a lot more expensive than we thought so for today total I think we're at like 77 already just including like our place to stay for tonight and then the hot dog that we bought before we started climbing and then just this trip right now which means we're three quarters of the way through today's budget and if you add that onto yesterday we're already like halfway through our total budget for this trip maybe even a little bit more I mean that's why we walked up here instead of taking the Peak Tram and why we're going to be eating at mostly hawker stalls instead of like fancy restaurants and why we're not staying in fancy hotels right and that's honestly the whole point of this video right in this whole series in general is that we're trying to show real travel in a real way like we don't have unlimited money we don't have unlimited time we don't have unlimited anything and you probably don't either and I know that 100 per day isn't accessible for everyone I totally get that and we're working on a way to help people travel on even a lower budget than this I know that watching this trip might be a little frustrating for you because you're like looking at it'd be like oh they're missing out on so much but on the other side of it sticking to a budget like this allows us to be able to be here I'm just thankful for that you know all the escalate escalating down they see the view here for free now we are heading back down old Peak Road to make it back down to Central luckily the hike down will be a lot easier than the hike back up and we're gonna go find some lunch and maybe some insect repellent and maybe some stuff to take care of these Sandfly bites who knew Hong Kong had sand place I didn't they're really painful [Music] awesome [Music] stuff to do in Hong Kong so much cool stuff to do here it's like they had a short one hour later we're in central okay so it's Sunday and we're at Potter Street and there's this massive Market going on up right here around the corner there's also some other really interesting things happen they're just people packing up boxes full of goods that they bought from the market to ship them off presumably back home I'm not sure yet if anybody out there knows what's going on here that seems really interesting and all it is is just like people just taping up gigantic boxes over and over and filling them up with like food and goods and suitcases and stuff foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] eat it eat it look at these one time is their shrimp and super filling and chewy and gently super tasty okay so we paid about 110 Hong Kong dollars which is maybe 13 14 for the two bowls of noodles it was good I don't think that it was life-changing I think there are a lot of other places that probably do one time being really good here really well here that one was decent now it is officially the time of day where it is too hot and Too Human to be alive so we're gonna go back and rest up and then we're going to Kowloon side and things are going to get really really fun okay so we are back up ready to go and we got eight dollars left in the budget which means we are going to go absolutely wild absolutely Bonkers at the night markets over in TST tonight so we're gonna grab the next boat from juanchep here up to Kowloon side and then go to the Temple Street Markets and see how much we can get for like 60 HKD oh [Music] I love this ride never gets old and it's the cheapest way to get over there and I think I think it's faster in the subway too [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] from the ferry especially at Sunset there's all these boats crossing the water there's all these people along the walkway there's night markets there's just it's there's energy but it doesn't feel overwhelming like Hong Kong Island does I love cologne thank you so our first stop here is and it is the hub for all kinds of markets like anything that you could possibly need you could find here this apparently is the street where there are a ton of pets up for adoption maybe not adoption buy them cute kitties and puppies and I hope they all find nice homes [Music] this place is super fascinating because on the one hand all the like shiny plastic bags and like goldfish like draw you in but there's also something kind of sad about it maybe it's just the way things are done here and I could see why places like this exist you know exactly where to go if you want to buy goldfish I just hope they all find loving homes [Music] oh [Music] okay so the ladies Market is a lot like if amazon.com existed in real life there's so much just random stuff here and you come here you're like I don't know if I'm gonna buy anything but then like 20 seconds later you're like yeah I definitely need one of these weird things that runs off of batteries and then I also need this fake Louis Vuitton bag and oh maybe I should buy the gold chains and all of a sudden you're like 200 deep it's a wonderful experience there's just like so much stuff if there's anything that you want you can definitely find it here hey there's a Kobe jersey thank you [Music] and now apparently we're on karaoke Street okay now we're unfortunate teller Ally is just amazing every single New Street that you go on is just more and more surprises in Hong Kong like all the way from that incredible Filipino Festival that we saw earlier today for this Hong Kong is just so full of surprises we're almost at Temple Street Market where we're gonna find some food with our couple of dollars that we have left I'm sure it'll be enough we're gonna get some Taste of stuff [Music] thank you oh they gave us an English menu okay so we just ordered they gave us literally no time to order she was like walking and they're like what