How to spend 48 hours in HONG KONG ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ฐ (essential travel guide + tips)

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hey it's phbe and today I'm in very windy Hong Kong a vibrant Metropolis buzzing with energy and culture Hong Kong is renowned for its iconic Skyline adorned with towering skyscrapers and glittering lights from the bustling markets of monok and Serene temples tucked away in local streets to Innovation and Modern Marvels Hong Kong offers a tapestry of experiences just waiting to be explored and today that's exactly what we're going to do in this episode we'll be uncovering culinary Delights mustto experiences and trying a few top rated activities to find out if they're really worth it let's go all right generally speaking there are two main sides to Hong Kong you have the Calon Island side and the Hong Kong Island side now we are staying on the Calon Island side so we're going to explore that tomorrow but today we're going across to the Hong Kong Island side and to get there we're catching the star fa let's go it's hard to stay real in a world full of fakes it's hard to find truth when the liar are great I'm trying my best to stay out of your way oh well oh well you talk a big talk but got nothing to say you hold your head high but your morals to fade I know you feel cool but you bubble break oh well the Star Fairy is a really great way to get from one side to the other but the ride is kind of short I wish it was a little bit longer but it is a really great way to get some extra sightseeing in now you guys I got an octopus car which is the public transport card and it's made my life a lot easier I can tap onto the bus the train even the staff bu with it I pre purchased mine online with cluke I'll have a link below for you I just collected the card to the airport it was really easy to find the kiosk and it comes pre-loaded 50 Hong Kong credit on it for you now if you don't want one of these you're not going to get one that's fine you can use cash to get on the Star Fairy you just have to pre- purchase your tickets at the vending machine so make sure you have cash and I think some coins will probably be your best bet a big talk but got nothing to say you hold your head high but your morals to fade I know you feel cool but you bubble break oh well oh well you can walk into the room and there we try to be like you but I'm not going to sell Hong Kong is famous for really good food and apparently one of the things you absolutely must try are egg tards and everything I research said the best egg tards in Hong Kong come from Bak house but You' going to get there early or there's a really big cure I didn't get here early I got here at midday and there was a big queue and I don't even know if these things are going to be worth it but I joined the queue anyway because one of us has got to do it now it only took me about 15 minutes so I don't think the queue was really that bad and look the egg Tarts look great now that Bakery looks amazing in general everything in there looks really good and if I was here with a couple of friends I absolutely would have gotten more stuff but I just got the egg tart now a quick disclaimer I can already feel the eye rolls that are about to happen here I don't like eggy desserts pause for effect I'm buying the egg TTS because I love you guys I want to know if they really are good and here's the thing is somebody who hates eggy desserts AKA creme Bret stuff like that if I like these then we know they're really really good even if I don't like them I think I can be objective enough um so let's give it a go here it is this is about 12 Hong Kong dollars each for one I got the guide to choose the most Brown looking ones on top that's going to be the best shot of liking it and apparently the reason they're so good is because the crust is sourdough I love sourdough so God I really hope I really hope I like this I've got a coffee to wash it down if I don't I actually really like that they're actually really delicious and I would say it is worth queuing up for them I'm surprised I also got a coffee let's see if the coffee is any good this is my first coffee of the day so this is a really important one yeah the coffee is really good too smile so all you LU on what up you're always on the what up I mean to me what up was I not the one you up no no no cuz the life you live never be enough why don't you stop for a minute just relax yourself This Moment will never come back again it s you never thought I was good enough but I called your Ace your kingdom and it's all a love it's all a love it's all a love Victoria Peak is another of Hong Kong's absolute must do and there are a few ways you can get up here but I think the best way is the Peak Tram now I thought ahead and pre-booked my tickets with clue so I got to skip the really long queue which gave me a better position on the tram um I will have a link for you below so you can reebook your tickets as well it just makes it so much easier you scan the QR code and you go straight up and the ride up is really