Our first time in Hong Kong Impressed us! We can't believe Hong Kong looks like this! 🇭🇰

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we're in Hong Kong let's go woohoo welcome to  one of Asia's most dynamic destinations City of   Dreams Hong Kong is a perfect blend of century old  traditions modern and stunning City skyscrapers   can't believe what this city looks like bustling  Street Markets and a Melting Pot of diverse   cultures yeah yeah yeah but what makes Hong Kong  so special today we're going to be discovering   some hidden gems absolutely spectacular and the  Foodies that we are we are going to be tasting   our way through Hong Kong and we're going to  be taking you along with us welcome to Hong Kong good morning from arguably the most stunning  harbours I have ever been to I cannot believe that we   get to be here so we have spent the last few  weeks traveling through Taiwan from north to   south eating lots of food riding bikes taking  trains even going on fairies and then we took   a short flight from from taipe and have arrived  in Hong Kong and I cannot tell you how excited   we are to be here there are probably a bunch more  reasons but here are the main three number one is   a little over 15 years ago my dad visited Hong  Kong for the first time and it's a city that   he loves so much so I just met my first friend  yeah yeah yeah where you from what's your name   my name is sh oh nice to meet you nice to meet  you nice to meet you you live in Hong Kong no   no no where you live from Harin oh where is that  China Harin oh you're from China yeah oh nice to   meet you thank you number two is Hong Kong  is filled with so many Traditions probably   dating back to centuries and centuries ago so  I'm really excited to see how traditional Hong   Kong really is and number three is before coming  here a lot of you guys told us that Hong Kong is   super expensive we're going to be telling you  all of our costs on this very short trip and   I'm so sad that it is indeed a very short  trip we're going to spend about 4 days in   Hong Kong which is sad as I'm standing by the  harbor it is just towering with skyscrapers   this is a city like no other and we've been  going to so many different cities this year   like Bangkok uh where have we been and we've  been to so many cities this year like Bangkok   like koal Lampo like taipe where we've just been  with this it is absolutely breathtaking another   friend where you from uh n you're from Beijing  you're from Beijing Beijing nice to meet you FR nice to meet you both thank you you oh thank  you byebye see you see you bye bye Hong Kong is   a jam-packed city of over 8,000 skyscrapers  with 7 and 1/2 million people packed into   this place making it one of the most condensed  cities on the planet and just by looking at it   it kind of gives me a feeling like I'm in Monaco  or something so maybe this is the Monaco of Asia   you'll have to let me know what you think about  that Hong Kong means fragrant Harbor which is   so fitting and we've started here in Victoria  Harbor on Hong Kong Island we're in Hong Kong   yeah I can't believe it I never pictured myself  in a city like this it's absolutely fascinating   it's so like you know like it's I don't  know I'm speechless when we first arrived   at this Harbor last night I had goosebumps  everywhere so let's go explore day one of Hong Kong first thing you notice as soon  as you walk down any street is these   skyscrapers that are towering over the  road that's how it feels so even though   we're walking on a pedestrian walk it feels  like the tower is like going to fall on top   of us which is kind of crazy I don't think  I've ever been to a city that is so compact oh look the tram is coming as we've got  onto the Main Street we're seeing all   forms of transportation like these double  decker trams I've never seen this in any   other city and you've got an old style  tram but they branded with new modern Brands look how cool it is it's even  open air so you can like watch you can   see what's going on while you cruising  through the city we got these really   old style taxis they look like they're from  the 1900s and then you've got modern Teslas   you've got electric cars you've got  buses and all sorts of Transportation   plus so many people walking around on the  streets there is such an atmosphere in the city despite the them looking cool we're  going to actually need to figure out how   to get on one of those to head to our next  place which is Causeway Bay I'm not sure if   you can actually take the Tria there so we're  going to have to figure that out it's day one W this is madness there are a lot of people  in Hong Kong I don't think I've ever been on a   crosswalk with so many people before and it's  midday what's happening we've been traveling   full-time for the past 4 years and from the  outside it might look like this but on the   inside it really looks like this so we decided  to switch the plastic bottles to Kit shampoo and   conditioner bars we wanted to thank kage for  sponsoring this video as they cater so well   to Travelers like us living from hotel room to  hotel room and using noname brand shampoos make   my hair look really dry and really gross but  since I switched to Kit my hair is stronger   shiny and silky smooth they are super convenient  to travel with with and they're so much better   for the environment since they're completely  vegan cruelty-free with no sulfates parabens   or phades when we settle into a place we use  our shower caddy and they dry super quickly or   when we're on the go we use our hang dry bags  the shampoo is also high quality and gives   an excellent leather one bar is equal to 100  washers that's two bottles worth my favorite   is the sheer butter bar it's high in amino acids  and vitamins it smells Divine removing all the   frizz and giving more shine and softness you  can still feel beautiful even on travel days   plus if you use our code Chev andev you can  get 25% off your first order kit also ships   to the US and 27 other countries like the UK  Canada Australia New Zealand and more and get   the subscription for an even better discount click  the link in the description below okay back to the video I've just seen that they stop in the middle  cuz I was like they only use use the