2s Tournament With EVERY Rank in Rocket League

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people take more pride in their ranks in rocky league than your dad does after seeing a classic dad joke i used to hate facial hair but then it grew on me but the question is do ranks really mean anything for example is a bronze half as good as the silver or is the silver a half as good as a plot we're about to test the skill gap between the ranks the best way that i know how an epic tournament with every rank to the death of their pride i matched up two players of each rank so their average rank balances out to a plot and a half then i made a tournament to see which pairing would be best get ready for the most average two's tournament in rocket league history go ahead and take one second to subscribe to my channel so i can keep making these types of videos it's free it's red which is the color of power so if you want to prove that you're a powerful person press my subscribe button alright let's start the tournament up first we have an ssl and a bronze versus a champ and a gold i'll be talking to both teams back and forth during the matches to hear their thoughts in theory this match should be even so we'll see what happens this is so sweaty i absolutely love it all right so oh just kidding i'm toxic the wayne is throwing the match it looks like i feel like i just did it dude that was a great pass that was sick all right team how are we feeling over here you're versus an ssl is it a stressful what a save to myself so it's just the nerves it's all good once it's over you guys are down one goal but if you can take advantage of the fact that it's basically a 2v1 you should be good oh yeah 2v1 all right probably probably can't do that oh nice nice oh it's just really really doing his thing right now he said he's gonna full sweat this whole match so oh my god oh okay so i can't hit a double flippy set okay got it i mean i'd still like to see a double flipper set all right this is uh cleaning up pretty quick it's not even a minute in and we've got three dolls up so this is sweaty i like it do i make it four oh i don't know that's the thing that shouldn't change hey python i want to see you get involved in this okay i want to see you he's got three assists he does actually i didn't even notice that he does have three assists so i tried to challenge that all right i got demoed that's sick that's sick oh are they going to store oh they are let's go let's go team we got a goal i'm so happy yeah wow come on guys we need some positivity confidence is key you do it you do your thing and i'll just do more all right okay here we go here we go yeah oh that was uh pretty disrespectful yeah he's not happy with me he didn't get demoed he didn't get dumbo i'm not gonna lie the other team is a little bit dead inside right now so this system told me to sweat hey i'm not against it i'm just a little uh surprised i guess ignore that oh wow i look dumb oh oh how we doing over here team two no no no i'm playing like a tampon yeah playing like a champ one that is at least a champ you know you balance out to the same rank as them no i don't okay i'm a silver i'm a silver so let me get this straight because you guys are down you're claiming your worse ranks than you actually are exactly no i'm just i'm just no well well you see the thing is this this is my first match of the week okay oh he's got the ceiling good patience the bronze i think just half flips that was pretty sick the bronzes look he cracked i suck oh i want to say that every time i play come back just to hear me y'all i suck all right james about to close good finish your second goal that's always a good feeling gg dang ggs guys ggs real quick i want to give a shout out to my boy spook luke who is making a live training program that starts february 6th if you're serious about rocket league and want to improve i vouch for this guy there's more details in the description if you're interested so go check it out alright so the ssl and the bronze destroyed the champ and the gold up next we have a gc with a silver versus a diamond with a plot all right you guys are gonna pull out the sweaty comms already feeling it we got the diamond and the plat versus the gc and the silver oh fk spawn we're fine we're good yeah exactly it's fine he whipped we're good dang that was intense sounds there bro it's a freaking i'm terrified man i haven't played a game above diamond ever i'm not gonna lie the other team's sweating pretty hard they're common they're talking they're try harding they're pressing random buttons it's working out i'm just gonna not click random buttons and we gotta exactly dang this is intense you got this oh better make it 11 so i told him i'd bet 10 dollars that he loses the match or wins honestly don't know what i said i gotta make sure i'm back on defense most of the time yeah you gotta cover a lot of field oh you got the bomb too it's not in not oh really good try there you could try out dang that's tough that stuff you guys doing good i'll be back i think the issue with the other team is zero two is trying to basically solo play you guys and he can't really use his teammate and you guys are able to like work together at least to uh i think i think the problem with the silver oh the redirect hi guys how's it going over here this is tough they just own gold maybe a change in momentum yeah it's been yep dude let's go let's go show them it's there it's turning around we got this that was a good kickoff it looks like they're doing a little flashy good touch rocking the nrg decal trying to get signed it looks like yep find me pick me up not when i can't save it though that was a good shot that's tough that's really tough dang that was a six shot angry pigeon i'm not gonna lie to you you sure this man's diamond yeah he's probably like a secret closeted ssl takes off the mask all right you just you really gotta tone that down it's terrifying girl you see this man in that black octane he does look good his mechanics are very solid what am i supposed to do man watch this watch this watch this boom crazy i'm i'm in the net i'm back that was the silver he just saved that oh don't let it hit the floor yeah come on keep it up gentlemen's respect oh good try to try i couldn't keep it up and just like that we are on to our finals can a diamond with a plot beat an ssl with the bronze it's about to go down alright boys let's get it the finals are here platinum diamond versus ssl and bronze the show match everyone has always been waiting for go ahead and join team one all right i'm gonna start some big things y'all looking good last name but i'm gonna warn you this ssl is cracked oh wait oh that's fine oh oh wait he's they're going for something all right sounds like they're doing a little fake so wait who's the bronze who's the bronze the python i'll give you ahead the ssl is wearing an ssl hey i can't see that far man i need glasses i need glasses all right uh yeah the bronze is uh python all right this is already much closer than their first game they were up three goals by now in their first game oh i got them that's