lovely it's so seep so scenic it is just a really cool way to get up here now my ticket also included entrance to the sky ter which is where I am right now um and I'm trying to take in the very best views of Hong Kong although it is a little bit overcast today so if you do get the chance to kind of choose a day you might want to try and come up here when the weather is nice and clear but the weather today is windy my hair is doing oh my gosh I look like an octopus I look like an octopus my hair is doing the craziest things today it's not even funny I've seen some people laughing at me while I've been trying to film and I don't blame them I look absolutely insane um and one tip for you I'm here in Spring and the weather today has been a little bit cool so I found jeans and a jumper to be really appropriate for today's [Music] [Applause] weather [Music] this afternoon we find ourselves exploring lunai um but before we have a look around I just need to sit down and have a drink for a minute and it was way too late in the day for coffee um so I found this little spot called s we of missing out instead of fomo Joo so cute and I've taken Ling to matcha lately thanks Japan you really put me on to it it's the perfect afternoon treat when you want a hot drink but you don't want a tea but you can't have coffee too late campire that is tasty I'm going to sit here have a little bit of a break let my legs have a rest cuz I've been doing a lot of walking today um and then let's go check out one chai and then let's get some food you got it you got it you got it you got it I know sometimes life can be [Music] tough and you feel like you're just heading enough when you're thinking everything is going wrong just remember that I'm here to cheer you on yeah I want to pick you up from the ground let you know that I'm always around cuz I know we can make we can it time for dinner I walked back to my hotel and I was like I'll just do a loop around the block and I'm sure I will find the perfect place I want something authentic I want something local and I want something that nobody really recommends something off the grid I found it maybe it found me I don't really know so I think I don't really know what it's called um I think it's called Beijing Dumpling House they don't have a website they don't have an Instagram they're totally off grid which is so cool the address is 17 Austin Avenue Sim I'll have that in the video description for you so you can find it if it's good but um the menu was entirely in Chinese awesome I had to use Google Translate like the camera thing to tell me if there was any vegetarian options for me and then when I got in here the the lovely lady that owns the place and runs it she speaks enough English that she could help me order and she's really taking great care of me so all right so to eat I've ordered scallion pancakes I remember having these when I was in bing and loving them and I've also ordered some dumplings but um let's start with a scallum pancake it's delicious now for dumplings I ordered the cabbage and mushroom and when I was ordering the lady asked how I wanted them cooked did I want them kind of like boiled and soupy or did I want them fried and I said you you choose whatever you think is best they've come out fried they look perfect though they're all like soft see how it's all soft around here but golden on the bottom they look incredible I I have a feeling this is about to be one of the best dumplings I've ever eaten I'm the only Gringo in here it's amazing that is so delicious you would not believe how good that is that's amazing The Filling is so flavorsome they cooked perfectly it was about 50 Hong Kong do which is about maybe just under 10 Australian dollars for eight of these B hi I'm really stand out in here oh that place was great I know I'm hopping on about it but I wanted to get a shot from outside too I really want you to find that although if two actually wait a minute if too many of you go you might ruin it the best thing about it was there was no other tourists in there and the food was amazing so um no actually block your eyes don't go there I don't recommend it I am now going to walk back to the hotel and I'm going to show you where I'm staying there are things I like about it and there are things I don't and I'm going to I'm going to unpack all of that with you let me stop by showing you let's talk about what I do and don't like about this hotel the things I do like about it it is simple it is comfortable and it is well priced it's also in a great location and there's lots of really good places to eat nearby it has been a really good base so far the things I don't like about it I think the room is a little bit tired or it's pretty tired I was trying to s in the blow there no it's really tired it needs a really good deep clean and just to freshen up you know there are some things that are appeeling some things that you know are broken like the you know like the people the I hold where you look through the front door the the thing that blocks people from being able to see in the into the room