middle rails   but there's a little stopping point there so  I think we should go and catch it over there   let's do it my girl let's do it look how crazy  this city looks behind you it looks like the   buildings are bending over the road it really  does that gives you an idea we aren't sure how   to do this but we're going to figure it out so  we've come to the center of the road and here   are the train tram tracks here it is I think  we get on this one I think so I think so it   looks so cool there's a conductor hello we can  go on any one we like this one's full oh it says   look Fair adult three child one senior citizen  one so three $3 there's so many which one you choose it's just stand end of  Here Comes one so here are the   tram tracks and here's our trap this  is it is this us go is this one ours   yeah I guess we go I guess we get  on so you get on the back of the track this is so cool you can see the next one so let me give you a 5-second tra  tour next is Street we're on the upper   deck there's one seat on this side two  seats on this side and it's completely   open air so we can stick our hand or our  head out the window woohoo and there's open   Windows the entire way around so we can  see out the back and we can see out the front wow this is awesome we're  in Hong Kong let's go woohoo I   honestly think I would do this all  day long just go back and forth up   and down these lines and you can see  how many people there are everywhere so the tram cost three3 Hong Kong dollar  per person and it goes all the way Along   on these train tracks and it's so cool cuz  you can see all the trams are lining up I   can even see them lining up all the way  there in the front this really shows you   what I was talking about you've got these  giant buildings behind us and then you've   got these old style TRS in the middle  of the streets they all have different   advertisements on and it's so much fun  I can't believe how affordable it is so   we're slowly ticking off and seeing what is  Affordable and what is expensive here in Hong Kong this gives you an idea of how many  trams there are all lined up so we're   stopped kind of in a tram traffic jam  we're in a tram Jam a tram Jam a tram   Jam these trams are actually called  ding-dings because of the sound that   they make so they make a sound like  ding ding and then you know the tra's coming I've never taken a transport like  this before no this is the first time   and it's right between the buildings  and you can just stick your head out   you get the fresh air also these are  totally electrical so really carbon   carbon conscious calmon conscious very  green the next St is patteron food I BL tear can't believe what this city looks like it's unbelievable and just like that TR trip is  over we're going to have to do that again thank you okay okay that was so seamless so easy  easy so fun one of the best experiences   I've ever had in fact it's such a  really good first impression of Hong Kong things to know about the tra  get on on the back you pay when you   leave and you just have lots of  fun that's it you just enjoy the ride okay I think we are officially entering  the modern more designer shopping streets so   this Causeway Bay is known as sort of the  retail heart of Hong Kong there's Chanel   there's her there's all the popular brands I  even see jollybee there's even a jollybee to   all my Filipinos there is a jollybee in  Hong Kong and this is definitely a more   business center lots of people in formal  attire business wear and it's very very busy wo this is crazy now this is next level this  is probably one of the most insane shopping strips   we have ever been on there's Alexander McQueen  and Balenciaga behind me we definitely don't fit   in here I think we fit more into the orange green  and red if you know what I mean do you know what I mean oh no 7eleven that's where  we were last that's our play $1   meal I don't even want to know what these  things cost all I know is I can afford 70 L so we found one of these high-end Brands  I have no idea how to pronounce it gucky   Goosey so we're going to go and go inside  Goosey and we're going to try and how are   you doing that with a straight face I'm so  curious to know what something cost in the   Gucci store here in Hong Kong so I'm going to  go in and I'm going to find one thing and I'm   going to tell you the price of of it and  then I'm going to walk out Okay so we've   been walking in and out nothing has a price on  that's when you know you don't want to know the price the architecture of these buildings is  something like I've never seen before they are   perfectly symmetrical and normally when you go to  other cities each building has a different shape   where here every single one is exactly the same  hundreds of perfectly long Square shaped commune   buildings and apartment buildings her I see the  harbors over there so maybe we can go and check   it out I don't know what it is about water and  buildings being together but it's really really   nice to just see and relax and oh they have coffee  here you want to get a coffee sorry sorry what we   actually like to do in every country is talk about  a coffee currency so we compare the price of the   coffee in every country and then we can kind of  decide if that's an expensive country or not the   cappuccino here is 36 Hong Kong dollars is that  expensive can you do a conversion quick math yeah   I think we can do it okay so how much is it$ I  only know in thaad okay what is it in thaad our   brains work in thaad because we used to live in  Thailand for 2 years 1880 180 bars Okay so we've   worked out it's four American us or 4 and a half  right that is an expensive coffee we're used to   maybe one or two maximum $3 for a coffee let me  introduce you to something called Girl math if we   take a cheap mode of transportation that cost  us three cuz we would have been saving on all   of that transportation we have enough money for  coffee makes sense to me also if your boyfriend   pays it's free girl M that true my go yes okay  hello you want to eight on what SM on um eight   please thank you so not only is it a coffee  shop but also a really beautiful Boutique so   so far $3 on a tram and 36 on a coffee the rest  of the dollars on a coffee we have no more that's it we got the