do you want you're like okay so we're at Australia Dairy since 1970 wow this is uh another way to say like a Hong Kong Style Diner and it feels like this awesome mixture of like an American Diner styling with all the like silverware and the Little Boots and the Very informal sort of attitude so it's that as well as the cheap prices like this toast here was like two dollars it was a giant macaroni thing that we ordered it was like three and a half dollars Granite at face value it doesn't look all that exciting oh it's hot it's like super tasty copper food it's got like a little bit of this creamy reminiscent of mac and cheese with a whole bunch of meats inside of it for the price and for like the comfort of it is delicious I don't know that I've ever had macaroni like this but the broth is really tasty it's just comforting and so different yeah 86 just slightly over budget thank you oh man that was so good and so filling it's so cheap right now we're on Nathan Road which is the main Central Road that goes busy all the way up and down the Kowloon side and we're following this all the way back to catch hopefully the last Ferry home such a perfectly clear night tonight just awesome I love this city [Music] [Music] today is day three we just cut off the fast Berry 30 minutes all the way from Central Pier to here and we spent the last couple of days in the hustle and bustle of the big city wonderfully overwhelming but I think we're ready for something different which is why we're here we're gonna spend the day just exploring this old fishing village now turned into this pretty incredible popular Island destination so from the moment that we got off the ferry Pier we saw these literal thousands of bicycles just all lined up here right along the Main Street that's because there are no Cars allowed on the island what is allowed is these incredibly loud gas powered vehicles that sort of move supplies back and forth from the shops like that one right here but other than that there's no cars on this entire Island so I have a feeling once we get off this one street there's gonna be a lot quieter but you never really realized how much just kind of ambient noise is around you all the time in a place with a lot of cars until you're in a place that doesn't have them this is a bad example for that [Music] mainly the thing to get here is the mango Moshi there's a big long line for this I'm ready for this it's cold too that's perfect this is heavy this one probably weighs a pound the sink tastes just like one of my favorite desserts mango sticky rice oh the first quiet non-totally packed by like thousands of people placed we've been from the moment that we stepped foot into Hong Kong and honestly it's a really nice change I didn't realize how much we needed a little bit more peace and a little bit more quiet than once we got here and just feels so much more relaxed and unhurried it's nice we found the shopping street apparently there's just all kinds of different small little stores that have again anything that you didn't think that you needed but you now need but these markets and Alleyways are so much more cooler and a lot more approachable there's a lot less people I didn't know it was going to be this big apparently this island is known for their fish and seafood and especially their fish balls or their fish cake balls on Jean kind of like chewy it's got some bounce to it which is really important 10 HPD wow just doing a food tour Fish Bowl here this one's a Szechuan spicy one from the place next door smells spicy oh yeah wow I'm getting the head high we've entered a new dimension of spice [Music] whoa oh that's good I can't feel anything in my mouth oh Lord left our Little Switzerland experience this is much needed still can't really breathe but it did clear out basically everything in my nose so we're at this place and we stopped here it's just a little bit south of the ferry here we noticed that the prices as soon as you go south of the fair here are way cheaper but if you go north of the ferry Pier way more expensive what we ordered was Satay beef with Hong Kong style crispy noodles the cool thing about this dish is that it starts out super crispy and then as the sauce kind of hits it it just like absorbs into it so a maximal sauce explosion from whatever dish you order with these Hong Kong style crispy noodles just Okay so we've been here for like an hour now and obviously bike is the right way to get around this place so okay so as soon as the guy gave us this bike he said if we see the police you have to get off and walk because you can't have a passenger even though literally this is super fun this is definitely I think the right way to see the island it was only 30 for an hour across in town [Music] brakes don't work brakes don't work I would just like to set the record straight this was not my idea although it is very very nice I feel very lazy right now you're doing great oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] oh my God okay I'll turn this around [Music] we're requesting a stop yes please here we are got a giant slice of watermelon I saw a lot of people [Music] a lot of people really oh that's hard I don't know what [Music] he's back there you go yes foreign [Music] European inconvenient now that we're getting just a little bit further out of town this island is stunning absolutely beautiful so relaxing out here they just have this really nice like triple wide bike path that you can go all the way around the south end of the island going Northeast was a little bit harder as you saw before as we were like skid back down and almost flipped the thing but this is really nice okay you want to switch out yes yes it's time now I feel like I'm contributing this