3 Days in Bangkok on a Budget

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] right where to begin so right now we're in Bangkok and one of these super cool brand new electric tuck tucks that I summoned with an app and we've got our normal three days here $100 per day budget so we're going to try to do and see as much as we possibly can while we're here and you know as we're riding this thing I think this is almost a perfect analogy for how I see Bangkok I mean these things are so like classy right like there's like this leather seats everywhere they got like cool seat belts there's like an amazing iPad the dude's using up front all the rest of Bangkok is super loud and it's just like this quiet thing just like sneaking through it it's such a perfect meshing of old and new together I I love it right now we're on our way to the Grand Palace in fact I think I see it right over there I'll get some no no no talk okay I'll get the instant that we step foot here there are people yelling at us you can't you can't go in unless you have pants you can't go in so that's one of the requirements to go into the Grand Palace so that's our first side quest here is to find some pants because knees shoulders not allowed here and I mean with knees like this can you can you really blame him we walked all of like 20 steps and we're me with an endless row of people selling hats t-shirts shoulder coverups and of course the iconic elephant pants pockets are a nice touch I think these ones these look me see these are what do you think I think I think these are one you think big enough for you can take offo and put these are now covered up into the Grand Palace we [Music] go the Grand Palace is by far the single most visited tourist attraction in not only Bangkok but also in all of Thailand I mean it's always busy as such the Wardrobe requirements are enforced uh inconsistently and Lisa's scarf didn't pass the test so apparently a scarf is no longer allowed I have to get a shirt now should we match oh well back to our favorite store round two here we go off we waited into the sea of elephant pant wearing [Music] tourists so right right Jokes Aside why are there so many of us here well besides the fact that this Palace is massive and beautiful and there's nothing else like it in the world the building of this Palace also signaled that this little city east of the river called Bangkok was now the capital maybe you've heard of [Music] it it's really hard to find you in a sea of other elephant pants to look very similar there's seemingly endless temples adorned in Endless amounts of gold and even more intricately designed buildings around every corner the scale of it is just incredible it's so easy to get lost in here there's just so many cool temples everywhere that you go there's lots of like little nooks and crannies of interesting things you can [Music] see we could have easily spent all day here but just down the road is the Temple of the reclining Buddha so on we went okay so now we're at the Temple of the reclining Buddha which we're going to go see in a second but the thing that I'm really surprised about is how much we're having to use cash everywhere that we're here the last Temple this Temple basically every restaurant that we've seen so far to buy these pants was cash so I think we picked up like 2,000 bot in cash for the first day here and we spent well over half of that already so I kind of wish that we had picked up more but let's go check this thing out let's go check it out I don't know we're here let's go check it out check it out you want to go check it [Music] out giant like you walk through and immediately I see the Budd is thing it's really hard to capture how big this thing is on camera camera I mean it is massive we walked like 5 minutes just to make it all the way to the other end of it it's like the size of a [Music] hotel it was starting to get that uniquely Bangkok level of hot so we figured it was time to hop on a boat and find somewhere to cool down and get some breakfast so we are waiting at the pier uh for our boat to take us to icum the big mall here there's different kinds of boats there's like tourist boats and regular local communter boats we opted for the cheaper orange flag boat we're waiting for it now hi everybody here it is 5 minutes later these public boats are crazy efficient all within the span of like 30 seconds they pull up dock get everybody off load up the new passengers and then bam we're off again I think this is the fastest and most affordable way to see everything along the main river here the Chow pra for sure folks make me so happy I love this just like the yelling the chaos the awesomeness of the view it's just such a Bangkok thing I [Music] love do not mess with [Music] her [Music] bye okay so now we're in icon Al and this is a very fancy Mall filled with very fancy like luxury Brands which is absolutely not our Vibe but what is our Vibe street food and air conditioning [Music] baby this place are so beautiful and colorful and the food just goes on for days I feel like I could get lost in it I know it's kind of touristy but we love the touristy things and this feels like such a fun place to just grab some street food and air conditioned beautiful colorful Mall let's go [Music] eat