coffee shop and boutique  but it's right on the street and this   is the only chair we get to look at the cool  atmosphere and drink a very expensive coffee   worked hard for my coffee coffee is strong  here it's really good I think it's safe to   say that it was worth putting money in  the coffee pot it's nice to like taste   the coffee in each country that we go to  Hong Kong good Cofe I just realized that   the coffee cup says beautiful ladies on I  guess that make sense since we're at a shop   called her but this is what I've been drinking  pretty good though it's my kind of shop sorry for just to like be in this world and fully  immerse ourselves in Hong Kong has been so   great we haven't really been doing much and  to add on to that there's so many different   levels to Hong Kong so let me show you what  I mean so we have the ground floor beneath us   is the Metro then we have shops here there's  restaurants there then apartment buildings so   not only do you look where you're going but you  need to be looking above you below you there's   so much to see all in one place like you just  got to keep looking it's like sensory overload when you hear that sound you know it's time  to cross it's the sound of Hong Kong yeah   that is the sound of Hong Kong we're  crossing we're crossing got to watch   where you're going watch where you going which  way are we going this way East we are we going east it's actually Madness what's going on here  we got buses we got TRS people everywhere below   us is the Metro right now where are we girl I was  just thinking about when my dad was here probably   close to 20 years ago and I remember seeing  pictures of the same taxi but yet I'm in the   most modern Metropolis ever it's like a city  that's trapped in the 1920s and also 20150 a   total contrast but it kind of works in one city  that's kind of amazing actually so we've been   playing this game which is like count the Teslas  just because we've seen so many here so many   electric cars in total and oh there's another one  as I say it and we just saw some lady get out the   back of it with her pet this is crazy obviously  you can get Uber black which is more of a luxury   car but you can also get Uber pet if you want to  go in a luxury car with your pet in the back you   can we're hungry right now when it's lunchtime  we want to go and get some food so instead of   taking the tram maybe we can get an Uber black or  a luxury car to take us to lunch did you hear him   correctly he wants to get an Uber Tesla to go  and have lunch which is a 10-minute walkway I   think that's what Hong Kong does to you it just  makes you want to like do Luxury things this is   not in our budget just saying and Uber black is  100 Hong Kong dollars for like a 4minute ride oh   that's insane that is insane that is crazy okay  can I just say that we've been walking the entire   day because we did not want to take a taxi and  now de's like we should just take an Uber Tesla   what there's something wrong with us Hong Kong  does something to you do you see all the cars   then you're like I want to go in one of them  we've never been in a Tesla and Elon Musk is   from South Africa where we're from so you can  choose what level of conversation you want the   driver to talk to you and you can choose what  temperature you want your ride to be I'm going   to book one I'm going to book it you're crazy  he's really doing it I'm nervous confirm pickup   where are we um here I'm here okay we got one  it's 1 minute away Tesla Model y okay I feel a   little bit silly for doing this but what an  experience we've never ever been in a Tesla   before and now we just get to take one as an Uber  for a whole 5 minutes and it costs a lot but I   think it's worth it it's happening I don't know  how to open the door how do how do you open the door hello wow this is crazy I can't believe what we're doing right now  but I think it's worth the experience it's really   clean and there's like a big screen you can  see what cars are next to you you can see the   car behind you smells great we've never been  been in an electric car before that's really cool byebye is it okay if I take a picture  thank you so much thank you wow that was   an experience wow that was crazy this was  all right yeah this was all right it's so beautiful bye-bye Am I Dreaming did we just do  that my mouth hurts because I was grinning the   whole time like 10 out of 10 experience it lasted  5 minutes but it was so enjoyable we could have   walked here but worth it I'm sorry it was worth  it oh this looks nice oh wo what is this W ma   yummy food one two w it has seven Michelin stars  okay it's obviously a Nob brainer we have to eat   here right um well everything is in Chinese but  it looks like they have soups they have dumplings   well if everything's in Chinese and it's local  guide It's Anor we have to eat here we really   have stumbled upon this we just asked the Uber  driver to take us to a area and he literally   dropped us there and we just decided to walk  through some construction and this is where   we came to Mai yummy food okay let's do this  I don't know what we're going to be in for I'm   sure it'll be delicious we've just stumbled  upon the most hole in the wall inconspicuous   restaurant that's casually got seven Michelin  stars it's such a tiny little restaurant very   simple they got a counter here wooden table and  chairs and they're making dimsum and pot stickers   right behind me we get to see the whole process  okay so let's have a look at the menu um thank   you the entire menu oh wait it's got English hey  okay so now we know what to order so they've got   pot stickers they've got shalong bow they got  steam dumplings wons they got spicy sour noodle   soup we decided to get the pot stickers dumplings  with chili oil and the spicy and sour noodles who   what is this oh my goodness what did you order  what is this we have just received Michelin star   worthy seven times worthy lunch we've got the  pot stickers over here which are like normal   dumplings with pork inside and then you can see  they're really pan fried at the bottom and then   we have our monster noodle soup I think it's  got pork blood in here it's got mushrooms it's   got tofu and then over here we've got the mara  chili oil dumplings it's got