is definitely a dream come true for sure all the way where they got the Buns here they got the Buns here hold out look at this thing it's so big I got the Sesame filled one oh wow uh dense and dry but good [Music] oh that was awesome it was a fun I don't know the most efficient way to get around but it was definitely fun that was great what a good way to cool down [Music] we took the fast boat here this morning and now we're taking the slow boat back it is literally half the cost of the other one which means it's like 1.50 or some 1.75 to get all the way from Central to out here it's just it's such a good deal The View here he was just so good well it takes like an hour we're in no hurry it's Sunset have a great day [Music] it's amazing best I think this is my favorite day my favorite day in Hong Kong so far foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] call me thank you it's so hard to decide like we wanted to order everything on the menu obviously we can't it shouldn't maybe we should I don't know but we just got a lot oh yeah foreign trip luckily it is super easy to get there all we gotta do is take the iron line across to catch up with the suing one line and then take that all the way up North until we get to the tong Chung line and then take a tap all the way west until we get to Sunny Bay station now once we get there just hop out of the subway station there take the bus I think it's 4B until we get all the way to the kind of near the airport which is a Hong Kong Macau bridge and then get off of that bus and get onto a different bus which is then going to take us on the world's longest Sea underwater bridge tunnel system thing water [Music] thank you and now we're in Macau foreign Portugal and China and then also somehow Las Vegas all three of them had a baby together the streets here kind of look and feel like Portugal all of them filled to the brim with delicious Chinese and macanese and Hong Kong East restaurants and then also just a couple miles down the road is one of the most ludicrously insane gambling establishments in areas anywhere on planet Earth Macau is about 45 minutes west of Hong Kong by boat which is the way that most people are going to get here that way it costs like 20 some dollars per person the way that we took took like two hours and cost like ten dollars per person so half as much another thing to keep in mind here is that you have to bring your passport to get into Macau and to get back to Hong Kong there's a ton to see here right now we're in like Macau old town and later on tonight we're gonna head to the kind of crazy Las Vegas side of Macau [Music] Costco what was that almond cookie so good I don't know I'm in no position to ask they're just giving me free food yep thank you is it the beef jerky here is legendary it's like sweet and savory and has a little bit of spice do you have any money they're giving free samples we've been here like more than 10 minutes and we haven't had a Portuguese egg tart so obviously we gotta fix that problem [Music] I heard these ones were great I'm especially excited about this like burnt crispy top I saw him in the back like blow torching the bejesus out of him I'm just so excited looks like a flaky almost like croissante crust this is definitely a sweet treat and it's so good so warm the egg custard on the inside is like a little bit sweet but really just like a sugar on top is what makes it so perfect and then like if you check out the layers inside of there [Music] so the people on that free casino shuttle that we took on the way in were arguing the whole time about like where the best place in this downtown area was to get good food and they kept talking about this like restaurant or maybe like Hawker stall that's above a grocery store or a market and I think it's right up here comidas I know comidas means food think we're in the right place it certainly smells like the right place oh yeah this is it this is it [Music] okay [Music] thank you that's America inside okay [Music] awesome we have found the right place I've been having tasted the food yet but I'm I'm pretty sure pretty sure crunchy tasty that's like the leek is so nice it's also fresh it's always blows me away with a lot of stuff all the food's always so fresh I think we're waiting on is I think the Macau style of Buffon is like one of our favorite meals to have when we were on the Camino was be fun it's just like a delicious saucy pork slightly spicy very very Savory sandwich God it's so good I don't know if it's gonna be the same thing but the picture made it look really good these dumplings are great [Music] basically like a pork chop grilled between a really fluffy crunchy piece of bread it's super super tasty it's a little bit different from a bifana because I think I remember the fun as being a little bit more juicy like soggy almost like a stew this one's definitely less Saucy but it's like a grilled pork chop on a bun so simple so tasty I could eat these all day oh man that guy was super nice and I know like you're probably thinking like oh they're gonna say the food was good just because the guy was nice but that's that's not how we roll like those are two separate things for us but genuinely this is one of those cases where the food was absolutely spectacular especially the leek dumplings and oh my God that pork was just so tender and the guy was super nice also the name of the restaurant was Kitty and he named it that because he's been trying to make restaurants and then each restaurant he would make would just fail and fail and fail but he would just keep going and this is the one that finally stuck was this one so like uh like a cat with nine lives I mean how can you not love a story like right foreign okay so