3 Days in Singapore on a Budget

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[Music] Hello friends and welcome back to our NeverEnding quest of trying our best to ball in a $100 per day budget everywhere on planet Earth today we're in Singapore and we've got 3.75 days here because four is an unlucky number here and I'm learning a lot of places so put $375 down in whichever corner it goes maybe this one so we didn't do all the normal getting into Singapore things like riding on a budget Airline for like 12 hours filling out our SG arrival card giving a little bit of money out of the ATM and then picking up this awesome Avengers themed easylink card that uh my nerdy self is very in love with and usually by now in the video we'd be trying to get as far away from the airport as possible because normally being in the airport is by far the worst part of any trip but we're at the best airport on planet Earth which is a tourist destination all in itself do you see that steam yeah it's a sign that we've been here too long now it's time to go what an incredible airport I mean like I wonder if you grew up your entire life here and you thought that all airports would like this then you like fly into an airport like la ex to the Gord and you get there you're like what is this awful place I mean this airport has like everything so just a quick list here they got a rock climbing wall they got trampolines they got waterfalls they got basically every store you could possibly think of interactive games including a bunch of different arcades art exhibits a gigantic slide a free Cinema inside of there and an IMAX that you got to pay for outside and to top it all of and I think maybe the most ridiculous thing is a pool on the roof where you can watch the airplanes come in and out this got a hot tub okay now we just got to take the train to our hotel drop off our stuff and then it's time for food I'm starving after that overnight flight we knew exactly what to get for our first meal in Singapore dim some I am looking through this menu and they have all the good foods and it looks so good smells so good normally though when I come to dmum there's like six of us there's only two of us so that limits how much we can order and we're on a budget so I think we're going to only order three or four things got to show some restraint handwriting so bad so embarrassing y I think one of my favorite Parts about Dum is this the experience of it you get to try all these different foods and share them my approach to ordering for dimsum is basically picking out my favorites chicken feet and then I have to get a rice of some sort and a couple of dumplings and a bow so we got sumai which is like a pork dumpling hot hot great first meal in Singapore now China chin station okay so right at first blush Chinatown can seem a little like Gody and very like tourist good focused and it absolutely is uh right when you get out of the train station there's just like shop after shop selling basically the same stuff that you can get almost anywhere but if you're looking for cheap souvenirs there is no better place than where we are right now besides maybe the Mustafa Center in Little India but if you just go like a little bit deeper and a little bit outside of the center of this there's incredible food really cool temples that we're going to see in just a second and we are still on the hunt for egg [Music] TOs we stop with the bakery cuz we had to for a little appetizer and we got two egg custers or DT and because she upsell me so good I also got a custard bun but I'm going with the egg tar first it's like a warm hug sweet warm hug this massive Buddhist temple right in the heart of Chinatown is called the Buddha tooth Relic Temple and yep you guessed it supposedly a tooth of the Buddha himself is contained within these walls now whether or not that's true I mean the actual tooth on display is like 3 in long but hey what do I know about buddas or teeth that doesn't really matter because the temple is absolutely spectacular it's 4 stories tall it's got a huge Museum and a beautiful rooftop with 11,111 Buddhas complete with a massive prayer [Music] wheel we walked around admiring this incredible place until the weather told us that it was time to move on wow okay so we waited the rain out by the highest reviewed cats on Google Maps that's right these are some fstar Fel lines that you're looking at once the rain L up we could see and hear Singapore's oldest Hindu temple I mean it's right next door and they were making preparations for the biggest Festival of the Year [Music] Devol we've seen quite a bit already but I think we're getting a little bit a little peckish so we're going to stop in for some food this is one of Singapore's 119 legendary Hawker centers just filled to the brim with safe delicious affordable food from all over the world each one of these 13,000 hawker stalls around Singapore specializes in something usually one or two dishes that they are well known for and do better than anyone else it's been a few hours and we haven't had Charo tow yet so I'm going to get some of that we're at the Chinatown complex and our favorite stall here is this charqui tow place they serve it with cockal and Char with the fire of a thousand suns and a walk so experience that it's probably older than the person cooking with it it's beautiful charred spicy delicious and somehow only $3 us just like flat rice noodles stir fried and just walked out I don't know how to say that better just stir fried up in a walk and I love the sound I love the sound of the metal against the walk good food being made here m so Savory so good what' you get chicken rice time the national dish of Singapore right here $33.50 Singapore which is like two and a bit dollars US gets you all this food and this soup and this awesome spicy sauce stuff that they got show Hawker centers like this I mean you better get used to them if you're watching