chives it's got   that lovely dark Mara paste we can actually  see them making the dumplings in the back is   putting the pork filling inside and this is what  comes out first things first I have to go in on   the hot and sour soup it's kind of sticky and  tangy and I can already tell it's going to be sour M super flavorful wo the noodles are kind  of like rice noodles and then the tiny sauce   has like a really salty sweet sour flavor it's  really really yummy next up we're going to have   the chili oil and the Mala noodles and I'm going  to get a little bit of minced pork a little bit   of chives and one massive dumpling this is going  to be a big bite that is an explosion of flavor   for some reason my mouth is tingling and I don't  know why but I've got this weird sensation like   my lips and tongue or num I don't know what that  is we're going to have to Google it the filling is   super soft and flavorful and not spicy just like  kickstarts it's explosion in your mouth like a   bomb now I'm just going to add a little bit of  soy over here going to dip my little pan fried   pot sticker in my so perfectly flavorful pork  in the middle and the pan right crispy outer   layer is Heavenly dimsum actually originated  in the south of China which is where we are   right now and dimsum actually translates  to touch of heart one of my favorite foods ever I can totally understand why this place  has seven Michelin stickers outside its window   because the pop stickers alone deserve those  seven Michelin stickers we paid 84 Hong Kong   dollars for all free meals not too bad for  Michelin food $10 Michelin food we'll put   the link to this restaurant in the description  below that was an unbelievable meal there is a   spot here that's missing so I think it needs a  2023 sticker Michelin where you at because that   was hands down one of the best meals I've ever  had so now I think we're going to take a train   ride to a different part of Hong Kong which is  called monok and we're going to see the street   night markets we're going to see what the vibe  is like in a different area so we're going to   take the metro for two lines to get to monok  and we have to leave Hong Kong Island and go   to the mainland which is amazing that there  is a Metro from an island to the mainland mindblowing please find the  gap between the train and the platform we've just arrived in monok  this is a different district and we've   just seen this double story Adidas  building and we were talking about   price earlier we just saw a pair of shoes  for ,400 Hong Kong do so we didn't buy them just the feeling I'm getting with all  the cars giant screens behind me it kind of   has a New York feeling I've never been to New  York but this is what I would imagine it to be   like giant high-rise buildings and big screens  you always see the big screens in New York so   is this what New York is like when was the last  time you saw a telephone booth that is so crazy   here's all the giant Billboards it looks like  New York there's some street food with some   duck and then boom telephone wow it's bus it's  busy everywhere is this is the busiest we've   ever yeah so we've somehow stumbled into a night  market I'm not sure what's down here but lots of   people are going down and what's really special  is I told my grandmother today that we're in in   Hong Kong and she sent me a picture that she was  here in 1984 39 years ago she came to Hong Kong   and now we are here we're going to experience it  this street just like goes on and on and on lots   of bags on this side we got some jewelry toys  every single Street in Hong Kong is busy very good what have we stumbled upon here  our favorite pastime we were just   just in Taiwan and the claw machine  craze is crazy so we got hooked but   this is like a really cool one yeah  this is like look at these guys so tempting this street is called sneakers  street because it has all of your normal   Brands Adidas New Balance Nike there's only  sneakers look at all the brands Puma Adidas   Nike Converse New Balance so after roaming  the streets for a little while we ventured all   through Sneaker Town and most of those stores  were so tempting we had to like pry ourselves   out of the store to not buy anything but the  other thing that Hong Kong is famous for egg   TTS so we're going to try and look for some to  see if we can end our day on a very sweet note   found them ooh they look golden and toasty and  yummy can I have one egg TT egg T yes okay thank   you look how beautiful as notied sh thank you  thank you egg TT secure it cost us8 Hong Kong dollars look how glorious this looks and it  smells even better $8 of Heaven oh I wish you   could smell this so you may already recognize  this egg TT because we all maybe know it as   pastes stata which is a Portuguese egg TT  and if you didn't know this maau which is   right next door was colonized by the Portuguese  so that's why this is super super famous here   as well in Hong Kong in maau they caramelize  the top and here they don't I'm going to have   to bite it it's literally so fresh it's about  to like disintegrate in my hand holy poow oh   Lamborghinis and egg tots it is so crispy the  bottom pastry is super flaky the inside tastes   like heaven we have had the most unbelievable  first day here in Hong Kong bye with the egg tot what's the happiest place on Earth Disneyland  if you're a crazy Disney fan just like me get   ready for us to show you the inside of the  enchanting Hong Kong Disneyland let's do today   we're taking you on a magical Adventure where  dreams come to life and fairy tales unfold it   has been a childhood dream of mine to  visit Disneyland this is my first one   and I'm going to take you guys on a whirlwind  of an enchanting day wo let's go to Hong Kong Disneyland we took the train from  Hong Kong Island and then we got   on the Disney Express where the  entire train was Disney themed   the windows had little Mickey ears  and there was memorabilia inside the train and now we have just got through the  gates and this is the first thing that we   see beautiful little mini castle we got a  train going by we got Mickey and right now   it's October so the Halloween themed so I'm  sure we're going to see different pumpkins   and Halloween scary things throughout but we're  going