now we're walking up to the ruins of Saint Paul's Cathedral which is just the only thing left is the facade the front of it and it's a site in itself just because it's this huge Cathedral surrounded by like hawker stalls and people selling egg Tarts and like Chinese beef jerky and then just this massive thing right in the middle but the craziest thing about it is that all the rest of this cathedral was destroyed by a fire during a typhoon which I don't know what that means or if that's a sign but what are the chances [Music] okay so now we're climbing up to Fort Monte ton of History here and this thing was really strategically important and for the many many battles that happened here but what most people come up here for is to check out The View foreign okay so now it's time to head to the more Las vegasy part of Macau and we just asked someone how to get there and they made us this amazing little map okay so they said from where we are we gotta walk 15 minutes to the Star World hotel and then we take a free shuttle bus to the Galaxy and then from there we can walk to the Venetian and the City of Dreams which I think is pretty cool so we're gonna follow this to the letter [Music] now that the lights are coming out this place is so much more cool and Lively I mean these hotels are incredibly massive and futuristic looking and then you've got like cobblestone streets this is so trippy the more and more we keep exploring the more and more fascinated I am by all of them foreign [Music] pretty wild that you could get around all of Macau just by taking a three hotel shuttles and not even have to stay at these hotels this feels all far too opulent for us but it's pretty to look at I think those are real getting all of those are real [Music] that's super fun not exactly our scene though not a lot to see there and it seemed really empty inside of the Galaxy but we are gonna head to the Venetian next I love what this place kind of gives you that same feeling when you go into Las Vegas where you know like none of it's real you know I think all of it's fake and built up but still is just so cool and so impressive and so massive that you just like you can't help but be impressed by it I was just looking up the history of this place and this place was really really young isn't like just 20 or so years ago all of this like everything was just swampland as far as you can see and then through a gigantic injection of money for the Las Vegas Sands Corporation as well as just this incredible almost impossible land reclamation project they built all of this and places like this are kind of like a look but don't touch thing for us mostly because we don't have the money to really do anything here but it is just really fun as an escape speaking of an escape we're just gonna walk right into Venice Italy right now foreign [Music] [Music] I promise there is more food here than just the Portuguese macanese egg Tarts but they're just so good and we had to try this one it's a signature thanks oh this one's very good and it's warm anything better worse this one's much better you don't want any right okay so I know that we're a lot over budget here so I'm gonna try to fix that problem through gambling this has never gone bad before in the history of the world so I got these 40 Hong Kong dollars which is like five dollars worth I'm gonna see if I can solve all our money problems turns out gambling was not the solution to all of our life's problems so they come back with one dollar it's like a buck 50. our last day and we're here in Macau and uh we have come full circle our camera still lives on a garbage can overall I think a pretty awesome trip I don't know what were your favorites so I think for me the best day was definitely going to that island that I can't remember the name of it riding the bikes around that Island was so beautiful the beach being able to swim there it's just it was everything that I wanted that day to be it was just perfect I really really enjoyed going to Kowloon a lot more than I thought just as crowded as Hong Kong Island a lot grittier and edgier I liked it I still feel like the escalator thing oh that totally worth your time super fun and there's so many like cool hidden restaurants as you go higher and higher up there and and the ding ding tram is always for me just the funnest way to get around it's such a cool way to see the city and it only costs three it'll it only costs three like it's Hong Kong dollars what a deal things that I think we would do differently yeah yeah yeah so somewhere in that area because I feel like there's just nothing for us in Causeway Bay like it's all really fancy expensive restaurants right across the street from a Bentley even though we're paying like 67 a night for a tiny little hotel room we definitely went over the hundred dollar per day budget I think I would have budgeted a little bit more for Hong Kong and I think honestly like 120 dollars per day to be able to get like one more nice meal per day or maybe like do one more thing and maybe last thing I would maybe choose a different time of year to come I mean just always listening always listening I've learned to carry a towel now with me everywhere it's so hot okay but that is it for this video you've heard enough of us talking by now for sure uh the show's about to start so let's watch that Ocean's 11 Style thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Lisa and Josh
Views: 456,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, adventure, lisa and josh, josh and lisa, lisa josh, josh lisa
Id: 4ngvf4-m7Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 58sec (3178 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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