that's broken so someone's just shoved some toilet paper in there look I don't care because I knew what I was paying for but I just feel like I have to tell you so that you know if you book it you also know what he getting yourself into I'm going to go to sleep now um no I'm going to have a shower yeah shower put my pajamas um and then I'm going to go sleep and then tomorrow we're going to explore this side the S sh s cow Lon side um yeah I'm going to see what there is to see do and eat over here all right I'll see you in the morning it's a so it's so yeah it's a know catch catch sh it got a Vibe take me high by a up in the sky in the sky and I tried to run but we two turn up yeah she said take ride good morning you guys well I say good morning it's about 1:00 p.m. I slept in now we're about to go to our first activity and it's going to be combining a couple of really great things one is a cruise yes we love to go on the boat we love to go on a cruise and two it's a dim suum lunch cruise I mean come on Hong Kong is famous for dim suum I figured this is the perfect thing to do let's go check it [Music] out unless we let it grow forget about the best maybe we can make it last it's better when it's me and know no matter what I do we make last better no what I do make last it's better when I really H the dim Su cruise but look at my hair it's a really really windy day a really windy day I don't even know if you're going to be able to hear me let's hope that windshield on top of the microphone is doing its job if it is Road congratulations you guys got a hell of a product there the the filming degree of difficulty on this is a 9.9 all right let's um let's start with the rice oh no going everywhere the rice are good I got some greens I got garlic and ginger on them oh wait excitingly excitingly there's an egg T now as you know we had the world's best eggtart yesterday let's try this one and see how this One Compares no no I don't like that no that one's very eggy pastry is super buttery not my vibe if you like eggy buttery things you are going to love that but that's that's not for me that's not my preferred flavor profile Mochi we know Mochi oh my God it's full of something going everywhere this is so chaotic I cannot believe how chaotic this is I'm so sorry if you're new to watching this channel just disregard this SP it's not normally like this it's normally a lot more refined a lot more Scenic it's not me just hammering down food in a wind tunnel only yeah you're the only one person the cloud I want to shout up loud that you're the only one me one thing I really like about this side of town is exploring all the markets around the monck area so I caught the train which was really nice and easy super simple to navigate and I have my oyster car which made made it even easier um and made my way to the UMO Bird Street Market to start with and it is so beautiful there it I don't know what it is it just kind of looks like a movie set to me it's just absolutely gorgeous and after that I wandered along the Flower Street Market and the flowers there are so beautiful they have so many gorgeous Plants and Things I'm a little upset I'm leaving Hong Kong tomorrow or I probably would have treated myself to some really beautiful flowers probably should have done it anyway now I'm walking along fire in Street Market and it is bustling they are selling everything and anything here like stuff you didn't even know you needed there's all kinds of exotic fruits to try lots of cool local snacks so many clothes things for kids jewelries phone accessories like everything and what I love about it is you have all the apartment blocks lining either side of the street it's just so cool the whole thing is W well worth exploring um I'm going to keep wandering along this street there are a few other places I really want to check out on this side of town so let's use this as a starting point and then see what else there is around here yeah cuz nothing can really hurt us unless we let it forget about the past maybe we can make last it's better when it's me and you no matter what I do we make last better when no matter what I last when it is time for dinner I'm going to be really quiet cuz I want to be really respectful I'm at a traditional chaa tank you have to eat at one of these spots if you come to Hong Kong and I thought dinner was the perfect time to do that and I've come to one of the most iconic ones it's a spot called Mido Cafe now this place is beautiful it was open in the 1950s several movies have been filmed here the decor hasn't changed since it was open this place is iconic now one thing I want to say is there are a lot of signs up around the place that say no photos when I came in and I sat down I spoke to the owner and said hey I have a YouTube channel do I have your permission just to film myself I'll make sure I move and sit away where there's no one behind me I won't sit here taking a million influencer photos or anything like that but I would just love to share the experience and he gave me permission to do that so if you are going to come here just