to go straight through the entrance right   now and show you our first impression and go on  as many rides take as many pictures with Disney   characters I know this day is all about shev  but I think I'm way too excited as well it's   my first time going to Disneyland but de went  to the Disneyland in Orlando when he was a kid   how does it feel to be your second time my  first time even though I'm not a kid I still   feel like head oh my gosh look at this look at  where we are ever since I was a little kid I've   always dreamed of coming to Disneyland and at the  very young age of 27 I finally made it what you   doing this is unbelievable I can't actually  believe that I'm here it's like I've come home look at all these houses they call it  Disneyland and I can see it because we've just   walked into it feels like a different Universe  we're in a new town new land all the buildings   are different there's always music playing it  feels like we're in a Disney movie already we've   been walking around for a whole five minutes  and everybody is dressed to the max they've got   ears and it's super cool because they're playing  Halloween music and everything is Halloween themed   there's pumpkins everywhere they're playing kind  of eerie creepy music it's really a spectacular I'm a bit like overwhelmed it honestly  feels like I'm in a movie I'm in this   like Disney Village and people are going  crazy I'm glad I'm not the only Disney fan first store that we walked into is like a  merchandise store and people are going crazy   they're buying like Alice bands and toys teddies  I love that people are really in the Disney theme   look at the store holy moly just to show you one  of the shops and amount of memorabilia this is   only one of them for example so we got teddies we  got more teddies people are going crazy look at   the amount of people you got small sizes you got  key Rings teddies over there more teddies girls   losing her mind okay am I crazy look how cute  these look I need to be theme yes you have to   you look like a little buzney princess I look  like a Minnie Mouse you do you look adorable   should I get them or is that I think you should  get them you only go to Disneyland Hong Kong   once exactly I am officially in character I got  my little mousy loes and I am so ready for the   rest of the day we went into these merch shops  and it just felt so wrong to walk around without   having ears on now I feel like I fit in so we're  going to give you a little bit of the Del lay of   the land and then we pretty much have no idea  we have everything on the app which will show   you a little screen recording over here because  this place is so big we're going to need a lot   of time to figure out what's actually going on so  on this strip we've got Cinema looking buildings   we've got fake carees Starbucks Disney Starbucks  this is like my world I've officially entered   chel World that's how I feel if you ever want to  know what the meals are looking like about $100   and up and we've got cakes and cookies and this  is pretty much the merchandise Lane enjoy the   rest of your day here at Hong Kong Disneyland  so a lot of you guys don't actually know my   backstory but before I chose this crazy travel  lifestyle traveling the world this used to be   my home I used to live in this magical castle and  I used to sing with the birds and stroll through   the fields and wear lots of cute dresses but of  course choosing the travel lifestyle I to give   all of this up so it's really nice to be back  home again I used to live in this Castle oh really we're about to go on  our first ride and it's this   like orbit Planet spaceship thing it  looks so cool and I think we're up next this is our go here we go clipping go  cing we're sted let's do there better not be   here we I think we better hold W is our going  to like Elevate are we going to I don't want   hour to like lift up and do something weird  but this is really fun I'm having the best time I was just going out I was  just doing the up thing I was going w okay first ride done so I don't know if I'll be able to  give you a quick room tour today but I   stayed in the highest room of the tallest  tower that's where I used to stay right there okay so we're now waiting in line for the  Space Mountain ride and you can guess who   wanted to go on Space Mountain a high speed  roller coaster type ride in the dark with   sharp turns sudden drops and stop they said it  was a bit of a thrilling ride and I'm not like   the biggest fan of roller coasters so I feel  like my hand is already shaking that is so bad   we're already in the line so there's no turning  back now there's no way to go I'm I'm afraid we're on the hyperspace mountain right really nervous like oh my gosh that was  insane but that was the coolest ride ever there's   no way we could have recorded that wo how cool  was that that was insane SE the T So wor that   ride was scary but thrilling but we've been  on the world's most dangerous flight to look like and if we can go on that  we can go on anything this was   easy compared to that nothing compared to look CL was Disneyland supposed to be for me or  for you he is obsessed with all these little things I can go on I put the  criteria you can ride I can ride he fan gold way ex he's having the best time  I love Disney I thought Disney   was for me we're doing all all the  boy rides this is what we came from now to pay close attention to the  following safety information here we   go this is we're like right in front ready  okay stand by the door has malfunction you see just to be clear this is not part of the drawer oh get out of here go go WS you all have  one small but important job shrink between the   armor destroy the repeat shrink destroy  repeat got it we're now going on an end   man ride and you have guns so we have to shoot  wa the shoot pick up your blaster like I can't handle how was fun again that was fun I beat you  I win I win we're in some fantasy land we're in a   completely different world and what we're doing is  just exploring going to the different places and   admiring the beauty the art the architecture of  it all this is like a whole new Magic Castle the   attention to detail is unreal real this is It's a  small world so we're going to go on the ride right now so it's a