we're going to be at these places a lot are in my opinion where all the good food is in Singapore we're finishing up and we're going to return our trees at the little stalls and I'm looking at a nonh Halal stall so that we can keep the the trays and the meat that are nonh Halal separate from the Halal stalls that's just so that's just so cool we are in Chinatown but everywhere we walk we've seen Malaysian food Indonesian food Chinese food Taiwanese food Indian food I mean we went to a mosque a Buddhist temple temples of all different kinds of faith and it just feels like from the visitor perspective it feels harmonious natural almost and I I can't remember a place that I've been to that felt just like that where all of these things coexisted and it was normal anyway you should definitely return your trays afterwards cuz it's the right thing to do and if you don't you'll get Ed what a great [Music] [Music] meal from Chinatown we walked around the marina to see the symbol of Singapore no not that one not that one either nope this one the merlon but he was out on holiday everyone needs a break sometimes even mythological uh fish lion creatures here's some stock footage of them when it's not uh resting or on vacation we made it to the marina and it is so pretty stopped raining and we are at quite possibly one of the most iconic spots in all of Singapore we've got the Marina Bay Sands Hotel which is impossibly large and wild with the boat on top and infinity pool maybe someday we'll be able to stay in it but it's really nice to just be on the water and see it we are going to walk all the way around and head to maybe the other most iconic spot here the super trees [Music] I always feel a little bit too unfancy to be in places like this but this place does have some pretty cool things like there's the fake Venetian canals that go through here some really cool artwork and and pretty fancy displays and and a pretty affordable good food court oh yeah and apparently a [Music] nightclub there they are this place is obviously totally free to go into besides the fact that you have to go through the gift shop that is the gigantic casino and mall and other stuff back there there are also paid experiences you can go through in here we showed those in previous videos what we're doing right now is we're just trying to get good seats for the show that happens every single night I think it happens at 7:45 and 8:45 every night okay it's almost time come to life and enjoy the [Music] show [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] that such a beautiful show like no matter how many times I see it it just makes my heart and my eyes cry uh we're going to head out of here take the train this way and um grab some food it's dinner time yep that's right off to Hawker Center number two of this video I mean you're going to see a lot more before we're done here but this one is my [Music] favorite I know it's really hot but there's something about soup and noodles in one ton that I just I'm [Music] craving giant plate of sauté I love this look at this huge portion of Curry it's all about the simple things in life meat on a stick never said that [Music] before back at the hotel now and yeah we forgot to tell you this is our hotel let's show you this is it we got two beds one two we got a shower over there pretty good it's pretty good pretty standard decent hotel we paid $64 for this per night we're in the gayong district which is known for a couple of things one really affordable cheap Budget Hotels like the one we're in and it's also it also happens to be the red light district but that being said we love the area it's really safe we you know avoid certain streets and we have a lot of access to really really good food nearby like really really good food anyway that's it for tonight see you tomorrow right yeah humidity is just nuts here how's that oh yeah back to Old Airport Road time to see what they have for breakfast thank you me minut good morning from our old familiar friend Old Airport Road Hawker Center where we are taking part in some very strong coffee and about to eat some very delicious Singaporean breakfast uh yesterday was super jam-packed and really fun but today we are equally excited because we're going to see a lot of different size to Singapore that we didn't get to see yesterday yes wow that's a lot of bread I got me some Kaya toast K's coconut jam it's this nice like mixture between super sweet deliciousness and butter generally comes in green very common around Singapore delicious what' you get I got peanut butter bread it's just bread with peanut butter on top sliced into nice little cubes after a totally balanced and healthy meal of just literally all beige food it was off to bugus Junction in the nearby Arab Street please find the platform [Music] Gap I love this area Okay so this part of town between like bugus Junction and then lavender station just a little bit to the north all the way over to Little India is so like vibrant and fill with life and incredible smells and sounds and colors and it's just so much to love about this place we're going to head up to the Sut mosque which I think it's right behind us over there how are you the mosque welcomed Us in with some visitor Garb there were no videos allowed but photos are so so here's some of those of this peaceful absolutely beautiful place I think I've never been in a mosque before everyone there was super friendly it was so interesting and and beautiful to look at everyone's so welcoming it just cool to I don't know to learn a little bit more about a different culture and different religion that I honestly didn't know too much about until today okay so now we're at Lane which is the area just like one Street south of Arab Street and this is definitely like the nightlife area at night tons of good happy Ard D this place is kind of insane every single night in a very good way and then during the day it's it's