please keep that in mind um now the menu is very traditional everything looks amazing I asked the know what to get he recommended some phased eggplant and this beautiful f/ tofu situation it's come out it smells amazing um let's start with the eggplant that is delicious the eggplant is perfect it's extremely flavorsome it's cooked absolutely beautifully and let's try some of this bean good/ tofu I know this is going to be good I can smell it the gravy smells unreal in fact let's let's get some extra gravy on there that's delicious mm really good food now in addition to this kind of stuff you could try some of the traditional breakfast Delights that they have things like French toast um a really beautiful thick piece of toast with um condensed milk on it and butter um milk tea things like that they have all the macaroni kind of spam dishes it's it's all amazing it's so good and personally I love this place it's so beautiful inside I would love to show you more of it but I do really want to be very respectful um the daycor is just beautiful and you're up nice and high on the second floor one thing to note it is cash only so make sure you have cash if you come here all right I'm going to sit here and feast don't mind me what I do maybe we can make it last it's better when it's me and you I know that feeling We Say Goodbye until it hurts we're going to try one more thing I'm at the Temple Street Night Market and another must try food is the egg waffle I don't as covered I don't like an EG eggy dessert but I don't believe an egg waffle is necessarily an eggy thing I think it's more the shape of it egg waffle reveal bang um I I think it's just a waffle now I think I was a bit too hasty in my ordering I have a little bit of regret I ordered straight up chock chip which I'm happy about but they also have banana chalk chip which I would have preferred that would have been really good um this is$ 27 Hong Kong do and I got it from mamy pancake I did a lot of research on where to get a good one and a lot of people said mamy pancake is the place to do it so that's what I did that was a little bit of weight to get my hands on it worth it it's warm it's made fresh I'm happy to wait oh I like that you can break it off into individual little serves like that it's good but I do wish I gotten the banana it's a little more it's good I'm not saying it's not good it's a little more dry than I would have thought now you can pay an extra like 20 Hong Kong dollars and get it with ice cream if I had someone to share it with that's the move I'm not going to be able to eat this whole thing let alone this whole thing with the ice cream but I definitely think it needs a little moisture with it and I think the would have done that all right I had a really great couple of days exploring Hong Kong this is my second time coming here um the first time was a long time ago and I guess at the time I thought I was a pretty experienced traveler I think it was one of the first trips I ever really took after I quit my job that's how long ago it was maybe about 10 or 11 years ago and to come back now I realized how much of an experienced traveler I am I just feel so is and so comfortable here walking around filming exploring just wandering around these past 2 days I've had the best time um and hopefully you've gotten a whole lot of inspiration from all the things that you've seen me do now I'm here in Spring and the weather has been like a little bit of a mixed bag I've been wearing jeans in a jumper because I'm from Queensland in Australia and I don't like anything that's remotely cool so I'm all rugged up but if you were from Canada or somewhere like that you would think this weather was positively Army um in terms of cash interestingly I took a bunch of cash out before I came here because I just thought that I would have to pay cash for everything I've only us to use cash twice and that was at last night's dinner and tonight's dinner so if you were to eat at kind of bigger places not those super super local spots you would be able to get away with just having your card if you didn't want to take cash out um but other than that I think I put all my tips in the video for you I I really hope you've enjoyed it now if you don't already be sure to subscribe right now so you never miss a single episode and say hello in the comments below I hope you have a great weekend ahead and I will see you with a brand new episode next week love you
Channel: Travel For Phoebe
Views: 48,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, travel guide, travel tips, how to travel, hong kong, hong kong vlog, hong kong travel vlog, explore hong kong, hong kong food, hong kong food trip, hong kong food vlog, hong kong tips, victoria peak hong kong, mongkok hong kong, wan chai hong kong, kowloon, hong kong island, star ferry hong kong, hong kong cruise, man mo temple hong kong, hong kong street food, tsim sha tsui hong kong, hong kong cafe, solo travel hong kong, travel hong kong
Id: jQxaCklAzx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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