small world it's one  of the most famous rides in all of   the Disneylands around the world and  it's a boat ride that's very iconic   so this is special besides being  really cool yeah this is really cool St honey it's actually kind of crazy how many  strollers there are here at Disneyland I   think there are more strollers than rides and  they're fancy ones too also apparently over   300,000 of these little ears are being sold  each year at Disneyland Hong Kong I kind of   think it's way more it feels good to sit  we've been having such an amazing day and   apparently Hong Kong Disneyland is the 14th  most visited Park in the entire world and if   you're wanting to know how affordable it is  is what the food costs what the water cost a   water costs us $30 Hong Kong doar a Coke is 35  and this hot dog is $55 Hong Kong this is the   most expensive Hot Dog we will ever have and  we're sharing one we spent all our money on   ears so we're sharing a hot dog let's see what  this actually looks like oh okay he's not too   badly sized quite a big dog not too bad so we're  going to share this and then back to the ride we've just been walking around Toy Story Land  where they've got giant sized sculptures of all   the toys woody there howy I'm Sher Rex  is there I'm a dinosaur what kind of a   toy are you Slinky is there and it just  brings back so many memories of being a   child watching those movies and everything  just comes to life around you lots of rides and now we've just come to Mystic Mana there might  be a little Museum of some artifacts on the inside   kind of like a ride attraction so we're going to  go inside it's amazing how realistic this house   is even though this is Mystic Mana I would  totally live in this house is this a SC hope not well I do hope you've enjoyed your visit  to Mystic Mana Jun by byebye so we are   now on our next ride which is a jungle  Cru yes there is a river in the middle of the truck all right say hello to us Happ and what an experience bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye by  in each part of the park they have a different   theme of music as well so this is very like  jungle mystical it's really cool tropical vibes okay the Sun is setting and I must admit  we are tired we are exhausted yeah we've really   tried our best to do anything and everything  that we could here at Disneyland and it kind   of seems like people have the same idea  they look absolutely exhausted especially   the people with children now the lights coming  out so we're going to wait until the show at   8:00 p.m. overall it's been an absolutely  unbelievable experience it really is a   Disneyland a magic land it is where dreams come  true it's the happiest place on earth I agree I agree you and we start our journey of  maau here at the Hong Kong Port   we're about to take this fairy for  an hour from Hong Kong Island to maau here we go hello good morning  25 thank you okay other side sit   thank you thank you good morning hello hello good morning okay bags go here okay we just got  settled into our Ferry the seats look very   very comfortable the turbo jet only takes about  an hour possibly less than an hour as opposed   to the bus ride which takes around 4 hours I  think we made a pretty good choice here and   we've got a window so hopefully we can see  our journey all the way to maau this is so   exciting I cannot believe believe we have already  left Hong Kong and headed to our next territory   which is so interesting and this is a giant Ferry  compared to some of the fairies that we've been   on in the Philippines and it's so interesting  because we had to go through immigration and   then get straight on a ferry and we're going  to go through immigration When we arrive in   maau feel so strange to go to a new country  for only 24 hours let's get comfy and go to maau what surprised me a lot about Hong Kong  is how blue the water is I don't know how big   this fairy is but I've counted there's about 21  rows and then 12 across so there's minimum 250   people on this fairy right now just to give you  an idea we paid $175 Hong Kong dollars for this   trip which is not bad because technically we're  going from one country to another within an hour   which is something we've never done before and  I would recommend taking the ferry because you   get snacks on board and drinks if you want and  you get beautiful views of the islands and the   mountains of Hong Kong the whole way along you  can take the bus but I think this is a much better option and just like that our fairy has docked  here in maau very seamless and easy trip we're   in a new country we're in a new country and  it literally took 1 hour that is so awesome   I'm really excited to be here to have the  Portuguese and Chinese Fusion together is   going to be magnic that's going to be crazy  that was the fairy that we just went on but   before the excitement begins we have to go through  immigration again to enter maau it's crazy that   we're already seeing Portuguese signs as well  as Chinese immigration was very very smooth   sailing we got 30 days automatically and first  impressions of maau um hotels that are gold and   casinos everywhere for the last 5 minutes we've  tried to look for a normal bus and by normal bus   I mean bus that's not a shuttle bus to one of  these really massive fancy hotels and of course   maau is known for its gambling we'll tell you  more about maau the gambling the history in a   little bit but first we need to get on this bus  and head into the city center I think we found   the right bus stop but the phas for all the  buses are $6 even though we are pretty much   in the gambling capital of Asia you can trust  Chev and Dev to take the $6 bus that is what   we're going to do we just looked on this sign  here there's buses like AP1 20 8 a whatever   and then our bus is number three and it comes  every 7 minutes we should be in the right spot I think okay we just got on the wrong bus try  again just now and you can see everything   is in English Chinese and Portuguese  amazing to just go 1 hour on the ferry   and now everything seems completely  different new currency now there's   new languages Portuguese everywhere it's  like I've left Asia and now I'm in Europe thank you we P now okay we made it on the  bus made it on the bus okay