fine oh never mind that was uh not my favorite pinch that i've seen but i it was fun to watch all right how we doing over here boys terrible what's terrible you're not down no he's just lagging oh i'm sorry dog that's tough yeah you are red barring that's unfortunate this team is a lot better and they are much better so they're diamond and plat and they're very strong diamonds yeah that's uh that's why they're doing much better yeah and they're like calming well they've got decent mechanics like they were really fun to watch i can actually hear the lag in your voice whenever you talk it's unfortunate all right 1v1 this is exactly what you want here oh my what a save i messed it up oh i trust i trust ha ha guys this is such a tight game i'm on the edge of my seat i'm i'm dying right now i hear it in i'm playing so like passively i know i think you all are intimidated looks like which i guess is fair he's zero zero 56 seconds left holy crap oh that's a good shot no way just save oh my gosh guys i am stressed for you this is insane oh my gosh good shot good shake oh thank you thank you i'm not used to trying to sweat out these like aerial plays yeah or something and get out so like it's an entirely different gameplay did that just tie it up no way dang easy guys they're getting toxic don't do it the plots and diamonds are getting toxic oh no come on guys 15 seconds tied up don't let it go to ot finish him here uh easiest kickoff goal with my life even though oh bounce careful did demo that was that was huge you needed that dang it looks like we're going to ot i couldn't have scripted this even better this is incredible i love it i love it this is for the ultimate rank champion master grant like better than our cs titles all in my arm dude i can't i can't feel my body i wish there was more like on the line but you know this is super important oh you guys are backing off come on get it push push push push don't let him do it he's crazy we got oh oh i thought you're gonna let him breathe all the silver i mean the bronze medals playing like a bronzer oh oh 1v1 oh i think that's over dang that was close he's awkward he's not available dang i don't know maybe we should do a two out of three that was too good so since i'm weak and i caved i decided to do a best two out of three to determine the real winner of this challenge match number two let's get it best two nf3 that last name was so close i'm not convinced anyone deserves the title again cook sir cookser i i know you called it but i wanted a ball hog i'm sorry i'm right oh good touch let's go nice shot bro absolutely banger all right good start good start let's go nice pinch wow that would have been nuts dude that pinch was nasty i thought that was going his in disconnected again no python poor guy man i feel bad i wish we could do something but it's up it's up to him now i see you on my pad over there oh let's go you made it you're alive oh you demoed me that's a good strategy they should be demoing yeah all right all right all right welcome back to him good shot tied it up let's go don't let him tie it up boys what are we doing out here he goes he goes for shots so early i cannot it's so terrifying oh bang come on i don't know if i do dude he just must be demoed you that was so disrespectful it's fine bro hey oh my gosh i thought that was it i'm crazy i thought that was good yes nice shot no not the lead very very impressive the fake the fake oh imagine i'm lagging i've bro did this server actually just die so unfortunately for whatever reason the server actually straight up died on us the diamond and the plot were up so we gave this round to them and decided to go ahead and take it to the best of three finals all right the grand finale is upon us oh they're getting aggressive i like that oh well tough did you try python do you try that's a tough ball how's your lag is it is it feeling a little better it's still a red bar yeah i mean still red barring but i mean it's not terrible amazing amazing all right guys don't be nervous but this is probably the most important thing that's ever happened so just this cookie tastes horrible bro stop eating that cookie do you know what to tell you but if i have a if i have a cookie on my desk how can i not eat it sometimes i'll put cookies on my desk just so i can not eat them just to build your mental strength exactly there's no way he has enough boost for this oh dude i don't want to get that much power that was a scary are you kidding me right now that was a scoop holy moly bro no for real how did it get that much power bro how did you get that much power what was that on what the shot or the uh resets the flick just pops straight up this is a good 1v1 situation nice well-played are you thank you good 50. yeah still python is all over it going for the dribbles i like always i like you guys need to notice that i just really grabbed all the mid pads and then i went for corner afterwards oh freaking terrifying he's so good with it i love it like he said he said he was good with that flick and he was not lying oh double jump instead of a flip we're fine bang nice oh good bump oh it was open it was open the athena flick i'm cracked dude i'm i'm oh the cookie it's you bite the cookie the cookie bites back bro oh my god we're good i'm just gonna leave on that note uh hey guys let's get it let's get it the flip the breezy oh that was looking good nice touch oh yeah this is what you want the 2v1 oh did they hit each other i think they hit each other there let me see oh absolutely yeah 100 yes sir oh he got punted guys what just happened over there that was hard to watch what my my aimbot my aimbot was attached to his car instead of the ball oh that's tough i hate when my aimbots turn the wrong direction outside i already ate my whole cookie what do i do [Music] i shouldn't have tried to meet the ssl man oh close uh yeah i think i think they're cheating yep yeah he does have hacks he has super rocky like powers from what i can tell it seems to be that way like is it bad that i'm actually like physically sweating i don't sweat when i play games but i'm like in buckets over here bro and not the not the hoops bucket i don't blame you i'm sweating too i'm not even playing so i can't imagine what you're like flick i can't do anything oh close come on bro score oh no i wanted him to score hey so the ssl and the bronze are the ultimate average players this tournament was really close so the real question to ask is what's brown and sticky a stick you
Channel: Striped
Views: 485,811
Rating: 4.9491525 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League, RL, Grand champ, GC, Supersonic Legend, SSL, Striped, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Diamond, Champ, Free to play, Rank vs Rank, funny moments, rank battle, battle of the ranks, tournament, pro tournament, ssl, supersonic legend, best player in rocket league, rocket league moments, every rank, ranking up, how to get better, coaching, Duo tournament, Rocket league tournaments
Id: nxA5gj4fRBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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