got some pot stew noodles the thicker kind and we got this delicious looking Fried Chicken all this together was 180 bot so like4 or5 something like that I'm not going to lie to you like this food's like you know it's not bad but it's certainly not worth like a oh my God have you ever seen chicken out noodles I mean it's good I'm going to promise you right here right now that we will not go too any food unless it is genuinely like worth going out of your way to go eat it's like street food light yeah yeah exactly it's like street food light it's like street food light that's a good that's a good point that's a good point it's like street food light that's my promise to you is that you don't have to look at us eat some noodles and go it's last time okay unless it's really unless it's really mind-blowing which I'm sure we'll find some that's a promise oh [Music] no I got this uh pandan Coconut Thai dessert to go it's a little floppy Berry flops it's chewy kind of ricey flavor but it's coconuty and this is the highest form of compliment from an Asian person it's not too sweet besides the food p downstairs probably the best thing about this mall is definitely The View [Music] now we're off to W run the Temple of dawn which oddly enough is best seen right at Sunset so we hopped on the next boat heading north and enjoyed the [Music] view [Music] right as soon as we stepped off the boat we could hear the faint sound of some really classy music what a lovely [Music] surprise [Music] as the sun started to set we hopped on another orange boat to head to our favorite place in [Music] Bangkok [Music] take what a great first day in [Music] Bangkok okay so I've got a confession to make I've got another confession to make honestly I'm a little bit embarrassed to even say this but we booked a kind of fancy hotel like a like a kind of fancy one we booked ourselves a couple of nights at the Hyatt place here in Bangkok and this is actually our favorite hotel that we've ever stayed at in Bangkok we love this place and the reason that we did it was because we kind of we had to and it's not just a cop but we genuinely had to we showed up and then a Goa messed up our reservation for our initial Hotel so we needed a place to stay that same night and it was like the middle of night so we blew some points and stayed here it's actually pretty dang cheap if you use points to stay here it's like 5,000 points a night through high which would transfer through Chase so it's it's great but the hotel that we were going to stay in and basically every other hotel that's like kind nice in this area is between like $40 or $50 per day and we know it be cheating to put $ Z per night cuz not everybody's got chase points so which is is going to put $50 per night every single night even though that's not what we're spending but this hotel is really nice it's got robes and slippers it's it's it's this is and free breakfast the breakfast is really nice we'll show you that in the morning turn off your light oh [Music] how crazy is this like a breakfast with with like 100 options they have a shop that makes you an omelet for you tea specs so much food I got to go get some tea I mean this is just a level of luxuriousness that we definitely don't deserve so nice it's so nice oh that was so good so if everything goes right today it'll be a slow descent into madness this what I'm hoping for we're starting off easy with a lovely walk in the beautiful lumini Park except for these freaking dragons what are these who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's too big nope M nope what he was coming he was coming right for us God they're so big we are starting the morning off in lumini Park which is this really beautiful Green Space that bkock has just right in the middle of the city center and we get to do a lot of wildlife sighting what is it Wildlife I'm we get to see a lot of wildlife oh my gosh they're everywhere I know on paper it's just a park but there's something really special about lini it's so green and Lush there's palm trees everywhere and it's so massive that you kind of forget that you're in Bangkok well time to go uh today Saturday which means it's the weekend which also means there's only one right place to go the weekend mark it [Music] hey C man suddenly I am just craving a coconut wa coconut yeah okay coconut h h h h w yes thank you hello that man is so bumped up about this coconut okay so we're at chat to chak weekend market now which happens every week and I guess that's kind of self-explanatory and I think that this is the biggest Market in all of Bangkok I think that that's true we got three major quests to complete while we're here one finish up this coconut without uh angering the almighty coconut seller back there with the very sharp knife number two Lisa needs to find a new handbag thing number three I need to to find a replacement for this t-shirt I mean this thing is beloved it's been in every single video because I literally only own three t-shirts but uh it's time okay all done oh almost forgot about the inside oh no must await his return [Laughter] whoa amazing cut it open for us no [Applause] [Music] waste just Chuck Market is that good kind of overwhelming there's just so many options so much good food so many tiny stores and