hang our six   okay thank you we're on the bus I'm not  sure how many stops we need to do but   this bus driver is going like crazy so we're  trying to hold on we haven't even found a seat yet okay we made it off the bus so we're going to  check into our hotel and then let's go and explore maau here's a quick little tour of where we're  staying in maau I can't actually believe it but   we thought we booked a little hotel but it  turns out to be an entire apartment we've   got TV fan Lounge area we've got this full-on  kitchen with a washer dryer Kettle sink and a   stove and we have a desk area this is our  bed we've got a whole view of the harbor I   think that might be a floating restaurant  I didn't know this I thought we book like   a tiny cubicle hotel room and we got this  entire apartment this place was $700 Hong   Kong do or maau currency it's the same which  is about $90 so I can't wait to go out and explore we were just walking down the street and  I think this gives you a true idea of what maau is   like so we've got old Chinese style buildings on  the left and right with these old apartments and   then you have this beautiful modern and massive  hotel right at the end of this strip as we were   looking at the hotel we stumbled upon this tiny  little sign that says coffee and it looks like   there's food so let's go check it out no way that  looks like a Prager roll because we're from South   Africa we love Prager rolls and I think we have  a bit of a Portuguese influence as well and since   maau is it's got a Portuguese influence and  a Chinese influence this looks like they've   got Chinese food and Portuguese food as well  we love pragal roll so I would be so curious   to know what that tastes like hello they've got  anything in a bun ham fried egg cheese chicken   steak uh two yes coffee with condensed milk  oh okay hot oh uh hot or ice uh ice ice Okay   so we've ordered they call it a steak bun here  and we in South Africa call it a prgo roll but   similar you got a bun with a big beef steak or a  chicken steak on the inside and then we're going   to sit outside right here and enjoy it on the  street so going back to the word Fusion I think   that's our word of the day Fusion they've got  lots of Chinese meals noodle soups fried rice   on the other side they've got the steak buns you  could put anything in a bun fish you could put   a pork chop eggs and H so you really got like  a total eat me West kind of restaurant wow oh   sugar thank you we've had a long day today and I  think I need one of these and look at the syrup jar how is it this is so good this is the  best coffee I've ever had by far thank you   we just received Prager roll I keep wanting to  call it a PR roll but it's a steak bun freshly   baked bread we've got the chicken steak on the  inside and it kind of smells like what we would   eat at home in South Africa which is amazing I  can't wait to try it again it feels like we're   in Europe we're eating some Portuguese food on  the street at an outdoor Cafe we took a 1hour   ferry to Europe it feels strange okay I can't  wait any longer I need to try out our little   chicken steak bun and it cost us just 23 Ma cow  Paka but it's the same as the Hong Kong dollar   so 23 Hong Kong dollars plus they do accept  Hong Kong dollars here as well so let's dig in the chicken is quite flat and it's quite  fragrant as well it's definitely quite amazing   to have some Portuguese food here in China or  Portuguese Fusion okay update after being here   in maau we're actually learning so much more about  our own South African culture cure as well as the   culture here in maau because prer rolls have been  part of our life ever since we can remember we've   had them in sports days we've had them at home  our parents make us little lunches like this   but mosm Beek which is next door to South Africa  was colonized by the Portuguese and it obviously   brought its way over to South Africa by Portuguese  immigrants if you Google where a prago roll is   from it says you can find Prager rolls on the  streets of Lisbon and outside any nightclub or bar   in Johannesburg which is where we're from oh no  empty okay they were too good let's get one more   just one more can we can we have one more yes can  we have one 23 Hong Kong dollars let's say it's   not too bad $334 not bad not bad let's get another  one get another one just one more why not why not at East St this is absolutely fascinating we've  got complete colonial style Portuguese   buildings and we've got cobblestones  that we're walking on but we're in China wow look at this Square we've  just come to sonado square and this is unreal I'm getting a lot of smiles from the older  people like old the Grands and grandpas I think   they like me so this is sonado square which sonado  obviously Portuguese it's this beautiful elongated   triangular shaped and paved Square which is also  a world heritage site you can see loads of people   taking photos behind me it's absolutely beautiful  because of the way it's paved and obviously the   colorful colonial style architecture look at  this place where are we right now this place   is absolutely unbelievable the paved Pathways  the waterfall the colonial style buildings and   different colors and it just feels like I've  transported myself back to Portugal absolutely spectacular to give you a brief history on maau  maau was colonized by the Portuguese since 1557   until it transferred its sovereignity to China  in 1999 maau actually has different laws to   China and since they're an autonomous territory  they work on a one country two systems rule that   means maau was colonized by the Portuguese for  442 Years also maau is known as the Monte Carlo   of the Orient because it's highly dependent  on casinos and gambling to give you an idea   of how big gambling is in maau over 50% of  the country's GDP comes from gambling taxes   alone we're only here for 24 hours though so  I don't know how much gambling we're going to   be doing I haven't heard anyone speaking  Portuguese yet but all the signs are in   Portuguese and in Chinese behind me there  are some Street stores selling some fresh   fruit some souvenirs but then I'm surrounded  by these colorful colonial style buildings so   you can kind of see like the Chinese markets  and the European