kind of a chill Cafe Street which is what we're getting right now tons of great vintage shops here as well but if you're like staying in this area staying in a hostel or one of the hotels nearby this is where you come at night okay so now we've made it to the Mustafa Center which is kind of like the north side of Little India they have everything here everything you can possibly think of and our Quest here is going to be to find the weirdest thing amongst a place filled with incredibly esoteric just wonderful [Music] things tolerance chicken be careful of the words you say keep them soft and sweet you never know from day to day which ones you'll have to eat and then we finally made it to the heart of Little India and just wow okay we made it to tekka Center which is the Hawker center that is in the middle of Little India and I'm really really excited because I've been looking forward to this all trip long we're going to we're going to have some tasty Indian food [Music] now I think we need something to scoop this up [Music] with [Music] I think all of this together was like $11 us which is just incredible mutton briani woo that's so tender and so spicy I've been dreaming about this Hawker Center and the food for years now so good favorite one hands [Music] down we are now walking just a couple of blocks down the street and honestly I think this is one of my favorite parts of Singapore we could leave Little India and now just be [Music] here we made our way down past Fort Canning Park and along the river until we were reminded that it was in fact the happiest of [Music] ours okay we found this place that has tinw and tiger beers for like three to four bucks it's overlooking the water sweet view of the Marina Bay Sands so peaceful here I'm sure it gets a little bit Wilder later on the night but I think we're here right at the right time it's like 5 [Music] that was a perfect stop okay I know this is going to come as a total surprise but we're heading to another Hawker Center [Music] yes look like everybody's getting off of work now and uh I'm starting to feel extremely underdressed we're right in the downtown area surrounded by like 60 story buildings everywhere you look it's absolutely beautiful and I absolutely feel like I don't fit in look my stupid backpack La pasat is probably the fanciest of all the Hawker centers in Singapore which means that everything is like one or $2 more but they also have much more variety than [Music] most I couldn't decide on what to get so like the smart small business owner that I am I did some Outsourcing okay give me two numbers two and seven give me two numbers one between one and 50 okay 42 and then one between one and 20 18 okay so I'm going to go to the 42nd stall you said 42 right and then to the 18th thing on their menu and that's what I'm going to order everything here is good this is going to be great uh which way should I start which direction I don't know this says seven okay I'm going to start this way and I'm going to work my way around so I wandered and I wandered showing off my incredible grade school counting ability thanks Mrs Leonard 5 6 7 8 okay 9 10 11 12 13 man there's so many stalls here this is awesome 33 34 35 5 36 37 38 39 until finally okay so slight problem uh 42 is actually a coffee shop which only serves things that I'm literally allergic to which is coffee so we're going to go to 41 maybe 40 can I get a number 18 please the chili garlic NOS the chili garlic NOS you don't have okay so I tried to go order that thing and they don't have it they don't have the number 18 at that restaurant so I'm just going to try the one right next to it it's turned out to be harder than I [Music] thought okay so I ended up with the clay pot chicken rice is what I got here this stuff looks so good oh my God that's good you got to try this got the MEO I think it's apparently the the first Michelin bee Boron place here I don't know what that means I'm going to look it up but I already got soup all over me so you know it's meal it's a really good meal I mean this place is I think Singapore's oldest wet Market it's been around for 150 plus years surrounded by skyscrapers everywhere and and it's still maintained it's beautiful interiors and I don't know there's something special about this place that feels like it's holding on to tradition holding on to the old almost like protecting the old even though all this new has moved in we just made it to the Marina Bay Sands Hotel area and we made it just in time because now we're going to watch light show I mean today was an incredible day but this light show is such an awesome freeway to cap off the night here in [Music] Singapore [Music] polite golf claps that was awesome got a little wet here that was awesome that was awesome was that awesome that was awesome this place right here is without a doubt my favorite place in all of Singapore these little like weird wooden lounge chairs that they just have sat out here I remember the first time I came here just like young kid from Wisconsin in the middle of nowhere made it all the way out to Singapore here I'd never seen anything like this and I remember going and seeing that light show like we just did and then coming out here grabbing a beer and just laying back in these chairs and I sat here for hours and I remember thinking like how could a city possibly be this beautiful also yeah I mean that blew my mind as well the fact that you could just drink a beer in public [Music] here nerding out right now we are on the helix are the Double Helix Bridge this walkway even has the four bases GC a t for guanine cytosine and a for adenine thyine the four bases of DNA so cool nerding out bye just on the other side of the Helix bridg is my favorite man in all of [Music] Singapore just a slab of peppermint chocolate chip spce cream of the best kind two Wafers right in between look at that let me get my face up look at it's just you know I know I've