even tinier Alleyways that it just feels like you can truly find anything here and honestly if you can't buy it here you probably won't find it anywhere in Thailand haggling is definitely the norm here expect every initial price to be at least like 4X the usual selling price which is at least 10x the actual cost of it but to get the price that low would require extreme levels of acting and discomfort it's easy to get lost in here and that's probably the best way to approach this place so we just started [Music] wandering you hungry it's so busy and so Lively here there's so many people but it's so fun I have like this problem though where I want to visit every single stall we can't but it's just fun being here thank you very much cup of octopus with a spicy Chutney on top I think that's what it smells like oh man that looks really good you guys you guys see this m very true wa that's spicy oh that's delicious I I need to take a lap [Music] here this is quite good now that I've come down from Spice Mountain here I like it we used to get these sausages in uh changai all the time it's like the northern sausage Ean e Ean Savory lemong grassy oh that's so good you didn't want any right okay back to completing the quests oh yeah oh yeah oh look at that so great success Quest completed nice that was easy Lisa on the other [Music] hand Quest complete time to go cool down I got the secondhand totally real Patagonia bag I think I hope okay right it's a mall it's a mall that's where we're heading to right now but I chose this mall specifically because almost every single other Mall in all Bangkok is just filled to the room with like crazy luxury stuff Rolexes and Louis Vuitton and stuff like that in this mall the MBK side is filled with normal stuff that normal people would buy at normal people prices as well as the gigantic food cor which is [Music] delicious [Music] our favorite spot yeah I don't know I I mean it's some kind of shaved ice with long gun fruit and different jellies I've been eyeing it and it's been really warm so this this felt like a nice dessert let's see I saw a lot of people getting this and there's like all different kinds of good stuff in here beans I know Bean sounds weird but I'm really excited remember we only got three m in this whole video so only use it if it's really spectacular oh yeah that's good it's refreshing but there's all kinds of good stuff in here like fruits and jellies and the shaved ice and it has it's really nice syrup on the top I'm sure it's not not the healthiest but it tastes so so good and refreshing in and it's not like it's not like Hawaiian shaved ice where it's fruit juice sweetness it's actual it tastes like not too sweet if that makes sense what' you get pork basil pork holy basil and they stir fry it for you like right before you eat it like he was literally making it shovel on plate ready to go it's a it's one of those this is tasty it's not notable I will not use up one of our three here but it's good okay I'm using one up it's such a unique flavor I'm I'm using one up [Music] one we left the MBK Center to hop on the busiest train we'd ever been on to visit our favorite Night Market I mean this this must be good look at how many people are [Music] going when we got there we found out that our favorite Night Market had been turned from this into whatever this is this is not this is not what I remember they took all the soul out of it I remember this staircase okay so you might be wondering why we are walking up and standing in some empty parking lot well it's because um like back in 2019 I remember the first time I ever came to Bangkok I was looking for this one photo that I'd ever seen of Bangkok and it was this beautiful brightly colored Night Market I just remember this really Vivid night market with all these multicolored tents with really good food affordable food and it's jam-packed and now they've seem to have turned it into this fancier maybe nicer Night Market but just with like boring cream colored awnings and it's just not the same it doesn't feel Lively and there's nobody here it just doesn't feel that eccentric Bangkok feeling that I felt before luckily Bangkok is just packed full of that eccentric Bangkok feeling so off we went [Music] our search for dinner led us to some very interesting places tickets for what a ping pong show I don't really feel like watching sports tonight thank you very much byebye ah Cowan Road this is the Backpackers Mecca in Bangkok The Nightlife capital a place of infinite Shenanigans and high Jinks no matter what time of day you come it's a massive Street lined with a seemingly endless supply of cheap food and booze surrounded by a maze of tiny alleyways is filled with massage parlors of all kinds dirt cheap hles and thousands and thousands of people looking for a good time so if you're looking for $2 Ray bands Chong t-shirts or regrets there's really no better place in the world to find those than right here yay we just made it to kaan Road the infamous kaan road and it is popping there's music everywhere people around we just ordered some beers thank and now we're get some tasty food did we get pot tie on kowan road yes absolutely we did I'm not ashamed of this for a second wow there's some RI wrap happening the food was pretty