style buildings all in one place it kind of feels weird that we're  only here for 24 hours so we're trying   to just appreciate everything as quick  as possible which sounds weird and as   we're walking by we're seeing shops like  Watson's Pandora sketches in buildings   that look about 100 years old it's  cool to see Olden Style versus modern shops the ruins of St Paul  that's where we should go next wow oh thank you m our first Portuguese treat  our first treat in maau I keep thinking I'm in   Europe it's pretty much like a crispy hardened  prep which is like Portuguese blend but this   treat has seaweed inside Chinese blend the  perfect cookie from maau we're just walking   through these tiny little Alleyways as if we  were in the small streets of Europe and this   is what everybody's doing they're walking  down here shopping and the most important   they're eating they are snacks treats Chinese and  Portuguese so there's like the egg Tarts this is   something I haven't really seen much of in Asia  but on this little strip everybody is standing   outside and they're giving everyone tasters  you could honestly get full with the testers   alone thank you look at this I don't know it's  green and Flaky and crusty M like a waffle is it match like an ice cream C that's what it tastes  like it doesn't taste like matcha like you've got   all the Chinese neon signs but the cobblestone  the walls look so colonial style European style it's like a beef jerky and it's B so delicious wao it looks uh glazed does  it taste like bolong no in South Africa we   have dried meat which we call Bong but  it's a little different to this this   is much sweeter and thinly sliced where  we normally have like thicker pieces but   they're going absolutely crazy for  the beef jerky is that what we call it so behind me are the ruins of  St Paul which was actually a 17 a flying which is a church in the 17th century  and is now a very famous landmark here in maau   it is a world heritage site and you can see  there hundred of stairs leading all the way   up to it this is all that's left of this church is  this beautiful colonial style yellow building at   the top is a uniglow over there is a museum all  the way down here you've got all these branded   shops and then on this side you've got the more  Olden style buildings you can see a lot of these   in Hong Kong and of course here in maau as well  but it's actually crazy to see Devon over there   what's happening and then St Paul's ruins over  here what is going on with this guy this guy   is having the best time I'm having the best time  this is actually quite spectacular I can't believe   how many people there are there was no way you're  going to be able to take a photo without getting   so many people in the background let's go to the  top I want to see okay I want to see Paul let's go and now that we've come all the way up  the stairs you can really appreciate the   architecture and just how well-kept this  is for how old it is it's 25 M high and 23   M across and from the top of the stat  you can see all the way down into the town we've now come to the south of maau known  as kotai and this kotai strip named from the   Las Vegas Strip also known as the City of Dreams  this is where most of the casinos and Resort are   and we're just going to explore and see what it's  like and then behind me is the Venetian which is   the second largest casino in the entire world  and the largest hotel structure on the planet   so apparently there are 6,000 slot machines  on the inside and it's free entrance you can   go and see City of Dreams Are you going to  try your luck we're we're not gamblers at   all I don't think we've ever gambled but  when in maau let's try luck maybe we're lucky behind me are these giant replicas of the Big Ben  and of course the Eiffel Tower Big Ben is in front   of The Londoner hotel and these are some of the  most impressive hotels I've ever seen even from   far away I say this is the Vegas Strip and I've  never been to Vegas but this is a pretty good idea   of what Vegas will look like there's no need to  go on a six-month trip through Europe you can just   see Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower Allin one go just  come to maau we're standing at this traffic light   waiting to cross the street and I'm obviously  observing this incredible Big Ben replica but   I've seen this Apple store which is almost just as  impressive as this big man there he goes at full   speed towards the Apple Tower the Eiffel Tower  the Apple Tower towards the Apple Store oh my goodness we have just walked into the base  of the Londoner hotel I think this is the   reception the lobby I don't even  know what this is this is really   impressive we should have stayed here  next time next time we'll stay here I'm   absolutely blown away I didn't know what  to expect when you came here but this is special so we had a brief Walk Through The  Londoner hotel which was absolutely mindblowing we   had a small walk into the gambling area which was  Unreal we obviously couldn't record in there but   we did try our luck on the 10 cents machine and  won a whole $40 which we cashed in but we saved   a little one of these as a little momento and it  says 50 cents we won 50 cents on our second round   so that was a really fun experience we have done  everything from eat food to try little snacks to   see the ruins to see the culture and to see this  massive strip of craziness it's been un real we'll   see you in a new country for a brand new adventure  stay tuned because you don't want to miss it
Channel: Shev and Dev
Views: 29,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hong kong, hong kong vlog, hong kong china, first time in hong kong, things to do in hong kong, hong kong travel guide, hong kong tourist attractions, hong kong island, victoria harbor hong kong, first day in hong kong, hong kong food, street food hong kong 2023, chinese street food hong kong, michelin street food hong kong, hong kong michelin star street food, causeway bay hong kong, hong kong tram ride, hong kong travel, hong kong travel vlog, hong kong documentary
Id: bYbmE3TNGyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 31sec (3811 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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