said this before probably in the same video probably no more than 10 minutes ago it's really about the simple things also this uncle has been here forever I think it's the same guy when I first came here back in 2012 I think it's the same guy I love it got to protect this tradition if you're here the other side of the Helix Bridge another Perfect Day in Singapore more Hawker centers 13 more miles of walking watching the light show getting all nostalgic and visiting the ice cream man day three coming right [Music] up let's [Music] [Music] go okay so we are out at H park right now and I figured that since we spent the last couple days doing mostly like City stuff it was time to do more natury stuff we're going to start from here and we're going to walk all the way across this super cool Bridge through the thing that I totally remember the name of through the southern ridges all the way to the absolutely iconic Henderson waves and then finishing up on the park on the other [Music] end [Music] would recommend it's very beautiful it's so green and the Aesthetics here are so beautiful so green it's so green did I say it was green it's green WRA it up with another walking behind shop check it out walking it was a beautiful hike and just the perfect way to start out a day I think I would have started a couple hours earlier if I could do it again but uh we are warm and hungry which means we're heading to of course another mall but then we saw this magical [Music] thing that is so cool I just have fresh orange juice machines right on the street tap for straw tap [Music] okay so now we're at suntech city which is home to the Fountain of wealth which is which used to be the biggest water fountain in the world now it's the third biggest uh two in the desert were made that are much much bigger than this like Dubai and Saudi Arabia I don't know why [Music] the reason that we're here is because all the stuff lining it on the inside you can kind of see all these glass things this is just a gigantic food court filled to the brim with deliciousness there were just too many to decide so I once again tapped into my middle management skills and did some more Outsourcing okay so there's 18 total stalls so give me a number between 1 and 18 12 okay and then give me number between 1 and 10 seven okay so 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 9 10 [Music] 11 I definitely know what I got for sure smells good delicious delicious way too hot continuing proof that anything that you order here will be delicious no matter what I went with an oldie but a goodie soy sauce chicken rice [Music] baby Lisa is recording lots of train footage just every door opening closing door opening closing all over for your viewing pleasure please the yeah to continue our day of naturey Adventures we decided to embark on a grand Quest continue to unlock oh yeah I forgot I forgot I almost Domino affect all those bikes that would have been bad biking all the way back to the [Music] airport this is all bike paast all this is so cool and there's like nobody out here what we found on the way was just endless kilometers and miles of some of the most beautiful flat and well-maintained bicycle paths anywhere on planet Earth Singapore has 525 km of bike trail I mean for context the whole country is only 50 km wide and 30 km tall and apparently they're going to Triple that amount of bike trails in the next few years this is so cool all of this is dedicated bike pedestrian path like it's incredibly beautiful there's stops along the way it feels so safe and just protected and so green we even saw a monkey just hanging [Music] out then we happen upon this super cool wake boarding Park I mean we definitely got to try this next time we come even though we'll for sure not be as good as these guys were [Music] that is awesome you getting hungry yes I think we're almost to the Haw Center let's [Music] go this place is so awesome it's right on the water and it smells like really good fate everywhere and the bike path is literally right next door [Music] once again there were far too many good choices to be able to make a decision but this time instead of Outsourcing I just bought everything this day was turning out to just be a perfect conglomeration of all the things that I love do you guys know I like french fries how's it guys I'm doing I've never tried this before this papaya and I was suckered in by the guy saying that in 2017 some newspaper that I've never heard of rated him as the best papaya in all of Singapore which I totally believe did you just see all like the newspaper stuff they had in front whoa I don't know what's in this it's like a little sweet and peanutty tons of vegetables it's really good it's like a tasty veggy burrito I know that that's that's incorrect but it is it's very good I got Hulen pra fried noodles this delectible mix of I think different kinds of noodles with egg and prawns so good the spice is right the noodle mixture is very interesting to me I really like it yay I am loving this day so far it smells like durian that place was awesome and everything here is so so green this park is incredible everywhere you look there just trees and beautiful beautiful nature everywhere and the thing that I just can't get over I mean we spent the morning hiking in the the heart of Singapore and it was incredibly green amongst all this all the skyscrapers cuz even the buses here are electric and they're painted green buildings skyscrapers with Greenery everywhere I read that Singapore has legislation that makes anyone who's building something new they have to replace any Greenery that they got rid of in the development of the building that's so cool it's so cool after watching a few planes roll in it was time to enter the absolutely terrifying chongi Jurassic mile oh my God real dinosaurs almost there we had made it past the dinosaurs and to our final destination the airport Hello friends that's so