good but not noteworthy but we did notice the new attraction here laughing gas that's not really our scene but dessert definitely is and look there's even fruit in it and people say we aren't healthy show me close oh oh my God banana pancake a perfect dinner now to find the perfect bar if we can figure out how to get in I keep seeing people walk down this weird Alleyway and there's a lot of stickers let's go what is this there just a bunch of boxes and Walkers everything walk I can hear something right can you hear the music there's music but there's just a bunch of numbers like do we have to like have a key find a key somewhere oh no oh that moves that says genetics by the way is that is that it more lockers these are just close this Locker Room Bar is very well hidden but if you do manage to find it you're rewarded with amazing handcrafted cocktails in the best '90s jams there ever [Music] were as we made our way out the world was starting to look a little blurry for some it was time to make our way home right after petting this [Music] cat and then we got to grab some mango sticky rice and a yakal from 7-Eleven both of which are critical after a night like [Music] this [Music] breakfast was [Music] delicious there's only one real cure to what ails us today [Music] what was it [Music] relaxing how's it look back there that is intense even the computers were hung over today now that we've been rebooted off to [Music] Chinatown from the moment we stepped out of the MRT in Chinatown things were being fried stuff was flying around people were partying and Tuck tucks carts were being pushed people were setting up restaurants there were endless gold shops and whatever this thing is stirring and there were fruits and vegetables and just so much energy we're definitely awake [Music] now we're here for the snacks preferably the grilled meat C just got a sausage stick two sausages on a stick 15 bot how did that place smell it smell that's really good it's like ground PK I was expecting a hot dog and this is way better it tastes Super Fresh road's blocked [Music] anyway as we waited for the road to clear we spotted our next snack wa that's a generous portion our jack fruit Bounty I love jack fruit is kind of tastes like a really good Starburst I think kind of like the pink I think like the pink color Starburst is exactly what this tastes like it's so good we're walking through the Sam Fang market right now and this is like a very very like cramped but filled with all sorts of really cool tourist Goods SL clothes SL little jack fruit snacks they have just about anything you can think of including stuff you probably haven't even considered exists but after all of our shopping at chat yesterday we're not really here for the tourist Goods or the souvenirs or any other shopping of that we're here for the food like this and I'll take one of those [Music] please I think this is just grilled banana on the stick maybe apple banana hot that's that's hot wow oh yeah it's coming off the stick the outside's got a texture like a dried banana the inside's mushy it's good tart and sweed as we walked out of Chinatown we started hearing music as we've learned it's always a good idea to follow the [Music] music [Music] turns out it was a big Hindu celebration for devali right on this Riverwalk we wish it could have stayed longer but the sun was setting and we had somewhere to [Music] [Music] be [Music] [Music] so we slowly made our way up to the top sweaty and happy as is the Bangkok way we took in the view and started thinking about everything we'd done and seen over the past 3 days we bought elephant pants at a grand p Palace ate tasty food in a gigantic air conditioned shopping mall saw a warehouse-sized Buddha found a bar hidden behind lockers avoided angering the coconut man dodged ancient dinosaurs flew from one end of the city to the other and brand new trains and old boats and fancy electric tuck tucks and got lost in the manic energy of Cen Road and the Blissful beauty of Jack's bar right on the water old and new Fast and Slow extremes usually somehow placed right next to each other tradition held on to tightly but not clutched so firmly that there's no room for change I mean Bangkok can be overwhelming in a lot of ways but it's also filled with peaceful beautiful quiet spots just like this one God I love this city you're still here man thanks so much for watching all the way to the end and I'm glad that you did because I'm about to show you my favorite restaurant in all of Bangkok that serves the greatest Curry also in all of Bangkok which I think by proxy means in all of Thailand and probably in all of the world anyway this place means a lot to me it's at the corner of this and this if you want to find it and it's this restaurant we save the best for last let's [Music] go cheers to some staying the same some things never changeed God for that how beautiful is that it's very [Music] beautiful Li in my legs
Channel: Lisa and Josh
Views: 97,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, adventure, lisa and josh, josh and lisa, lisa josh, josh lisa
Id: Uu3_VeR7VeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 17sec (2177 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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