cool when was the last time you biked to an airport it like brought us all the way to the airport we're at Terminal 4 and it's cold water too this is such a luxury my turn sorry so incredible I've never thought about biking to an airport but now that I now that that we've done it I would tired and hungry we made our way back to an old [Music] friend I got some pork rib pork rib soup this is good comfort food so tender reminds me of my dad's cooking Shong bow oh look at that little dragon dumpling right there that is super hot I cannot eat that yet you know while I'm waiting for the shaolong bow to cool down which it'll probably be a little while there's something that I keep noticing everywhere that we go and especially in the Hawker centers is that it's everybody's job here to keep things clean and I think for the most part pretty much everyone does obviously in these Hawker centers this place would turned to Absolute chaos trash everywhere stuff everywhere people didn't take their trays up and put them away the unsung heroes of this whole place are really the stewards that you see just like going around picking up all of the various like foods from people doing the dishes bringing the dishes back they're obviously incredible but they do have some help and we see this everywhere that we go like big old pil of trash Guy picked it up wasn't even his picked it up put it in the trash and I just love seeing that like extension of everyone feeling like they should take care of Singapore that just makes me so happy to see and just gives me like faith in humanity it's such a simple [Music] thing [Music] today's our last day in Singapore but our plane doesn't leave until later so that means we have just enough time for one more Adventure tow sunscreen that see if we leave the camera in the room and then hit record and then leave that it looks like we got a whole camera crew and stuff like that or and but we just we really just got to come back and get it every time we do it so that's yeah let's [Music] go some preparations are required for our little Adventure today what'd you get got some spring rolls got some eggs where is everybody do they know something that we don't Marina South Pier this TR service ends here passengers things started to feel a little weird on the way there was no one else around nobody in the train nobody in the station just nobody we started to wonder if what we had planned was a good idea or even a real thing once we made it to the pier and we saw the boats nearly running into each other all the food stalls coffee in a bag and we picked up our fairy tickets we realized that Not only was it a good idea it was the best idea we'd had all trip it's a coffee and a bag a coffee in a bag [Music] by whoa and a short but beautiful 20 minutes later we spotted land oh my goodness we just got to one of the islands outside of Singapore called St John's Island and it is Mega beautiful super super remote there's nobody out here we did see a lizard like thing and that was about it so today's our last day here in Singapore but we had the full day available so we wanted to get outside and see a different part of Singapore that we've never seen before so we are walking across now to Lazareth [Music] [Music] Island [Music] [Music] we are live in the dream right now Singapore dream that's for sure would you like a suai from 7 you sure am I remote island beautiful beach I mean there boats everywhere this place is incredibly incredibly well connected and we just got here within half an hour just want to quote Steven Huff for a second there are two types of people in this world people that like spring rolls and Liars really good [Music] our flight is leaving in 4 hours so unfortunately it's time to head back finish packing and get on a plane but there was one big thing stopping us close [Music] [Music] call okay packed up ready to go on our way we noticed something weird it was super busy and everyone else heading to the airport didn't have any luggage more on that later we made it to the airport with time to spare so we got to enjoy all the Finer Things that this place has to [Music] offer we wandered to the butterfly G Garden we went to a lounge to have our last Singaporean meal what' you get this may be the only time that I can actually have chili crab cuz it came with the lounge we even caught a showing at the free movie theater and we started realizing that Singapore has done the impossible they've made an airport awesome enough that people come here to just hang out on their weekends turns out that's what all the people from the the train we're doing there are so many people here today and all of these people came off the train with us no suitcase or backpack I mean can you really imagine going to your local airport just to hang out on a Saturday it's like a party it was equal parts baffling and wonderful to see so many people just enjoying their home I mean I get it in just three and a bit days we ate Michelin rated food for $3 biked all the way to the airport dodging dangerous dinosaurs took a 20-minute fairy to eat egg rolls on a remote beach got all teary eyed while watching a tree based light show saw breathtaking temples and mosques got fresh squeezed orange juice from a magical vending machine got all nostalgic about chairs with beautiful views and nearby water shows had happy hour right on a river saw this guy eight incredible dim suum and were shuttled around to all of it by Cheap comfortable fast air conditioned trains I mean I get it now why no one was coming to the airport to leave because where else has all of [Music] there
Channel: Lisa and Josh
Views: 164,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, adventure, lisa and josh, josh and lisa, lisa josh, josh lisa
Id: MocePP5WBW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 52sec (2872 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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